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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-




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This page was created on 17.03.2024 and completed on 22.09.2024


Important note: This page is under review, mainly to check spellings and to make sure the links are working alright. This can take 10-40 days. End of important note.


This page is the second conclusion extension. The reason for this page is not to modify already completed pages and make it easier to find new additions or corrections. The main reason for creating this page is to be found below under the section “Pre-Introduction”.




1.               Important notes (≤ 4 pages)

2.               Pre-Introduction (≤ 7 pages)

3.               This page is dedicated to: (≤ 30 pages)  

4.               Why do I have complaint pages?? (≤ 16 pages)

5.               Why do my complaint pages have so many pages??!! (≤ 01 pages)

6.               Note that since November 2023 I struggled to compile this page (≤ 12 pages)

7.               Introduction (≤ 06 pages)

8.               More Analysis over my time in the city Unterschleissheim and Cairo Egypt (≤ 08 pages)

9.               King Abdullah of Jordan is a hidden slave! (≤ 10 pages)

10.         The hearing incident in August/September 2023 (≤ 16 pages)

11.         The strong look similarities (=lookalike) at a younger age, disappears as the lookalikes grow older and fatter! (≤ 15 pages)

12.         Some male disguise as female and some males are forced to look like female to cover up slavery! (≤ 18 pages)

13.         Often some pretend to be helping, but rather they are brainwashing and enslaving the person or persons (≤ 2 Pages)

14.         The pattern of using several lookalikes then replace them with last one that is less lookalike as distraction of all the others (≤ 76 Pages)

15.         More children were and still are being kidnapped than just me (≤ 15 Pages)

16.         Slavery in east part of Germany for 100 thousand US Dollar (≤ 4 Pages)

17.         The hidden real reason of the conflict between Israel and Palestinians (≤ 5 Pages)

18.         Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” alias Mohi Sabri (Old title Summer 1969 to December 1975: total slavery and total isolation through American military in Germany (≤ 28 Pages))

18.1.         Section 1 that was written before 17.10.2023 (≤ 28 Pages)

18.2.         Section 2 that was written in June 2024 (≤ 46 Pages)

18.2.1.        General and introduction (≤ 14 Pages)

Index of women working in the hidden with my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi

18.2.2.        1968-January 1970, Esmat Khodary (≤ 6 Pages)

18.2.3.        20 August 1970-September 1977, Anita Disbray  (≤ 7 Pages)

18.2.4.        End of 1978-to end of 1980, Rene Zielske  (≤ 12 Pages)

18.2.5.        End of March 1981 to 17 October 1984, Adelheid Kuczka  (≤ 2 Pages)

18.2.6.        24.12.1984 to June 2000 Najlaa Mahmoud  (≤ 1 Pages)

18.2.7.        As result of all the above I was isolated by force  (≤ 3 Pages)

19.         The brainwash photos (≤ 77 Pages)

19.1.         Pre-Explanation (≤ 10 pages)

19.2.         Explanation of the list of brainwash photos (≤ 6 Pages)

19.3.         List of brainwash photos (≤ 58 Pages)

20.         The maps of various brainwash and brainwashing locations (≤ 244 Pages)

20.1.         Brief introduction  (≤ 1 Pages)

20.2.         Example map and explanation  (≤ 3 Pages)

20.3.         Cairo, Egypt map index  (≤ 124 Pages)

20.4.         Amman, Jordan map index  (≤ 56 Pages)

20.5.         Munich, Germany map index (≤ 58 Pages)

21.         Warning to each member of the EU-European Union! (≤ 2 Pages)

22.         Conclusion of all my complaint pages (≤ 2 Pages)



Important notes

(Go to index)


mportant note-1 (Added on 22.09.2024): Even though I consider myself Christian, yet I also consider myself a bad Christian, because in the last over 3 decades I was unfriendly and for the first time in my life and since 2016  I use bad words such as “mother fuckers”, and this not only to describe the people behavior that I am complaining about, but also to try to get rid of my disappointment, sadness and depression that these people I am complaining about pushed me into since 1960s. There is a very simple advice for self-behavior mentioned in the bible and that since 2016 I am not following, which is, and here I am just quoting this advice. Say yes for yes and no for no, anything else is evil or from evil (= or it is wrong or misleading), yet I prefer to be bad Christian than buy a weapon and conspire to hurt another human being no matter how bad this human being mistreated me, and this advice alone makes the New Testament one of the best things that ever happened to me. Yet I still must apologize for using many bad words, such as “mother fuckers”, within this page and some of the other pages, therefore I apologize upfront!

End of Note-1.


Important note-1 (Added on 20.03.2024): The section (34 pages) Titled “ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” alias Mohi Sabri” was relocated here and previously named “Summer 1969 to December 1975: total slavery and total isolation through American military in Germanythat was located in the page “Summary-of-my-life-as-hidden-slave.htm”, and replaced with a short one page explanation. End of Note-1.


Important note-2 (Added on 31.05.2024): In This page I frequently use bad language, and this not to offend the reader, but rather I prefer to get my anger and disappointment out in bad words that describe their behavior, (such as incest that many American Mormon in the state of Utah do legally based on their manmade religion to allow that enable they can generate as many lookalike as needed for the government and other crime strategies, see the following google link with tons of information over Mormon incest: ), than conspire with others to hurt another human beings such as American, British, Israeli and Russian governments do frequently in cooperation with others such as with Saudi Arabians, Jordanian and others. Think of it this way as the British and American often say, and I am quoting them: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words shall and will never hurt me(!!) You can look it up here ( . End of Note-2.


Important note-3 (Added on 02.08.2024): Since 17.10.1984 I was totally consumed with brainwash and consumed with the massive and countless problems these criminals and psychopaths forced upon my life to prevent me of thinking, by forcing me to concentrate on surviving and concentrate to make enough money not to be homeless again as these mother fuckers forced me to be between February and March/April 1970 where I literally slept between the train station café and toilets and the streets in Munich, Germany and repeated the same again to me by using the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of the city Bridgeport, Connecticut USA as it is described in many other pages among other in the page “Summary of my life as hidden slave”, where they forced me around also March/April 1987 to be homeless in Fairfield, Connecticut, but this time I was forced to be with the BP-British Petroleum + the Rockefeller prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and our alleged joint one year old son named Abdulhamid Najar, and therefore the church forced me to be in the streets of Fairfield, and the Municipality of Fairfield refused to help me because their laws, and as I found out a few months later, says they were obligated to place me in a hotel until they find a long-term solution, and that they did not want to do and claimed because the pastor Stevens that was hosting us even though was living in Fairfield but he was working in the next very poor city named Bridgeport and therewith it is allegedly their responsibility, but and at that time I was not able to think clearly anymore, and the pastor and his family were named Pastor Jack Stevens with his wife Diana and 2 sons Sean and Greg short for Gregory and they were hosting us with force of severe brainwash to force me to hate the church and blame them for these severe brainwash situations, and therewith I found myself in March/April 1987 on the streets again and this time I am forced to be responsible for this filthy disgusting woman named Najlaa Mahoud that pretended to have had a son of me, but it was 99% not my son, and therewith and to prevent me of leaving this BP-British Petroleum + the Rockefeller family joint prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud they first kidnapped me from Germany in September 1986 and then forced me to these situationsand placed me in the street and was forced to live for 2-4 months in a so called homeless shelter in the city of Bridgeport thanks to my fake brother my fake mother and the mother fucker Bdair and Abokurah families that are both and 100% not only originated from but also are 100% members of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families. They repeated the process again on 10.10.1999, which is their psychopathic way to pretend to be reminding me of my alleged second birthday and the reason why I was kidnapped in the first of all, which was 17.10.1984, my another fake birthdate, where they and by force separated me of my ex-German girlfriend that I loved very much and then on 14.12.1984 these mother fuckers enslaved me again under the control of their joint prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud  and in Munich, Germany to show is if I am Syrian origin and I am allegedly voluntarily marrying this disgusting human filthy trash but it was not like that it was 100% by force of severe and psychopathic brainwash to cover up for the 100% forced telepathy and blame everything on Islam and Christianity because I am allegedly originated from a strict Muslim family and became Christian and made it look like as my strict Muslim family in Saudi Arabia + Jordan and in other Middle Eastern countries did all that to me in Germany and USA and later also in the Netherland and Germany, because I allegedly voluntarily changed my religion to Christianity. This is how these mother fuckers English royal families + the Rockefeller families + the Jordanian Royal families + the Saudi Arabian royal families and in cooperation of Israel at least through their agent Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich-Gruenwald, Germany and therewith they make bad names for Muslims and for Christians and for Jewish and for Indian and for Pakistanis and others by kidnapping many from India and Pakistan and Bangladesh and use them as front shield that are supposed to be responsible for all the bad doings, which is not true it starts always by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and it goes in circle that no one can see through things = chaos, but in the end it goes back to these psychopath heartless and brainless mother fuckers that kidnap children and do to them the unspeakable as it is described in this page and in countless other pages of my complaint pages.  In short I was consumed with all these problems and discovered that I was kidnapped 3 times in my life, but did not see that other children near my life were also kidnapped, and how can I see that or notice that if I was child myself even as I was 17 years old because of the manmade total amnesia and severe slavery brainwash, and today I am 72 years old and recognized that other persons older than me and were to 99.99% also kidnapped as children by these criminals mother fuckers that torture the lives out of children as you can clearly see throughout my complaint pages. And these kidnapped children between 1938 and 1951/52 are all in this page with photographs because I am hoping that some real biological family relatives can recognize them through these photos and in this case, I encourage them to send me an email confirming that they see the possibility of relation based on their look in these photos! End of Note-3.


Important note-4 (Added on 21.09.2024): this is about my identical twin I did not want to add a new section for this note, and I am placing it as a note. I see the possibility that my identical twin, that I never knew about and never seen,  also went to Germany using my identity, and that would explain why the immigration police in Germany and round 2004 or 2006 gave me deportation papers with a photo that was not mine, and I never understood why or how can they make this mistake, today I see the possibility that they were trying to tell me you have a twin in Germany, just as the Egyptian immigration officers did something similar in 1982 and I went to Cairo, Egypt on business and in the Cairo Airport the officers held me back for around 2 hours, and then gave me my passport back and said our apologies we mistaken you with another man that looked like you and had the same name. All this means it was planned to kidnap me to USA for many reasons, among others also to allow my identical twin to go to Germany and in particular to Munich pretending to be me, and if this is true, then I ask my self was this also the reason why the German government and in 2004 gave me a ban of ever entering Germany again, which was lefted up in the year 2019 and back dated to 2014. And if all this is true, maybe that is why the BP-British Petroleum hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud set me up to leave my apartment on Winzerer street 146a with full furniture, so my identical twin can use it. And if this is true, then and most probably my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka also pretended to be his girlfriend to confirm as if he is me. And if this is also true, then I ask myself if also some of my friends at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church, in the city Unterschleissheim, 20 km north of Munich, also pretended to be his friends to confirm that he is me. And if all this true, then that possibly explain why the German government office for retired employees cut my employment dates by half and therewith they also cut my monthly income of the pension funds by half and claimed that this is all they found and hinted that there is another name like mine, but it is a different retirement fund for a different person. All this is sad and sick! End of Note-4.


(Go to index)

This is an important notes about the reason of this new update = roughly 650 pages

In November 2023, I saw an Interview with King Abdullah of Jordan, which was on the news of the German TV on the Internet named DW-Deutsche Welle (In English: German wave) ( + ), very unfortunately I cannot find it on the internet any more, however I found one that is similar but not as good, which possibly could be due to King Abdullah of Jordan has more than just one lidentical lookalike that he exchanges places with. This one I found is from CNBC news ( on Youtube, and is very short just 105 seconds. I recognized that he has an identical lookalike double that at least is 13 Years older than him, and this person, the older one, pretended to be my brother in Cairo, Egypt in end summer 1966 to roughly spring 1967 without me noticing until I saw this interview, then I realized I had to reanalyze many things of my life, because this makes a big change about many of my conclusions of my past, but it also confirms my suspecion/conclusion that I am possibly the younger brother of queen Elizabeth the second or at least she used me as slave child vacation decoy as it is mentioned in other pages and in ithis page. Therefore I decided to create this new update with the name “Conclusion Extension-2” with all the new details as well as my new conclusions about certain persons and situations. And I also found a very strong prove of me being related to the English royal family as well as to the Rockefeller family, which was right infront of me and my life since at least 1980/1981 and in my life since 1966, but my knowledge on both dates were not enough to recognize them as English Royal families and Rockefeller families, and this prove mentioned within this page is varifiable by almost any one that can take some time and varify it on the Internet. But also many governments already know all that since day one I set foot in Germany on 10.10.1969, which is also very clear to see this fact that the governments of Germany (1969 to 1986) + USA (1970 to 2001 and possibly until May 2012) + UK (1970 to 2014) + Netherlands (2001 to current in 2024), but also Egypt (1961/61 to 1069) knew all that whenever I set foot in their country and they did countless things to distract me of these facts, and all this I recognized just because of this news Interview, and is not what this stupid man named king Abdullah said, but rather because of a very rare eye condition that he has and my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, did also have, but not all of the times, and since they look alot like each others and I had a total amnesia to wipe off my entire memory but also my intelligence, I never understood why my fake brother sometimes had this very rare eye condition, and other times he did not, today I understand, when king Abdullah’s lookalike exchanged places with My fake brother in 1960s, then I see the eye condition, when the king Abdullah’s lookalike goes away and my fake brother replace him again, then the eye condition disappears, and this was in Cairo Egypt between roughly July or September 1966 and until sometimes between December 1966 and March 1967, then my fake brother moved out of our apartment and lived in an opposite building in Cairo, Egypt and I never saw him again until the Psychopaths American military in Munich, Germany and in end of September or begin of October of 1970 brought a new lookalike of my original fake brother that now is called Mohamad Nashaat Naggar (with 2 G instead of one J) and in April 1982 he allegedy was relocated by his alleged employer Avon Products from the city of Eching, 25 kmnorth of Munich, to yje city Rey in the state of New York, USA and  after they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986, possibly there was another lookalike or it is the original fake brother, however, here in USA, he has a new name, no more Mohamad and no more Nashaat, and no more Najar but rather Nick Naggar. And today and based on many situations of my past, some are mentioned below, King Abdullah or his identical lookalike that is at least 13 years older, also exchanged places with my fake brother in Munich, Germany between 1970 and 1982, and also later in USA but I never saw that in USA, I just concluded based on the pattern in Egypt and Germany of dislinking me of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, to force many to see him and therefore others in USA and possibly also in Germany, either pretended to try to get my attention to King Abdullah or his look alike in my life or they were using me as blackmail object, this include in USA the company ACPI-Associated Canvas Products, Inc. And Texaco, Inc. ACPI disappeared after I start complaining publicly, Texaco, Inc. was purchased by Chevron alias the Rockefeller family and the gas station part of the Texaco, Inc. business was purchased by an Israeli businessman, but also in the Netherlands a couple of times the one person or the other tried either to get my attention to King Abdullah and his lookalike or was using me as blackmail object, in any case and since the Bdeir family and the Abokurah family, alias the families of my fake 2 sisters allegedly in Jordan, were Chairmen of the baords and CEO of the Royal Jordanian Airline named Alia, and since a king has his own plane with all his stupid slaves, this mean each time this criminal land somewhere, the government of the country where he lands knows immediatly that he landed in their country such as in Munich, Germany or New York, New York, USA or in Houston,Texas, USA and so on. This means the German government + the government of the Free State of Bavaria + the Municipality of Munich, where I lived for 17 years, always knew when the king arrived and where he always goes and that alone does not speak well of the German government at all, especially that they kept me as slave as it is described in many pages and especially in the page “Summary of my life as hidden slave” because it shows that the German government were keeping me as slave because they thought I am being used by King Abdullah or his older lookalike, but also used by Reem Bdeir alias the older double of Princes Haya of Jordan and also by his father King Hussein of Jordan. King Abdullah was born in 1962, therefore he cannot be the one who came to Cairo, Egypt in 1966 and went to 10th school grade = first year of Highschool of the school of San George in Cairo, Egypt, also King Abdullah and in 1970s he was a small prince between 8-18 years old and in 1980s was 18-28 Years old. Also king Abdullah and usually does not have this very rare eye condition, but when he exchanges places with his identical older lookalike, then and very suddently he has this very rare eye condition, where he has to close and open his eyes 4 to 8 times very quick behind each others, which very much looks like as if he is blinking his eyes as mean of saying yes, 4-6 times yes. Here is one Vidoe, it is only 105 seconds, but you can clearly see that he has this eye condition (, if this video is removed from you can see it here on this website (../video/CNBS-Interview-King-Abdullah-Jordan.mp4). In Cairo, Egypt and in Munich, Germany he had this ey condition much stroger, meaning he blinks at least 4-6 times within 1-4 seconds and he repeat that maybe every 30-80 seconds, especially when he is speaking or is trying to explain something = he is nervous(!!). When someone tried to get  my attention to this criminal called king Abdullah of Jordan, I searched in my past and on the Internet, and the only thing I was able to find are the photos that were on the website of my fake brother Nick Naggar (, which was nothing else than pushing me towards King Abdullah as distraction of the English royal families and the Rockefelller Families, he removed most of the photos of his website and left only around 4, my guess he was ordered to remove the others, among others because his official wife was also in one of these photos, and I strongly suspect that King Abdullah has a girlfriend or possibly she is a bodyguard that also lookalike of the official wife of Nick Nagar (which is unlikly that anyone would suspect this strategy), her name is Alia Köse and she changed it to Anita Köse some times shortly after I met her for the first time, which was back in October and she changed her name 1-2 months later in November or December 1970  and within the american military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany, but also, I found that my fake niece in Jordan named Reem Bdeir/Budier is also a double of princes Haya of Jordan alias the sister of king Abdullah of Jordan, whereby also Reem Bdeir, born in 1961,  is also, 13 years older than princess Haya of Jordan. Therefore I did not find anything closer between king abduullah and me until I saw the interview and re-examined my past and recognized that this criminal mother fucker king abdullah and his older identical lookalike exchanged places with my fake brother in Germany, Cairo, Egypt but only at our apartment in Cairo and later possibly also at his apartment, yet that is the reason why he moved out, and this to make others see him as distraction of queen Elizabeth the second and as distraction of placing me in end 1965 in the same class as the son of the Egyptian president as also showing in this page.  Also I never saw my fake brother again after he moved out and lived allegedly by himself as highschool student in a building directly opposit our building in Cairo, as desrcibed else where. And in Mucnich he also came to the apartment of my fake brother, which I did not recognize it at that time. For me this stupid criminal mother fucker named king Abdullah is nothing else than traitor to not only the population of Jordan, but to the entire human race because he is nothing else than a slave for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, and he gets paid for it to show as if he is the top man in Jordan, but he is most definately not, and I will prove it to you in this page and most people would be able to varify my proof, if they just take a little time and search on the Internet!


Last thing to mention about King Abdullah of Jordan and all the kings and royal families south of Jordan which are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE-United Arab Emirates, Oman, is that all their main bodyguards that they use are imported from Israel and from USA and in particular of the AfroAmerican Nation of Islam , and only with this strategy can the English Royal families + the Rockefeller families assure theirselves that no ruler of these countries would turn against them, and also only with this strategy they were able to save Jordan during the Black September of 1970 where an almost civil war started and the Israeli went to Jordan disguised as desert nomads to kill the Palestinians refugees that were protesting against mistreatment by local Jordanians, and somehow it all went out of control (, also related to the same category or better said, same strategy used by Nation of Islam, below at the end of this section there is a little but major information about Nation of Islam. And very shortly thereafter the pasycopath criminals American military that had me isoalted starting March 1970 at their military base called McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany, and already had me enslaved starting 20 August 1970 under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old and 4 days later on 24 August 1970 was her alleged twentyfirst (21)  birthday and a 4-6 weeks latter they brought a new lookalike of my original fake brother and forced me to believe it is the same one from Cairo, Egypt, yet he is allegedly coming now from Amman, Jordan, where he had an alleged self made belt out of empty bullet shells, and he claimed he collected them of the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier because the Palestinians allegedly went bezirk and kept on shooting at all housing. This is how these people forces others to hate their victims enable not to care if they die or not, meaning the Palestinians are 100% their victims and using with them the same strategies as they used on me since 1960s, where they made me look as if I am a very bad terrorist, related to drug lords, ex-Soviet Union agents, related to counterfeit US 100 Dollar bills and much more. Add to all of the above all the torture and rape these mother fuckers did to me in Amman, Jordan in summer of 1966 and in end December 1969 to begin January 1970, which I forgot to mention in my complaint pages, and all the brainwash situations that are mentioned all over my complaint page during my visits to them in Amman, Jordan between 1979 and spring 1986, add to all of the above that I saw on TV news an interview of one of the new Iraqi ministers that were set by the American military after they invaded Iraq in 2003 (, and it was 100% my fake nephew Abdullah Abokurah or an identical look brother or at least close cousin, at that time I was severely under stress by the Dutch immigration and was already locked up since July 2000 in Houston, Texas, then they brought me by force to the Netherlands where I was locked up until Mai 2012, and this while the mother of Abdullah Abokurah alias my fake sister Mona Najjar lives allegedly in Washington, D.C. since summer 1987 and a few years back, I cannot recall exactly when it was, but I think after 2016, she claimed via email that her son Abdullah is married to a phillipinian lady and working as labor for small salary = she 100% lied to me, among others because he was in university for at least 4 years somewhere in Tennessee, USA, possibly in Nashville, while his brother Ghasan Abokurah went during the same period of time to High school in Washington, D.C. and then to the Catholic university of Architucture also in Washington, D.C., and this while his alleged father Abdulghani Abokurah was allegedly the architect and also partner in the private school in Amman, Jordan called Islamic Ecucation College of Amman in the following link you can see its fake history,, IEC stands for Islamic Educational College, which is nothing else than a normal school from grade 1 to grade 12 ( they keep on changing their website and the link is not working, here are other links that will work + + ), this college/school was officially built by Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and here you can see the sign on the school entrance (I get it through google map):

A stone building with a sign on the top

Description automatically generated

In Arabic it says Islamic Educational College (wrong name, instead of college it should be school), founded in 1947, (the first following 2 words, I am not sure about due to unclear photograph) This built wall (=This wall was built by) Mohammad Ali Othman Bdeir/Budier. The name Bdeir/Budier/Bdair and in Arabic is written as follow (بدير) and here is an image incase the Arabic letters do not show well:



Add to that, that India, by far the largest Muslim country n the world, was spilit in 1947 ( into 3 countries = India + East and west Pakistan later changed to Pkistan and + Bangladesh to hide the fact that today India would have nearly 600 Million Muslims + maybe another 100 Million that either immigrated out of India + Pakistan + Bangladesh or were Kindnapped by many as number one by the English Royal families that used to go around the world using their slave British army and kidnap people to use as either slave soldiers or for other slavery duties and this in over 100 countries worldwide, and that they cannot do with only 2 or 50 thausend British slave soldiers and that is why they constantly kidnapped people starting with children that are much easier to brainwash at a younger age, in the same time United Kingdom ended the British colonial rule in India and in 1948 founded Israel through their general Belfort and in 1947 started to build the Islamic Educational college in Amman, Jordan and complete it in 1948 = Trying to force Sunni Islam on as many Arabs as they can enable to confirm the fake history that Islam is allegedly originated from Saudi Arabia since 1445 years, which is absolutely impossible, because today’s India + Pakistan + Bangladesh that all 3 used to be one country until 1947 = 600 million Muslims = Muslims in India exist since over 2500 year = Mathematics does not lie, yet the English royal families + the Rockefeller families alias UK + USA are 100% lairs, children kidnappers, children brainwashers and children rapists and my life and this page and all other  pages of my complaint pages are the proof.


Nation of Islam

Nation of Islam is just an example of English royal family and Rockefeller families by misusing religions by creating chaos in the life of people.


The main reason why I am adding little information about Nation of Islam is the following reasons:

1.           It was created in USA in 1930 during the boom of car manufactuing in the same city and state as the car manufacturing headquarter of USA = Detroit, Michigan (

2.           Most of the major businesses in Detroit were built around and based on the car manufacturing such as car insurance, healthcare, car parts and so on

3.           To control the American originated from Africa, or better said kidnapped in millions from Africa to use as slaves see below links:





4.           And to control these slaves that are now allowed to be American and they are called by their origin = AfroAmericans = Black people living in USA but originated from Africa

5.           They created the Nation of Islam that then was expanded to all over USA, yet they are today just around 50,000 members!!??

6.           Every once a while they create somthing in the news to encourage Afro-Americans to join the Nation of Islam, but very unsuccessful, which you can very clearly see in their count of 50,000 in over 90 years, which is very similar to also many American made up religion just a few years before and later such as Dianetics that later in 1953 was renamed to Scientology

7.    This point was added on 25.03.2024. The reason thatthe Nation od Islam has officialy small amount of members, becayse they export them as bodyguards to the Middle East and Africe, where then and in one way or another help in Africa to create prolems to help British and American control this of that country such as Nigeria, Sudan, Niger, and so on!

8.    And many others


The main point here is that many members of Nation of Islam are often trained and used as bodyguards (, just like Israel, the absolute same pattern and absolute same source = The Rockefeller families + the English Royal families. Here is another prove that I totally misunderstood a few years ago, but now I see it as clear as you can see with your own eyes, which is the marriage of Prince Harry with Meghan Markle ( alias a mix of an official Afro-American mother and white father (there is absolutely nothing wrong when 2 different races get together and marry), today I see the scam, which is to encourage Afro-American, especially hidden organized crime families, to get together with the English royal family that is famous for mistreating black people as slaves, and this is no matter if they are from Africa or India. Today I see Israel not only as the largest American-British military base in the world, but also as main source of bodyguards and spying among others through a hidden bodyguard business in the Middle East and elsehwere.


The English Royal families + their relatives in USA such as the Rockefeller families are masters in dividing people, especially in USA, by among others, creating countless copies of other religions such as Judiasm, Islam, Christianity and the most copied one worldwide is Christianity to distract of the fact, that originally and the first bible that was ever printed in 1450 or 1455 (, and based on my own research and what happend thereafter, this bible was 100% to warn other people of hiden telepathy slavery, and that is why many controlling families create copy of Christianity and gave it a new name and claimed the original one is wrong and they kept on doing that even today, as a result we have today over 45,000 Christian copies that they call denominations, the majority of it was 100% founded in the UK or by the English royal families in one of their countless official or hidden colonies among others in USA, where they became masters of brainwash and division by misusing Judiasm, Islam, Christinity and constantly creating new ones such as Scientolofy, Mormon, Johovas Witness and countless others and to give you an idea here are some major information over this mass madness of these people I am complaining about, that also founded the Islam Sunni in Saudi Arabia to protect their petroleum, empire of beong broken up again, and claim it is the origin of Islam, just as they also do with many other religions, among others in USA, the following links show several religons and how much they are divided, for example Jewish have over 40 division and possibly much more, Christianity over 45,000, and aso Islam has many:















We human beings should not be divided and we all should care about other humanbeings more than anything else, PERIOD.



This page is dedicated to:

(Go to index)

In short: This page is dedicated to the best I met and the suffering people in several areas of our world!


In detail:

Since 2 months I am struggling to write this page, and having trouble starting it, so I will start it with the best persons of my life as mentioned in this section.

Please note I wrote some of the reasons why I am dedicating this page to this person or group of persons or institutions, because I think details are important to know enable to better understand the contridictions, and that is why it became more than just one page


1.           This page is dedicated to all those children that were kidnapped by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and other families to use as slaves. They oft use military to kidnap children Today in May 2024, I estimate these kidnapped children to be between 200-500 thousand girls and boys, that they too caused them total amnesia and brainwashed them to use them as slaves as they did to me. The English royal families have been kidnapping children since centuries and using them as slave soldiers (such as they did to Jewish and Indian and Africans, and many of these were forced to become so-called Arabs and think of their selves native Arabs from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and at least all the bordering countries to Saudi Arabia) and for other slavery tasks, such as butler, housekeeper that they used to call servants (designated only to serve others = slave) and for countless other slavery objectives. Today in May 2024, I believe to have discovered something horrible, which is that the English royal families plus the Rockefeller families in USA  plus their relatives in ex-Soviet union alias the current Russian Federation including and especially Russia plus their countless relatives in the Middle East petroleum countries, which are Jordan, Saudi Arabia and every bordering country to Saudi Arabia, and all together have kidnapped countless children during the second world war and especially after the second world war from the following countries:

1.1.              From number 1: Germany

1.2.              Austria

1.3.              Hungry

1.4.              Poland

1.5.              Italy

1.6.              And from other countries

1.7.              And of course, also from USA + UK

These children were oft the children of passed away war victims, just as they do right now in Ukraine, Israel, Sudan, Niger and other countries. I believe they continued to heavily kidnap children until at least 1970s, possibly until 1990s. And continue to kidnap children even today, but today no one is noticing it, because they use other strategies. The way they kidnap children as if they go to a supermarket and select certain children based on their look, and this supermarket is 100% orphanages in each country. And if the top employees of the orphanage are bribable, then no one will ever notice the disappearance of these children. Then they would 100% cause them total amnesia as they did to me, and the child will never notice it, yet I was forced to notice it, because I have been being used as blackmail object as far as I can recall, and at the latest in end of 1964, where they took me out of a very bad public school in Cairo, Egypt and placed me in a private school called Alkawmiah (they changed the school name to: "Gamal Abdel Nasser Official Distinguished Language School, 72 Nakhla Al Motieai, El Nozha, Cairo Governorate 4470146, Egypt" here is the google map link (,31.3428974,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x145815ef99d97395:0x3e976f8eff6c39cb!8m2!3d30.0996875!4d31.3454723!16s%2Fg%2F1tj70wv3?hl=en&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxOC4xIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D ), my guess they call it by the ex-president’s name Gamal Abdel Nasser because his son was in it and with me in the same class) and in the same class as the son of the president as showing below in this page. Anyway, and because I was forced to concentrate on my past, since roughly April 2000, which pushed me into a never ending cycle of depression due to all my findings until 2016, yet these findings were just 30-50% of what I totally discovered about my past since 2016 and I documented most of it in my complaint pages to help others recognizing if they had a total amnesia or not and if they did how to discover the reason of the manmade total amnesia as mean of slavery and control by separating the child of his past as they repeatedly did to me since my birth and also documented in my complaint pages. Here is a copy of the new school’s name, I used Google maps and looked for the school I was in and recognized it as this mentioned school. I recognized it by its entry and play/sports grounds, and above all by its location. Thank you google, you are the extension of my memory and entire today’s knowledge that helped me find more than 98% of the facts of my past:  A black text on a white background

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The details, known to me about some of the children that they kidnapped are described below.

2.           My ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka, and her lovely daughter named Steffi, both are today around 53 and 73 years old. Even though I believe that she was set on me by some authority or other group of people, yet many hidden things in my life I would not have discovered without them both being in my life. I can write many things to describe how beautiful both were, at that time as we were violently separated by BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa, and one of the several lookalikes of my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, and others related business wise to BP-British Petroleum (= English royal family + the American want to be royal family called Rockefeller owner of countless legal and illegal businesses, products and services including Exxon/Esso, Chevron and many others including illegal drugs) on 17.10.1984, and totally against my will. At that time, Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka was officially and allegedly 18 months older than me, and she was 33.5 years young while I was 32 years old, and her daughter was roughly 8-10 years old. On top of all that she saved my life in Summer 2000, while I was in Houston, Texas and was kept in USA against my will and all I wanted in the year 2000 was to escape that stupid, sadistic country called USA, where I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in  September 1986 and literally kept as slave until some unknown person or persons heavily persecuted me with telepathy and forced me to recognize it as telepathy and not hallucinations, this was just around 8-9 months after separating me of the BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud that left my life around June or July 1999 and  I had suddenly time to think and all I could think about was my friends from the church in Germany and my ex-German girlfriend Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and my love to her, which is based on her beautiful and very lovely character,  pushed me to try to escape this evil country called USA and lived in the Houston International Airport from around 25 June to 24 July 2000  (The International airport in Houston named after a criminally insane and psychopath named George H. W. Bush Airport, that was responsible for kidnapping me and keeping me as slave in USA and this page proves among other also this fact) trying to find a way to smuggle myself on an airplane to go back to Germany, then I was arrested twice in the airport and 6 months later deported to the Netherlands. Today in 2024, I believe those who persecuted me with telepathy, meant to force me to run and escape of the telepathy attacks enable these mother fuckers American immigration can arrest me and lock me up for 13 years to cover up for the mentally sick Bush family, that today I know, they were nothing else than tools for the English royal families + the Rockefeller families to control Afghanistan and recollect Iraq, which they did. In Netherlands, starting 11.2.2001 I was locked up for additional 12 years. If I did not try to escape, they would have in one way or another killed me to prevent me to understand my past and expose them, and that I am a life today thank among other to Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and her daughter Steffie, that I considered as my daughter, very unfortunately many performed very destructive telepathy manipulation actions upon my life and therewith I was not as good to them as they were to me. In other words, they treated me much better than I treated them, because among others I was raised by a fake family that was most sadistic, which you can clearly see through this page and my entire complaint pages. If I would want to describe Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka character in a few words then it will be like this: She might not be Miss Germany, but for me she was Miss universe!

3.           This page is also dedicated to the best man I ever met in my life starting January 1976 and named pastor Herbert Lange, he taught me much more than Christianity, he taught me humanity, he taught me that there is no difference between any human being and another human being, even though they have different religion or different attitude, he taught me that transparency and understanding are the essence of freedom. In short, he taught me everything my fake and biological families did not want me to learn or see or understand, actually he went far beyond that and taught me much more than any family would ever teach their family member since childhood (!!!). In short, he saved my sanity, because I was hopelessly brainwashed and enslaved by the American military by using a, English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old as I was 17 years young and enslaved under her control starting 20 August 1970, and she had the British passport showing that she was born on 24 August 1948, while I was 17 years old, totally confused due to severe brainwash performed upon me by the psychopath American military, to force me to forget my past and concentrate on surviving, not to forget that they caused me a total amnesia between spring 1961 and spring 1962, and ever since I was mainly isolated = my intelligence was equal to 5 years old in 1970 even though I was 17 years old and in 1976 my intelligence was still of an 8 years old. And without having the teaching of pastor Hebert Lange between January 1976 and until at least summer 1978 as my teacher, part time boss, my pastor, my neighbor and my friend, my intelligence would have never grown. And very possibly they would have placed me in an institute for mentally insane because after the American military and English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977 I did not know what to do and needed a couple of months help to gather my thoughts and what I learned since January 1976 from pastor Herbert Lange. Today I see the possibility that pastor Herbert Lange was a specialist for anti-brainwash working for either Evangelical Lutheran church administration of the state of Bavaria or was working for the Evangelical Lutheran church administration of Germany or even had 2 jobs one as a Pastor as needed and another as some kind of a German or Bavarian government employee. Most probably it was the last option. The reason that today in May 2024 I think that he may have been also a government employee, possibly for some security agency, is because he and others in the church and possibly also from other institutions were building a very strong network enable they can withstand the psychopathic American military stationed in the state of Bavaria and in other areas + British military stationed in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and in other areas (, yet each of these psychopaths military and their agents were almost in every city in Germany even in some villages, this mean these psychopaths secret agents were always wherever I livid in and around Munich and built a very large and most sadistic and vicious and destructive network of slavery and the only way to do what pastor Herbert Lange did for me was to get me in an environment with an equal strong network, which was in the city of Unterschleissheim, where nearby there was a famous castle named Schloss Schleissheim in Oberschleissheim, which means that ex-German royal families of these areas still live in this area and build also a large strong network ( After they separated me of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray in September 1977, they needed a few months to help me learn how to be alone, which then they did, during that time I was a very bad employee due to they were heavily un-brainwashing me, while I was being heavily attacked with telepathy but I did not recognize it at that time as telepathy, yet my employer as mentioned in the next point never fired me even though and during that period of time I was totally undependable, a few months later, in May or June 1978 Siemens AG hired me and took over the process of continuing un-brainwashing me and helping me to stand on my own feet as it is described elsewhere in my complaint pages. Very unfortunately, and even though I loved working for Siemens AG they used me as blackmail object in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Switzerland and the UK, which lead to the destruction of my life through the concentrated evil American military agents in Munich by using BP-British Petroleum starting January 1984 as it is described in the pages of BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 pages. Yet and whatever they did to me after January 1984, such as re-brainwashing me, enslaving me and kidnapping me to USA where they kept me literally as a slave for 15 years and then dumped me in the Netherlands in 11.2.2001, and ever since I am trying hard to understand what happened to my life, and if pastor Herbert Lange did not perform the un-brainwash and teaching me countless things, I would not have made it so far, and most probably I would have committed suicide long time ago. Back to the possibility that pastor Herbert Lange was a professional specialized in anti-brainwash, and the reason why today I think that pastor Herbert Lange was a specialist also working for the government, is because the methodology that he used as well as his character and behavior during that period, this mean it is very possible that he had telepathy. And if all this is true, which is what I believe today in May 2024, therefore from here I will continue in another section below with the title “More Analysis over my time in the city Unterschleissheim”. And the reason I am splitting this point, because in around end of 1976 or begin of 1977 I met another pastor in that city with the name pastor Friedrich Wilhelm Haack that was famous in Germany and in the state of Bavaria for being specialist in religious brainwash through all the new sects from Asia, USA and elsewhere, and today I see many odd things that I meet him and also odd things about his profile on Wikipedia, which will need some explanation to see that possibly it was not a coincident that he came into my life, but rather it was planned so he can examine me and my belief and faith or he was just a distraction of a real hidden specialist which was most definitely pastor Herbert Lange. Here are his 2 very odd profiles in German and in Russian, but there is no profile of him in English. In German: he supposed to be German, his profile in German is very short and there is no photo of him in the German part, but there is a longer and more detailed profile and photo of him in the Russian translation (!!!):

( and in Russian: (,_%D0%A4%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%85_%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC). You can use to translate to your language!

4.           To my absolute and by far my best employer in my entire 72 years of life, and from April 1976 to May 1978. Even though I did not like the job as lacquerer (=painting mainly metal objects using lacquer that was dangerous if not handled carefully, he taught me how to handle carefully), yet my employer was an angel and not only to me, but to all his 5-6 employees. Also, all my 5 work colleagues at his company were best of the best. And that is why this page is also dedicated to Mr. Helmuth Högel, my employer between spring 1976 and summer 1978 that also taught me countless good things as it is described in the page “Thank you”. He was the founder and owner of the company “Högel Studiotechnik” in Unterschleissheim, Germany ( I was told he passed away sometimes in the end of 1990s. He was the perfect employer, and not only for me, but for all his 5 employees, and I compare him to an angel, because there is no angels and devil and demons, they have no place in God’s creation, it is all made up by human beings as mean of scare tactics and cover up for telepathy slavery, yet he was and by far the best employer, not only among all employers that I met in my life and they are several hundreds and I worked for around 80-100 employers, but also, he is better employer than I can ever image. All I can say is that his children Monica and Werner as well as their mother should be very proud of him. I did not like the job very much, but I loved this employer and all my work colleagues. All were typical Bavarians with perfect character with attitude. Compared with Siemens AG, my second-best employer, where I loved my work but disliked my employer and my department manager named Dr. Peter M. Lembke, because both separated me of the church by using a prostitute that either had telepathy or my employer used telepathy to force me to relocaate/move and live with her, which was not good for me, but also they used me as blackmail object against the American military in Munich that severely brainwashed me and enslaved me, but also used me as blackmail object against my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Egypt, because my fake family members were 100% members of the English royal families mixed with the Rockefeller families in the Middle East while pretending to be Arabs and Muslims, which I will prove it in this page, but also members of my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE-United Arab Emirate and Oman were and most probably are still the main distributors and representative of among others Siemens AG, and that is how Siemens AG get the project called Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia (today it is an officiall ministry in Saudi Arabia) by using me as blackmail object, then also Siemens AG used my department manager that performed many destructive things against me, to force me to leave the company as of 31.12.1981, in that he either pretended or really did quit his job at Siemens AG, I believe he did not leave his job, but rather pretended and forced me with telepathy and brainwash to leave the company and work with him at his alleged new employer named ADV/ORGA (does not exist anymore), and in roughly 6 weeks later fired me of my new fake job and his fake new office. My guess his real office was still at Siemens AG. All this shows you how valuable a very good man such as Mr. Helmuth Högel is in the lives not only of his 5-6 employees, but also in the lives of other people, and above all in the lives of his children, that today I know they are as valuable to other people as their father was. Thank you to Mr. Högel and to all of his family that raised him to be one of the 2 best human beings in my life!

5.           My employer from June 1978 to 31.12.1981: Siemens AG in Neu Perlach in Munich, Germany as it is described in my complaint pages. I have a lot of conflicting situations with Siemens AG , because they used me as blackmail object for 3.5 years from Summer 1978 and until 31.12.1981, where they forced me with brainwash and telepathy to quit my job and made it look like as if I voluntarily quit my job to avoid that I understand that their client the Saudi Arabian royal family alias the Rockefeller families + the English royal families, in disguise, insisted that they get rid of me and to prevent me of discovering the real identities of the members of my fake family that many of them were members of the Rockefeller and English royal families and simultaneously also members of the Saudi Arabian royal family and pretending to be Arabs and Muslim, also in other countries such as in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UIAE-United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen and other countries. Yet the fact remains that the best work experience that I ever gained and learned in my entire life was at Siemens AG during that period of time, that gave me the knowledge of much more than just work experience in the computer sector, that today I compare it with an experience of 30 years learning the world in Europe and the Middle East, prior to that I was locked up in Germany without travel papers or residence permit, only with a piece of paper stating the so called refugee in waiting status that expires every single 3 months and this From January 1970 and until summer 1976 = 7.5 years of pure slavery through the American military and the German government, until I was setup to become Christian, and this setup was created by many as follow: American military/CIA + German government + Bavarian government + Anita Disbray my forced upon me wife that the American military enslaved me under her control on 20 August 1970 and was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old, my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her evil  3 brothers (named Jawdat Baroudi + Badeaa Baroudi + Dr. Farzat Baroudi) + the Bdeir family of Amman, Jordan, and last but not least Mohi Sabri in Cairo, Egypt and in Germany his name is not Mohi Sabri any more but rather he was a spy for the American + British + Israel and named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that had many governmental positions in Germany including he became the vice-Chancelor of Germany. Which equals a vice president or vice prime minister, and this with the 3 of the biggest 3 German political parties named CDU-Christian Democratic Union on the German federal level + CSU-Christian-Social Union this party is only on the level of the state of Bavaria = 100% American spies + the political party FDP-Free Democratic Party, the smallest of the 3 parties and the spy Mr. Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was in the begin member of CDU and then changed to the FDP, where he 100% was among family and friends spies, because this is the pattern of my life, no real spy is never alone, they always are a huge network including the family members, because only this way they can not only protect each other’s, but also no one will ever think that an entire family consist out of several hundred are spies and no one will think that the entire political party consist mainly out of spies, and this pattern is very clear to see in my complaint pages and in my fake family in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen = English royal families + Rockefeller families in cooperation with Israeli and other organized crime families and institutions such as the Freemason organization, the largest and oldest spy and English royal family brainwash and network organization and it is the biggest organized crime institution that the world has ever seen, and this since at least the year 1500. Also, this page includes more proof of this very destructive slavery and spying network. On top of some of the positive sides I loved in my employment at Siemens AG, where for the first time in my life I really learned and understood the meaning of quality. And Siemens AG topped all that by saving my life without me noticing, and that was most probably the number one reason why they forced me with brainwash and telepathy to quit my job as it is described in detail on other pages. They used my department manager named Dr. Peter M. Lembke to hire me (the department name was SO-Sonder Projekte, in English Sonder means Special and Projekte means projects – Special Projects, hinting to a project that Siemens AG has not yet done), forcing me to leave the city where I became Christian, which was Unterschleissheim and they also used him to force me to leave my employment at Siemens AG (= it is a pattern that top management or top families use 1-4 people at a lower level as distraction of their selves, just as they used my fake mother + my fake brother + the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud and her family in USA, as well as my fake son and the Jordanian royal family as distraction of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families = a pattern), and I was really angry once I understood these brainwash situations, until I understood the following situation, where they literally saved my life: After I became Chrisitan my fake mother introduced me in the summer of 1977 to a man she claimed he is the brother-in-law of her brother. Her brother’s name is Jawdat Baroudi, that has his hidden son named Essam Shawki living between Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. This Jawdat Baroudi I strongly believe is the hidden older brother of Prince Andrew of the UK, and this based on their look and on countless situations, among others by hiding his son Essam Shawki as my nephew in the UK at his home in the UK, surrounded and protected by English royal families. The other man, his alleged brother-in-law since allegedly 2-3 years I recognized him as a Mossad agent enable to relate me to Jewish and Israel as distraction of the English royal family and the Rockefeller family that their members were all over my life since 1960s while pretending to be Syrians. This Mossad agent’s name is Dr. Sami Assassa. Not to forget the name Sami comes from Semitism means Judaism and in Arabic it is Samien, and a person that Semitism is often given the name Sami as short for Samiyen = Jewish. But not only because of his name he is Mossad agent and Jewish pretending to be Muslim Syrian, but rather his behavior, is through and through Jewish spy or better saud Israeli spy. Since I privately and at home studied between 1976 and 1978 several religions, including Islam (O learned it in Egypt's schools, yet here after 1976, I read many of is translated to English or German), Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran, Morman, Jehovah Witnesses, and Scientology, and since the religion book of the Catholic and the Evangelical Lutheran include Old Testament = Torah the religion book or Jewish, therefore I can tell based on the behavior if the person Muslim or not, if the person is Catholic or not if the person is Evangelical Lutheran or not. And Dr. Sami Assassa is 100% Mossad agent and one of the 3-5 lookalike women that exchanged places as my fake mother between 1962 and last time I saw this evil person in March 2013 in the UK, then she allegedly died in end of March or April 2013, one of these lookalikes is 100% Jewish. Both Dr. Sami Assassa and this fake mother of mine performed countless bad things to me between 1977 and 2013, and I always forgave them, because I thought they are my family. Also Dr. Sami Assassa performed at least one major thing to damage my reputation at my employer Siemens AG in the beginning of 1981, I will skip the detail because it is mentioned elsewhere. Yet I never thought this mother fucker is an assassin, this is how he tried to assassinate me, and someone in the upper management at Siemens AG noticed his plan, becaue they were 100% monitoring me with telepathy, and they took precautionary measurements to save my life, and this I just discovered in 2024, and here is the incident where he tried to cut my head off with the sword: in summer 1981 and before my business trip to Saudi Arabia as an employee of Siemens AG to perform more tests on the implemented multilingual computer design, Dr. Sami Assassa approached me and asked me for a favor, he said he would like to send his brother in-law alias my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi some small diamonds so he can sell them because he is not doing well financially, which was a distraction that this criminal Jawdat Baroudi was member of the Saudi Arabian government and also member of the English royal family and 100% related family and business wise to the Rockefeller family, and this only one person out of roughly 10 other fake family members that were 100% official members of either the Saudi Arabian government or members of the Saudi Arabian royal family while being originated either from the UK or USA. Back to these diamonds, they were around 15-20 I never counted them I just saw them once while Dr. Sami Assassa showing them to me and then placing them in a very tiny envelop, maybe 5 X 10 cm, and I put them in my pocket to give them to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi in Riyadh the Capital of Saudi Arabia which is also the main seat of the Saudi Arabian government and also the headquarter of the computer project I was working on, which to computerize 14 Saudi Arabian ports and centralize them in Riyadh. Back to the diamonds, today I believe, but I cannot proof it, that these diamonds were 100% not diamonds but rather to 10% possibility they were crystals, this especially true because Dr. Sami Assassa had a distraction shop as oriental carpet specialist from India, Pakistan and Iran and was selling in his shop other things beside orienatal carpets such as animal figures made out of crystal thathe claimed  to havve been importing them from the ex-Czechoslovakia republic alias ex-Soviet Union, and his main distributor was Iranian located in Hamburg, and the reason I know that because both set me up with fake project in Hamburg, today I strongly believe that this Iranian was 100% illegal drug distributor, especially that my fake family implicated me at least twice in 1966 and in 1970 with illegal drug farms in north and south of Lebanon, but also and most probably this Iranian main disttributor, was most probably the hidden familyof my fake niece Esmat Shawki that I abelieve her origin is an Iranian family that are partners with my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi = a circle of lies that that always lead back to the criminals. That is why I strongly believe and to 90% possibility that these diamonds were nothing else but illegal drugs called Crystals, which can be chewed, or mixed with drinks. On this trip to Saudi Arabia, I was supposed to evaluate the main frame computers in the city of Jeddah, where all were new computer center and do the same also in the city Riyadh. As soon as I landed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia I was arrested in the airport with the reasoning that I allegedly obtained an illegal Saudi Arabian visa enable I can go to the so called Hajj/Pilgrimage in Mecca without have to pay the fees for the  Hajj/Pilgrimage, and I tried to tell the arresting police officers that this is not true and that I am here on business but they ignored everything I told them, then they took me to a bus to be transferred and then be jailed, and there was a long que waiting to get on the bus or better said several busses que  to jail, if they would have taken me to jail, then they would have searched me and searched my luggage and pockets and would have found these illegal drugs, and even if I am  wrong and they were real diamonds, which I very much doubt that this mother fuckers named Dr. Sami Assassa would give me real diamonds when they planned for me to be arrested and then 100% they would have cut my head off with the sword, because this is what these mentally sick mother fucker Rockefeller and English royal family do in Saudi Arabia to force people to think that this is the tradition in Saudi Arabia since 1400 years to execute people by cutting their head off with the sword. Back to the que waiting to get on the bus to transport us to jail, and very suddenly I had the thought that I have in my pocket an official letter as invitation to Saudi Arabia to test the computer system (= 100% telepathy reminder of some Siemens Employee that knew about all this that is going to happen and I believe to know his name, he was my work colleagues and I considered him my friend until BP-Petroleum destroyed my friendship with him along with many others starting January 1984 as preparation to remove me from Germany by kidnapping me to USA and keeping me as isolated slave for 15 years), then and while standing in the que surrounded by many soldiers with rifles pointed at all of us, I requested from one of them to speak to the officer in charge because I have a prove that I am here on business, then 2 soldiers took me to the officer in charge inside the airport building and I show him the letter that stated in English that I am here on the request of the Saudi Arabian Port’s Authority enable I can test the all new computer center in Arabic and English languages. In 2024 and after I remembered the details of the situation, then I understood that they planned to arrest me in Jeddah and not in Riyadh to not be linked in any way to my fake uncle and to not blame him, but if I would have been arrested in Riyadh and then the family would have 100% blamed him if I were arrested and executed in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, because he is very influential in this city and in the government and in the Saudi royal family. Today I see how sadistic and criminals are the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, and in this page I will give a proof that no one can ever deny that many members of my fake family are 100% members of the English royal families and also members of the Rockefeller families or a combination, which is the Baroudi family + the Abokurah family, but and above all the Bdeir family are 100% not Jordanian and this is easy to prove, yet I was not able to think of it prior to 2024, because I was always stressed in one way or another and simultaneously very sad and depressed that I lost everything in my life, or better said they stole everything from me, and that also shows you that no Muslim, No Christian, and not even a real Jewish person would ever do that, only organized crime families and agents of MI6, CIA and Mossad would do something like that. Now back to the letter that I showed the officer in charge, then the officer apologized and asked the 2 soldiers behind me to walk me to the exit. I went 2-3 times prior to that to Saudi Arabia, never had a letter, my visa was always enough, this time my visa was not enough and suddenly I have a letter that saved my life, whereby Siemens AG never gave me a letter before in my trips to Saudi Arabia, except this time = 100% not coincident = 100% it was all planned = 100% this is the reason why Siemens AG set me up with brainwash and forced telepathy to leave the company voluntarily and be the employee of one of their subcontractors named ADV/ORGA that immediately took me to Saudi Arabia on the same project allegedly to convince Saudi Arabia Port's Authority to replace their Siemens AG database called IMS (or maybe I forgot the real name!!!) with the American database named IDMS = 100% to force my mind to think that this new employer has nothing to do with Siemens AG, in matter of fact they were trying to force me to think that this new employer is the competition of Siemens AG and that is why this trip to allegedly sell IDMS database to the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia = 100% brainwash, in reality they took me to Saudi Arabia to show the upper management of the Saudi Arabian Port’s Authority that I am no longer working for Siemens AG, and then a few days later we went back to Germany and around 14 days later they fired me, which was also planned = severe and very destructive brainwash that confused the life out of me, and I did not know to love Siemens AG or to hate them. I do not hate, except my own life, yet today I am very thankful that someone at Siemens AG was monitoring my conversation with the assassin Dr. Sami Assassa and then took a precautionary measure to save my life. This action alone makes all the negative side between me and Siemens AG disappear. Thank You Siemens AG and thank you Khalid Mian that I believe was the one that helped me out at the Airport by using telepathy and reminded me with the letter in my pocket, and there with both literally saved my life, otherwise my remain without head would be buried somewhere in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.   This Khalid Mian was a freelance consultant working for Siemens AG on this project and was originated from Pakistan. He was Muslim and was always trying to tell me something indirectly about Saudi Arabia, that I never understood at that time, such as Saudi Arabian custom at the Jeddah Airport confiscated all his Islamic books and throw them in the trash, which is prohibited in Islam to throw away the Quran or the book of the prophet Mohamad in the trash or even burn them, it is punishable by law, yet at the Jeddah Airport they did that to any Islamic books coming from outside Saudi Arabia to not allow the local population to read about Islam from other countries, and this while the original Saudi Arabian Quran was being printed in Germany at the publishing house called Klett Verlag (in English means Klett Publishing), in Stuttgart, where also my department manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke send me to this publisher to see if I can help them to improve their multilingual printing shop, where they gave me a tour in Stuttgart and showed me that they have been printing Quran for Saudi Arbia for a while now, and gave me 3-5 pocket Quran as a gift for me coming to see if I can help them, and then I took these books and gave them to members of my fake family in Jordan, which made them go very angry that I get hold of these books, which was an additional reason why these mother fucker used the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa to plan to assassinate me, yet and at that time I was unable to see through all these situations due to the countless brainwash situation all at once all around my life in Saudi Arabia,  in Jordan, in Egypt, in the UK, in Switzerland, and above all in Munich, Germany. This Dr. Sami Assassa with his alleged wife of the family Ejlani that I also suspect to be Israeli and her 2 brothers  first name forgotten but last name is Ejlani and both at least in 1980s were living in Alexandria, Virgina in USA just a few kilometers south of Washington, D.C. where also members of the family Khodor alias the family of the BP-British Petroleum prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud that all of them together enslaved me under her control on 24.12.1984, where I was totally isolated and 18 months later kidnapped me to USA to prevent me of leaving this disgusting animal named Najlaa Mahmoud. And all these mentioned also live in Washington, D.C. and related to the Ejlani family and all are friends with my fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar also in Washington, D.C. USA. I met these mother fuckers Ejlani brothers in Munich, Germany as they visited their alleged sister Samah Ejlani alias Samah Assassa the wife of the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa. Today I understand why the FBI set me up several times starting roughly January or February 1987 with an Afro-American I met in the train from Fairfield to New York City, and later again in cooperation with the company Dun & Bradstreet in 1988 + 1989 and later again in 1991 and 1992 and in all of them and starting with the setups at Dun & Bradstreet headquarter at that time in Wilton. Connecticut, and the FBI set me up with Dun & Bradstreet for at least  2 time and each of 2 months in 1988 and in 1989 to force me to relate to Jewish immigrated from Russia many of them were spies pretending to be escaping the ex-Soviet union, and today I know that criminal mother fucker Dr. Sami Assassa as well as one of the lookalike of my fake mother are Jewish pretending to be Muslim Syrian. There are some reasons why the FBI tried many times between 1987 and even in 1990s to relate me to Jewish spies as follow:

5.1.              They are working for the Rockefeller family and distracting of them by trying to relate me to Israel

5.2.              They know something I do not know, because they have access to millions of pieces of information that I do not have access to!

5.3.              They knew about my fake mother exchanging places with another lookalike in Sofia, Bulgaria alias ex-Soviet Union and knew about the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa = the CIA told them to distract of the English royal family and the Rockefeller families, and that is why they also set me up with the company Associated Canvas Products, Inc. in Channel View, Texas, through a Jewish setup as it is mentioned elsewhere, and Associated Canvas Products,  Inc. pretended to get my attention to many things, which was nothing else than using me as a blackmail object because at that time I never understood these situations, among others to pretend to tell me that the BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud is much older than she claim to be but also pretended to get my attention that  I am allegedly related to king Hussein of Jordan and pretended many other things, and the reason I am saying pretending, is because I discovered all that after the year 2018!!

5.4.              Maybe the FBI were genuinely concerned about me and tried to help me. Which I doubt very much for the simple reason, if someone wants to get my attention for one thing or another, then they will make sure I understand on the spot and not 30 years later!

Photos of Dr. Sami Assassa and his alleged wife Samah Assassa alias Samah Ejlani. Look how disgusting these mother fuckers look like, not because they are Jewish pretending to be Muslims, but because they are traitors, spies, and assassins!


This photo alone it shows that this mother fucker is an Israeli Mossad agent, because the first thing an Israeli agent does is to attack Israel and Jewish enable to force the minds of people to believe he can never be an Israeli. This photo was taken by Aljazeera news station of a lecture he is giving (= 100% a brainwash news station just like CNN, BBC, Sky and countless others) where he is claiming that the holocaust never happened and that the Germans, Jewish, American, British and entire Europe are lairs and many other subject where he is publicly attacking Israel. Look at it this way: let us assume he is not an Israeli Mossad agent, and that he is an international business man, just as he he claims about himself that he was busy his entire life as import and export businessman, which is not completely true, he worked close with many large companies in Germany  and in the Middle East while having an oriental carpet shop and selling other cheap fake antiques , an International businessman will never ever go public and attack the integrity of Israel, Jewish and every European country as well as UK and USA. Even though my life was severely damaged by the British and Americans and Germans and Dutch governments to cover up for a mother fucker like Dr. Sami Assassa, yet I will never blame entire race, even though, they unjustly arrested me and imprisoned me countless times and unjustly locked me up all in all for over 13 years, and literally stole everything from me including all my professional work and sold it for millions, add to that that my state of mind and due to all the mentioned is very down, meaning depressed and very, very sad, yet I will never make this mistakes and place good people that are the majority in every single religion and in every single country and mix them with bad people that are very small portion/minority, less than 2% in every single religion and in every single country. And this mother fucker psychopath and assassin named Dr. Sami Assassa attacks so many people and countries to distract that he as well as a huge network around his life including at least one of my fake mothers are Israeli and my fake mother is 100% Jewish originated from Germany, anyone tells you anything else he/she/they are 100% lairs, PERIOD. As proof of all this look at my file and what the American FBI made out of me, but also the German BND , and if you can also see my file that the CIA most definitely made about me, and in all these files you will find this mother fucker and human trash called Dr. Sami Assassa and all the criminal psychopath Baroudi family as they are listed in the page my family the kidnappers, and all these files will confirm all that, that is if you are allowed to look at my files. Also that would explain why the FBI was officially persecuting me and trying hard to link me to Jewish from ex-Soviet Union, and this because they knew that my fake mother and in around 16 December 1969 exchanged places with her lookalike in the city Sofia, Bulgaria = ex-Soviet Union, and today I know was being followed by at least the American secret service, because my fake mother implicated me with falsified 100 US dollar bills on 11.10.1969 in the bank at the train station in Munich were we were arrested on the spot, which was nothing else but to give the CIA a reason to take me for investigation, but in reality to isolate me and brainwash me, but these falsified/counterfeit 100 US Dollars were not enough and that is why she took me on a brainwash and implication trip from Munich to Syria with unknown to me Kurdish group = most probably worked for Americans and disguised as harmless Kurdish slaves, during which she implicated me in many bad things among others terrorism and delivered me back to Germany and right in to the hands of the mother fucker psychopaths criminal American military in Munich that re-brainwashed me very destructively and enslaved me under the control of their British prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old as I saw her the first time on 20 August 1970 within the American military base. All that is also prove that this human trash and animal mother fucker named Dr. Sami Assassa is an Israeli Mossad agent and an assassin. Who knows how many person this criminal and psychopath has already killed, for sure he is one of the filthy elements in our lives that are responsible for the countless death of innocents slaughtered Palestinian children over 13,000 and over 17,000 adult women, elderly and others and this since 8 October 2023 and until current in May 2024, that alone shows you how filthy are the current Israeli government are and every one that coverup for them, because today I know that they 100% have at least one person in a higher position in Hamas that convinced the rest of Hamas to perform an attack on Israeli enable to give Israel a reason to kill as many Palestinians as possible to scare the rest and force them to run as refugees to Egypt and Jordan and Lebanon, enable Israeli can annex/steal their land because there is no more land where Israel can expand to build more Kibbutz for illegal drugs ( )

6.           This page is also, dedicated to the over 15,000 children and over 17,000 adult women, men  and elderly that were literally slaughtered between 8 October 2023 and current in May 2024 and still counting, slaughtered officially and publicly by the Israeli government that destroyed all the homes and city infrastructure of all Palestinians (=several millions) in Gaza, that makes the Israeli government more than monster, they are animals disguised as monsters. Today, you and I and based alone on this page, we know that the Israeli government are not the only ones responsible for this massacre and genocide, but also the psychopaths British and American governments that want to show that the Arabs and Muslims are bad people and are danger for Jewish as distraction that they 100% control all the Middle East in particular or starting by Syria and Iraq and Jordan and Lebanon and the whole way to Saudi Arabia and every single country bordering Saudi Arabia, and very unfortunately it does not stop there, it also expand to the west of them and into Africa from Egypt to at least Kenia. Welcome to the world of crime organizations that disguise as Samaritan (=”a charitable or helpful person” as it is stated in the Bible) and pretend to be Christians such as Anglican ( that blesses the biggest organized crime family that the world has ever seen, which is the English royal family that are responsible for the death of countless people that today I estimate to be between 200-400 million woman, men and children and this since their existence where they always went around the world to enslave people or kill them enable to force them to server them and see them as Gods and voluntarily out of fear leave the land as they doing today with countless countries including the Palestinians In Gaza. And that you can clearly see that they all pretend to be Christians such as Joe Biden says, and here I am quoting him “I am Irish Catholic”, but also ex-US presidents have similar behavior and also the same in the Israel and the same in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and in every country these psychopath control in the hidden or publicly, such as in Germany the CDU and CSU = ex-German chancellor Helmut Kohl and ex-German Chancelor Angelika Merkel and also ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias Mohi Sabri that used to come and visit us in Cairo, Egypt every a few months and stay with use for 7-14 days and pretend to be Egyptian while he is working for the UK + USA + Israel, anything else is 100% a lie, PERIOD.

7.           This page is dedicated to all Palestinians in Gaza strip and west bank of Israel that are living in hell since 1948, because the Israeli government consist of heartless, brainless organized crime families that heavily involved in illegal drugs. The Israel government creates terrorist groups to attack Israel and blame it on Palestinians to give them a reason to kill Palestinians and steal their land, because there is no more land that they can expand to, and they have been doing that since 1948.

8.           This page is also dedicated to all the deceived Jewish people in Israel that are being sacrificed by the Israeli government through terrorist attacks enable to allow the government to steal and annex lands and expand Israel to have more kibbutz ( with more illegal drugs as competition to Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Myanmar and others

9.           This page is also dedicated to all the suffering Ukrainians through the vicious Russian attacks that are designed to slow the EU-European Union from expanding and adding more trouble to the EU through mass refugees that they have been doing since end of the second world war, and many of these refugees are nothing else but spies working for the UK, USA, Isarael and also Russia, and no one will think that a refugee coming from Ukraine or Russia is a spy for the UK and the USA and Israel, and all these mass refugees are also a very heavy burden on the economies of each EU country. Which very much means that Russia that owns the biggest land on this earth, is doing nothing but helping the English royal families and the Rockefeller families to be more in control than they already are, never forget that countless members of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families are living in Russia since at least 300 and 100 years respectively and are also controlling many parts of the Russian government = mental sickness!

10.      This page is also dedicated to all African that are severely suffering through all the wars that are all go unnoticed due to Israel and Russia waged wars, such as Sudan, Niger and many others and here to the Rockefeller and especially in Nigeria and every surrounding country are trying their best to steal the lands with self-made Islamic terrorist to force people worldwide to dislike Muslims, and not care if they are being unjustly killed as they are doing with Palestinians, but also with Iraqis and still doing it in the hidden in Afghanistan = misuse religions, not only Christianity, but also they misuse Judaism, Islam, and many others = mental sickness!

11.      This page is also, dedicated to the EU-European Union, they are by far not yet perfect, yet it is the only place on this earth that have bigger heart for their own people than USA + UK + Israel + Russia + China + Saudi Arabia, Jordan combined.

12.      This page is also, dedicated to the follow institutions:

12.1.         The city of Den Haag/The Hague in the Netherlands, because and even though I am having severe telepathy attacks and other man-made or forced upon me medical problems, yet only here and since 2016 I am able to think clearly and research my past enable I can understand my life and who was heavily persecuting me from many sides, by among others and totally unjustly, they related me to many illegal things and top secret crimes enable to have the reason to silence me by keeping me busy running and not understanding my own life. Therefore, Thank you Den Haag/The Hague

12.2.         Microsoft for the simple thing, which is Microsoft operating system from MS-DOS/PC-DOS to Windows 1.1 and Windows 95 to Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 (previously named Office 365), which allowed me to document my research and analyze what I documented, while having it backed up to the cloud. Yet I am very disappointed of Microsoft cooperation and IBM-International Business Machine for cooperating with their neighbor and business partner called PB-British Petroleum and their subsidiary called SCS-Scientific Control System in Munich, Germany and in 1984, where they severely brainwashed me, destroyed my relation with many friends such as the woman I loved most alias my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka then enslaved me, stole all my private property documentation that I either gathered or wrote since 1978 that included at that time the best manufacturing specification for how to manufacture a multi-lingual computer system using Urdu languages mixed with Latin languages. And therefore, Siemens AG received an award in Saudi Arabia around 1982/83 for the best multilingual computer system that was developed based on these manufacturing specifications that I delivered to Siemens AG in December 1981 at their manufacturing site in the city of Freiburg in the Black Forest in Germany. Here some of the Urdu and Latin languages:

12.2.1.            Urdu: Indian Urdu

12.2.2.            Urdu: Pakistan Urdu

12.2.3.            Urdu: Bangladesh Urdu

12.2.4.            Urdu: Arabic

12.2.5.            Urdu: Farsi/Irani

12.2.6.            Urdu: Afghani

12.2.7.            Urdu: for more See

12.2.8.            Latin: English

12.2.9.            Latin: French

12.2.10.       Latin: German

12.2.11.       Latin: Italian

12.2.12.       Latin: for more see

12.3.         This page is also, dedicated to the best Internet search engine ever developed, which is, with various languages such as Google.DE, Google.NL, Google.UK, and many others. Since they destroyed my intelligence by causing me total amnesia and kept me all my life as isolated slave and severely brainwashed me, my intelligence was very lacking, because my knowledge was also very lacking. Yet with + + and other local googles I was able to catch up, it is as if I have the entire humanity as teachers waiting for me to learn from them by visiting one webpage or another to learn and research my past. Thank you, Google! It is just like everything that was created by God, from earth to the sun and moon and other planets but also on earth from biology to plantations, weather and countless things that I do not even know, yet I know that they exist and all are waiting for us to learn from them such as medical scientist do, physics scientist do, chemist scientist do and much more = we are all learning directly from the creator of these things, which is God, yet some are so stupid and big headed because they love only their selves and money and do not see what God is offering all of us, just as one wise man once said and I am quoting him: you cannot serve God and the mammon (=money), because you will love the one and hate the other, end of quote, which you can clearly see how much the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + the controlling families in Israel that control the Israeli government, or Jordanian royal family or Saudi Arabian royal family and others, and all of them together hate God, by killing and destroying his creation and stealing what they have, because they are lazy and stupid psychopath and do not want to learn directly from God that is just patient and waiting for them to learn directly from him as millions of  others are doing on a daily basis and this since the existence of humanity. Why does Gid wants us to learn from him? I will also tell you on this page the possibility that I discovered.


