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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


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4 NEW UPDATES ON 22.09.2024:

1.           New page: Conclusion-Extension-2.htm + PDF

2.           Adjusted the following page: Summary of my life as hidden slave.htm + PDF

3.           Adjusted this page to include the updates as of today 22.09.2024

4.           There was an error of entering the page “Complaint history”. This mistake I did not notice and therefore some where not able to access this page, I fixed these problems and several hundred pages that were forced upon me, or I was forced to create between August 2006 and April 2012, that shows clearly that someone was manipulating me with telepathy = Human brain Telecom and Telecontrol to other human, creatures and objects! Here is the new link:





The above links are also located in the page “Complaint History

End of 3 NEW UPDATES ON 22.09.2024.



2 New documents were added on 17.10.2023 as follow:

1.    Summary of my life as hidden slave

2.    Conclusion Extension-1



Main Index


Update history and Introduction


Short explanation


How to view these pages


List of documents






Original Home page



Update history and Introduction

This page was created on: 30.09.2018 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!

Re-edited and linguistically corrected on 13.07.2020!


This page was re-edited and completed on 20.08.2021


This page was updated on 17.10.2023



I know they are a lot of pages, but

these complaint pages may very well be

one of the best things that can ever happens to you!


In short: these are my complaint pages over kidnapping me twice since 1960, by the English royal families, Rockefeller families, and the Bush family; on 10/11 January 1960 to Cairo Egypt and again in September 1986 from Germany to USA and possibly a third time when I was infant, then locked me up between 2000 and 2012 to not endanger the presidency of, the absolutely, stupid mass murderer ex-USA president George W. Bush, I do not mean stupid as an insult but rather describing his state of mind as a hidden slave, which is explained within in more detail!


Hello and welcome to my complaint pages. You can scroll down to see the entire page or use the below index to jump to a specific subject.


You can find my complaint pages under the following addresses: and or as secure webpages: and


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The original version for PC and this new version for small screens are both on this page, the text is not identical because one was created in 2018 and the other in 2021, where I discover much more by the year 2021 than in 2018, therefore I have a different and much shorter new version, that is more direct to the point. You are welcome to read both new and old version by scrolling down or select to see the original version: The original Home Page from 2018


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Short explanation

I was kidnapped twice since I was 8 years old, possibly even third time as I was infant, today I believe possibly to know by whom: possibly by some members of the English royalties, and in particular by queen Elizabeth the second because today I see the possibility that I am her younger brother and that she kidnapped me with the help of many and placed me within a fake family that pretended to be my biological family. This fake family was set together on 15 January 1960, and it consist of CIA + MI6 agents that are also hidden members of the Jordanian + Saudi Arabian + Kuwaitis + UAE royal families. She kidnapped me among others with the help of some members of the Rockefeller and Bush families, some ex-hidden escaped Nazi, the CIA, MI6 that are mixed within the Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, Kuwaitis, and UAE royal families. And here I am filling a complain to the public and publicizing the details of this kidnapping, many of it is verifiable. Therefore, I call these pages my complaint pages. All I want is two things:

1.                Finding my real biological family based on facts and not based on my own conclusion that are based on the facts of my life that sometimes can be deceiving!

2.                And receiving justice of those who done me not only injustice but also tortured the life out of me as well as physically as also mentally through among others rapping physically and sexually countless times but also rapping my entire life as mean of brainwash and this from 10/11 January 1960 and until 1 March 2016 as I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the many embassies and consulates in this city, because I do not know who to trust any more.


My complaint pages include for the most part verifiable content, especially for those who are influential and have access to many resources. While for the rest some are verifiable through the Internet, such as where I was and who I knew!


