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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 17.10.2023
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-



Complaint history


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This page was created on: 30.10.2018, Update on 07.07.2020 (search for this date to see this update), and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


Important Note: on 22.09.2024 I fixed the below links. End of important note.


Important note added on 21.08.2024: the links to c. was relocated to another location, see below for detail information


This page was re-edited and completed on 21.06.2021


Note added on 23.6.2021: All the below shows that even through my behavior I am screaming loud for help, yet I was brainwashed and as such I did not know how and who to ask for help, yet the below description shows that my behavior was loudly asking for help, yet no one helped me between 1960 and 1969 in Cairo Egypt, and no one helped me between October 1960 and 1976 in Munich, Germany against these evil destruction machine called American and English organized crime institutions called CIA  MI6 + American and British Military, except and involuntarily the church. Also no one helped me when these criminally insane and psychopaths BP-British Petroleum and their hidden allies around me such as UDF Consulting AG in Stuttgart to get rid of this severe persecution, brainwash and slavery  in Munich, Germany, whereby Munich is the capital of the so-called Free State of Bavaria that has the official religion as Christian Catholic as official Bavarian government religion and I was always surrounded by Christians and not Muslims, because they did not want me to mix with Muslims to not talk with them about members of my fake family that are set in various positions in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and several others countries so-called Arab countries and in particular all the so-called Arab petroleum countries in wester Asia, and this includes also the kings and that is why I call these so-called Arab royal families as puppets of USA and the UK and some other European countries such as but not limited to Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, France and Germany that allowed all what is mentioned to happened to me because they are bribable and not trust worthy any more, at least not to me (!!!???). End of note


1959 to 1983

December 1959 I was kidnapped from USA (Note added on 23.06.2021: Today I believe3 I was kidnapped from the UK, but and beside what is in my complaint pages, I do not have provable facts to back it up, therefore it does not have to be the CIA or MI6, yet the CIA and MI6 and very visibly as described within persecuted me to death from 10.10 1969 and until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of all the tortures persecution they were performing upon me to force me not to find the truth about my origin, which is also mentioned all over in my complaint pages. End of note.) by the CIA and MI6, caused me a total amnesia and placed within a spy/agent ring that created a fake family and placed me within it, then falsified my identity and their identities as an alleged Syrians and took me on 10/11 January 1960 to Cairo, Egypt as a fake Syrian.


October 1969, I was taken to Germany and in March 1970 right into the American military base in Munich where I was severely isolated brainwashed and enslaved under one of their agents that totally isolated me until 1977 while pretending to be investigating me and spying on my fake family that is working for them (= severe brainwash!!??), and this as cover up for their agents in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia alias my fake family in the Middle East and elsewhere, this after setting me up to look like as if I am related to top terrorists, top drug lords and top crime organization Mafia like.


It was very visible that I was severely brainwashed and disoriented as a result of what they did to me so far.


1976 I was set up and forced to become Christian in Germany while separating me of the agent I was enslaved under, and this as distraction of the agent through the new church friends and also to have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam as distraction of them, while showing as if my family are strict Muslims, but how can you be working with and for the CIA and MI6 against the Egyptians and other Arabs and be strict Muslim or Muslim in general and call yourself Muslim. An agent will not go to the Middle East speaking English, German, or Dutch, and behave as such, he will pretend to be local, he will pretend to be Muslim, and the only way to recognize him/them is how they treat each other’s and how they deal with each other’s as I am describing them within these complaint pages!!!???


As I became Christian, I was not isolated anymore, because suddenly I had many friends from the church that had only one goal, to distract me of the wife that just left me and I was enslaved under her by the CIA for 7 years, and this in Germany!!