Why do I have complaint pages??

(Go to index)

I have created these complaint pages for many reasons. Here are the reasons sorted by top priorities:

1.           To warn other people regardless of religion, race, color, or country of all what is below.

2.           To warn other human beings of telepathy slavery. Telepathy is nothing else than telecommunication and telecontrol directly from human’s brain to another human or even other creatures and objects. Telepathy is a human capability and some human beings with this capability are very good people, and others are animals disguised as human beings and eating the lives of other human beings by enslaving them. An enslaved human being through telepathy is not capable of noticing or recognizing that he/she is telepathy slave or at least that he/she is being manipulated with telepathy. Unless someone teaches him/her how to notice it or recognize it, and exactly this is what I am doing with my complaint pages. And the reason I know all this because I was a hidden slave since my birth and did not notice it or recognize it until some unknown to me person or persons started in March/April 2000, and in Houston, Texas, USA to show me what telepathy is and how it is sometimes used to enslave others.

3.           To warn other human beings of hidden slavery created through hidden organized crime families in almost every single country!

4.           The above 2 points are the current reasons why I am writing these complaint pages.

5.           From 1 January 1984 and until 1 March 2016 I was severely brainwashed and tortured mentally as well as physically and these are the original reasons why I started to complain.

6.           From at least summer 1999 I was savagely persecuted and tortured to force me to be on the run and not be able to think clearly, which lead me to want to leave this sadistic vicious country called USA and live in the International airport of Houston, Texas, USA and was trying to find a way to smuggle myself on an airplane to leave this country, because they kidnapped me from Germany in 1986 and literally kept me as slave in USA without any valid official identification or passport to prevent me of leaving USA and go back to Germany and visit the sadistic family that pretended to be my biological family as they are listed in the page “My fake family the kidnappers”, and from 1986 to 1999 they always forced me to be busy just to survive and make enough money only to cover the expenses of the prostitute these mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum and US + UK government enslaved me under the control of this disgusting filthy animal named Najlaa Mahmoud surrounded by her disgusting animal family, named Khodor, Mushref,  Mahmoud, Ejlani and others that I forget their names, and this in USA as distraction of the English royal family, Rockefeller families and Aramco in Houston, Texas that were the original cause of kidnapping me from Germany to coverup kidnapping me as an infant, and they were forcing me to be and live as hidden slave under the control of this filthy disgusting animal named Najlaa Mahmoud while making me look to others as if I am in total control or even very violent person, which they did that to me also in Germany between 1970 and until they kidnapped me to USA in 1986

7.           These complaint pages are also to complaint about the viciousness of the government of USA that are nothing else than animals mother fuckers that kidnap children, kidnap adults and enslave them to use them as multipurpose decoys but also to cover up for their mass spying networks in the Middle East, and Germany and elsewhere.

8.           These complaint pages are also to complaint about the viciousness of the government of UK that are nothing else than animals mother fuckers that kidnap children, kidnap adults and enslave them to use them as multipurpose decoys but also to cover up for their mass spying networks in the Middle East, and Germany and elsewhere.

9.           These complaint pages are also to complain about the hidden viciousness of the German government and the Dutch government, and both toyed with me and kept me literally as slave as follow:

9.1.         Germany kept me as slave from 10.10.1969 and until I was kidnapped from Germany in September 1986, exception is when I was setup to become Christian and through the church I was most definitely freed of this slavery that officially and publicly was performed by the American military in Munich after they sadistically and viciously brainwashed me to forget my past and enslaved me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old as I met her on 20.8.1970 in the American military base named McGraw kaserne and pretended to be 21 years old with a British passport to show that, whereby the age was 100% falsified in this passport, and I was 17 years old, which makes the British government as prostitute house and the top criminals of our lives. The only times I felt alive with many interruptions is when I was setup to become Christian, and the reason I felt alive not because of Christianity, but and very obviously and as you can clearly see throughout my complaint pages, is because I was forced always to be isolated with no interaction with other human beings, and in the church suddenly I was surrounded by many that literally revived me, among others because most of them were good people, very unfortunately some were not so good, just as it is also mentioned in the New Testament, there is always a traitor everywhere the whole way to the top such as Judas that officially betrayed his friend the alleged son of God named Jesus Christ, But also during my time with my ex-Germany girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka, that was nothing like the women surrounding me all my life alias the members of my fake family that were nothing else than organized crime family that would do anything for money including selling out their mothers and children as well as the women prostitutes they used against me to enslave me and to rape me. In comparison to all these women, Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka was not only an angel from heaven, but also, she was for me Miss Universe. Also and partially during my employment at Siemens AG, I felt very much alive and learned much more than my fake and biological families wanted me to learn, as a result of this they re-brainwashed me and enslaved me between 1 January 1984 and 24.12.1984 and then kidnapped me to USA in September 1986 to prevent me to run away of this filthy disgusting animal that they enslaved me under her control and officially named Najlaa Mahoud, and therewith I was partially slave from 1 January 984 and 100% slave starting 17 October 1984 and until some unknown to me starting in March/April 2000 to show me what telepathy is, and ever since I am on the run, which is another form of slavery

9.2.         The only good thing for me in the Netherlands, is the knowledge that I mainly gained through and in general by using the Internet especially between 2016 and current in May 2024.

9.2.1.            Otherwise, I have nothing good to say about my life in the Netherlands as you can clearly see through all the points starting with this one. In the Netherlands, they are the ones that continued to lock me up starting (July 2000 in USA and) 11.2.2001 in the Netherlands until I was forced to relocate to Amsterdam, and forced because they locked me up and forced my mind to get used to it, and I just was …? I do not know what I was, I just hated my life living between jails, prisons and refugee camps from July 2000 and until May 2012, where I was forced to relocate to Amsterdam, because the municipality of at that time named Bellingwedde (equal to a small county compared to other country) that along with the government of the Netherlands forced me to live in the village Bellingwolde directly on the German border as mean of brainwash and to not only confuse my life but also to force my mind to see that I cannot do what I want, which is go back where these mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum + American government + British government kidnapped me from, which is Munich, Germany and the German government did not only watch them do that, but also they helped them. During my 4 years slavery in this disgusting village called Bellingwolde they tortured the life out of me while they were pretending to help me, in reality they were 100% confining me to this disgusting village enable to force me to write a complaint pages called Wanted starting August 2006 and within the refugee camp called Dokkum in the tiny city or even village named Dokkum in northern part of the Netherlands, then forced me to live totally isolated in the village Bellingwolde, where they forced me to create one page about every single human being I ever knew in my life and everything I knew about this person, while pretending to be helping me by forcing me to be in so called integration course from summer 2008 to end of summer 2010 and then the municipality Bellingwedde headquartered in the small village named Wedde and with the official cooperation of the municipality of Veendam forced me to go in a so called “Bijstand voor zelfstandigen (Bbz)” in English support for assistance for the self-employed, there was a specific program name that I forgot, and in this program they forced me to be under the control of some psychopath mother fucker that pretended to be teaching me how to be self-employed and computer consultant, where really I did not need that, because I was a freelance IT consultant from 1 January 1982 and until June 2000, in Germany and USA by force of kidnapping and isolation of my past and my official family that were in reality my kidnappers, and worked for countless companies from Siemens AG as consultant, to the mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum to people’s bank to Texaco, I even worked for 4-5 months for the American Congress of the USA during Saving and Loan scandal in 1991/992 and consulted them on the bank named  Gibraltar savings in Semi Valley, California that went bankrupt, but also worked for Chevron and other psychopath companies that were a part of the network keeping me as slave in USA (see my resume here: or or or ), which it show you clearly that I did not need all that, I just needed to be free and in a real city that I can speak their language, yet I had absolute no control over my own life any more or even control over my own brain because these mother fuckers had me totally enslaved in Bellingwolde, and to add to my burden they did the following:

9.2.2.            but first here is the document that they kept me busy with for over 2 years, which is 100% a severe brainwash it is in Dutch and I translated it with  (Najar-Nusiness-Plan-EN-2011-november-09-versie.htm)

PDF\Najar-Ondernemingsplan-2011-november-09-versie.pdf) and I used to translate the entire document in around 3 minutes and here is the English version in HTML, then you can translate it to your language

9.2.3.            Forced me to create a business plan that was 100% not a business plan but rather it was a brainwash to slavery, it was almost 100 pages or over 100 pages (I will try to locate it and add it as attachment so you can see how psychopath the municipality was and still is, because they are still persecuting me until today in Mai 2024, yet they changed their name to Westerwolde). A 100-page business plan for something I have been doing since 2001, which is computer consulting!

9.2.4.            Forced me to have a business loan for over 18 Thousand Euro or even more to be computer consultant, which was a mean to keep me enslaved to these mother fuckers while adding to my life problem, which is to have a useless loan that it goes above and beyond my professional need as consultant and above and beyond my financial need in a stupid criminal sadistic filthy municipality called Bellingwedde that changed their name to Westerwolde after I started to complain publicly

9.2.5.            They forced me to be almost 2 years in this fake program to help mee be self-employed as computer consultant, which I have been doing from 1982 and until these psychopath mother fucker prevented me to work enable they can not only suck my mind and my memory but also to prevent me to discover that I was kidnapped 3 times in my life, but also to prevent me to recognize that I was born in the UK and kidnapped from the UK as an infant, but also to prevent me to recognize that I was placed within a fake family that was one of the most sadistic and vicious people I have ever met in my life and today I know why they are like that, because not only they are an organized crime family, but also they are Israeli mixed with English royal family members and mixed with Rockefeller family members and mixed with ex-German royal family members and mixed with Turkish and other nationalities, which I will prove that in this page. Also to prevent me to recognize that I was not the only child kidnapped in 1951/952, but also and to 100% at least my fake oldest sister named Suhair Bdeir was also kidnapped and to 99% my other 2 fake sisters and my fake brother were also kidnapped, because today, and even though I do not like any one of my fake family, yet I recognize that these fake brother and sisters were also kidnapped because they have been used as slaves and do not know it yet, and the prove of that, is that each one of them live not only in another city, but also in another country as follow: My oldest fake sister Suhair Bdeir lived in Amman, Jordan and possibly also in UAE and/or Saudi Arabia, my middle sister named Moni Najar disappeared in Spring 1961 and I suspect her to be a slave politician in Germany, yet her lookalike named Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar that was introduced to me in 1966 in Amman, Jordan, and she is 100% either British or American origin, and lives today and to my knowledge since 1987 in Washington, D.C. and the reason I know that the lookalike of my original fake sister was not kidnapped is because I know that she has telepathy and relocated to Washington D.C. enable she and her destructive children can use their telepath capabilities to manipulate enslaved politicians in Washington D.C., while using me in 1987 as fake brother allegedly originated from Syrian, which are all lies. The youngest sister named Fadia Najar alia Fadia Shawki alias Faida Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Alnagar, 10 years older than me, I believe the original one also disappeared in around 1962 and was replaced by another one, possibly originated from Italy and this one lives between Saudi Arabia and the UK and raising 2 children that are 100% not her biological children neither they are the children of her official first husband because I know the family of her official first husband, and these children are not of them = my fake sister is 100% slave and therewith was kidnapped as child. My fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohmad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar allegedly lives in USA since 1982 and allegedly lives in California since mid-1990s, He is the lookalike of my original fake brother that was introduced to me in 1966 in Amman, Jordan and his lookalike was introduced to me in end September or begin of October 1970 through the psychopath and master criminals the American military in Munich during which they enslaved me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray and this fake brother allegedly has a girlfriend also through the American military in Munich in either October or November 1970, what is strange about him,  is, first he allegedly has no children of his marriage with this woman named Alia Köse and in December 1970, she changed her first name from Alia to Anita as mean of brainwash to me as if she is jealous of the prostitute Anita Disbray. Anita Köse is allegedly Turkish, which and today I doubt very much, among others, because no real Turkish Muslim would ever do anything near what this woman did, which is she lies her teeth out and helped dramatically in brainwashing me and covering up for prince Abdullah of Jordan as he went to Munich< Germany and visited them at their apartment to force other to think I am related to him as distraction of the English royal family and the Rockefeller families, but also I believe she is not Turkish because the Americans have military base in Turkey and can falsify whatever they want to persecute me to death from 10.10.1969 and until at least 2013 in Amsterdam as they did even in the Netherlands by using the Dutch municipality Bellingwedde alias now they are called Westerwolde. Also, this fake brother original lookalike from 1966 was the son of King Hussein of Jordan and brother to his son alias the psychopath and current king Abdullah of Jordan. And what is more strange about this lookalike as you can see his character through his own website ( he cannot think very well, which is a very big indication of hidden slavery since childhood = it is very possible that he too was kidnapped as child to use him as slave decoy!

9.2.6.            Also in and around the municipality Bellingwedde I was severely tortured by their medical professional, and in particular their Dentists and denture technician, by first pulling out all my teeth to change the look of my face, second by torturing the life out of me by always giving me the wrong denture protheses that caused me only pain, and therefore I kept on going to fix it every 2-4 weeks and this in the following cities within the same municipality Bellingwedde and Veendam: Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Veendam, and  Groningen. But it did not stop there they continue the same criminal act even after I relocated to Amsterdam, by using their criminal networking, and it did not stop there they did the same to me even in Hove the UK after I was forced to relocate to live with my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Alnagar, and it did not stop there it continued after I relocated back to the Netherlands, because I had no other choice and relocated to the city of Assen, and there too 2 Dental technician did the same thing to me, by pretending to fix the denture but not fixing it and I had to go back to them and then changed to another one that possibly was the father of the first one, and in September/October 2013, then I decided to relocate to the city Den Haag to escape these psychopaths mother fuckers while seeking protection by the Dutch Royal family and the headquarter of the Dutch government and all the foreigners in and diplomats in this city. All in all I went to over 20 Denture Technicians, 16 of which during my forced upon my housing in the torture village Bellingwolde and surrounding sadistic villages and cities

9.2.7.            The Municipalities of Bellingwedde and Amsterdam reported to the tax office of the Netherlands wrong income to cause me financial damage and force me to be poor, and they did that by reporting the my income of the year 2011 and 2012 as additional income for my income in 2013 and 2014, and there with the tax office asked me to pay them 7000 Euro back due to my fake high income and I was not able to correct this error even though I went to the Tax office building in the city of Groningen myself, but they refused to correct it, then and later in Den Haag/The Hague I hired a professional tax office, but they too and on purpose filed it wrongly, and charged me for it. Therewith and since the year 2015 I was paying monthly installments to the tax office until in around 2017, the Tax office gave me the possibility to fill out a form that I cannot pay the rest and they stopped it, and that makes these disgusting criminal municipalities members to be members of a crime organization that torture the lives of people living in their territories, then persecute them for many years and these psychopaths criminal are still doing it today in May 2024

9.2.8.            Preventing from working since June 2000, and especially in the municipality of Veendam in cooperation with the municipality of Bellingwedde alias Westerwolde to distract me of my own life by enslaving me as it is mentioned above. All of the above shows you what happened when an international organized crime families such as the English Royal Families + the Rockefeller families kidnap children and enslave them all their lives in to their adulthood and use them as slaves and then force them to live isolated in a psychopath municipality such as Veendam in cooperation with the municipality of Bellingwedde/Westerwolde and later also with the help of the municipality Amsterdam and later also with the help of the municipality of Assen to prevent them to find the truth about their own lives, and these psychopaths are still persecuting me even today and in May 2024!

10.      These complaint pages are also to complain about the brainwash and slavery organization called Freemason that the English royal families and the Rockefeller families used against me and also uses not only to network together in almost every single city of our world (in each country they change their name by translating it to the language of the country they are in, and there with you cannot find them easily for example by searching for the word “Freemason” on the Internet, but rather you have to search for them in each country using the translation, for example in Germany they are called Freimaurer, in Netherlands they are called Frijmetzler and in Arabic they are call it “الماسوني” translated back to English it means “The Freemason”!), but also they use the Freemason for mass brainwash by hiding it. They use it to control politicians, business CEOs, presidents, prime ministers, chancellors, and above all to control all the psychopaths slave public royal families in Jordan + Saudi Arabia and in every single country bordering to Saudi Arabia, and I call them psychopaths because they have no loyalty to anything not even to their own children, the only loyalty they have is to the Freemason = to the English royal families + to the Rockefeller families = International Organized crime families with hierarchies!

11.      By using the brainwash of forcing me to be under the control of their psychopath mother fucker that pretended to help me by forcing me to be busy for 2 years writing a business plan of how to be computer consultant, and therewith they 100% prevented me to work from February 2008 and until I was forced to leave this criminal municipality to Amsterdam, then other group took over control of my life and forced me to relocate in May 2013 to my fake sister Fadia Nagar even though I did not want to speak to any criminal member of my fake family, and the reason they forced me to relocate there, to show as we love each other, and that I trust them, which is not true, I used to love every single member of my fake family until I discovered that they conspired together with the American military in 1970 to take me to the American military base in Munich named McGraw Kaserne for isolation and brainwash, as well as to force me to forget my past and enslaving me for 7 years under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, yet at that time in 2012, I did not yet discover that this prostitute was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old, I discovered that after 2018. In short and due to the very destructive brainwash they performed on me in the municipality Bellingwedde alias Westerwolde and all the torture I just totally lost my mind and was not capable any more to understand what was going around me, and therewith I was not able to work, I even was afraid to work, because I saw everyone is after me, because what these mother fuckers did to me uninterrupted as continuation of me being locked up in a controlled environment where I totally have no control what so ever over my own life = severe  slavery not only in the Netherlands and since I was forced to live in this evil municipality, but also before that was being kept locked up between jails and prisons and refugee camps starting July 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA and starting 11.2.2001 locked up in the Netherlands, and before that by kidnapping me from Germany and keeping me as slave in USA for 15 years, and before that through the mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum alias English Royal families + Rockefeller families = owners of BP-British Petroleum that dragged me to the illegal project Calypso in Munich, Germany with the Syrian military and Syrian military intelligence and Syrian secret Service named Al-Mukhabarat, and my fake mother and the mother fucker Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa that pretended to be Syrian Muslim and was persecuting me since 1977 shortly after I became Christian in 1976 and the Bdeir family in Jordan alias the Rockefeller mixed with English royal family mixed with Israeli and this not only in Amman, Jordan, but also in Saudi Arabia, UAE-United Arab Emirate, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and other countries (which I will prove in this page), and all of them together and starting 1 January 1984 persecuted me to death, brainwashed me using the Syria Military that came to Munich to learn the computer system and their goal was to show as if I am Syrian origin and not kidnaped from the UK and was kept as slave within my fake family and therewith I was totally destroyed since 1984 and until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague, and needed 2 years to catch my breath and understand what happened to me since 1 January 1984, yet I was prevented over and over again and as result of me catching my breath after continues slavery, mental and physical torture and as a result of all this I am writing my complaint pages to warn others of these international organized crime families that have a severe influence in every single country of our world including but not limited to Russia and every country in the Russian Federation and this since a few centuries, but also in China, and in every single so-called Arab petroleum country in Asia as well as in north and east Africa  and this spread the whole way to Nigeria and South Africa that was through and through slavery country or country of slavery and today still it is yet not as much as before!

12.      These complaint pages are also to complain about everything mentioned in my complaint pages and are not listed above!


Now you know why I wrote these complaint pages, because the psychopath municipality Bellingwedde alias Westerwolde forced me to do it between February 2008 and until 30 April 2012, with all kind of miss information among others against people in Germany that I like and loved very much and still love today in 2024, and this to prevent me to go to Germany and to keep me here in Netherlands as their slave these mother fuckers no good animals and anti-human, some even would call them Anti-Christ or Anti-Mohmad or Anti-Buddha or Anti-Moses or Anti-Brahma, anti-Vishnu, anti-Shiva = anti-human = anti-God, but most definitely Anti-Freedom + Anti-Democracy!


As you can see, I cannot get over what these psychopaths mother fuckers did to me!


All I wanted in July 2000 as I lived in the International airport of Houston, Texas for 4 weeks looking for a way to smuggle myself on an airplane back to Germany, was to be free and do what I want, and was trying to go back where these mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with the American military and the CIA and the German government and starting 1 January 1984, brainwashed me, enslaved me and kidnapped me from Munich, Germany to USA. Yet instead of being free, they locked me up to cover up for their friends in crime alias the psychopaths mother fuckers’ English royal families + the Rockefeller families. Don’t think for a second that the government of any country will help me, one person with a totally destructed life, to be free of these psychopaths. Only unknown to me person or persons helped here and there, now, and then, yet not enough to be free, anything else is pure lies!


Why do my complaint pages have so many pages??!!

(go to index)

There are many reasons why my complaint pages have so many pages. Here are the most important 3 of them:

1.    I was severely and very destructively brainwashed and enslaved and the more I write about my past the more I can understand it, because brainwash is among others based on creating many simultaneous confusing lies and paradox situations to prevent the brain of understanding the brainwash situation, he/she is in, by creating these paradoxes to confuse the mind. In short, the more I write about my past the more I concentrate on the-one issue or another the more I can understand it the more I discover about my past!

2.    I want to help others be free of these kinds of slaveries and the more detail I write the better others can understand and help them discover similar situations either in their own lives or in the lives of someone they might know.

3.    To help police and politicians see through the mass brainwash created by organized crime families such as my fake family that consist of the British and American organized crime families that control USA, UK and many of the Middle East and African countries, but also in Asia and South America.


Note that since November 2023 I struggled to compile this page

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(This Section was added on 1.11.2023)

To show you some additional prove that the Israeli government is creating terrorists’ groups that supposed to attack Israel as it is needed to distract of other situations while creating sympathy for Israel due to the terrorists’ attacks, therefore I added this section.


All terrorist groups in Lebanon and Syria are guards for illegal drug farms, and their bosses are the owners of these drug farms, and there with the members of the Israeli government including military management such as generals are nothing else but drug lords disguised within the conflict they created through among others the Israeli government, and if I know that, which is proven in my complaint pages, then why doesn’t the Israeli government talk about illegal drugs in Syria and Lebanon and the whole way to Iran, Afghanistan and Myanmar???!!!


But to the point, this will show you several points as follow:

1.           Never forget, that after the second world war that was also fought in the Middle East, most colonialists and military staff never left the Middle East, and continued to try to steal countries by allying with local organized crime families and some controlling families to take over the country by making a revolution often pretending to be against their own families in Europe such as the English royal families or the ex-German royal families, and there with the local population trusted them more. This scheme you can verify over the Internet by checking the history of each country in the Middle East, here are a few of them that all happened after establishing the country Israel after they stole the land of the Palestinians:

1.1.             But first the Second World War in the Middle East alias the so-called Arab countries that are not Arabs at all !!!: Note: If you do not have the time to read the information within Wikipedia in the links below, then just scroll the pages and look at the maps = one picture is worth more than thousand words. All these maps will show you that all the so-called Arab countries are 100% not Arabs at all !!!!! End of Note. 1-Mediterranean and Middle East theatre of the second World War ( ) + 2-Axis powers = Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan. Whereby the wording Nazi Germany is 100% wrong, it should be Nazi in Germany, because most of the German population and from my point of view after looking at German people for 17 years and studying some of the major parts of the second world war, I discovered that over 90% of the German people were lied to, deceived and forced with all kinds of fear strategies to follow the lead of the ex-German royal family that were 100% controlling Adolf Hitler to regain what they lost in  the first world war = the German Empire ( + ( ) + 3-Allies of the second World War were the "Big Four" - United Kingdom, United States, Soviet Union, and China. and their colonies = stolen lands (

1.2.             Syrian revolution in 1949 + 1954 + 1961 (and this after forcing Egypt and Syria to break down their union) + 1963 + 1966 + 1970 = Americans + British + Israeli finally won and kept their Syrian empire under the control of the organized crime family called Assad: ( +  (

1.3.             Egypt revolution in 1952 ( )

1.4.             Iran in 1953 : (

1.5.             Yemen (North Yemen) in 1962: (

1.6.             Iraq in 1958 + 1963 + 1968: ( + ( + (

1.7.             Saudi Arabia in 1963: (

1.8.             And many others

2.           The Terrorist Yasser Arafat (1st President of the Palestinian National Authority in office from 1969 until his alleged death in 2004 + this second link will show you that Yasser Arafat is using the same strategies as Americans by naming an airport after him just as they did among others also in Houston, Texas, USA and named the International Houston airport after the boss of organized crime family Bush and named the airport George H. W. Bush, here again the Israeli destroyed the airport to show as if they fighting Yasser Arafat).

2.1.             The number one worth mentioning about Yasser Arafat, and here everyone can verify these facts. Is the profile of Yasser Arafat on, which you can see also here:, what is odd in this profile, is that and when you compare it with the profile of ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Möllemann ( that was planned to become German Chancelor (= prime  minister = president = more educated = had almost countless government positions), then you will recognize that, while the profile of the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Möllemann and with of his experience, especially in the Arab countries, where he was heavily encaged using the established organization named German-Arab Association, very possibly founded specially for him to show as if he is with Arabs and against Israel, but in reality he was Working for UK/USA/Israel, while his profile was unbelievably trimmed and all major details were taken out  then you will realize that the profile of Yasser Arafat, was to spicy = was 100% written by a very imaginative author that had no idea what Yasser real history was, but he made something spicy out of it to force everyone to think that he was never an Israeli spy, but he 100% was working for not only Israel, but also USA and the UK, and that is why at the end he lived in Tunis, yet the Israeli government never assassinated him and when I started recognizing he was an Israeli spy and kept on talking about it very loudly, during which I was locked up in jails, prisons and refugee camps between the Netherlands and Germany, then and very suddenly Yasser Arafat became sick, and no hospital in the Middle east was able to help him (because he was not sick!), and then and very suddenly the French government picked him up with French plane to allegedly treat him in France, and he allegedly died in France = they faked his death and hid him somewhere with a new identity = he was 100% Israeli, PERRIOD.

2.2.             Why do I think or even know that Yasser Arafat is a spy working for the Israelis + British + Americans?

2.3.             Because from 1960s and until his death he only helped Israel to have worldwide sympathy while creating a total hate against Palestinians and Muslims in general and giving the Israeli a reason to continuously annex Palestinian lands as they are trying to do now in 5.11.2023 and since 7 October 2023 and pushing Palestinians by fear strategies to go to Egypt as refugees and also to Jordan as refugees, then they will try to annex their lands = the Israeli government are thieves, and if the Israeli population alias the Jewish population know what I know, I am more than positive that they will not agree to allow a terrorist working in the hidden for the Israeli government to kidnap over 253 Israeli citizen including citizens of other nationalities, during which they allegedly killed around 1,500 Israelis, and therewith they are repeating what Yasser Arafat did from 1969 and until his death in November 2004

2.4.             The Israeli country was 100% established as a continuous coverup for the British and American hidden properties in the Middle East, which are, listed in sort order of importance to UK + USA:

2.4.1.             Saudi Arabia

2.4.2.             Egypt

2.4.3.             Iraq

2.4.4.             Libya

2.4.5.             Oman

2.4.6.             Qatar

2.4.7.             Kuwait

2.4.8.             UAE

2.4.9.             Bahrain

2.4.10.        Yemen

2.4.11.        Jordan

2.4.12.        Syria + Lebanon + Iran as one unit

2.4.13.        Tunis

2.5.             The above mentioned countries and all of them without exceptions, were using the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1948 as a cheap excuse for restricting the freedom of the population and diverting the taxes to their companies with the reasoning they must build a strong defense system against Israel + UK + USA, and there with the governments of the above mentioned so-called Arab countries  were 100% depriving the population with countless advancements such as good education, and here is one prove, not only me, but also my fake families that are located in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman and possibly also in other so-Called Arab countries, build very bad education systems in their country, while building private Muslim schools to brainwash their students in restricting their mental capabilities as they did to me since my birth, and the controlling family children such as me nephews, nieces, and countless cousins are sent to top schools and universities in UK + USA + Germany + Switzerland and to other countries , enable to force them to think that they are something special while forcing them to look at locals that cannot afford these top educations as stupid that must be controlled on a tight leash as they do with dogs and that is exactly what I saw in my life from 1960 and until September 1986 and prior to kidnapping me to USA to prevent me of recognizing all that in the following countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morrocco, and the following countries I did not visit them myself but I know the controlling families while I also worked for these countries as employee of Siemens AG in Munich Germany: Kuwait, UAE, Oman and later for the concentrated evil company BP-British Petroleum and their illegal and totally hidden project called Calypso for the Syrian government to help them to totally control the Syrian population as slaves until they exploded in their faces starting the year 2011 (

2.6.             Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo and raised in Cairo, Egypt and today I strongly suspect him to have been a Jewish spy for Israel, actually suspect him is the wrong word, I know that he was an Israeli Spy, is the correct word where he became the chairman of the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1969 that is officially was marked as terrorist group by many countries worldwide here are some of them ( + +, note the terrorist group Black September is a branch of PLO, and as they attacked the Jordanian kingdom in September 1970, the Israeli Military disguised as desert nomad called Bedouin ( went to Jordan to aid the Jordanian government, and the reason I know that for fact, is because during that time I was locked up for a re-brainwash by the American military in the military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany from March 1970 and until mid-summer 1972, where the lookalike of fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar was introduced to me in September or October 1970 in the American military base, and pretended to be my brother from Egypt, and show as if he is my brother he allegedly just came from Amman, Jordan where there was a civil war with the Palestinians and to prove that he had belt filled with empty bullets just like cowboys ware and claimed these pullets he collected from the house of my fake sister where he was visiting. And the Palestinians allegedly was shooting like mad people at all houses and apartments from the street, and I believed him at that time because I was hopelessly not only brainwashed but also already enslaved under the control of American military prostitute agent named Anita Disbray, and this since 20 August 1970 , (today and since a couple of days I discovered that that the lookalikes of my fake brother are not 2-3 different persons but rather 4-5 persons that has been exchanging places without me noticing since 1965/66 as it is mentioned above). The PLO were marked as a terrorist group because they performed countless terrorist attack all over Europe and in other parts of the world in the name of Palestinian to force people worldwide to hate Palestinians and even hate Muslims and sympathize with Israel and Jewish, and therewith no one cared when Israeli government literally slaughtered Palestinian men, women and children, and therewith and as Israel continued to steal the land of Palestinians one piece at a time, no one is there to help defend them because the world has marked the entire Palestinian population of many millions as terrorist, and that and from my point of view is 100% unjustified and is totally discriminatory enable to use the Palestinian and Muslim and publicly as bad people and terrorist enable to force the general public to not care about them and agree to mass killing them as they are doing today  in October 2023 and killed so far until 5.11.2023 over 10,000 Palestinians including over 4,000 children as a mass scare tactics used by the mentally totally deranged Israeli (Added on 25.4.2024: as of 28.3.2024 the death toll of Palestinians are over 32,552 Palestinians have been killed and 74,980 injured in Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, 40% of which are children =  13,020.8 children were slaughtered by Israeli = worse than Adolf Hitler{ }, what is strange here, is that I was not able to find new information between 28.3.2024 and today 25.4.2024 = the welfare of Palestinian or the lack of it is suppressed by the media ) + American + British governments to show as if they do not control the rest of the so-called Arab countries, but also to force the Palestinian population in Gaza Strip of 2.5 million to run and escape to the south of the Gaza-Strip and go as refugees to Egypt, enable to annex the Gaza Strip at a later time and that  100% makes the Israeli government worse than what Adolf Hitler ever did during the second world war ( and they doing it right now in October 2023 again, and killed so many civilian Palestinians including at least over 40% of the killed were 100% children, but also killed around 1,500 Israeli by using Hamas to attack them enable they have a reason to invade Gaza Strip and force the population of 2.5 million Palestinian to go as refugee to Egypt and partially also from West Bank to force the Palestinian population of over 3 million to go to Jordan. And then and in the future also annex the West bank = stealing  the Gaze Strip and the West Bank one piece at a time. And that is why the Egyptian, and the Jordanian government closed the border to Gaza Strip and West Bank since 7 October and do not allow any Palestinian to cross the border because they know the intention of the Israeli government. Never forget that Yasser Arafat was 100% working for the interest of Israelis and Jewish in Israel, yet the majority of Jewish I doubt that they know that. See the following point!

3.           In the same period as Yasser Arafat was in Cairo Egypt, I was also forced to live in Cairo, Egypt after I was kidnapped in mid-January 1960 as an 8 years old to Cairo (Important Note: They caused me total Amnesia between spring 1961 and spring 1962, which very much could mean that they took me to Egypt during that period and brainwashed me to think it was in January 1960, and this is also a pattern of brainwashing about certain situation on certain dates but in reality they did it on another date, and there with my information will be wrong and less people will believe me!!), Egypt, where around the year 1962/63 I get to know Mohi Sabri alias the double of the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Möllemann was disguised as the boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi in Cairo, Egypt starting around 1962/63, during which he would come and house in our apartment for 1-2 weeks and then disappear for 3-4 months and comes back for 1-2 weeks and disappear for 3-4 months until he totally disappeared in 1968, and for all I know Jürgen Möllemann came disguised as Mohi Sabri, but I am not sure about that. ( in the first link see the 12th person; and his profile that was 100% very limited to cover up that he was a spy, + He was also the president of the so called Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft (in English The German-Arab Association most of the time since the existence of this deceive organization and until his death in 2004), see also his biography

4.           My fake sister Moni Najar was one of my kidnappers in January 1960 that took me to Cairo, Egypt with fake and falsified Syrian identity, then disappeared in February or March 1961, and this Moni Najar has a lot of look similarities to her double named Mona Abokurah allegedly living now and since 1987 in Washington D.C., but also strong look similarities to my other fake sister named Fadia Nagar living in Hove the UK allegedly since 1970, and above all has almost an identical look to the wife of ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Möllemann named Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff

5.           Yasser Arafat in Cairo, Egypt until at least the mid-1960s and this based on several information from the Internet including but not limited to, very unfortunately, some people have modified the information, just as my fake family has modified countless things about me and about their selves, because out of my entire fake family that I met since 1960, over 150 persons, none of them is originated from the Middle East, yet they fabricated a fake history that goes back to the year 1900 and I believed this fake history until I started in 2016 to analyze my life and everything in my memory. Back to Yasser Arafat being in Cairo Egypt at least to mid-1960, but also my fake sister Moni Najar alias Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff was in Cairo Egypt until at least 1961. Also, Mohi Sabri alias Jürgen Möllemann was in Cairo, Egypt on and off until at least 1968. Not to forget that ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Möllemann was a friend of Yasser Arafat. Also, Jürgen Möllemann hidden slightly look alike and my fake cousin named Dr. Basam Baroudi came to Cairo, Egypt in end 1960 or 1961 to study medicine along with his alleged cousin that was very short around 150 cm and studied dentistry and above all that they all were cooperating in brainwashing me and enslaving me while Yasser Arafat was among others friends with the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Möllemann, which you can clearly see in their photo in this page


Today I know that they all were pretending to be against Israel, and fighting it, in reality they were making a very bad name for Palestinians and Muslims in general to help Israel expand their illegal land territory = they are all con-people and swindlers and above all mass murderer and totally mentally deranged, they do not mind to sacrifice many Jewish lives and many Muslim lives and in general the life of any human being, even children to gain land, because there is no more lands on this earth than what is already exist on it and many organized crime families are creating countless conflicts enable they can steal lands for farming (=illegal drugs), petroleum, uranium, phosphor, gold, diamond and many other natural resources, but also to create slavery countries by creating a new country after stealing one and then create their own laws of slavery and this because all organized crime families are stupid and do not know that they have intelligence and with it they can do much more efficient profit than stealing land, just like many did before them and will do after them such as Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Sergey Brin and countless others that used their intelligence to build something useful for millions of people, actually starting of the second above mentioned names they profited billions of people worldwide and saving them out of poverty = TOP SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE and this unlike the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and their puppets the Israeli government + Jordanian royal families+ Iraqi government, Saudi Arabian royal families and all the surrounding neighboring so-called Arab kingdoms are nothing else than stupid puppets!

(End of this Section was added on 1.11.2023)







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=== 10-4-2024, Important note 1: I struggled since November 2023 to

=== write this page, I wrote the introduction a couple of weeks ago. Yet I am,

=== going to skip it and start it from scratch, yet I am going to leave the old

=== one in this section for you to see,

=== and I am skipping and writing a new very short one to show

=== how much I struggled!!



This page is for me one of the most difficult and painful pages to write about, because I used to love my family until I started gradually to recognize that they are not only my kidnappers, but also one of the most destructive people in my life.


Consider this page as my conclusion of these complaint pages. Some situations within this page are repeated from other pages. In this page I am gathering my thoughts, knowledge, and the destructive situations these people pushed me into.


Also, on this page there are new facts that I discovered recently.


When I write about religion in this page, is only because I was very destructively persecuted in the name of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism as distraction of many facts of my life, such as:

1.           I was most probably and to 99.99% born in the UK and kidnapped from the UK as an infant between 1951 and 1953.

2.           I was used as vacation decoy child for queen Elizabth the Second until around 1962 (I was forced to believe it was January 1960), then I was placed within a fake family in Cairo, Egypt

3.           I was related as a child in 1963/64 to the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann while he was pretending to be Egyptian named Mohi Sabri, enable they can use me to blackmail object against him in the future. Which they did starting 10.10.1969 in Frankfurt, and later in Munich and Augsburg, where he is allegedly was born

4.           Between 1964 and 1966 The Egyptian government and in cooperation with my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, at that time one out of at least 3 or possibly 5 lookalike that exchanged places using the same identity = crimes go undedicated, either tried to get my attention that I am the son of head of a state = president or king or they were using me as blackmail object because today I strongly believe it is king George VI of the UK, they did that by placing me in a private school named “El Kawmia School” near Triumph Square in Heliopolis city section of Cairo, Egypt and in the same class as Abdel Hakim Nasser the son of ex Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser as shown both of them in the below photo taken around the time I was with him in the same class in 1964/1965 and 1965/1966. Abdel Hakim Nasser had 2 adult bodyguards in the class and wherever he went within the school.

A person and child walking together

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5.           As a result of the above attempt of the Egyptian government and my fake mother, I was falsely and most sadistically related to the most vicious people in my life, which are the official and the hidden Jordanian + Saudi Arabian royal families.

6.           I was used between 1963 and the year 2000 as multipurpose decoy by the above-mentioned royal families + other royal families from Oman, UAE, Kuwait as mean of confusion and distraction of me being originated from the UK.

7.           From the year 2000 and until mid the year 2012 I was locked up in one way or another between USA + the Netherlands and Germany, during which I was severely tortured mentally as well as physically as well as forced to create a website called “Wanted” with one page about every person I know as well as about persons have nothing to do with me as mean of distraction of all of the above

8.           From mid-2012 and until end of February 2016 I was severely persecuted and forced to relocate from the forced upon me isolated housing in the isolated village Bellingwolde in Netherlands to Amsterdam, then to Hove, UK, then to Kerkrade, Netherlands, then Harrow-London, UK, then to Assen, Netherlands

9.           In 2016 I relocated to the city Den Hagg/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family + the Dutch government + the many foreign diplomat in this city

10.      Since 2016 I am trying to understand what went wrong in my life by writing down major destructive situation and try to analyze it while placing it in my complaint pages Until current in 2024 I am still trying to understand the hidden from me facts of my own life while writing my complaint pages and publishing them on the Internet to help others see these huge hidden organized crime families


And now and with this page I will show you and prove to you that my fake family named Baroudi was created by many organized (crime) institutions such as and number one the English royal family + the hidden American want to be royal family named Rockefeller. And to create this family they used many including the following:

1.           CIA

2.           MI6

3.           The public Jordanian royal family

4.           The hidden Jordanian royal family alias the Bdeir/Budier family

5.           The public Saudi Arabian royal family

6.           The hidden Saudi Arabian royal family alias the Bdeir/Budier family + Baroudi family + Kheir family + Malas family and others


Each of the above mentioned placed one of their family members using a fake name such as Baroudi + Najar (= Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar/Alnajar/Al-Najar/Alnaggar/Al-Naggar and so on) they sometime add El or Al to the name such as Alnagar or AL Nagar or El Najjar and so on. Many of these people had at least one lookalike that they exchange places with and therewith they can be in 2 places at the same time while pretending not to have been at the one location the lookalike was in/at during that period.


Below are some photographs of some of these top criminals and psychopaths that pretended to be my mother, sisters, brothers, uncles, and other fake relatives. I am covering the faces of most of them, because I do not want any one to get hurt


The best way is to start with my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, which is 100% a fake name and fake identity, which you will very clearly see here.



================= End of 10-4-2024, Important note-1 =================


New Short Introduction as of 10.4.2024

The reason for this page is because the following reasons:

1.   In November 2023 I discovered something new that was shocking, yet I am not shocked because I know that these people are totally mentally sick and psychopaths. It is about prince Abdullah alias king Abdullah of Jordan and his father former king Hussein of Jordan

2.   I had a hearing incident in August/September 2023, that I did not mention in my last document named conclusion extension-1 and I will explain it below because I believe it is important to know this capability, that I do not know exactly how they are able to do it!

3.   I discovered photos that I had not seen before. I call these photos “The brainwash photos”. The reason I call them “The brainwash photos” is explained under the section “The brainwash photos”, yet and in very short: They are trying to force my mind to concentrate on my fake family only on Jordan, which is a 100% distraction of members of my fake and biological families in Saudi Arabia and every bordering country to Saudi Arabia, and in this page I am able to give a very verifiable proof.


I will come directly to the point, the following 2 sections.


More Analysis over my time in the city Unterschleissheim and Cairo, Egypt

(Go to index)

1.          I will make it as short as possible.

2.          Below I have maps of the locations of major things in my life in Cairo, Egypt and in Munich Germany to show the pattern of living close to each other’s

3.          The maps concerning Cairo, Egypt it will show you where I lived, and where the following persons lived:

3.1.          My fake brother directly in an opposite house and never seen him after he moved out during which and without me noticing but to make other see it as distraction of the English royal family. He was visited either by King Hussein of Jordan or another hidden prince. I will call him prince Abdullah-2 because he is an identical look to at that time prince Abdullah alias currently king Abdullah. At that time in 1960s, the current king Abdullah was just under 10 years old, therefore the one I saw was older than me and therewith it cannot be him, therefore king Abdullah has another identical look but older than him which I call here King Abdullah-2, and this king Abdullah-2 has an eye condition that helped me recognized him in a news interview on (=Deutsche Welle = German wave originally a radio station)

3.2.          General (in Arabic = Luwaa) Ahmad Sale Sulaiman, and where his daughter Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman lived just around 40 meters of our apartment yet never visited us, just like all other official relatives never visited us, except a handful and only once or twice to implicate me in one way or another. And the reason they never visited us because I was kidnapped and placed with a psychopath nanny named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my biological mother, anyone tells you anything else is 100 a lie!

3.3.          Where is my first school for 4 years prior to placing me in a private Islamic school in the same class as the son of the Egyptian president as it is mentioned within this page.

3.4.          Where the Queder/Koueider family lived that owned a 2-floor building and only the family lived there, The main man was called Bashier Queder/Koueider, and one of his younger brothers was named Jameel Queder/Koueider and either his son or the youngest brother was named Adam Queder/Koueider that these psychopaths used to rape me at their home. What is odd on the Queder/Koueider family is that Jameel Queder/Koueider had a lot of look similarity to Adolf Hitler, yet had brown eyes, it is very possible that his older brother Bashier Queder/Koueider was Adolf Hitler himself, because what we were told that Adol Hitler allegedly committed suicide with his girlfriend was 100% a lie?

3.5.          Where the Egyptian politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismail lived, that along with all of the above and below mentioned I consider as traitors not only to Egypt but and in general traitor to humanity, because they are the cause of countless paradox situations that was meant as mass brainwash. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael covered up for our relocation to Cairo, Egypt as if we were Syrian, yet he 100% knew I was kidnapped from the UK and that is why he and other government members and in cooperation with my fake mother placed me in the same class as the son of the president of Egypt as mentioned in this page, which was nothing else than to juggle my memory as if they are telling me this is the son of the president with his 2 body guards, and you came here with whom and 2 body guards, or as if they are saying if this is the son of the president then you are the son of whom? Don’t forget they have telepath and they do not need me to say it, they can see and read what I am currently thinking and relating to. This Dardiri Ahmad Ismael lived just 100-200 meters of the Queder/Koueider family and 200-300 meters to my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Alnagar and they lived around 1.5-2 km from our apartment and around 1 km of the school where the son of the president was behind a square called Triumph, which was and as far as I recall just one tram/bus stop his home.

3.6.          Where my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Alnagar along with her neighbor Aljumaiee plus her land lord named Lapeep directly opposite the Air Force Airport called Almaza, and also where the house that her alleged husband the civilian pilot named Afaf Shawki was building his house and he died through a plane crash that he was piloting before completing the 2 floor house with larger garden surrounding the entire house, he even kept in his apartment balcony 2 dears, real live dears that he planned to place in his garden along with other house animals such as Turkey. What is odd about this situation and after his death, this house and all of his belonging was ordered allegedly by the Egyptian judge to go to his parents and not to his wife and 2 children that were 100% not his children, but rather hidden children of Saudi Arabian royal family member originated from the UK, which was his son Essam Shawki that I believe is the son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, his real name is unknown to me, and his sister Esmat Shawki that absolutely does not look anything like her brother nor like her official father Afaf Shawki, is possibly that Esmat Shawki is either a daughter of also Jawdat Baroudi of a different wife or she is the daughter of his Iranian partner in illegal drugs and to complete this partnership, these psychopath donate one child to be the brother of the other child of the partner, it is similar to some organized crime family cut their finger as solidarity with each other’s or let some blood flow = however you turn it they are 100% psychopath organized crime families that absolutely do not care about their children and use them as a business product, crime business hat is. The reason I think of this possibility, is because Esmat Shawki was married to an Iranian that was the son of an alleged rich Iranian businessman. Her husband name and as far as I recall from 1980s, was Rhim or Raheem, and if you consider that the Saudi Arabian government officially is against the Irani government and vice versa, which is 100% the pattern of large illegal drug countries as it is the case in East Asia, Latin and South America, but also Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Myanmar!

3.7.          Also, a couple of maps of Amman, Jordan, and this just to show you that I know where they lived in 1966.

3.8.          Some maps of Munich and these Possibly are the most important maps, because it will show you, that where ever I lived these mother fuckers and psychopaths American military and British agents were all over my life isolating me while networking with the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old when the American military enslaved me under her control, while I was 17 years old and totally confused due to the total amnesia they caused me 8 years earlier and the sever brainwash and stress they pushed me into and forced upon my life between 10.10.1969 and the first time I met this prostitute in the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich on 20 August 1970, and the reason I remember the date exactly, is because her birthday was 4 days later on 24 August 1970, where she claimed to be born on 24 August 1948, meaning just 4 years older than me, yet she was 100% older than 60 years old and I never noticed it because they destroyed my logic. There are many things that I see today that prove to me she was over 60 years old, from the way she walks to the way she moves to the way she talks to the way she oft has problem with the throat, which most people have starting age 60, today I am 72 years old and have these problems, but also how she used to make sex, she never had the climax, and I did not know what climax is at that time, but the first thing I noticed a few years back around 2019 or 2020 that she was over 60 years old, were her finger and toe nails were 100% like mine today. On top of all that she exchanged places with another younger identical  look woman may be 25-35 years old at that time, that was slightly heavier weight, both were around 165/160 cm one was 48 kg and the other was around 5 kg more because the cloths did not fit her correctly, and this was easy to spot, because she always dressed like a prostitute, short skirt just 5-10 cm lower than her vagina and every other piece of clothing except her coat was long purple color and down to almost her feet, and other cloths were just about to fit her and were very reveling of her body to show as if she is sexy = typical brainwash for me, and when they exchange placed the tight clothing would not fit the younger woman, such as the zipper on her pants or even the skirts would not close easily, one week later or more  or less days, all the cloths fit her just fine with no problems, The younger one was a Saudi Arabian most probably married either to the king or some minister and keeping them as slave as they did to me and also do to countless others that I found many of them including but not limited to ex-US President Donald Trump, ex-US president George W. Bush, ex-German vice chancellor Mr. Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, ex-German Chancelor Gerhard Schröder, king Abdullah of Jordan, his father king Hussein of Jordan and many others. Back to the maps of Munich, it will show where my fake brother lived and where I lived, and where the American military bases and Air Force bases were even at that time in the small city Unterschleissheim were many Americans around my life and I never noticed, because they all are criminals because they pretended to be Germans and pretended to have nothing to do with Americans. And here one very, very vital prove: Most members of the American military including Military police, military intelligence and CIA agents, when they retire, often at a younger age, they do not like to go back to USA, not only because USA is much worse to live in safely than any European country, but also many of them do not know how they going to live in USA, but in Germany they have at least 2 opportunities, opportunity one work as a hidden agent for the American military and or CIA and or military police and get paid for it much better than possible salaries they may receive in USA + they can shop countless thing not only tax free at the military shops, grocery store and department stores in Munich and in other areas in Bavaria and Germany, but also the cost of the products and for the military staff are either subsidized or just distributed cheaper, this on top of tax free, which very much means they can save at least half of the expenses in addition to all that in USA there is absolutely no workers or employee protection of any kind, yet in Germany it is all regulated including or above all health system, where they can possible save more than a few thousand US Dollar on a yearly basis = they are much richer in Germany. Opportunity-2 work on the German market and get much better salaries and much better health care, retirement, and countless employee insurances from the employers, which equals thousands of American military staff never relocated back to USA and get the German citizenship and pretend to be Germans even in the small city Unterschleissheim where I lived and was setup to become Christian and then forced to leave this city totally involuntarily, enable to isolate me by persecuting me very viciously and sadistically, and force me to think that my fake family that pretend to be Arabs and Muslims and build Islamic schools and Mosques to show as if they are Muslims, but there is absolutely nothing Muslim on their character, their behavior, their eating and drinking habits and so on. And also when my fake family in the Middle East, Germany, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, UK and in other areas reject me and push me away, then they want me to think because I changed my religion from Islam to Christianity, but in reality they do not want me to see that they are absolutely not Muslim, but rather an international orghanized crime family originated from mainly the UK and USA and some of them from other European countries and many of them from former India alias the current India + Pakistan + Bangladesh and this page will prove that most of them are originated from the English royal families and the Rockefeller families = the biggest and most dangerous organized crime families that the world has ever seen since over 500 years!


King Abdullah of Jordan is a hidden slave that pretended to be my brother!

(Go to index)

In short: King Abdullah of Jordan is a hidden slave because he pretended to be my brother to cover up for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families!


In details:

After I was placed in the same school and class as Abdel Hakim Nasser the son of ex Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, which was as if they are telling me: This is the son of the president of Egypt, and you are the son of whom?


That was the year of 1964 to 1965 meaning the school year started in September 1964 and ended in summer 1965 and in this summer, I was introduced to my new fake sister named Suhair Bdeir from Amman, Jordan. In other page I was forced to write the wrong information that she came to visit us in 1962, which was 100% wrong and brainwash information. She came to visit us in summer or the end of 1965, however she did not stay in our apartment, and I have no idea where she was staying. This is typical behavior of fake family members that come from another country to visit us, yet they do not sleep at our house, and we hardly visit them, and they hardly visit us, except once or twice just to show as if we are related.


Here is why I am today very positive/sure that this evil woman came in 1965 and not 1962, now I remember it better because I am concentrating on it, and here I will write it in 2 points:

1.           When she came for the first time it was the so-called Aid either Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha. Aid means festival or religious holiday, these 2 are the biggest and most important festival/holiday in Islam. Eid al-Fitr comes the first day after the ending of the fastening month called Ramadan, where Muslim do not eat or drink from sun rise to sun set and as celebration for making it for one month there is this holiday. And Ramadan in 1965 ended in on 2 February, and Eid al-Fitr started for 3 days on 3 February 1965, the second holiday called Eid al-Adha comes usually around 3 months later, which was in April 1965, and there with my fake sister Suhair Bdeir came to visit us for the first time and I saw her for the first time in my life either in February or April 1965, which very much means just 4-7 months after I was placed in the same school and class as Abdel Hakim Nasser the son of ex Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Why am I so sure about this this date? See next point.

2.                in these 2 holidays, Muslims usually give children extra pocket money they call Aid’s money (similar Christmas money) and my fake sister gave me some money, much more than I am usually used to get from my fake mother. With this money I traveled to downtown Cairo and went to some movie theaters, possibly it was Metro theater. It was around 12-14 KM from our apartment. And I spent the money on eating something and for the movies and when I went back home my fake sister was waiting for me and asked me where I was, and I told her, then she hit me very badly and said this was money not for the movies. Anyway, with this beating she was forcing my mind to think of her as my sister and to force my mind not to forget the situation. That was the only time I saw her in Cairo, and this situation is the prove she never came in 1962 because I was 10 years old and just had total amnesia and it is impossible for a 10 years old with total amnesia to go alone 12-14 km and know where to go downtown Cairo, because Cairo is huge city at that time with 5 million population  almost 10 times as big as the city I live in right now named Den Haag/The Hague and 5 times larger than Munich where I lived almost 17 years and did not know Munich well the first 7 years, because the evil American military enslaved for 7 years. Which all in all shows how severely I was brainwashed to not see through these situation


The following year they brought my fake brother and told me he was raised by this evil stupid fake sister, which was a lie. He was the only one of our official but fake relatives that stayed at our apartment. However, I cannot recall for how long, possibly a couple of weeks but maximum 3-6 months and then moved out of our apartment and lived in an apartment allegedly by himself in an opposite building and I never saw him after that. During which they removed me from this private school in 1966 and placed me in a very bad public school called Altabari in an area called Roxy around 4-5 KM from our apartment and I started there with grade 6. My school grades were always very bad, until I was placed in this private school and in the same class of the son of the president, where I suddenly had 3-4 school friends that helped me in school and my grades went from 55% to over 90%. In 1966 and after they placed me back in public school, my school grades went immediately from over 90% to 60%, which equal from A to F or from 1 to 5, I just barely past to the next grades.


Now to king Abdullah or his father king Hussein. My fake brother had an eye condition, where he closes his eyes 3-5 times very quickly right behind each other’s. in November 2023 I saw an interview with king Abdullah of Jordan on the DW-Deutsche Welle on the internet ( and he had this eye condition, and I was shocked, because I never saw any other person in my life that had this eye condition, except my fake brother in Cairo, Egypt in 1966/67, then I never saw this evil person until the American military brought a new lookalike in around September or October 1970 in the American military base in Munich, Germany where I was held for re-brainwash and enslaving me under the control of their British prostitute named Anita Disbray.


As a result of me seeing king Abdullah of Jordan on the news with this rare eye condition and the many other situations in my life, such as some persons pretended to get my attention of me being related to the king of Jordan or using me as blackmail object. These who tried that were mainly in USA and in the Netherlands, but after I relocated to the city Den Haag, I recognized these situations and I tried to verify these situation by searching my history to find link to the king of Jordan, and the only link I was able to find is that my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar is a hidden son of king Hussein. But after I saw that interview, I remembered my fake brother having this eye condition. As a result, I reanalyzed my past and came with the following conclusions:

1.           King Abdullah and at a younger age had almost identical look to my fake brother, since king Abdullah was officially born in 1962, this mean he was just 4 years old in 1965, then it cannot be him, therefore I concluded that king Abdullah has another almost identical look brother or cousin, or it was possible his father king Hussein that on purpose and as distraction of the Son of the Egyptian president situation mentioned above, came into my life for others to see as distraction of English royal family and queen Elizabeth going on vacation and exchanging places with my official mother and pretend to be the same local woman and my mother.

2.           In reality, I never looked at the face of my fake brothers and saw in his face king Abdullah or his brother or even his father king Hussein, but I found what is mentioned below that 100% point to these 2 stupid psychopath kings and slaves of the English royal families and also slaves of the Rockefeller families which I will prove in this page

3.           The Eye condition is the first situation pointing that there is a hidden of the public older brother of king Abdullah or it was king Hussein that was sometimes exchanging places with my fake brother as distraction of the psychopath sadistic queen Elizabeth the second. Or not even exchanging places all the times, only one time when I saw him with this eye condition, then all he has to do is to go and visit my fake brother in his apartment, and many will see that, I never did, because once he moved out of our apartment in Cairo, that I estimate as follow, he came in to my life summer 1966 as I saw him for the first time as I was sent on summer vacation to Amman, Jordan. Then he came to Cairo to live with us in 1966 and went to the private Catholic/Kupti (Kupti or Gupti is Egyptian Christian that claim to be the first Christian community in the world, and this school and based on the information I found on the Internet, was a joint venture between the Kupti/Gupti and Catholic churches) school called San George, while they removed me of the private school and placed me in very bad public school named Altabari. Sometimes either in end 1966 or begin of 1967 my fake brother moved out of our apartment and lived in an apartment by him self in a building directly opposite our building, at least that is what I was told, and I never saw him after that, which shows clearly that my fake sister came only as introduction to this criminal and psychopath mother fucker, and he came only to distract of the question that I was supposed to think of, which is ”if this the son of the president and with 2 body guards, then you are the son of whom with body guards?”, the reason I did not think of this question is because they caused me a total amnesia and was 100% not capable to think at all, I even was once scared to death because it rained and there was some thunder while I was walking from the elementary school called Aal-Saoud to our apartment, roughly 400 meters. It was the first time ever that I saw rain and hear thunder and was crying and running home while scared to death! Another possibility is that the person came was really the hidden brother and hidden double of the current king Abdullah and pretended to be my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, then moved out our apartment and never seen him again until the criminally insane and psychopaths American military in Munich introduced me to another lookalike, whereby this look alike is not identical lookalike and I will never notice it, because all of the stress and beating they caused me while my logic and memory were 100% destroyed and now in end of September or begin of October 197o I see another person he claim to be the same brother from Cairo, Egypt and here too I was totally stressed, isolated and manipulated with telepathy and since I sis not see the other criminal since at least begin of 1967, which equals 4 years, I am 100% not capable to see any differences and follow what I was told that this criminal is the same criminal as before = severe brainwash and destruction of the mind since his childhood and even now while I am 17 years old and even later they did the same again and kidnapped me from Germany to USA and kept me as slave for 15 years, then locked me up for 12 years and persecuted me for another 4 years until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague trying to understand what happened to my life, freedom and everything associated with them!

4.           The timing of the son of the Egyptian president situation and the new fake family from Jordan coming to my life and pretending to be my sister Suhair Bdeir that allegedly raised my fake brother in Jordan as a reason why I never saw him before and never heard of him before and as distraction of the Egyptian president’s son situation.

5.           The fact that my new fake brother lived with us for a very short period and moved out and lived in an apartment in an opposite building, yet I never saw him after that, meaning he came to my life in 1966 and moved out to live alone in 1966 and I was told a lie that my sister from Jordan is paying for his apartment, for the house keeper, for the private school called San George and for his pocket money. For all I know he left Egypt after he moved out, I have no way to verify this except the photo he placed on he Internet through the website ( and I downloaded a couple of years ago, but now he removed this photos of his website. Which very much means that he lived from at the latest end of 1966 and until I was removed from Egypt to Germany on 10.10 1969 in a building just 30-40 meters of our building and I never once went to his apartment and he never came once to our apartment with the reasoning that he allegedly does not get along with the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri alias the hidden German politician and ex-German vice Chancelor and spy named Jürgen Möllemann, yet this Mohi Sabri never lived with us on a permanent base, he only came and lived with us for one to two weeks and then disappeared for 3 or more months and when comes back claimed to be on a police assignment in another Egyptian city. And this situation alone shows that not only they are lying but also they are covering for the spy ex-German vice Chancelor and spy named Jürgen Möllemann while planning to use me as blackmail object against him in the future and as distraction of queen Elizabeth the second = English royal family and/or Rockefeller family and or their slaves the Israeli government or all 3 of them working together, which I will prove within this page, all it takes is one solid  and undeniable prove which I will show you in this page that many people and all governments can verify or even already know.

6.           Add to the above that I have a twin that took my place in Cairo, Egypt with the same name as me, and this twin could be not twin, but a very lookalike and most probably older than me, because it is the pattern that they use 2 lookalike one is often older than the other by 5 years or even 30 years as they did with the British agent prostitute name Anita Disbray, one was over 60 years old and the other identical look was between 25 and 35 years young. The same is valid with my fake mother she had at least 2 other lookalikes, the same is with 2 of my 3 fake sisters = they are all psychopath and dangerous for any human being. The first time I noticed this pattern of 2 almost identical lookalike yet with large age difference was with the American military agent and prostitute the British named Anita Disbray that came into my life on 20 August 1970 pretending to be 21 years old while she was most definitely over 60 years old or at least over 50 years old and I never noticed that and she exchanged places with another identical look prostitute that was between 20-30 years younger than her, until the church freed me of this slavery in September 1977

7.          Add to the above that the new lookalike of my original fake brother that was introduced to me by the American military in around September/October 1970 as distraction of Egypt and this one also avoided seeing me, even though we both allegedly lived in and around Munich from 1970 to 1982, yet I saw him maybe 10-15 times in 12 years. And when he lived in Munich sometimes in the mid-1971 or 1972, prior to that he lived in a small city just outside south of Munish called Unterhaching, he was always with his alleged girlfriend that he pretended to  have married her, yet I was never invited to a wedding, anyway, today I believe one of these criminal kings of Jordans were coming to his apartment in Munich and sometimes even exchanging places with him, because sometimes he had this mentioned eye condition other time he did not have it, which means they were 2 different persons, and the reason I am more than positive that they did that exchange is because they wanted others to notice it as distraction of queen Elizabeth the second, except I did not, because the king/prince had 2 bodyguards with him, and sometimes when I went to visit my fake brother in Munich, he would avoid me and avoid that I see his face and he be busy playing chess with these 2 men that they pretended to be the brothers of his wife, yet today I believe they were the kings/prince of Jordan bodyguards and that is why my fake brother would avoid me seeing his face with all kind of tricks including manipulating me with telepathy. All this to force others to think I am related to these mother fuckers that I never ever saw in my life prior to 1965.

8.          Add to all of the above that my fake brother kept on relocating in Germany and from end of 1970 to April 1982 he relocated maybe 4-5 times then he allegedly relocated to USA in April 1982. After I was kidnapped to USA in September 1986, and in USA this criminal relocated maybe 10 times. Today I am guessing because king Abdullah and based on his profile on Wikipedia he allegedly invests heavily in real estate worth 100 million US Dollar, which means he use my fake brother to buy a house or an apartment and use it once or twice for hidden vacation and then rented out, just as queen Elizabeth of the UK used to do. In USA this fake brother moved allegedly from his house in Bridgeport Connecticut that he allegedly bought it with 5,000 US Dollar I sent him from Jordan in around 1982 or 1983. And this just to force me to think he is poor, anyway, he pretended to relocate to Houston, Texas in around spring of 1991. And in Houston, he kept on buying a house and moved to it and then bought another one and moved to it while he pretended to be unemployed. He did that at least 4 times from spring 1992 to spring or summer 1994 then he moved to Florida, then he moved to Austing, Texas, then he moved to California and in California he kept on relocating or just getting me messages that he keeps on relocating = he is through and through a psychopath just like the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families

9.          Last but very important point: this new Nick Naggar placed many photos on his new website (( that he created or was told to create as reaction of my first forced upon me website called Wanted and published from roughly spring 2008 to April 2012 and again this new complaint pages ( and as back up ( + ( since roughly ( from May 2018 to current in May 2024. He removed most of the photos, but I took copies of them and they are in other pages to see such as him in the school photograph with other students. And the only reason he created this website ( only to get my attention to King Abdullah and to force me to blame everything on the Jordanian royal family and my fake sisters in Jordan and especially Suhair Bdeir as distraction of queen Elizabeth the second, and the rest of the organized crime family in every single Arab country in Asia and in Eastern Africa, as it is mentioned in detail in other pages, and when you consider that they went through all the trouble these psychopaths went through by using American military + CIA + MI6 to relate me to countless things from Queder/Koueider family alias most probably the family and relative of Adolf Hitler to the hidden relatives of the Bush family in Cairo alias Lapeep and Aljumaiee families, relating me to Russian spy in December 1969, relating me to counterfeit US Dollar bills, relating me to PLO terrorism, relating me to 2 illegal drugs farms in Lebanon, however and when you look closely they also started by relating me to Israeli spies by letting ex-German vice Chancellor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” disguised as Mohi Sabri and as he was young come to visit us on a regular base 2-3 times yearly starting roughly 1963, then re-brainwashing me as I was 32 years old in 1984 and in Munich, Germany, then enslaving me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA where they kept me as slave for 15 years, then locked me up between Houston, Texas, USA starting July 2000 and later in the Netherlands and Germany until the year 2012 which all in all together means they are hiding something else, that today I believe it to be that I am the younger brother of queen Elizabeth the second, not to forget my double that took my place in Cairo Egypt starting 11.10.1969!


The hearing incident in August/September 2023

(Go to index)


NOTE TO MYSELF: Add the reason of the hearing is to put the blame of Khalid Abokurah being a mental hospital in Cairo or even to confirm it on another woman that has only look similarities with her look but no look similarities with her character!!!???




I think this is an important small incident, that may help others recognize telepathy attacks, however this was no attack but rather a message whispered into directly my ear.


Enable to explain this very small but significant incident, I must give you some explanation to make it very clear why it is important. Please be patient in reading this section to make it easier for you to understand the point and see the pig picture!