Last but not least, I believe these complaint pages include one of the most complete severe brainwash strategies while also using telepathy, networking and many other brainwash and slavery tools, which makes it also very valuable for professionals specialized in anti-brainwash and psychology such as psychiatrists and psychologist but also religious professionals such as pastors, priests, sheiks, Imam, Rabbis, Monks, Pujaris and others, but also it is very beneficial for other organizations that have the general public at heart, such as police agencies because it also includes countless crime situations that always go undetected because criminals are often in higher government positions that prevent police agencies to investigate anything that can lead to their own arrest, such as ex-US president Donald Trump repeatedly did, but also both ex-US presidents George W. Bush and his father George H. W. Bush also did, while both organized kidnapping me from Germany in September 1986 while the son organized keeping me locked up during his entire presidency from July 2000 and until 28 February 2008, where the lock up continued yet as hidden controlled environment until at least Mai 2012, because they cannot afford that my complaint pages goes public prior or during their evil and very destructive presidencies because they are, among others, responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands and the homelessness of millions of refugees from Afghanistan to Iraq to Syria and not to forget the Palestinians that are practically locked up as a homeless and country-less people since at least 1948 just as they also did and still do to the Kurdish population. And the same is absolutely valid for the tiny country called Lebanon, that was until 1970 called the French Riviera of the Middle East, and its capital Beirut was called Paris of the Middle East, now it is called the biggest chaos of the entire world, and that too thanks mainly to the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and their allies such as my fake family that used and still use Lebanon as well as Syria and Iran and Afghanistan as hidden illegal drug countries and use the tax payers money to transport and distribute the illegal drugs worldwide using the American and British military bases located all over the world, and that is a hidden fact = today’s chaos in these countries is manmade to hide the illegal drugs and blame everything on the alleged terrorists such as Palestinians, Iranians, Pakistanis, Taliban and others(!!??). But also, other governmental agencies or even major large companies worldwide can use these complaint pages to help protect their employees, which I did not have this luxury in my own life, which is also described how many of my employers were very destructive to my life, from Siemens AG to BP-British Petroleum to Chevron to Fluor Daniel and many others that were covering up for the English royalties and the Rockefeller families that today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever in my mind that they are my biological families, and this is very unfortunate for me because I do not like organized crime families, which they most definitely are, and this is very clear to see within my complaint pages that they are nothing else than an organized crime families that have always been going over dead bodies to reach their goals, which is: money and power = limited 2 track intelligence because their brain cannot handle more than these two issues = stupid!


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List of documents


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How to use this index: Since the index is long = 31 PDF documents = 31 html pages, I divided it in 6 logical index sections, each index section includes several documents. The documents are between 1 and 650 pages. You can go through the index by scrolling down or you can click on the desired index section to jump to these documents under this index section you selected. Index Sections are red colored.



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Document index section


Introduction section


kidnapping me in detail section


Slavery during and after kidnapping


kidnapping, slavery, and brainwash tools


Apologies, Thanks, Shame, history, justice


My family, Solutions & conclusion



For document page count and the state of the documents, completed or not, please see the document: “The State of my complaint pages” or click here: ../PDF/The-State-Of-My-Complaint-pages.pdf







Introduction documents Section


(Go to Document Index or Go to main index)



Document Name view online html


Summary of my life as hidden slave NEW, added on 17.10.2023, updated on 22.09.2024



Download all documents in one zip file

after you download this file, then unzip/uncompress the file as described above. updated on 22.09.2024



Home page, this page you are reading now updated on 22.09.2024






Don't even think about it!


kidnapping me in detail documents section


(Go to Document Index or Go to main index)



Document Name


Kidnapping me as a child and kidnapping other children



Kidnapping me as an adult



My fake family, the kidnappers



BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, the brainwashers, rapist, kidnappers, and slave-makers using the illegal project Calypso



BP-British Petroleum-Part-2, the hidden Nazis



BP-British Petroleum-Part-3, BP an evil element in a very evil BIG PICTURE (08.03.2021 it takes seconds to display)



BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 (08.03.2021 it takes 10-20 seconds to display)



Shams Baroudi the hidden daughter of escaped Nazi + member of the English royal family



“A Brief History Of Major Oil Companies In the Gulf Region” by Eric V. Thompson of the university of Virginia