December 1983 to December 1984 I was severely re-brainwashed and enslaved under another agent of the CIA & MI6 named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Syrian, added on 23.06.2021:  as a mean, to relate me to Syria and as if I love Syrian women, which I absolutely do not, because all the alleged Syrian women that I get to know were members of my fake family and they were anything but not feminine because they were a machine of liars, deceivers, and a machine of destruction that only care about one thing only: which is how they look and not how they behave, which made them in my eyes very ugly end of note, while this agent named Najlaa Mahmoud entire family are CIA agents and are in the Syrian military and the Syrian government, don’t take my word for it, based on my history, would the CIA, MI6 and BND allow real Syrians to control my life against them and then give them an American satellite computer system to control their population as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1?


My behavior have totally changed between 1983 and 1986 and this due to the severe brainwash that was performed upon me during that period, on the one side by the CIA, MI6 and BND in Munich and on the other side my employers that were severely helping isolating me, brainwashing me and preparing me to be kidnapped out of Germany (such as Siemens AG in Munich + UDF Consulting AG in Stuttgart) and on the third side my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka and on the fourth side my fake family that were nothing else but agents for CIA and MI6 from Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia while bringing new ones allegedly also new relatives that are allegedly from Syria that I never saw or heard of in my life prior to 1983 or even prior to 1976 (when I became Christian). Whereby and at that time, most people in Syria would do anything if the price is right, and that is not because the Syrian people are bad people, but rather because the government of Syria was and still is so corrupt and under the American and British influence, while pretending to be under the Russia influence to not attract attention for the total American and European influence (more like control and slavery than influence, which they cannot do in Europe and USA so they create slavery in these countries and then blame it on Islam and Russian!!!), and this in all the Arab countries from Morocco to Egypt and down to Ethiopia and from Syria down to Yemen, don’t take my word for it, see the history of these countries under!!. 


My behavior was totally changed, and I was totally isolated again, yet no one helped me out of this severe brainwash and isolation that was nothing else than invisible chains that can only be seen by those who knew me from before 1983 and after 1983, such as my new church friends since 1976, the BND, and the government that set me up several times, my ex-employer a large electronic company called Siemens AG that was also around my life during this severe brainwash and enslaving me.



1986 I was kidnapped to the USA, where they tighten up my brainwash and made me a total will less slave dog on the chain and kept me in USA for 15 years as an illegal alien with nor rights what so eve, and on top of that forcing me raising a son that is not mine while forcing me to believe it is my son, then they separate me from this fake son in September 1999, brought a new lookalike and re-brainwashed me, yet this time the re-brainwash did not work.


So they used illegal method and persecuted me so severely among others forced me to be homeless, prevented me to work, which they have a standard routine method to do that, I believe they call it “Operation Choke” that the FBI and CIA use for various purposes, among other for businesses and banks that they want to destroy and for individuals that they also want to destroy, and in this process of the “Operation Chock” they close all the doors for their victim, if it is housing, telephone, electricity, work, banks, credit cards, destroy friendships and so on, the list is endless to chock the life of their victim, and then just leave one door open, to their new controlled environment!!


Here was my first complaint, and I sent a written complaint to almost every single congress man/woman and senator about kidnapping me in 1986 and the circumstance that they used/created to kidnap me, that was in 1999 and 2000.



Because of my written complaint, they punished me by bringing me by force to the Netherlands where I was even more brainwashed and then even chocked my life much more while locking me up for 13 years.


During this 13 years I wrote many complaint letter to the Dutch government and to the German government, to the courts and to the judges asking them for help, and justice, yet it seem the more I complain the more they lock me up and the prove for that is that they awarded me in April 2002 political asylum in Netherlands, yet they brainwashed me to stop it and be homeless and country less, where they locked me up and severely brainwashed me and tortured me mentally and physically.


In 2013 and just a few months after I was awarded the Dutch citizenship I was forced to relocate from the Netherlands to the UK to show as the agent that pretended to be my sister is not an agent of the CIA and MI6, but rather is my sister, which is not true, I was kidnapped in December 1959 by the CIA and MI6 and placed within a fake family that was set together out of agents, 21 of them, around 5 children and 16 adults!!


I tried hard to file a complaint against what they did to me, but I was always prevented one way or another.