Very important note 1: Never forget Telepathy is the wrong description of this human ability, the correct description is “Human Telecommunication and Telecontrol”, because it is direct communication from brain to brain and also direct control through from one brain to another brain and body parts or even objects. Yet I keep using the word Telepathy because it is found in many dictionaries, even though it is the wrong wordings!


Never forget: We cannot be better than our all best teacher, which is God, we all learn of him on a daily basis, from medical science, to biology, to weather, to space and it is endless, and everything we develop, he has already developed before humanity has existed, including Telepathy and we imitate telepathy by creating smart mobile phones and internet, anything else is 100% a lie!

End of very important note 1.


Very important note 2:

I believe this message that was whispered into my ear had several reasons, here is the most important on: In my complaint pages I have mentioned that my fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar had a son named Khalid Abokurah and I last saw him in around 1978 or 1979 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. I saw him many times prior to that, yet what is important is that I claimed that he was used as target practice for telepathy by his brother(s) and sister, as a result his behavior was very disturbed, such he would though objects at a TV screen and damage the screen or through food or drinks on others such as waiters in restaurant and other totally uncontrollable behavior. I am not positive about his age, he is most probably born around begin of 1970, because as they once visited me in Munich around 1976/77and we went to al lake nearby he get lost and he was around 5-6 years old, this mean in 1987 around 15/16 years old. A few of year later I was told that he was delivered to hospital for mentally insane in Cairo, Egypt, and since officially his father dead in November 1999, then he had only his mother and brothers and sister and they are all in Washington D.C., USA and since I discovered that my fake sister Mona Najjar and at least 2 of her adult children have telepathy, and since I believe that she is not Jordanian, but rather Saudi Arabian originated either from the English royal family in the UK or the Rockefeller family in USA, then I concluded that she pretended to be Jordanian as distraction of Saudi Arabia that is 100% under total control of the Rockefeller family and the English royal family at least since 1915, possibly since 1900, then I further concluded that my fake sister and her son and daughter al 3 have telepathy and living in Washington D.C. for one reason only, which is to manipulate government officials such as congress members or senate members as mean of hidden slavery for the Rockefeller and English royal families, and to confirm all that, which is also mentioned elsewhere in my complaint pages, is that and while I was in the refugee camp called Ter Apel in the Netherland and after the American invaded Iraq in 2003, and I believe this incident was in spring 2004, I saw in the TV news, possibly it was CNN, that they were interviewing one of the new ministers of Iraq hat were set by the American military, and I was shocked, because I recognized him as my fake nephew Abdullah Abokurah the official son of my fake sister Mona Najjar, while Mona Najjar claimed a couple of years later that Abdullah is in Washington, D.C. married to a some East Asian woman and is very poor working as worker for 5 Dollars and hour, and this even though he went to a University in Tennessee = nothing adds up = lies. Back to Khalid Abokurah and being in hospital for mentally insane since around mid-1990 and in the year 2014 I wanted to confirm that and get his address of my fake sister and called him from the Netherlands to the Hospital in Cairo, Egypt. And I wrote in my complaint pages that my fake sister Mona Najjar and her adult children do not care about their brother and that is why they placed him far away of them, where the do not have to visit him. And the herring incident mention below was about the lookalike of Mona Najjar that is allegedly is Moni Najjar alias the wife of ex-German vice Chancellor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann”. And therewith Mona Najjar is putting the blame on her look alike by wanting me to believe that Khalid Abokurah is not her son but rather the son of her lookalike that allegedly still live in Cairo, Egypt, which I cannot verify, because I do not believe anyone from my fake or biological family, unless I can verify it myself.

End of very important note 2.


Now to the incident, I do not know the exact date anymore, but it was sometimes between August and September 2023 and before I published the page “Summary of my life as hidden slave, added on 17.10.2023”.


I was alone in my apartment and was performing some physical activities to stay fit, and suddenly I was thinking about what I wrote in my complaint pages, which was as follow: the boyfriend of my (fake) mother named Mohi Sabri, that was (allegedly) Egyptian police officer, took me once in Cairo, Egypt on a trip without telling me where we are going and we landed in the penthouse of the famous Syrian/Lebanese singer and actor named Farid al-Atrash ( The penthouse was in its own building, and as far as I recall, it was in an area called Dokki Giza. It was between 10 and 15 floors. I was maybe 13 or 15 years old. After entering the penthouse, there was inside a built in fountain that was around 2 meters diameter, and the water goes around 1.5 to 2 meters high. I never understood why he took me there, and how come he had the key to this penthouse of this very famous singer and actor since 1940s and until his death in 1974.


Small but many important notes about this situation:

1.           In 1969 I was taken from Cairo, Egypt to Munich, Germany over Frankfurt, where I was severely setup as follow:

1.1.         On 10.10.1969 my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi introduced me to a new person and forced me to think it was her boyfriend Mohi Sabri that I had not seen since around summer 1968. But this man was 100% not Mohi Sabri, his height, skin color, hair style and entire being was 100% not Mohi Sabri. And this brainwash situation was to distract me of the actual Mohi Sabri that today I know it was either the double of ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Möllemann ( or it was him. For more information see below the section named Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann”

1.2.         Took me around 10 December 1969 from Munich on a brainwash and implication car trip through several countries including Syria for 10 days, Jordan, 5-7 days, Cairo 3-6 days and back to Munich on around  15 January 1970 and forced me to apply for political asylum and tell them that I escaped Syria by obtaining a PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization ID that my uncles get me (, (today I know they were and still are my fake uncles and one of the most sadistic and vicious Americans + British + Germans that I ever met in my life that pretended to be Arab Muslims), enable to leave Syria pretending to be going to fight Israel at the Palestinian front from Jordan, and once in Amman, Jordan the family of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that were hidden partners and relatives of my fake uncles get for me a new fake Syrian passport from the Syrian Embassy in Amman, Jordan, where then I left with the Airplane to Lebanon, then Cairo, Egypt and back to Munich, where I was forced to apply for political asylum and between 10.10.1969 and 15 January, my fake mother and in cooperation with 3 of her official but fake brothers in Damascus Syria + the 2 families of my fake 2 sisters in Amman, Jordan implicated me unjustly with counterfeit  100 US dollars, Illegal drugs in Lebanon, spy ring from ex-Soviet Union, where my fake mother exchanged places with another lookalike in the city Sofia in Bulgaria, which was at that time part of the ex-Soviet Union (only the Rockefeller and English royal families can enter and exit ex-Soviet union and in particular Russia because they are related to the controlling families in Russia such as king George V of England was the cousin of the last Emperor of Germany named Kaiser Wilhelm II and cousin of the last Russian emperor named Nicholas II, and all 3 of them were the grand children of the British queen Victoria for more info see the following 3 links about these 3 kings + +  and above all to be related to the above mentioned PLO ( ) that was at that time designated as the biggest terror organization worldwide and until they replaced it in 1990s with the Al-Qaeda ( all this to give the CIA + the American military the authority to take me of the German government and into the American military base named McGraw Kaserne allegedly to investigate me, but in reality these mother fuckers were isolating me and enslaving for 7 years under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be only 4 years older than me, where I was 17 years old at that time, and total confused and hopelessly brainwashed, among other by causing me a total amnesia between spring 1961 and spring 1962 (originally I thought it was in January 1960 but now I discovered it must have been during this mentioned period)

1.3.         In The American military base, they severely stressed me and brainwashed me in a very sadistic and most destructive way, that I totally forgot my past and saw these mother fucker’s American military as my family.

1.4.         During the period of March 1970 and summer 1972 the American military created several brainwash situations to test me if I either recognize the one thing or another or relate to it. One of these set ups, and at the American military base and between March 1970 and roughly July or August 1970, they brought a young Lebanese man that was working at this military base, his name was Raja, he had a brother that I used to claim he was the famous Syrian/Lebanese singer/actor Farid al-Atrash, this brother was living somewhere in Munich, yet his brother Raja was practically homeless just like me and working for the American military for pennies (pennies as mean of describing our very low income, around 25-40% of what a person would earn for the same activity when working for a German employer, an example, I was earning around 400 Deutsch Mark = Euros, for working as kitchen helper at the soldiers restaurant, while working more than 40 hours per week, where they claimed based on the German laws and since we are in Germany I am not allowed to earn more than 400 per month and not allowed to work more than 50 hours per week. All other work colleagues were working from 5:30 in the morning and until 18:30 in the evening = 13 hours per day, 6 days per week 70-80 hours per week = slavery!) and getting a room to sleep in also within the American military housing area in an area called Perlacher Forest. Back to the brother of Raja, he looked a lot like Farid al-Atrash (Farid is also written as Fareed), but most probably it was not him, it was a very lookalike to test me if I relate to Farid al-Atrash and the situation where I was taken by Mohi Sabri to his penthouse in Cairo Egypt. Mohi Sabri was not only Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” or his double, but also he was a spy for either the UK, USA or Israel, my guess for all three, because the English royal family and their American relatives the Rockefeller family control a major part of USA, and uses Jewish, or better said misuse Jewish and Israel for spying on their own partners as distraction of their selves and that is a fact as you can clearly see not only in this page but throughout my complaint pages. What is very odd is that Farid al-Atrash is very, very lookalike of the fake Lebanese consul in Amman, Jordan Named Ali Barq. Ali Barq’s family were tobacco and illegal drug farmers in an area called Jubail/Jbail/Byblos (I was also taken there in 1966 by the Bdeir/Budier family alias a hidden Jordanian royal family originated from UK + USA) around 30km north of Beirut, Lebanon ( Also, the Lebanese named Joseph Azrah/Azrath’s family are illegal drug farmers in a village, name unknown to me, but I was also taken there in 1966 by the Bdeir/Budier family. Both Ali Barq and Joseph Azrath were not only business partners with the Bdeir/Budier family (=families) but also best friends that were seeing each other’s on a daily basis as I was taken for 3 month vacation from Cairo, Egypt to Amman, Jordan, Beirut + Jubail + Tripoli + a hidden village somewhere north east of Tripoli, Lebanon, where everyone I saw in that village had at least one visible weapon on him/her, most of the people had 2 weapons, a gun on the side and a rifle on the shoulder = Illegal drugs. The Bdeir/Budier family in Amman, Jordan and in many other so-called Arab petroleum countries are the family of my fake sister Suhair alias Susu/Soso Bdeir the wife of Sief Aldin Bdeir and the sister in-law of Mohamad Ali Bdeir the father of Essam Bdeir + Omar Bdeir + Othman Bdeir + Lena Bdeir and others unknown to me and all of them are 100% hidden Jordanian royal family by stealing Jordan sometimes between the First and the Second World War = between 1914 and 1945. Not to forget that they own and/or control many things in Jordan, just as it is in a kingdom, such as Royal Airforce, Royal this and Royal that including Electric company, phone company, water company, Private schools, Construction material large store almost in every Arab country, Construction Engineering, Jordan Airline and the list is endless, yet what is important here is that they also own and operate 2 cigarettes factories called Philadelphia and Reem, whereby my fake niece the daughter of Seif Aldin Bdeir is also named Reem, she allegedly was murdered and buried in some forest in USA, at least that is what I was told until I discovered that she was the double of Princess Haya of Jordan. Back to the cigarette’s tobacco that are brought from Lebanon through Ali Barq and Joseph Azrah as cover for the Illegal drugs. This while Ali Barq pretended in my presence to be the Lebanese consul in Amman Jordan from 1966 to 1986, but also my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi pretended to be the Syrian consul in Amman Jordan (also in Cairo, Egypt in the begin of 1960s) during the same period, yet today I know that Jawdat Baroudi is 100% member of the English royal family and older brother of prince Andrew of the UK (,_Duke_of_York) and (small possibility OR) member of the American hidden royal family called Rockefeller and is 100% member of the Saudi royal family, while he is white, blond and blue eyes. This while my other uncle, as shown also in this page, named Jalal Baroudi pretended to be Syrian consul in Geneva, Switzerland, Moscow, Russia, Sao Paulo Brazil as well as in Cairo, Egypt in the begin of 1960s. Today I am more than positive that Jawdat Baroudi and his criminal mother fucker son named Hani Baroudi were working with and for Aramco in Houston, Texas while I was being kept as slave in Houston, Texas from January 1991 to 10 February 2001, add to that that the official brother-in-law of Jawdat Baroudi is a Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa in Grünwald around 10 km south of Munich and this mother fucker criminal tried to murder me in 1981 by setting me up to have crystal drugs while forcing me to believe they were small diamonds that I was supposed to take from him in Munich to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi in Saudi Arabia, where I was arrested at the Airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and was taken to a bus where there was a long queue /row of people were also arrested and taken to this bus, yet some unknown to me person saved me using telepathy and forcing me to request to speak to the officer in charge  and I showed him a letter that I had from my employer Siemens AG that I am here on the request of the Saudi Arabian government to test the computer system delivered by Siemens AG to the Port’s Authority headquartered in Riyadh. In short Siemens AG or a colleague at Siemens AG noticed this set up I was pushed into by Dr. Sami Assassa and my Employer and as precautionary measure gave me this official letter, whereby I did not understand why I had this letter until recently in 2024, because Dr. Sami Assassa set me up several times very destructively to force Siemens AG to fire me to prevent me to keep on traveling on Business to the Middle East, yet Siemens AG was always monitoring me with Telepathy because they used me as blackmail object to get their Port’s Authority project that started with 35 million US dollar in 1978 for feasibility study for all 14 ports in Saudi Arabia, and they get the project 1-2 years later, and the project grow to over 2 Billion US dollar in the year 2008 as I researched it on the Internet, As you can see these organized crime families are heavily involved in countless illegal activities including children kidnapping as it is highlighted also in this page (where I recently in 2024 recognized other persons that were also kidnapped as children and related to my life) and in the page Kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children. Also Dr. Sami Assassa’s wife of the family Ejlani have two brothers in Alexandria Virginia, USA, just outside Washington, D.C. where my fake sister Moni Najar alias her lookalike Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar that allegedly lives in Washington D.C. since 1987 with her children at that time between 10 and 18 years old that are today adults, while one of them named Abdullah Abokurah I saw on TV while I was forced to live in a refugee camp in the city Ter Apel (headquarter of all refugee camps in the Netherlands) in the Netherlands between 2003 and 2004, during which the American that invaded Iraq because they claimed that they had mass destruction weapons, yet more than half of the countries worldwide have also mass destruction weapons, yet they did not find any mass destruction weapons in Iraq, they invaded Iraq enable they can steal their petroleum and add it to their petroleum worldwide monopoly and also to set their puppet government, which they did, and one of the new puppet minister was being interviewed, I believe it was by CNN-Cable News Network, and he was 100% my fake nephew Abdullah Abokurah, just with a different name (or it was his identical twin, my fake family and biological family are specialized in making twins and other identical lookalike cousins to uses them in governments), this while my fake sister Mona Najjar claimed that her son Abdullah Abokurah was married to a woman originated from Philippines and working as laborer (=blue collar = manual labor = street like worker – 5 dollar an hour worker). Today I also discovered that this fake sister is most probably and to 99% is member of either the English royal family or the Rockefeller family and pretended in my presence in 1966 and in 1969 and between 1971 and 1986 to live in Amman, Jordan. Spring 1986 was the last time I went to Amman, Jordan to visit my 2 sisters, that turned out to be my fake sisters. This while I was hopelessly enslaved in USA after these mother fuckers enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA. I was enslaved by the mother fuckers American + British + my fake family by using the absolute identical scheme as they used on me in 1970 and enslaved me using the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray in 1970 and this time on 24.12.1984-1999 they used the prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Syrian and has many families in USA, one is named Mushref in Allentown, Pennsylvania and another named Khodor and are not only live in several states in USA, but also live in Washington D.C., and others live in California but I forgot their names and some of them are friend with my fake sister Mona Najjar and the Ejlani brothers = a huge networked organized crime that is involved in illegal drugs, spying, kidnapping children, mass murder to steal entire countries and the list is endless.


Now to the point of this section, which is the hearing incident in August/September 2023.


As I mentioned before I was in my apartment and performing physical activities to keep myself fit, and suddenly I was remembering Mohi Sabri taking me to the penthouse of Farid al-Atrash, and very suddenly I heard someone talking to me as if this person is standing next to me and his mouth is very close to my ear and telling me the following: Mohi Sabri took you to the penthouse because your sister Moni Najar was living there. End of hearing.


First thing I never ever had this kind of experience before in my entire life. I was shocked because there was no one in the apartment beside me. My guess that a person with telepathy can possibly place what he heard in my brain in the same way as he/she heard it or can activate something in my brain to make it look like as if the person is standing not only next to me, but also his/her mouth is only a couple of centimeters of my ears. Also, the voice is very familiar to me, which was 100% the voice of my fake sister Mona Najjar that allegedly still living in Washington D.C. since 1987. Was Mona Najjar talking to me or was it another person using telepathy to force these thoughts upon me, I do not know who it was yet the voice it was 100% of my fake sister Mona Najjar, I have many of her photos from Facebook, but I am not going to place them here.


Back to the message I heard, what did it really mean, did my original fake sister Moni Najar live in this penthouse of Farid al-Atrash or somewhere in the same building? I do not know which possibility it was; another possibility is that I am forced to think that Moni Najar still live in Cairo, Egypt as distraction of she living in Germany!


I do not know, what I know for fact is the following short version: I was taken to Cairo, Egypt officially in January 1960, yet I discovered that they caused me a total amnesia sometimes between spring 1961 and spring 1962, therefore I do not know when they took me to Cairo Egypt, maybe in End of 1960 or between 1961 and 1962, one thing I know for sure, everything I was told about my origin and the origin of each member of my fake family were 100% lies. Also and officially I was taken to Cairo Egypt by my official but fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her official but 2 fake daughters Moni Najar and Faida Najar, Moni officially went to Amman, Jordan in Spring 1961 to help her alleged sister Suhair Bdeir during her delivery of her daughter Reem Bdeir, that today I know she was the double of princess Haya of Jordan (, yet Moni Najar never came back and they claimed she fell in love with a man named Abdulghani Abokurah that allegedly was living in Beirut, Lebanon as the local CEO of the Jordanian Airline called Alia. My other fake sister Fadia Najar, allegedly fell in love with our neighbor named Afaf Shawki that lived in the next apartment to our apartment along with a Canadian, and both were allegedly pilots at the Egyptian airline called Egypt Air, whereby I have very destructive brainwash situation with the CEO of Egypt Air, in 1968 and around 10 January 1970 and very destructive brainwash situation with the Jordan Airline Alia between 1982 and 1986 and very destructive brainwash situation in 1981 with the Saudi Arabian airline named Saudia = they are all relatives and working closely together in various legal and illegal activities including illegal drugs. The problem here is that I have absolutely no memory whatsoever with these 2 fake siters living with me in Cairo Egypt. The one, which is Moni Najar from January 1960 to spring 1961, and the other, which is Fadia Najar from January 1960 and until she came back from Yemen in around 1963 or 1964. Fadia Najar allegedly married the neighbor Afaf Shawki, and after a few months she went with him to Yemen, where he was supposed to train Yeminis to be pilots and after 2 years she came back, and my memory of her starts after she came back, and it is absolutely no good. If she really went to Yemen, then the one came back is another person, because my memory after she came back has mainly 2 very contradicting things as follow:

1.    I believe the one that went to Yemen was a man disguised as a woman and wife of Afafa Shawki, that later remained in Yemen as a spy with the intention to build division in Yemen. The reason I think of this possibility that it was a man went to Yemen pretending to be my sister, is because when Afaf Shawki came back had another woman with him that pretended to be my sister. And this is 2.5 to 3 years after they get married, and suddenly this new fake sister is pregnant and in delivery, and instead to get a doctor or a professional woman in Egypt the call her Dayiee in English it is Doula (, the mother of Afaf Shawki was helping my fake sister in this alleged childbirth, while the father of Afaf Shawki named Hamed Shawki was with me waiting for the alleged delivery in the living room, today I believe he was there to keep me of going to the bed room and see what is going on, because I was not allowed to be in the same room (=bedroom), I was being kept in the living room. The apartment of my fake sister had 3 rooms, one was double room with no door in between, which was the entrance room opened and connected to the living room = both one large room, and another room used as dining room and another room used as bedroom. I was in these entrance rooms and hearing my fake sister shouting or screaming or just making fake noises, and suddenly the mother of Afaf Shawki comes out of the bedroom with something in her hand that looked like flesh with blood on it and she put it in a bag and through it in the trash and said to me that was a bad delivery the child did not survive. Today I know what she had in her hand was not a baby, not even close to it, it was as if she had something similar to a beef steak with some red color, just to force the mind of a child, me, to think his sister was pregnant just had a bad delivery, and it would always stay like this in my mind for other persons with telepathy to see. Now considering that most people, especially Arabs and especially in these times, at least in Egypt, where there was no birth control pills, married women get pregnant within 2-4 months and not after 2.5 or 3 years, add to that that Afaf Shawki died in a plane crash that he was piloting and a Yemini minster was on this plane, as it is mentioned in other pages with photo and newspaper copy, add to that the official 2 children of my fake sister Fadia Najar and her husband Afaf Shawki are 100% not the children of Afaf Shawki, at least the son named Essam Shawki allegedly living in Brighton UK, is white, blond and blue eyes, and no one in my family has these description except my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi as mentioned above that I believe is hidden English royal family member and older brother of prince Andrew of the UK (,_Duke_of_York). Back to me living with my two fake sisters in the same bedroom in Cairo Egypt, yet I have absolutely no memory what soever of any of them waking up with me, going to bed in the same room, having breakfast, lunch, dinner or going out with them to any place what soever = severe and very destructive brainwash. Add to that that my fake sister Moni Najar allegedly was working for the all new Egyptian TV, and the only prove I have for that, is that she allegedly was on the cover page of a famous Egyptian magazine called Al-Musour (in English: The Photographed, the cover page said “Open the TV to see this beauty” yet this is only in my memory = fake memory forced upon me with telepathy) + I am allegedly walking her, as protection to her, from our apartment in Cairo, Egypt at 5 O’clock in the morning to the TV bus that allegedly goes around to pick up employees that live far away and stops at the house or building of each of these employees = stopes at the entrance of our 2 floor apartment building, meaning me as 9 years old and in 1960 just walking to protect a 19 or 20 years old woman to walk from the entrance of our locked building door to the bus that stops at the entrance of this building. We had a building guard, he was an old man, maybe 60 years old, very skinny and tall, named Muhawed, and used to sleep under the stairs of the building, in night he used to lock the metal/glass door with the key and in the morning unlock it and if any of the tenants comes in between 22:00 and 6:00 in the morning he has to bash at the entrance door and this guard will open for him. Sorry for all the details, it is just to show you not only how I think, but also the reasoning why I doubt many things that are in my own mind, because they were forced upon me brainwash with telepathy = wrong information = my own brain contains lies = I live in a house of lies!

2.    The second thing that my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar has, is that she suddenly loves Italian food, and goes herself or send me to an Italian small supermarket to buy Italian grocery such as cold cut named Mortadella which is pork meat and pork meat is highly forbidden in Islam (, but also she taught her 2 children named Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki, that were both born between 1964 and 1966 are still 2-3 years old to call her Mino or Mamino. Today in 2024, I know that none of the members of my fake family, and especially my fake mother, fake sisters and fake brother have absolutely nothing in their lives that is known to me, and it makes any kind of sense = Organized crime families


The strong look similarities (=lookalike) at a younger age, disappears as the lookalikes grow older and fatter!

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The organized crime families I am complaining about use very frequently doubles, meaning 2 lookalikes, sometimes these lookalikes are twins (=2), triplets (=3), Quadruplets (=4), Quintuplets (=5) or more. Sometimes these lookalikes are cousins, sometimes are very distant cousins and sometimes these lookalikes are the result of planning to have a lookalike by coming an incest.


Meaning of incest and based on ( is when close relatives have sexual interact, such as parents with children, brothers with sisters or even with grandchildren or a combination. Many controlling families perform or commit incest enable to have lookalike. In today’s medical knowledge and based on what I read a while ago it is possible to plan to have a lookalike with the help of medication, and that is why there are some gynecologists that are specialized in the birth of twins and more than twins.


But why do some people want to have lookalikes?


Mainly organized crime families that are often controlling families build upon lookalikes.

What is controlling families?


I call families that control a village, a city a country or several countries as controlling families because they control the population as 100% mean of slavery, such as royal families, which you can clearly see with the English royal families that control not only the United Kingdon (=England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) but also control a big part of the Unted States (that is why it is also uses the same scheme of slavery as the United Kingdom) Canada, Australia and all of the so called 54 Commonwealth countries that were nothing else but slavery country of the United Kingdom, and very unfortunately it does not stop there and in cooperation with their American relatives such as the Rockefeller families, they control big part of Russia, India some parts of China and also many petroleum countries, among others the following countries:

1.           Saudi Arabia and every bordering country to Saudi Arabia as listed between the number 2 and number 10

2.           Yemen

3.           Oman

4.           UAE-Unted Arab Emirate

5.           Qatar

6.           Bahrain

7.           Kuwait

8.           Iraq

9.           Jordan

10.      Israel

11.      But also and in the hidden the below countries

12.      Syria

13.      Lebanon

14.      Libya

15.      Parts of Egypt

16.      Parts of Sudan and the whole way to Kenya

17.      Nigeria

18.      Niger

19.      And many others in the absolute hidden


And in these countries, they need lookalikes to be presidents, prime minister, king, Sheikh and whatever other names they use as the so-called head of the state. We do not need head of the state, what we need is a team to administer the country for the interest of the population of the country in cooperation and for the interest of all neighboring countries.


In this page and in other pages of my complaint pages you will see how they use lookalike, such as my twin, and the lookalikes of my fake brother, my fake middle sister Fadia Najar and lookalike of my middle sister Moni Najar, and it does not stop there, even my fake mother has at least 3 different lookalikes that she exchanged places with and I never noticed any of these lookalikes until I started to analyze my past in the smallest details and discovered that the woman that the mentally and psychopaths and sick and dangerous to every human being and is called American military (=American government + English Royal families) severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under a British citizen that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old to prevent me of ever to have my own children, and this psychopath criminal woman named Anita Disbray had an identical lookalike that was around 25-35 years old and was living in Saudi Arabia either as the hidden wiofe of the king or one of his ministers and keeping them as slave because both of these criminal and disgusting English royal families prostitutes had telepathy that they used severely on me to keep me as isolated slave. In other words the lookalike of Saudi Arabia would come to Munich Germany and exchanged places with the Anita Disbray and pretend to be my wife while she is on vacation and goes around working with other man or even men and this from 20 August 1970 and until the church separate me by force of these women in September 1977 in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany.


These lookalikes, even if they are identical lookalikes and as they get older they change in their look and if they were not identical twins, then as they both as the same time of at different times reach the same age, their look is not identical any more.


Here is an example, my fake niece named Reem sometimes is also written as Riem Bdeir, which is West European name, she was a very lookalike of princes Haya of Jordan, in matter of fact both were on purpose and based on a plan overweight as mean to force every one to think oh, this is the overweight woman, it must be princess Haya of Jordan, meaning each 2-4 lookalikes that exchange places, they have something in common that all use to confirm as if they are ethe same person, some times it is one thing other times is more than 2 things, such as ex-US president Donald Trump disgusting personality that when he makes a speech he dances like a male prostitute on the stage to show is if he is open minded, but he was trained for that for years as he was a TV show host, but also he has heavy make up on to hide the differences between him and his lookalike, and both dye their hair unusual very bright light blond = it always lookalike it is the same person. Also, my fake brother dresses in certain ways and wear a unique silver ring with a skull in addition he has his Turkish alleged wife and when he exchanged places with prince Abdullah of Jordan (they are 2 almost identical look with at least 10-15 tears old age differences) pretend to be the husband of Alia Köse alias Abita Köse the alleged Turkish wife of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, and when I used to see him in 1966 for the first time in Cairo, Egypt I never noticed that they are 2 different persons, until recently I discovered that in November 2023 and through a news interview with prince Abdullah of Jordan alias the current king of Jordan named king Abdullah, and the way I discovered it, is that my fake brother in Cairo, Egypt and in 1966 had a very rare eye condition, where he often blinks 3-5 times right behind each other’s within seconds. And this Eye condition I never seen anyone have in my entire life except my fake brother that was a very lookalike of the double of prince Abdullah. Prince Abdullah was born on 30 January 1962. And in 1966 they introduced to me my fake brother that allegedly was raised in Amman, Jordan by my fake oldest sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier with the nickname Susu, Soso or Sousou and this as distraction of a setup was performed by the Egyptian government with the help of my fake mother in that they placed me in a prive school some end of 1965 named Al-kawmiyah (in English: nationalisim) and in the same class as the son of the president of Egypt named Abdel Hakim Nasser the son of ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, as it is showing at the top of this document. Which was as if they were telling me: “This is the son of the president, and you are the son of whom??”. Which was nothing else than blackmail against the English royal family, and to distract of that, they brought my fake sister in begin 1966 and took me to Amman, Jordan for summer holiday in 1966 and brought my fake brother to live with us in Cairo Egypt, then and after a short period that I cannot recall how long it was, it must have been between 2-6 month, he this fake brother moved out of our apartment to live alone in his alleged apartment and I never seen him after that until the psychopaths American military in Munich brought a totally new person as distraction of the other 2 from 1966 and this in September/October 1970 in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne (is closed since 1992) in Munich Germany where they were holding me for isolation, re-brainwash to forget my past and to enslave me under the control of a 60 years old woman that was pretending to be only 21 years old and 4 years older than me a 17 years old with a total amnesia from around 1961/1962  sever brainwash ever since, which lead to the total destruction of my intelligence to prevent me to think and understand what I see = they are all psychopaths and animals in disguises as human beings.


That was in nut shell using lookalikes that are not even the same age and this lookalikes and many times disappears at an older age, for the one reason or another, such as they are not from the same parents, they have a different eating and drinking habits which lead to different look.


Hers is another small but vital proof: my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier that was the hidden lookalike of princes Haya of Jordan ( and in the begin of 1980s went to a specialized clinic in Switzerland, officially to lose weight, in reality that teaches her how to maintain her weight and how to behave to stay a very close lookalike of princess Haya of Jordan. Also king Mohamed of Jordan the brother of the current king of Jordan, went to another hospital also in Switzerland for mental treatment, because his brothers were using him as target practice for telepathy, which drove him crazy, just like my fake nephew Khalid Abokurah that I saw many times in Amman, Jordan and Munich between 1976/77 and 1985 and one time after I was kidnapped from Germany to USA and literally kept as slave for 15 years until I tried to Escape and then was arrested and brought to the Netherlands on 11.2.2001. This Khalid Abokurah  had a very disturbing behavior and I never understood why, until after the year 2000 where I started to look at my life and after the year 2016 I realized his at least 2 brothers  and one vicious mentally sick and psychopaths sister used him as target practice for telepath, which drove him crazy and they locked him up in a mental hospital in Cairo, Egypt to not have to visit him, and I called him in that hospital in 2014 to verify that and spoke to him, I wanted to help him, because I knew he is not crazy, but I was my self in big trouble ever since I was born.


Today in May 2024, I believe and due to my complaint pages the ruler of UAE-United Arab Emirate alias the ex-prime minister Mr. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum  ( ) and his helper read my complaint pages and realized that their ruler is slave himself because he was married to Princess Haya of Jordan ( and she exchanged places with her either older sister or cousin alias a hidden princess of Jordan alias my fake niece named Reem Bdeir/Budier. Princess Haya of Jordan was born in 1974 while reem Bdeir/Budier was born in the begin of 1961, and the reason I know that for sure, is that my fake sister that I never in reality seen and named Moni Najar and allegedly worked for the Egyptian TV, I was brainwashed to believe she lived me since my birth and went to Cairo along with another fake sister and my fake mother and me in January 1960 and suddenly in spring of 1961 she allegedly went to Amman, Jordan to help her alleged sister Suhair Bdeir with her pregnancy and delivery of Reem Bdeir, and never came back, and she was replaced in 1966 with her lookalike named Mona Abokurah in Amman, Jordan. Starting Summer 1966 and until summer 1986 I saw Reem Bdeir several times and one time after they kidnapped me to USA and she came allegedly to visit me in Houston, Texas, USA, in Summer 1994 allegedly to prepare for a marriage with an Palestinian man, and allegedly both will live somewhere in Pennsylvania, USA, which was a couple of thousands kilometers away of me and near Washington, D.C. = I cannot visit her and verify these lies. The real reason they came to visit me, is to make sure to place it in my mind that she is married and live in USA, just in case I see her in the news as princes Haya of Jordan and simultaneously refresh my alleged connection to the Palestinian terrorist group named PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization (, where today I know that the PLO was controlled by an Israeli spy named Yasser Arafat ( Today in May 2024 I believe that after the UAE Prime minister or his helper read my complaint pages, which caused his wife problems and she fled sometimes in 2018/2019 to he United Kingdom and not to her alleged family the Jordanian royal family, and ever since she lives in the UK.


TO complete these lies my fake son came to the refugee camp where I was forced to live since February 2001, he came I believe on 27.12.2002 and we separated in summer 2003, I believe my original fake son never left USA and who came was not my original fake son, yet I cannot verify that, I place my conclusion on many things that happened during that time and before and after but also on his behavior and the benefit of the evil English royal family that kidnapped me the first time as an infant and implicated me in countless things as distraction of their selves. Any way he told me after he came that my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier was allegedly murdered by her Palestinian husband and buried in some forest until the FBI allegedly found her body and arrested her husband. Which all lies and he claimed that my fake sister Fadia Nagar in the UK called him and told him that, which also it does not make any sense that my fake sister  can find him in USA, where I had no idea where he was, above all I do not trust any member of my fake family especially my fake mother, and her fake 3 daughters and her fake 2 sons alias me and my fake brother. All in all it is a confirmation to my brain that she is dead just in case I see her in the news. It is the absolute same strategy as they used with me with my original fake sister Fadia Najar that I never seen in my life prior to around 1964, and the same strategy as they used with my fake sister Mona Najar that I also never seen in my life until they introduced to me the lookalike in Amman, Jordan in 1966 and it is absolute the same strategy as they used with my fake brother that was introduced to me in 1966 and disappeared of my life the latest in spring 1967 and never seen him again until the evil criminal prostitute house name American military introduced to me his lookalike in September/October 1970, and it is also the absolute same strategy as they used with the alleged boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri that was nothing else than the German politician and the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann ( that used to come and house at our apartment for 1-2 weeks, maybe 3-4 times every single year since around 1962/63 and used him to rape me enable they can use me as blackmail object against him, which they did and the details of all these mentioned criminal and psychotic strategies described in more details all over my complaint pages.


Also it is important to note that the official ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann in 1945, which means he was 17/18 years old as I saw him the first time in 1962/63 and was 22/23 years old as I saw him the last time in Cairo Egypt which was in 1968, yet Mohi Sabri and based on m educated guess, was at least 5 years old meaning around 28 years old in 1968, where his official girlfriend alias my fake mother that had 2 birthdate and I do not know whish one, if any, is the correct one, she claimed to have been born in 1926 yet her parents allegedly changed her birthdate 1921 allegedly enable to get married as 13 years old, and these lies just to make the mother of my oldest sister Suhair Bdeir that officially is 14 years older than me, meaning born 1938, yet Suhair Bdeir is 100% not her daughter, which I will prove in this page. Which all means my fake mother was 37 or 42 years old in 1962 and 43 or 48 years old in 1968 as Mohi Sabri disappeared of our life in Cairo and in 1969, she and her fake brother Dr. Farzat Baroudi living on Wald Weg in Hamburg, claimed that they found Mohi Sabri, he allegedly went on vacation to Turkey and from Turkey he allegedly escaped to Germany where allegedly applied for political asylum. On 10.10.1969 my fake mother took me to Frankfurt allegedly to live with her boy friend and in Frankfurt this prostitute woman introduced me to another man, that was shorter, darker skin and much skinnier and to make sure I believe this scam that this new man is Mohi Sabri and at his apartment we all slept on the floor, and while me giving them my back they made noises as if they were having sex, and not sleeping on the couch, he had a couch that can be converted to a double bed in just a few seconds, which means they just want to force me that this prostitute and street whore fake mother of mine sleeps only with her boyfriend. The following day and early in the morning around 8 O’clock she took me with the train to Munich and disappeared a couple of weeks later, very possibly went back to the real Mohi Sabri, because she had telepathy and with it she promoted him to become the German Chancelor, but he just made it to vice chancellor and died in 2003, I believe 100% he was either assassinated by the German government or he killed his double and escaped, because they were close to him, because he was 100% a spy working for the British and Americans, while making it to look like he is an Israeli, because the first thing an Israeli agent does is to attack Israel to show as if he is anti-Jewish and anti-Israel and the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann ( was famous for being anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian just like the Israeli agent Yasser Arafat that fooled the world from 1960s and until his disappearance in 2005, where the French government 100% helped cover up for his real identity as it is described elsewhere.


How come I am sure that the German government possibly either assassinated him or he killed his double and disappeared?


Here are the reasons:

1.           First of all, I did not know that Mohi Sabri is Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann until after the year 2021, where I took a closer look at his photographs and suddenly saw in him 2 different persons that I knew 100% Mohi Sabri plus a slight lookalike and with some disguise material equals 100% look alike, which is my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi that pretended to be a medical doctor, and maybe he is, yet I do not trust any one of my fake family, because all of them I get gradually to meet or know about after they caused me total amnesia, meaning after 1961/1962, and Dr. Basam Baroudi was officially in Cairo, Egypt allegedly to study Medicine yet I saw him maybe at the most 2-3 times between 1961/62 and 10.10.1969 where I was removed from Egypt, and they replaced me 100% either with my twin brother or a very lookalike person and I have countless solid proves for that

2.           Between 11.2.2001 and spring 2002, the Dutch immigration set me up several times to go illegally to Germany and 100% in cooperation with the followings:

2.1.           German government

2.2.           The church where I was setup to become Christian in 1976, which was the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim as multipurpose setup, which I will skip the reasons her, except one, which is the pastor that baptized me and taught me countless good things to get me out of the severe brainwash that was performed upon me by my fake family and the American military and enslaving me under the control of a 60 years old woman that pretended to be 21 years old in 1970 and pretended to be 28 years old in 1977, when she left my life due to some hidden persons in the church performed many things to scare her away, and she left in September 1977. The essence here is that and today, and even I loved that pastor that baptized me in 1976 because he taught me countless things that my fake family and English royal family and the concentrated evil American military did not want me to learn, yet today I see a big sing that this pastor had possibly 2 different and contradicting jobs, one as pastor as needed in special operations such as mine, and the other I suspect him to have been either American, British or German special agent, most probably German, even though he did not look any where near how an average German look like, he looked more like native American or a mix between East Asian and possible European.

2.3.           Amy ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka


The reason they set me up and forced me for the first 2 times to go illegally to Germany, is to refresh my memory of my German friends at the church and ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and both performed several actions to force me to remember my past, very unfortunately not to help me, but rather to use me as blackmail object against the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and my fake families that 100% consisted out of members of Israel mixed with members from the English royal family mixed with members of the Rockefeller families and mixed minor other groups.


Also on this second trip to Germany that was forced upon me as 2nd illegal trim to Germany within 2 weeks, the first was 19 December where I met 2 friends and was very disappointed of them, the second was on 7 January 2002 where I went to the church and met several persons that I knew from before as well as I met my ex-German girlfriend that I was very much in over with her and I was 100% separated of her on 17.10.1984 by using brainwash and telepathy, but I did not recognize that until after the year 2002, and gradually many things I did not recognize until after the year 2016.


However, and the most important 2 incident related to Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was as follow:


Indient-1: on 19 December 2002 I went from the refugee camp in the tiny city called Ter Apel in the Netherlands (=the headquarter of refugee reception centers) to the church in Unterschleissheim, Germany hitchhiking with several cars and trucks, One of these persons that took me along for a short ride, I believe possibly from Frankfurt to possibly Stuttgart, was a man a very lookalike of Moho Sabri, I noticed that he had a lot of look similarities but I did not think much about it, I thought it was coincident until I remembered the situation a couple of weeks ago in May 2024, and then I understood in May 2024m that most probably the German government was testing me and to see using telepathy either through this person or another person following us with another car, if I can relate to Mohi Sabri and to what I relate, most probably to see if I am one of the conspirators or spies


Incident-2: Once I arrived at the church, one of the persons I used to know and I considered to be my friend, suddenly she is 100% pretending to be the ordering unfriendly chief secretary of the church, by shouting at the real secretary as if she works for her and criticizing her in a very bad manor, and since I knew this woman, well enough to know that she was anything but a friendly polite and a very considering person, it was all an act, then this woman, I will leave her name out invited me to stay over night at their home with her husband and daughters. Today I think she and/or her husband were either working for the German government or American government or even English government, yet and due to the situation in this point, I believe she was working for the German government while being surrounded by many Americans that were pretending to be Germans in my presence. Because Americans were stationed in many areas in Germany and this since the end of the second world war in 1945 and even now in 2002. To the incident, I was very depressed and was constantly crying when I am alone and they knew that, because in night time and as I was seeping at their home in alone in the bed room I was not only crying, but also constantly cleaning my nose and forgot to remove all the napkins from under the below, then and after 2-3 nights they offered me to sleep alone in the community center of the church, which I did because I felt a shamed that I could not stop crying, because the more I remember the more I understand the more I am shocked of all the situations around my life since I was kidnapped to from Germany to USA in September 1986 and literally kept as slave in USA until I tried to escape in July 2000 by living in the airport trying to find a way smuggle myself on an airplane to go back home. Which was Germany. Today I know I have no real home, because I was kidnapped 3 times in my life because the English royal families and the Rockefeller families are the biggest feelingless psychopaths of our world. All these details are necessary to make the entire situation clear to understand. Now to the situation. And while I was still staying at the home of these alleged old friends, I was 100% delegated with telepathy to go to the basement, that they made out of it a second big family living room, and used the phone in the basement and while I was alone, to call the telephone information line and ask them for the telephone number of Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt, which was the last place I saw him and until this point of time I did not know that who I saw in Frankfurt was 100% not Mohi Sabri, anyway the information gave me a number, and I called the number and some young boy answered and I asked is this the home of Mohi Sabri originated from Egypt, he said yes and called very loud in German “dad it is for you” and a man answered and asked him is this Mohi Sabri the police man from Cairo, Egypt, and he immediately hang up the phone, and I was surprised that he hang up the phone.


Here is my analysis today in May 2024 of this phone call from January 2002:

1.           First of all and 100% someone forced me with telepathy to make that phone call, I never ever thought of Mohi Sabri since last allegedly meeting him in F4rankfrurt on 10.101969, among others because I was severely brainwashed by the Americans military between 1970 and 1977 to totally forget my past, which I did. Second, I have no reason to remember him or call him. Third he was used to rape me once in around 1966/1967 to use me as blackmail object against him., and no one will call his rapper after 23 years and while is in this situation. It is very possible that the person I called was not even Mohi Sabri, it was all phone games created by the German government to see to what I relate to, because possibly they were not satisfied with what I related to as his lookalike gave me a ride just 2 days ago, and if the German authority created all that to see what I relate to, then they knew something about him being with my fake mother, meaning possibly my fake mother was the official first wife Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, and then for one reason or another they separated and he was forced to marry the lookalike of my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar alias my original fake sister Moni Najar that I really never met in person and was brainwashed to think I know her. And this Moni Najar is his second wife named Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, and that would explain that I was not able to find any information about his first wife, except that he has one daughter of his first wife as it is mentioned in more detail below in this web page or PDF document.


It is all conclusions based on my life experience and the house of lies I was to force to live in until I relocated to the city Den Haag seeking protection of these psychopaths that were constantly persecuting me ands causing me countless severe damage to me physically, to me mentally and to my entire life and the state of my life that turned to be not a life any more but through and through and 100% hidden slavery under severe sadistic mental. physical, social and professional heartless torture, and during the partial protection I am having here in the city Den Haag/The Hague, I was able to expand my knowledge and intelligence and catching up thanks to among others the Internet, and other factors in my life here and since 2016.


Some male disguise as female and some males are forced to look like female to cover up slavery!

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Here I like to give 2 real life examples of persons disguise their state of male to female or vice versa. These 2 examples are pure conclusion and the only proof I have for them is what is written within these 2 examples and my entire complaint pages!


Example-1: Queen Elizabeth the second of the United Kingdom and with no doubt and in cooperation with her huge international brotherhood kidnapped me the first time along with many other children, I believe to have found at least 2-3 of these kidnapped children, which are 2 of my fake 3 sisters, and possibly all 3 of them, yet because they use lookalike it is sometimes difficult to see through. But also, I believe one of the lookalikes of my fake brothers is also kidnapped as either an infant or as child and in any case, they caused all of them total amnesia to use them as slaves as they did to me. And to cover up for many things they create a 2 or more photographs as deceive and distraction of kidnapping these children, and here are 2 of these photographs:

Please note I made the below 2 photographs very small enable I can fit them in one page and to make my point. The larger versions of both photographs are to be found below in this web page/PDF document.




A picture containing text, indoor, computer, picture frame

Description automatically generated

A framed picture of a group of children

Description automatically generated with low confidence


Photograph-1 to the left:

The adult women in the below photographs are 100% different women.

The woman with number-1 is supposed to be our mother but I never saw this woman ever in my life, I only know her of this photograph at the top.


The woman in the lower photograph with the number-2 and with the man supposed to be our mother, but she is not she is just a slight lookalike.


Child 2 is supposed to be my fake sister Moni Najar that I strongly suspect her to be Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, the second wife of ex-German chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann.


Child 3 is supposed to be my fake sister Fadia Najar.


Child 4 is supposed to be my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar.


Child 5 is supposed to be me Mohamad Nuzhat Najar, where you can clearly see that they dressed me as a little girl, which lead me to conclude that queen Elizabeth the second used me as vacation decoy daughter or a younger sister until 1961/62. Then and most probably used another innocent child and then another and another until her thanks to God death in September 2022. And therewith it is very difficult to find the little girl that she was using as decoy vacation daughter, because suddenly this little is a boy in Cairo, Egypt and with a total Amnesia starting 1961/62. I also suspect that she possibly used one or more of my fake sisters as a hidden slave and vacation daughter/son or sister/brother.


Is this all true?


I do not know, I am just using the gift from God to all of us and we call intelligence and intelligence rely on information, and information was kept away of me by force and by all means until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague in 2016 and ever since and on full time basis I am either analyzing the content of my memory, or learning through the internet, or being sad and depressed due to all the findings that are shocking me day in and day out!



The same 2 fake sisters as above plus the tallest of them supposed to be my oldest fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that today and without any doubt whatsoever I believe she too was kidnapped as child to use as slave wife and slave mother for Jordanian hidden royalties that are 100% hidden slaves of the English royal families + the Rockefeller families alias they want to be royal families and are the American relatives of the English royal families. She was through and through slave, I was told that she allegedly died a couple of years ago and that is the only reason I am placing her photo as an adult for everyone to see how a slave wife and slave mother look like. Please note I absolutely do not like this fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier because she was used by her master’s the Bdeir/Budier families many times and very destructively against me starting January or April 1965 to relate me by force to the Jordanian royal families as distraction of the English royal families as mentioned elsewhere on this page and in other pages. My dislike towards her and to all members of my fake family and especially to the Bdeir/Budier family that I see today as animals disguised as monsters and in this page, I will prove that to you and to them. Anyway, dislike can blind a person of thinking clearly, and I really saw her as a monster, and she was, here are just a few things of what she did to me:

1.           I saw her and heard of her for the first time in my life as she came to Cairo, Egypt in either January or April 1965, just 4 or 7 months after I was placed in a private school and in the same class as the son of the Egyptian president as mentioned above in this page and in other pages. She did not stay at our apartment, and I do not know where she staid overnight, but I a very good educated guess, which is her family Bdeir/Budier have relative in Cairo, Egypt and kept it secret of me and that is how they found out that I was placed in the same class as the son of the president, and the reason I am more than positive that these criminals and psychopaths Bdeir/Budier family have a residence in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt is because they have a chain of businesses in each single so called Arab country and especially in Saudi Arabia and in every single country bordering Saudi Arabia, in addition to branches in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya and most probably also in the following countries: Sudan and the whole way to Kenia and the whole way to Nigeria, and their business in Jordan, is just a small branch, the real headquarter, one out several (they have several headquarters to  distract of their hidden identity and hidden business empire, that is more like monopoly), is in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia that I visited my self in 1981, and it was maybe 20 times larger than their branch in Amman, Jordan.

2.           She set me up very destructively to have a reason to hit me as mean to subdue me while showing as if she cares as a sister, but no sister in her right mind would hit her 14 years younger brother for something as stupid as that unless it was all planned, the incident is also mentioned else where in this page and why I remember it in detail

3.           She brought my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that are 100% at least 3 lookalikes that exchanged places in Cairo, Egypt, in Munich, Germany and in USA, and one of these criminals mother fuckers was a hidden older brother of the current king of Jordan named king Abdullah, and the reason why I am positive about that and many can verify it is also mentioned else where in this page with a video proof.

4.           Please be patient with this point because it is connected to many other points that are also very destructive and someone somewhere was trying to help me but I was not able to understand it at that time. Back to my fake oldest sister Suhair Bdeir and what she did to me. She brought the Jordanian royal family into my life and these criminals tortured life out of me in Cairo, Egypt, in Munich, Germany, in USA and above all in Amman, Jordan and in Jeddah + Riyadh + Dammam Saudi Arabia, that it went so far that their partner and Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa living since roughly 1978/79 in the luxury city south of Munich name Grünwald with no distance between the 2 cities, and today and while I am writing this, I remembered something very crucial, which was in 1984 during the period where the criminal mother fuckers and psychopath English royal families and in cooperation with the Rockefeller families by using their own company called BP-British Petroleum and were severely brainwashing me to enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA. I was supposed to help them create a goo multilingual computer system based the computers from the company called DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation, later was taken over Compaq Corporation, and Compaq Corporation that also heavily brainwashed me in Jue/July 2000 at their headquarter just northwest of Houston, Texas, and Compaq Corporation was taken over by HP-Hewlett Packard. In this process I recommended to them to use Siemens AG Monitors and keyboard and printer because I wrote the manufacturing specification and knew it was the best on the market, and the reason I knew that is because I was representing the company Siemens AG for at least 2,5 years at ECMA-European Computer Manufacturers Association and the goal was during these 2 years is to work together with other company among others IBM-International Business Machines = American (, ICL-International Computer Limited = British (, Olivetti = Italian (, and others. They agreed, and I contacted my ex-colleagues at Siemens AG alias my ex employer until 32.12.1981 and they set with the responsible sales person was named Mr. Rebhan or Rebhahn in a building called Rank Xerox building in an area called Bogenhausen in Munich and he send me the sales person named Helmut or Helmuth Pfefferkorn (Pffeferkorn = Peppercorn), Mr. Pffeferkorn was maybe 185 cm tall and a very good sales man, and only through him I discovered that Siemens AG won an award in Saudi Arabia in 1982 or 1983 for the best multilingual computer system that was manufactured based on the manufacturing specifications that I submitted to Siemens AG at their factory in the city Freiburg in December 1981, and the rest of the specification delivered in January 1982 and after I was forced to leave Siemens AG. All this explanation to make it easy for you to understand and verify the situation. I went several times for business lunch with Mr. Pffeferkorn, and on one of these lunches he told me that his father was Nazi officer, and that Mr. Pffeferkorn is Christian Catholic and he married a Jewish woman, possibly he also, said that his father married a Jewish woman and that is why he too married a Jewish woman, and as naive as I was, I said to him you are joking because this is impossible, then he insisted that I go with him to his house and right now to have desert to meet his Jewish wife and see the photographs of his Nazi officer father, and I did go there with him, which was around 13:00 or 14:00 hours and did meet his very nice looking and very hospitable young much shorter wife, and then he showed me the photographs and then I went back to work at this evil project with the SCS-Scientific Control Systems alias BP-British Petroleum and the evil and psychopaths client of theirs, which was the Syrian military and Syrian secret service and the Syrian police to have one common and centralized control computer to keep the population under control and 100% enslaved. Today I see it very clearly that Siemens AG was trying to help me by warning me of these psychopaths, but before I mention these psychopaths, here is confirmation to this situation, here is another similar situation but from 1975 I just remembered and recognized(!!). I was working at a company called Neckermann, at that time was one of the largest department stores in Germany and also was one of the largest mail-in catalogues and one of the largest vacation travel businesses, most went bankrupt. Anyway, I was working in their warehouse in the city of Unterschleissheim, during which I was hopelessly brainwashed and enslaved through the American military and enslaved under the control of the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray. The warehouse was only warehousing, the department store was over 20 km far in Munich and in other nearby cities. There was around 35 women working there and 4 men, the manager of the warehouse, my supervisor that was also worker just like me and was maybe 45 years old and another younger man maybe 25 years old man that was later fired because he allegedly kept on provoking me very destructively and sometimes even violent, today I think they meant to see how I react to it. At that time my intelligence was equal toa a 10 year old child, even though I was 23 years old, this is how destructive the brainwash they performed upon me since 1961/62. My job was to help unload incoming products of the trucks and store them in a sorted order to allow the women to find them easily, because they had to place the pre-printed pricing labels on each of the products, my job was also to help the women carry the boxes that are to heavy for them and take it to their working table, today I believe the German government get me this job one out of several others to either remind me of my past or see if I relate to the job and remember the past. My fake mother worked for a short period, may 1-3 months in a department store in Cairo, Egypt doing the same job as the women doing here in Unterschleissheim and now in 1975, and placing pricing on the product, the department store in Cairo, Egypt was named Omer Effendi (  Efendi is Turkish and means something like Master or Sir or Lord, Egypt was for a couple of decades under the control of the Turkish empire in 1800s). Anyway, one of the truck drivers that deliver the products, started talking to me, at that time I thought it was all coincidence, but today I know he either worked for the German government or he was 100% manipulated with telepathy to the followings: he wanted to buy a motorcycle from the department store that owns this warehouse, but he still have to wait because he is a bit short for the price, it was a real motorcycle maybe with 80 hours power and a speed of roughly 180km per hour. Anyway, I told him if he wants, I can buy it for him, then he gets 25 or 35% discount, because all employees get this discount on all products, he agreed, and I we met on the following Saturday in Munich Department store, and he gave me the cash and we went together to the store and bought it for him. Here is the funny thing about him, his name was John Müller, and had 2 children under 10, one named Achim and the girl called Tamara, his wife lost her teeth allegedly through a car accident, and was a total and severe alcoholic, that cannot stay an hour without being totally drunk, and mix the alcohol with some medication to have a quick effect of drunkenness, later was delivered to a hospital for a treatment. Anyway, he told me that his mother is British, and his father was an officer in the German military, meaning Nazi, and his father met his mother as far as I recall during world war two where British were heavily fighting Germans, or if you prefer Germans were heavily fighting British, and these two met during the war and went to England, where he was born and later relocated alone back to his city his father originated from because there was no work for him in the UK, or something like that. Now to the point, I was enslaved under the control of a psychopath prostitute from the UK that was 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old in 1970 and is now in 1975 she is most probably 65 years old while pretending to be 26 years old, her official father’s name was John Disbray, her official mother’s name was Joeann Disbray, her older sister official name I forgot, but she was married to an Irish man and living in Belfast Northern Ireland, the husband was a tock car racer, her younger official brother was named Sean Disbray and all of them except the sister lived in own very small townhouse also called terraced house in London-Wembley not far of the Wembley football stadium. The reason I know all that, is because in 1976 She took me to her alleged parents’ house in Wembley to force my mind to see her alleged mother and alleged father where she looked younger than them, and to confirm that and in summer 1977 her alleged mother  mentioned above plus my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and the one came to visit me and the other allegedly escaping her sadistic daughter to live with us because her alleged daughter Suhair Bdeir/Budier that was allegedly beating her and let her starve and all these lies just to come at the same time and we went altogether these 2 alleged mothers plus the prostitute Anita Disbray plus on a 10 days round trip to farm lands in Bavaria. Where my fake mother that for the first time was over 90 kg while she was 160 cm tall = heavy overweight and she was all covered up from head to toe as some Muslim do, while two years earlier in Summer 1975 she came to visit me with her alleged mother alias my fake grandmother, while this fake mother was around 70 kg and wearing cloths based on fashion and short skirt and all these visits, of all these criminal whores with 24 months came only to force my mind to think that the woman that I was hopelessly enslaved under her control was 26 years old and not 65 years old just to prevent me to be free and have a real wife and my own children. Based on all of the above and very possibly this prostitute named Anita Disbray was either Jewish or wife of an ex-Nazi or a combination, because all of the above point to that, especially that in 1976 I was setup to become Christian in the city of Unterschleissheim, where the warehouse was located sand some of the women were even living around the church named Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim on Allee Strasse, and all other women were 100% living in Unterschleissheim or in close by villages and it seemed to me that they knew me before I started to work there and possibly some of them was working for the government and was testing me, testing my intelligence and/or trying to get my attention to the one thing or the other, but my intelligence and logic were totally destroyed and not capable to understand anything.  All this and much more related to this fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier

5.           She and many of the Bdeir/Budier family members also set me up very destructively in Amman, Jordan and in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to distract of this English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, among others by using their housekeepers, just as my fake sister Fadia Najar also did in Cairo, Egypt and tried again to do the same thing in Hove the UK in 2013, by instructing her live-in-housekeeper that was Indonesia origin, and was maybe 40 years old and 150-155 cm tall to ask me for my telephone number in the Netherlands, just in case she needs to leave England and need help, and I did give her my telephone number because I saw my fake sister and her family as psychopaths and I would help anyone that they mistreat.

6.           To show you how psychopath and totally enslaved was my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, she too had live-in-housekeeper in 1966 as well as in 1970 as well as between 1979 and 1986 as I went to Jordan to visit them, and all these housekeepers, and each time was a different one, except between roughly 1982 and 1986, and as far as I recall it was the same one, but all of them were very young too young to be housekeeper, I remember that one time the father of these housekeepers came to cash the salary of his daughter that was 9 years old all others were 100% under 12 years old, and my fake sister used to treat them as trash, by shouting at them, screaming at them, and above all and each time I visited her, she hit them at least twice in my presence for small stupid mistakes, can you imagine a household consist of a man + his wife + 3 children be served by a 9 years old housekeeper that be slapped every single day, the child housekeeper never cried, and I never understood why, today I understand why, she get used to it. In around 1987 or 1988 and when I went from Bridgeport, Connecticut USA to visit my other fake sister named Mona Najjar in Washington D.C. she told me that her sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier had a new housekeeper that was around 30 years old and was exported from the Philippine as if she is a product and also was allegedly repeatedly mishandled then the woman allegedly went to the balcony and jumped from the balcony, and as far as I recall that apartment was in a building called Malas building just behind the second roundabout they call “Al-Dawar Al-Thani” and my fake sister lived in the penthouse, meaning the last floor, and each floor had one apartment only and upper floor was something like 5th or 6th floor. I dop not know if this story is true or not, they all lie, I just trust what I see myself

7.           I can write 200 points about all the bad things that happened to me because this psychopath criminal woman pretended to be my sister, yet I am going to mention only 2 things, one in this point and the other the following point. Each time I started to go to Amman, Jordan after I was employee of Siemens AG and they were sending me to Saudi Arabia starting 1979, I always change my airplane ticket to stop in Amman, Jordan to visit my 2 sisters and both turned out are not my sisters, At the airport in Amman, Jordan they always gave me very hard time by confiscating my passport and holding me for an hour or so, other times they ask me to go to the secret service office they call Al-Mukhabarat in Amman, to pick up my passport. Today I know why: for one to give me hard time to force my mind not to like to go to Amman, Jordan and blame it on the Authorities that are officially under the control of the mother fuckers’ Jordanian royal families alias my fake family. The second reason, and sometimes I believe that my fake sister or sisters were either not home or not even in Jordan, and since the authorities knew exactly who I am, and the Jordanian royal family these criminals mother fuckers and children rapist are nothing else but slaves of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and these two families have me under total control and total supervision, meaning they know when and where I will be going before even I move, and therewith they just give them a call on time that I am going to Amman, Jordan, and I strongly believe they live in Saudi Arabia, others in Iraq, others in Israel others in Kuwait and others in UAE-United Arab Emirate and others in Oman and so on, and therewith they too have to go to Amman, Jordan and to their second or even tenth resident before I arrive, and sometimes they cannot make it on time and instruct the immigration police at the Airport to hold me back, Today I know they have their own airplanes. My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Alnagar did similar thigs to me in the UK, her husband pretended to be a doctor at the one hospital or another in various cities in the UK, and allegedly lives along with his wife and 3 children in the hospital in a very small tiny apartment within the hospital that meant to be only for doctors that work in night shift and there is not emergencies, then they can rest and sleep until they call them, and they call these doctors On-Call for emergencies, and since I believe her alleged husband named Dr; Alaa Ali is not a medical doctor, yet the one hospital or another help him to cover up his real Saudi Arabian identity, which means the English royal family is doing all that that are 100% the masters of these slave fake sisters

8.           This woman, my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, has totally no control of her own life whatsoever, and here I will give simple examples, that only few that know her can verify. She does not look like me at all. Among others she is tall for an average woman. She was around 175 cm, her official husband Seif Aldi Bdeir/Budier the uncle of the Bdeir/Budier brothers mentioned below with photos was around 155-160 cm tall and very thick lips, her official son Sameer or Samir or Samier Bdeir/Budier was around 185 or even close to 189 cm, his two sisters Reem Bdeir/Budier alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan was around 170 cm, her sister named Basma also written as Basmah or Basmath is also around 170 cm tall, which very much contradict the father of 155-160 cm short = possibly he was not even the father, but rather just a fake father for hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal family members or even English royal family members and/or hidden Rockefeller family members. Now back to this fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier she had very narrow toenails and very narrow fingernails, most of the time she covers them with nail varnish. Meaning they are covered with colors, and you cannot see under the color, yet many times she had no nail varnish on her fingernails and you can see that she absolutely does not take care of her nails because you can see dirt at the edges of her fingernails, meaning she does not take care of herself, the same is valid for her toenails, many of them are corrupt meaning she had several of them with Fungal Nail Infections, and never went to a doctor for treatment. I have this problem since I am in the Netherlands, because I walk a lot, sometimes over 20 km per day, just to stay healthy and fit, and I went to the doctor and they gave me liquids for treatment, never worked, then I discovered Dr. Scholl, now it is called Scholl, and I consider myself very poor, yet I spend a lot of money to keep myself fit and healthy, among others to buy these liquid medication from School that are very expensive they cost usually 20-25 Euro for 12 ml = roughly 2 full regular spoons, and when I compare myself with this fake sister, where in 1960s they had car and today and since 2013 I cannot afford a car, they lived in a penthouse and Ilive in a 2 room apartment, her official daughter is a hidden Jordanian Princess and exchange places with most probably her sister or at least her very close cousin name princess Haya of Jordan, the Bdeir family owns and operate one of the biggest, if not the absolute biggest construction material store in the Middle East and very possibly it is the biggest in the World because they are 100% hidden member of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, on top of that they own a very large and hidden engineering company for road constructions, pipelines, houses and so on and this too in several country, on top of that they are the chairmen of the boars or were until 1980s, of several main companies that were built by Americans and British and other Europeans and Asians, among other Electric company, water company and almost every singly public utility company and this too ins several countries, yet my official sister that is allegedly the wife of one of them, behave very disgustingly and does not take care of herself at all = she is most probably one of 2: a hired nanny or a slave wife kidnapped as child as they did to me and severely brainwashed to be a hidden slave and she died without knowing all this = 100% a slave!


Why using a slave woman as a wife?


Simple her husband was 100% member od the Jordanian royal family and the Jordanian royal family is 100% slaves of the English royal families and in cooperation of the Rockefeller families, which I will prove to you in this page/document. If a criminal such as the official husband of this fake sister Suhair Bdeir, his name was Seif Aldin Bdeir (in English: Sword of the religion) = typical organized crime family used name pattern to show as if they are Arabs and Muslims, but they are 100% none-Arab origin and 200% they are not Muslim, they just want to force everyone else to be Muslim.

Every man needs a wife and children, yet an organized crime family such as the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families that are 100% slaves of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, cannot afford to have a wife that has a family that can free their daughter of the slavery, and this is 100%the pattern and the planning of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families to avoid that their slaves such as Seif Aldin Bdeir be separated of his wife and fake children such as Reem Bdeir alias a hidden Jordanian princes and the double of princess Haya of Jordan, or better said, princess Haya of Jordan is the younger double and distraction of the real hidden princess that today live somewhere under fake identity while I was told that she allegedly was murdered by her alleged Palestinian husband, which shows you how nasty these people are to blame Palestinian for bad things that never happened and was only fabricated just as the Israeli has killed over 30 thousand Palestinians, of whish 15 thousand children,  because the psychopath Israeli government that was also set there as Israel in 1948 by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families as distraction of all the other hidden slave countries alias the Arab petroleum countries that were all and with no exception founded after the year 1800 and most of them after the year 1900, which very much equals one time a psychopath, equals always a psychopaths = The English royal families including their hidden American relatives the Rockefeller families that created all these chaos in the lives of several hundred millions of human beings for 1-2 centuries!



Very important note: this example is repetition of number one found roughly on page 67. End of very important note.