Oil: Major Oil Companies in the Gulf Region, Compiled by Eric V. Thompson

Slavery during and after kidnapping documents section


(Go to Document Index or Go to main index)



Document Name


Slavery in Egypt, 1960-1969  



Slavery in Germany, 1969-1986



Slavery in USA, 1986-2001



Slavery in Netherlands, 2001-2016



Slavery in UK


kidnapping, slavery, and brainwash tools documents section


(Go to Document Index or Go to main index)



Document Name














Twins, lookalikes, and doubles



Other tools


Apologies, Thanks, Shame, history, justice documents section


(Go to Document Index or Go to main index)



Document Name


My Apologies  



Thank you  



Shame on you



Complaint history  updated on 22.09.2024



I want justice


My family, Solutions & conclusion documents Section


(Go to Document Index or Go to main index)



Document Name


Is this my biological family? (11.07.2020)



Problems and possible solutions (08.03.2021)



Conclusion (03.07.2022)


Conclusion Extension-1 NEW, added on 17.10.2023



Conclusion Extension-2 NEW, added on 22.09.2024


Go to Main index






Maybe it is time to take a break and see some related funny clips.


The below 2 selections are best viewed in horizontal state.


Funny photos, 7 PDF pages


Funny Animations, 6 PDF page


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Declaration Notes

Declaration Note: These webpages do not collect information or use cookies. and if you contact me then I will use your contact information only to respond back to you.


Translation Note: Currently it is not possible on small screens, such as mobile phones, to translate the documents to your language using google translate. Best is if you use a PC or a tablet to access or, then you can use Google Translate to translate each page to your language. Thank you for your understanding.


Go to Main index



Home Page, Original from 2018


Below is the original version that was made only for larger screens such as PC that in 2021 I started to update it for also smaller screens such as Mobile Phones with Internet capabilities. 


This is the main menu with the old top text in Red

All I want, is justice, and I want to know who my biological family is. If you want me to stop complaining then tell me who is my biological family and give me justice, which can be found in all the repeated complaint letters that I sent to the many government sections, offices, and officials of those responsible, and many did not even answer. So, I will continue to complain and lay out who did what to me and why they did it, until you give me justice, which is a very reasonable request after all what you did to me!!


Note: This is not a threat, nor it is blackmail. I am Christian and as such I do not threat, I do not blackmail, I do not revenge, I do not live by eye for eye, and tooth for tooth and I do not sue people, I just try to reason with them. If I am unsuccessful in my reasoning with them then I go to the next higher instance, and I am here at the highest instance, your boss, the one who elected you, the people in USA, UK, Germany and the Netherlands, the four countries where I was brainwashed in or by, enslaved and kidnapped, forced to be refugee in 4 countries from 1961 to 2013, 9 years in Egypt, 17 years in Germany,  locked up for 15 years by kidnapping in USA, locked up for 13 years by force in the Netherlands and Germany, not counting the kidnapping to USA and keeping me as slave and raping me for 15 years in USA, tortured me mentally and physically while destroying all my social and professional relations over and over and over again since 1960.






(all links disabled)

If you have a small screen or mobile phone click here
All I want, is justice, and I want to know who my biological family is and when and why I was kidnapped the first time.

Home (C)

Contact (C)
My Apologies  (C)
Thank you (R)
Shame on you (C)
Complaint history  (C)

Don't Even think about it! (C)
I want justice (R)

The State of my complaint pages (N) (R)

Conclusion  (R)(????)