In November 2017 I was able to file several complaints, which it took me around 6 months to compile, and sent it to the responsible persons. No reactions.


(This line and the login info were added on 07.07.2020) I did not want to publish these complaint letters that I sent to various responsible institutions, but I have no choice but to be transparent by publishing them. They are at a secure location on the Internet, and here are the login ID and passwords as I sent them in my letters, I can make the location open, but I want to show it the way it was in 2017/2018:


(Note added on 23.6.2021: I changed my mind sometimes in 2020 and open the blow link to be accessible for everyone to see. But also included the brainwash website called “Wanted” that I was forced to create in a controlled environment in the forced upon me village called Bellingwolde as mentioned elsewhere, and this forced upon me website includes so many wrong data that was forced upon me while I was trying to find the truth about my past and that they did not want me to know, so they forced me with telepathy to attack countless unknow to me people that have nothing to do with my past as a mean of a brainwash to force me to believe that this is true because it is coming out of my brain, but it was not coming out of my brain, it was 100% telepathy attack to force me on the wrong track for years, which they did and this in the Netherlands. This means that you do not need to login with user ID and password, yet I am leaving the user ID and password in this page. End of note)

Link to all complaint letters and attachments: this link was relocated to:





The Login ID is:            go2attachments Not necessary any more

The password is:          one4all-all41 Not necessary any more


In October 2018 I sent another complaint letter to several Dutch government agencies with my complaint about brainwash, torture, and slavery, a few of them responded and a couple rejected it upfront.


These complaint letters I placed online in a secure area and sent the login credential with all my complaints for them all to see what they do with innocent people and how they torture them in the Netherlands. I was tortured severely in the Netherlands, mentally as well as physically and this since 2001 and repeatedly since then and until I relocated in March of 2016 to The Hague/Den Haag, where the torture went down by around 80%, at least so far!


Note added on 23.6.2021: I am being severely attacked by unknow with telepathy, they cause me physical harm as well as torture my life by disturbing my sleep on a regular base that often force me to grumpy and behave accordingly because I am tired because of lack of routine good sleep. But also, these criminals attack me to force me to be angry and curse in my complaint pages such as writing “motherfuckers”, “whore”, “bitch” and others. I tried twice to remove them, but I was prevented and even was forced to increase them, but I will remove them in one way or another, because this is not me and here is the prove:

1.               These criminals and psychopaths isolated me in the American military base called McGraw kaserne from around March 1970 to around summer 1972, during which I was forced to mix with American soldiers and live within their housing and worked countless jobs with them and for the military enable they can brainwash me while pretending to be helping me, and during this period everyone, including none American military staff from various countries  was always using the following words: Fuck, Fuck You, Motherfuckers, you fucker, bitch, whore, shit, Shitty, kiss my ass, suck my dick  and the list is long, yet one person never used these words, me

2.               I was enslaved under their agent named Anita Disbray from 20 August 1979 to September 1977, and she had her own vulgar word, and I never picked them up from her

3.               These criminals and psychopaths brainwashed me, enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986, where they forced me not to work in IT-Information Technology field from September 1986 and until January 1991, with the exception of 3 times each of 1-3 months, and was forced to work in a gas station and other blue collar jobs, mixing with people that use the following words Fuck, Fuck You, Motherfuckers, you fucker, bitch, whore, shit, Shitty, kiss my ass, suck my dick in almost every sentence, during which I was forced to live in USA for 15 years as an illegal alien as a mean of isolation to slavery, yet never, ever used any of these words, yet here and in the Netherlands I am suddenly using them.

4.               After January 1991 I was able to go back and work in IT/computer field as a free consultant while being under paid such as 20 US Dollar per hour, and several of my temporary work colleagues at various companies often used some of the words mentioned above, yet I never used them in USA, because I believed in Christianity!!


Does this sound right to you???


And this while I am trying hard to be polite yet speak out about the injustice and all the crimes these criminally insane and psychopaths did to me since 1960  and complaining also to warn others of these criminals.


End of note added.