I believe that my original fake sister Fadia Najar that went to Yemen in around end of 1961 or begin of 1962 was a man disguised as a woman and as wife of Afaf Shawki, and this fake sister remained in Yemen as a spy with the intention to build division in Yemen. The reason I think of this possibility that it was a man went to Yemen pretending to be my sister, is because when Afaf Shawki came back had another woman with him that pretended to be my sister. And this is 2.5 to 3 years after they get married, and suddenly this new fake sister is pregnant and in delivery, and instead to get a doctor or a professional woman in Egypt the call her Dayiee in English it is Doula (, the mother of Afaf Shawki was helping my fake sister in this alleged childbirth, while the father of Afaf Shawki named Hamed Shawki was with me waiting for the alleged delivery in the living room, today I believe he was there to keep me of going to the bed room and see what is going on, because I was not allowed to be in the same room (=bedroom), I was being kept in the living room. The apartment of my fake sister had 3 rooms, one was double room with no door in between, which was the entrance room opened and connected to the living room = both one large room, and another room used as dining room and another room used as bedroom. I was in these entrance rooms and hearing my fake sister shouting or screaming or just making fake noises, and suddenly the mother of Afaf Shawki comes out of the bedroom with something in her hand that looked like flesh with blood on it and she put it in a bag and through it in the trash and said to me that was a bad delivery the child did not survive. Today I know what she had in her hand was not a baby, not even close to it, it was as if she had something similar to a beef steak with some red color, just to force the mind of a child, me, to think his sister was pregnant just had a bad delivery, and it would always stay like this in my mind for other persons with telepathy to see. Now considering that most people, especially Arabs and especially in these times, at least in Egypt, where there was no birth control pills, married women get pregnant within 2-4 months and not after 2.5 or 3 years, add to that that Afaf Shawki died in a plane crash that he was piloting and a Yemini minster was on this plane, as it is mentioned in other pages with photo and newspaper copy, add to that the official 2 children of my fake sister Fadia Najar and her husband Afaf Shawki are 100% not the children of Afaf Shawki, at least the son named Essam Shawki allegedly living in Brighton UK, is white, blond and blue eyes, and no one in my family has these description except my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi as mentioned above that I believe is hidden English royal family member and older brother of prince Andrew of the UK (,_Duke_of_York). Back to me living with my two fake sisters in the same bedroom in Cairo Egypt, yet I have absolutely no memory what soever of any of them waking up with me, going to bed in the same room, having breakfast, lunch, dinner or going out with them to any place what soever = severe and very destructive brainwash. Add to that that my fake sister Moni Najar allegedly was working for the all new Egyptian TV, and the only prove I have for that, is that she allegedly was on the cover page of a famous Egyptian magazine called Al-Musour (in English: The Photographed, the cover page said “Open the TV to see this beauty” yet this is only in my memory = fake memory forced upon me with telepathy) + I am allegedly walking her, as protection to her, from our apartment in Cairo, Egypt at 5 O’clock in the morning to the TV bus that allegedly goes around to pick up employees that live far away and stops at the house or building of each of these employees = stopes at the entrance of our 2 floor apartment building, meaning me as 9 years old and in 1960 just walking to protect a 19 or 20 years old woman to walk from the entrance of our locked building door to the bus that stops at the entrance of this building. We had a building guard, he was an old man, maybe 60 years old, very skinny and tall, named Muhawed, and used to sleep under the stairs of the building, in night he used to lock the metal/glass door with the key and in the morning unlock it and if any of the tenants comes in between 22:00 and 6:00 in the morning he has to bash at the entrance door and this guard will open for him. Sorry for all the details, it is just to show you not only how I think, but also the reasoning why I doubt many things that are in my own mind, because they were forced upon me brainwash with telepathy = wrong information = my own brain contains lies = I live in a house of lies!



Often some pretend to be helping, but rather they are brainwashing and enslaving the person or persons

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In short: The brainwash strategy of pretending to be help, but they are enslaving to suck out the history out of my brain by forcing the victim to voluntarily write about it. And to do that they often create countless situations around my life to force me to want to complain about it. In short they create paradoxes around the life of the victim as they did to me by pretending to be helping the victim and simultaneously creating many problems around the victim to force the victim to want to complain, for example the electric forced me to pay 600 Euro for heating even though I did not use the and they insisted I used it but the measure meter is broke and that is why it shows 0 and this was the city of Assen in 2015,  while simultaneously the municipalities Bellingwedde (changed to Westerwolde) reported my yearly income of the year 2011 in 2013 while the municipalities of Amsterdam reported my yearly income of the year 2012 in 2014, which means that in 2013 I had the usual social help income of the year 2013 + the social help income of the year 2011 = 2 yeas income in one year, which made my income look like as if I have double the reported income and the same in 2014 had the usual social help income of the year 2014 + the social help income of the year 2012 = 2 yeas income in one year, and the tax office suddenly is requesting from me to pay back taxes of roughly 7,000 Euro (Seven Thousand Euro) for these to years, and I went to the tax office in the city Groningen and tried hard to convince them that this is wrong, and they insisted that 2 municipalities cannot be wrong and my complain to them lasted over 2 years and when I relocated to the city Den Haag I asked an acquaintance if he knows a good accountant that can help me with this, and he gave his name and address, he charged me a lot of money, and id not fix the problem, then some times in 2018 the tax office gave an option to fill a form that I am unable to pay the money and I did and they wiped off the rest, in the main time I had to pay something between 2-3 thousand. This is how nasty are some government or if you preferer some criminal psychopath network that they want to force me to think all these people that are harming me are Jewish network as distraction of the mother fucker English royal families and the Rockefeller families that kidnapped me as an infant and again to use me as decoy vacation child for queen Elizabeth the second and again as she had no more need for this slave child she gave me to her other family members and therewith kidnapped me again a the age of 8 years old and took me to Cairo, Egypt and placed me with in a very destructive psychopath organized crime family that are related to her and consist of English royal family members + Rockefeller family members and ex-German royal family members and all of them are simultaneously members of the Jordanian royal families  + the Saudi Arabian royal families +  member of every royal family of the petroleum countries  bordering to Saudi Arabia + Rockefeller and English royal families members as hidden controlling families in Cairo, Egypt, and therewith I had no chance whatsoever to be free and grow within a decent family as most children do, and I was not the only one after the year 2016 I start to notice other children that were also kidnapped and I get to know them as adults as it is mentioned in this page and all the other children that I get to know starting 1960/1962 were also and 100% nor raised normal and raised to be as criminal as their parents, and that is the truth, any one that tries to tell you that members of my fake family are good honest people he/she is 100% either brainwashed or is lying to you, PERIOD.



The pattern of using several lookalikes then replace them with last one that is less lookalike as distraction of all the others

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The title is not exactly complete, it should be like this:

Begin of title:

The pattern of using several lookalikes then replace them with last one that is less lookalike as distraction of all the others or fake the death of one of them, either the official one or the lookalike then real identity disappear as allegedly died in an accident or murdered, or actually assassinate one of them or kidnap one of them and force him/her to change part of the original name as they did to me = close/kill the identity of the one person or another through unusual disappearance or unusual death!

End of title


Here to I will just list a couple of situations as they appeared in my life:

1.           My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi. At least 3 lookalikes and based on photos that was given to me at least 5 persons. she is one of the most sadistic and vicious women I have ever met, directly after queen Elizabeth the second, that I never met after they caused me a total amnesia in 1961/62. It is possible that this fake mother had one identical look person that she exchanged places with in Cairo, Egypt between 1961 and 1969. As you can see in other pages and also on this page they were trying hard to distract me of this fake mother that left my life either in 14/15 December 1969 as she exchanged places with her identical lookalike in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria as they took me on a brainwash and implication tour from roughly 12 December 1969 starting in Munich, Germany through several countries and back to Munich on 15 January 1970. As she exchanged places with her lookalike was intended to make me look like as if I am related to woman spy agent from the ex-Soviet Union because Bulgaria at that time was part of the ex-Soviet Union. We came from Germany with cars through Austria and former Yugoslavia and then stayed overnight in Sofia in Bulgaria, and then continued with the same cars through Turkey and to Damascus in Syria and after 10 days with a taxi to Amman, Jordan and after 7-10 days with the plane to Beirut in Lebanon where I also visited Jubail (=Byblos) and then with the plane to Cairo Egypt for a couple of days and then with the plane to Munich, Germany = severe brainwash trip where they made me look like as if I am involved in several crimes. The reason I am more than positive that she exchanged places is to make me look like a son of Russian spy, and this because on 11.10.1969 she set me up to be arrested along with her in the bank at the train station of Munich because she gave me in Cairo, Egypt several hundred Dollar notes and asked me to hide them in my socks otherwise the Egyptian custom can confiscate them and then in the train station bank in Munich she asked me to get them out of my sucks and she wanted that the bank cashier see all that to look like that I am to blame because these 100 US Dollar notes were counterfeit/fake and today I am more than positive it was planned that then this would give the American Secret Service agency the right to take me over for isolation, but it did not work and that is why a couple of months later she took me on a brainwash and implication tour through several countries as mentioned above, and during this trip and I have absolutely no doubt what soever in my mind we were 100% followed by an American Secret Service agent or even agents, because counterfeit US Dollars are the responsibility of this organization that also protect as body guards the top American politicians such as the presidents and their family members, and therewith they needed someone to say he saw this and saw that, and that is why they implicated me with the counterfeit 100 US Dollar bills, and on this brainwash tour/trip they implicated me with an ID-Identification Card of the PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization (that was considered to be a terrorist organization) + ( ), and also implicated me with Illegal drugs in Lebanon + organized crime family in Amman, Jordan + with Esmat Khodary in Cairo, Egypt that very possibly she is originated either from Russia or from Israel, she also was most definitely at least the temporary girlfriend of my identical look twin (I did not discover that I had identical look twin until after the year 2016) that took over my place in Cairo, Egypt immediately after they took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 and therewith this sadistic woman and her official but fake brothers Dr. Farzat Baroudi + Badeaa Baroudi + Jawdat Baroudi + Mamdoh Baroudi (was not present but he is the official father of my fake cousin Dr. Badam Baroudi alias a hidden American + British spy) + Jalal Baroudi (he was not present at that time, yet he worked with them on this sadistic brainwash) and all of them were present in Damascus, Syria as I was taken there for 10 days roughly on 15/17 December 1969 and then to Amman, Jordan with a taxi, where the Bdair and Abokurah families these no good mother fuckers get me another fake Syrian passport and with it we left to Beirut, Lebanon for 2-4 days, and  from there with the plane to Cairo, Egypt and from there roughly on 15 January 1970  back with the plane to Munich, Germany where one of the children of the alleged Jordanian Malas families, that today I strongly believe the Malas family, among others also in Amman, Jordan, were one of the top Nazis in the second world war and the allies helped many thousands of these Nazis to relocate to the Middle East in countries where the British and the Americans has been there for decades and therewith they can keep them under their monitoring network. Then took me to the offices of Freemason (in Germany the word Freemason is translated to the German language as “Freimaurer”), and she allegedly asked them to help me because my father was allegedly Freemason member with the rank of Master and showed them a few certificates and some medals with his name Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar (100% a fake identity) this man did not exist as my father and her husband, they made him up, the Freemasons/Freimaurer claimed they cannot help me because I have no residence permit and the best way is to apply for me for political asylum and then they can help me. All this is mentioned elsewhere, yet I am repeating it as a reminder of how disgusting psychopaths these people are. Anyway, finally she applied for me for political asylum in the same week as we arrived in Munich on 15 January 1970 and within at the most 2-3 weeks, she said she I must learn how to take care of myself and that is why she is allegedly going back to Cairo, Egypt and left me in the hotel with enough money to last only 1-2 weeks. Which was 100% a lie, she went immediately to her husband the yet to become German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann or went to Cairo and then back to Germany with her real German identity as Irene Möllemann the first wife of Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann (please note this is pure conclusion based on countless facts of my life they planned for me but also some persons in Germany used me as blackmail object against her, her husband and her fake daughter named Moni Najar that was replaced by another lookalike named Mona Abokurah. In other words, I cannot prove these things with facts, but maybe you can!). Then I was severely brainwashed and taken to the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich for isolation and slavery mainly for several reasons as follow:

1.1.                      To prevent others to help me

1.2.                      To prevent me to go outside Germany, especially not to go to the Middle East or to the UK, where allegedly my fake sister from Cairo, Egypt also left Egypt and went also in 1970 to the UK, and I cannot leave Germany because now I am not allowed to leave Germany until I be accepted as political asylum refugee, whereby and at that time I absolutely had no idea what they were doing and did not even know what I was doing

1.3.                      To prevent me to go to Cairo Egypt and discover that my fake sister still live there or at least still have her apartment as I saw it last time or even live in the house that her alleged first husband the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki built and I saw that standalone 2 floor house several times, last time I saw it was completed to roughly 80%,  but they lied to me and said that after the death of Afaf Shawki in 1966 or 1967 the Egyptian court gave the house allegedly to his parents and not to his wife and children = where ever I turn I was lied to, also in Cairo Egypt I strongly believe that my fake mother kept that apartment so they can stay in it as they visit Cairo for business reasons and also for other illegal reasons!

1.4.                      To prevent me to go back to Cairo, Egypt and discover that I have an identical look twin brother

1.5.                      After they enslaved me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old on 20 August 1970, just 4 days before her official birthday on 24 August allegedly she was allegedly born in the year 1948, and since she had telepathy, she can prevent me to go anywhere that they do not want me to see, also to prevent me to see on the news the politician Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann (yet to become vice Chancellor and later chancellor of Germany) with his first wife Irene Möllemann alias my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi but also other members of this fake family that were simultaneously members of several royal families in and bordering to Saudi Arabia in addition to Jordan

1.6.                      Later in September 1970 the American military and in cooperation with the Bdair family in Amman, Jordan as it is described elsewhere brought a new lookalike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar that is now named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar

1.7.                      Sometimes either in end of 1970 or begin of 1971 the American military also brought another lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi also within the evil American military base McGraw Kaserne, even my fake sister Mona Abokurah that replaced the original one named Moni Najar that today I strongly suspect her to be the second wife of the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann named Carola Appelhoff, and this Mona Abokurah and as she came to visit in 1971, I was still living within the American military base, she was allegedly staying at the apartment of the new lookalike of my fake mother that now has her own apartment in the small city named Unterhaching a couple of kilometers south of Munich, and all these mother fuckers pretended to be my family as distraction of my original fake mother that went as Irene Möllemann to live with her husband the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann somewhere in the state of Nordrhein Westfalen in north west of Germany

1.8.                      Last but not least, this new lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi as mentioned in the previous point, and today based on countless situations in my life from 1960 and until current, this new lookalike and for all I now was not that lookalike, yet they forced me with severe brainwash and telepathy control to believe that this woman that the American military forced upon my life at the American military base McGraw Kaserne and she even worked as a nanny for the children of an American military Sargent that was stationed in this military base, very unfortunately I forgot his name, yet if you look closely at the details I had no chance to recognize that this new woman was not my original fake mother, even though she was not that lookalike and was most probably different look to prevent me to recognize the original one as Irene Möllemann the first wife of the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, here are some of these details:

1.8.1.                       On 10.10.1969 my fake mother took me from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt, Germany allegedly to be with her boyfriend that she pretended to have married to him through a Muslim sheikh (as distraction that she is not Muslim and already married to him in 1966 while she sent me for 3 months summer vacation to my fake sisters in Amman, Jordan, and they took me for around 3 weeks to Lebanon, 2 weeks of which they left me with their business partners and illegal drug lords named Barq + Azrah/Azraht families), and in Frankfurt-Airport she took me somewhere downtown Frankfurt into a café and we waited roughly 4-6 hours for her alleged Muslim husband named Mohi Sabri to come and pick us up after his alleged work, and a man came and I was 100% forced at that time to think he was Mohi Sabri, yet this man was shorter by roughly 10 cm, darker skin and skinny, his weight was maximum 50-55 kg, Mohi Sabri was roughly a couple of cm taller than me in mid 1960s, after that I never really gave attention to his height any more due to all the severe brainwash situation they pushed me into, also he was pale white and was around 10-20 kg over weight, which is easy to get rid of this overweight within a short period of time of 3-4 months. We went to his alleged one room apartment in Frankfurt and to force me to think that this new man is the same Mohi Sabri just lost weight, then and at night time we all slept on the floor next to each other’s even though there was a convertible Sofa-bed/couch-bed for 2 persons and I could have slept on the floor alone, but instead all 3 of us slept next to each other’s on the floor during which I gave them my back and they pretend to be having sex while I am sleeping next to them and giving them my back and hearing how they sound and keep on moving = having sex. The following day early in the morning she took me with the train to Munich on 11.10.1969, and all this just to force my mind to replace the look of the original Mohi Sabri with the look of this unknown to me new man, because Mohi Sabri was the double of the German politician that was planned for him to become vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and most probably was also planned for him to become Chancelor of Germany, but he was either assassinated by the German government or he killed his double and disappeared while making it look like he committed suicide by leaving a suicidal letter by his alleged friend, and I say alleged because this alleged friend could be his follow joint spy working for the UK and the USA ( + and here is an article over this suicide letter that he left with his alleged follow politician and friend named Wolfgang Kubicki, this news article is from the famous magazine named The Mirror in German it is called Der Spiegel  + this is the information about this alleged friend ) Important note: you can use your browser to translate the German text to other languages, such as by Firefox you can click on the icon within the red circle as it is shown in the image below or you can use google translate ( )

1.8.2.                       in end 1970 begin of 1971 as the American military brought the new lookalike of my fake mother and forced me to believe it is the same woman as I last saw in January 1970, I was already enslaved under the control of their official but fake employee alias the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be only 4 years older than me in 1970 while I was 17 years old and totally and severely brainwashed and lack any logic what soever and therefore they forced me to believe that this new fake mother is the same woman that left me in Munich roughly 8-12 months ago. And this while this Anita Disbray had 100% an identical lookalike yet half of her age, and this situation I did not recognize at that time but rather after the year 2016.  Also, I was under the control of the new lookalike of my fake brother that was also forced upon my life by the American military at their base McGraw Kaserne in Munich starting roughly end of September or begin of October 1970, and above all, and today in the year 2024, I am more than positive that many or all of the officers within the American military base and also some military sergeants had telepathy and since I was in a military base since roughly March 1970, I was most probably surrounded by over 200 persons with telepathy, and this is especially true because this American military base is not in America, but in the country called Germany that was considered to be the number one enemy of USA and the UK in the second world war and ever since the American military and the British military and the Russian military and a couple of others called the allies of the second world war were colonizing Germany and controlling it from inside out and therefore they brought as many persons with telepathy as they were able to and this is 100% a hidden fact, not to forget that in Munich and suburban areas there were around 10 American military bases and Air Force airports ( + + + + + + + + + + )

2.           Here is another example: my fake niece Reem Bdair and her brother named Samir Bdair and their mother alias my fake sister Suhair Bdair came in summer 1994 allegedly to visit me in Houston, Texas, allegedly because they want to buy a wedding dress for Reem Bdair as if there are no wedding dresses in the Entire middle East or in the nearby Europe, because she allegedly is going to get married to a Palestinian and both of them are allegedly going to live somewhere in the state of Pennsylvania, USA starting 1995, and this is roughly 1400 miles/2250 km from where I live and therewith I cannot visit her and cannot verify these lies (!!??). Let us assume that all this is true, then I would at least have the address and telephone number of my niece in Pennsylvania, but I never heard of her until my fake son Abdulhamid Najar came to the refugee camp in the Netherlands on 27 December 2002 and told me that my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar called him allegedly from the UK to USA, whereby I have no idea how she was in contact with him and how come she had the phone number of the BP-British Petroleum prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud the alleged mother of this fake son and he allegedly lived with her in USA until 27.12.2002, anyway, she allegedly told him that my fake niece Reem Bdair was murdered by her Palestinian husband and buried hidden in some forest in Pennsylvania, until the police allegedly found her body hidden in some forest. All was lies just in case I see my fake niece Reem Bdair in the news disguised as princess Haya of Jordan and married to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum ( ), which very much tells me he was their slave, in other words my fake niece Reem Bdair is a hidden princess of Jordan and very lookalike of Princess Haya of Jordan and officially princess Haya of Jordan married Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum on 10 April 2004, and the 2 lookalike disgusting women, kept on exchanging places while keeping the husband as slave and then they divorced on 7 February 2019 very possibly due to my complaint pages

3.           The same scam as above was also performed by my fake sister Fadia Najar that disappeared of my life in 1962 and was replaced by another woman sometimes in 1964 or 1965 and the original one went to Yemen, and never came back as it is mentioned in several areas of my complaint pages also in this page

4.           The same scam they did with my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar not once, but 3 times as follow:

4.1.                      They lied to me in 1966 and said I have a brother that was raised by my sister named Suhair Bdair in Amman, Jordan and since she allegedly get married in 1953, today I know she was not my sister and he was not my brother, this criminal woman named Suhair Bdair was raising hidden Jordanian royal family children, because her official daughter is a very lookalike of princess Haya of Jordan and both exchange place, also my fake brother is a hidden son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan and a hidden brother of the current Jordanian king Abdullah

4.2.                      The American military brought 4 different persons into my life (Number 4 was only allegedly visiting) and within a period of 4-5 months of each others between 20 August 1970 and roughly December 1970 or march 1971, and each one of these criminals is a lookalike of another one and all of them are working together and pretended not to know each others as follow: Person-1: on 20 August 1970 they brought the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that had an identical lookalike and exchanged places with her, while one was over 60 years old and pretending to be 21 years old and the other was between 25 and 35 years old and also pretended to be 21 years old and only 4 years older than me. Person-2: end of September or begin of October 1970 and in cooperation with the Bdair family in Jordan they brought a lookalike of my original fake brother and this one has different last name spelling and is called Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and was exchanging places with 2 other persons, one of them is a very lookalike of king Abdullah of Jordan, yet at least 15 years older than him, and also exchanged places with my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar also in Cairo, Egypt and in Munich, Germany. Person-3: roughly sometimes between end of 1970 and begin of 1971 they brought a lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi also in the American military base McGraw Kaserne. Today I know that all these above mentioned 3 persons are mentally sick and dangerous to any human being, just look what these criminals did to me. Their main job in 1970 and until 1977 was to prevent me of ever seeing Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and his first wife named Irene Möllemann, but also not to see his second wife Carola Appelhoff, but also not to see and recognize the look similarities of the Jordanian royal family and relate them to my fake brother and so on, yet today and since roughly 2008 I have extended intelligence named and extended memory named Microsoft 365/previously named Office 365, and with the help of these 2 tools that I call today my extended intelligence and my extended memory I was able to research my past and the past of many persons/organizations/institutions related directly or indirectly to my life and to the lives of people in my life. Person-4: my fake sister Mona Abokurah that came sometimes in 1971, I believe it was in the summer time and as far as I recall she either was staying at the apartment of my fake mother in the small city Unterhaching just on the edge of south of Munich, or she was somewhere else unknown to me, yet I was with her only in this apartment. Today I believe her presence as vesting us had 2 objectives only: Objective-1: to confirm that this new lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi is allegedly the same as the one from Cairo, Egypt and also to confirm that this new lookalike of my fake brother is the same as from Amman, Jordan and Cairo, Egypt. Objective-2: to show as if she is my Syrian originated sister but married to Jordanian and living in Amman, Jordan as preparation for going to live in Washington D.C. as spy and telepathy brainwashers for politicians in Washington D.C., which she did go to Washington D.C. in Summer 1987 and allegedly applied for political asylum because her alleged husband Abdulghani Abokurah was allegedly mistreating her, and she was accepted as refugee and even they had a newspaper or magazine article about her that she was allegedly the first Jordanian woman to be accepted as refugee because her husband was mistreating her, but it was all lies, it was impossible that her husband would mistreat her or mistreat any of his children, even I think he was a psychopath, yet he was always a gentleman and very generous as mean to show off and therewith the political asylum for her and her children were 100% a scam to have a reason to live in Washington D. C. as an alleged poor Syrian that was mistreated by her Jordanian husband and therewith no one will suspect her to be a spy or to have telepathy. Today I suspect to 99% that her official husband Abdulghani Abokurah was member of the English royal family among others because my fake sister is 100% working for the English royal family and possibly also simultaneously working for the interest of the Rockefeller families to control politicians just as these criminals and psychopaths controlled my entire life for over 60 years

5.           Since I am mentioning persons that were brought by the American military base McGraw Kaserne into my life to create confusion and to brainwash me also by using telepathy, then I might as well show you additional person, that will also show you, that the criminals and psychopaths bring one person by force into my life and this person, brings another, and another and each perform the one severe damage to my life in one way or another and here I am talking about Mr. Mohamad Attar with the nick name Abo Al-khair (in English father of the good!), this man I get to know through an American military sergeant named Hamouri that pretended to be originated from Palestine as mean of continuous brainwash due to my forced upon me political asylum and mentioning that I allegedly escaped from Syria in December 1969 through the help of my fake mother and her psychopaths 4 fake brothers named Dr. Farzat Baroudi + Jawdat Baroudi + Badeaa Baroudi + Jalal Baroudi (he was not present but allegedly we were staying at his apartment while he allegedly was as Syrian diplomat in Russia ) and these mother fuckers brought me papers to sign allegedly to volunteer to fight with the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization and then I receive a PLO ID and with it I am then allowed to leave Syria to go to the Palestinian war front in Jordan, were then in Amman, Jordan my fake mother and the psychopath mother fuckers Bdair family brought me another falsified Syrian passport and with it my fake mother then took me to Lebanon for a couple of days and then to Cairo, Egypt for couple of days and then back to Munich, German and forced to apply for political asylum and telling them how I was able to leave Syria with a PLO-ID, which was 100% a severe brainwash setup created by the mother fuckers my fake family alias the English royal family + the Rockefeller family and that is why the American military set me up to see the active American military sergeant named Hamouri that pretended to be originated from Palestine and he introduced me to Mohamad Attar that officially is Syrian and lives in Munich since 1950s. Please note and for all I know this American sergeant named Hamouri and for all I know his name was neither Hamouri nor he was originated from Palestine it was all acting and brainwash to me, at that time I never saw through all these lies and deceive.  Then I did not see this Mohamad Attar at least since 1972, and in 1978/79 my employer Siemens AG hired a professional prostitute or she was even a trainer for prostitutes, who knows maybe one of the upper management of Siemens AG owned a prostitute business in several locations and had a woman prostitute trainer that trains newcomer prostitutes, so far this is only conclusion and I cannot prove it but based on the behaviour of the persons and the situation in my life makes the above description fit very good. Anyway, this hired prostitute was named “Reneé Zielske” and she either had telepathy, and that is my educated guess, or she was constantly under the control of a group of people with telepathy and since I was 100% forced with brainwash and telepathy to relocate from the city Unterschleissheim and to live in her apartment in an area called Neu Perlach where Siemens AG computer headquarter was located with over 5 thousand employees including me, and just 2 bus stops of her apartment and therewith Siemens AG forced to separate me of my new friends at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city Unterschleissheim, while 100% keeping me controlled just as the American military did to me from March 1970 and until September 1977 by using the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, meaning the church freed me of the slavery under the control of the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray and now Siemens AG took over starting June 1978 by using this hired professional prostitute named “Reneé Zielske”, then when her job was ended they set me up to leave her apartment and get through also Siemens AG inhouse apartment agent a room in one family house in a small city named Hohenbrunn (in this city my department manager at Siemens AG named Dr. Peter M. Lembke had his standalone house where he also lived and took me once to his home to use me as a blackmail object against the American military by introducing me to his alleged friend and business partner an American mathematic professor as a reminder of a mathematic professor Charles at the university or Maryland also in the American military base as a branch of University of Maryland near Washington D.C. in USA, the details of this American professor of Mathematics called Professor Charles something is located in several other pages within my complaint pages, but what is important to mention here, is I get to know this professor Charles through the first person I get to know in this American military base and was a German woman married to an American sergeant, her name was Mrs. Doris Hayes and her husband was possibly American military Intelligent sergeant as far as I recall his name was Steve Hayes and their 10 years old son name was Mark Hayes  and what is important here, is that this Mrs. Doris Hayes was spending more time with this professor Charles than with her husband and was seeing him on a daily basis and she pretended to be my friend and was the one that officially get me my first job within the American military base as distraction that it was all preplanned to isolate me, re-brainwash me and enslave me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, roughly in June or July or August 1970 all the ones I knew and were surrounding on a daily basis within the American military base disappeared of my life because they wanted to re-brainwash me with 7 disgusting women enable to force my mind to see Anita Disbray as the angel from heaven), where I mainly went to my new rented room after 22:00 hours to sleep and left at the latest at 8:00 in the morning, I believe I lived in this room for around 3-5 months, it was furnished room, possibly the owner of the house was also working for Siemens AG and were monitoring me and what I think, then in March 1981 one of my work colleagues at Siemens AG either pretended to be relocating and asked me if I want to take over his apartment or he really lived in this apartment at “Winzererstrasse 146-a in the city section called  Munich-Schwabing” anyway I gladly took over the apartment it was very good located and on the edge of the Munich Olympia park and I planned to paint the apartment, and very suddenly and out of nowhere I get contacted by Mohamad Attar mentioned above and he allegedly asking me how I am doing and I told him I am relocating to the city section called Munich-Schwabing and I have started to paint the apartment walls, and he offered to help me, and he did come and helped me painting the 2 room apartment with large kitchen that became kitchen and dinning room. Here I also I cannot recall how he contacted me, I had no telephone, there was no mobile phones, yet there was a so-called portable telephone that was like a box around at least 30X30X10 cm and weighted 2-5 kg because the battery was really heavy and was very expensive telephone only rich people or business owners were able to afford it and buy it and carry it with them like a briefcase, anyway, today it bothers me that I cannot recall how he found me and contacted me. Around 30 March 1981 (I can be wrong by 1-2 days) he invited me for dinner at his home, and there he also had Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and her 8 years old daughter nicknamed Steffi, and she is the reason that he contacted me and she is also the reason I remember the date of that dinner evening on 30 March 1981, because it was just 4 days before her birthday, was that a coincident that I also met the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray on 20 August 1970, also 4 days before her birthday on 24 August 1970, she claimed to be born on 24.8.1948. And therewith I had a new girlfriend that allegedly was only 18 months older than me and  that was preplanned for me and named Adelheid Kuczka. Today I strongly suspect that Mohamad Attar worked for some German police authorities and that is the reason that the American military introduced him to me to allow the German authority to have a close contact to me with out me noticing, on the other side I may be mistaken and he worked for the organized crime families I am complaining about or a combination, which is my conclusion because the woman he introduced to me and named Adelheid Kuczka was totally distracting me of my church friends and she did countless things to achieve that, one of them was very direct and she gave me a choice either me or your church friends and this because on every Wednesday and Friday evening  a group from the church was getting together and while I was still a member of this church a group of young men between 19-26 years old + one man was roughly between 50 and 60 years old named Udo that was sort of the group organizer. Also, every Sunday after church service the same group used to meet for quick snack and sometimes even to play some sport in a building, they called sport’s club in the city Unterschleissheim. After I was forced to leave the church and the city Unterschleissheim, I tried hard to keep on meeting with this group but I was prevented with all kind of tricks, mainly through Siemens AG, because they were 100% either asked through their partners in Saudi Arabia to separate me of the church and/or they were worried that I understand what some church members were trying to do, which was creating countless situations similar to situation of my life in Cairo, Egypt, as if they want me to remember and talk about it, meaning some of them know everything about me more than I knew about my own life at that time. My employer at that time was Siemens AG from June 1978 and until 31.12.1981 had possibly or even most probably at least 2 motivation to want to separate me of the church to prevent me to understand the situation and remember and understand my past, because also they had family relatives within my fake family, meaning hidden escaped Nazis living in Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and UAE-Unted Arab Emirates and other countries, and all of them pretend to be originated from Syria. Back to Mohamad Attar and Adelheid Kuczka, she allegedly called my Employer, at that time named SCS-Scientific Control Systems a subsidiary of BP-British Petroleum that was later sold to Deutsche Telecom, and allegedly on 18.10.1084 called and told my Employer that I was meeting with their client the Syrian government involved in the project Calypso, as it is described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part 1 and through BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, and allegedly I am trying to steal their client, which is theoretically and practically impossible, and also she allegedly reported me to the police on 17.10.1984 in Munich, Germany as if I have hit her very badly that caused her allegedly bruises all over her face and neck and arms, and that while I was driving the car, which practically impossible, because to do all this damage to her I had to be standing in front of her and not sitting in the driver seat and driving the car in the tunnel. Today I know I never hit her in that car, she hit me and that is fact and God is my witness, and today I recognized 3 bad situations with her, one of them was right in the beginning of our relationship possibly in April or Mai 1981 she asked me to visit her at her apartment and I did, and suddenly another man shows up or he was already there, and she claimed it was the father of her daughter, and somehow he and I came into an argument that almost turned to be violent, where each of us lifted his hands to hit the other and Adelheid Kuczka came between us and asked him to leave, which he did, today I know for fact I did not start anything violence because of mainly 2 reasons, I was severely  brainwashed to be scared and quite, meaning not to talk a lot while accepting any situation without questioning it = severe brainwash since 1960s, and they did that by repeatedly isolating me since 1960 and until I was setup to become Christian, then the characteristic of being scared and quite was replaced with understanding and the love to find peaceful solutions for problems, yet, the original brainwash performed severely on me by my fake family and the American military, was just supressed instead of being processed, understood and removed and therefore my nature was never violent, and now as Christian I am even more peaceful than ever before because I understand many things that I learned in the church, mainly through the pastor Herber Lange and the many psychology courses he sent me to and were performed by the Evangelical Lutheran church administration/management of the state of Bavarian that was a part of the Evangelical Lutheran church administration/management for Germany, all that mentioned plus one very important factor is that this man the alleged father of her daughter most probably was not the father of her daughter, because he had some look similarities to Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, such as skin colour, height and some facial features, and this situation was planned as mean to force my mind to be more confused about his look but also to not like to think about him especially that we almost hit each others or this situation was planned to see how much I remember and relate to Mohi Sabri and know who he really was, meaning someone was monitoring me with telepathy to see what I relate to, today and 100% I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind, that someone with telepathy created this situation between this man and me, and this person with telepathy could be Adelheid Kuczka or this man, or another person not present in this apartment. Here is another very bad situation that I never understood at that time and this situation was created by Adelheid Kuczka in cooperation with Reneé Zielske + my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi + my fake brother Mohmad Nashaat Naggar that a couple of months later allegedly was transferred through Avon Products in April 1982 from Eching, Germany to Rye, New York, USA. Today I believe they created this situation to make me feel sorry for Adelheid Kuczka and trust her and feel sorry for her and not to leave her, because I had many thoughts about ending our relationship with her, today I believe someone with telepathy was giving me thought and reasons not to trust her, and therewith I was thinking about ending the relationship, it is very possible that someone of the church saw through Adelheid Kuczka and was trying to help me indirectly and since these criminal psychopaths mother fucker fake family of mine have telepathy they can see what I think and what I am trying to achieve, and therefore they came up with the following scheme: Adelheid Kuczka kept on complaining to me that some woman keeps on calling her and telling her bad things about me that she does not believe and then she hangs up the telephone and then that mystery woman calls again allegedly a couple of times a day, and then Adelheid Kuczka claimed maybe this woman is one of my ex-girlfriends that is missing me and want me back, which was a 100% brainwash statement. One day I was visiting Adelheid Kuczka at her apartment and the phone rang and after a few seconds she told me this is the mystery woman, and I took the phone of her and heard the voice of Reneé Zielske, and then I asked her what are you doing and why are doing this, then she said it was not my idea, your mother called me and told me to do that because she thinks that this woman is bad for you, and then I told her please do not do that again and hanged up the phone. Adelheid Kuczka knew that I had relation with Reneé Zielske, I told her that at the begin of our relation, and she used to call her “Siemensyaner” meaning originated from Siemens or inhabitant of Siemens, just like you say about a person originated from Germany and say he is German, it has almost the same meaning. Anyway the day after, I met my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar at my apartment, and confronted my fake mother and she denied to have been involved in any of these bad things, and claimed Reneé Zielske lied to me, and who knows maybe she loves you and trying to get you back, and I continued to confront her and said no Reneé Zielske did not lie to me after 10 or 15 minutes of discussion my fake mother pretended/Acted as if I get her cornered and she raised her voice and said yes I asked her to do that because Adelheid Kuczka is a very bad woman for you, and my fake brother was standing next to her and pretended to be surprised and shook his head as if he did not have any knowledge about this. In other words these 2 mother fucker fake mother and fake brother did the absolute same thing to me before and after that, first time was in 1968-69 in Cairo, Egypt with Esmat Khodary, and second time in 1972 as I had a joined apartment with the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray in the tiny city Fasanenpark near the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich and third time repeated the same thing also with Anita Disbray as she came to allegedly live with me because she is allegedly seeking my protection of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir that was allegedly hitting her and starving her and this was in summer 1977 in my apartment that was belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim because I was working part time for the church and also changed my religion in April 1976 to Christianity and here she came and claimed so many things such as the pastor Herbert Lange allegedly wanted to steal my young wife from me, and this young wife was over 68 years old in 1977 while pretending to be only 4 years older than me meaning 29 years old while I was 25 years, and during that period she performed many very damaging things to me, and fourth time again now with Adelheid Kuczka as mentioned above and the sixth time and also the last time was around begin of summer 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut in USA as it is mentioned in this page and in other pages of my complaint pages they did similar things to me, and in all of the 6 situations my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar was also involved in these severe brainwash situations to force me to feel sorry for the prostitute woman I was forced to be with. Last thing to mention is that I strongly suspect that Reneé Zielske that was forced upon my life by Siemens AG, I strongly believe that Reneé Zielske was professional prostitute trainer or possibly a sergeant in some military, and since Adelheid Kuczka performed many things that she learned somewhere and from some one, such as and while we are walking in the street, she would jump high and then fall while laying on her back and say catch me and if I do not catch her then she could fall on her back to the ground and break her head, and I used to catch her because when I spread my 2 hands forwards she then is laying on my hands as if I am carrying her. She used to do that frequently when we go for a walk, at that time she was around 50-55 kg and I was 68 kg and a little athletic because I used  to perform several physical sport activities until 1982 then I started to gain weight until I reached roughly 100 kg and as I noticed that in 1992 and ever since I was trying hard to lose weight but I was unsuccessful then between 10.10.1999 and 11.2.2001 I went back to roughly 70 kg and then I was placed by force through the Dutch immigration on 28.2.2008 in the village Bellingwolde  where then and very rapidly my weight went up to 90 kg and ever since I am being 100% forced to gain weight and was not able to go any lower than 95 kg until 2023, and with the help of my doctor I went down to 84 kg then went back up to 90 kg, and I am still trying hard to go below that. I know it is a long description, but this is the only way I can describe it. This mentioned situation and several others similar situations point out today and to me that she learned them of someone enable she can appeal to men, another situation and also while we are walking, I be for example walking on her left side and then she would go from behind me to my other side and grab my arm and says this is the way you should always hang to a woman on this side while you are walking with her, and alone these 2 mentioned situations shows that she is trying hard to force my mind to think that she is in control by going to other side and grabbing my arm  an telling me what to do or allegedly trust me blindly by throwing her self in the air and she trust me to catch her and when I add other things (She was at that time maybe 50-55 kg), then I believe and to 99.99% someone taught her how to do all that enable she can make a man fall for her, and it is very possible that this some one is Reneé Zielske or if she worked as an agent for some German or American authorities, then most probably they sent her to special school to learn all that and more and that is my believe based on their behaviour and countless other situations around their life and above all around my life. And as addition to all that, this shows that Siemens AG was 100% working with my fake family against me and all the above is one out of almost countless other proves, and this just as my fake family were also 99% working with the American and British military in Germany and USA against me starting at least since at least March 1970 until at least 2016, but in reality since at least when they caused me a total amnesia in 1961/62 and also since Mohi Sabri alias the American-British spy named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and Dr. Basam Baroudi and a younger man unknown to me alias either all 3 exchanged places or the original younger man was murdered and the 2 mentioned older ones took over his place and exchanged places as the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, not to forget my fake sister Moni Najar alias Carola Appelhoff and her lookalike Mona Abokurah alias English royal family + Rockefeller family spy in Washington D.C. while I strongly suspect that my original fake mother was Irene Möllemann the first wife of ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann = I was screwed since my birth by being born in a pile of shit called the English royal family brotherhood! Yet despite all the mentioned negativities of Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, I still think of her today that she was a very lovable woman!

6.           Today and based on the behaviour of my fake mother and my fake brother in cooperation with Reneé Zielske + Adelheid Kuczka + Siemens AG, I believe that Adelheid Kuczka and to 60% had an identical lookalike that she exchanged places with and this person is the wife of some psychopath mother fucker that is in upper governmental position in one of the so-called  Arab kingdoms in west Asia in and around the Arabian Peninsula showing in the following 3 links ( + +,39.3263287,5.58z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x3e22a22f1ee601df:0x2d193a48607e74cb!8m2!3d19.4914108!4d47.4490397!16zL20vMGN2bXY?hl=en&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D ). Among others I do not believe they would be able to do all what they did  to me only through the allegedly poor woman named Adelheid Kuczka that was allegedly raised in a Catholic orphanage , while her alleged mother live in the same city, I even go further and believe this woman was no where anything near a Christian woman, all her behaviour towards me was nothing else but pre-planned and very destructive, especially when I consider the timing of things such as separating me of her on 17.10.1984 and immediately was forced by the street whore and replacement of my original fake mother that is also named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and forced me 100% with telepathy to call a woman I do not know and never seen of heard of before, yet calling her from Munich to Syria and ask her to marry me. Also when I consider that Adelheid Kuczka allegedly reported me to the police on 18.10.1984 and in Munich, Germany that I allegedly hit her very badly with countless bruises on her face, neck and below her neck, then the police would have most definitely arrested me and imprisoned me for at least 2 years, yet I never ever heard anything from the police except one day before kidnapping me from Munich, Germany to USA using among other this BP-British Petroleum street whore named and every man prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, and allegedly 2 policemen in civil clothing came and to collect 3,500 Deutsch Mark = to 3,500 Euros because allegedly a court in Munich gave me a fine of 3,500 for allegedly hitting my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, and today I do not believe that there was any court day for that nor there was a fine issued by a judge, they took this money of me to make sure I have less cash on me after they kidnap me to USA, and therewith they can manipulate me in any way they wanted and pre-planned for me as it is described in the page “Summary of my life as hidden slave” and was severely setup by my fake brother and fake mother in cooperation with the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of the city Bridgeport, Connecticut and from the background the FBI + CIA = the psychopath criminal mother fucker American government under the control of the republican + Democratic party that are through and through controlled by the largest organized crime family ion the world = the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and that is the truth, anything else is pure lies, POINT.

7.           Here is another very bad situation that was 100% repetition of other situation with other persons, which for one reason or another and one time only I slapped the daughter of Adelheid Kuczka and I felt so bad about it for years, to be precise I felt bad about it my entire life until I discovered the pattern, which some one forces me to slap another person I like or even I love on the face cheek enable to force the other to dislike me or to force me to feel bad about my self or to force me to think I did the other person injustice while in reality there is the big possibility that the person I was forced to slap possibly had telepathy and was using it on me to make me feel bad about myself (my fake mother did that several to many times to me, not using hitting but using other methods in certain situations) or to keep it in my memory as an alleged reason why in the future this person does not like me, or avoiding me or even revenging on me allegedly because this slap on the cheek and simultaneously this act prevent my brain to want to think about this person and try to understand his behaviour, which is 100% a pattern to block the brain of understanding, and in my entire life I slapped 3 children, the first one was Steffi the daughter of Adelheid Kuczka, the second time was my fake nephew named Tarek Ali and as they visited me in Munich sometimes between 1982 and 1984, Tarek was around 8-10 years at that time, just as the age of Steffi, and the third time was sometimes between 1996 and 1998, and during this period I was heavily persecuted with telepathy, yet I did not recognize at that time that there is telepathy and that the BP-British Petroleum hired prostitute that they enslaved me under her control starting 24.12.1984 and named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me from Munich to USA to prevent me to leave this disgusting animal prostitute. One day in around 1996/98 she came to me and said something that my fake son alias allegedly our both joint son said something bad to her and I slapped him for the first and last time, here too I felt so bad about it until I discovered that he has telepathy through situation that happened to me and him between 1998 in Houston, Texas, USA until 2001 and again in the Netherlands and Germany from 27.12.2002 and until 2018, whereby and since 10.10.1999 I just saw him now and then. I believe my original fake son that I raised between 25 March 1986 and 10.10.1999, was replaced by a slightly lookalike sometimes between 1998 and June 2000 that possibly is much older , which was the last time I saw him in USA and possibly they sent another lookalike on 27.12.2002, I cannot determine when he was exchanged, yet I am more than positive the original fake son that I raised never left his real parents meaning never left USA. All of the above is pattern to make me look bad not only to myself but also that others see me as bad and this started in Cairo Egypt right in the beginning and directly after they caused me total amnesia around 1961 or 1962, they continued to portray me as the devil corrupt homosexual violent terrorist person that is related to illegal drug lords and to ex-Soviet Union spy and much more. Today I know that they are mentally sick and there sickness spell over on others and damage their lives as they doing today in Gaza and West Bank, and Ukraine, and before that also in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, the second world war and the first world war and countless other wars before and after these 2 world wars because each one of these psychopaths is not capable to be a team player and each one of them wants to be a leader like Adolf Hitler, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin and these were just a few of the psychopaths that think of their selves as leaders of the free world, in reality they are the children of the devil himself and the name of the real devil is English royal families + the Rockefeller families with their mass brainwash and slavery organization called The Freemason ( + + + + ) and many more that are hidden of the general public, the only way to find them is to use google translator ( ) and translate the word Freemason to every single language of all countries  and take each word and use google to find it in that country, for example the German translation is Freimaurer and in Dutch it is Vrijmetselaar

8.           Here is another 4 lookalikes that were 100% protected by the Freemasons + American military in Germany (=American and British governments) and partially also protected by the German government, and all of them set me up in cooperation with my fake mother and her officical but fake 4 brothers  to take me for isolation, brainwash and slavery to the American military base McGraw Kaserne in March 1970 as it is mentioned in other pages and also in this page. These 4 lookalikes are actually 2 x 2 Identical lookalikes, and these 2 x 2 Identical lookalikes has also look similarities that as they came into my life between summer 1966 and spring 1967 as I was in Cairo, Egypt and I was not able to recognize the difference due to several factors (=Total amnesia in 1961/62 + severe brainwash + strict isolation + total control with telepathy), they also did the same to me in Munich Germany between September/October 1970 and April 1982. Here are the 2 x 2 Identical lookalikes that exchanged places and I never noticed that at that time:

8.1.                      My fake brother-1 Mohamad Nashaat Najar was forced upon my life in summer 1966 in Amman, Jordan after my fake sister Suhair Bdair also was forced upon my life between February and April 1966. And they were forced upon my life due to a blackmail setup that I was dragged into, actually I was the blackmail object, where in september 1965 I was removed from a public elementry school 4th grade and placed in a private Egyptian school in fifth grade and directly in the same class as the son of President Gamal Abdel Nasser (it supposed to be written like this: Gamal and Abd And Alnasser or Al-Nasser or Al Nasser, “Al” means “The” in English the entire name translated to English means Gamal (=beauty) Slave of the victorious, whereby the word “The Victorious“ is one of the so called 99 Good names of God, in other words it should be “Gamal slave of God”), his son’s name was Abdel Hakim Nasser, and this was meant to remind me or at least place the following question in my mind: This is the son of the president and you are the son of whom (??). And this situation was created because I strongly believe that queen Elizabeth the second had kidnapped me as an infant and used me as a vacation decoy child as it is mentioned elsewhere. Therefore, and as a result of this blackmail, and just 4-7 months after placing me in this classroom, they set this fake sister and fake brother on me that others can clearly see that they are Jordanian royal family members as distraction of queen Elizabeth the second

8.2.                      During the same period as above there were 2 different persons exchanging places as my fake brother, and I never noticed that at that time, until recently and as I saw a news interview with king Abdullah of Jordan, and what is odd on this video is that there are 2 different persons possibly 3 exchanging places as king Abdullah, one of them has an eye condition that forces him to blink much more frequent than usual, and to be precise, he would blink 4-6 times right behind each others and within 1-2 seconds and he repeat that every 20-30 seconds (the timing I am just guessing it roughly to be every 20-30 seconds). Very unfortunately I cannot find that video anymore, yet I found other 3, whereby in these interviews he does not blink as much as I saw him in summer 1966-spring 1967. Also there is another important point, king Abdullah was born on 30 January 1962, meaning he was 4 years old in summer 1966, which very much means he has an almost identical lookalike that is around 12-20 or more years older than him and this older one has the eye condition and the younger one just pretend to have the same eye condition yet he does it much less oft as the older one, and this is how I saw him in 1966 as the older hidden lookalike. Another odd thing is that I never understood as I saw him in Cairo, Egypt and in Munich, Germany, is that he sometimes does not have this condition and sometime he does and especially in Munich, Germany, he hardly had this condition, he just had it a few times between September 1970 and April 1982, then he pretended to be relocated by his fake employer Avon Products from their headquarter for Germany in the city Eching to the their headquarter for USA in Rye, New York state in USA, and therefore each time my fake brother does not have the eye condition, then it is his lookalike, and when he has it then it is my original fake brother = they are 100% psychopaths

8.3.                      In September 1970 and within the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany where I was being held for isolation and re-brainwash as well as enslaving me under the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray and just roughly 3 weeks after they enslaved me under the control of Anita Disbray the new lookalike of my fake brother, as mentioned in the second point above this point, was forced upon my life by the American military in cooperation with the Bdair family, and the way they did it, I received a letter of my fake brother allegedly from Amman, Jordan, where he is allegedly left Cairo, Egypt and is now in Amman, Jordan with the Bdair family, and he cannot do anything allegedly because the Bdair family want to send him back to Cairo, Egypt, which was all lies, and then I replied to his letter as follow: come here, and I will help you to apply for political asylum and then you can work also here in the American military base and they will give you a room to live in, and a few weeks later he came allegedly from Amman, Jordan and to prove that he just came from Amman, Jordan, he was carrying a belt made with glued on all around empty bullets it looks just like the belts you see in cowboy movies where they stick their guns on a similar belt with countess bullets, and he claimed he collected these bullets from the apartment of our fake sister Suhair Bdair, because the Palestinian created and uprise against the Jordanian government due to they are being mistreated as refugee from Palestine and that uprising was called Black September ( ), and therewith he not only was forcing my mind to believe all these lies, but also forcing my mind to see all Palestinians as bad people, which you can very clearly see through out my complaint pages that other fake family members did the same. And this criminal mother fucker exchanged places with the above 2 mentioned persons until at least April 1982 in Munich, Germany, and each time the above person exchanged places with him in Munich, he comes along with 2 body guards and pretend as if these 2 body guards are the brothers of his alleged Turkish wife named Alia Köse and then she allegedly changed it to Anita Köse as mean to force my mind to think that she is jealous of the English royal family Prostitute named Anita Disbray that the American military enslaved me under her control from 20 August 1970 and until the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim freed me of this slavery in September 1977

8.4.                      This is the actual king Abdullah of Jordan that exchanges places with his older lookalike as mentioned above, and here are 3 news interviews, where you can clearly see that they are 2 different persons, do not forget the eye blinking is by far not as strong as I saw in Cairo, Egypt and also in Munich, Germany, may be they are 3 lookalikes and the 2 just pretend to have this eye condition to prove that they are just the same person as before, doubles always do something or carry something on them to force other to look at them and see the same usual thing and ignore the other difference, such as the eye condition, or carrying an unusual ring (my fake brother and his lookalike used to always have a silver ring with a skull = they are psychopaths and my fake mother used to always have broché/Broche only in Egypt her lookalike after 1970 and in Germany, UK and Jordan did not use this broché/Broche scheme to distract me of my past, see the 2 photos below of queen Elizabeth the second at various ages wearing broché/Broche in the same location to distract that they are at least 2 different persons, and who knows maybe 5 persons ) or necklace or bracelet or broché/Broche that some women place on their chest just below the shoulder, or as many idiots American politicians place a tiny flag on the collar of their suit jacket to show as if they are patriots (Important note: never forget patriotism is a hidden slavery religion to force upon the people and divide them of others that are living in the same country that are originated from other countries and other religions to prevent them of communicating together and learning of each other and if I learn what the other think, then I will have understanding for him and understanding is by far better than the advertised love for others, because love blinds you and can turn into hate and 100% kills your intelligence, and that you can see in the Israeli’s wars and the Russians wars and all other wars, while understanding promote your knowledge, intelligence and therewith also friendships and caring for others) and here are some photos with queen Elizabeth the second wearing broché/Brochein the same areas and at various ages:



now the news interviews with king Abdullah:

8.4.1.                       News Interview video-1: this is the one with more intense eye condition that the other 2 videos below: 01-Eye-Condition-2MIN-CNBS-Interview-King-Abdullah-Jordan.mp4

8.4.2.                       News Interview video-2: 02-Eye-Condition-21MIN-News-German Chancellor Scholz holds talks with King Abdullah II of Jordan DW News.mp4

8.4.3.                       News Interview video-3: 03-Eye-Condition-21MIN-News-Exclusive Interview King Abdullah II of Jordan.mp4

9.           Here are another 2 lookalikes that I never noticed until partially a couple of years ago and most definitely as recently as I discovered the relation with the German politician alias the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann. It is my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi as the follow:

9.1.                      Lookalike-1: roughly 1961 to 1969, and I saw him only 2-3 times in this period, which is 100% a solid pattern of the members of my fake family that avoid that I see them, enable to force me to know as little as possible about them, including how they look. This one was white

9.2.                      Lookalike-2: Mohi Sabri the alleged boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and allegedly she married him by Islamic sheikh in Cairo and allegedly registered this marriage in the nearby courthouse on Alhigaz street just 2 tram stops or our apartment, which was 100% a lie, and above all I was told that and she did not take me with her and she did not even celebrated this alleged holly occasion . This Mohi Sabri and as mentioned elsewhere, he pretended to be Egyptian police officer and went out of his way in cooperation with several others including Dr. Basam Baroudi to force my mind to think of him as Egyptian police officer. He came into my life around 1963, and he used to house at our apartment for 1-2 weeks and then disappear for months and come back and pretend to be on police business in other Egyptian cities and this repeated itself until some time 1968 and I did not see him after that. He had some similarities with Dr. Basam Baroudi, such as the same height, same skin colour, same deceiving criminal. My fake mother forced him one time to rape me sexual enable she can use it as blackmail against him in the future and this situation was around 1966/1967

9.3.                      10.10.1969 my fake mother took me to Frankfurt Germany as it is mentioned many times in other pages and also in this page and she introduced me to Mohi Sabri that disappeared of our life in 1968, and this one in Frankfurt was 100% not Mohi Sabri as it is also described else where, but I will mention small things because it is the pattern repeated also by Dr. Basam Baroudi, he was shorter, much skinnier by at least 25 kg possibly even 35 kg, this one was around 45-50 kg and the other one was 70-85 kg, also this one was much darker skin while the original was pale white

9.4.                      Dr. Basam Baroudi, I believe this one is the same as the one mentioned above, and I met him twice, one time for around one hour in Munich in summer 1977 and the second time (I cannot recall the exact time, yet since I totally forgot what city he was in, I must have had someone with me that had telepathy, and that can only be Anita Disbray or my fake mother because I never went anywhere further than Bonn in that state after 1977, also it is possible that the first time I saw him in Munich was not 1977 but rather 1976 or early 1977) at his alleged apartment some where in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (in German: Nordrhein-Westfalen with the capital named Düsseldorf), this state also include the following main and famous cities: Cologne, Essen, Dortmund and above all the city Bonn that was officially the capital of Germany from 1945 and until the reunification of Germany in 1990/1991, where I was already kidnapped and totally enslaved in USA with a total destructed logic and corrupted brain performed by the mother fucker American government in cooperation with the British government and my fake family ( ) and others, it is also where the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was mainly stationed politically in Germany, even though he was allegedly born 500-700 km south of Germany in Augsburg in the state of Bavaria that was mainly controlled by Americans military, while the state North Rhine-Westphalia was controlled by British military and this since the second world war in 1945 = all the mentioned in this point are 100% spies working for UK and USA and the prove is what the American military did to me + what my fake mother did t me + what my fake brother did to me + what Siemens AG did to me + what the Saudi Arabian royal family did to me + what the Jordanian royal families did to me = all of them together are 100% = the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and their public slaves

9.5.                      Between 2021 and 2022 I saw the photograph of Dr. Basam Baroudi on his alleged page, possibly was coincident or someone forced me/delegated me with telepathy to find his page, yet he was some how unusually different than I had him in my memory, and today I know why, in this photograph he was much darker skin. The below photo is 100% the profile as I remember it of Dr. Basam Baroudi.



This is allegedly the same Dr. Basam Baroudi as the photo above. You see they are 2 different persons, and that is why these mother fuckers fake family of mine totally isolated me in Cairo, Egypt and not one came one of these fake family members to visit us, in other words they tried as hard as they could to avoid me to get to know them enable I do not see them and see other things related to them and therewith in the future they can bring any psychopath and tell me this is your cousin or this is your brother or this is your sister and did all that even they brought a lookalike of my fake mother and gave me photos, which you can see in this page,  that do not match to my memory and therewith their brainwash strategy is to create chaos in mind about each one of these psychopath!


A person in a suit and tie

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The below 2 photos are 100% the photographs of Mohi Sabri as I saw him countless times between 1963 and 1968, above all his

teeth, that had tiny gaps between them, while it was not the case by Dr. Basam Baroudi, above all he used to smoke and that is why the tiny gaps between his teeth were slightly darker than the front teeth. Also, he used to eat his finger nails in this photo I can see that the thumb nail is full and was not eaten


Two of the bove photos are  below so you cn copare them and realize that they are 2 different persons, alone through the upper part of the ear structure but also the right side of the ear shows that are 100% 2 different ears even it supposed to be the same person.



This is also Mohi Sabri, look at his both pointing fingers, he used to eat his fingernails and that you can clearly see in this photo, Dr. Basam Baroudi did not eat his fingernails, also look at his ears they show that they are slightly different than the ears in the above photographs, also it is very possible that this photo is manipulated!

9.6.                      Today I see the possibility that the original ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was the youngest of 3 lookalike and very possibly the 2 elder lookalike alias Dr. Basam Baroudi and Mohi Sabri killed the original and took his place and one of the 2 that used his place killed the other in 2003 in an alleged parachute accident and then disappeared, and if this is true, then the one who disappeared was 100% Dr. Basam Baroudi, because Mohi Sabri and 100% did not have telepathy and was enslaved by at least 2 women alias his first much older wife Irene alias most probably my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and the second wife Carola Appelhoff alias Moni Najar. This is pure theory, and I have no prove of it except my knowledge that led me to conclude many things based on the forced upon me facts of life that many of them were lies to hide the one thing or another. At least I know one thing for sure and that is not only my experience but also the experience of millions of people and that you can read in the news, which is that psychopaths that have only 2 tracks thinking which is money and control of others to continue to make more and more money, they would do anything to reach these 2 goals including starting a war, kidnap children and adults, (that is my experience and not general knowledge: then cause them total amnesia) brainwash them, lie to them just as George W. Bush lied to the world and claimed that Iraq had mass destruction weapons and must invade them, which he did in 2003 and there was no mass destruction weapons but he stole their petroleum ever since and until today among others with Rockefeller petroleum companies such as Chevron + Halliburton + the Bdair and Abokurah families that were heavily engaged in business and with the ex-Iraqi royal family such as king Faisal the second ( ), where you can see not only their fake manufactured history by the British but also their official relation to the Jordanian royal family, whereby my fake niece May Abokurah is married to one of these alleged ex-Iraqi royal family member and I strongly suspect them to have relocated to Iraq after the American invasion in 2003 while pretending to be living in Amman, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and this while the Bdair family had a big business in Iraq among others a branch of their construction material companies, but they hide it publicly and the only reason I know that is because they told me that in 1980s that they have several businesses in Iraq among others also construction material sale

10.      My fake niece Reem Bdair as the double of princess Haya of Jordan as it is repeatedly mentioned in several area of my complaint pages including this page, therefore I will not repeat them here, I just added her here because they are part of this scheme of doubles and lookalike that exchange places while one of them pretend to have been murdered in USA, in a country I totally dislike and above I have no way of verifying it, except I know that each member of my fake family is not only a liar, but also is a member of a very destructive and international organized crime family headed by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families all over the world

11.      Here is another possibly hidden double, yet I know only one of them and the other lookalike I just suspect, and I do not have as much proof as the above ones. It is about my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdair, the official husband of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and the official father of Basmah Bdair alias Basma Alami, and the official father of Samir/Sameer Bdair, and above all is the official father of Reem/Rim Bdair alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan, and is the official but fake brother of Mohamad/Muhammad Ali Othman Bdair, the founder of the Islamic Educational college and the ex-CEO and/or the chairman of the board of 24 major companies, alone in Jordan, such as: Jordan electric company, Islamic Educational college, Jordan Construction Material company (now it is a part of the Arab Construction Material Company as it is shown in the section maps and photos). Some construction engineering company and others. Let me just list my suspicions:

11.1.                I strongly believe he was not the brother of Mohamad/Muhammad Ali Othman Bdair, because first they do not lookalike, he does not even look like the children of his alleged brother, which are Essam Bdair + Omar Bdair + Othman Bdair. Also, Mohamad/Muhammad Ali Othman Bdair as I saw him for the first time in 1966 100% is a different person than the one I saw last either in summer 1985 or in spring of 1986, which was the last time I went to Amman, Jordan because they kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA, among others to prevent me to visit members of my fake family, then kept me in USA for 15 years as hidden slave while totally destroyed any logic whatsoever that I had prior to January 1984. I saw Mohamad/Muhammad Ali Othman Bdair twice allegedly once in end of 1950s in Damascus, Syria, which was 100% a fake memory forced upon me sometime either through my fake sister Suhair Bdair as she visited us for the first time in early 1966, yet I believe she has no telepathy and was kidnapped and enslaved herself, or it was her husband’s Bdair family as I was sent to Amman, Jordan for 3 months summer vacation in 1966. And this summer vacation and to 99% was to keep me in control environment and faraway of my fake mother, because most probably she went to Germany to get married to her official boyfriend alias the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and then most probably gone on a honeymoon somewhere far such as Hawaii, whereby Hawaii is speculation due to a brainwash situation that happened to me through Samir Bdair in around 1988 or 1989 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA as he allegedly just get married in Amman, Jordan and went to Hawaii for honeymoon and stopped in New York city and visited me in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA as I was totally lost due to the severe brainwash and slavery that was forced upon me, and because almost 80% of members of my fake family used me as blackmail object and his mother and father kept me far away of Egypt while my fake mother married the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann in Germany and became Irene Möllemann, and therewith this Samir Bdair was no exception and possibly used me against the American government that kidnapped me in the first of all to prevent me of discovering who my fake mother and her boyfriend Mohi Sabri are = they are 100% their spies(!!). In other words, it is very possible he just visited me and said he is going to Hawaii as if he is getting my attention that my fake mother went to Hawaii for her honeymoon in summer 1966 as blackmail to the American government, because I was 100% always monitored even inside the apartment I was forced to live in, because it was all preplanned controlled environment for me, but this is pure speculation.

11.2.                Back to Seif Aldin Bdair the official husband of my fake sister Suhair Bdair, today I believe his apartment in Amman, Jordan was a second residence, I have pure suspension that he was very possibly one of the rulers or ministers in one of the countries of the UAE-United Arab Emirates, which are 7 tiny almost city countries:

11.2.1.                  Abu Dhabi

11.2.2.                  Dubai

11.2.3.                  Ajman

11.2.4.                  Fujairah

11.2.5.                  Ras al Khaimah

11.2.6.                  Sharjah

11.2.7.                  Umm al Quwain

The reason I believe so is because first he took me to his alleged workplace in Amman, Jordan in 1966 at the Jordan Construction Material Company sales office and storage, and at that time I did not think anything about it, yet recently I remembered the situation and it was 100% fake situation, meaning his office was not his office and the way he behaved was 100% acting, by shouting at several alleged employee, even the one who brought us 2 glasses of tea, and that was once only, yet today I see it very clearly that he never worked there. The second reason why I believe he is a higher government member of the UAE because around 2 years ago and while I was making my research over his daughter Reem/Rim Bdair that was the double of princess Haya of Jordan that was married the prime minister of the UAE named Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in UAE  ( ), meaning Reem Bdair was exchanging places with princess Haya of Jordan as the wife and master to the enslaved Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, even though he had allegedly several wives, yet this is one of the major slavery deceives to make him think of him self as if he is in control as they repeatedly also did to me and to others that I noticed today. Anyway during these research times around 2-3 years ago, meaning in 2022 or 2023, I saw on the Internet a photo of some higher government official in UAE that looked very much like Seif Aldin Bdair, yet in disguise as an alleged Arab with long white dress that they call Thawb or thobe, very unfortunately I did not mark the page nor I took a copy, yet I remember it. A third reason is because today I strongly believe that the way they behaved in 1966 + 25 December 1969 to roughly 5 January 1970 + the several trips I made to Amman, Jordan between 1979 and spring 1986, there was something very wrong with them, beside that they did not want to see me in Jordan and in the entire Middle East and that is additional reason why these criminals mother fuckers conspired with the BP-British Petroleum to kidnap me to USA. Also, I was often held at the airport in Amman, Jordan by the Immigration authorities for a while, and this happened several times, and at least twice they confiscated my passport at the airport and said I should pick it up from the AL-Mukhabarat building in Amman, because they wanted to speak to me = giving me a lot of trouble each time I tried to visit my 2 fake sisters. Al-Mukhabarat is Arabic for secret Service ( ). Another very important reason is that I wanted to open a business  in Amman, Jordan for one reason only to be able to come often and see my 2 sisters that turned out they are my fake sisters, because I had no relatives in Germany except these mother fuckers that were forced upon my life by the American military and in 1977 they even forced upon my life the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa and his criminal wife while he pretended to be the brother-in-law of my alleged uncle Jawdat Baroudi that  today I strongly suspect him to be British origin = they are all swindlers  + criminal pretenders, and that is why the Bdair family fought me very badly to not succeed in opening a business and today I know why, because Amman, Jordan was 100% not their main housing, but rather either an additional housing because they have opened businesses in Jordan, or it is shared apartment with their other relatives that are also originated 100% from Saudi Arabia and have business in at least 10 other countries in the Middle East, as described in other area of this page, with their main seat in Saudi Arabia and I believe it used to be Cairo, Egypt after the UK-Unted Kingdom alias the English royal families + their American relatives the Rockefeller families colonized Egypt starting 1882 ( ), and I believe they created a totally new countries during the process where the American government was investigating the company Standard Oil due to monopoly and control of government members just as they doing today in 2024, in other words, the American government split the company of the Rockefeller named Standard Oil in to 33 smaller companies to break their ability of manipulating the government ( + ), and I believe during the investigation period, the John D. Rockefeller ( ), the founder and owner of the main company Standard Oil (=  had many names based on the state/country they were in such as Standard Oil of Pennsylvania or Standard Oil of New York state or Standard Oil of California or Standard Oil of Texas state), realized he will lose and worked with the English royal family to prepare by creating new countries in the so called Arab peninsula ( ) and created most of the countries that are today located in this area, prior to that it was 100% pure desert, just as also the Americans built the biggest gambling city in the world right in the middle of the desert also around 1905 and it is called Las Vegas in the state of Nevada in USA. And therewith John D. Rockefeller created a precautionary solution by starting a new total hidden petroleum empire and far away of USA and covered it up with the imitation Islam that was created earlier by the English royal family for their army that they used to invade most of the countries east of India the whole way to China and Indonesia, and this copy of Islam the English royal family copied it from the Indian religion called Mohamadan ( + ), in other words Islam was 100% originated from India and that is why they divided India in 1947 into 3 countries ( ) = India + East Pakistan + West Pakistan and later renamed them to = India + Bangladesh + Pakistan and the total Muslim in India today if they did not divide it and did not kidnap countless millions of Indians as slave soldiers and slave for other duties and took many of them to Africa + South America and the whole way to East Asia and 100% also to the Middle East, and in particular to Saudi Arabia and every single country bordering Saudi Arabia, and many Indian + Pakistani + Bangladeshis immigrated voluntarily to other countries due to these 3 countries have the largest poverty worldwide, in other words through kidnapping millions of Indian and the Immigration also millions of Indians and if no one were kidnapped and no one were immigrated out of India, then India would be today possibly as follow:

11.2.8.                  Today: India population is 1,429 million of which 14% Muslims = 200 million Muslims

11.2.9.                  Today: Pakistan 242 million of which 96% Muslims = 232 million Muslims

11.2.10.             Today: Bangladesh 169 million of which 91% Muslims = 154 million Muslims

11.2.11.             Today total Muslims in India if India was not divided in 1947 into 3 countries would be 586 million Muslims this is the big drop in the bucket = 25% of the Muslims population worldwide = India is the origin of Islam

11.2.12.             I believe that India before 1947 and after 1947 lost a total of possibly 100 million person, the majority of them were Muslims because they were 100% used by several European kingdoms as slave soldiers to invade East Asia the whole way to Indonesia and China and forced many of them to become Muslims and also invaded Africa with these soldiers and forced many of them to become Muslim, therefore I estimate that India would have today nearly 700 million Muslims if Europeans did not mass kidnap Indians and no Indian tried to escape the poverty by mass immigration to other countries, and this point alone proves that India is 100% the origin of Islam and not Saudi Arabia. Today India has a population 1,429 million or nearly 1.5 billion human beings of which they have 1.143,2 Hindu compare to nearly 700 million Muslims that would also be in India today if they did not divided and kidnap countless people of In other words, there could have been more than one third of the Indian population as Muslims and since Hindu religion exist since 4000 years and therewith Islam exist in India since at least 2000 years and in Saudi Arabia they claim Islam started in Saudi Arabia 1400 ago = Mathematics does not lie because their version does not add up = lies = mass brainwash!