Kidnapping me as a child and (R) kidnapping other children (R)

Kidnapping me as an adults  (C)
My fake family, the kidnappers
Twins, lookalikes and doubles (C)

Is this my biological family? ( (R)NU11.07.2020)
Problems and possible solutions  (R)(N, U, 08.03.2021)


Slavery in Egypt, 1960-1969  (C)
Slavery in Germany, 1969-1986 (C)
Slavery in USA, 1986-2001 (C)
Slavery in Netherlands, 2001-2016 (C)
Slavery in UK (C)
BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, the brainwashers, rapist, kidnappers and slave-makers using the illegal project Calypso (R)
BP-British Petroleum-Part-2, the hidden Nazis (R)
Actress Shams Baroudi, the brainwash act (N C)
Oil Companies History (N C)

kidnapping, slavery and brainwash tools
Telepathy (R)
Brainwash (C)
Persecution (C)
Networking (C)
Other tools (C)

BP-British Petroleum-Part-3, BP an evil element in a very evil BIG PICTURE (C) (it takes seconds to display)
BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 (R) (N, 08.03.2021) (it takes 10-20 seconds to display)

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Read Translate Note @ bottom

Funny photos
Funny Animations

(U)=Updated, (N)=New,
(C)=Completed, (R)=Reediting

Note: Reediting and completion of all pages is in process

These complaint pages were created in October 2018

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Declaration: These webpages do not collect information or use cookies. and if you contact me then I will use your contact information only to respond back to you.
Translate Note: Google Translate is very good, unfortunately it is not 100% accurate, some meaning may be lost, therefore please read it in English or translate it through a professional translator. Thank you for your understanding



Note added on 27.04.2021: When a person is brainwashed, he is incapable to immediately recognizer the truth, because brainwash is like a house of lies, each brick of the house is a lie, and once a person recognize one brick, then he can start to recognize the next one, which very much means at the beginning the brainwashed victim recognizes false facts based on what his mind was fed, and it takes time to recognize the real truth, and that is why in the begin there may be false information that contradict information recognized at a later time, in my case often it is a few years later. It is hard to find the truth immediately, not only because these kind of brainwash are very powerful, but also many powerful persons try hard to prevent the victim to find the truth, among other by placing the victim in a hostile environment, where the victim is constantly being attacked in one way or another and that prevent the victim to think, add to that telepathy attacks that literally force the victim’s thoughts to go into the wrong direction, a good example of that are the criminally insane and psychopath Bush, Rockefeller and English royalties families that kept me in USA like a dog that is going in circle trying to catch his own tale. Just to prevent me to recognize what these criminals and psychopaths did to me, and these are written in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-version-2. End of note.

This is my complain to the higher authorities, the people of the Netherlands, USA, Germany and the UK over being unjustly and severely mistreating by their governments through
: kidnapping me as a child in December 1959 from USA, brainwashing me and placing me within a fake family that consist of their agents, raping me, prevent me to learn or study, forcing me to be a refugee for 52 years from 1961 to 2013 in four countries, re-brainwashing me kidnapping me again in 1986 from Germany to USA, keeping me as slave of their will, and then dumping me by force in the Netherlands to be locked up re-brainwashed and tortured physically and mentally from 2001 and until I was able to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague in Netherlands on 1 march 2016 seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the4 Dutch government and the many foreign consulates and embassies, because I do not know any more who to trust. Preventing me to work, destroying all my family, friends and social relation by forcing me to create a very negative website listing everyone I knew and attacking people I do not even know as a mean of a long term brainwash to force these groups of people to persecute me and keep me busy for years running of these vicious and very destructive und unjust revenge persecutions that resulted that medical professionals in and around the city Winschoten as well as in the city Assen conspired together and severely tortured me for over 6 years including pulling all my teeth out and performing countless other destructive acts against me while the authorities do nothing about it. while dramatically shorting my retirement income from Germany that I worked hard for, for 17 years, by cutting the employment dates by almost half, while the Dutch calculating my retirement money from 2008 and not from the day 1 that they started to brainwash me, and torture me physically and mentally that started on 11 February 2001, and there with they forced me to be dependent on social help and therewith dependent on the Dutch government and therewith I cannot leave the Netherlands. This is hidden slavery in the above-mentioned countries started in October 1969 to March 2016.


The expression “Hidden Slavery” I took after recognizing that it is the essence of my life which was slavery hidden from everyone including me, except from the brainwashers that thinks of their selves as Gods and superior to anyone else!