And therewith the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + their countless allies at least through the 400 years old organization under their control and named Freemason they can falsify anything and anywhere and in any time including the origin of Islam, and not to forget that illiteracy played a big role for them, because illiteracy in 1900 was world average 88% with the exception of a handful of European countries and USA it was an average of 70%, in other word only 12 % of the world population average can read and write and in a hand full of European countries + USA it was an average of 30% of the population that can read and write. Which very much says, any history they manufactured and taught in schools as lies it become our official history and that is why nothing matches and that is not only my thinking, but also the thinking of millions who read the so called the Unified Translated Bible for the German Speaking countries between Catholic church and Evangelical Lutheran church (= Germany + Austria + Switzerland + part of former Yugoslavia + countless other Germans in other countries such as USA, South America, Africa and so on), here is a link of Wikipedia explaining only the origin of this new joint translation but is not mentioning what I am mentioning below ( ) what I mean is not what is written as the religious words within these bible = Old Testament as a copy of the Torah the book of the Jewish and the New Testament describing the life of Jesus Christ and the effect of his teaching on people in the following years, but rather I mean the appendix of these bibles that some of it explain some meanings within the bible while many of it question the history of the bible and Judaism (!!) just as I am today questioning the origin of Islam based on my new knowledge that I gained through the Internet and this thanks to and alias now it is Microsoft 365 and through these 2 I was able to research my past and every thing related to it . Below is a static map that shows these illiteracy statistics, and you can make your own search on the Internet to verify what I am claiming, you will find a ton of website that roughly are giving the same percentage. And therefor the Rockefeller families + the English royal families and starting at the latest 1911 after it was final decision of the American government to break their company into 33 small companies and therewith to break their power and manipulation of the government, and then the Rockefeller families + the English Royal families started to falsify history by using their money and power and going to countries around Saudi Arabia and forcing them to become Muslim Sunni and forcing them to teach fake history and they did the same in Asia, Africa, Europe and in USA, and therewith they created Saudi Arabia surrounded by the all new Muslim Sunni religion that claims it is the origin of Islam enable to get Muslims worldwide to protect them against UK and USA and anyone else that try to repeat the process or breaking their petroleum company = breaking their power of money and therewith also bribing anyone with any amount of money, because they have tons of it stored all over the world that they use to blackmail any country and to enslave people worldwide by controlling the petroleum pricing. Today I strongly believe that the Rockefeller and with the help of their psychopath relatives the English royal families control far more than 80% or the world petroleum including in USA + Russia + Middle East + South America such as Venezuela is also 100% in their pocket = They do not care about anything except money and the power to control others while pretending to be democratic and pretend to be protecting freedom that I never saw in my life as you can clearly see within my complaint pages and especially this page. And here is a small example of their viciousness and this is in the Netherlands, yesterday I received a notification of the Electric company that starting 1 October 2024 I have to pay 20% more for electricity, even though they claim that they use only renewable energy such as from sunlight and wind and both do not need petroleum or any major running cost except small maintenance, yet the electric company have experience that in the winter most prices are going to go up because it is the season where people use energy at the most even in hot countries that uses more air conditioning while in cold countries they use more heating many of it is based on petroleum, and here they raise the prices to make alone in these 2-4 months winter months more profit than the entire year = they crocks, because there are at least 2 million person in Netherlands that live just about on the edge of the  poverty line including myself + at least one million including children live in the Netherlands in poverty (!). And the reason why 2 million live on the edge of poverty and not in poverty in the Netherlands, is because the Netherlands has more human laws than most of the countries worldwide and these laws is to help people who have little income as myself, and if they did not have these laws, then and most definitely I would be today homeless living somewhere under some bridge just like countless thousands do in USA and alone in New York city and most probably countless 10 thousands all over USA live under bridges. That now said back to Seif Aldin Bdair and his fake and crock brother Mohmad/Muhammad Ali Othman Bdair, the later one went to Jordan after 1947 to integrate Islam Sunni in Jordan, and the reason he went late to Jordan, because it was small, and it did not have large population. At least one half of the population at that time was refugees from Europe second world war, and therewith he built the Islamic Educational college and a few mosques, in 1948 the English royal family and the Rockefller families installed their last slave soldiers in Palestine, and established Israel conflict with Palestinian as distraction of many things in the Middle East, including distracting of foreigners hidden colonialists, and therewith also a new war started between the new Jewish immigrant and the Palestinians, which created a flood of Palestinian refugee in Jordan and totally overwhelmed Jordan and therewith no one has time to question anything, every one was afraid of a new war just as the second world war ended 3 years prior to 1948 = All was a mass brainwash to integrate Islam Sunni and create a totally new fake history that started in 1911. Therefore, Mohamd Ali Othman Bdair was (or still is) 100% either a higher member of the Rockefeller families or a higher member of the English royal families and both these organized crime families control the Middle East to at least 70%, and the 20% is other Europeans and far under 10% are so-called Arabs that most of them are originated from India. And that is the truth, anything else is pure lies. Seif Aldin Bdeir came later possibly 1-4 years later or even 8 years later and claimed to be there since 1940s. It is all business = organized crime thinking. I think we all have something very precious as gift from God, and it is called human being and if I do not take care of those human beings that cannot think for their selves such as me until 2016 but also as many Palestinians and Jewish that are living in an never-ending cycle of fear as I was also forced by Americans and German and British governments to live also in fear since 1961/62, and today it is the year 2024 and the Palestinian are being systematically slaughtered from a infant to an elderly and 40% of all murdered are 100% under 15 years old. Today in August 2024 I do not blame Jewish, I am just showing who started what and why!

And here is a picture of one of these rulers in UAE named Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan ( ), because he looks around 85% like Seif Aldin Bdair, but he is not Seif Aldin Bdair, Saif Aldin Bdair was lighter colour, and around 155-160 cm short, and had a stomach that was going a half meter ahead of him. ),  I am guessing that his weight was between 90 and 110 kg, it is very possible he is one of the cousins of this man in the photo. Also, there are a couple of things relate him to UAE-United Arab Emirates, number 1: his official daughter was 100% the double of princess Haya of Jordan that was married to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum ( ). number 2: the Bdair family officially owns the Material Construction company located among other in UAE, Jordan and other countries as it is mentioned with proof of their official website in this page under maps and photos sections, number 3: the following I cannot proof even though I know it is true, all the royal families in these area and bordering Saudi Arabia including UAE are 100% founded by the English royal families + the American Rockefeller families + other European royal families and they also 100% used hired persons among others from India, Egypt, Algier, Morrocco and others as public royal families and if you look at their photos using and search for “List of UAE rulers” you will get this link:, then ask yourself what do they all have in common (??), they all have disguise beard and clothing to force every one to believe that this is the traditional of these areas as distraction that they are 100% disguised because they have brothers, sisters, parents and other relatives in various countries of their origin and they do not want to be recognized, but also because they have other identities, where they go between the general public in their country and in other countries such as in USA and in Europe and disguise their selves in different manners = they are all psychopaths just like their bosses that hired them or originally hired their parents or possibly grandparents, which are among others, the Rockefeller families, the English royal families, the ex-German royal families alias the current hidden German controlling families and other Europeans controlling families such as some of the royal families. Back to Seif Aldin Bdair, it is very possible he is the father or even grandfather of king Hussein of Jordan, and that would also explain why his official daughter Reem Bdeir is the double of princess Haya of Jordan. Below is an image showing the literacy worldwide in the year 1900 and followed by photo that looks to 85% like Seif Aldin Bdair, especially the form of the eyes and eyebrows + the cheeks + the mouth and they are most definitely unique






A person wearing a white headdress

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12.      My fake cousin Hani Baroudi the alleged son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, whereby I strongly suspect that Jawdat Baroudi is to 70% to be member of the English royal families or 20% member of the Rockefeller families or to 10% member of the ex-German royal families, or a combination of 2 or 3 of the mentioned families, and who knows maybe he is also member of the Dutch royal families and that would explain many things about how I am being treated in the Netherlands since 11.2.2001 and until current in September 2024. This Jawdat Baroudi is not the real father of Hani Baroudi. I believe one of them or both of them are members of the upper management of ARMCO, just like the husband of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar, her husband named is Dr. Alaa Ali and he looks just like the current CEO of ARAMCO named Dr. Amin H. Nasser ( + here are 2 X  google links to photographs of Dr. Amin H. Nasser:   + ), Dr. Alaa Ali and officially, at least to me, he pretended to be medical doctor working in the UK and for ARAMCO hospital near Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Back to Hani Baroudi, I strongly believe that the biological father of Hani Baroudi is his uncle, first name forgotten last name Kabani, in other words, the mother of Hani Baroudi had sex with her brother and as result of that a son was born in around 1961 or 1962 or 1963 in Cairo, Egypt and this son was named Hani Baroudi. I saw his uncle he is almost identical look to Hani Baroudi, in matter of fact I strongly suspect that the 2 exchange places using the same identity, and since Hani Baroudi set me up real badly in around 1993 or 1994 in Houston, Texas to prevent me to leave BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and the way he behaved and looked, it was most probably not Hani Baroudi, but rather his biological father that most probably is working for Headquarters of ARAMCO Services Co. in Houston, Texas (Important Note:  I thought that ARMCO headquarter in 1990s was in Houston, Texas, maybe I confused it with ARAMCO Services Co.) her is a link that shows the location of this company (,+Houston,+TX+77002,+USA/@29.7643937,-95.3846655,14.08z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8640bffb8d2126eb:0x789f82bba217806a!8m2!3d29.7569962!4d-95.3710391!16s%2Fg%2F11v3j6tr7l?hl=en&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D ) and that explains how the mother fuckers were monitoring my life in Houston, Texas and then sent Hani Baroudi to prevent me of leaving the BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud. I also believe this incest is often used within my fake and biological families to generate as many lookalikes as they can enable to use them among others in higher government positions or if they are women with telepathy then to use them as slave makers for men as they did to me and do to many upper government officials such as presidents, prime ministers, chancellors and so on, which you can clearly see this strategy within my complaint pages and in particular in this page and in this section about doubles and lookalike. This means my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi pretended to be the father of Hani Baroudi to cover up for his either relative or business partner, because he also does the same thing, and that is why his real son named Essam Shawki is being raised under fake identity and as the official son of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar Alias Fadia Elnagar, see the following 2 points

13.      Dr. Alaa Ali, I was setup to get to know him, and the way they set me up was that my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi or my fake sister Fadia Najar alias at that time marriage name Fadia Shawki caused in 1968 in Cairo, Egypt swelling in my throat, that I had to go to the nearby hospital named Heliopolis Hospital, and in the emergency I was treated by Dr. Alaa Ali, that said nothing serious and it will disappear within a couple of days and gave me some medications, some how we became friends, and I cannot recall how, any way roughly 1 or 2 weeks later I introduced him to my fake sister Fadia Shawki that was since around one year a widow of the Egyptian pilot named Afaf Shawki that died in a plane crash that he was piloting. Then my fake sister and Dr. Alaa Ali became friends and went out frequently and often took me with them. To make sure I do not forget that he is a medical doctor, my fake sister either end of 1968 or begin of 1969, pretended to commit suicide by taking many bills, and I called Dr. Alaa Ali privately and asked him to come and he said keep her awake until I come, do not allow her to sleep, and I did just that by trying to get her out of bed but she was allegedly drowsy and I even slapped her a couple of times on her cheeks until Dr. Alla Ali came and gave her some medication to help to empty her stomach and we took her to the bathroom and many things came out. I am sorry for this long description; it is important to see what these people comes up with to cover up for the lookalikes. Also, Dr. Alaa Ali took me with him several time to the hospital at various times, one time in night time where he was on call, and had a room in the hospital, sort a one bed room apartment with bathroom and desk and bed, where he can sleep until he is called between 22:00 and 6:00 in the morning, another time he took me with him to surgery to watch him performing kidney surgery to some man, today I know why he took me so oft with him to the hospital to place it in my mind and with doubt whatsoever that he is a medical doctor and a surgent as coverup for his lookalike that will come into my life later in 1970s. Now it is 10.10.1969 and my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi took me to Germany and in end of January or begin of February 1970 she disappeared of my life and I was taken to the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich for isolation, re-brainwashing me and enslaving me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old in 1970 and pretended to be 21 years old and allegedly only 4 years older than me while I was 17 years young. During that period of time in 1970 and either some one told me in person or via post letter that my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki has get married to Dr. Alaa Ali and since our alleged father is allegedly dead since 1953 and the tradition is allegedly that the future husband must ask either her father or one of the family member such as grandfather or uncles for permission to marry my alleged sister and to do that they allegedly went to Amman, Jordan some time in 1970 and asked my fake brother-in-law named Saif Aldi Bdair the husband of my fake sister Suhair Bdair, for permission to get married, but based on our alleged traditions this fake brother-in-law is not considered an uncle no he is a substitute for a father to give permission for marriage to the sister of his wife that live in another country, yet they did that to give the Jordanian more authority and importance in my life as distraction of the royal families of the following countries, that each of them has at least a couple of members of my fake family as members of their royal families, which are the following countries sorted by the quantity of members of my fake family in these countries : Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, and Yemen (Yemen is officially non kingdom country), whereby I had officially 5 uncles, anyway and then they allegedly get married in Amman, Jordan some times in 1970 and from Amman, Jordan the newly married couple + the 2 fake children of my fake sister went to London, the UK where her new husband and over night get an immigration visa and a job at some hospital and now they are allegedly in London, which I was 100% not able to verify, because they set me up to be refugee after my fake mother applied for political asylum for me in Munich and I was not allowed to leave the country, which was 100% nothing else than an open prison for me. Anyway, in summer 1976 it was the first time I was allowed to go out of Germany and went to the UK along with the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray and visited her alleged mother Joann Disbray + her alleged father John Disbray and her alleged brother Sean Disbray and visited my fake sister and her alleged husband Dr. Alaa Ali and the 2 children. All the above and so far, just to show you how they brainwash children and youth and men, because today and since several years I realized that this Dr. Alaa Ali is 100% different person than the Dr. Alaa Ali that I met in 1968 in Cairo, Egypt, and I strongly believe that this Dr. Alaa Ali is not even medical doctor, possibly the doctor title he has is for other non medical sector and for other professions possibly in business and administration or politics and so on, here is a list or professions that can reach a doctorate degree ( ). In other words, there are 2 different Dr. Alaa Ali and in 2 different countries and both uses the same identity name = a crime!

14.      My fake sister Fadia Najar allegedly gets married in either end 1961 or in 1962 to the Egyptian civilian pilot Afaf Shawki, and the reason I am not sure, is because they caused me a total amnesia sometime between spring 1961 and spring or summer 1962, any way she married to our next door neighbour in Cairo, Egypt. This neighbour was named Afaf Shawki and was civilian pilot working for the Egyptian main airline company called Egypt Air and was sharing an apartment with his friend and fellow pilot that was Canadian. After they get married, they moved together to another apartment directly opposite the Almaza Air Force Airport, in an area called Almaza or Heliopolis-Almaza in Cairo, Egypt. The building was 3 floors, and each floor had 2 apartments, except the ground floor had one apartment for the owner named Dr. Lapeep = a total of 5 apartments building. The building was owned by a man named Dr. Lapeep that was rarely at home and mainly always traveling somewhere and his son named Hani Lapeep was being raised, and this is my guess, by a hired Egyptian nanny, this Dr. Lapeep and his son I relate them to the American Bush family (=ex-US president George H. W. Bush and his son also ex-US president George W. Bush) because Hani Lapeep looked almost identical to ex-US president George H. W. Bush as he was young, and this is based on his photos on the Internet, also their neighbour in a standalone house and they were called Al-Jumaiee I also relate them to the same Bush family ( + ), also based on the look of their son named Hishaam that looked very much like the father of Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of ex-US president George H. W. Bush and the name of her father is Marvin Pierce, here too also based on photos I found on the Internet, and this cannot be coincident that these people were in my life while the evil stupid criminal bush family were all over my life without me noticing as it is mentioned all over my complaint pages.. Shortly after my fake sister Fadia Najar/Shawki/Ali/Nagar/Elnagar marriage, they went to the country Yemen allegedly because her husband must train some Yemenis either to be pilots or train them on a specific airplane model. Today I believe that when Afaf Shawki came back from Yemen, he came with a different woman than my original fake sister Fadia Najar, I see the possibility that he went with a man disguised as his wife or it was a real woman, yet whoever came back with him was 100% a different person that was more Italian oriented, as it is described in detail in other pages, and to show me as if this woman is supressed by her husband, and when he used to go to work and fly to other countries, he used allegedly to lock his wife up in the apartment, and I remember I used to go and visit her and she was not able to open the door because it was locked with the key and she allegedly did not have the key, and since the apartment doors of this building had sort of a window in the door and you can open the glass door of this window and there was metal bars that not even a cat can go through it, so I used sit on the floor and talk to my alleged sister, her neighbour were 2 elderly couple and when they see me sitting on the floor and talking to my fake sister through this window in the door, that was roughly 30 X 80 cm, then they used to give me one of their chairs and I used to sit and talk to my fake sister for hours (all this can be true or false, yet it is in my memory, meaning it is very possible that this was fake memory forced upon me through my fake family). All this was after she came back from Yemen, and as far as I recall her husband Afaf Shawki crashed with the plane, he was piloting including a Yemeni minister and all passengers somewhere near the Sinai Peninsula in northeast Egypt. All this is absolutely strange among others because my fake sister has 2 children that are 100% not hers, the male named Essam Shawki, and the female named Esmat Shawki, and both are 100% not the children of their official father named Afaf Shawki because they do not look anything like him. He was short maybe 165 cm very wide shoulder, big hands and big feet above average big in comparison to his height, he also had black or dark brown semi curly hair and dark skin, not black but lighter brown, his official son is blond, pale white and blue eyes and looks exactly like my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi. His official sister Esmat Shawki is most definitely not his biological sister, because she does not look anything like him, except that she is shorter than her alleged brother. As I described it else where, I believe Jawdat Baroudi made a partnership with some Iranian drug lords or some kind of Iranian controlling family and to make this partnership work well each one donated a child and placed them with a nanny that raised them as brother and sister while pretending to be their mother and also pretended to be my sister, and therewith these 2 families became related business wise and family wise. I know it sound more than crazy, but this is what some organized crime family do, sacrifice their own children for money. I know that this is more than bad, they did something similar also to me, and therewith these 2 children, now adults that were officially born between 1964 and 1966 which means they are now between 58 and 60 years old and do not know how it feels to be raised by actual parents, neither do I, yet today I know what is missing in my life and if I had it, which is real parents or at least one real close family member such as brother or sister or cousin,  then I would have never been misused as these mother fucker fake and biological family did to me since 1960s and until current, not to mention what they did to me before 1960 and prior to causing me total amnesia, that force me today to be busy documenting my life to help others not to fall for these organized crime families that many of them have telepathy and many of them control governments and that is why they never get caught. Now that said, Today I see the big possibility that there are 2 different Fadia Najar, one of them is called now Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar and allegedly lives between the UK-United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia while the other still live in Cairo, Egypt and also exchange places at least in the UK and in Saudi Arabia and in Egypt and to top this psychotic situation, each of these 2 lookalikes have also 2 children named also Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki, and most probably they are identical look, meaning Esmat Shawki has an identical twin that is living in Egypt and her official but fake brother Essam Shawki has also an identical look twin that also lives in Cairo, Egypt, possibly both of them are also working for the government in Egypt or Saudi Arabia as spies for the UK and USA and who knows may be also and/or spies for Germany or the Netherlands. Everything mentioned is the truth, except Fadia Nagar had an identical twin and her official 2 children each has also an identical twin, is pure conclusion based on situation and behaviour and the brainwash photos mentioned and showing some of them also in this page

15.      This point is about my fake nephew named Abdullah Abokurah the official son of my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar, now and allegedly since 1987 is living in Washington D. C., and prior to that and since some times in the begin of 1980s he was allegedly studying and as far as I recall in Nashville, Tennessee in USA, he is also the official son of Abdulghani Abokurah that allegedly died in November 1999 or November 2000 while I started to understand my past and trying to escape USA that kidnapped me by force of brainwash and telepathy by using many among others the BP-British Petroleum + their hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her entire fake family, the American military in Munich, Germany the English royal families + the Rockefeller families by among others using the company BP-British Petroleum but also and very unfortunately the German government with ex-German Chancelor Helmuth Kohl under the control of the coalition government of the following political parties: CDU + CSU + FDP, while FDP was the party of the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias in Cairo, Egypt using the identity Mohi Sabri the boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that I strongly suspect her to have been his first wife named Irene Möllemann. On 11.2.2001 I was brought by force of the American immigration officers + FBI agent from Houston, Texas, USA to the Netherlands where I was all in all locked up for almost 13 years in countless places. In the refugee camp named Ter Apel in Netherlands, which is considered to be the headquarter for all refugee camps in Netherlands and on 27.12.2002 my fake son was allegedly brought from USA to this refugee camp as mean of using him as hidden interrogations, to see and hear what I was going to tell him, where I was there with him until 1 or 3 August 2003 = 7 months, during which I was all the time and almost on a daily basis sitting with him within this Ter Apel refugee camp and warning him of my fake family, then and in 1 or 3 of August 2003 I was 100% forced with telepathy to leave the refugee camp and go illegally to Germany to allegedly take my son back to the country he was born in which is Germany and then we were separated. During that period in refugee camp and sometime shortly after the concentrated evil American government/Military invaded Iraq on 20 March 2003 which was a short war that lasted until roughly end of April 2003 ( +  ), and sometime between Mai and June or July 2003 and while I was sitting alone in the dining room, and my fake son was either a sleep or went for a walk, and in the News I saw how the American military in Iraq created an alleged neutral temporary government and one of the ministers of this new Integrated government was being interviewed possibly by the CNN-Cable News Network, and this minister was 100% an identical look to my fake nephew Abdullah Abokurah, yet his official mother alias my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar and after the year 2008 claimed he was with her in Washington D.C. and is married to some lady from Philippine. Since I am more than positive that he was 100% Abdullah Abokurah and that Abdullah Abokurah 100% had telepathy due to one major situation with him in Munich, Germany some time in 1977 or 1978,where he was still around 10-12 years old, therefore and today I see the possibility that he has an identical lookalike, not because I believed my fake sister that he is in Washington D.C. and married to a lady from the Philippine, but rather the patten of this very destructive fake family of mine that always uses a person that has a double lookalike for a higher government position, as you can clearly see within my complain pages, and therewith he can be a minister temporary in Iraq that was set by the American evil military that then would help them to steal the petroleum from Iraq among other by using the ex-US president George W. Bush and his vice president Dick Cheney alias the ex-CEO and Chairman of the board of the company Halliburton ( + + ), which was the main company that started to steal the petroleum in Iraq immediately after the invasion of Iraq and also started to sell gasoline to the American military with inflated prices instead of discounted prices because the military is the biggest buyer of petroleum originated products, see the 2 links of over the ex-US president George W. Bush and his vice president Dick Cheney stealing the tax payers money  because Halliburton was selling petroleum to American military in Iraq with inflated prices ( + ). It is all connected, my fake family is 100% originated from the international organized crime families named English royal families + the Rockefeller families, while the entire White House administration of ex-US president George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are also 100% originated from the same organized crime families as mentioned above, and the absolute same thing is valid for every single US president and especially ex-US presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush and Donald Trump but also Barak Obama and Joe Biden and the current US vice president Kamala Harris that is planned for her to become US president = a circle of same families controlling USA and they call that Freedom and democracy by cheating and deceiving the general public enable they can steal as much as they can from the US budget that is considered to be and by far the biggest budget worldwide, while the budget of the US federal government collected nearly $4.5 trillion in revenue in fiscal year 2023 (FY 2023), yet The federal government spent almost $6.2 trillion in FY 2023, including funds distributed to states. Federal revenue decreased 15.5% in FY 2023 but remained almost 8% higher than in FY 20. Which very much means that the US government under Joe Biden White House administration cheated the tax payer not only by stealing as much as they can, but also by forcing the US government to borrow 1.7 trillion US dollar of their own banks and there with the government does not have enough money to spend on the general public, because every single year they borrow money from the banks owned by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and then have to pay countless millions yearly only for the interest of these countless trillions borrowed of these crocked families ( ). All the above mentioned is related and connected to my fake nephew Abdullah Abokurah and most probably he has an identical look double or even 4, that can be a twin, a close cousin or a hidden close relative such as in this case the Bdair family that owns many business in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, possibly also Syria, but above they also own countless businesses in all the following petroleum countries and this based on what they told me and several members of this fake family that I met and working in the same business sector and companies but each indifferent country as follow: Nigeria + Libya + Egypt + Saudi Arabia and every country bordering to Saudi Arabia as follow: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE-United Arab Emirate + Oman + Yemen and totally in the hidden and 100% also in Iran

16.      This point is about the BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud that the mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum brainwashed me and forced me with telepathy with the help of one of the lookalikes of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and the Israeli-Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa and his wife Samah Assassa alias Samah Ejlani and both pretended to be Syrian and in cooperation with my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that pretended to be Syrian consul in Geneva Switzerland from 1976/77 and until I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in September 11986, and some others, and all of them forced me starting 24.12.1984 to be enslaved under the control of this disgusting horrible hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud. And they did not do that overnight, but rather worked on re-brainwashing me starting January 1984 and then destroyed my relation with my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and then enslaved me, then almost overnight my entire behavior changed in every way you can possibly imagine, from what I drink and what I eat to what I did at work and what I do in my free time to what I was systematically forced to do. This is how psychopath mother fuckers and whores would do for an innocent person that used to love everyone and today in September 2024, I just curse them all as mother fuckers for being children’s kidnappers and children rapist and enslaving children into their adulthood and then lock them up for 13 years as they did to me (!!!???). Since I mentioned enough about this hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, here I will first list her suspected lookalikes and when I believe they exchanged places and then list in the following point how she and others used me as blackmail object:

16.1.                Najlaa Mahmoud was forced upon my life, or better said I was 100% enslaved under her control starting 24.12.1984 which equals Christmas to leave it like this in my memory because allegedly I voluntarily changed my religion from Islam to Christianity and therewith they wanted me to blame everything on my fake Muslem-Arab family that in reality are neither Muslims nor Arabs, they are 100% psychopath English royal family members + Rockefeller family members. In March 1986 she allegedly had a baby allegedly our joint son named Abdulhamid Najar and the name Abdulhamid was also a brainwash name I was forced to think that I chose this name because it is the name of my alleged father Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar = this man never existed with this name, and was made up by my biological family that I am positive to be the English royal family + Rockefeller families and that is why they used the organization Freemason to create fake certificates and fake medals for this fake identity alias my fake father. Also, this forces my mind to think that I loved this child that is why I allegedly named him as my father’s name = 100% brainwash because I did not choose this name it was 100% forced upon me. Anyway, then I was kidnapped to USA in September 1986. In roughly 1988 I went from Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA with the car including this filthy animal named Najlaa Mahmoud to visit my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar in Washington D.C. and here this filthy animal exchanged places with another woman and with the help of my fake sister Mona Abokurah, and the reason I am positive about that, is because and after we went back to Bridgeport, Connecticut and very suddenly and overnight, this whore named Najlaa Mahmoud started to pray 5 times a day as some Muslims do and she claimed that my fake sister Mona Abokurah taught her how to pray. We were in Washington D.C. for roughly one week, and there was no time where the two had enough time alone and together that my fake sister allegedly taught this filthy animal how to pray and to convince her that she must pray, which usually would take at least a couple of weeks if not a few months, in other words this was 100% another woman while in the same time forcing my mind to think that my fake sister Mona Abokurah is strict Muslim woman. And this while this disgusting filthy Najlaa Mahmoud used to drink Gin and eat pork and suddenly she eats only halal meat that she buys only by Jewish butchers in Bridgeport, whereby Jewish butchers do not sell Halal Meat, only Muslim butchers sell them, and Jewish butchers sell Kosher meat = total chaos behavior to force me later to think she was Jewish  and to force me to blame everything on Jewish and to confirm that she brought in roughly end 1987 a Jewish tailor named Scott Schields while his Jewish mother named Suzanne Schields (the name Schields is German origin, also there is a very famous rich family also called Schields!) had a women clothing shop in the nearby city called Westport also in the state of Connecticut and this criminal filthy whore named Najlaa Mahmoud started to tailor clothing for this Scott Schields and to force me to think that she is a good woman the mother fucker American companies around my life prevented me to work and for several months and therewith I had no income and she was generating the money through expensive tailoring, allegedly each dress she made was sold between 1800 and 3000 US Dollars and she get 500 US Dollar for each dress, this alone shows you how criminal mother fuckers are the American government and the Rockefeller families + the English royal families around my life that are organizing all that to force me to like this disgusting whore animal, and I was not able to because she is disgusting brainless smelly animal just like most females in my fake family that all they think about is how they look and do not care a bit about their own behavior or moral values that they totally lack = organized crime families values. If my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar is strict in anything then it is being strict in a few things, number one 100% enemy of Islam and of any other religion whatsoever, she is strict psychopath that has telepathy and love to use it to enslave others and in particular American congress men and American senators, anyone tells you anything else he/she is lying to you.

16.2.                12 December 1990 I was forced to relocate from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Houston, Texas, , which t took us 2-3 days with the public long distance bus, where in Houston, Texas there are more mother fuckers that can control my life, among others because there was ARAMCO Services headquarter but also BP-British Petroleum big business in USA, but also the English royal families and the Rockefeller families have countless large businesses, from many large petroleum such as Haliburton, Chevron, Exxon/Esso  but also in other sectors such as they own a chain of hospitals and many other kind of businesses, above all they 100% control the government of the state of Texas + the following cities: Dallas, Houston, Galveston (= very big in petroleum refineries), Austin, San Antonio and others, also in Florida, California and above all the entire north east of USA, from Washington D.C. and the whole way to Maine on the Canadia border. And here I See a possibility that this disgusting woman named Najlaa Mahmoud exchanged places with her lookalike at the apartment of her alleged daughter named Susan/Suzanne Khodor + her husband named Mohamad Khodor (he was and most probably still is a shame of and to humanity and he called himself Muslim and he even named as the name of the prophet of Islam, whereby he and his entire family 100% made bad name for Muslims and entire humanity ) that calls him self Mark Khodor, where we were staying at their apartment for the first 2 weeks starting roughly 15 or 16 December 1990, until I was forced to find an specific apartment starting 1 January 1991 in Stancliff Park apartments, within walking distance of their apartment, whereby Mark Khodor claimed to be real estate agent and finds apartment for people and therewith these mother fuckers forced me to live in an apartment complex where they had a networked of people and all of them together were 100% totally controlling my life as distraction of the prostitute house called American government that kidnapped me from Germany because they had spies in Germany that pretended to be my mother, her husband, her brother and many other male and female prostitute that do nothing else but spy for Americans and British with the goal to enrich the English royal families + their relatives the Rockefeller families = they are 100% thieves. The apartment complex called Stancliff Park apartment is now called Ashford Stancliff Park Apartments at 10350 Lands End Dr in Houston, Texas, USA. And my apartment was Apartment 226 or 26 I forgot and I also was forced to relocate once within the same apartment complex, and to be precise in the apartment directly above my original apartment and the above one and as far as I recall was apartment 27, and the reason I had to relocate was because they flooded my apartment on purpose while making it to look like accidently just to force me to relocate to the upper apartment on the first floor, and today I am guessing that they possibly had microphones and cameras in my apartment to allegedly see what we are doing as distraction that they have telepathy and can see and hear everything even before I do it because they can read my mind and know what I am going to say or do, and therefore they do not need a court order and do not need cable or electricity or camera = all what the human beings are doing now, God has done or created before he created human beings, here is the address ( +,+Houston,+TX+77099,+USA ). Here I was forced to start to allegedly celebrate Christmas by taking this filthy animal whore named Najlaa Mahmoud to a Hilton hotel over Christmas starting Christmas 1991 and starting Christmas 1992 and every single Christmas until and including Christmas 1998 to the Omni Hotel (,-95.4619474,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m10!3m9!1s0x8640c148fd8e50d3:0x855269a9c60f8290!5m3!1s2024-09-06!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d29.7613035!4d-95.4593725!16s%2Fg%2F1v9t_8qx?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDgyOC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D ), whereby the alleged brother-in-law’s brother of this filthy animal named Najlaa Mahmoud named Kamal/Kimo Khodor was allegedly the night receptionist at this hotel, where I was always forced to get 2 rooms connected together with one door, allegedly one room for our son named Abdulhamid Najar that was only 5 years old in 1991 and we place him alone in this room allegedly to have privacy with my wife, yet this whore was never my wife if I see her on the street I would vomit all over her, and that I cannot help because this is how disgusting she was and still is. But I strongly believe that the reason I was forced to have 2 rooms with connected door enable they can force me with telepathy to go into deep sleep while the actual parents of this fake son came in nighttime and spend time with their son. Is this true? I do not know, I just know for fact I would never ever place a 5-year-old child sleep in a separate room in a hotel, even if it has a connected door to my room. This kept on going until last time was Christmas 1998 and in the same Omni hotel and 6 months later, she moved out and made it look like as if I thrown her out!

16.3.                This criminal hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and today I estimate that she was at least 10-15 years older than me, possibly even 30 years older, yet the woman that used to come on Christmas as mentioned above, I guess her to have been much younger and I am guessing her to be the original one that raised the child with me until she exchanged places with her lookalike in Washington D.C. as it is mentioned above. I have a very solid prove that she was that old, one of these proves was my client named James Brasher the co-owner of the company ACPI-Associated Canvas Products, Inc. On Market street in Channelview, Texas 20 KM east of Houston, Texas and He either used me as blackmail object or pretended to tell me that the woman I am living with is as old as his mother or even older by inviting me to an alleged small family party at some small restaurant also in Channelview, Texas, during which his mother wanted to dance with me and she did, she smelled like Najlaa Mahmoud and was around 60-65 years old in around 1995/96.

16.4.                On 24 or 27 July 1998 I started to work as an IT/computer consultant for a 6 men company named Technomation and owned by Mike Brulé and his wife, that I was told that she was Jewish, meaning only me and another 4 were working for him, he used to get contracts with companies and then place us in these companies, his wife was the accountant, he had one man named John, last name forgotten, that was allegedly student in some university and on the side he is computer programmer and was set in the company Haliburton that is mentioned above in one of the previous points, I believe it is owned and operated by the Rockefeller family. Me, and a young man from India and another young man from China were set on the same project called CPC-Caspian Pipeline consortium ( + ). What was strange about his office is said in 2 points: point-1: his official business office was in a high building in a very expensive business area, and the office was maybe 200 square meters that had one huge office and 2 smaller office in other words the office was too expensive for the size of employees, I estimate that the office monthly rent was probably near 2000 US Dollar, above all, he did not need the large room, because he does not have any employees, he just hire freelancers only for the duration of the project, and when there is no project the employees are immediately off the job and do not get paid any more!!!??? . Point-2: as far as I recall the company BP-British Petroleum had their management business building also a high building, almost on the same street, yet at that time I did not yet discover that they owned the company SCS-Scientific Control Systems with the project Calypso as it is mentioned in the pages BP-British Petroleum-part-1 to par-3-Version-2. These mentioned 2 points teel me that this mother fucker was 100% working for BP-British Petroleum or Exxon/Esso or Cheverton and was doing nothing else but brainwashing m. Later in the Netherlands and after the year 2006, where I started to have access to the Internet within the refugee camp called Dokkum in the city called also Dokkum in the north of the Netherlands I started to research my life and continued in 2008 after the Dutch immigration forced me to live totally isolated in the north easter village called Bellingwolde, during which I was able to purchase a second hand computer and connected to the Internet, and then I saw on the Internet that this Mike Brulé sold or closed his company and  was working for Microsoft Corporation, and then I was forced to blame Microsoft of my misery and placed it on the forced upon me website that I created and called wanted, during which I blamed Microsoft for several things, which was not accurate because it was all 100% brainwash, later also through the Internet I saw that he left the company Microsoft. Back to USA and in 1998 and me working for this Mike Brulé, he fired at the end of April 1999, and during this period many chaotic situation happened in my life, among others the police wanted to arrest my son in his school because he allegedly started a fight, today I know it was a setup to force me to remove him of the public school and place him in a private Catholic school, either they pretended to remind me of the church or pretended to remind me as I was also removed from a public school in 1965 and placed in a private school in the same class as the son of the Egyptian president as it is mentioned in this page, while 6 months later they introduced me to a new fake sister named Suhair Bdair and a fake brother named Mohamd Nashaat Najar and he was placed in a catholic-Gupti school (Gupti or Kopti is Egyptian Christian, allegedly it was the first ever founded Christian community!!??) that was allegedly raised by this mentioned fake sister. And when they placed me in this private school, they placed me in the same class as Abdulhakeem Nasser the son of the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser as it is mentioned elsewhere on this page, and this while Mike Brulé kept on over doing it to get my alleged attention that the letter “e” in  his last name is written with accent aigu (in English it is called Acute accent) like this “é” ( ) allegedly as a reminder with the Siemens AG hired prostitute named Reneé Zielske that her first name was also supposed to be written like this Reneé and she always insisted on that, because she allegedly is originated from Alsace in German it is written like this Elsàss because it is a small state within East France and it used to be German and that is why prior to 1996 they used to write it like this Elsaß ( ), however a few years ago I discovered that this hired prostitute named Reneé Zielske was most probably meant to force me to think that they were testing me to see if I can relate to it, because the Germans have performed many things to me after several major terrorist attacks in Germany, such as the kidnapping of Mr. Hanns Martin Schleyer ( ), he was the president of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations meaning the German Employers Association ( ) he was kidnapped and then murdered by a German terrorist group and then found dead in a basement building in the state of Elsàss, but also they used to create situations when other terrorist attacks happens especially if it was performed by terrorist that pretended to be Palestinians to create sympathy for Israel and others while forcing the world to see all Palestinians as bad terrorist Muslims, which is a very nasty mass brainwash performed among others by the following countries: UK + USA + Israel + others also in Europe, because if they force people to hate Palestinians or Muslims in general, then people would not care if someone did something bad to them as Israel doing now, because people they would think someone has to stop these terrorists, but in reality neither Muslims nor Palestinian are terrorists, most Muslims in the world and especially in the Middle East, Africa and India and Pakistan + Bangladesh are totally suppressed and poor, even though and today I live on the edge of poverty, yet compared to an average Muslim or Arab or African I am at least Middle class, this is how nasty and very destructive is their situation that was 100% created by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and their allies alias UK + USA + ex-German royal families + Frensh + Spanish and others, which you can see what recently happened in Bangladesh, where mass students demonstrated against the totally corrupt government that was suppressing everyone, and then the government leader escaped ( ) and the students selected/elected a certain known to them person to be the new president, all this is 100% the side effect of the English royal family that went to India 500 years ago and enslaved people and India was officially a colony of the UK for 300 years until 1947 and then they split India into 3 countries that are today India + Pakistan + Bangladesh  (= roughly 600 million Muslims + additional 100 Million that were kidnapped as slave soldiers and slaves for other duties to many areas in the world including but not limited to East Asia, North and South America, Europe, Africa and above all and by far the largest amount is to the Middle East and all this to cover up that Islam Sunni in Saudi Arabia that allegedly exist in Saudi Arabia since 1400 years is 100% an  imitation of Islam existing in India for more than 2500 years) to hide the fact that Islam is originated from India. Back to the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium, I strongly believe that during this 9 months I worked on this project between July 1998 and April 1999, they exchanged the disgusting filthy BP-British Petroleum prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud with another lookalike that was totally different behaviour and totally unhygienic as mean of severe brainwash to confuse my mind and force me to want to run as a result she left my life in June 1999, just 2 months after I was fired of the project to blame it on Russians that were also working on this project. And on 10.10.1999 I was forced to leave the apartment Stancliff Park apartment complex, because I cannot afford it any more because I was 100% prevented to work and then rented a room in a motel, during which I was also separated of my son and I believe another lookalike took his place that most probably had telepathy, then many things happened and I was not able to understand it until someone with telepathy in April 2000 started to force my mind to recognize telepathy, which scared the life out of me and I just wanted to run and escape this telepathy and in end of Jue 2000 I went to the international airport in Houston, named George H. W. Bush International airport and lived there for nearly one month because I had no money and no identification papers (it was stolen of me by 2 young women, I am supposed top write ladies, but when a woman steal something from me, then she is a prostitute woman) and therewith I cannot do anything, I cannot get an apartment or even a room, I cannot open a bank account I cannot work and so on. In the Airport I used to collect the luggage carts and take them back and get the 25 cent of them and therewith I made between 5 and 10 US Dollars daily and with it I bought food and drinks and went up in the car garage in an area where no one goes and started to cry for hours, and did that daily until I was arrested by the police sometime in mid July 2000 and they took me to jail in Houston, after 2 or 3 days they released me and I went back to the Airport trying to find a way to smuggle my self on a plane to escape this fucking stupid vicious and most sadistic country I have ever seen, just like the UK, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, UAE, Oman Bahrain, Qatar, and Kuwait that are founded as slavery countries for petroleum by the Rockefeller families and the English royal families in cooperation with other countries including their slave countries such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, therefore USA is the worst inhumane country that you can ever think off followed by Netherlands or even the Netherlands comes first, because I was locked up for near 13 years. And now in September 2024, I am here in the Netherlands since 11.2.2001, this is almost 24 years, and I am still complaining about my life as hidden slave.

17.      Najlaa Mahmoud was used as blackmail object for several things, such as:

17.1.                The name Khodor of her alleged daughter = Esmat Khodary my first forced upon me girlfriend that later was also the first girlfriend of my identical twin that took my place in Cairo, Egypt after I was taken to Germany on 10.10.1969

17.2.                My school friend named Mahmoud the son of a famous Egyptian Sheikh (=Muslim priest) that I strongly believe he was set on me either by my fake family or the Egyptian government or my biological families to possibly protect me but most definitely to isolate me of others in the school while pretending to be my friend as mention in this page and other pages

17.3.                The name Najlaa = my fake cousin Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman the daughter of the Egyptian military general named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that I strongly believe was married to a British woman named Amira (=Princess) and then they faked her death because she was too white and he married her sister that did not look anything like her sister and was darker skin big lower lip, possibly originated from India

17.4.                The BP-British Petroleum hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud = hired by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families = my fake families and this hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, pretended to have a hoppy painting just like Adolf Hitler but also like ex-US president George W. Bush and both had directly yet in the hidden related to my life as it is mentioned also in this page. Someone tried hard to force me with telepathy to see the profile of this prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud  to force me to see the relation to hidden escaped Nazi as their reaction that I am complaining about the psychopath and heartless mentally sick my fake family = English royal families and the Rockefeller families and therewith they wanted to distract me of their selves by pointing me to the hidden escaped Nazis that are 100% related to them family wise and also business wise, beside today I know that the American and British 100% helped thousands of Nazis that were upper military officers or upper government members and simultaneously were from the ex-German royal families meaning related to the British and Americans and that is why they all together fake their death by creating an alleged mass suicide of German Nazis and then helped them to relocate to countries in the Middle East (and also to other countries worldwide) where they have total control, such as Saudi Arabia Egypt that they controlled since 1888 and others.

17.5.                The BP-=British Petroleum hired  prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud pretending not to be Muslim from 24.12.1984 and until I went with her to Washington D.C. to visit my fake sister Mona Najjar alias Mona Al Najjar alias Mona Al-Najjar and many other variations that she keeps on changing along with my other fake sister Faida Nagar and my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias Nick Al Najjar, then and after this trip to Washington D.C. roughly in 1988 she pretended to be strict Muslim and prayed 5 times as Muslims do, and claimed my fake sister taught her that and simultaneously buys her Hala meat not from Muslims butchers but from Jewish butchers that do not sell Halal meat but rather sell Kosher meat and this was on purpose to pretend to be Jewish that is pretending to be Muslim as my original fake mother was. I believe today my fake mother that took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 and practically left me on the streets to allow the American military to take me for brainwash, and then she went to her husband Mohi Sabri the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, and I strongly suspect this fake mother to have been Irene Möllemann the first wife ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and I also believe that she was Jewish or at least pretending to be, because no member of my fake family is Muslim and this is a 100% fact, they think all Mund all Christians and all Jewish and all people that believe in one way or another in an invisible to us God to be stupid, because she and my entire fake family and biological families think of their selves as God on earth and that is also fact and that is why they pretend anything they want and can generate in one way or another a tons of money for them = Psychopaths

17.6.                And several other blackmails not worth mentioning here, including pointing to the project Calypso that these mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum and others used to severely brainwash me starting January 1984, enslave me under the control of their hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA where they kept me literally as slave for 15 years and then dumped me on 11.2.2001 in the Netherlands by force where I was in one way or another locked up  until May 2012!

18.      Hani Baroudi is my fake cousin and the official son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that I relate to one of the following families: English royal families and/or The Rockefeller families and/or the ex-German royal families while simultaneously I believe he is a member of the Saudi Arabian royal families while he is also in the upper management of ARAMCO. I found the photo of Hani Baroudi on along with some information that pointed to me that they are all made up and that is why I am placing images of these fake  information here, anyone can verify this information by searching for his name Hani Baroudi on and then use or or to search for his registered domain names = website names. Also I never noticed before that Hani Baroudi has a strong look similarity t my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, until yesterday when I found the photo of Hani Baroudi, then I realized that these 2 mother fuckers either exchange places or both of them are one person that disguises as the one or another identity as it is suitable for him, These psychopaths mother fuckers they think they are playing in a Hollywood or Bollywood movie and that explains their totally corrupted brain logic. In other words, the identity of Hani J Al Baroudi possibly does not exist, and my fake brother and my fake mother and my fake uncle created this fake identity to cover up for the real biological father of Hani J. Al Baroudi alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar. This means that this mother fucker psychopath fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that was 100% working for ARAMCO or Chevron or Exxon/Esso in Houston, Texas USA, and noticed that the company Texaco Inc. Was trying to free me of the hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud and then disguised as Hani Baroudi and prevented Texaco of freeing me, and that was in around summer 1991 or 1992. Look close at both photos, one is perfect as if someone painted it with AI-Artificial Intelligence computer program while he other is on the contrary with messed up look but acting as such. They have the same mouth, the same cheeks and the same nose and the same ears and the same neck and if you can see the eyes through the eye glasses they also have the same eyes almost the same hair, and above all they have the absolute same stupid and psychotic look and behaviour!





To he left My fake cousin Hani Baroudi allegedly born in 1961 or 1963 in Cairo, Egypt , to the right my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar allegedly born on 19 or 18 November 1949 also allegedly in Cairo, Egypt yet allegedly was taken by my fake oldest sister Suhair Bdair to Amman, Jordan and was allegedly raised there until the first time I ever saw him in my life in summer 1966 as I was sent from Cairo, Egypt to Amman, Jordan for summer vacation and then he came to Cairo allegedly to study and went to the school named San George = private Catholic/Kopti school, while I was taken out of a private school and placed in a very bad public school!!

A person wearing glasses and a suit

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A screenshot of a social media profile

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He claims that he has 3 websites as follow:


1. (Personal)


2. (Company)


3. (Blog)




Hani Barroudi claims that he has or had 2 branches of his businesses, one in Michigan USA and the other in Zamalek in Ceiro, Egypt, he is a crock and a very dangerous swindler just like the rest of the family Baroudi. He 100% is working for one of the following companies: ARAMCO, and/or EXXON/ESSO and/or Chevron and/or Shell and/or BP-British Petroleum, and the same is valid for my fake brothee Nick Naggar.

A screenshot of a computer

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And here is the description of his fake none existing company, and that you can clearly see on his profile at where he listed around 20 endorsements each with recomendation of 2-7 persons, and here too you can see that he is one of the motherfuckers Rockefeller families because he is stupid and used the same persons for the 20 different endorsements

Here are 4 “who is” (“Who is” are search engines that searches only the origin ofthe website and all related infor to this website) information about his 3 different domain names/websites mentioned above, and then you will notice that they all were started in 2009, roughly 2 years after I was forced to publish a website named wanted starting spring 2007 listing every criminal member of my fake family that are involved in kidnapping me either in one or in all 3 kidnappings as an infant and as 8 years old and last as 34 years old where these mother fuckers kidnapped me from Germany to USA and kept literally as slave for 15 years and then dumped in the Netherands where I was locked up betweeen various jails, prisons nd refugee cmps until May 2012. Below you will see 3 copies of Whois showing the state of the registering websites and when they did register them and when they stopped with the website, and the first website named he is offering to sell the domain name meaning the name of the website for US Dollar $ 3,911, I am willing to pay him a piss/urin of the pigs at the farm of some friend, because that is how much Hani J Al Baroudi is worth including his entire Baroudi family and especially all of the lookalikes of my fake mother alias his offiical but fake aunt = Yhey are all psychopath international organized crime families headed by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and that is why no one can see the criomes thatthese mother fuckers are doing on a daily basis and get away with it because they control countless governments in Europe, in North, Latin America and South America but also in Asia and Africa and above all100% all of the petroleum countries in the Arabian peninsula = Kuwait + Saudi Arabia + Bahrain + Qatar + UAE-Unted Arab Emirate + Oman + Parts of Yemen + Jordan + Iraq + Syria +Lebanon + Israel _ Many countries in Africa starting by Egypt where the Britsh invade and colonized Egypt startig 1888. Never forget thet the English royal families + their relatives the AmericanRockefeller families are like leeches, once they get on you back you cannot get them off, and when you ask some one to help you to get them off your back then they merge with your skin and your friend cannot see them any more on your back, but they are there under your skin like a virus, a very dangerous virus!


A screenshot of a computer

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19.      Here are some US presidents that I strongly believe that each one of them have 2 or more lookalikes that exchange places with, and the others were nothing else than slaves of their wives sorted by date now and backwards:

19.1.                President of USA Joe Biden, I found the below photos and video of Joe Biden on the Internet, I do not know if they are real or manipulated, yet I strongly believe Joe Biden has a double that he exchanges places with and stopped doing that around one year ago, meaning 2023. Here is the video (2-Min-Joe Biden-double.mp4) I do not agree on everything said within this video but at least it shows you that I am not the only one knows but the double and lookalike exchange places using the same identity, below in the next page are the 2 photos I also found on the Internet including the text below the right photo




19.2.                Ex-US president Donald Trump as it is described in the page Conclusion

19.3.                Ex-US president Barak Obama, I strongly believe he was working for the English royal families and had a fake denture that hides his real look and that you can clearly see in his chin that has an unusual small swelling under his lower lip due to this suspected denture = he is hiding something!

19.4.                Ex-US president George W. Bush the son of ex-US president George H. W. Bush, alone their name convention shows that they planned for George W. Bush to be president since his birth and that is why his first name is the same as his father which is the norm by the psychopath English royal family, such as king George I = 1, King George II + 2, George III = 3, George IB or IIII = 4, George V = 5, king George VI = 6. I strongly believe that this ex-US president George W. Bush was absolutely stupid and was totally controlled by his wife, just as his father was also controlled as mentioned below and this is just as I also was controlled by several psychotic women from Esmat Khodary in Cairo, Egypt that then become the girlfriend of my unknown to me identical twin that took my place in Cairo Egypt starting 10.10.1969 and this Esmat Khodary was confirming that this new lookalike alias my identical twin is actual the same one as me, but also it was confirmed by all the criminals members of my fake family that live in Cairo, Egypt and pretended to have left in 1970, such as my fake mother, my fake sister and my fake brother and others!

19.5.                Ex-US president Bill Clinton, he was and with no doubt planned for him and his wife to become presidents, yet his wife did not make it, and this is the same as was done also by the Bush families = the pattern of the English royal families + the Rockefeller families = the government is a family business by keeping the general public as stupid slave, and that is not my thinking but rather their thinking based on their doings

19.6.                Ex-US president George H. W. Bush the father of yet to become safter him the president of USA George W. Bush and father of the ex-Florida governor Jeb Bush ( ) = government is family business = English royal family business. I strongly believe that his wife was either a man disguised as a woman or at least she exchanged places with a very lookalike that was a man, and I also believe she had telepathy and controlling her husband just as it was also done to his son alias ex-US president George W. Bush

19.7.                All of the above is through and through psychotic actions = welcome to the fake freedom and fake democracy or the fake US


I believe I placed enough information to show how doubles are used in governments and in other situations!



More children were and still are being kidnapped than just me

(Go to index)


To understand this section, I must start with this photo that consist of 2 photos as follow:

1.           Top photo my alleged fake mother with her alleged 4 out 5 children

2.           The lower photo is my alleged mother with her alleged husband alias our alleged father.

I am using the word alleged because she is neither our mother nor he is our father nor he is her husband among others because the 2 women in the upper and lower photos are 100% 2 different women, which you can clearly see and that is why I am placing the following photo enlarged using the entire page so you can compare them.


The following page after this photo I placed all the photos of all my fake mothers, meaning each one of these psychopath women pretended at different time to be my mother and the mother of all my fake 4 sisters and one brother. One photo of these fake mother is missing, and I believe I found one that 99% represent my original fake mother based on her look and relation.

In the upper photo each person has a number and here I will list their official but fake names:

1.           My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi

2.           My fake sister Moni Najar alias later Mona Abokurah and later Mon Najjar/Al Najjar, she is allegedly 11 or 12 years older than me, meaning she is now in 2024 83 or 84 years old

3.           My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar and other fake writing variations, she is allegedly 10 years older than me meaning she is now in 2024 82 years old

4.           My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias Mohamad Nashaat El Najjar and other fake writing variations, he is allegedly 3 years older than me, meaning he is now in 2024 74 years old


A black and white photo of a family

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My fake mothers!




I believe but I cannot prove it that my fake mother and sometimes either in 1962 or 1963 and after they caused me total amnesia exchanged places with another woman, and this new woman I believe to have been Irene Möllemann (her birth name is unknown to me), later in 1966 the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann married Irene Möllemann and that is why they set me far away of my fake mother for a 3 months summer vacation in Amman, Jordan, 3-4 weeks of that also to several cities in Lebanon. And they repeated the process in 1975, where my fake mother and her alleged mother named Samiyah/Samiyath Khayat (=meaning Tailor) came to visit me in summer 1975 and asked me to drive them with my old VW-Volks Wagen that was built in 1958 and I was supposed to take them with this car to Hamburg, all in all they kept me not only busy but also under strict control first they were around one week in my small one room apartment including the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that they 100% forced me with brainwash and telepathy to marry her in spring of 1973, and after this week I drove them to Hamburg over the state Nordrhein Westfalen, where I believe the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was in the process of marrying his second wife named Carola Appelhoff that I strongly suspect her to be my original fake sister Mona Najar that was later replaced by Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar/Al- or El Najjar. This mean not only they kept me under strict control during that period but also and most probably used me also as blackmail object against the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and his new wife. Are all these coincidences? I do not think so, here is another prove in the state of Nordrhein Westfalen my car broke down in some small city, I cannot recall what was the name of the city, and then the Automobile club named came and towed my car to a nearby mechanic garage and they fixed my car, yet I did not have enough money, I think it was around 600 Deutsch Mark = the same in Euro and my fake grand mother paid for it, today I believe that they broke my car down wit telepathy enable to force to stop in this city and use me as blackmail object as mentioned above, all this is just conclusion based on the facts of my life and here is another fact, as my fake mother came in summer 1975 along with her alleged mother, she was at the most 60 kg possibly 55 kg, then and after I was setup to change my religion from Islam to Christianity enable to blame my alleged Muslims family for all the bad things yet to come, including re-brainwashing me by the criminal mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum, enslave me under their hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping me in September 1986 to USA where they kept me literally as slave for 15 years and then brought me on 11.2.2001 to the Netherlands by force of immigration officers and FBI agents and then I was locked up in countless jails, prisons and refugee camps until Mai 2012, back to my fake mother and after I became Christian on Easter 1976 she wrote me a heart breaking letter claiming that she lives by her daughter Suhair Bdair and she continuously beat her/hit her and starve her and she need to get out of Jordan and finally feel safe and I fell for this trap and offered her to come and live with me in the housing that the church provided me with in the city Unterschleissheim because I was working for them part time and some time in late spring or begin of the summer of 1977 came to live with me in her separate room, because the house had 4 rooms. And as she came she was at least 30-40 kg overweight and was total covered up as some Muslims do as it is showing in this photo below. She was 100% not the same fake mother as the one came less than 2 years ago in summer of 1975 along with her alleged mother, but at that time I had no chance to recognize all that because this street whore fake mother of mine + the English royal family hired prostitute and they enslaved me under her control starting 20 August 1970 and both 100% had telepathy  and can force me to anything they want and I would never notice unless someone helps me to think freely, and that was, and very unfortunately, not the case = Covering up again for the lookalike of queen Elizabeth the second

And her are additional reasons why  believe that my original fake mother was the double of queen Elizabeth the second, and the reason I believe so, is mainly 4 reasons:

1.           The original fake mother had a lot of look similarities to queen Elizabeth the second and used to always have broche and air rings and necklace and both were out of pearls and looked very much like this photo, this photo is of queen Elizabeth the second and she looks very much like my original fake mother

2.           As Mohi Sabri alias later the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann came into my life in 1963, his older girlfriend alias my new fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi came along with him, or just before him as distraction of queen Elizabeth the second along with her lookalike that pretended to be my mother and both used me as a decoy vacation child as it is described in the page “Summary of my life as hidden slave”. And this new fake mother had different eyes and other different look to distract of the original one

3.           I was totally neglected and no mother or even any good woman with moral values would have ever neglected a child as these psychopaths did to me, and this alone shows you howe criminal and psychotic are the English royal family and in particular queen Elizabeth and her double, because every single thing that happened to me after these 2 criminals left my life in around 1963 was 100% to cover up for them and each new group of people that came into my life was intended also to coverup for the previous group  and all in all it creates a total chaos in my mind and in and around my life and that you can see very clearly in my complaint pages through all the situations I have included in my complaint pages.

All the above was the introduction for other kidnapped children, because the above shows you their state of mind and how psychotic they are.


First look at the 2 photos below in the next page and then I will add each of the 2 photos enlarged in separate pages so you can look at them, because they are 100% deceiving photos and I did not realize that except maybe 2-3 months ago, meaning sometimes around May 2024.










A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of girls posing for a photo

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I don’t know if you noticed the trick but here it is:

1.           The number-2 child in Photo-A is a twin of number-2 child in Photo-B

2.           The number-3 child in Photo-A is a twin of number-3 child in Photo-B

3.           This means they are 5 girls and 2 boys and that is one of the reasons that they did not place child-6 in Photo-A

4.           I believe all these children were 100% kidnapped

5.           The 3 girls are between10 and 14 years older than me, meaning they were born between 1938 and 1941, and I strongly believe they were kidnapped from Germany in 1945 by the American and British military

6.           I further believe that these mother fuckers American and British military kidnapped countless children from Germany, including Jewish and Christians that became orphans through the second world war because alone Germany had 7.3 million death, of which 4,3 million military staff and 3 million civilian, and the majority were most probably Jewish that were slaughtered by the Nazi government of Germany at that time between 1932 and 1945 (this link is about military staff only + this link is about total death in Germany military + civilians ) and therefore it is very possibly that these 3 girls were and to over than 80% Jewish, because when the Nazis killed Jewish, they usually collected an entire family including uncles grandparents and grandchildren and so on, and therewith the survived children many of them had no more family a life or it was very difficult to find any family member and were collected and placed in orphanage and then transported to an unknown areas by the evil American and British and ex-Soviet union to use them as slaves as they did to me and here are a few reasons why I believe so:

6.1.             Child-3 in Photo-A and Photo-B. My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia EL or AL Nagar was 100% used to raise strange children which are Essam and Esmat Shawki, the first I believe is the sone of a mother fucker and psychopath named Jawdat Baroudi that pretended to be the father of Hani Baroudi, while I believe that his Jawdat Baroudi is originated from the English royal family and smaller percentage he is from the Rockefeller family or the ex-German royal families or a combination while I suspect him to be member of the Saudi Arabian royal family and there with he is member of the Saudi Arabian government while I also suspect him to be in the upper management of ARAMCO = He enslaved my fake sister to rise 2 children that were 100% not brother and sister and forced t believe they are brother and sister, while the location of the twin of this fake siter of mine is unknown to me, it could be Yemen, which I doubt, most probably both exchange places between Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UK and very possibly also in Germany because of the following point

6.2.             Child-2 in Photo-A and Photo-B. My fake sister Moni Najar I suspect her to be today Carola Appelhoff the second wife of the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann while his first wife was my second fake mother starting 1963 and, in this case, she is 100% spy in Germany for Americans and British

6.3.             Child-6 in Photo-B. My oldest sister is named Suhair Bdair the wife of Seif or Saif Aldin Bdair alias the brother to Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair alias the father of Essam Bdair + Omar Bdair + Othman Bdair and possibly also Lena Bdair. Today I strongly believe that Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair, is to 80% a higher member of the Rockefeller family and to 20% a higher member of the English royal families and he was going around every country bordering Saudi Arabia and starting several businesses among others petroleum and marrying a local woman to generate children that then take care of the local businesses and this including the following countries: Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE-Unted Arab Emirates,  Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel , also and most probably also in several African countries starting with Egypt in 1888 as first country before the above mentioned countries. That said he also brought many from Europe and USA that pretended t be his family, such as his alleged father and mother, which I met in 1966 and possibly also in 1969/1970 but also brothers and cousins, yet they were either business partners or decoy slaves such as Seif/Saif Aldi Bdeir the official husband of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir that today I strongly believe she was kidnapped in Germany and they most probably caused her total amnesia as they did to me and most probably did also to the other children, and this fake sister Suhair Bdair was 100% a slave wife whole she was still 13/14 years old, which you can clearly see in the Photo-B above and was enslaved under a criminal mother fucker that was at least 35 years old and she was just a child and then they claim this is the traditions of Arabs and Muslims, yet and as you see through out my complaint pages these psychopaths are nether Arabs nor Muslims, they are hidden colonialists from USA + UK + Germany + Italy + France and other countries that were going around the world enslaving people to steal what they have including land and natural resources until each one of them started to want to be the boss of the other European countries and therewith created the first and second world war killing each other’s and killing countless innocent people

6.4.             Child-4 in Photo-A. My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias other fake identities, is 100% several persons exchanging places and one of them or even2 of them are 100% the sons of king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan and the other lookalike is a hidden very lookalike close or distant cousin .

6.5.             Child-5 in Photo-A. Me I strongly suspect I was kidnapped from the UK sometimes in November in 1951 and falsified my identity and birth to October 1952

6.6.             Woman-1 in Photo-A. Never met or seen this woman in real life. This Photo-A most probably was taken in one of these countries: Germany, UK or USA

I have several reasons to believe that all of these children were kidnapped, among others and while I was forced to be in German prison named Stadelheim in Munich and right within the area where the American military base called McGraw Kaserne was located and I was taken there by force to re-brainwash  me en enslave me under the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years on 20 August 1970 and pretended to be 21 years old just 4 years older than me while I was totally confused isolated and severely brainwashed 17 years old. Back to this prison named Stadelheim, there were guards that were exchanged by other guards, and one or two times only in the period while I was in prison, which was 6 weeks, and a woman guard was present that looked so much like my fake sister Fadia Najar, and at that time I just thought it was coincident, today I know it was not, the police was trying to tell me something, and this especially after I saw my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka for the first time since 17.10.1984 and it was in January 2002, and she just reminded me that she was in a Catholic orphanage while I was forced to realize that she was nowhere near a Christian woman she is either atheist or Jewish, and therewith it is very possible that I was forced to get to know her in 1981, just to put the possibility in my mind of an orphanage, where Americans and British and Russian stole/kidnapped thousands of children to use them as decoy children of mass immigrants to the middle east after the second world war and if this is true then they did the absolute same thing after the first world war and continued to dot that into  1970s and even today in 2024 = top psychopaths that have absolutely no moral values what so ever and there is no boundaries for them to perform any criminal act to enrich their selves.


And this is how they kidnap children including myself and my fake brothers and sisters while pretend to be Arabs and Muslims, one thing I can say for sure, no real Muslims would ever do anything near what is described within my complaint pages and the prove for that is that all so-called Arab countries are 100% under severe slavery and no slave can do anything near what is described within my complaint pages, but also no real Christin, or real Jewish or real Hindu or any other group of people that strongly believe in God not out of fear but rather out of believe in his total superior intelligence and totally superior care and perfection in every single thing he created and most probably still is creating countless new things that we will discover in the future!


Slavery in east part of Germany for 100 thousand US Dollar

(Go to index)


This section is short and is about how Americans and British behaved immediately after the German reunifications in between 1998 and 1991.


Here is some public information about the reunification of Germany:


During that period of the German reunification I was still being kept as slave in Bridgeport USA until December 1990, then I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas and continue my life as hidden slave, even it was 100% hidden from me, and the reason for being hidden from me, is because I was severely brainwashed + I had no idea that telepathy existed = Human brain telecommunication and telecontrol for other creatures and other none living products


After the German reunification deal was in sight, and while I was still being kept in USA, the American government was advertising and promoting investments in East Germany by subsidizing it by matching up to 100 thousand US Dollar for each investor. In other words, if I had 100 thousand US dollar and was willing to invest it in east part of Germany, then the US government would give a gift of additional 100 thousand US Dollar and therewith I be investing 200 thousand Dollars.


And when you hear that, then you think it is a very generous of the government of USA to do that and help their official NATO partner and partner in other areas such as Nasa and in countless other things, but it is all deceive and today in the year 2024 I finally understood this deceive, if I would say only one word to explain this deceive then it would be AFD.


AFD-Alternative for Germany (in German Alternative für Deutschland) is a new political party extreme right meaning antisocial and antihuman just like the republican party in USA and in the hidden is also like the Democratic party that is also antisocial and antihuman.


Here is some information about AFD in 4 languages (!?):






The reason I listed the same link in the above 4 languages because the following reasons:

-         In English because it is used internationally more than any other language

-         In German is because this political party is from Germany and is new

-         In French because France is also suffering of extreme right political party and also since short time and it is named National Rally and in French it is called “Rassemblement national” ( )

-         In Italian because Italy is also suffering of this extreme right/far right political party and it is called Brothers of Italy in Italis “Fratelli d'Italia (partito politico) ” (


I believe these 3 political parties in Germany + in France + in Italy is not a coincident, I strongly believe that these 3 parties + president Viktor Orbán ( ) of Hungary, and he too is originated of similar extreme/far right political party named Fidesz ( ) and they all and in the hidden financed by USA + UK + Russia. USA and UK are controlled by organized crime family that are absolutely stupid and psychotic, among others because they do not want to work in team with others, they all want to be the boss of all countries worldwide, in other words they do not know how to be team player and see the EU-European Union as threat for their Power and threat to their very destructive economy that is 100% built on slavery + control of others that they keep as poor as it gets and I know that first hand because I was forced to live, or better said to survive, in USA . I am not saying that because these mother fuckers severely brainwashed me, enslaved me and kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA and kept me as slave for 15 years and then dumped me by force in 11.2.2001 the Netherlands where I was locked in various jails, prisons and refugee camps until at least May 2012,, no I a saying that USA is 100 built upon slavery because I saw it in every single city I either was forced to live in or was forced to work in, and this started with my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias many names and in cooperation with the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut in  USA and also in cooperation with several other among others American Express through their subsidiary named American Express Travel Related Services that is 100% owned and operated by the psychopath either the Rockefeller families or the English royal families that were trying to cover up for all the spies around my life in Cairo, Egypt, in Germany and in other countries in the Middle East and in Europe but also in USA.


The best proves to show how slavery oriented is USA here are only 2 proves:

Prove-1: they claim that the USA has 12 million illegal aliens and works in USA. Based on what I saw in USA in every city I visited, they have at least 30 million illegal alien that are heavily used through mass brainwash as cheap labor some earn even under 100 US Dollar per month and this especially true in the central USA from the Canadia border and the whole way to the Mexican border where they have their main farming lands and these farmers they guard their slave works with guns to prevent them to escape and I saw that in a documentary TV program in USA. Also, these brainless farmers are the main voters for the republican parties such as the Bush family had 2 US presidents and one Florida governor = to president for a state, but also Donald Trump a mass criminal that is allowed to be US president because he was trained to dance on the stage while he is breaching lies to these stupid self-centered farmers that have absolutely no mercy or any empathy for these slave workers

Prove-2: see my extended resume in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, here is a link to this page ( ) where you can clearly see that I was 100% being held as slave in USA and this is 100% valid for more than 60 or even 70% of the American population and they have countless strategy to keep their population slaves while forcing them to think they live in freedom and democracy and one of the biggest strategies is all the bad and fake religions they have in USA that it does nothing else but isolating people of each other’s. The second largest slavery strategy in USA, is that they force their general public and on a continuous basis to relocate to other cities and other states for a new job, and therewith, and this is my own estimate, you can do your own research on the Internet, USA have approximately 20-40 % of the population on a constant relocation tours where in the new city and new state and most of the time they are isolated of their friend and relatives and spend their time in a so-called Sport’s bars, which are bars that can be as large as 500 square meters and have several large and small screens all over the bars, where their guest become brainless watching sports day in and day out and are 100% prevented to see their own strength and the endless possibilities to learn something in addition to what they are doing to expand their living possibilities and have a steady life in one city.


Welcome to the real USA that was mainly founded by the psychopath English royal families!


And that is why I must warn every country in the EU-European Union that they are being systematically divided enable to break their unity and make it easier for USA + UK + Russia + China to manipulate each individual country and force it to be like USA, scattered and everyone for himself and the rich get always huge subsidies while the poor is forced to live under the bridge  and some even built their own huts in the forced and then the government find that out and destroy whatever they built.


Do n0ot allow them to make EU like USA or UK or Russia, stay on track as one solid solidarity team from human for human, anything else is 1090% slavery, POINT.


The hidden real reason of the conflict between Israel and Palestinians

(Go to index)


Today in September 2024, I have been researching my past to see why my life was being destroyed on a regular basis and by whom.


The definite answer is the following group of people:

1.           My fake family as it is described in the pages “My fake family the kidnappers” + “Kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children”. This fake family is a hidden branches of the below mentioned groups, which you can clearly see throughout my complaint pages and especially this page

2.           The English royal families

3.           The Rockefeller families

4.           The ex-German royal families alias the current German controlling families


That said and during my research that started in August 2006 by force of among others the Dutch immigration, yet in Summer 2012 I was unsatisfied with my findings because I was 100% manipulated with telepathy at least between 28.2.2008 and April 2012 not to find the truth and they did that by forcing me to gather information about persons not related to me or to my life, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Scandinavian royal families and many others.


I was prevented from continuing my research about my past until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016. Ever since and to over 70% of my time I was researching my past as follow:

1.           By using the internet and searching for many things related to my life, including persons, institutions, history and businesses

2.           Analyzing my finding and documenting it using Microsoft 365 (=previously Office 365)

3.           In this above-mentioned process, I coincidently discovered many things in our all history, and many of it is documented in my complaint pages

4.           One of the most major discoveries I made for myself that really shocked me, is that there was never a so-called Crusades in the Middle East and 90% of the history of the Middle East is 100% fake or better said falsified by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families, which was very easy for them to do that, among others because and until the year 1900 the literacy rate was still under 20%, meaning 80% of the worldwide population cannot red and write, and only 2 countries had between 80-90% literacy. Below are a few links that confirm that shows that. And because no one can read and write except a hand full of persons, it was very easy to falsify the history and teach the people what they want them to know and hide from them what they do not want them to know, such as telepathy (human telecommunication and telecontrol from Human brain to other living-things and non-living-things), Christianity originally was printed by 2 Germans to warn people of telepathy (human telecommunication and telecontrol from Human brain to other living-things and non-living-things) slavery and was 100%distracted of this objective and made out of it a religion and another and another and today there are over 45 thousand Christianity splitting (= 45,000 Christian denominations)  and the same is valid for all other religions, yet not of the other religion has such a huge splitting like Christianity as distraction of telepathy that they forced the general public to think as telepathy (human telecommunication and telecontrol from Human brain to other living-things and non-living-things) exist only but the son of God Jesus Christ, whereby and until at least a couple of centuries ago the king of each country was considered as God and his family is the family of God and that was forced upon the general public to believe. Another thing I discovered that Islam exist in India at least since at least 2500 Years and therewith Islam is not originated from Saudi Arabia but from India and the English royal family made a copy of it in Saudi Arabia and called it Islam Sunni. I also believe that the Old Testament alias the Torah the book of Jewish was also a copy of the Islam in India and was adjusted by the English royal family to make suitable for their slave soldiers, meaning the English royal families created Judaism to encourage their slave soldiers to spy on others and kil who ever stands in their way because that is allegedly what God is telling them in the Torah alias the Old Testament of the Bible. Additional thing I discovered for myself is that the English royal families and other European royal families from France, Netherland, Spain and others took a huge amount of Indians as slave soldiers and used them to conquer other countries in Asia and Africa the whole way to Indonesia, Philippines and China but also Russia as result of these wars, many countries around India were 100% forced to become Muslim by all the countries mentioned above, meaning the only crusades that existed is what the English royal families and some other Europeans die in East and north Asia as well as in east to central and even north of Africa. And these are facts based on the fact that India would have today over 700 million muslim if they did not divide India in 1947 into 3 countries as India + Pakistan + Bangladesh but also if they did not kidnap countless millions of Muslims and many other Muslims immigrated to other country either to escape persecution or to escape the very high poverty in India + Pakistan + Bangladesh due to they were over 300 years as an official colony of the UK-United Kingdom. Aldo I strongly believe that all countries in the so called Arab peninsula and all the countries within it were 100% created after the year 1900 by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families as petroleum independent countries to prevent the government of USA to break their company again as they did in the year 1911 and broke their Standard Oil company into 33 smaller companies to prevent them of controlling USA as a kingdom. All this is documented within my complaint pages.


Links that shows literacy rates worldwide in 1900








Now to the actual reason of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

1.           After the first world war they created  the League of Nations ( ) and used it to divide the desert of the Arabian peninsula into countries owned and controlled in the hidden by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families as protection of the American government, and that alone makes the Rockefller families and the English royal families have a 100% worldwide total monopoly on petroleum

2.           To protect this petroleum, they created a false history, and I strongly believe they used kidnapped and enslaved Indians to build many to confirm the fake history such as crusades in the Middle East among other through King Richard the Lionheart, and his title lionheart shows their sick fantasy and then established the country Palestine and here are several links that shows what they did:



2.3.    +  + )!!!??


3.           After the First World War, they had a huge Muslim army that they kidnapped each individual from India possibly up to 400—500 years earlier and these slave soldiers became mixed with other slave soldiers from other countries, yet they were all Muslims and I strongly believe they placed these un needed any more slave soldier in this newly created Mandate Of Palestine as a hidden military base to protect their newly established/founded countries in the Arabic peninsula, which are: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE-Untied Arab Emirate, Oman, Yemen

4.           Just before the end of the second world war on 26. June 1945 they created a new organization named UNO to distract of what they did with the older organization created after the first world war which was the League of Nations ( ) that  was created on 10 January 1920 just 13 months after the first world war 11 November 1918 to hide the new countries in the Arabian peninsula, that then was replaced by the UNO-United Nations Organizations ( ). Then after the Second World war and to stop their hidden military base to become independent, they tricked the Jewish people and placed them also in the Mandate Palestine, and this was especially handy for them, because their Jewish slave soldiers are now mixed with other Jewish that immigrated from Europe and USA, or better said they were 100% mass brainwashed and forced to immigrate from Europe, USA, Egypt, India and other countries to Israel and these new immigrant were 100% much more educated than the older slave soldiers, but also much more educated than the Palestinians that also were slave soldiers, and there with now they have a new and better military base that is controlled by Jewish Americans, Jewish British, Jewish Germans and in general Jewish from Europe that most probably made around 60-70 of all new immigrated Jewish and therewith they can use them not only to control the other Jewish slave soldiers but also to control the Muslim slave soldiers that were placed there through the Mandate Palestine after the first world war, and there with the English royal families + the Rockefller families + the ex-German royal families created a never ending cycle of conflict between the old and the new slave soldiers and all of them together forgot totally why they are fighting, yet the Israeli controlling families know exactly what happened and also cannot do anything about it, so they use the situation to expand their territories by blackmailing the American + British + German governments while also blackmailing the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + the ex-German royal families + the Jordanian royal; families that were also set there most definitely after the first world war and the same is valid about Iraq controlling families and all the other fake Arab royal families in the so called Arabian peninsula, which are: : Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE-Untied Arab Emirate, Oman, Yemen

5.           Last but not least I strongly believe that Israel is also being either used by the British and Americans in Africa or they are expanding their territories the whole way to Africa just as the English royal families + the Rockefeller families are doing also in Africa and in particular in Nigeria, Nige, Libya and other countries on the east side of Africa and the whole way to the west side and everything in between and that is why the African countries have not only a lot of problems, such as fake Muslim terrorist, especially in Nigeria, but also they are severely suffering of the Rockefeller and English royal families slavery strategies, where they use their monopoly in petroleum to force high prices that the population cannot afford = mass slavery by Americans and British and Russians and Chines that are related in the hidden to the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, and that is the truth, anyone tells you anything else is either brainwashed and does not know what he/she is talking about or they are lying to you = brainwashing you


And that is 100% the hidden real reason of the conflict between Israel and Palestinians, POINT.






Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” alias Mohi Sabri

(Go to index)



Section 1 that was written before 17.10.2023 (≤ 28 Pages)

Section 2 that was written in June 2024 (≤ ??? Pages)


The following note was added in July 2024.

The ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was married twice:

-         First marriage was 1966; her name was Irene Möllemann, birth name is unknown, they had one daughter age unknown. I strongly suspect this woman to have been my original fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, which was a fake identity, she had a boyfriend since roughly 1963 and he pretended to be an Egyptian police officer that today I believe was the older double of The ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that used to visit us in Cairo, Egypt for 1-2 weeks and then disappear for 2-5 months and then visit us for 1-2 weeks and then disappear for 2-5 months until he disappeared in 1968 and I was taken to Germany as blackmail object to him, I also believe they killed the original younger version of ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann.

-         Second Marriage was 1975, her name was Carola Appelhoff-Möllemann, allegedly born 1949. I believe that this woman pretended to be my older sister from January 1960 to spring 1961 and then disappeared as it is mentioned in various pages of my complaint pages. Today I believe that she was living in Cairo, Egypt under different identity and had an apartment as it is described in the page Conclusion-Extension-2. I was taken to this apartment sometime in the mid-1960s and I did not understand why I was taken into this apartment just to show it to me, as it is described in several other pages within my complaint pages including the page Conclusion-Extension-2. Today I also believe that this fake sister took the place of the origin Carola Appelhoff-Möllemann, and possibly killed her or kept on exchanging places with her. One of these 2 lookalike women is older than the other by around 5-10 years


I know all the above sounds crazy, and it is more than crazy it is psychopathic, yet and very unfortunately this is the pattern that I discovered many times over in my life. Today I believe the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was nothing else but a hidden slave and he had no idea that he was a hidden slave, because I know my original fake mother was one sadistic criminal and most probably was the daughter of some German Nazi officer or married to one, because officially she was born between 1921 and 1926, this mean she was around 20 years old during the second world war and when organized crime families keep a hidden slave, as they did to me and did to countless others and I know of at least 2 of them, they plan in advance who this hidden slave will be control by, in my case they used 5 women, one of them was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old in 1970 as I was 17 years young, and this is exactly the case with the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, they planned ahead of time 2 wives for him and these 2 women knew each other’s because they are originated from the same organized crime family!


I cannot verify all the above mentioned, maybe you can. I wish I am wrong, then it is easy and I can correct only myself, however if I am right, it is not fixable anymore, because the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann is allegedly dead since 2003.


End of note added in July 2024.




Section 1 that was written before 17.10.2023

(Go to index)

(the old title of this section was namedSummer 1969 to December 1975: total slavery and total isolation through American military in Germany” and was located in the page Summary of my life as hidden slave (≤ 28 Pages))


I was taught English in crash private 2-4 very short lessons and then on 10.10.1969 taken from Cairo, Egypt to Munich Germany over Frankfurt (When you plan to take your son to another country that speaks German, then you teach your son German and not English, where later it turned out that they planned to re-brainwash me very sadistically and also isolate me by force in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne within Munich, Germany, and this alone shows that my fake mother and her entire fake family, not only that they are 100% not Arabs and 200% not even Muslims but rather spies and colonialist from the UK, USA, Germany and other countries, because no Muslim or Christian person or any other person that have moral values would ever do anything nearly as what these psychopath did to me) and I was very sadistically, linked to the followings: counterfeit US dollars + illegal drug farms in Lebanon + Terrorism with PLO + being the alleged son of a woman that exchanged places with another woman in Sofia, Bulgaria (=ex-Soviet Union agent/spy) + linked to the very lookalike and double of ex-German politicians named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann (Many controlling families when they plan for a person to be in a top position, such as president, king, queen, chancellor, they do that only when they have at least another one very lookalike, often a twin brother or sister but it can also be a very lookalike cousin. His name is also written as “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” ( I do not have a German keyboard, therefore I cannot write the German vowels with the above 2 dots such as “ü”, however all German vowels with the 2 dots can also be written with an “e” following the vowel as replacement for the 2 dots such as “ue”), for more information about this mentioned ex-German chancellor see the following link   officially died on 5.6.2003 through a parachute accident, yet I strongly believe that they were at least 2 different persons that exchanged places and one of them was either assassinated by the German government or he faked his death by killing his double and get away because he was 100% foreign agent linked directly to my fake mother Hayat Baroudi that was 100% working for the English royal family, and it is all described in my complaint pages. Pease also note his death in relation to some brainwash situations that I was forced into by the Dutch government + some German authority members that were either pretending or was really member of the Evangelical Lutheran church of the city Unterschleissheim, and in this brainwash situation I was 100% forced with telepathy and within the house of this mentioned person to look for my fake mother’s ex-boyfriend name Mohi Sabri and called him from Unterschleissheim to Frankfurt  in the year 2002 and as soon as I mentioned his name and that he is from Egypt he hang up the phone, what is odd about this brainwash situation is that Mohi Sabri was used to rape me one time in around 1965/66, which is a pattern to force the mind not to want to think about these times or this person, another odd thing, I never thought about him since last time I saw him in 1968, and now in January 2002 I am forced to look for him in Frankfurt and call him, which very much means that this person I was a guest at their home and he was officially my friend from 1976 and through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the City Unterschleissheim, and now this person is using me 100% by force of telepathy to call this double of ex-German politicians named Jürgen Möllemann that became Germany’s vice chancellor, which it equal in other countries  to vice president or vice prime minister, and this man dies in a very suspicious way, just 17 months later while I was unjustly imprisoned from 2000 to 2013, then all this was 100% using me as blackmail object to blackmail the ex-German vice Chancellor, and then lock me up all in all for nearly 13 years). This Jürgen Möllemann that was 100% linked to the official but fake boyfriend of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, his name was Mohi Sabri and was Egyptian  police officer with the rank major, also linked to my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi, and this situation and more gave the CIA and MI6 the upper hand over my life in Germany, which they did take me in March 1970 by force of a very sadistic and most vicious brainwash to the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in south of Munich, where they sadistically re-brainwashed me and enslaved me under the control of their British agent named Anita Disbray that was around 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old while I was 17 years young and totally disoriented due to all the brainwash, total isolation and the total amnesia that these savages caused me, also and later this Anita Disbray exchanged places with another identical look woman, just much younger, both were around 160 cm short, white, dark blond and blue eyes, one was 48 kg and the other around 5 kg heavier due to sometimes the cloths do not fit her well, and they did that until September 1977 this is 7 years of pure slavery in Germany. After the year 2000 I discovered that the younger one was Saudi Arabian, most probably married to some minister and keeping him as slave as they did to me and did to countless other persons also politicians I discovered a handful of them also in Germany, also and today I see the possibility that these two women could have been sisters with around 30 years age difference or even a mother or a grandmother with her daughter or granddaughter or other possibilities of close relatives. After the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics in summer 1972 ( and in particular against the Israeli sport’s team I was separated from this sadistic disgusting agent named Anita Disbray, today I believe it was the German government that separated us, enable to have me in their own controlled environment to try to see my alleged link to terrorism through PLO that performed this Olympic terrorist attack and killed several Israelis. During which I was forced to live alone in a room with around 12 or 18 beds (= 6 or 8 2-floor beds) in Munich city section called Schwabing, where today I am more than positive that the German authority forced me to live there alone, just to be able to research my mind with telepathy by forcing me to remember my past and I never noticed at that time because I had no idea about telepathy, a side note, and if this is true that the German authorities placed me in this room with so many beds, then this also means that this authority uses this room for illegal migrant to see what they are up to or even legal migrants that applied for political asylum and then delegate right to this room as they did to me, then monitor them to see what they would do = spy on them. Either shortly thereafter or before me living alone in a room with so many beds, I was forced to live in student home also in Schwabing on Turken street, and share a room with an American Mormon religion named Russel, last name forgotten (between 2008 and 2012, and as it is also mentioned in detail in my complaint pages, I was forced to create a website named “Wanted” writing my history and every one I knew, and 100% I was forced to write wrong information as a mean of brainwash to either force me to believe that is the truth of my life as distraction of the real truth or as a brainwash strategy to force me to want to correct the wrong information and replace it with correct information, such as this American roommate named Russel is allegedly Mr. Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft, which he was most definitely not, also they forced me to write many nasty information about people I do not even know or care about and have nothing to do with me and absolutely it does not interest me.  But also they forced me to write very negatively about persons I love(d), such as my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka, here too either to force my mind to hate her, which is a 100% pattern since 17.10.1984 to separate me of her by force of brainwash and hate or as a mean to force my mind to want to defend the ones I loved or liked or admired their exceptional work such as of Mr. Bill Gates, and the only way I can defend them is by writing the truth and oppose what these sadistic criminals forced me to write where I was forced by the Dutch immigration authority to live totally isolated in a very isolated village called Bellingwolde. Until today I do not know if they wanted me to write the truth or wanted me to believe the forced upon me lies, and the reason I do not know, is because I am here in a country I really dislike since day one, and the day one was 11.2.2001, and today is 12.08.2023, this is 23 years of severe lock up within the same sadistic brainwash that I was not able to free myself from for so long = 99% it is all brainwash and 100% for me it is a strict lock ups since 24.12.1984). Later in 1972 after the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics, they set me up and I was approached by a young German woman that pretended to be interested in me, today I believe she was a German agent and I fell in love with her because she was genuine human being and unlike the animal British MI6 agent Anita Disbray that was around 60 years old and pretended to be just 4 years older than me = 21 years young, yet this German young lady was around 19-22 years old and interacted with me in a way that I never experienced or seen before because I was totally isolated by force, which forced me to fall in love with her. We did not have sex. After 2-3 weeks of being her friend I was forcibly separated of her and against my will because she was around my age, and they did not want me to see that or even allow the German authorities to come close to me and find more about my past. Please note, that there is a big difference between some German authorities’ knowledge and the knowledge of the German controlling families, in other words, while some German controlling families alias the ex-German royal families such as the top investors and management of Mercedes, Porsche, Siemens AG and others that were trying their best to help in isolating me as protection for their family members within my fake family that pretend to be Syrians, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, and other fake Arabs and fake Muslims, fake Christian, fake Egyptians and others as it is described within my complaint pages, yet the German authorities such the local police, the state police of the State of Bavaria called LKA-Landes Kriminal Amt, or the German federal police called BKA-Bundes Kriminal Amt or even the secret service agency similar to CIA and MI6 called BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst, most probably they had no idea about my past and believed that I am allegedly terrorist that performed many illegal actions and related to top terrorist such as PLO and therewith also other local terrorist organizations = a PARADOX because all of them are Germans, yet their knowledge is different and their goals is also different. Later in spring of 1973 I was forced to marry this horrible old woman and moved to live with her for the second time, first time around spring 1972 very close to the American Military base called McGraw Kaserne in an area called Fasanenpark south of Munich, where my fake mother and fake brother helped to enslave me and keep me enslaved under the control of this horrible woman while brainwashing me to think she is my angel and no Muslim or Christian person would ever do that, and now for the second time  am forced to live with this English royal family whore named Anita Disbray, but this time in the city Unterschleissheim 20 km north of Munich. Very important note: if the ex-German vice chancellor Mr. Jürgen Möllemann was a spy and a puppet-controlled by the English royal family and or the Rockefeller family by using their hidden Arab relatives, in this case my fake family, which I strongly believe it to be true as it is described within my complaint pages, are all spies, then the 2 wives of the ex-German vice chancellor Mr. Jürgen Möllemann were and still are 100% spies/agents working for the same above mentioned sadistic vicious 2 families alias my from me hidden biological families. Here is a small but effective proof: Mr. Jürgen Möllemann was married twice and has two daughters of his second marriage that lasted until his death, which is Mrs. Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff and had also one daughter of his first marriage, yet there is absolutely no information whatsoever about his first wife and his daughter of his first wife except the following information “Heirat mit der Studienrätin Carola Appelhoff. Aus der Ehe gehen zwei Töchter hervor. Aus erster Ehe hat Möllemann bereits eine Tochter.” in EnglishMarries the teacher, Carola Appelhoff. Two daughters are born of the marriage. Jürgen Möllemann already has a daughter from his first marriage. This fact plus the fact he was also the president of the organization called “Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft” in English “The German-Arab Association” ( +  ), their logo says everything if you have the knowledge, which is logo created with the help of Indian/Pakistani knowledge that pretend to be Arab = Saudi Arabia = English royal families + Rockefeller families that 100% control Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries since around the year 1910 or a bit earlier or a bit later. For me this is the prove that escaped Nazis from Germany that were working with the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and stayed over in the Middle East after the second world war in 1945 and keeping the so called Arab countries in Asia and some in Africa as slaves as these psychopaths did to me since my birth in 1951/1952 and until current in 2023, and the ex-German vice chancellor Mr. Jürgen Möllemann + his 1-2 lookalikes and doubles alias Mohi Sabri and Dr Basam Baroudi are 100% not only related to me by force of brainwash and kidnapping, but also they are 100% the children of ex-German escaped Nazis that live in the Middle east under the protection of the CIA + MI6 + Mossad + My fake families that are working for English royal families + Rockefeller families + current German controlling families that persecuted me to death between 1970 and until current to cover up for everything mentioned within this page and within my entire complaint pages. And therewith I also have German relatives that also made sure that I have no rights what so ever in Germany and that I was in one way or another locked up most of my life either as a slave of their whore women, such as Anita Disbray (= 2/two different persons that exchanged places without me noticing), Rene Zielske, Najlaa Mahmoud (= 3/three different persons that exchanged places without me noticing) = they are all psychopaths and danger to any human being, PERIOD.


Hier are some photos from the Internet of  (Go to Index)


Jürgen Möllemann photos:


All I can say about Jürgen Möllemann and to not repeat myself, read the text below under his second wife named "Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff".


And in addition, here are 3 links over him through the famous German magazine named "Der Spiegel", in English it means "The Mirror ", which clearly shows that he was a crock and swindler among others by getting illegal money, among other 2 million Euro, and this based on the judgement of the German Federal Administrative Court = the second link:





But also, and through the second links that it reveals the fake story of he allegedly wanted to commit suicide and gave a letter allegedly with this intention/goal of killing himself to his alleged best friend and politician Wolfgang Kubicki, please note that the name Kubicki is Polish origin, and based on his age he can also very well be a British/American agents coming through the ex-Soviet Union country called Poland. Just like my fake friends the Fischer family as mentioned below. The family Fischer were expelled from the ex-Soviet Union in end 1950s along with several hundred thousand  others, because the ex-Soviet Union claimed they were German origin from an area called Schlesien that it is today partly in Southern Poland and the Czech Republic ( ), The ex-Soviet Union did that quiet often to smuggle agents between these mass forced migration. Never forget that Russia was 100% controlled through and through by the English royal family and also the Rockefeller family, but also many parts of these areas were also controlled by the ex-German royal families or the Preussen ( part of this families in the so-called Deutsches Reich, in English German Empire that around half of it went lost in the first world war. And therefore the English royal families and the Rockefeller families would send their spies to Germany also through the ex-Soviet Union by expelling millions of people from 1945-1980s, and at least 10% of them were spies, which you can clearly see through the Fischer family, but also through the ex-German vice Chancellor and his 2x wives, including "Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff" that I strongly suspect her to be one of my kidnappers Moni Najar that disappeared in February or March 1961, her look + the relation of Mohi Sabri to the ex-German vice chancellor and what my fake mother did to me on 10.10.1969 in Frankfurt + what my fake friends the Fischer families did to me in 1976/77/78 and what my host did in Unterschleissheim to me on roughly 10 January 2003 by forcing me to call the double of ex-German vice Chancelor as mentioned in this page and in my complaint pages but also that the Fischer family betrayed me using the American/British cosmetic company called Avon Products!


Now to his photos, I enlarged the photos that they take the full page, starting the following page, enable to help others to recognize him and his wife alias Moni Najar, and these others are also in or from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Germany, the UK and the USA alias my fake and biological families!


Today I see Jürgen Möllemann and his wife Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff as spies in Germany and are spying for one of the followings or a combination, sorted by highest possibility:

1.   English Royal families = UK

2.   Rockefeller families = USA

3.   Israel

4.   Ex-German royal families

5.   Not possible being spy for one of the so-called Arab countries, because these countries are 100% controlled by Europeans and Americans and that is why the double comes from Egypt such as Mohi Sabri


Important note about contradictions!

1.   Mr. Jürgen Möllemann official birthdate is on 15.7.1945 in Augsburg, Germany, which makes him 7 years older than me, yet my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi is allegedly 10 years older than me, meaning born in 1942. Also, Mohi Sabri, I estimate that he was at least 28 years in 1968, meaning born at the latest 1940, which was the last time I saw him, during which he was allegedly an Egyptian police officer with the rank Major in 1968. It is very possible he was not even a police officer; they just forced me to believe that through all kind of schemes. Yet the strong looks similarity between theses 3 men is fact and I never noticed it!

2.   Mrs. Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff was allegedly born in 1949 or 1950, which makes her just 2-3 years older than me, meaning she was around 10-11 years old as I was 8 years old and kidnapped in January 1960 to Cairo Egypt with fake Syrian identity. Yet the look similarities between her and my 2 fake sisters Mona Najjar, allegedly living in Washington D.C., USA from 1987 and until current in 2023, while the other fake sister Fadia Nagar allegedly living in the UK since 1970 in various cities in the UK and since possible 2000 or 2002 living in Hove, while claiming that her husband was working in a hospital for Aramco in Saudi Arabia for around 15 years, yet today I see a lot of loop holes in what I was told and that she is possibly married to a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family that pretend to be the Egyptian Dr. Alaa Ali that I knew in Cairo Egypt roughly from 1968-1969.



Photo-1: Jürgen Möllemann

A person with a mustache

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Photo-2: Jürgen Möllemann

A person with a mustache

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Photo-3: Jürgen Möllemann to the right + the third from right the biggest Israeli terrorist of all times called Yasser Arafat that pretended to be Palestinian and was a betrayal to all Palestinians and to humanity because he was helping Israel getting sympathy worldwide and having a reason to annex Palestinian land, by performing countless international terrorist attacks while both of them spying on countless others, among others using these 2 in the photo as well as Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich-Grunwald. From my point of view this photo and for me is the prove that Jürgen Möllemann was an Israeli agent pretending to be against Jewish and with Palestinian terrorists to gain the trust of many. He is also the cause of kidnapping me from Germany in 1986 with the help of USA + UK government and many businesses! Also look at the one with glasses, something is very wrong with him!

A group of men in a room

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Photo-4: Jürgen Möllemann to the left and  Guido Westerwelle alias among others also ex-German vice chancellor that promoted homosexuality!

A close-up of men smiling

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Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff photos: (Go to Index)


This is the second wife of Jürgen Möllemann from 1975 and until his official death on 5.6.2003. They get married in 1975.  This is when my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her alleged mother Samiyah Baroudi alias Samiyah Khayat visited me in Germany in roughly summer 1975 and none of them was covered from head to toe as some Muslem women are forced to dress, possibly they came to the wedding of the Jürgen Möllemann. Yet in summer 1977 my fake mother comes back after I became Christian all covered up as an alleged strict Muslim with at least 30-40 kg overweight in just 2 years!!!! = they did that to cover up for the spies Jürgen Möllemann alias Mohi Sabri and his wife Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff alias Moni Najar. All the above shows that when I was set up to become Christian through my attorney’s office called Rolf Bossy in roughly November 1975, enable to have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam. All this was most definitely not coincidence. The only problem is the age Moni Najar, she was allegedly 11 years older than me, yet today I know that everything I was told by my fake family was 100% lies, therefore there is only 3 possibilities as follow:

1.   Either Moni Najar was 11 years old in 1960 and I was told a lie, OR

2.   Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff and Jürgen Möllemann falsified their birth certificates, OR

3.   The age of their double is the age known to me, meaning the age known to me is correct and their doubles are older by a few years


This while her official husband Jürgen Möllemann has very look-similarities with the official yet most probably fake boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi from around 1963 to 1968, then he disappeared of our life. During this period of time 1963-1968, he came to live with us at our apartment in Cairo, Egypt for 1-2 weeks then he disappears for 2-4 months and then comes back for 1-2 weeks and disappears again, and this routine has repeated itself from roughly 1962/63 and until he totally disappeared in 1968 and then I was told that he is allegedly in Germany and the detail of this very destructive brainwash is in this page and also in my complaint pages, where my fake mother introduced me to him again on 10.10.1969 at around 18:00 in a café in Frankfurt, Germany and made sure that I think it is him by having sex with this new man and made sure I heard that they are having sex as it is described elsewhere. This new man was 100% not Mohi Sabri, but I was prevented to recognize that at that time, which was nothing else but to force my mind to not recognize Jürgen Möllemann as I see him on the TV news or newspapers as a lookalike of Mohi Sabri, whereby Mohi Sabri had identical hair form and style, and was a police officer in the Cairo police force, at least that is what they forced me to think at that time.


Mohi Sabri was around 20-30 kg overweight until 1968, also had a very thin mustache upper his lips, and brown eyes and that was the only look differences between him and Jürgen Möllemann. Also, Mohi Sabri claimed to be the brother of the famous Egyptian actor named Samir Sabri, even though the look similarities is not close enough for them to be brothers, possibly he told me that to force my mind to link him more to Egypt. There are several Egyptian actors and actresses that have European heritage, especially from the UK and Turkey, and that you can clearly see in their skin color, eye color, and other facial and body features that are 100% not Egyptians.


Also, what is very strange is that Mohi Sabri was a very lookalike of my fake cousin named Dr. Basam Baroudi, the official cousin of the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi as it is also explained in my complaint pages and her hidden relationship with Germany. Dr. Basam Baroudi had a full mustache, just like Jürgen Möllemann, yet a different hair style, had brown eyes, yet I never realized the strong look similarities in 1960s (or even in 1970s) as he came allegedly from Syria to study medicine at the university in Cairo along with a very short cousin, maybe under 160 cm, and both rented one apartment in, at that time it was an all-new built area in the desert, called "Madinat Nasr", in English "Victory City" East of Cairo, now it is part of Cairo. Yet since a few years and as I was researching my past on the Internet and saw the photos of Jürgen Möllemann I was confused, because I did not know if his look as Mohi Sabri or Dr. Basam Baroudi, today I know, it is both, and the reason I did not recognize the strong similarities between my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi and the official boyfriend of my fake mother Mohi Sabri because, not only I was severely being brainwashed in 1960s and that they caused me a total amnesia sometimes after September 1960,but also because Dr. Basam Baroudi came into our life first in end 1960 or end 1961 to study medicine, yet I saw him maybe maximum 2-3 times between this time and 1969, even though we both lived in Cairo until 10.10.1969, then I was taken to Germany and then I saw him after I was setup to become Christian in a very strange, suspicious situation on a weekend where I was on a church seminar in end of summer 1977 and just before I was separated of the CIA hired British prostitute named Anita Disbray that the American military severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under her control on 20 August 1970 and until she left my life in September 1977. When Dr. Basam Baroudi came to visit, and as far as I recall, he did not want to stay at my apartment, and went to a hotel for 1-2 nights and I left the weekend seminar for 2 hours to meet him in some café in Munich, during which he told me a story possibly it was a lie, that he allegedly is working as a medical doctor in Saudi Arabia and came to Germany to specialize in the one thing or another, but first he allegedly must learn German and he is going to Goethe Institute (very famous language school) in an allegedly intensive German course for one month, where he allegedly lives in the school and the classes are from the morning and until night. Today I see the strong possibility that he was German origin and lied to me and the above and below photos are for me the prove, but also all other situations in and around my life from 1960s and until current, as well as his whereabout and the whereabout of the members of my fake family, especially my fake mother, where it will be much clearer in this point that one of the at least 3 lookalikes that exchanged places as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi is German, either ex-German royal family member, or she is/was German-Jewish.


The reason I am writing is/was, because officially she died on her birthday in end of March 2013, in a hospital in Brighton, UK, and if she really died, then what happened to the other 2 lookalikes, and if they were more than 3 lookalikes, then it is even very questionable, among others that she and my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar are in the UK, and this fake sister is officially and in my presence she and her family are officially in the UK since 1970, just one year after I was taken from Cairo, Egypt to Munich, Germany where I was Isolated for 2.5 years by the American military in McGraw Kaserne in Munich, severely re-brainwashed and enslaved under the control of their British hired prostitute named Anita Disbray, that was at that time over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old and kept me literally as slave in Germany until the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim came into my life and either they freed me of this slavery or they covered up for her because it was the time for her to go or a combination, and this while this prostitute Anita Disbray had an identical lookalike that was around 25-35 years old and exchanged places with her in certain times, that today I cannot 100% recognize, but I recognize that was done on a routine base for a couple of days to a couple of months, and this younger lookalike I strongly suspect to have been Saudi Arabian or at least married to a Saudi Arabian and keeping him also as slave as they did to me most of my 71 years of my life; add to that that this fake sister named Fadia Nagar, and that was the last time I saw her in summer 2013, and today I strongly believe that she is also Saudi Arabian originated from Europe. Add to that that this fake sister Fadia Nagar has an unbelievable look similarity with Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, but not as much as Mona Najar strong look similarities to Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, especially the small eyes and the facial features in general such as the upper jew is around one centimeter off the lower jew and more towards outside her mouth which is very clear to see in her below photos.


Last point about Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff that I strongly suspect her to have been my original fake sister Moni Najar that disappeared of my life in around March 1961, yet I am not 100% sure because of the below reasons, that are in their selves very suspicious!


I believe 1966 and as I was sent to a summer vacation to Amman, Jordan, to my fake sister named Suhair nicknamed Susu, last name Bdeir/Budier (today I know that the Bdeir family is a hidden Jordanian royal family and are in every single Arab country in Asia), then they introduced to me another woman named Mona Abokurah as my alleged original fake sister Moni Najar, yet small things count, and the name Moni is Nickname, while the name Mona is Arabic name, and they created a very deceiving situations to force me to think that this is the same original fake sister as it is described in my complaint pages, but today I know it is not her. Mona Abokurah, and since 1978, she allegedly lives in Washington D.C. along with her children and last I looked her name is not Abokurah anymore but rather Mona Najjar (with two " j"), possibly this is not even Mona Abokurah and they deceived me about the Mona Abokurah, yet what is important here is that I am not sure that Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff is my original fake sister Moni Najar, because of the following reasons:

1.          I absolutely have no memory from prior to 1960 of this sister Moni or Mona

2.          As my last analysis of my past, I discovered that they 100% caused me on purpose total amnesia sometimes after September 1960

3.           Yet I have only 2-3 memories of Moni Najar between September 1960 and as she disappeared of my life February or March 1961, and these are these memories:

3.1.          She allegedly went to work at the all-new Egyptian TV that was still in test phase until at least end of 1961.

3.2.          Contradicting to the previous point is that I have her in my memory as a TV news anchorwoman.

3.3.          Also, contradicting to the same previous point, is that she allegedly had her photograph on an Egyptian famous magazine, I believe named "Al-Musouer" = in English it means "The Photographed" with the title "Open the TV to see this beauty". What strange is that I cannot find their website even though it was and allegedly still is famous and allegedly and based on Wikipedia it is owned since 1960 by the Egyptian government and allegedly it still exist (

3.4.          Also, contradicting to the same previous point, is that the Egyptian TV and as far as I recall was in a test phase, where they had for around a year and 24 hours a day only one channel that was showing uninterrupted and repeated American cartons, such as "Mickey Mouse" (, "Donald Duck" ( and "Mighty Mouse" ( ) and when my other fake sister Fadia Najar married in around 1962 or even end of 1961 to the Egyptian darkskin and semi curly hair and around 160-165 cm tall (and this 100% contradict to his official two children known to me and named Essam Shawki with blond hair and blue eyes and at least 178 cm tall while his official sister Esmat Shawki does not look like him, is much shorter, dark hair and dark eyes) and moved out our apartment and lived with her husband directly opposite the Egyptian Airforce Airport named Almaza in an area called Almazah, Heliopolis, Egypt, and in her new apartment the TV was still showing most of the times cartoon, yet for 2-5 hours daily they had some programs, yet never saw my fake sister on TV

3.5.          Also, contradicting to the same previous point, is that I have in my memory one memory = one incident where I walk from our apartment at 5 o’clock in the morning along with my fake sister Moni Najar to the front of our building where the alleged private TV bus drive around to pick some employees that live far away, and I believe we lived around 11 km from the TV, and the tram was just 30 meters of our building and it goes right to the TV building and then walk just 400 meters, one tram no more and no less, and this also contradict this memory = my memory is 100% fake, above all why would my fake sister wakes me up one time only to take her to the bus that stops right at the entrance of our 2-floors building? = fake memories

4.          Considering the above-mentioned point + my fake siter Fadia Najar, now is married to the civilian pilot named Afaf Shawki working for the Egyptian airline called Egypt Air, and shortly after marriage, possibly 2-6 months her husband allegedly must go to the country Yemen, that at that time and as far as I recall was divided in to 2 countries north and south Yemen (the history of Yemen as it is listed in is to 80% fake:, and went there for 2 years along with my fake sister, and as he came back it was another woman that pretended to be the same sister Fadia Najar alias now Fadia Shawki, which very much means that my 2 original fake sisters disappeared, one in the begin of 1961 and the other end of 1961 or in 1962 and I never noticed that until after the year 2000

5.          Considering the above-mentioned points + I have literally 2 fake memories of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar, and these 2 fake memories are allegedly in Damascus, Syria, one as she allegedly going to her school and giving me some chocolate before going to school and the other, she and I allegedly packing a birthday gift for my fake mother and absolutely no other memory of her whatsoever. Also, I have absolutely no memory whatsoever with any of these 2 fake sisters waking up with me, having breakfast, lunch or dinner or going out with me any time between my alleged birth in 1952 and until they moved out of our apartment and disappeared = they caused me a total amnesia sometimes in end of 1961 to end 1962 = they are all psychotic criminals


The above points are the reason I am not sure if Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff is my original fake sister Moni Najar from 1960-1961 just as if am not sure how my other original fake sister Fadia Najar looked like, just as I am most positive and I do not know how my original fake mother looked like, in  other words they severely brainwashed me and until today in October 2023 I did not know the above mentioned facts because I did not think about it in detail as I am writing it here = I do not know who took me to Cairo, Egypt and when they took me to Cairo, Egypt in 1960s, I just have memories of my school and my fake mother as it is showing with her official photographs in the page "Conclusion". Yet, I can remember how Mohi Sabri and my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi looked like because I saw Mohi Sabri many times as it is described in my complaint pages, and I saw Dr. Basam Baroudi all in all around 4-5 times including twice in Germany, once in Munich and once in his alleged apartment somewhere north of Germany, yet I do not remember the town even though I drove there with my own car, and this possibly because I had some one with me that had telepathy and was controlled me with it, and this can only be one of two women, my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that would do anything to cover up for Nazis or Mossad spies or British Spies or American spies, which it sound contradicting, but this is what happened when ex-German royal family members that were between 1932 and 1945 Nazis, and there after they hide like cowards under different identities, also as alleged Jewish. But also, American spies and British spies often hide like cowards and pretend to be Arab Muslims or Jewish that are pretending to be Muslims, or they pretend anything they want and is necessary for the situation, from my point of view they are all psychotic animals!


Yet, one thing I am sure of Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff has unbelievable facial similarities (not body wise) with my fake sister Fadia Nagar that allegedly lives in Hove that I last saw her in 2013 in the UK and I strongly suspect this lookalike to be Saudi Arabian, and that just to take the blame of the English Royal family + the ex-German royal family + the hidden American royal family called Rockefeller, and one very obvious prove, at least for me is that and very suddenly my fake mother that allegedly was living between Amman, Jordan and Saudi Arabia from around 1976 and until 2003, and now they told me a fake story that my fake sister in Amman, Jordan allegedly hit her and force her to starve, and even though I absolutely do not like the Bdeir and Abokurah families in Amman, Jordan the alleged families of my 2 fake sisters, yet I know that they will never do something like that or allow that something like that happens to an old woman living in their house = she went to Hove UK in 2013 and allegedly died 2-4 weeks after I saw her for a few days, where she allegedly was over 90 years old = all is through and through severe brainwash performed upon me between the Netherlands and the UK in the year 2013-2014.


Now that I am sure that Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff has unbelievable facial look similarities with my other fake sister (also as distraction that each has a double that they exchange places with) and the husband of Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff named Jürgen Möllemann alias the ex-German vice chancellor and also had the positions as German minister(s) = top German politician that today I know something is very stinky about him, because he has unbelievable look similarity with 2 persons I knew in Egypt and one of them I link to ex-hidden German Nazis, which is Dr. Basam Baroudi, whereby I may be wrong and he is an Israeli spy = Mossad agent, because that is what Israel does best spy on others enable to steal something of them, and that is not my opinion, but rather what is stated in their religion book called the Torah alias the Old Testament of the bible which I read several times in several languages, and here too I may be wrong and he is a British Agent or American agent that pretending to be Jewish that pretending to be Muslim that pretending to be Christian = chaos thinking to deceive people as they deceived me and millions of others such as the entire German population and all foreign politicians that had to deal with them!


Now the photos of Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff that and very unfortunately I cannot compare it with photos of the original fake sister Moni Najar nor with photos of Mona Najjar that allegedly moved from Amman, Jordan to Washington D.C. and applied for political asylum and was almost immediately accepted while I was being kept as slave for 15 years in USA, but also I cannot compare her photographs with Fadia Nagar photos, yet I can compare within my memory and I can compare it with my fake mother photographs and I can compare it with one deceive photo that was allegedly taken in 1950s of me with my fake mother and my fake brother and my fake 2 sisters, yet this mother and as you can clearly see in my complaint pages under the page "Conclusion" the photos of my fake mother that they are more than one person using the same identity = a criminal and member of an international organized crime family that I link to the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + the Jordanian royal families + the Saudi Arabian royal families and some other royal families of the so-called Arab petroleum countries west of the Persian Gulf region, from Kuwait to Oman and Yemen as you can clearly see within my entire complaint pages and many of it in this page!


All in all, she looks very similar to my fake sister Mona Najjar in Washington D.C., USA since 1987, and she looks very similar to my fake sister Fadia Nagar, allegedly in Hove, UK since 1970!


Here are the photos of my fake sisters in 1940s and 1950s, the youngest blond, supposed to be me, the older woman is another double of my fake mother or is a nanny, the other boy standing is my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar 2 or even 3 different persons that exchange places using the same identity as my fake brother, one of them is the son of king Hussein of Jordan alias the brother of the current king Abdullah. Look at the clothing and hair style and everything else is 100% European/American style:


Photo-1 Left Fadia Nagar, middle Moni Najar alias Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff right Suhair Bdeir/Budier

A framed picture of a group of children

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Photo-2: second from left Fadia Nagar, first from right Moni Najar alias Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff


A group of people posing for a photo

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Below are the photos of Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff:


Photos-1: Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, in this photo she has a lot of facial similarities with Mona Najjar (that I last saw in 1987 or 88 in Washington D.C. and 1991 in Houston Texas with her son Zaid around 10 years old at that time) in Washington D.C., Amman, Jordan and else were!

A person with brown hair and a ring

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Photos-2: Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff

A person in a blue jacket

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Photos-3: Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff

A person in a red jacket

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Photos-4: Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff

A close-up of a person smiling

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Section 2 that was written in June 2024

(Go to index)



General and introduction (roughly 14 pages)

Index of women working in the hidden with my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi

1968-January 1970, Esmat Khodary (roughly 5 pages)

20 August 1970-September 1977, Anita Disbray (roughly 5 pages)

End of 1978-to end of 1980, Rene Zielske (roughly 11 pages)

End of March 1981 to 17 October 1984, Adelheid Kuczka (roughly ?? pages)

24.12.1984 to June 2000 Najlaa Mahmoud (roughly ?? pages)

As result of all the above I was isolated by force (roughly  pages)


General and introduction

(Go to index)

The reason I am extending the above “Section 1 that was written before 17.10.2023” with this “Section 2 that was written in June 2024” is because I discovered new things or if you prefer, I concluded and suspect the below to be facts, very unfortunately I cannot verify it, because I cannot travel back in time, nor these persons would ever admit to their hidden crimes. Therefore, I am writing what I suspect, and maybe the one person or another can verify it, and that is why and in one of the above sections I added maps with the locations of some of the people as I get to know them at that time in Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan and Munich, Germany


It is all about the hidden life of ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that traveled frequently into the Middle East under the pretention to be building the connections for the DAG-Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft e. V., in English “The German-Arab Association” ( + (, and during his trips he was pretending, at least in my presence to be Egyptians police officer named Mohi Sabri and he used to speak fluent Arabic with Egyptian dialect. Today I believe he was set up to do that enable I can see him as the boyfriend of my fake mother and they used him to rape me sexually, then used me in Germany as blackmail object against him enable to make sure that he follow the prewritten plans and goals that he was supposed to follow for the English royal families, the Rockefeller families and very possibly also for the ex-German royal families and all 3 of them persecuted me to death while I was forced to live for 17 years in Germany mostly as refugee  without any identification papers meaning I cannot leave Germany, and all is described in details in other pages.


The DAG-Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft e. V. was founded in 1966, just around 3 years after I met him for the first time around 1962 or 1963, and the Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” alias Mohi Sabri was the president of the DAG-Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft e. V. from 1981 to 1991 and from 1993 and until his official death on 5 June 2003, just 18 months after I was used as a blackmail object against him while I was forced with severe brainwash methods in January 2002 by the Dutch Immigration to leave the Netherlands illegally and go to the church in Unterschleissheim, Germany where I was setup in 1976 to became Christian, and during my stay some unknown person forced me with telepathy to look for the telephone number of Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt and I called him and as soon as I asked him are you Mohi Sabri the police officer from Egyptian, he hanged up the phone. Since my fake mother used him to rape me sexually in 1965 or 1966, I would have never ever voluntarily looked for him, above all I never heard of him since sometimes 1968, yet my fake mother introduced to me another person on 10.10.1969 in Frankfurt, Germany, and this man pretended to be Mohi Sabri, but he 100% was not Mohi Sabri, at that time I was not able to think and it is all described in other pages. The reason my fake mother introduced me to this fake Mohi Sabri is because he did not look like him, because they planned for him to be the German Chancelor (Chancelor is similar to prime minister or in some countries similar to president) and therewith if I ever see him in the news, then I would not recognize him as Mohi Sabri that I recently saw only for around 12 hours on 10.10.1969 in Frankfurt and to make sure that I believe it is Mohi Sabri this fake mother and him and me slept on the floor in his alleged one room apartment, whereby he had a couch that can be converted to double bed for 2 persons and I could have slept on the floor by myself, yet we all slept on the floor next to each other’s during which they had sex or at least made sounds and movements as if they were having sex, while I was giving them my back or my fake mother that evil prostitute that had telepathy, forced me to give them my back and then I heard the sounds of aaaah and eeheee just to force my mind to believe that this man is Mohi Sabri = severe brainwash.


To make it easier for you to understand what I am going to describe, I have to go back in time and describe other things, then it will be as 1, 2, 3 that must be followed by 4, 5, 6.


The Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” that pretended to the Egyptian police officer named Mohi Sabri, used to come and live with us in our 5 rooms apartment for 1-2 weeks and maybe very rare 3 or 4 weeks maximum, then disappear for 1-3 months and come back for 1-2 weeks and leave again, and this from 1962/1963 and until the last time I saw him sometimes in early 1968. In 1968 I was introduced in Cairo, Egypt to a new man named Farzat Baroudi, my fake mother claimed that he was her younger brother, but he most definitely was not. He was allegedly studying in Köln (Cologne), Germany and he is allegedly now here in Cairo, Egypt to write his doctorate work about something in Egypt. I do not know where he was staying, for sure not at our apartment and this is 100% a very big pattern that proves that these mother fuckers are nothing else than organized crime family members and pretend anything they want. My fake mother has introduced many persons to me in Cairo that are either her cousins, her nephews, her brothers or other alleged relatives, yet none of these psychopath criminal mother fuckers ever came to visit us at our apartment except one woman the alleged aunt of my fake mother, the sister of her mother, yet she did not open the door for her which resulted in a very bad and destructive situation for me that caused me a severe sickness in my face swelling by around 50%. All this shows that these people are not her relatives, they are all spies.


Back to Mohi Sabri and my new fake uncle named today Dr. Farzat Baroudi and lives on Waldweg in Hamburg, Germany since around the begin 1970s.


Sometimes in in mid 1960s or end of 1960s my fake mother claimed that she married Mohi Sabri the Islamic way and allegedly registered it in the court, that was just 2 tram stops of our apartment and we lived just around 100 meters of Heliopolis Hospital (in Arabic: مستشفى هليوبوليس) in Heliopolis square (in Arabic: ميدان هليوبوليس), in El Nozha, Cairo Governorate 4470108, Egypt.


In spring 1969 my fake mother told me that her alleged husband has disappeared and that her alleged brother that she introduced to me for the first time in my life one year earlier in 1968 as mentioned above, and this brother of hers named Dr. Farzat Baroudi allegedly found her missing husband in Germany, which is practically impossible to find a person like that and in Germany. She said that she is going to visit her husband in Germany and will be back in a month or two, and she left, and I lived during that period in the apartment of my fake sister named at that time Fadia Shawki and lived around 2 kilometers of our apartment directly opposite the Egyptian Air Force Airport named Almaza, I also added the map showing her apartment’


My fake mother returned, and I cannot recall if it was 4 or 8 weeks later, but it must have been at least 4 weeks later. Anyway, she told me that her husband allegedly went on vacation to Turkey (without her alleged wife???!!!) and from Turkey he went to Germany and allegedly applied for political asylum = all lies covered up by more lies. Then she said we are going to go to Germany to be with him and live with her husband Mohi Sabri. Then she asked my new English school teacher to give me private English lessons, I think it was already summer vacation. In Egypt school summer vacations are 3 months due to the heat and it is usually from end of June to end of September. So, I went to my teacher’s home/apartment, were he had another 2 or 3 unknowns to me students and he was also teaching them English. I think I went all in all for around 4 lessons of each 60 or 90 minutes, which is by far not enough to learn a language, and above all if she is taking me to Germany why is she teaching me English and not German, and why is she not taking lessons herself, because and officially she allegedly spoke only Arabic, today I am more than positive she Spoke perfect German and English and very possibly also other languages. These questions I am asking myself today, it shows you how nasty and lairs all these people were and still are today big lairs.


On 10.10.1969 my fake mother took me with airplane from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt, Germany. In Frankfurt she took me somewhere, that today I guess to be either the center or very close to the center of Frankfurt, meaning downtown, and we went to a street café, and I was told that we have to wait for her husband Mohi Sabri that will come and pick us up from here. As far as I recall we arrived in Frankfurt around noon, and we arrived at that café around 14:00 hours and waited until 18:00 hours and then a man approached us, and she get up and kissed him as Mohi Sabri. This man was shorter, was at the most 50 kg, Mohi Sabri was around 175 cm tall and a bit overweight maybe he was 80 or 85 kg, Mohi Sabri skin was pale white and black hair, this man was a bit darker skin, in short it was 100% not Mohi Sabri.


We went to his one room apartment and stayed there until early morning. We all left the apartment maybe at 7 in the morning, he allegedly went to work, and we went to the train station, maybe he took us there, I cannot recall any more. Then we took the train to Munich, because this criminal prostitute planned to delivery me to the American military base for isolation and slavery. Arrived in Munich, she went to the bank in the train station and asked me to give her back the US dollars that she gave me in Cairo to hide in my socks, allegedly to prevent the Egyptian customs of confiscating them, because allegedly there was a law in Egypt that you can only get foreign money through a bank, but she brought the money of some unknown to me, it was maybe 500 or more US Dollars all in 100 Dollar bills. So, while the bank cashier is waiting for my fake mother to give her the money I was taking my shoes off and taking my socks off and getting the money of my socks and gave them to my fake mother, and she gave them to the cashier, and I still remember the face expression of the cashier, she was disgusted and took the money with 2 fingers. After a minute or so the cashier said something to my fake mother, and my fake mother said this will take a while, let us sit down. How did she understand the woman and how was she able to communicate in Frankfurt airport, with the taxi and in the cafe and how was she able to communicate with the bank cashier (????) all this and what ever happened to me thereafter tells me that this criminal woman that pretended to be my mother spoke perfect German, but I did not and that is why I was not able to understand the situation. After 5-10 minutes or maybe 15 minutes to men with guns pointed at me and my fake mother were saying something to us, and my fake mother said let us go and we went with the 2 men that were policemen in civilian clothing, and they took us to the police station that was also in the train station. Here I cannot recall if they had a translator or my fake mother was able to communicate with them, all I recall is that they had the US dollar bills and what I was told through my fake mother, which allegedly she was cheated and was given counterfeit 100 US Dollar bills, one of the police men was questioning her and typing on the typewriter. After an hour or so the police let us go. All this was planned to give the American the right to take me for investigation, because counterfeit US dollar bills are always investigated by the American Secret Service, that also is used to protect politicians such as US president, which means the American Secret Service is nothing else than bodyguards.


Anyway, we went from the train station to a hotel named hotel Maria around 1000 meters of the train station, today the same hotel is named Hotel Munich City, (also called Munich delux) located at Schwanthalerstraße 111, 80339 München, Germany. The hotel was only around 300 meters of the Freemason organization on the same street towards the center. The English royal family hidden brainwash and slavery organization named Freemason ( is called in each country differently by translating the words Freemason and in German it is called Freimaurer, which very much tells me that the Freemason selected this hotel, because it is close to their meeting area, where they can monitor me and control me with telepathy, which they did and helped in forcing me to live isolated in the concentrated evil American military base named McGraw kaserne, where they very sadistically and viciously brainwashed me with severe mental and physical tortures methods then enslaved me under the control of 60 years old English royal family prostitute that pretended to be 21 years old on 24 August 1970 and is named Anita Disbray originated from London-Wembley, where she later introduced me to her official but fake parents, because she was older than her parents, but I did not recognize all that at that time, I started to recognize that after 2016.


To make it short I believe that the counterfeit 100 US dollar bills were not enough to give the American military and/or American Secret Service and/or American CIA the rights to take me of the hands of the Germans, they send my fake mother with me back on a brainwash and implication tour, where on roughly 10 or 12 December 1969 we went with an alleged Kurdish car sellers (today I know that these Kurdish were American spies) and with cars from Munich to Damascus, Syria, where she implicated me with PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization ( that was marked as the biggest terrorist organization from end of 1960s to the begin of 1990s, where they then replaced it with Al-Qaeda ( Then she took me to Beirut Lebanon and to Jubail (=Byblos) north of Beirut to visit the family Barq, that today I know that they were 100% illegal drug farmers and as front they are also tobacco farmers and sell the tobacco and illegal drugs to the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families including my fake families, because they introduced them to me in summer 1966 as I went for 3 months summer vacation to Amman, Jordan to visit the 2 families of my 2 fake sisters alias the Abokurah and Bdeir/Budier families that took me to 2 illegal drug farms that summer one in Jubail and the other north of Tripoli and high in the mountains that must have been very near the Syrian border, whereby after 2016 I started to recognize that entire Syria is 100% illegal drug country along with Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan and Myanmar. Also on this trip implicated me with many other things, such as on the way to Syria my fake mother exchanged places with her identical lookalike in the city of Sofia, in Bulgaria and at that time only certain English royal family members + Rockefeller family members can go in and out of the ex-Soviet union without any problems whatsoever, and Bulgaria and in 1969 was member of the ex-Soviet Union. Then she took me to Amman, Jordan, actually from Damascus, Syria she took me with taxi to Amman, Jordan roughly around Christmas time and around 2 or 5 January 1970 took me to Beirut, Lebanon with the airplane for a 3-4 days where I get hit by police on the street, because they thought I was member of the ongoing demonstrations right in front of the hotel where we were lodging , then I ran back to the hotel that was located in square where the demonstration started, I forgot the square name, it was a very famous square and off it a very famous road start, I believe was called the Alhamra street, in English the Red Street or the Redness street. Then took me to Cairo, Egypt with the airplane, and here at the Airport in Cairo, something happened that at that time I did not understand, which was I saw my fake sister Fadia at that time named Faida Shawki with her 4 years old son named Essam Shawki, and she claimed it was a coincident, she was allegedly in the Airport because some newspaper wanted to interview her and take some photographs of her with her son, because they are thinking about using his photos for some news article or some advertisement, because he was pale while, light blond and blue eyes unlike his official father that had half curly black hair, dark northern African skin and maybe 160-165 cm short, which this son Essam Shawki grew to be 178/180 cm tall and still today in 2024 blond and blue eyes, with the difference that today I know his real biological father was not Afaf Shawki but rather my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that today I recognize him as the hidden older brother of prince Andrew of the UK. In other words, she was through and through lying to me, today in 2024 I see the possibility that she was in Saudi Arabia and tried to arrive in Cairo before me, and I met her in the airport as she also arrived, today I am more than positive that this fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar is 100% Saudi Arabian or is at least a permanent resident of Saud Arabia and she was the nanny of my fake nephew Essam Shawki and his official but fake sister Esmat Shawki, and therewith she was employed by my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi. Since Jawdat Baroudi has 3 hidden functions/jobs in Saudi Arabia, which are member of ARAMCO and member of the Saudi royal family and member of the Saudi Arabian government, while in my presence pretending to be poor Syrian origin and poor worker in Saudi Arabia, and that is why after I was set up to become Christian in 1976, and one year later in summer 1977 my fake mother introduced me to a new man named Dr. Sami Assassa that pretended to be Syrian origin and pretended to be the official brother-in-law of Jawdat Baroudi. Yet, Dr. Sami Assassa and his wife Samah Assassa alias Samah Ejlani are 100% Israeli spies, meaning he is 100% Mossad agent, and that is why he tried to kill me in 1981 to prevent me to discover what Jawdat Baroudi real identity is, yet my employer, at that time named Siemens AG, recognized their attempt to murder me and took precautionary majors to save my life and they did, then forced me with severe brainwash and telepathy force to quit my job in the same month, which was September 1981 with 3 months-notice, meaning my last employment day was 31.12.1981, then set me up to be hired by their and my department manager named Dr. Peter M. Lembke and in cooperation with their subcontractor named at that time ADV/ORGA, then took me as an employee of this new company to Saudi Arabia and on the same project just to show my fake family alias members of my biological families that I no longer work for Siemens AG, after a few days we all went back to Germany and 2 weeks later they fired me.


Back to my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that took me on the brainwash and implication trip on 12 December 1969 and from Germany, through Austria, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey/ Türkiye, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and back on 15 January 1970 to Munich, Germany.


After we arrived in Munich roughly on 15 January 1970 and went back to the same hotel Maria, then she took me to the Freemason office near the Hotel Maria that now in the year 2024 it is called Hotel Munich City deluxe and then she asked the freemason to help me get a job, because my alleged father was a member of the freemason with the rank of Master, whatever that means, they said they cannot help me because I have no residence permit, and they allegedly suggested that she should apply for political asylum for me, then I am allowed to work, then they can help me find a job, which they did. She took me on the next day to Et street police station, at that time the immigration office was located in the same building, and she applied for political asylum for me, a few days later we went back there and they had a translator that was Palestinian and asked me many questions, one of them how I left Syria, and I told them what happened which was my (fake) 3 uncles get me a PLO ID and forced me to sign up  to fight Israel with the PLO and therefore the Syrian government allowed me to leave Syria and go to the PLO front in Westbank west of Jordan, and then I went to Jordan, my fake 2 sisters get me a new Syrian passport and with it I left Jordan to Lebanon and Egypt and back to Germany. Meaning I was programmed by these mother fuckers fake family of mine to tell the German Authority the truth, enable they can hear the word PLO ID, where PLO and at that time was designated as terrorist group, just as Hamas is today and also many others, and therewith now I am suspected to be related to terrorism and since I was arrested 3 months earlier for counterfeit 100 US Dollars bills, I am more than positive that on the brainwash and implication trip some agent was following us pretending to want to see where we get the counterfeit 100 US Dollar bills, but in reality the counterfeit money was a setup to give them a reason to follow us or me, and then see when my fake mother exchanged places with another identical lookalike from ex-Soviet Union and saw me how I visited an illegal drug farm in Jubail, Lebanon, whereby I did not know at that time that it was an illegal drug farm, but they did, and therewith they had too many things on me to take me for an isolation and hidden investigation in the American military base in Munich called McGraw Kaserne, where then they severely and very viciously and sadistically brainwashed me and enslaved me under the control of Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old, and her official job was to spy on my fake family. But that was a deceive job. Her real job was to isolate me to destroy any friendship I may start and to prevent me of having any children and use me as a decoy husband while she exchanged places with her identical lookalike yet was much younger than her and was between 25 or 35 years old and both had 100% telepathy, and each of them was more sadistic and disgusting than the other. Today I know not only that the younger one was British living in Saudi Arabia, but also, I believe to have found her official husband, which was my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, meaning possibly she was the mother of my fake nephew Essam Shawki, and that explains countless things around my life, among others that Essam Shawki helped in enslaving me in 1985 in Munich, Germany, or more accurate said, helped in forcing me to stay enslaved under the control of the BP-British Petroleum and therewith English royal family plus the Rockefeller family prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud.


Back to my fake mother that forced me to apply for political asylum as mean of lock up, because after she did that and either in January 1970 or in first week of February 1970 she said that she ran out of money and she has to go to Syria to get money, which was one lie after another, because when we were arrested in the train station on 11.10.1969 for the counterfeit 100 US Dollar bills, the police took all the money I had, because it was allegedly all counterfeit, and my fake mother claimed that she gave me all the money she had to hide in my socks as mentioned above, then how did she pay for the hotel and all our expenses from 11.10.1969 to 12.12.1969, how did she pay for it?


I do not know except she is the devil himself; she is a whore a prostitute and a bitch that would do anything for money and to control others, just like the rest of these mother fuckers and psychopaths fake and biological families of mine alias the English royal families + their hidden relative the American Rockefeller families.


Now I come to the point, she left me in Munich, where I spoke no German, and spoke maybe 50 English words and maybe 20-30 English sentences such as thank you, please, good morning and so on, 1 week or 10 days after this criminal whore left me in the hotel and disappeared I was forced to leave the hotel because I was not able to pay it and lived on the street and since it was winter and cold I went to the café in the train station that at that time used to open 24 hours, after a few days, either the waitress noticed I am ordering one coffee and staying 6-8 hours or someone told her to kick me out and not allow me to come back. Then I tried to sleep on the street, but I was not able, it was freezing, then I went to the toilet room in the hotel Maria that I was staying at, the toilet was between floors and stayed there overnight and this for several nights until I was dragged to other setup and other setup and other setups just to land me in the American military base and make it look like it is all coincident and the Americans are allegedly treating me much better than the German, which is not true, no matter who it is and where it is, Americans and especially the heartless brainless mother fucker military and CIA do not know how to treat other human beings with dignity.