No one should be a hidden slave, and definitely no government should do that to innocent people, and most definitely no western government should do that to innocent people, where these western governments praise their selves for democracy and freedom, that I never saw in my life living 8 years in USA, then 10 in Egypt (none western government, yet controlled by western government) where they used me as a fake son for their CIA and MI6 agents, then 17 years in Germany, then 15 years in USA (by kidnapping), then 13 years Netherlands between jails, prisons and refugee camps, then 1 year in UK and again the 4 years in the Netherlands!


The only freedom I was able to have was between 2017 and 2018, where I was able to write a complaint to the governments on how they mistreated me, where then I am oft being punished in the hidden for these complaints, therefore I am forced to complain publicly with these pages, which becomes an endless circle in my life!


Slavery is bad enough, however hidden slavery is even much worse, it is a lifelong torture, because of the following 2 reasons:


Regular slave:

A regular slave is a person that knows upfront that he/she is a slave and therewith knows upfront what he/she can do and what he/she can have, but also, he/she knows what he/she cannot do or cannot have. He/she can do only what he/she is told and can have only what is given to him/her. He/she can’t have anything else because he/she is not allowed to see it or forced to think this is only for his/her master(s)!


Hidden Slave:

A hidden slave is an isolated person by force, during which this hidden slave person is prevented by all means whatsoever to grow his own intelligence and widen his knowledge, among others by causing him a total amnesia, enable to keep him under control. He/she looks like normal person on the street and for the regular person is difficult to spot/recognize as such. Some of these hidden slaves are possibly allowed to see life from top to bottom, or even be a top government official (which I repeatedly saw myself), but is not allowed to go any direction that he/she desires, and if he/she tries to go a desired direction then he/she will be forcibly prevented while forcing their victim to think he/she lost what he want due to he/she is a loser and can’t build or keep anything except what he is doing now = brainwash. In all this they always use physical and mental torture and addictions while forcing their victim to blame himself/herself for these tortures and addictions. When the hidden slave is not needed any more, then they unjustly lockup their victim to force hem/her to recognize what was done to him under their own controlled environment enable to re-brainwash their victim to be peaceful and blame it on his actions of the past, which will force their victim to go in a circle of self blames and sorrow for losing everything, including the actual family  that they kidnapped him/her from or was donated by his actual family to them!


I was an IT professional from 1978 to 2000, then I was prevented by the CIA and the FBI to work then they took me to the Netherlands by force, where I was again prevented to work until current in 2018. During this period, I was locked up and severely brainwashed and tortured physically, and mentally.

Then I recognized that I was kidnapped as an 8 year old in December 1959, brainwashed and enslaved by the CIA, MI6 and others who placed me within a fake family that was set together out of agents from Europe and USA mixed with some members of Arab royalties that are also originated from Europe and USA, where I was forced to believe that this is my family since birth, while they were using me as a multipurpose distracting decoy, without my knowledge, for their selves and for other children that partially may have been some of their own children, while the rest of the children were also taken from Europe and USA to use them later as adults and reinforcement for their properties while these children pretend to or force to believe that they have been born in these countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia UAE and Kuwait, such as they did to me!.

Today in 2018, I am 67 years old and I am still trying to work, yet I have been out of the IT circles since the year 2000 and I realized that today I am an expert in brainwash and the usage of telepathy to enslave others. I did not study these subjects; however, I became expert because of the following reasons:


I was kidnapped and brainwashed since childhood, thereafter I was forced to repeatedly relocate, because relocation is a big part of hidden slavery, where the victim is being kept by force busy learning everything from scratch at the new country from language to rules to law to everything else, while forced to leave whatever he already built behind him in a country that he is not allowed to go back to = hidden slavery


Each time I was forced to relocate to another country, then I would be taken over by another group of people who would distract me of the previous controller of my life and re-brainwash me for a new purpose: from USA in 1959, to Egypt over Syria, to Jordan (no relocation but repeated visit), to Germany, to Saudi Arabia (no relocation but repeated visit), to USA, to the Netherlands, to the UK and back to the Netherlands