Today I believe that my fake mother went through all these troubles as distraction that she went to live with her husband alias Mohi Sabri alias Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, while having me nearby as blackmail object, that later became the Ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann.


The reason I believe that she went to live with him, because she very possibly was his first wife and that is why there is absolutely no information whatsoever over his first wife, because not only the pattern of these whore women, but also because Mohi Sabri alias Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was 100% a slave under control of many but above all his own first and second wives. And to make sure no one notice that, not even the Germans, they brought a new lookalike as my fake mother in around 1971 and she even worked in the American military base as an alleged babysitter for some children of some American sergeant, during which she lived in Unterhaching with allegedly my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, now his name is now Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and both of these 2 criminals were 100% introduced to me by the American military and within the American military base named McGraw Kaserne and to force my mind to believe that the 2 psychopaths and criminal male and female whores are my alleged mother and my alleged brother, my alleged (fake) sister from Amman, Jordan named Mona Abokurah came to visit us and was allegedly staying at the apartment of my fake mother in Unterhaching, I cannot recall how long she stayed, possibly a few days to maximum 1-2 weeks, and there with my brain would never disbelieve that this all 3 my fake mother + my fake brother + my fake sister are all and 100% just lookalike of the originals, and to make sure that the Germans also believe that all these situations were brainwash, among others because a couple of months later my fake mother suddenly was working on the German market for a small one man company just 100 meters of Ost Bahnhof (East train station) in Munich. The owner, which was only one-man company, was Austrian and specialized allegedly in making menus for hotels and expensive restaurants and other related brochures.


Is all the above true. Yes, with the exception that my fake mother went to live with her alleged husband Mohi Sabri alias Ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, is pure conclusion based on all the above and below mentioned situations that lead to destructing the little logic I had and totally confusing my mind and destroying my freedom by creating a total chaos in and around my life and it never stopped until the church freed me of this slavery and forced the English royal family prostitute to leave my life in September 1977, they did many things, which I did not mention before because I was not sure of it, among others that the pastor Herbert Lange offered me the part time job to work for the church for number 1 reason to have a reason to have me living literally next door to his apartment, because the church and at that time were building a new community center and building one house that was split into 2 apartments, when you look at it, there was one apartment on the left for the pastor and the other for the Sacristan (in German it is called Messner or Küster) and therewith I be living right next to him and between us there is only one wall + I am right next to the church, that was always busy and had around 2000 members, today I know that many of them also helped me, in matter of fact, I recently discovered that at least 3 male youth between the ages 17 and 19 years old had telepathy and forced me to do things that scared the woman I was enslaved under her control, she and with no doubt recognized that it was not me doing it but someone was taking control of my mind and body and scaring her, that one time she shouted and said, to me, because I was the only one with her in the room, and here I am quoting her “what are you trying to do, are trying to kill me?”. I am not going to mention the names of these 3 youth, nor what I was forced to do, I just know for fact that I would have never ever done something like that to a woman. Even though I worked closely with youth in the church, yet not with these 3, I saw them a few times and today I believe they had telepathy, and this because the way they behaved towards me, as if they felt that they are my big brothers, even though they were younger than me, on the other side, and today I recognize that some of the members of the church created situation where possibly a 35 years old man pretended to be 17 years old and a 55 years old man that was also very short as the woman I was enslaved under her control, and suddenly this 55 years old man have a new girlfriend than was 14 or 16 years young, which very much means they were imitating the woman I was enslaved under her control and named Anita Disbray and was over 67 years old and pretending to be 29 years old in 1977 while I was 25 years old. And many other situations. Many of the performed or created situations they could not have done if I did not live in this church housing.


Since I am talking mainly about my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi the woman that today I believe was the first wife Ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, here is another lookalike:

In summer 1975 and around 6 months before I was set up to become Christian starting January 1976, this woman or one of her lookalikes came to visit me in Unterschleissheim along with her alleged mother named Samia Baroudi alias Samiya or Samiyah Khayat, not to forget the word Samiya is the female name of Sami, and the name Sami is coming of the word Samiien = semite = semitism = Jewish. But this is not the point I want to show you, my fake mother and as she came in summer 1975 she was not over weight, or at least not any real visible over weight, today I guess her weight in 1975 was at the most or less than 55-60 kg and was dressed as usual and like any European based on latest fashion showing some of her legs and arms and chest, today I know why she came with her alleged mother, to force my mind to think that this is how a 65 years old woman looks like alias my fake grandmother, meaning my fake mother in 1975 and officially she was born 1921 or 1926, which makes her around 50 years old came to visit me only to force my mind to continue to see the prostitute Anita Disbray as 27 years old and not recognize that she is now 67 years old. Then she came to visit me again, also in Unterschleissheim but 2 years later in summer 1977, this is after I was setup to become Christian, she was at least 80 kg meaning around 20-25 kg overweight and was all covered up like some Muslim do, from head to toe, simultaneously the official but fake mother of the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray named Joan Disbray came also to visit us and in the church housing and all 4 of us went on a vacation trip visiting farm housing that on the side offer bed and breakfast and some offer much more, Joan Disbray was around 50 years old and was also short, yet today I see that their look was not the look of mother and daughter or any close relative, the only thing they had in common was they were shorter than roughly 160 ccm. All this to distract of Mohi Sabri alias the Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann”.


Now you may have a very good idea how psychopaths think and behave by creating chaos and creating countless lie and deceive situations and cover it up with countless other lies and deceive situations = a circle of lies that build a house of lies around their victim as they did to me in the last 72 years of my life!


To confirm all the above lies and deceive situations I will show you another pattern of this same woman alias my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and how she creates destructive brainwash situations to enslave men under the control of psychopathic women or reinforce the enslaved men under the psychopathic women working with her or for her plus working directly or indirectly for the English royal families + Rockefeller families + Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families plus with Israel. Here some of them Esmat Khodory in Cairo, Egypt, Anita Disbray in Munich and UK, Rene Zielske in Munich, Adelheid Kuczka in Munich, Najlaa Mahmoud in Munich and Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Houston, Texas, USA and by using others also in Houston, Texas, USA. I will write it tomorrow, because I believe this pattern is very important, because it is often used on men in higher government positions such as Chancellor or vice Chancelor of Germany or prime minister of the UK or even US presidents!


Here is the list of severe brainwashes using women to enslave men sorted by dates, here I will just mention the brainwash situation created by this sadistic evil prostitute named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother since begin of 1960 and exchanged places with at least 3 lookalike women plus at least one identical lookalike woman:


Small note: they have a lot of details because it has many things related to it, and the details make it easier to understand this brainwash, therefore some are roughly 5 pages others may be more pages.


Index of women working in the hidden with my fake mother

1968-January 1970, Esmat Khodary (roughly 5 pages)

20 August 1970-September 1977, Anita Disbray (roughly ?? pages)

End of 1978-to end of 1980, Rene Zielske (roughly ?? pages)

End of March 1981 to 17 October 1984, Adelheid Kuczka (roughly ?? pages)

24.12.1984 to June 2000 Najlaa Mahmoud (roughly ?? pages)

As result of all the above I was isolated by force (roughly ?? pages)


1968-January 1970, Esmat Khodary

(Go to index)

Esmat Khodary was introduced to me by my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar in Cairo, Egypt. Esmat Khodary or Khodari or Khodory or Khodori was in 1968 the official niece of the CEO of the Egyptian airline called Egypt Air, I forgot his name. Today I believe the only reason they get this psychopath CEO and his alleged niece involved in my life to reinforce in my mind that my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Alnagar or Elnagar is the alleged wife of the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki as cover up for many things among others that her 2 official children are allegedly the children of the Egyptian Afaf Shawki that was a pilot working for the Egypt Air, yet her 2 official children that carry the name Shawki, which are the male Essam Shawki and he is 100% a hidden son of my fake uncle with the fake named Jawdat Baroudi and I believe based on countless things in my life that he is the older hidden brother of prince Andrew of the UK, and has several nationalities among others Syrian, Saudi Arabian and very possibly also Jordanian, Egyptian and possibly also German. He lives mainly in Saudi Arabia and is member of the Saudi Arabian royal family, member of the Saudi Arabian government and above all in the higher/upper management of the official Saudi Arabian petroleum company named ARAMCO, in reality ARAMCO is 100% owned and operated in the hidden by the American Rockefeller family that originally founded ARAMCO, and very possibly in partnership with their hidden relatives the English royal families. Also, today I believe that Jawdat Baroudi original wife was possibly the lookalike and younger version of Anita Disbray as mentioned below.


Also I believe that Esmat Khodary became my alleged friend with the intention to make me and others believe that she was my girlfriend for the one purpose only, which is and after I was removed from Cairo, Egypt on 10.10.1969 to Germany for 7 years of isolation as mentioned elsewhere, my identical lookalike twin took my place and stole my identity as Mohamad Nuzhat Najar in Cairo, Egypt immediately after I was taken to Germany on 10.10.1969, I  do not know the exact date when he took my place in Cairo, Egypt and pretended to be me, it could be one day after 10 October 1969 or one month, yet and most definitely he took my place and my identity and was there as I was forced to travel from Amman, Jordan around 5 or 8 January 1970 for 2-3 days to Beirut and Jubail/Byblos Lebanon, then to Cairo, Egypt as mean of using me as blackmail object against him and the reason I am more than positive he was there, is because I have no Idea where I was staying overnight and the only memory I have of this trip is meeting my fake sister at that time named Fadia Shawki as I arrived in the Cairo Airport and she claimed it was a coincident and told me some lies, and today I believe she was living in Saudi Arabia and as she was told I am going to Cairo with the lookalike of my original fake mother, she also went to Cairo and arrived at almost the same time as me and either she or my fake mother or both totally controlled me with telepathy and that is why I have zero memory of these 2-4 days in Cairo, Egypt, then I was taken to Munich on around 15 January 1970 and prevented not only to go back to Egypt, but in general to leave Germany by forcing me to live as refugee in waiting state for approval, from January 1970 and until summer 1976 = 7 years cannot leave Germany to visit anyone in the Middle East, then I was setup again to have a Syrian passport and with it they toyed with me, as it is described in the page “Summary of my life as hidden slave”, until they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986


And to make sure that everyone thought that my twin was me, Esmat Khodary was his girlfriend and other members of my fake family also surrounded him to confirm his identity as me.


Why do they keep a place holder child for 10 years in some country and then take him away and replace him with a lookalike or even identical looking twin???


Because the people in this country where the child was used as place holder , in this case me as 8-9 years old in 1960/1961 in Cairo Egypt until I am 17 years old in end of 1969, saw this child grow up in schools and for roughly 10 years watched him and know how he behave and think = a harmless child that mentally under developed, then replace him either with an identical lookalike twin with the same age or with a lookalike cousin or older brother that maybe is 10-20 years older and is very dangerous while pretending to be the same harmless underdeveloped person from before. And this concept or if you prefer organized crime family’s strategies, I have seen several times in my life within my fake family and also I saw it in famous politicians, especially in USA and the UK, but also Germany!!!


Now you have an idea about this brainwash woman named Esmat Khodary.


Long pre-explanation, but I believe it is all important to understand how organized crime families work. But also, to better understand the brainwash situation that my fake mother did by using the relation of Esmat Khodary.


Now to the situation. In 1968-1969 I was mainly living alone with my fake mother in Cairo Egypt, while my fake brother moved out sometimes in end of 1966 or begin of 1967 and lived allegedly alone in an apartment building directly opposite our building, yet I never saw him after he moved out.


My fake sister Fadia Najar alias at that time Fadia Shawki took me with her to the penthouse of the CEO of the Egypt airline company named Egypt Air, I forgot his name, he owned the famous movie theater named Metro in downtown Cairo and owned a building on the immediate side road of that movie theater and opposite the side of the movie theater. I cannot recall how high the building was, I just recall it had a very old lift and he lived in the  upper 2 floors that were connected together with stairway as if it is a 2 floor standalone house = a penthouse (, the  stairway was right in the middle of the penthouse and when you exit of the left/Elevator then you see only one door to this penthouse. And here I get to know Esmat Khodary, her younger sister named Yasmen/Jasmen and her younger brother name forgotten, he allegedly died on the same day as I left Cairo to Frankfurt on 10.10.1969, most probably it was a lie and he was somewhere around my life a few years later and I never recognized him due to all kind of brainwash schemes that they used on me, beside it is 100% a pattern that they tell me a person is dead just in case I see that person in the news and then I will think it is just look similarities as they did with my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier alias a hidden Jordanian princess and the double of princes Haya of Jordan, and the same with my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar whereby they are at least 2 different persons and one of them is the hidden son of king Hussein of Jordan and is the brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan. But also, they did the same with the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann.


After I get to know Esmat Khodary, where I literally fell in love with anyone that came to my life, because mainly 2 reasons:

A.   I was totally isolated, and

B.    My fake mother was anything but 100% she was not a good person and 200% nowhere near a caring mother or a caring nanny, I was 100% her slave or better said a multipurpose organized crime family slave


And therewith, any person that treat me anywhere near good I fall in love with, or just for interacting with me and starting a conversation, I will fall in love with because it was all new to me and I did not have it before, and that is why this criminal whore and international prostitute name Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother, mistreated me without hitting me to force me to fall in love with whomever these mother fuckers planned for me to be with for the one purpose or another, which all sums up to total slavery.


As I was living with my fake mother in Cairo, Egypt, she never allowed me to have a key to the apartment we were living in, even though and in 1968 I was 16 years old, and if I go home and she is not home I have to wait for her. Now and after I got to know Esmat Khodary, and I wanted to meet with her or visit her, which was the plan to make others see us together frequently enable others also get used to my twin being with her as me.


Esmat Khodary claimed to have been from the city Port Said around 190 km north of Cairo on the Mediterranean sea, but allegedly her parents were killed through Israeli bombs in the 1967 war between Israel and several so-called Arab countries, and the war was 100% a scam, anyway, I believe it was a lie and she most probably was brought from outside Egypt such as Saudi Arabi or Israel or UK or USA or ex-Soviet Union or Germany or the Netherlands to Cairo for whatever was planned by these sick psychopaths.


Note about the 1967 war between Israel and allegedly all the bordering countries, which were Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt ( ): I believe it was a scam war to keep the population happy and quite while claiming that all funds of each so-called Arab country is being directed to the defense against Israel, and that in itself was a scam to not spend much money on social projects. Sometimes all is needed is one solid proof, and here is the proof: my fake sister named at that time Fadia Shawki lived directly opposite the Airforce Airport Almaza in Cairo as you can clearly see in the maps below. Yet there was not even one bomb dropped on the Airforce Airport, also I head during that period sirens but never saw enemy planes over wherever I was in Cairo, Egypt, yet there was some laws forced upon the population to keep them busy with nuisance such as all cars were obligated to either paint their lights darker blue or cover them with see through paper that was darker blue. The Israeli governments is one psychopathic government that kill their own people and blame it on terrorist the have been killing around 20-25 thousand children since 8 October 1923, not to mention women and elderly and always claim they bombed this or that because there was a Hamas leader that was responsible for the 7 October 2023 terrorist attack or they claim they bombed this location because there were Hamas leaders or Hamas terrorist that were in the process of performing a new terrorist attack and in almost all their attacks they kill more civilian than before as result they have killed nearly 40 thousand civilian mainly children and women and destroyed all their housing and infrastructure  such as Electricity, water, gas, transportation and above all, is that all the international help organizations have stopped offering their services in these areas as protection for their own employees, as result, now the civilian and whoever is strong enough are going around lotting, stealing and killing their own population to have bread and water for their own family, and this in itself is planned by the criminal Israeli government to tell the world, look we are not doing that, the Palestinian are doing that because they are all savages and terrorist. This is how the Israeli government brain function = they are animals disguised as Munsters. End of note.


Back to my fake mother and each time I have an appointment to meet Esmat Khodary, my fake mother would go away on purpose and then lock me in the apartment by locking the entrance door with the key and then I cannot leave, and then some mother fucker with telepathy, most probably my fake mother because it was all brainwash, as you will see the pattern with the other women, will force me to leave the apartment through the window in the apartment entrance room, and this window was maybe 50 cm wide and 70 cm high and right next to the window from the inside was the fridge and from the outside was the drainage pipes that was around 15 cm diameter and then I would squeeze my body through that small window and hang on the pipe and then claim down the pipe, the building was only 2 floors, ground floor and first floor and we lived on the first floor. She did that every time I had an appointment to meet with Esmat Khodary, which was at least once a week or two weeks, then I either go to her alleged uncle’s  penthouse,  or go out with her to his movie theater for free or go for a walk and drink something or eat something, and therewith they were using me as decoy for my twin and my fake mother was severely brainwashing me, while my fake sister Fadia Najar alias at that time Fadia Shawki as the alleged widow of the pilot Afaf Shawki was 100% also severely brainwashing me, not to forget that this fake sister had at least 2 lookalike, whereby one of them the original one, I believe was not lookalike, because I never saw her, I have her only as fake memory and only with one memory, where she allegedly lived with us in this mentioned apartment in Cairo, and used to open the big window in the entrance room of the apartment, and this room had the entrance door, and has no other doors, and is opened to the guest room and to a hall way that leads to the rest of the apartment rooms. This room had 2 windows the small one as mentioned above and I used to leave the apartment when my fake mother locks me up and leaves, and one big window maybe 1.5-2 meters wide and 1.5 meter high and this window is not to the outside of the building but rather inside of the building, some building or many building is Egypt they build in them a hall ways meaning it is a room in the ground floor and no floor or roof above this room except the sky and this to cool down the building and the apartments due to the summer heat can reach 45 or higher degrees. And when this window is open you can see on the other side another window of the next apartment, and then my fake sister allegedly standing by the open window and talking to our neighbor named Afaf Shawki that later became her alleged husband, and this is the only memory I have of this sister in this apartment, where we allegedly lived together and shared the same bedroom for around 2 years from January 1960 and until her official marriage sometime in 1961 or 1962. There is another memory not of her, but allegedly of her wedding with Afaf Shawki, where in Egypt often people have no suitable place for a wedding, and they have a tradition, at least whoever can afford it, where they hire a company that build something similar to a tent, but not a tent it is a huge room built within one or two days on the street, and it is out of wood and oriental carpet like heavy material and after it is built it would be around 30 meters long and 15 meter wide, and 3-4 meters high, sometimes much larger and sometimes a bit smaller. And this built huge room with 2 or more entrances/exits and the marrying couple would have 2 chairs on an elevated small stage of roughly 50 cm high that everyone can see and in the front of these 2 chairs then there are rows of chairs for the guests, like in movie theater, facing these 2 chairs so the guests can see the marriage ceremony. And this was allegedly built next to our building in Cairo, and I have the memory of this huge room yet no memory of any action whatsoever within the room = fake memory = they are all psychopaths and totally mentally sick and are 100% dangerous for any human being, PERIOD.



20 August 1970-September 1977, Anita Disbray

(Go to index)

Anita Disbray = 2 lookalikes, through American military in Munich, Germany. My fake mother delivered me to the American military base after she took me from Germany on roughly 12 December  1969 on a severe brainwash and implication tour that lasted around 4 weeks and going through 9 countries and back in Germany on 15 January 1970, then left me in a hotel around end of January or begin of February 1970 after she and others planned a very sadistic and vicious and most torturous brainwash to place me in the end in around March 1970 in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne and make it look like as if I went there by myself.


The military performed a severe brainwash on me using 7 women in 6 weeks enable to force my mind to fall in love with woman number 8, that was over 60 years old on 20 August 1970 and pretended to be 21 years young. All in all, this prostitute named Anita Disbray had me totally isolated until the Evangelical Lutheran church named Genezareth in the city Unterschleissheim, freed me of her in September 1977.


In end of September or begin of October 1970 the American military and in cooperation with my fake family alias the Bdeir/Budier family/families in among others Amman, Jordan, brought a new lookalike of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, now and here his name is Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, he even worked with me in the McGraw Kaserne for around 2 weeks to show me as if he is now poor, and also worked with me for around 2-4 weeks in a German plastic factory in the nearby city named Unterhaching. Sometime in spring or summer 1971 the American military brought a new lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, she even worked for a short period, possibly 1-2 months as an alleged a mixture of baby sitter and a nanny for an American military sergeant, which I see today as if they were testing me to see if I recognize that my original fake mother was nothing else than a hired sadistic vicious prostitute nanny the pretended to be my mother and kept me isolated and treat me as if I am her house dog. Then she allegedly worked for an Austrian one-man company named Mosel, I cannot remember if it was his first or last name, and then rented her own apartment in the nearby city Unterhaching, her alleged boss the Austrian named Mosel became also her boyfriend as distraction of the original fake mother that I strongly believe went to live with Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann. Today I do not know how she was able to afford this apartment while she was working for a very small salary (????!!!). Also, sometimes in around spring 1972 the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, and I rented a 3-room apartment in a very nearby small city named Fasanenpark. Fasanenpark was between the American military base McGraw kaserne and the other small city named Unterhaching. Fasanenpark was 1.5 KM from the American military base McGraw kaserne housing area in Perlacher Forest and roughly 1-1.5 km from where my fake brother was living in the nearby city Unterhaching.


One day and while I was at home with Anita Disbray in our apartment in the city Fasanenpark, my fake mother was allegedly living with my fake brother in Unterhaching roughly 1-1.5 km from our apartment, she came to us allegedly walking, and claimed that my fake brother hit her badly and she cannot live with him, and I was very shocked and was forced to be angry and I left her with Anita Disbray and went walking to my fake brother and knocked at his door and as he opened the door, I threatened him and said if you ever lay a hand on our mother again I will kill you and left back to my apartment. Today I know these words 100% did not come from me. Anyway, a couple of hours later or the following day Anita Disbray and I left my fake mother at our apartment and went somewhere, I believe shopping in a nearby supermarket, maybe 500 meters or so, when we came back to our apartment my fake mother and my fake brother were in our apartment and chained the door from the inside and we could not open the door. We lived on the third or fourth floor of a 3 or 4 floor building, it was around 19:00 hours, and they refused to let us into our own apartment. At that time and in the next building to our building there was a police station, we had no choice but to go to the police station to ask them for help. They went up with use and asked them to open the door, but they refused, then the 2 police men took us back to the police station, in the meantime it was between 21:00 and 22:00 hours, and the police said we cannot do anything tonight and if we use forced it will disturb all tenant in the whole building, and they suggested for us to sleep in the police station and in the morning they will call a specialist to open the door. We slept in one of the jail cells. In the morning, we went up with 2 policemen and the door was slightly open and no one was in the apartment then the police men went away.


Now to understand what happened I have to mention that at that time I was working at the company BMW car manufacturer and in their factory located directly at the Munich Olympia Park. I used to work in 2 shifts, every week a different shift one starts at 6:00 O’clock in the morning and until 14:00 hours and the other shift start at 14:00 hours and ends at 23:00  hours, therefore I used to wake up at the latest at 4:00 in the morning to take the subway the whole way to work and be there at 5:30 and it takes me 30 minutes to change my close and then be a couple of minutes before 6:00 in the morning at the card time stamp machine at the section where I worked. This means I was always tired, because the job was also very physically demanding. Someone at my workplace was using telepathy on me, that at that time I never recognized as telepathy, but it was 100% telepathy, because I was doing something I never did before, such as doing some exercises while I am taking shower after the end of the shift, during which all kind of strange thoughts were going through my mind, that today I recognize as someone was trying to get me to think and analyze my day, and I was totally incapable to do that at that time, it went so far that just a few days before Christmas 1972 and around 4 hours before end of the night shift someone else 100 % forced me to quit my job without notice and on the spot, even though my supervisor and his manager, said if I quit now I will lose my Christmas money, I was so angry that I said I do not care I want to leave work right now, and then they had to call someone from personal office and ask them to come to work to make me sign some papers, all this was not normal and 100% it was not me.


Back to the incident with the police. Today I strongly believe that these criminal mother fuckers, my fake mother, and my fake brother and possibly also the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray and possibly in cooperation with the police station staged all this to force me to sleep over night in the cell either to see if I remember my past in Cairo, Egypt or as blackmail brainwash situation to Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that not only pretended to be Egyptian police man in Cairo, Egypt but also took me once in his alleged night shift from 22:00 hours and until 6:00 in the morning to his alleged work place in a police station in an area called Al Doqi in an area called Giza in Cairo, that was around 15 km from where we lived. He left me in some room and told me to study my schoolbooks, and he allegedly has to go in a so called dawria meaning the police car patrol, I believe in 8 hours he came once or twice for minute or 2 to check on me, I was meanly half sleep. What is odd here, is that he and another time took me also to this area and into the penthouse of the famous Syrian/Lebanese actor and singer since 1940s named Farid Al-Atrash ( Penthouse in his own building that was maybe 10-20 floors in Cairo, Egypt. He had the penthouse key, I never understood how come he had the key, possibly to force my mind to think that he is a policeman, and he checks the houses/penthouses of famous people, I do not know, it is all strange and brainwash. Another time, sometimes in 1968 Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann pretended to be treating me, as if I am homosexual and going with men, which was 100% false I was 1000 (Thousand) % (percent) raped, and these criminals mother fuckers used telepathy to force me to be rapped and force me to think as if I am doing it voluntarily, and all as distraction not only of my past but also that my fake mother forced Mohi Sabri to rape me around 1966/67 and that was the first time I was ever raped sexually as it is mentioned elsewhere, and today I know why this human trash fake mother name Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi did that, because Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was 100% a spy in Germany and to 100% for the English royal families + the Rockefeller families alias the United Kingdoms and the United States of America, and that is why the mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum, which is owned by both these mother fucker psychopath 2 families English royal families and the Rockefeller families, brainwashed me, destroyed all my relations, enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986, where they kept me as an isolated slave for 15 years.


Back to Mohi Sabri and pretending to be treating me for homosexuality by taking me to the all newly opened police station around 500 meters of our apartment, and less than 100 meters of the Heliopolis hospital, and in this police station, and this just to force my mind to think that he is a local police man but also as distraction that he raped me once in 1967, took me to  a jail cell that was in the basement of the police station and cell was around 40-50 square meter and had cement seat banks and had around 10-15 cm or higher water all over the floor, no one was in the cell, and he forced me to go inside this cell and told me of you do not stop going with men, then I will lock you up here and then took me back home = severe brainwash.


Another possibility of forcing me to be in the police station overnight is an incident with Anita Disbray that was designed to force my mind to see her as a good woman. This incident is also mentioned in another page in my complaint pages. I had a room through my employer the American military, and this room was in the same area where the military housing area was in Perlacher forest. The military housing area consisted of many buildings, each of 2 floors and 3 entrances, each entrance had 2 apartments on each floor (possibly it was 3 floors). Then there was the roof floor, where they had no apartments but rather single rooms for civilian employees and a shared kitchen and 1 or 2 shared toilets and shower rooms for the whole roof, meaning there was roughly 10 rooms on each roof and all the military none-officer housing buildings had the same concept. I lived in one of these rooms on the roof. Anita Disbray also lived in one of these rooms on the roof of another building. Sometimes I used to go to her room, and other times she came to my room. One day between August and November 1970 I slept over in her room, and in the middle of the night or early in the morning, the American military police came to her room and arrested me with the reasoning no men are allowed to be in the women rooms, and they took me to jail in the American military police station that ironically was adjacent to the German prison named Stadelheim, where in the future and between February 2002 and August 2006 I was imprisoned in this Stadelheim prison more than I can count. Later Anita Disbray came to police station, or it was as they took me to the police station and both of us were sitting on the bench waiting for the military police to do something or another, then 2 military police officers stage something where they for one reason or another attacked me verbally as if they want to separate me of Anita Disbray and want her for their selves and kept on saying something like I am a foreigner no good for her and I should go back where I came from, and I was just about able to understand them, because I started to learn real English language only since March 1970 in this military base, and when I responded to them they pretended to want to hit me and much more, it was all staged and I never understood it at that time, later on and as they released me, I was walking with Anita Disbray from the police station to her room and she provoked me and today I believe she forced me with telepathy to slap her, and then  one of the military police officers that was in the station was following us in the hidden and then stepped to me and wanted to hit me because he allegedly saw me slap her, and Anita Disbray stopped him, and told him something like it was not his fall, in other words she defended me, all this while at that time one of my new friend was named Ray Thomas and was 100% American military intelligence or military police officer, and he too did countless damaging things to me and he disappeared of my life with all other Americans that I used to know immediately and in the same time period as Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977 = all was staged to force me to be with Anita Disbray that pretended to be spying on my alleged terrorist connections that never existed, it was all brainwash and scare tactics to force my mind to live in fear and submit to their evil and most destructive brainwash that also destroyed the little logic I had to make me be like a dog on the leash and the leash was 100% in the telepathy of Anita Disbray.


And there with the incident of forcing me to stay overnight in police station in 1971 was just another situation to force my mind to forget Mohi Sabri and the Egyptian police brainwash strategy in Cairo as protection for Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that today I believe he was married and living with my original fake mother somewhere in or near Augsburg, just 80 km from where I was isolated by force in the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich. Also, I was setup by the American military to get to know another German civilian employee of the military where they forced me to believe he was a homosexual named Sigfred, and his job was to fill the candy, sandwiches and drink machines located all over American military bases in Bavaria and he took me once with him to the American military Airforce airport base in Augsburg to fill the machines, today I believe to see if I relate to the Egyptian Airforce directly opposite the apartment of my fake sister Fadia Shawki, in Cairo, Egypt, there was only wide street between the apartment building of my fake sister and the Airforce airport. Also, officially the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann originated from Augsburg and possibly at that time lived near there, and since his wife was possibly my original fake mother, and she had telepathy, it was all some kind of blackmail, because after this trip to Augsburg I did not see Sigfred anymore, his last name was unknown to me.


As you can see, there were so many things related to each other’s that all together builds a huge chaos in the mind and life of their brainwash victim alias me.


And therewith and most probably these mother fuckers and psychopaths my fake mother and fake brother and the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray were either trying to see if I relate the police station incident in Fasanenpark and next to our apartment to my past and the police situation next to our apartment in Cairo, Egypt and the fake police officer Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann the spy, or they were using me as blackmail object by pretending to be reminding me of my past, because the situation of the police as neighbors in the tiny city Fasanenpark does not make any sense at all except as reminder of my past or as blackmail!


Another possibility or better said additional possibility is to force my mind to feel embarrassed by Anita Disbray and therewith feel sorry and obligated to stick to her no matter what = 100% slavery brainwash.


And this situation of the Fasanenpark police shows at least to me, that this fake mother is a new lookalike of the original one that brought me to Munich and then disappeared and most probably went into another identity that today I strongly suspect it to be Irene Möllemann the official first wife of Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann the ex-German vice chancellor alias the fake Egyptian police officer Mohi Sabri that had so much help in Cairo, Egypt to be able to do so many things such as with police stations and connection to famous people and the only ones that can do all that and are 100% top controlling families in Egypt is the Rockefeller and English royal families that have been influencing Egypt at least since 1882, you can read about it here ( and here (


End of 1978-to end of 1980, Rene Zielske

(Go to index)

Rene Zielske through Siemens AG in Munich, Germany.


After I was setup to become Christian starting January 1976, where pastor Herbert Lange gave lessons over Christianity and over the bible and came to our apartment 1-2 times per week and also introduced me to some church members and in Easter weekend of 1976 there was an easter weekend trip organized by the church for the church members to go to a church community center in northern part of Bavaria, it was sort of a vacation center for members of the church in Germany, and maybe 30 or 40 church members of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim went on this trip over the weekend from Friday and until Monday afternoon, where then I was baptized on Sunday, what is strange is that also my fake brother and his wife named Alia alias Anita Köse went also with us on this trip. Also, my fake brother took part at least once or possibly twice on a so-called Bible Circle, where a group of people meet together at the home of one person of the group and discuss what they think about the bible or part of the bible. The reason I have mentioned the details mentioned above, because my fake brother was present yet and officially he is the lookalike of my original fake brother alias the son of king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan, and they all persecuted me to death because I allegedly changed my religion from Islam to Christianity, and alone this shows you that it was a joint setup between Germans and members of my fake and biological families to have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam, which will be clear through this woman named Renee Zielske. I am still today in 2024 questioning why he was with me on this trip and in the Bible circle, when he and my fake mother and sisters set me up to be kidnapped to USA and worked together with the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut to force me to be enslaved for 15 years under the control of the BP-British Petroleum hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud that had children with the last name Khodor as reminder of Esmat Khodari = 100% blackmail to my twin alias the boyfriend or even husband of Esmat Khodary while pretending to be me, and this while I literally hated the guts of Najlaa Mahmoud and being anywhere near her, but I was totally helpless against these psychopaths that have telepathy and cover it up by using brainwash and using government members such As CIA and BND and MI6, which they did to kidnap me from Germany to USA where they kept me as slave for 15 years. Back to being set up to become Christian and I do not regret it because I get to know the best people of my life. Now I will jump from becoming Christian in 1976 and go to the year 1978, where the company Siemens AG hired me on 1 June 1978. Note I went to mainframe programming school from September 1973 to June 1974, and completed the one-year full time school successfully and received a certificate, Yet I was not able to get a job as programmer, or I was prevented to get one, I believe I was prevented. until 4 years later and after I was setup to become Christian, then Siemens AG hired me even though my programming knowledge and computer knowledge in general was 4 years old and pure theoretical from the one-year programming school. Today I know for fact that Siemens AG hired me 100% to use me as blackmail object to get the biggest computer project they ever were able to get outside Germany, which was the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia, which was a turn-key project, meaning it was also their responsibility to build the buildings for the 14 computer centers in 14 Saudi Arabian ports and additional one as the headquarter in the Saudi Arabian Capital named Riyadh, where my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi also was  as hidden member of the Saudi Arabian royal families and member of the Saudi Arabian government and member of the upper management of one of the largest petroleum companies in the world named ARAMCO ( + ( and all this while pretending in my presence to be poor Syrian. Jawdat Baroudi is a fake name, his real name is unknown to me, yet he is 100% either the hidden older brother of prince Andrew of the UK or his close cousin from the Rockefeller family in USA and Saudi Arabia and in many other countries.


This situation me being hired by Siemens AG to use me as blackmail object is the number one reason that Siemens AG hired me, which very much means they knew about me much earlier than 1978 and today I see the possibility that they manipulated my life in Germany among others because they were at that time the largest employer in Germany after the Federal government of Germany. They had between 300 and 400 thousand employees, and there with their influence in Germany and in particular in the state of Bavaria was huge, among others they were the main sponsors of the Bavarian Catholic church and very possibly also in the neighboring state of Baden Wuertemberg in cooperation with their hidden relative the Porsche family and the Benz Family = Mercedes Benz head quarter and Porsche Car head quarter at that time was in the neighboring state named Baden-Württemberg.


Every religion and in particular the Christian denominations = over 49 thousand denominations = over 49,000 Christianity splitting that were created by local and national controlling families to influence people and keep them as their private slaves, and therewith each church has its own sponsor = a control family that benefits enormously by creating and controlling from the background and sponsoring the Christian denominations (, in this case the Catholic church of the Free state of Bavaria that at that time had over 60% of the population were Catholics. Also, Siemens AG had an enormous influential power by the government not only in the Free state of Bavaria, but in entire Germany, because it was the largest company in Germany, and all that I did not know until after I worked for Siemens AG. AG means Aktiengesellschaft (2 words Aktien Gesellschaft) in English it means Public limited company or publicly held company that is registered on the stock market.

All the above information about Siemens AG, just to show you the hidden relation to my life and what is yet to come into my life after they hired me.


Today I also see the possibility that members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia, and Jordan and in other so-called Arabic countries where my fake and biological families are in control are also the official Siemens AG representatives and business partners, because at least in Saudi Arabia they have a law, which states that all foreign companies can do business in Saudi Arabia only if they have a Saudi Arabian partner that owns 51% of the partnership, meaning Siemens AG is 100% business partner with my fake and biological family in several so-called Arab countries which it will be clear after I prove to you who is really my fake family. Which means everything in my life and in Germany and since day one was 100% planned by these psychopaths fake and biological families of mine, including using me as blackmail object against the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and setting me up to become Christian and kidnapping me from Germany to USA.


Now to Rene Zielske. The official person that hired me was named Dr. Peter M. Lembke and he lived somewhere around the small city of Hohenbrunn (, which is a country side small town and 8 KM from our work place in an area called Neu Perlach in Munich, Germany, which was at that time Siemens AG headquarter for the computer department in partnership with the Japanese company Fujitsu. The reason I know where he lived, is because he used me, or better said Siemens AG used him as front for many things that they did to me, one of them was using me as blackmail object against the American military, by creating a private fake project and invited me to his home to allegedly help on this project that he performed with his alleged American friend that was a professor of mathematics, I forgot his name, yet and after the year 2016 I recognized that it was a blackmail against the American military that in March 1970 set me up to be in the American military base by using Mrs. Doris Hayes, which is mentioned in other pages, here is a short version of it. Mrs. Doris Hays was a German origin married to an active American military Seargent that today I believe he was 100% either a CIA agent and pretended to be military sergeant or he was an American military intelligence sergeant. Mrs. Doris Hays was the first American I met in the military base, and she officially get me the first job that included housing within the military base housing area called Perlacher Forest = 100% total isolation. Mrs. Hays was working part time in the military base movie theater and they had 2, one small within the base itself in a building the military library was located and where the university of Maryland had also a small branch for the children of the military staff and the name itself Maryland was 100% a brainwash for me to force me to forget my past while seeing if my mind is relating the word Maryland to Maryland park in Cairo, Egypt where I oft went there with various members of my fake family above all and the most time I went there was with Mohi Sabri and my fake mother. Mrs. Doris Hays had a friend that was American professor for mathematics at the university of Maryland in the same building where she was working. Her job was to make and sell popcorn in both of the movie theaters, the second movie theater was larger one and it was within the military housing in Perlacher Forest. Also and today her job in the movie theater was a big part of brainwashing me by repeating things of my past (and they did that countless times including bringing lookalike of my fake brother and fake mother) but with slight modification of the situation as confusion for the mind, and modification of my knowledge of them in the past which is 100% will lead to forcing the victim to forget the past, especially if they repeat this strategy of brainwash with countless things = severe very destructive brainwash. Mrs. Doris Hays had a son around 10 years and his name was Mark Hays, he was blond and blue eyes, and I strongly believe that they were testing my memory and see if I relate him to my fake nephew Essam Shawki that I last saw him in Cairo, Egypt in January 1970 and he was around 4-5 years old, and this while I always saw her husband mainly with an unusual military uniform, that others in that base never had on = severe brainwash and as distraction of Mohi Sabri. Mrs. Doris hays was spending a lot of time with me and with her friend the American mathematics professor named Professor Charles, I do not know his last name, he had some kind of mental sickness that he was always scared to catch sickness through touching anything, therefore he had in his pocket some kind of disinfection in a small pocket bottle, and whenever he touches anything he must go immediately to the bathroom and wash his hands with soap thoroughly and if he cannot do that then he used the disinfection in his pocket and he repat that every single time that he touches anything = a mental sickness. The Hayes family lived in Perlacher forest in the military housing opposite of another German originated woman that was also married to military sergeant that was stationed in Vietnam and she had the choice Vietnam, USA or Germany, she chooses Germany and was living there with her 3 children as neighbors of Mrs. Hayes. Her name was Mrs. O’Connor, she had 3 children, the oldest named Leonard (pronounced as Lienard), around 16 or 17 years old that was obsessed with rock and roll music and had big professional drums at home, as shown in the below photo, that he used to practice on, and you can hear that from 2 buildings away.

A drum set with a white background

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Mrs. O’Conner had also a daughter around 14 years old named Yvonne and other 6- or 8-year-old sons, name forgotten. These 2 families and professor Charles were always and daily surrounding me as mean of isolation and distraction of my past while pretending to be my new friends, and they were most definitely not my friends, they were my brainwash and isolation team from March 1970 and until roughly end of June/July 1970, then they allegedly moved away and I did not see them or heard of them after that because I was moved up to the next brainwash level to enslave me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, by using 7 females various ages and each of them did something most disgusting to me to force my mind not to like her or like other women, enable to force my mind to fall in love with what they were planning for me, which was Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old as I get to know her on 20 August 1970.


Back to Mr. Peter M. Lembke the department manager at Siemens AG, that Siemens AG used against me from day one and until they also used him to force me with brainwash and telepathy to leave the company voluntarily as described elsewhere because the Israeli agent named Dr. Sami Assassa tried to assassinate me in summer of 1981, Dr. Sami Assassa the Mossad agent  that pretended to be Syrian and was brought to my life by my fake mother in summer 1977 and he pretended to be the brother-in-law of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that also pretended to be poor Syrian living in Saudi Arabia, today and based on what happened to me after I became Christian and many in the church and from the background were helping separating me of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was in 1977 around 67 years old and pretended to be 29 years old and had an identical lookalike that was possibly her granddaughter and was around 35-40 years in 1977, and today I suspect her to have been possibly the wife of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi due to many setups during that period to disconnect me of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, this is his fake name, his real name is unknown to me. Which I will try to explain later on this page.


Back to Mr. Peter M. Lembke my department manager, between him and me there was another person a so-called supervisor, and these supervisors were 100% selected in such a matter to either see if I relate to their origin or they were using me as blackmail object, one of them was named Francisco von Hildebrandt, the “von” means from or of this family name, and this is mainly or only used by ex-German royal families, just as the Dutch and Belgium also use the same concept but translated to Dutch “van” = Dutch royalty origin. This Francisco von Hildebrandt was around 165 cm, dark blond and blue eyes and allegedly was born or only raised in Argentina (possibly it was Brazil and I mixed it up) South America, where allegedly many German top Nazi officers escaped after the end of the Second World War and went to Argentina South America, meaning they were testing to see if I relate to hidden escaped Nazis in my life or they were using me as blackmail object against the American and British military that officially won the second world war and as they allegedly went in Berlin to arrest Adolf Hitler, he allegedly committed suicide and shot himself and his girlfriend Eva Braun, and today I see the strong possibility that they lied and helped Adolf Hitler and his girlfriend Eva Braun to settle in Cairo, Egypt as Bashier Quader, the only prove I have about this is that these criminal Queder/Koueider family raped me sexually as mean to prevent me to want to remember these criminal mother fuckers. They too pretended to be Syrian and allegedly the neighbors of my fake grandfather named Kamel Baroudi in downtown Damascus, Syria. Kamel Baroudi is the alleged father of my fake mother and her alleged brothers. Whereby her oldest brother named Mamdoh Baroudi that I saw in Jordan either in 1970 or on my first trip to the middle East as employee of Siemens AG sometimes around end of 1979 or begin of 1980, and the problem of this Mamdoh Baroudi he was older that his official father, he also was the official father of my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi and very lookalike to his official cousin Jameel Baroudi the official father of the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi ( + ( OR OR OR The reason I see the possibility that Adolf Hitler is Bashier Queder/Koueider, is because the Dutch immigration created a situation in the refugee camp in the city of Dokkum in august or September of 2006 to remind me of Bashier Queder/Koueider, and the only reason I can find that they do that is that Bashier Queder/Koueider is hiding, and you cannot hide of MI6 or CIA or military intelligence in Cairo, Egypt while he had a brother named Jameel Queder/Koueider that had a lot of look similarities with Adolf Hitler, but Jameel Queder/Koueider was not Adolf Hitler because he was around 30 0r 40 years old as I get to know him in the begin of 1960s and saw him countless times in their own shop called Queder/Koueider Syrian sweets, that at that time had 2 branches one downtown Cairo almost directly opposite the movie theater Metro, that was owned by the CEO of the Egyptian Airline as it is mentioned in this page under Esmat Khodary, I believe today they have several branches also in other city in Egypt such as Alexandria but they changed the name to “Karam El-Sham since 1950 Syrian food and sweets” that are a mixture between Indian and Turkish, Karm El-Sham means in English, generosity of Damascus or generosity of Syria, the word Sham and originally means Syria but some people call the capitol of Syrian, which is Damascus as Sham, they do the same in Egypt and call Cairo as Egypt, which is in Egyptian Arabic Masr (


A group of people standing outside a restaurant

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This is how Queder/Koueider is written in Arabic, there is only one way to write it in Arabic, just like there is only one way to write Najar in Arabic and people translate it to Najar or Najjar or Nagar or Naggar or Neggar and other forms as mean to hide the relation between persons, just like my name is Najar, my fake brother is Naggar, my fake sister is Nagar and the other fake sister is Najjar and this is Queder/Koueider in Arabic:

 Blue text on a white background

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As you see everything is connected to everything in my life, because they created countless chaos in my brain and in my entire life, and since 2000 I was trying to understand my past, yet I was only partially successful until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, then and gradually I started to understand things and discover the reason of why I was severely persecuted by Americans, Germans, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians and above all the English royal families and the Rockefeller families in my life that caused me a total destruction of everything in my life because of everything written in my complaint pages and is 100% hidden of the general public, especially this page, that shows that I was implicated by so many things in my life and persecuted by so many groups of people to cover up my relation to queen Elizabeth the second of the united kingdom!


Back to Mr. Peter M. Lembke and Siemens AG, they were and with no doubt whatsoever closely working with my fake and biological families and also with at least one of my 4-5 lookalikes that exchanged places as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi. And here I come to Mrs. Rene Zielske, she was for a short while the secretary of my department manager named Dr. Peter M. Lembke in 1978 to sometimes 1979. Meaning a few months to roughly 18 months, and here I have a huge memory gap that point to Mrs. Rene Zielske had telepathy and controlled me with it which causes memory gaps, because while some one controlling my mind with telepathy, my brain cease to register my surrounding and my entire life ,which equals memory gaps as was done to me several times in my life in Egypt, in Germany and partially also in USA.


Important note: Renee Zielske and correctly writes her first name like this “Reneé” the last letter is “é” have a small sign over it that is called “Accent de gue” n English they call it “Acute_accent” (, and it was used on me as mean of brainwash in July 1998 in Houston, Texas by using a one man company named Mike Brulé that hired me to work for him as subcontractor on the CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium ( + ) to seperate me of the BP-British Petroleum prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud and forc3e4 me to leave USA enable they have a reason to lock me up for nearly 13 years between 6 months in USA, and all in all 13 years lockup in Netherlands during which the Dutch immigration forced using different strategies to go to Germany illegally and several times between 18 December 2001 and April 2006 to cover up ofr these mother fuckers I am complaining about and above all to cover up fro the mass murder and mother fucker ex-US president George W. Bush that was 100% directly and indirectly working with my fake and biological families to steal Iraq as you can clearly see with proves under the section of the brainwash photos and in particular the last photo of my fake niece May Abokurah. End of note.


I was setup through Mr. Peter M. Lembke and 3 work colleagues to go to the alleged birthday party of Mrs. Renee Zielske at her apartment around 2 bus stops from our work place and my work colleagues said they are also invited and will also be there, she gave me her address and I went there, no one else came and we set in her kitchen and she get me totally drunk that I cannot recall what happened after that except the following morning I woke up naked in her bed, in other words she rapped me and then I was 100% forced by her or members of Siemens AG to leave my housing in the city where I became Christian and moved into her apartment to live with her and it was all 100% forced telepathy. I lived with her from around end of 1978 and until sometimes end of 1980, then I was forced to move out and rented a cheap room with some family around where my department manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke lived in Hohenbrunn, and I get this room through the Siemens AG office within Siemens AG where I worked in Neu Perlach and this office had maybe 2-3 employees and they were specialized in finding housing for the employees of this branch of Siemens AG in Neu Perlach that had roughly 5000 Employees at that time in a totally newly built area, around a few years before my employment, and only for the computer department of Siemens AG. The top management of Siemens AG had its own building in downtown Munich very close to where the criminal mother fucker Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa had his oriental carpet shop. Dr. Sami Assassa tried to assassinate me, yet Siemens AG saved my life, and I am guessing due to the top management offices were just 150-200 meters of his oriental carpet shop where he planned to assassinate me and gave me fake diamonds that today I believe they were to 99.99% crystal look like illegal drugs each if roughly 1 millimeter diameter or it was 0.01% Crystals and he lied to me and told me these were small diamonds and gave them to me in his shop and asked me to give them to his brother-in-law alias my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi in Riyadh Saudi Arabia just before Siemens AG were sending me to test the new computers in Jeddah and Riyadh, and I was arrested as I arrived in Jeddah Airport with the reasoning I allegedly obtained the visa to Saudi Arabia illegally and they took me to a bus to jail me and there was many before me waiting their turn to go on the bus and we all were surrounded by soldier pointing machine guns towards us, and someone reminded me with telepathy that I have a letter proves that I am here on business based on an invitation of the Saudi Arabian government, then I requested of the soldiers pointing machine guns towards us to speak to the officer in charge because I have a prove that I am here on business and showed them the letter, then they took me back inside the airport to the officer in charge  and he read the letter, apologized and asked the 2 soldiers behind me to escort me to the exit of airport arrival section, and they did. If I would have gone in this bus then I would have been taken to jail, and they would have searched me and found the illegal drugs and then 100% would have cut my head off with the sword as these psychopaths often do publicly to scare people while showing as if this is the tradition since 1400 years, yet Saudi Arabia 100% did not exist prior to 1800 and possibly did not exist prior to 1880. Siemens AG send me 3-4 times before to Saudi Arabia and they never gave me a letter, except this time, which very much lead me to conclude that they were monitoring me with telepathy as I went to the shop of Dr. Sami Assassa and saw what he gave me and immediately concluded this could be a trap and directed my boss to give me this unusual letter that stated I am here on an invitation of the Saudi Arabian government to test the newly installed multilingual computer system and had names of Saudi Arabian officials and their contact information and a stamp of Siemens AG, which 100% means Siemens AG saved my life and that is why and after I went back to Germany they set me up with brainwash and telepathy and 7 times my salary offered to me by Dr. Peter M. Lembke if I quit my job at Siemens AG and go with him to another company named ADV/ORG as it is mentioned elsewhere, and I did not want to leave my job but they 100% forced me with telepathy, to avoid that I be murdered in Saudi Arabia or even Jordan, because each time Siemens AG sent me to the Middle East I always made a stop in Amman, Jordan to visit my 2 fake sisters, but I was 100% unwelcome and I did not see it I used to think everything that happened to me in Jordan was coincident, but it was not, it was 100% to discourage me of going to Jordan .


In the map below under the yellow numbers you can see the locations of the followings:

1.           Number 1: The location of the oriental carpet store of the mother fucker Dr. Sami Assassa right next to the office of the Syrian airline

2.           Number 2 related indirectly to this situation the Bayerische Hof Hotel where later in 1985 the Syrian military intelligent Lieutenant-Connel Labeed Salameh was lodging as BP-British Petroleum used him against me several times and to force everyone else to think I am originated from Syria and that is why a Syrian military intelligence officer was allegedly persecuting me

3.           Number 3: the offices of the top management of Siemens AG that I believe had telepathy and were monitoring me as the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa that pretended to be Syrian was setting me up to be murdered in Saudi Arabia = he 100% tried to assassinate me to cover up for my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi alias member of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and the hidden father of my fake nephew Essam Shawki and most probably is the husband of the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray that were 2 different persons exchanging places one over 60 years old and officially I was forced to marry her in early spring 1973 and her identical lookalike was Saudi Arabian and half of her age and most probably was the wife of this fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi, which very possibly makes her the mother of my fake nephew Essam Shawki, and that would explain several things related to Essam Shawki and me from 1960s and until current in 2024 and I have several situations around my life that point to this possibility and I will mention them later in this page/document.

This map highlights an area downtown Munich Germany and just a few minutes walking to the main train station and a few minutes walking to the city hall of Munich in Marienplatz = Marien square.


End of March 1981 to 17 October 1984, Adelheid Kuczka

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Adelheid Kuczka through Mohamad Attar nick named Aboalkhair and he is through the American military and some German authority that I suspect it to be BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (in English Federal News (or intelligence) Service, similar to CIA in USA and similar tp MI6 in UK).


All I can say about Adelheid Kuczka relation o my fake family is as follow:

1.           She constantly distracted me on purpose of my new friends that I get to know through the church in 1976. Once I wanted to go to the city Unterschleissheim to meet my friends, where they used to meet on a regular base every Friday evening and every Wednesday evening after a sho0rt church service and Sunday morning after the main church service, and here Adelheid Kuczka asked me no to go, but insisted that I want to go, and she gave me an ultimatum and I am quoting her ”Either me of your church friend!

2.           I asked her several times to get married or to get a joint apartment, but she always distracted of the subject

3.           Today I know that our time together was planned for a short period only, because she often said things that no woman or girlfriend would usually say to her boyfriend, such as, and here I am also quoting her “If you want me to marry you, then you have to give me 5000 Deutsch Mark monthly pocket money”

4.           I will skip all the rest and come to one major incident that was planned jointly by her and my fake mother. It is a very silly situation, but everything counts. Adelheid Kuczka told me once that my forced upon me by Siemens AG ex-girlfriend named Renee Zielske, kept on calling her and telling her things about me that are not true, then I called Renee Zielske and asked her why are doing this, then she claimed that my fake mother asked her to. I did not see Renee Zielske since over a year and today in 2024 I have no idea how my fake mother was able to get in touch with her, possibly through the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa and his stupid wife, and she is not stupid because she is Jewish pretending to be Muslim, but because she is a very destructive spy just like her mother fucking husband Dr. Sami Assassa. Anyway, this incident was in 1984 while I was working on evil BP-British Petroleum project  and then I confronted my fake mother in the presence of my fake brother, not knowing at that time that he is working with my fake mother and the Jordanian royal family and the Saudi Arabian royal family and the American military against me, she kept on denying it, and then she admitted it with the reasoning that she thinks that Adelheid Kuczka is not the right woman for me, and I told her this is n9ot for her to decide. All this was a preparation to separate me from Adelheid Kuczka and make it look like as if I am doing it voluntarily, which was not as it is described in several areas among others in the page “Thank You” under the section of Adelheid Kuczka. Today and very unfortunately, I realized that my fake mother in 1984 was just covering up for the other fake mother that was living somewhere in Germany as the wife of ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, and most probably some German authorities also knew that, and this is very unfortunate for me, because I used to trust the German government blindly, today I know that there is no government on this earth that is trust worthy


24.12.1984 to June 2000 Najlaa Mahmoud

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Najlaa Mahmoud through the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum = English royal families + Rockefeller families with the help of the German government at that time under the control of the following political party’s coalition: CDU-Christian Democratic Union = in all of Germany + CSU-Christian Social Union only in the Free State of Bavaria + FDP-Free Democratic party in all of Germany. And above all with the help of the concentrated evil mother fucker’s American military in Munich and the American government in USA, where they then kidnapped me from Germany to USA and kept me literally as an isolated slave for 15 years. All the details of this disgusting BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud are to be found in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to …-Part-3-Version-2.


As result of all the above I was isolated by force

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I was isolated by force through everything they did to me since my birth and by hiring the above-mentioned women, to be precise I lived isolated since my birth as follow:

1.           Since my birth between November 1951 and sometimes in 1952 as an isolated slave child that was used as decoy vacation child by queen Elizabeth the second that used me as her decoy younger brother or even younger sister by disguising me as little girl, or younger son or younger daughter by disguising me as little girl

2.           Between 1960/62 and 1976 as isolated slave of my fake mother that I suspect her to have been the first wife of ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann

3.           From September 1977 and until 1 January 1984 I was partially free, and this due to they set me up to become Christian enable they can have a public reason to persecute me, and the reason I was partially free, because Siemens AG 100% used me as blackmail object from June 1978 and until 31.12.1981, which is another form of hidden slavery, then Siemens AG used 2 of her subcontractors to keep me under their control until end of summer of 1983, not to forget that they hired a professional prostitute named Renee Zielske that pretended to be the secretary of my department manager named Dr. Peter M. Lembke and they set me up with force of telepathy and brainwash to leave the city Unterschleissheim and live with this evil woman, she was 10 years older than me and 99.9% had telepathy because I have a very big memory gaps during the period I was forced to live with her and her daughter named Tatjana that was 10 years old, on top of that, she was really a bad mother, not as bad as my fake mother but bad enough, and the reason Siemens AG used this hired professional prostitute is to keep me far away of the church, and that was one of the nastiest thing that Siemens AG did to me. Therefore, and today I strongly believe that the business partners of Siemens AG in Jordan and Saudi Arabia asked Siemens AG to hire me and remove me of the city Unterschleissheim and these Jordanian and Saudi Arabian business partners are 100% my fake family and my biological families these criminals mother fuckers.

4.           From 1 January 1984 I was 100% started to be forced to go into isolation by the psychopath and criminal child kidnappers’ English royal families that used their company BP-British Petroleum to systematically isolate and re-brainwash me and enslave and this in Munich, Germany

5.           17.10.1984 they totally isolated me, among others by using the lookalike of my original fake mother, that was dressed like some Muslims do and all covered up from head to toe, and this as distraction of the original fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that disappeared of my life some times in the end of January 1970 or begin of February 1970 and went into another identity that today I believe this identity is the first wife of ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias her original on and off boyfriend in Cairo, Egypt named Mohi Sabri from roughly 1962/63 and until he disappeared in 1968

6.           September 1986 I was kidnapped from Munich, Germany to USA where they kept me as an isolated slave for 15 years

7.           July 2000 and as I tried to escape USA by living in the international airport of Houston, Texas, USA named George H. W. Bush international airport, then I was arrested for a few days and released and then went back to the airport trying to find a way to smuggle myself on an airplane back to Munich, Germany from where these mother fuckers and psychopaths kidnapped me in the first of all. A few days later and in the airport, I was arrested again and imprisoned in deportation prison

8.           On 11.2.2001 the American immigration in cooperation with the FBI brought me by force to the Netherlands, and ever since I was locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps until Mai 2012, then they toyed with me and forced me in one way or another to keep on relocation from the village Bellingwolde where the immigration forced me to live from 28.2.2008 and until Mai 2012, during which I was severely tortured mentally and physically. During this period I was forced to relocate from the village Bellingwolde in Mai 2012 to Amsterdam, then was forced to relocate again in July 2013 to Hove, the UK and forced to relocate again in end of August 2013 to Kerkrade, the Netherlands  and forced to relocate again in September 2013 to Harrow-London, UK and forced to relocate again to sometimes in Mai 2014 to the city Assen in the Netherlands and in September 2014 I realized I am not safe in Assen and I am being very viciously persecuted, and decided to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague and hopping to be protected by the Dutch royal family + the Dutch Government + the many foreigners and diplomat in this city just to escape these vicious and sadistic persecution, I was not able to relocate immediately, until I was able to find a suitable apartment and relocated on 1 March 2016

9.           Ever since 1 March 2016 am still in one way or another persecuted, but now heavily with telepathy and causing me all kind of problems, the number one problems these psychopaths are causing me is not allowing me to have continuous routine sleep and wake me up every single nigh 2-5 times to provoke me and force my mind to want to complain and this strategy they have been using on me since day one I was forced by the mother fuckers American and British governments to be in the Netherlands since 2001. And therewith I am complaining and writing the details of what these psychopaths do to children since their birth and into their adulthood, and therewith I am Isolated since my birth and until today in June 2024


Because of all the above I totally dislike Netherland, the Dutch immigration and the Dutch royal family that are not capable to protect one innocent person since 11.2.2001 and until today in June 2024


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The Brainwash photos

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Pre-Explanation (12 pages)

Explanation of the list of brainwash photos

List of brainwash photos

All photos as listed below

Photo-01: My fake mother and her alleged children

Photo-02: The lookalike of my fake mother with a made-up fake father

Photo-03: another lookalike of my fake mother with her alleged husband in a separate photo

Photo-04: Another lookalike of my fake mother as I saw her for the first time in summer 1977 and last time in summer 1987

Photo-05: Another or the same fake mother as I saw her in spring 2013 for the last time

Photo-06: Another or the same fake mother as I saw her in the hospital in spring 2013 for the last time

Photo-07: Another or the same fake mother with my fake niece Esmat Shawki allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-08: Another or the same fake mother allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-09: Comparing the photos of my fake mother as listed above: Photo-1 + Photo-2 + Photo-3 + Photo-4 + Photo-5 + Photo-6 + Photo-7

Photo-10: My fake 3 sisters that I strongly suspect them to have also been kidnapped

Photo-10: Same as above just enlarged to better identify the faces!

Photo-11: My fake mother with my fake nephew Samir Bdeir/Bdair/Budier and others unknown to me allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-12: My fake mother with my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-13: My fake sister Fadia Najar mentioned above with my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-14: My fake mother with my fake sister Fadia Najar mentioned above and to the left with my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-15: My fake mother with her alleged daughter Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budeir at her home and allegedly with other family members from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-16: My fake mother with her alleged daughter Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budeir at her home and allegedly with other family members from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-17: My fake mother with her alleged brother Jala Baroudi and others at the alleged home of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-18: The above photo enlarged of my fake uncle that mother fucker named Jalal Baroudi

Photo-19: The same fake uncle Jalal Baroudi with unknown to me persons, allegedly in 2008 in Amman, Jordan

Photo-20: My fake sister Fadia Nagar with her alleged daughter alias my fake niece named Esmat Shawki, and the other fake niece called May Abokurah

Photo-21: My fake niece named allegedly May Abokurah. Details are below

Photo-22: same as above enlarged with many details that many can verify, I can only verify some of them





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Please note:  this note is about the photos listed below. I do not know if the dates of the photos are correct, yet they were most definitely before summer 2013, because this is when I was set up to get them, and I did not really look at them until after February/March 2024. End of Note.


Please note that I am going to publish all the new photos, and these photos I get hold of accidentally, and so I thought, until I looked at them again a couple of weeks ago in March 2024 and realized it was not accidently, but it was given to me to force me to be on the wrong track while I am trying to find the truth about my origin.


The history of these photos is very important, and therewith it is best to describe it, because the devil is in the details.


I was forced to be in the Netherlands since 11.2.2001. from July 2000 and until the summer 2012, I was in one way, or another locked up in various jails, prisons and refugee camps in USA, Netherlands, and Germany. Starting around August 2006, I was in a refugee camp in a small city or even a village called Dokkum in the northern part of Netherlands, during which I was trying, or better said I was forced to, to try to understand what happened to my life and why am I being a refugee since over 50 years. To-do that and almost every week I bought a paper notebook, where I started to write my history enable, I can understand it and I did that until around March or April 2007, and suddenly I had maybe 15 notebooks about my history. Then, I either thought to try to buy a computer or someone with telepathy gave me this idea, and the reason I am today more than positive that someone did that, is because I was not able to think due to the stress and depression I am in due to being locked up but also because I had no money, because I have been locked up since July 2000, and the only money I have was a weekly paid food money for refugees in the Netherlands.


Anyway, I went to a local small computer store that sold me a very inexpensive second-hand PC, I think it was under 70 or even under 50 Euro. Then I transferred most of my notebooks to Microsoft Word. Then I realized that someone used telepathy (Human Telecommunication and control direct from one human brain to another), therefore and sometimes in summer 2007 or at the end of it, I created a website with the following title:

Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: ####-#

Followed with everything either known to me or suspected it to be or forced upon me with telepathy.


I created one page for each person I knew in my life and with the wording as shown above, and I can remember from family members to friends to work colleagues and employers. And these pages you can see here: (I will relocate them to, the same is valid for the backup sites:,, and


In each of these pages I added the name of the person, his relation to me, when I met him/her for the first time, and when I saw him the last time, his/her profession, relative, and his friends that are known to me and most brief description of destructive acts performed against me.


Since I had no photos any more of my past, because the psychopaths American and British government and in 1985 stole a big portion of the photos of me as well as all the photos of the CIA+MI6 and English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray by using their other prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud. The rest of the photos they stole of me by forcing me to be homeless on 10.10.1999 and therewith was forced to  place all my belonging in a rented warehouse, including hundreds of photos of me with members of my fake family and other friends since 1962 and other fake photos from prior to 1962 allegedly dated back to the year 1900, then I was not able to pay the rent for the storage and was forced to ask my client that pretended to be my friend and named James Brasher the son of Mrs. Bebe Brasher and brother of Clifton Brasher living in Channelview, Texas and owned a small company called Associated Canvas products, Inc., also in Channelview, Texas, just 20 KM/12 miles east of Houston, Texas. The company closed, my guess due to my complaint pages, and how I get to know Mr. Brasher was 100% through an FBI set up that set me up without me noticing to work as consultant for a company called System Maker in an area called The Woodlands around 45 km/30 miles north of downtown Houston, Texas, USA. The reason I believe that the System makers + Associated Canvas Products were working for the FBI, is because they were very hard trying to link me to Jewish, by creating a very destructive setups, which was as follow: in around end of 1991 my fake sister Mona Najjar that came into my life around 1966 as Moni Najar and now in 1966 she is called Mona Abokurah, later in USA suddenly she is named Mona Najjar. She came to visit me with her 10 years old son named Zaid Abokurah. She went somewhere and I was with her son alone and we wanted to go to a grocery store or somewhere else that I cannot recall anymore what it was, and there was a police car hiding in a side road and as soon as I came close to it, they activated the siren and stopped me claiming I am being wanted for unpaid traffic ticket. They allowed me to take Zaid Abokurah to our apartment and left him at the apartment, and they took me to jail and wanted something like 500- or 1000-Dollar bail to let me out. I called my brother Mohmad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and here in USA he is a different person named Nick Naggar and pretending to be the same person as before. Anyway, I asked him to help me and pay the bail money and I will pay him back as soon as I get out of jail, because I had cash but not on me. He refused and said some comments such as get out the way you get in, because it is your responsibility. Then I called my new client System Maker, but the owner did not answer, rather his salesman answered, and he was Jewish. And I told him my problem and that I wanted to speak to the owner (I forgot his name, he was allegedly an ex-Navy officer around 40-45 years old), and he said no need I will come within an hour and bail you out, and he did, and I gave him the money back within the same day.