Being used as a distraction decoy as if I have telepathy


Being used as a distraction decoy as if I am a terrorist related to top terrorist from Palestine or elsewhere


Being used as a distraction decoy as if I am a drug lord related to drug lords in Syria and Lebanon


Being used as a distraction decoy as if I am a spy for Russia or Syria


Being used as a distraction decoy for hidden American and British agents


Being used as a distraction decoy for the children of the hidden agents that pretended to be related to me, whereby my identity was falsified in December 1959 to Syrian


Being used as a distraction decoy for the children of hidden Saudi Arabian and Jordanian royalties that officially are not royalty (pretend to be not royalty) and pretended to be related to me, whereby my identity was falsified in December 1959 to Syrian


Being used as a distraction decoy for many hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royalties that are originated from Europe and USA and pretend to be related to me such as the double of Princess Haya of Jordan that pretended to be my niece named Reem Bdeir/Budier, the hidden son of king Hussein and MI6 agent named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in Egypt and Germany and his lookalike named Nik Naggar in USA, Germany and elsewhere that pretended to be my brother, that caused me a lot of trouble and severe damages to my life along with my 3 fake sisters that were pretending to be related to me, while all of them or some of them are nothing else than nannies and/or "2nd, 3rd or 4th " wives of hidden Saudi Arabian and Jordanian royalties while being also nannies for children from other wives, where by my identity was falsified in December 1959 to Syrian. The troubles and damages that these persons caused me was so severe that it is unrepairable, and they caused me these troubles or destructions in USA by kidnaping me in December 1959, then in Egypt, Germany and again in USA where I saw them in these countries and also most probably they are also the cause of all the trouble that was forced upon my life by the Dutch government in the Netherlands where I did not see them but I see and feel the destruction performed upon me in the Netherlands since 2001 is to cover up for them, or at least the Dutch government kept me locked up to prevent me of recognizing them as agents of the CIA and MI6 and possibly also their agents, but also that they are hidden royalties that were created by USA and UK and most probably also by the Netherlands=hidden colonialist since the second world war, and prior to that they all were colonizing these area publicly, now in the hidden, and I know of several hundred or even thousand(s) of these hidden colonialist since 1945, because I get to know them after December 1959. The problem here is that these hidden colonialists would do anything not to be discovered, including kidnapping children, adults, torturing them, raping them beating them, destroying over and over again any new friendships or whatever they build for their selves enable to keep them under their control, stopping them of advancing in life, forcing them to anything they want=hidden slavery. And all this was done to me


11.   I was forced by the FBI and later also in cooperation with the Dutch government to recognize telepathy and what it can do enable to see if I recognize similar situations from my past, in other words they were teaching me how people with telepathy uses telepathy to enslave people for the purpose to recognize who has telepathy in my past, where I really did not want to learn all that, I just wanted to be free and work, but they had me locked up as a refugee for 13 years under their own controlled environment and I was not able to escape it until I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague in March 2016. On the other side they were teaching me the tricks of telepathy to force my mind to recognize who has telepathy of my fake family enable to force my mind to blame everything that happened to me since I was brought to Europe in October 1968 and blame it on my fake family that are officially Muslim Arab, and therewith they pretended to help me. But you do not help a person by keeping him locked up, preventing him of being free to work and then torture him mentally and physically, among others by pulling all his teeth out!!   On the other side they most probably forced me to learn these telepathy control tricks as a mean to force me to know what they did to me while I am forced to live in their controlled environment in refugee camps and the village Bellingwolde, and then punishing me repeatedly for recognizing what they forced me to recognize, as a mean of fear strategy to prevent me to taking any action such as file a complaint!!


Forcing me with brainwash to be a refugee since 1961: nearly 9 years in Egypt, then later 17 years in Germany, then later 15 years in USA (by kidnapping) and then later 13 years in the Netherlands (by force US government delivered to the Netherlands for a re-brainwash), until the Dutch government awarded me the Dutch nationality in January 2013.


In all the above I recognized group brainwash, meaning brainwash by a networked group of people that are hired by the government or other institutions, such as immigration authorities, CIA, FBI, INS, some churches, some synagogue, some mosques, or even businesses and so on


In all the above I recognized group brainwash, meaning brainwash by a networked group of people that like to brainwash or mess with newcomers to their environment


In all the above I recognized government brainwash to extract information of their victims


In all the above I recognized telepathy brainwash to force the person to think in one direction or another enable to see the results or to force the victim to think in one direction or another or to force the victim to adapt to their or certain rules or behavior!!


In all the above I recognized (fake) family brainwash to enslaving the individual that they forced to think he/she is member of this fake family enable to use the victim for various tasks as they did to me and listed here. A real family will never allow any of the destruction mentioned within to happen over and over, and over again to any of their members since December 1959, in Egypt, Germany, USA, Netherlands, The UK, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, unless they want to silence their victim that they pretend to be related to him just to use him/her as a multipurpose distraction decoy and a nanny of their children while forcing him to believe these are his own children = free nanny!


I recognized how security agencies such as FBI, MI6, AIVD and others brainwash and force their victim to attack others publicly, even those others are not related to his/her life nor concern him/her, yet these security agencies want to see who would revenge on their victim enable to recognize the one networking group or another, while simultaneously destroying the reputation of the victim and create a chain of revenge against the victims through those that were unjustly attacked publicly to prevent the victim of complaining and force the victim to think: it is all his own fault in going public=severe long-term brainwash through mental and physical torture and fear or repetition of this torture!!!!


I recognized how the security agencies such as CIA, MI6, AIVD, BND and FBI force their victim to live in a certain location, city or village where they have a network of people that were trained to brainwash the victim while destroying his/her self-confidence destroying his/her relations, destroying his/her reputation, destroying his/her profession, and there with destroying his/her life while torturing him/her mentally and physically and then pretend to be helping him/her, which was performed many times over upon me, from the area called Perlacher Forest in 1970 (American military base named McGraw kaserne, closed since 1992, that was larger than a small village, was more like a small town, where I was forced to live in it for nearly 2,5 years as mean of isolation and to hide it from the Germans what is my real history, which I guess they knew it but wanted me to say it, but I did not know it at that time), near Munich, to Unterhaching, to Unterschleissheim in Germany, to Bridgeport & Fairfield & Houston in USA, to Ter Apel, to Haarlem, to Gilze, to Dokkum to Bellingwolde & Winschoten & Scheemda, to Hove and Harrow in the UK , to Assen in 2014 in Netherlands and so on, any setup and forced relocation forces the mind to go in circle due to being not understood, while killing the time of the victim = one way or another it is a severe damage to the victim, because the CIA was publicly all over my life since around March 1970 and in the hidden since 1959, I just was prevented to see it until around End of 1999, then I started to see the CIA foot prints all over my life and I filled a complaint to many congress men and senators in USA in the year 2000, as a result they punished me by bringing me to the Netherlands to be locked up for 13 years and later confining me through a hidden but severe and very damaging persecution until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague, then the persecution was cut down by around 80% but not from the government, it did not stop, as a result I was not able to work and have debts to the tax office, because 2 municipalities reported false income in the false year, where suddenly I owe the tax office nearly 10,000 Euro, what would they done to me if I was working and earning 2 or 20 thousands per month???!!!!


Finally, the various means and strategies of physical and mental torture that a hidden slave forced to go through repeatedly in his life, while forced to blame it on him/herself!!


A combination of all the above is hell!


You do not want that for yourself, your friends, your relatives, or anyone else, do you???


If I can sum the life of a hidden slave, then it will be like this: it is worse than hell and I do not wish it to anyone, not even to my worst enemy!


Whereby I do not see enemies in people, I see good people and others!

Therefore, I decided to publish my complaint and show some of these very negative and most destructive brainwash situations  and forced hidden slavery because I want to get justice while helping others to not fall in this pit-hole or to help others to come out of it or to prevent your beloved ones in falling in this very destructive pit-holes!

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