The situation above was 100% planned by the FBI and most probably in cooperation with my fake brother that was 100% working for the American and/or British military and pretended not to. Anyway, later, (the tiny company, 2 men company + me), System Makers gave me the connection to Mr. James Brasher and his company named Associated Canvas Products, Inc. in Channelview, Texas, USA and that was around the end of the year 1991 or in 1992. the essence of this situation in addition to other at least 3 other situations also with Jewish to force my mind to see these Jewish persons as nice to me and helped me while my brother always refused to help me (=fake brother), and therewith they wanted me to think they helped me because my family is also Jewish. And as a confirmation for that, the FBI set me up in cooperation with the company Dun & Bradstreet headquarter at that time in Connecticut in 1987 and 1989 (=twice within 2 years) and created several situation with Jewish, among others work colleague that allegedly just immigrated from Russia and on top of it the BP-British Petroleum (alias English royal family + Rockefeller family) hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, that pretended to be Jewish that is pretending to be Muslim by among other setting me up very negatively with Jewish family named Suzanne Schield (owns a women clothing and tailoring store in Westport, Connecticut) and her son Scott Schield owned a woman tailoring business from his home in Bridgeport, Connecticut. And to top all this up, this hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and to make sure that I or others think of her as Jewish pretending to be Muslim, she and very suddenly eats only so-called Halal meat. Halal is Urdu originated (Urdu language is originated from India and is mainly used by Indian Muslims. I believe in the old days, controlling families and to enslave the population, they create a new religion and force people to follow it and live by it because they claim that this God’s will, and to make sure that this population cannot communicate with others and discuss with them their religion, they create a new language and force the people to use it as mean of isolation as the English royal family and the Rockefeller family also did many times, among others by establishing the new country called Israel as military base and claim that Jewish are originated from this area 3500 years ago and to isolate them of Muslims and Christians and other neighboring countries, they force them to speak a new language called Hebrew that they claimed it is the Jewish language since 3500 years, and this starting the year 1948, and therewith  Jewish people cannot discuss their religion with Muslims or Christians because no one speak Hebrew except them and because 80% of the Torah is originated from the Quran the religious book of the Muslims that exist in India since over 2500 years and the Muslim population in India if they did not split it in the second world word in Bangladesh, Pakistan and India and if they did not kidnap millions of Indians and forced them to be slave soldiers all over the world just as they did to Africans, then today India would have over 600 Million Muslims), and it is used in many countries that speak languages originated from Urdu, such as Arabic, Farsi, Afghani and so on. Halal meat must be slaughtered by a Muslim priest called Sheikh while he repeats certain phrases of the Quran, just as it is by Jewish eat kosher meat by slaughtering the animals in a similar way, yet Halal is 100% anti Kosher and kosher is 100% anti halal, because each religion must slaughter their animals based on their book instruction. In short, a Muslim would never ever go to a Jewish butcher shop to buy his meat because they do not repeat sentence from the Quran, and the same is valid for Jewish they will never ever go to a Muslim butcher shop to buy their kosher meat = manmade divisions to separate human beings of each other’s and blame it on God, and this only one out of literally countless other manmade division as mean of isolating human beings of each other’s to enslave them and to prevent them of learning of each other’s = 100% hidden slavery


As you can see my fake brother was always pushing me in a very destructive situation, and who brought him in to my life, the first lookalike was brought by my fake mother in 1965/66 and the second lookalike was brought to my life by force of these mother fucker American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany as distraction of the original one from 1966 because he was the son of king Hussein, which very much shows that the German government knew that and did not protect me against these children kidnappers and children rapist mother fuckers and children fuckers American military in Germany = American government = English royal family + Rockefeller family.


Long explanation just to show you that the devil is in the details!


In November 2007 I received an approval for my forced upon me political asylum and on 28.02.2008 I was forced by the Dutch government to relocate, actually, that is the wrong description, the sub-government agency named COA (stands for: COA-Centraal Orgaan Opvang asielzoekers. In English: Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) forced me to relocate from the refugee camp in Dokkum (a very tiny city or even village in north Netherlands just 10 KM/6 miles of the North Sea) to the totally isolated village called Bellingwolde, northeast of the Netherlands and directly on the German border and the new forced upon me housing that I refused to relocate to this village far away of any city and therewith these criminals were preventing me to work while forcing me to continue to write about my past. Because I refused to live isolated, they gave me the choice to move here to this housing or live in the street. This new housing was just 500 meters around 1650 feet of the city Bellingwolde east border = the Border of Germany, which very much says that they were 100% brainwashing me and telling my mind this is as far as you are going to go back to your home Germany!


In Bellingwolde I was severely mistreated until I was able to relocate out of this evil village in 2012 to Amsterdam, among others some mother fucker that I strongly suspect to be Dutch authority or American FBI/CIA or a combination or other criminal was or were waking me up many times in in the middle of the night and forcing me to look on the Internet at photos of people I do not know and add to my new website called “Wanted” and these persons are from Arnold Schwarzenegger to queen of Denmark, queen of UK-United Kingdom and countless others and this day in and day out from March 2008 and until either I or someone else forced me to stop this website and remove it from the Internet in April 2012, then forced me to relocate to Amsterdam and from there, they awarded me the citizenship within 6 months and 6 months later they forced me to relocate to Hove the UK.


All this to show you that these photographs are brainwash photographs.


Now back to the new pictures/photographs. In summer 2013 and in Hove the UK I was forced to live at the house of my fake sister Fadia Nagar for 6 weeks and then they did everything in their power to force me to leave their house voluntary, which I did, where someone was toying with me and forced me to relocate from Hove, UK to Kerkrade, Netherlands then to Harrow, London and then to Assen Netherlands and then I decided to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, Dutch Government (that helped in the first of all in bringing me to this situation since 11.2.2001) and the many foreign diplomats int this city or nearby.


In the 6 weeks that I was forced to live at the house of my fake sister Fadia Nagar, I was forced to live in Hove, UK between roughly the beginning of July  and mid-August 2013 my fake niece Esmat Shawki or her brother Tarek Ali gave me a small hard disk that they claimed has no use for. 4-6 weeks later and after I relocated to Harrow-London, UK roughly in End September or the begin of October 2013, I looked at the hard disk, it was only 80 GB, and it had some picture I looked at around 10 or 15 of them and they were of some young lady with her school friends, and therewith they did not interest me and I stopped looking at the photos. And since the disk was so small I did not use it and stopped looking at the entire disk and that was in 2013 in the UK or in 2014 in Assen, the Netherlands.


10 Years later and in The Hague/Den Haag, In February 2024, I was sorting my stuff and throwing away what I am not using and found this disk again, and I looked at it again, this time at the entire content. It had over 1100 photos, around 700-800 of these photos were of the daughter of Esmat Shawki (I will keep her name out) and these 700 photos were mainly of her with her school friends. The rest were with her mother, alleged grandmother alias Fadia Nagar alias my fake sister, and her husband, and her uncles Essam Shawki and Tarek Ali as well as her brother. Other photos were on her trip to UAE-United Arab Emirate, yet with no family or friends, only her standing one time very close to the Burj Al-Arab or a bit further of it (, and this is very strange because there are many relatives in Dubai, United Arab Emirates = Brainwash to hide the one thing or the other, among others the fact that they lied to me about my fake niece Reem Bdeir by claiming she was murdered by her alleged Palestinian husband in Pennsylvania, USA and buried in some forest until the authority found her body!!!???


And this fake story mentioned of murdering Reem Bdeir was only to force people to hate Palestinian because they want show all of them as murderers. Typical hidden English royal family and Rockefeller family members that want to show as if they are Jewish that hate Palestinian. Yet I found photos of Reem Bdeir that were taken years after her alleged being murdered disguised as princes Haya of Jordan and wife of the ruler of UAE at that time it was Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum ( ) the official husband of princes Haya of Jordan ( she left him or better said escaped him, very possibly due to my complaint pages, where it is clear to see that Reem Bdeir had telepathy and today I know that for sure because I met her several times between 1966 and 1986 In Amman, Jordan, Munich, Germany (went together on car trips to Italy and Switzerland, black forest and elsewhere) and in summer 1994 in Houston, Texas USA, where she pretended to be getting married to a Palestinian and allegedly going to live in Pennsylvania, USA and this lie was 100% to distract of her being the sister or cousin as well as double of princes Haya of Jordan. This mean she was keeping the ruler of UAE-United Arab Emirate as a hidden slave and forcing him to do things that otherwise he would not have done. Welcome to the reality of our world where controlling families such as English royal families and the Rockefeller families that control most of the Petroleum and none petroleum countries in the Middle East and Africa to have a monopoly over Petroleum, they use women as prostitute to enslave men that have been chosen to be presidents, chancellors, prime ministers or even kings such as king Charles ( is 100% married to a woman with telepathy that want to be the queen of England, and it will not surprise me of king Charles is being systematically murdered. The same is valid about ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (, and many others including king Hussein of Jordan and king Abdullah of Jordan, because the wife of king Abdullah is 100% not Palestinian as they claiming she is 100% the daughter of my fake cousin named Faihaa Kheir/Khair that I met her twice in my life, once at her alleged apartment in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in summer 1981 and another time 1-2 years later in Munich Germany along with my fake uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi that lives on Waldweg in Hamburg, Germany and both were staying over at the house of the Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa in his 11 room house in the city Grünwald just 1 KM of the southern border of Munich Germany, that is why they sometimes call it Munich- Grünwald. Dr. Sami Assassa in summer 1981 and Dr. Farzat Baroudi in summer 1984 tried to murder me each at a different method and location as described repeatedly within my complaint pages.


All of the above to show you that these photos were 100% forced upon me as brainwash photos to confirm the lies they kept on feeding my brain and my entire life, which is that allegedly all my family is originated from Amman, Jordan and pretend to be Syrian.


Other photos in Cairo Egypt, here too, brainwash photos, because these photos were taken only in front of the Egyptian Pyramids, whereby we have countless official relatives in Cairo, Alexandria, and other part of Egypt. Besides, Cairo has countless beautiful things to take photographs of, such as or in downtown Cairo, or where my fake sister lived directly in front of the Air Force Airport Almaza, or the Cairo Tower and from it you can see entire Cairo and even further than that and up to the desert, or the Al-Andalus Garden – Cairo, Egypt, or the Egyptian TV Building in half circle and both are directly at the river Nile the longest and widest river in the world (along with the Amazon river). The river itself with all kinds of breath-taking views with the countless shapes of water vehicles for transportation they call river-bus because it looks like a bus and inside it is designed exactly like a bus just it has no wheels and it flows on water, not to mention the famous and countless Egyptian boats with the long high sails. And the beautiful tourist places are countless not only in Cairo, but in entire Egypt. All sums up, they were hiding countless photos with relatives and pretending to be tourists at the Giza Pyramids in Cairo = Brainwash photos.


108 photos of Esmat Shawki in a tour in northern Italy couple of photos in Florence, Italy along with a female friend and these photos mixed with photos from the UK with her fake mother Fadia Nagar and official stepfather Dr. Alaa Ali. All photos were named Florence (Italy)!!


Most of the rest of the photos are in Jordan, and here also are concentrating only to force my mind to link everything to Jordan and my fake family the Bdeir family. Most relatives in Jordan were not within these photos, even though it was a sort of a big wedding photos = brainwash photos.


A hand full of photos are dated to 2004. All the rest 2007-2008, during which I was forced by the Dutch government to live totally isolated in a village far a way of big cities = I cannot work, during which I was 100% forced to create the website named “Wanted” to write all information about each person I knew. I see link to my fake family, where I was forced to get and write information of the Internet about people do not concern me nor related to my life and publish them = severe brainwash by the Dutch government that was 100% covering for all the criminals in my life that kidnapped me 3 times in my life and get away with it because they control governments and control police!!??


All these photos were their reaction to the website called “Wanted”!


All in all, these photos were 100% pre-planned brainwash photos, among others because other related photos are kept out as distraction of the criminally insane English royal family + the Rockefeller family and their hidden empire in the following countries:

1.    Iraq

2.    Saudi Arabia

3.    Kuwait

4.    Qatar

5.    UAE

6.    Bahrain

7.    Oman

8.    Big part of Yemen

9.    And Jordan

10.           Plus, Lebanon + Syria + Iran + Afghanistan as hidden illegal drug countries, that they cover up for it by creating fake wars, during which they kill countless innocent people, where the illegal drug money can be easily laundered/washed through the above-mentioned petroleum countries, such as the Kuwaitis royal family heavily invested in end 1970s or begin of 1980s in the German car manufacturer called Mercedes, which you can see here (, for all I know half of the invested money was illegal drug money, and the same is also valid for countless investment from the above mentioned petroleum countries and invested in all kind of companies, from Donald Trump companies to General Motors, General Electric, Microsoft, and countless others in almost every single industrial and petroleum country!



Explanation of the list of brainwash photos


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Important note: I placed the following photos for several reasons, yet I am not a destructive person, there for I am covering the faces of most persons with the following exception, the following I did not cover their faces to prove my point, here are the exceptions:

1.           My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, she allegedly died sometime in March 2013, and today I believe her death was staged in a hospital in Brighton, UK. This is a brainwash method to force me to blame everything bad that happened to me all my life on just one person that is now dead woman and therewith I put my past to rest and cease to try to understand my past to prevent me of discovering many things as they are listed in my complaint pages after her death allegedly in end of March 2013. Another major thing they do not want me to discover what happened with her lookalikes that exchanged places with her and pretended to be the same Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi. Last but not least and since a few weeks, meaning sometime in May/June 2024 I see the big possibility that my original fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that took me to Munich, Germany in a very bazar and most destructive and tortures brainwash period between 10.10.1969 and January 1970, and left me in a hotel totally disoriented and claimed she is going back to the Middle East and left me in end of January or begin of February, practically on the streets of Munich and this in the winter, where I had to leave the hotel because I was not able to pay it and was sleeping on the street as it is described in more details in other pages. And all this to force me into isolation, which landed me in March 1970 in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne (Kaserne is a German word for base or barracks) where these criminal mother fuckers tortured the life out of as mean of brainwash, then totally isolated me and enslaved me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, that was over 60 years old and pretending to be 21 years young on 20 August 1970 with a passport to prove it, then she literally kept me as an isolated slave for 7 years until the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, Germany freed me of this severe hidden slavery. Today in 2024 I believe my fake mother real name was Irene Möllemann the first wife of ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, where they officially married in 1966, and that 100% fits countless situations of my past, such as my fake mother and her hidden husband Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann used to go to Cairo Egypt disguised as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, meaning she exchanged places with her lookalike that was keeping me isolated in Cairo, Egypt, among others for this purpose, while her husband Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann pretend to be Egyptian police officer and pretend to be coming to us alone to visit his girlfriend and they allegedly married the Islamic way sometimes before 1966 at the courthouse just a couple of hundred meters south of our building, and this is what they told me, but I did not see it. Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann used to call himself Mohi Sabri and pretended to have been on a police business in another town and now he is here to visit us for 1-2 weeks before he allegedly goes on another assignment to another Egyptian city = they are psychopath lairs. Therefore, I want everyone to see what these criminals do with children after they kidnap them

2.           My fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budeir/Budier allegedly from Amman, Jordan. I was told she died a few years back, therefore I am publishing her photos to show how psychopathic is the family she was forced to marry in, because today I believe I was not the only one that was kidnapped as an infant in 1951/1952 in this organized crime family, I believe my other fake brother and 3 fake sisters were also kidnapped for many reasons and that I can show you with the photographs listed blow, above I believe that the American military = Rockefeller families and the British military = the English royal families have been maas kidnapping children all their lives, yet very concentrated during the second world war, where countless people were murdered, and countless children had no family, among others because they were Jewish, and I believe Germany had countless orphan children after the second world war ended, and here to they train these children to be spies since younger age, others use them as slave wives  for a member of an organized crime families such as English royal family members in the Middel East or Rockefeller families in the Middle East and in other areas worldwide. And here my fake sister Suhair Bdair is 100% one of these kidnapped children to use her as slave wife, and above all she has no ties to others that can help her out meaning no connection  to any real biological family, either because all her relatives were murdered or only her parents were murdered and then she was kidnapped, and her rest of the family most probably thought that she too was murdered and that is why they took her to Jordan and forced her to marry a criminal mother fucker named Seif Aldin Bdeir the official brother of Mohamad Ali Othman Bdeir and the official uncle Of Essam M. A. Bdair and also uncle of the 2 brothers of Essam M. A. Bdair named Othman Bdair and Omar Bdair. And here you can see the crime, Sief Aldin Bdeir was at least 35 years older than his slave wife. Officially she is 14 years older than me, this means she was born in 1938, and her husband was born in 1903.  And they allegedly get married in 1952 or 1953 Officially she has 3 children, 2 daughters and one son, the youngest is named Reem Bdeir that in the last a few years I was able to discover that Reem Bdeir is the double of princess Haya of Jordan as it is shown in other pages with solid proves. All of the above are very, very bad situations that go undetected because many kingdom such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia and every single country bordering to Saudi Arabia are nothing else than slavery countries that advertise for their selves as being so-called moderate Muslims, and there is no such a thing as moderate Muslim, because you are either a real Muslim or you are a swindler, a real Muslim follow the Quran and the Quran does not teach people to be bad, but rather they teach them to be good, yet, no religious book on this earth is perfect because it is hand written by human beings that are often greedy and love slavery to enrich their selves, as you can very clearly see in my complaint pages. In the  following links you can see all these so-called moderate Muslim countries that are nothing else but 100% slavery countries of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and their other destructive partners and relative even in Russia and China and Israel and Germany and in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey and other: +  . To give you an example of slavery marriage and as I was in Cairo Egypt, a man and his 8 years daughter used to go from apartment to apartment to collect the trash and get paid for it. After one year or so, he was coming alone and I asked him where his daughter is, that was 9 years old, he said she get married and now she is working with her husband. These trash collectors were poorer than poor, uneducated and would do anything to survive, yet they are doing honest low paid jobs and when their daughter gets married, this means for him less expenses to give out or some of them even get paid to get their daughter or even son = the power of slavery that lead people to do unspeakable things(!!!???). Compare that with the Psychopath Seif Aldin Bdeir that forced 13 or 14 years old kidnaped 100% from Europe or UK, and his family is one of the richest families not only in Jordan, but in the entire Middle East and that I will prove to you within this page, yet this monster rape children!!

3.           This is my fake niece’s name May Abokurah the official daughter of Mona Abokurah alias the lookalike of my original fake sister named Moni Najar and starting 1966 she pretended to be Moni Najar that relocated to Amman, Jordan in spring of 1961, then a few years back I discovered she is 100% not my original fake sister Moni Najar and this even though I really never met my fake sister Moni Najar in person but I discovered that based on countless situation that were 100% designed to force my mind to think that this is Moni Najar but now her name is Mona Abokurah because she get married, when a person get married, they do not change their first name, they just change their last name and this is just one out of countless other fake situation related to her and me, and recently in 2023 I discovered that Moni Najar is German and is the older double of Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff the official second wife of Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, which very much means that the ex-German vice chancellor first marriage was my fake mother and his second marriage my fake sister, meaning he married a mother and her daughterthat is ifthey are really mother and daughter, just as many American Mormons do in the state of Utah, USA ( + ), yet I know that the 2-4 lookalike of my fake mothers do not have children visible to us, they hide them and instead use kidnapped children. In the year 2000 I did not yet discover that I was kidnapped, but gradually and until after the year 2016, then I discovered that I was kidnapped 3 times, as an infant in 1951 or 1952 and kidnapped again as an 8 years old in 1960 and taken to Cairo, Egypt and I was kidnapped again as a 34 years old in September 1986 from Germany to USA, where they kept me totally isolated and enslaved and just busy to make enough money for the forced upon me fake family, which was the BP-British Petroleum hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and her alleged son from me named Abdulhamid Najar as it is described in other pages with her photo.

4.           My fake uncle and the alleged brother of the 3-4 lookalikes of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, his name is Jalal Baroudi, he is one top criminal and 100% anti-EU-European Union, not only because he strongly helped in destroying my life and conspired with many to kidnap me from Germany to USA, but also he is 100% was covering up for mass spy rings in the EU and in the Middle East for the interest of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and that you will see very clearly once I show the prove who is Rockefeller and English royal families within my fake families, all I need is one solid proof, yet I have much more than that, anyone with connections can 100% verify. And that is why I uncovered his filthy face, because on top of his filthy face there is his trash totally corrupted brain that has not even anything intelligence in this stupid brain, because all he has been doing since 1960s and since I saw him for the first time in my life in Cairo, Egypt as it is shown on map below, and the only thing he can do is conspire, trade illegal drugs, kidnap children and misuse children just like the rest of his official 4 criminal brothers, and what is worse is that these psychopath and criminals teach their children to become as corrupt as they are enable to use them for own gain = typical psychopath that has no family values, nor moral values, no country values, and no human values = they are totally valueless = they are worthless animals that are disguised as smiling monsters, just like their hidden business partners the prime minister of Israel and most of his predecessor and the entire criminal cabinet of this animal disguised as monster and named Benjamin Netanyahu. Never forget that these mother fuckers brought a Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa into my life in summer 1977 to show as if I am related to this mother fucker and his prostitute wife named Samah Assassa birth name Ejlani, while he tried to assassinate me in summer 1981 as it is described elsewhere in this page, yet my employer at that time Siemens AG noticed this and took precautionary measures and 100% saved my life in Saudi Arabia in late summer 1981, which added more pressure on my employer Siemens AG that they set me up with one of their subcontractors and 100% by using brainwash method mixed with forced telepathy to force me to voluntarily resign from Siemens AG, where I really did not want to resign, I loved working for them, because of many reasons, here are some of them, I was learning much more than I was previously learning, or better said until I worked for Siemens AG, I was prevented to learn to keep me as stupid as they are enable they can control me, yet and very suddenly I was learning so many things, and not only professionally, but also politically, geographically, and above all business wise, on top of all that I loved working with computers, But I have absolutely no power against brainwash mixed with telepathy, or even just telepathy or just severe brainwash as it is described within my entire complaint pages. Therefore, I want everyone to see this stupid mother fucker that 3 times did something very bad against me: first times in the begin of 1960s in Cairo, Egypt, second time conspired with his official brothers my fake mother and the American military in Munich in 1970 to isolate me, re-brainwash me and force me to forget everything and then enslave me under the control of a deranged British woman named Anita Disbray  that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old while I was 17 years old and totally confused hopelessly brainwashed by the American military and had total amnesia just 8-9 years earlier as result I was enslaved and totally isolated by this prostitute named Anita Disbray for 7 years. The third time he conspired with the American government + British government by using BP-British Petroleum and in 1984 to re-brainwash me enslave me under the control of their hired animal prostitute named Najlaa Mahmod and then kidnapped met to USA in September 1986 as slave and kept me for 15 years as slave in USA until I tried to escape by living in the airport for 4 weeks trying to find a way to smuggle myself on a plane back to Germany, because I had no identification cards/passports  and I had no money any more, because they literally stole everything from me for the 4th time in my life!





List of brainwash photos


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This is how Israelis mixed with members of English royal families and mixed with members of the Americans Rockefeller families and mixed with ex-German royal families (alias the actual Nazis that brought Adolf Hitler to power as distraction of their selves ) and others and above all mixed with countless kidnapped children while brainwash and most destructive women I have seen in my life disguise as Arab and Muslim such as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my fake niece May Abokurah, but also the entire family that spread into each single so-called Arab countries but also they spread through Africa such as Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eretria and the whole way to Niger and Nigeria, but also they spread to the UK, Switzerland, France, Germany and elsewhere in Europe and Asia and south America  and north America to force the Islam Sunni on all of them   =   the biggest organized crime family that this earth has ever had, and this since over 500 years!


And this is what these photos are all about!


Important note: some of these photos of my fake mother are repeated from other pages, yet all others are what I discovered in February/March 2024.



Photo-01 + Photo-02:


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Photo-01: My original fake mother and her alleged children. I never seen this woman in my life except in this photograph to show as if we are all one family, yet and today I believe all these children in this photo, where to 99% kidnapped, and that is why, there is absolutely no photos whatsoever with the alleged father in Photo-02 that allegedly died in January 1953, yet the 3 daughters are allegedly all born between 1938 and 1942 = during the second world war during which over 75 million person died, many of them left countless children totally alone and vulnerable to organized crime families that kidnapped most of them, especially young girls to use them as slave wives as you will clearly see in this page (and also in other pages of my complaint pages) based on facts and based on photographs and based on verifiable persons behavior around my life


Photo-02: The lookalike of my fake mother with a made-up fake father. As you can clearly see the two women in Photo-01 and Photo-02 are 100% not the same women. I believe this man was a British attorney originated from Poland and working in 1930s and 1940s in London, UK-United Kingdom, where the English royal families knew him through the organization Freemason that they 100% control worldwide since at least the year 1600, and that explains many things among others and in Cairo, Egypt my fake mother gave me a few pieces of paper stating that he was member of the Freemasons with the rank Master and allegedly working in Sudan as judge for the British government until 1948, then allegedly went to Cairo, Egypt for one year where my alleged fake brother is born, and this only to justify the translation of his name from the Arabic word Carpenter written with 2 “G” instead of one “J” like my name. Then they allegedly relocated back to his alleged home country and home  town Damascus, Syria in 1950 or 1951, where I was allegedly born in October 1952 then he allegedly died 3 months after my birth in January 1953, and since these psychopaths always use either half-truth with a twist meaning a little bit modified contents or say partial truth as blackmail to others, such as this case and if I am the son of king George VI that officially died on 6 February 1952, then I was born 3 months earlier in November 1951, but this is a pure theory based on countless facts of my life such as the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that had one of her upper left tooth, that is when you look at her otherwise it is her right upper tooth had a big brown spot on it, just like queen Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon the wife of king George VI had many brown spots on her teeth, which you can clearly see on the Internet, below is one photo, on the other side these people are psychopaths and for all I know these are fake teeth and when she go out privately she changes her teeth and then she has no spots on her teeth and with additional disguise strategies no one will ever recognize her on the street that she is the queen . In Jordan around 1984/85 they created countless blackmail situations by using me but at that time I did not see through these blackmail situations, one of them they made meet my alleged aunt named Eftikar Kheir that had some similarities with this woman in the below photo and this alleged aunt allegedly gave birth to her daughter as she was over 50 years old and this possibly point to my birth at the age of my biological mother the so-called “The Queen Mother” as shown in the below photo and as she was 51/52 years of age. She was born in 1900 and died with 102 years old in in 2002, never forget that the English royal family founded and or controlled the following countries: Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt (reclaimed Egypt) and in Aisa everything below them and in Africa much more. There are many other situations that point to this evil sadistic psychopathic family being at least partially my family!


On the other side, who knows maybe this woman in the below photo have brown teeth because she was addicted to smoke illegal drugs as many do using waterpipe that was most probably imported from India and East Asia by the English royal families, just as they started to import many other things that they newly discovered at that time, 5000 years ago, after they invaded India and China over 500 years ago, and it was not only Tea, but also illegal drugs and makeups for women = addiction to allegedly make their selves look good for men, because allegedly this is what women are created for in life to make men happy as sex objects and as baby makers and as household keepers and as cook and as….., yet this is most definitely not my thinking and was never my thinking, not even when I was forced to live 10 years in Cairo, Egypt, because I was not allowed to think at that time and until starting January 1976 and with the help of the best human being that I have ever met in my life that saved my sanity by teaching me humanity that was totally new to me, his name was Pastor Herbert Lange of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, and it took him 2 and half years to help a totally lost and destructed brain, among others by tricking me to take a part time job in the church enable to get me to live next to him in a church own housing for this jobs and therewith he and others have more possibility to free my mind of these severe brain chaos that were forced upon me since my birth and was dramatically strengthen and increased by the psychopath American military in their military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich where they dragged me there with force of severe and very sadistic brainwash and then enslaved me under the control of this English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that possibly is also the daughter or even younger sister of the women in the below photo!


The photo of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother alias queen Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon ( )

Diana's letters to Queen Mother were burned







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another lookalike of my fake mother with her alleged husband in a separate photo, possible with the son of or even cousin of or grandson of the man in Photo-02, because the Photo-02 it looks like from 1900 or 1910 or 1920 and this based on their clothing and the shape of the photo. Whatever the age is of this photo and the relation of the adults to each other, they are 100% not the parents of these children.


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Another lookalike of my fake mother as I saw her for the first time in my life in summer 1977  18 months after I was setup to become Christian starting January 1976 at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim and last time I saw her was in summer 1987 in Bridgeport Connecticut, where this bitch, prostitute and street whore came to fasten the brainwash she worked on in cooperation with the BP-British Petroleum as it is described in the pages of BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, …Part-2. …Part-3-Version-2


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Another or the same fake mother as I saw her in spring 2013 for the last time in Hove and Brighton in the UK-United Kingdom


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In Spring 2013 I was forced to visit my fake sister Fadia Nagar in the UK during which I met this woman another or the same fake mother as I saw her in the hospital in spring 2013 for the last time, then I went back to the Netherlands, and I was told that she allegedly passed away, which was a brainwash performed by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + the Jordanian royal families + the Saudi Arabian royal families as brainwash strategy to force my mind to blame this woman for all my life miseries and now she is allegedly dead and I should cease to continue to remember my past and analyze it, and that was the purpose that I discovered around 2016. Today in August 2024 I know more, which there was another reason that this evil woman went to the UK in 2013 to force me to see her dying and either really died or pretended to be dead, I think she pretended to be dead for the reasons as mentioned above, but also and an additional reason to distract of Germany, because today I believe and to 99.99% that my original fake mother that took me to Germany in 1970 and practically delivered me to the American military for isolation and enslaving me under the control of the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray that isolated me for 7 years, but in reality this fake mother that took me to Germany went to live in another German city with her husband named ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias Mohi Sabri in Cairo, Egypt as described elsewhere also on this page and that is why I was totally isolated under a criminal and psychopath English royal family prostitute that had telepathy to allow her to see what I am thinking based on what I am seeing in life or in the news such as the German politician Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that I knew from Egypt as the fake policeman Mohi Sabri, yet I never saw him in the news at that time. And there with the English royal family and in cooperation with the American military and my fake mother in the UK were trying hard to totally distract me from German TV and German News to not see this man, while they were using me as blackmail object for 17 years in Germany only for this criminal spy named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann.


An old person lying in a hospital bed

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Another or the same fake mother with my fake niece Esmat Shawki allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan


A person taking a selfie with a red square

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Another or the same fake mother allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan


An old person standing in a hallway

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Photo-09:      Go to the index of this section or Go to the top main index

Comparing the photos of my fake mother as listed above: Photo-1 + Photo-2 + Photo-3 + Photo-4 + Photo-5 + Photo-6 + Photo-7 + photo-12

A group of women posing for a photo

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A person in a black and white photo

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A close-up of a person

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A person with a necklace

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An old person in a hat and scarf

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An old person smiling for a picture

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An old person lying in bed with a saline tube

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A close-up of an old person

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My fake 3 sisters that I strongly suspect them to have been also kidnapped between 1938 and 1945-1950. The shorter 2 left girls are most probably the doubles of the 2 girls numbered 2 and 3 in the Photo-01 above and I will place them for comparison in the section named “17. More children were and still are being kidnapped than just me


A framed picture of a group of children

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Same as above just enlarged to better identify the faces!


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A group of girls posing for a photo

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My fake mother with my fake nephew Samir Bdeir/Bdair/Budier/Budeir and others unknown to me allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan in the balcony at their apartment in the so called Malas building


A group of people sitting on a bench

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My fake mother with my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan


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My fake sister Fadia Najar mentioned above with  my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier (on the eft side) allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan, I was told a few years back that she allegedly died and that is why I am not covering her face. this Suhair Bdair was taller than the average women, I measured her once between 1984 and 1986 to see who is taller, me or her at that time I was 176 cm and 68 kg until 1983 and 74 kg in 1984 and taller than her by 1 CM, and today I am 174 cm, I lost 2 cm because of my forced upon me overweight since 1984 that went as high as 100 kg in 1990s which presses bone joints and therewith I lost 2 cm, my fake sister Suhair Bdair was always over weight since I saw her the first time in 1966, which very much says she too lost at least 2 cm in her height, meaning she must have been at least 176 cm tall, while my fake mother is around and at the most 165 cm tall, meaning at least 11 cm shorter than her daughter, which is the absolute same thing with the children of Suhair Bdair her son and as far as I recall was 178 cm while his father was at the most 160 cm = not all the children with him were his children, possibly of his nephews or even his brother Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair, which is the same pattern as with me and as with my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar that I believe she too was to 99.99% also kidnapped as child and that is why they were able to use her as the fake mother of her 2 official but fake children alias my fake nephew and niece Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki, the same is valid with my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that allegedly has no children at all even though and officially he is married with a Turkish woman since around 1971/1972 and in our family and situations is 100% strange because I believe it is planned by others to control our lives without surprises that can help the kidnapped children that are raised as hidden slaves, and very possibly I am the exception because I was lucky enough to have been setup to become Christian and the church helped me with countless courses that were often performed by psychologists or even psychiatrists that helped me dramatically in 1976-1978 and even today they helped me to adjust my own brain to what they taught me during that mentioned period, not to forget the number one help was through and through by pastor Herbert Lange because I saw him literally on a daily basis after I relocated to the church housing and lived next to him sometime between September 1976 and march 1977, I cannot recall the exact date due to I was heavily persecuted with telepathy, among other through the forced upon me wife Anta Disbray that had telepathy and it was 100% not in her interest that I learn too much of my new friends in the church and above all from pastor Herbert Lange to not discover how old she was, because on 20 August 1970 as I met her the first time she was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old and in 1977 she was over 67 years old and pretended to be 28 years old and to cover up for all that she called me around 2-3 months after we separated in September 1977 and told me I am pregnant but not from you, to show others that she was as young as she claimed and to prove that and in roughly spring or summer of 1979 in the divorce court she allegedly brought her son an infant of around 7-10 months in a baby stroller and came into the court room after me pushing the baby stroller = severe pre-planned mass brainwash, on top of all that and today I am very positive 100% she was  exchanging places with her identical lookalike and this identical lookalike was between 25-35 years old starting 1973 when I officially was forced to marry her and today and based on countless situations she was 99% living in Saudi Arabia and 1% in Amman, Jordan, and if she was living in Amman, Jordan, there is no need to exchange places with her identical lookalike because most women I had to deal with in Jordan were as bad as her and behaved even worse than her, because Anita Disbray was old and pretended to have been a woman with moral values, but she had none, and all women I had to deal with in Amman, Jordan had absolutely no moral values whatsoever. However, the women in Saudi Arabia are all forced to cover up from head to toe just like in Iran and that I saw myself between 1979 and February 1982, even American and European higher female governmental persons and when they visit Saudi Arabia cover their selves from head to toe as mass brainwash and to encourage the other women to accept this slavery strategy  official queens or ministers, such as the ex-queen of the Netherlands named Beatrix of the Netherlands ( ) she covered herself from head to toe when she visited Saudi Arabia and that is 100% wrong, see the following link for how she did that (, below is one of these photos in Saudi Arabia that I consider wrong and against humanity to cover up for mass forced slavery in Iran and Saudi Arabia and other countries that in the hidden is caused since the year 1900 100% by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families that started to do that possibly sometimes starting the year (unknown to me exactly) I suspect around 10-50 years before the first bible was printed, which was in 1445, because then they started to kidnap Indian Muslims and force them to be soldiers and use then against other Indians that were Hindu, and later they even went further along with other Europeans such as Spanish and Dutch to use Muslim soldiers kidnapped and enslaved from India and used them everywhere else in north and east of Asia as result the biggest concentration of Muslims in the world are in those countries where the English royal families + Spanish royal families + Dutch Royal families and other Europeans went with their enslaved Muslim soldier that they kidnapped from India and I will prove it to you in this page.



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My fake mother with my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar mentioned above and to the left with my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan. All these photos were given to me in 2013 in the UK  while making it look  it was coincident or even accidently and had only one goal = to link all my misery to only the Jordanian royal families. Today I also see the possibility that they also intended with these photos to force my mind to think that they had nothing to-do with the woman that came into my life in summer 1977 as I was living at the church housing and 18 months after I was setup to become Christian and she came again in 1984, and this woman pretended to be my mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and pretended to be strict Muslim by covering herself from head to toe as you can see in the above photos, in other words they want me to believe that this fake mother in the below photo was never fat and never covered herself from head to toe, and the woman that did that was not her and was brought by BP-British Petroleum that severely brainwashed me and enslaved me between January 1984 and September 1986 and then kidnapped me from Germany to USA, where they literally kept me as slave as it is described in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to Part-3-Versio-2.


Alo it is very important to note, that this fake sister Suhair Bdair/Bdeir/Budier/Budeir has absolutely nothing in common, look wise or even behavior wise with her official mother with her official 2 sisters and with her official 2 brother above all she has absolutely nothing in common with me, not her hair, not her forehead, not her mouth, her neck, her legs and so on, even her finger and toe nails are above average narrow, mine are above average wide. For me that is prove enough that all these children in the photos as my brother and sister were 99.99% kidnapped and caused them total amnesia as they did to me and then fed their brain with whatever fake history, they wanted them to believe exactly as they did to me. And therewith Mrs. Suhair Bdair died no knowing that she was kidnapped as child and lived all her life as hidden slave in a house of lies, just as they did to me!


A group of women sitting on a couch

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My fake mother with her alleged daughter Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budeir at her home and allegedly with other family members from 2008 in Amman, Jordan


A group of people sitting at a table

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My fake mother with her alleged daughter Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budeir at her home and allegedly with other family members from 2008 in Amman, Jordan


A group of women sitting at a table

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My fake mother with her alleged brother Jala Baroudi and others at the alleged home of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir allegedly from 2008 in Amman, Jordan


A group of people posing for a photo

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The above photo enlarged of my fake uncle that mother fucker named Jalal Baroudi that conspired with many, among others the British and American and German government to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA where these mother fuckers kept me as slave for 15 years then locked me up for 13 years between Houston, Texas, The Netherlands and Germany from July 2000 and until Mai 2012. Therefore, this fake uncle was born as mother fucker, lived as mother fucker and will permanently die as mother fucker

A person with a mustache smiling

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The same fake uncle Jalal Baroudi with unknown to me persons, allegedly in 2008 in Amman, Jordan


A group of men posing for a picture

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My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar with her alleged daughter alias my fake niece named Esmat Shawki (her Shawki name before marriage, marriage name is unknown to me, and since she is divorced, new last name is unknown to me). The woman on the left side is my other fake niece named May Abokurah the alleged daughter of my other fake sister named Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar. Below are more information about this very nasty, sadistic, vicious and most destructive person you can imagine, just like her entire family and my fake mother and the same as the Bdeir/Bdair/Budier/Budeir family and the Baroudi family as listed within my complaint pages and all together are 100% = the English royal families + the American Rockefeller families + some of them are even ex-German royal families = the real nazis of our lives in 1932-1945 and even today in 2024 they are even worse than ever, and that I can see in the news and on the Internet!

A group of women posing for a photo

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My fake niece named allegedly May Abokurah. Details are below


A person wearing a scarf and smiling

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Look at the woman in the below photograph very good, this is one of the most destructive women you will ever see. The explanation about this photo I will place below the photo. Small note, if you look closely at her facial features such as nose, eye brows, teeth, mouth, shape of her head and shape of each of her facia features then you will 100% recognize that there is no way in this life that this criminal is Arab or even Muslim, above all a real Muslim woman, have 1000 times more moral values than her, and above all they have feelings, however this woman in the photo below and everyone I now that is linked to this criminal and psychopath woman have absolutely no feelings whatsoever, they are numb, in the brain, because all they see is money and the power to control others either with brainwash, telepathy, money or a combination. I enlarged her photo to take the full page so you can see how psychopaths look like when they con you = act = pretend = swindle = deceive to be something they do not even remotely believe in but want to force you to believe whatever is suitable for them!


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To show you that this woman is a psychopath and 100% is neither Arab origin nor Muslim, what you see in this photo is just an act while making bad name for Muslims, I have seen countless Muslims in various countries and this psychopath May Abokurah is not even worthy to clean the shoes of these Muslims I meet repeatedly in Egypt, in Morrocco, in Germany, even in USA and in the Netherlands and the second photo below this [photo, shows that she is con-woman a swindler/crook/cheat/trickster/shark/ charlatan.

See the following photo with her alleged mother alias my fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar alias Mona Al Najjar or El Najjar or Alnajjar or Elnajjar or Al-Najar or El-Najjar = all are through and through crooks. Also and yesterday and for the first time I noticed that this fake sister has a gab bin the middle of her upper teeth = she is 100% not the same Mona Abokurah that I knew and last saw in end 1991 or end 1992 in Houston, Texas, USA!!!??



A person wearing a white head scarf

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A couple of women smiling at the camera

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Important note: The photo-22 is above this line




Very important note: as they say, the devil is in the detail, and to show you their logic and their deceive, I must write details, such as who lived where and how they lived, because only with this detail you can see the big picture of the house of lies. End of note.


The above photo enlarged enable you can see the big deceive this disgusting woman is offering you and everyone else around her life. She is allegedly born between 1962 and 1964 in Amman, Jordan, this photo is allegedly from 2008, then she is 44-46 years old, or it is her identical lookalike that is much younger. I received these photos in a very hidden deceived way in August 2013 and I did not look at them until this year 2024, as it is mentioned above.


My fake niece in the above photo named allegedly May Abokurah, first time I saw her was as a child in 1966 in Amman, Jordan, the second time was in December 1969 also in Amman, Jordan, then I saw her several times starting roughly mid 1970s in Munich, Germany and the last time I saw her I believe was spring 1986, just a few months before kidnapping me to USA. She allegedly is Jordanian, which I absolutely do not believe, because of the situation of her father and mother and how I saw them the first time and how I saw her mother the last time and how she interacted with me via email roughly 2016 or 2017, where I asked her for help because I am being severely persecuted with telepathy, and her answer was a very long email that had a content that today I believe she copied from the internet, the content was nothing else than a brainless person responding to my help request by mixing many Islamic subjects that are not related and it looked like she just copies a few sentences from here and a few from there and put them in the email to force me to believe that she is strict Muslim and the email began with the question “what do you want from me, money?” and followed by the content that did not make any sense what soever, and that was for me an unintended and not asked for confirmation that she has telepathy and trying hard the very easy way by copy and paste to distract me of telepathy = stupid lazy to distract me of my request for help.


May Abokurah and as I was told, she allegedly Jordanian, and allegedly sometimes went with her Iraqi husband to Saudi Arabia for work, and allegedly she goes often or sometimes to Washington D.C. and since a few years allegedly she lives in Amman, Jordan and these photos that I was given in 2013 in a very deceiving way were supposed to confirm that, and I admit for a while I believed what I was told for two reasons only: I was busy with countless problems, which lead me to the second reason I do not really care who lives where, because I am busy trying to solve the problems that I am having since 1960, and now I had time to think about it and this is the result. I guess and to 40% she either is in USA helping to brainwash and enslave politicians or to 59% she and her husband the ex-Iraqi royal family member that was waiting in Jordan along with a few thousands other as well as many thousands in other countries to return to Iraq and be master criminals in enslaving people to steal their lives and everything in it as they did to me. And since I saw her brother Abdullah Abokurah as minister of the new Iraqi government built after ex-USA president George W. Bush (which very much equal the Rockefeller families + English royal families) invaded Iraq in March 2003, and completed the invasion within a few weeks (, and in the summer at the latest in July 2003 I saw her brother as one of the new ministers in Iraq being interviewed in Arabic, because he pretended to be Arab that does not speak English, where he was educated in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, while his brother Ghasan Abokurah was studying at the School of Architecture and Planning in the Catholic university in Washington D.C. ( ). For them it is all acting, deceiving, lying to make money by enslaving others and this since over 500 years = do not know how to build so they steal and if they cannot then they destruct as they did in Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries, and above all now in Ukraine and in Israel-Palestine and several other African countries that I all relate 100% to the English royal family and the Rockefeller families that use many deceiving acts and pretend to be Muslim to make bad name for Arabs and for Muslims in general to force the mind of world population to get used to it and believe all these very violent wars, that in one way or another heavily and very negatively influencing EU-European Union because they want to prevent the EU to succeed, period. Sorry I got sidetracked!


May Abokurah married to an ex-Iraqi royal family member named Khalid, last name is unknown to me, he was allegedly refugee in Amman, Jordan living in a very luxury house, allegedly donated to them by king Hussein that I have seen myself in mid-1980s, while he was pretending to own a very small video rental shop that was roughly 3-4 meters long and 1.5-2 meters wide, yet lived in a luxury standalone house surrounded by a huge garden, and this while my fake nephew named Abdullah Abokurah and the brother of May Abokurah and in summer 2003 I saw this Abdullah Abokurah on the news as one of the new Iraqi ministers being interviewed by, and as far as I recall, it was CNN, and this while I was in the refugee camp called Ter Apel in the Netherlands and this roughly 6 months after they brought either my original fake son or a lookalike of my fake son named Abdulhamid Najar and the Dutch government were using this fake son to get me to complain to him and warn him of this sadistic mother fuckers fake family = 100% a hidden interrogation, during which and with no doubt whatsoever the authority, sort of their spy agency possibly it is called AIVD (

_and_Security_Service ) or another agency were 100% listing to every single word I was saying to this fake son, on top of that I strongly believe they had cameras in the room, it was sort a refugee apartment with 3 bed rooms within a very large refugee camp next door to the headquarter of the Dutch government refugee headquarter. In this apartment just like many others within this refugee camp it had 3 bed rooms, one bed room for 1 person but it was empty, another bedroom for 2 persons, where me and my fake son where sleeping and another bedroom with 6 or 8 beds but is was empty + kitchen + bathroom + living room with dining table and a small 13 or 15 inch TV that was on a TV holder around 2 meters high and was in sort of a metal cage so no one can either steal it or break it out of anger of the refugee camp authority, today I strongly believe they most definitely had camera in that TV as well as and most probably they were able to know what channel I am watching because those who had no telepathy it was the only way for them to go into the heads of the refugees and see what he think and how he reacts based on what he is watching and how he/she reacts based on what he sees.


Also and very possibly, or actually most probably they also have prerecorded either self-made or acquired videos to play as needed and make it look like as if it is the TV channel just to see the reaction or what the refugee discuss with his inmates = totally controlled environments, because after I saw my fake nephew on the news as member of the new Iraqi government that was set by the mother fuckers ex-US President George W. Bush white house administration  = meaning her brother alias my fake nephew was 100% working for and/or with the American and British government, while I was being kept locked up to keep me of discovering anything. As a result of me seeing my fake nephew Abdullah Abokurah on the news, then these sadistic vicious Dutch immigration = Dutch government that helped cover up for USA invasion of Iraq that was performed by the following countries: USA-United States of America  + UK-United Kingdom + Australia + Poland, of which and at that time UK + Poland + the Netherlands were members of the EU-European Union and I was locked up by them during that time. And Even though they approved my forced upon me political asylum in roughly spring of 2002, and now it is summer 2003, yet they set me up these criminal sadistic animals to not be able to be free and be locked up until at least Mai 2012, then they toyed with me until I was forced in March 2016 to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family and the Dutch governments, because both had their headquarter in this city and that is also why there are many foreign diplomats also in this city, 2016/2017 I even sent complaint to some EU government members that were not Dutch and ever since 2016 I am trying to understand why I am being so badly persecuted and mistreated since January 1960. But back to this TV interview with this new minister that was 100% Abdallah Abokurah or his twin brother or his very, very lookalike close cousin, that also and 100% had telepathy, due to a situation I had with him in Munich, sometime in end of 1970s or begin of 1980s in Munich, Germany during which he was roughly under 14 years old and controlled me with telepathy and I did not even recognize it at that time, but later after 2000 I understood that odd situation and it is mentioned elsewhere. In other words, the Dutch immigration most probably or even most definitely noticed that I recognized him on the TV news and then 100% conspired with many other to prevent me to be free. Here is the American installed Iraqi government sometimes in April to June 2003 and then replaced it with their own selected government members that were 100% working for them to allow them to enslave the Iraqi population to steal their petroleum. And all this is related to my fake niece May Abokurah. Below the links are more proves over this very nasty, sadistic, vicious criminal that pretend to be Jordanian Muslim. Some information about Iraq invasion by the USA you can see in the below links:








Here is some more information about this criminal woman named May Abokurah:

1.           Her official mother alias my fake sister named Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar was introduced to me in 1966 in Amman, Jordan as my fake sister Moni Najar that disappeared in spring 1961, yet I discovered countless proves that this Mona Abokurah is 100% a different person than the official fake sister named Moni Najar, even though I really and consciously never met Moni Najar in person, I just have one fake memory of her and countless fake and bad situation linked to her that made it possible for me to recognize this fact, many of these situations if not all are listed here and there within my complaint pages

2.           My fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar is 100% neither Jordanian nor Syrian, she is and with no doubt what soever a Rockefeller or a British spy, and here to I have countless situations in my life that proves this. Below are some of them

3.           The English royal family + the Rockefeller families that literally control the entire Middle East countries, set me up countless times as distraction of previous setups, or better said as distraction of things that they used me for without me noticing, and here too they used me after they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and forced me by using the Evangelical Lutheran pastor Jack Stevens and his wife of Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport Connecticut to be locked up in USA as refugee for 15 years, as it is described in other pages, and then in summer 1987, my fake sister Mona Abokurah and her alleged children went allegedly for vacation to Washington, D.C. where they had an apartment owned by her alleged husband named Abdulghani Abokurah, then she allegedly applied for political asylum and was accepted within 2-5 years. And here they used me as prove as if she is Syrian origin, because allegedly I am here brother and was forced to apply for political asylum a few months before her, where the American government already knew I was refugee in Germany as an allegedly Syrian among others because their evil and very criminal mother fucking military had me enslaved starting at least March 1970 that in one way or another lasted until September 1977, because my fake family and the American government conspired together to force me in January 1970 to apply for political asylum as it is described in details in other pages, during which I told them the truth as I knew it at that time = I was used in USA 100% as an additional decoy and prove that my fake sister is the alleged wife of Abdelghani/Abd Alghani Abokurah, and therewith as a woman refugee no one would discover that she is a British spy, especially that when she was approved as refugee, she was in some newspaper, I cannot recall which one, possibly New York Times or Washington Post, and the content of the article was in short: Mona Abokurah is the first Jordanian woman that was approved as refugee because her husband mistreated her, end of article, whereby and even though I did not like her husband, yet he was always  a gentleman and was educated in Germany, USA and in the UK, or at least had housing in each of these countries while officially he was living in Amman, Jordan but only in my presence, among other with fake company called SIGMA and most probably also in Saudi Arabia

4.           Now she is officially a refugee and her children are the children of a refugee woman, and since I know at least 3 of her 5 children have 100% telepathy, which are May Abokurah + Ghassan Abokurah + Abdullah Abokurah, the other son named Zaid Abokurah allegedly is now an IT professional, has most probably no telepathy, but I can be wrong with this, the fifth son named Khalid Abokurah was 100% used by his brothers and sister as target practice for telepathy as a result that they mistreated him as practice for the future in Washington D.C. and manipulating politicians, the result of that, their brother went literally crazy and they locked him up in a mental hospital in Cairo, Egypt so they do not have to waste their time to visit him, just as I also was used as target practice by several persons, from these mentioned above psychopaths from my fake mother and her official but fake brothers to the entire Abokurah and Bdeir/Bdair/Budeir family in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Switzerland, the UK and in USA, and the Netherlands yet I never noticed any of it until after the year 2000 and more details after 2016

5.           How does my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar and her children spy for British and the Rockefeller families? Simple, these psychopaths have telepathy and went straight to Washington D.C. in 1987 for one reason only, which is to manipulate American politicians in Washington D.C. using telepathy on them as these psychopath mother fuckers used it on me, and no politician or any other human beings anywhere in the world has a chance against telepathy slavery except if he or she have their selves telepathy, and that you can clearly see throughout my complaint pages and how much I suffered through these no good lazy psychopaths mother fuckers

6.           Add to the above the incident were she had a total moral-less behavior, and since she was one out of several brainwash setups performed on me between Jordan and Saudi Arabia to force my mind to think I love the look of Arab women, today I think the look of all women in this family, and this with no exceptions, are the most disgusting women you can imagine, because and among others they think that if they apply tons of make on their stupid faces then it will make them look good while their behavior are totally rotten, for me the behavior is number one, but to understand this mass brainwash that they were performing on me read on, enable to see how disgusting these people are, then I will tell you the real hidden reasons for all these shameless behaviors. In roughly 1982 or 1984, I cannot remember the exact year, I went to Amman, Jordan to visit my 2 (fake) sisters Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier and Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar the alleged mother of May Abokurah. They all knew I loved to play squash and May Abokurah invited me to go with her to the so-called King Hussein sport’s club to play squash with her friend. I went with her, and she introduced me to a very nasty and vulgar young lady and very short, maybe 150-155 cm named Randah Mufleh (Small note: her alleged father was the Jordanian Ambassador in Netherlands after I relocated to the city Den Haag, the Hague on 1.3.2016, then when I started to complain about his alleged daughter, he was replaced with another ambassador name Tell or something like that. End of note), anyway from her look and based on my point of view and countless other situations, here in Amman, Jordan these psychopaths in Jordan, that pretend to be Arabs and Muslims, tried hard to link me to the Jordanian royal family since 1966, as well as to Palestinian as confirmation of the setup they pushed me into in December 1969 to give the American military a reason to take me of the hands of the German government because I am allegedly suspected of several severe crimes as follow: Terrorism + counterfeit 100 US dollar bills + Illegal drugs + being related to an alleged Ex-Soviet union agent alias my fake mother as described in other pages, and also  as distraction of the English royal family that kidnapped me as infant, in other words this disgusting Randah Mufleh looked more like the daughter of king Hussein that had several wives, she was darker skin and between 150-165 cm short and very vulgar.

Above all she was around 20 years old and  was wearing very small sports short and t-shirt, you can almost see her bosom and the underwear were not fully covering her bottom and her front, meaning she was trying to look sexy to seduce me, but I was not into that at that time, because I loved my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka, but also May Abokurah was wearing even worse sports closing that was even more revealing and this on a daily basis even at her home she was often, at least in my presence, most of the time wearing see through nightgowns where I can see her mini underwear, that was totally inappropriate to wear something like that in presence of her uncle, brothers and father, yet no one ever complaint to her, from my point of view she looked most disgusting. Any way I was on this trip only for one week, during which I played twice squash with this not very nice person named Randah Mufleh. On my last day and as I was preparing my luggage to go back home to Munich, Germany, May Abokurah asked me to go with her again to the King Hussein  Spors club because Randah Mufleh allegedly want to tell me something or give me something and I out of politeness went with May Abokurah to meet with her stupid girlfriend Randah Mufleh, and as soon as Randah Mufleh saw me ran up to me hugged me and kissed me on the mouth, I was totally speechless, then she let go of me and said I love you and gave a small photograph of herself and said so you can always remember me, then I went Back to Munich Germany after a few days, Randah Mufleh calls me upset and asking me why didn’t I call her, and I said what for, then she pretended to be upset with me and said send me my photograph back, I said I do not know where it is, possibly I lost it, actually I throw it away, but I did not want to insult her. Then she hanged the phone very upset and without saying goodbye, then the followings happen either within hours between each other’s or at the most within 2-3 days:

6.1.             May Abokurah calls me possibly an hour later very unfriendly and asked me to send the photograph back to Randah Mufleh, I said I do not know where it is I lost it, then she too hanged up the phone very upset

6.2.             Then the mother of May Abokurah alias my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar called me and was giving me a lecture of moral values and that I should send back the photograph to Randa Mufleh, and I repeated the same thing I lost it

6.3.             2 hours later or the next day my fake oldest sister named Suhair Bdeir/Bdair calls me also from Amman, Jordan to Munich, Germany to ask me to send this photograph, and here to I said I lost it, and here too she hanged up the phone upset

6.4.             A few hours later or possibly the following day my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadai Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar calls me from Brighton, United Kingdom and said to me this is not nice of me that I am not returning the photograph, and I told her I had no interest in that disgusting shit nor I have kept her photo, I have thrown it in the trash as soon as I arrived at home


All of the above to make me to not like to go and visit my fake sisters in Amman, Jordan, because they are not my family, they are my kidnappers above all and 100% these family Abokurah the official members of the family of my fake sister, meaning she + her husband + her 5 children are 100% not Jordanian, PERIOD. They always avoided me to prevent me to learn anything about them, and they literally gave me a hard time each time I went to visit them, but I did not understand it at that time. Very unfortunately I discovered a few years back that my fake mother was also working from behind my back with my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, which very much means that these criminals mother fuckers in Amman, Jordan and Saudi Arabia were also working with my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka either directly or indirectly through my fake mother or through other German authorities because they have planned to kidnap me from Germany to USA to prevent me to see yet to be German vice chancellor that was planned even to become chancellor of Germany Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that I knew from Cairo, Egypt as the fake police officer Mohi Sabri and on and off the boyfriend of my fake mother. Today I strongly suspect that my original fake mother had an identical lookalike that she exchanged places with and one of these 2 identical lookalikes or even both exchange places as the first wife of the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann. In other words, they planned to kidnap me to USA already as I was living in Cairo, Egypt and they planned to take me to Germany and to isolate me to be under control and not to go somewhere coincidently where I can see these mother fuckers. And that alone explain why the German government tortured my life with the German residence permit and for 7 years they gave me only 3 months residence permit and work permits that I had to renew them every single 3 months and this for 7 years, then they set me up again and forced me to renew my forced upon me fake Syrian passport and the Syrian government that was 100% business partner with Siemens AG that build roughly in 1978/79 the security system in 1 km circle around the house of the Syrian president named at that time Hafez Al-Assad (, while British Petroleum in 1983 to at least 1985 gave them Satellite computers that at that time can only work with the American military satellite, while Americans and Europeans claimed that Syria was supported by the ex-Soviet Union = they are all liars!!


Between Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UK and even in my apartment in Munich, Germany they used around 6 disgusting women in the period between 1980/81 to 1984 with similar brainwash as above. And they are disgusting not because they are allegedly Arabs or because they are allegedly Muslims, but rather because their prostitutes-like behavior. Never forget, each disgusting member of my fake family are 100% neither Arab origin and 200% are not Muslim, yet they want to force everyone to be Muslim Sunni even in Europe and in USA, but above all in Africa by using their hidden network as an alleged Arabs and Saudi Arabians and Jordanian and so on. Today I really feel sorry for them because they pretend to be Arabs, they pretend to be Muslim and they most definitely are neither Arab origin nor believe in any God, whatsoever, because they believe they are Gods because they have telepathy and with it they can not only manipulate the thoughts of people but also force them to do things otherwise they would not do as they repeatedly did to me = They are 100% mentally sick and are dangerous to anyone that have anything to do with them!


This is how religious is May Abokurah,


And to show you how these families train their own children to become as criminal as them, here is what her official mother did to me in USA and starting 1987, and I will make it short, because the details are on other pages of my complaint pages.


I was 100% severely brainwashed and enslaved under the control of the BP-British Petroleum that then enslaved me under the control of their hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and then made it look like that my fake mother did that, then they kidnapped in 1986 from Germany to USA.


Not to forget they did not want me to see Mohi Sabri on German news as the German politician and later vice Chancelor of Germany named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, and this while today I strongly believe that my original fake mother was his first wife named Irene Möllemann and that is why another woman came into my life in 1971 and again in 1975 and again in 1977, and the one of 1977 that was at least 90-120 kg heavy while she was around 160-165 cm short, the original fake mother was never heavier than 55-60 kg, and this is 100% a pattern in my life by these criminals that pretended to be my family since roughly or better said since officially January 1960.


Now I am in the USA and forced to live in Bridgeport, Connecticut USA, and it is the year 1988 or 1989. Until this point of time the prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud never once prayed as Muslims do. and eat anything and her favorite drink was Gin with lemonade.


My fake sister Mona Abokurah visited me in Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1987, just to show the American immigration that we are allegedly brother and sister. Later her son Abdullah Abokurah came also to visit me, during which we had bad incident together involving illegal drugs that was left over by Abdullah Abokurah and I found it in the bedroom of my infant son, but I will skip the details.


In 1988 or 1989 the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud and I went to Washington D.C. to visit my fake sister Mona Abokurah (today I believe they planned all that to among others show as if I am the brother of Mona Abokurah and both of us are allegedly refugees) that later changed her name to Mona Najjar. We stayed at the apartment of this fake sister. This apartment was 2 floors and was purchased long time ago because it was planned that they use this apartment to be close to the American governments, where they can manipulate politicians employed by the governments, such as Congressmen/Congresswomen, senators and even other security agents or directors as I noticed repeatedly is happening in other countries such as in Germany, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt.


After a week or so, we went back to Bridgeport, Connecticut. Suddenly the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud started to pray as Muslims do, and she go before me to ask her how come you are suddenly praying  by telling me that my fake sister Mona Abokurah is a very nice religious woman and taught her how to pray and now since this trip, she does not eat pork any more, she does not drink her favorite Gin anymore and eats only halal meat that she buys only by Jewish butchers in Bridgeport, all this suddenly and overnight after we arrived from Washington D.C., today I concluded this is 100% another prostitute person and identical lookalike that was trying with her new behavior to confuse me and brainwash me at least by buying her meat from Kosher butchers = Jewish butcher and not from Muslim Halal butchers, which very much means she is trying to place it in my mind and for the future in case I remember this behavior, then I will relate her to Jewish and not to British and Saudi Arabia = English royal families + the Rockefeller families that control Saudi Arabia to at least 80% and the 20% are combination between English royal families, ex-German royal families and others.


All of the above means that the whole trip to Washington D.C. and even kidnapping me to USA was 100% also in the interest of my fake sister Mona Abokurah and her daughter May Abokurah and her 2 sons that I strongly suspect both to have not only telepathy but also they are top criminals just like their father and mother and sister and the entire Abokurah family + Bdeir/Bdair/Budier/Budeir families and all together are 100% English royal families + Rockefeller families and an additional proof is also to be found in this page, I just did not decide yet where to place it.


Another important point related to this situation and to this trip to Washington D.C., is that a woman that prays 5 times a day and on a daily basis from 1988/89 and until the last time I saw her on a daily basis in June 1999 does not learn how to pray just from one visit of one week, where we were most of the time together, and I did not see my fake sister pray nor saw her teaching this prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud Islam enable to convince her mind to accept the reasoning to pray 5 times on a daily basis.


And here is a real comparison that will show it is impossible to have learned how to pray and the reasoning that convince her to pray 5 times a day daily, above all we were most of the times = 98% of the times all together, except when I went to the bathroom or took shower or maybe once I went shopping. This comparison is in my complaint pages in several areas. It is when my newly hired attorney named Rolf Bossi in Munich, Germany and in December 1975 told me that the only way that I can get out of the 7 years waiting period to be accepted as refugee is to change my religion from Islam to Christianity, then I took his advice and went to a church in the city where I was living in Unterschleissheim and asked for the pastor and I told him I want to become Christian and told him why, and he said, to become Christian, first you have to be baptized and to be baptized you have to understand Christianity and accept it, and to understand Christianity, I am willing to come to your home starting January 1976 twice a week in the evening to teach you Christianity, and this pastor was named Herbert Lange.


Pastor Herbert Langer came twice a week starting the begin of January 1976 to my apartment and taught me Christianity and explained to me what the bible is and how to read it and how to understand it and he did that until April 1976 and baptized me on Easter Sunday 18 April 1976 in the presence of the lookalike of my fake brother that pretended to be Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohmmad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar. All this means that it took 4 months learning the reasoning how to pray the Christian way that is much easier than how Muslims pray. Therefore I concluded a new lookalike prostitute exchanged places with this Najlaa Mahmoud, and the original Najlaa Mahmoud that the BP-British Petroleum enslaved me under her control disappeared and was replaced by another even more disgusting one and totally unhygienic, and since I related these prostitutes to ARAMCO = Saudi Arabia = 100% the Rockefeller family that founded ARAMCO, meaning these mother fuckers used a woman with telepathy that they enslaved me under her control starting 24.12.1984 and she had telepathy, during which and from day one and until she left in 1988 she trained my mind systematically to thousand things and totally changed my behavior starting with small stupid things such as I overnight became addicted to coca cola, Tequila and bier, I hated coca cola and I never drunk Tiquila except 2-5 small shots in my entire life until 1986 and this was mainly somewhere at the concentrated evil American military base where they had me as isolated slave for 2.5 years starting March 1970 during which they enslaved me under the control of English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that kept me as slave for 7 years until the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city Unterschleissheim freed me of this slavery as it is described elsewhere and to force me to hate the church, then and in 1986-1987 they used the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut to help the BP-British Petroleum prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud stay in control of my life until they replaced her with a lookalike in 1988 either in Washington D.C. they exchanged her, and that is my pick to 99.99%, because it is the motherfucker American military pattern as they did with me in 1970-1971 and brought at least 2 new lookalike into my life as distraction of the previous ones, which were my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and a few months later brought a new lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi.


All this was as distraction of the original fake mother ne that was already and since at least February 1970 living in another city in Germany as the first wife of the German politician Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, while I was being isolated by force of the American military in Munich, Germany and very sadistically and very viciously and very violently was being systematically re-brainwashed and enslaved that lasted 7 years. And since I am talking about Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, here is another small but vital prove, this politician married for the first time in 1966, I do not know when he married, in 1966, but today I strongly believe he married in summer of 1966, during which I was being kept far a way of my fake mother in a summer vacation in Amman, Jordan for roughly 3 months, 2-3 weeks of which I was taken by the Bdeir/Bdair/Budier/Budeir family on vacation to Byblos, Lebanon, Byblos in Arabic it is called Jubail = Tobacco farm in the front and between mountains was 99.99% illegal drugs. Then I was taken to Tripoli, Lebanon and also taken to a totally hidden village northeast of Tripoli, most probably close to the Syrian border. It was high in the mountains, it took us more than 2 hours to get there, possibly even 4 hours, because the roads were very narrow and with a lot of turning, where I hardly saw any cars, then in that village, it was more advanced than in Tripoli, or maybe better said, it was more lavish, more luxurious, and there every single man had at least one weapon on him, most had two weapons, a gun and a rifle = 100% illegal drug farm. The details of this 3 months’ vacation are mentioned in several areas in my complaint pages. All this it tells me that I was only twice welcome in Jordan, and both trips I was severely brainwashed, trip one this one 3 months’ vacation in 1966 while my fake mother is getting married and most probably also went on a honeymoon, and trip two around 25 December 1969 in Amman, Jordan and until around 5 January 1970, and this trip was part of a severe brainwash trip started roughly on 10 December 1969 from Munich Germany and took me mainly with cars through 9 countries and back to Germany to implicate me as if I am a terrorist  related to PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization ( + + ) + related to a spy agent related to ex-Soviet Union, + illegal drugs and more as addition that they implicated me on 11.10.1969 in the bank within the main train station in Munich, Germany with several counterfeit US 100 Dollar bills where the police arrested me in the bank. From 1979 and until 1986 I went several times to Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and one time to Cairo, Egypt and in all these trips I was 100% totally not welcomed any more, I was even unwelcomed by my fake sister in various city in the UK around London to Leeds to Hove/Brighton, I was totally unwelcomed in Cairo Egypt as I went there some time in 1982. I was also totally unwelcomed as I went to visit my fake uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi living on Waldweg in Hamburg, during which I had the 2 official children of my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias many other names, and their names were Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki, and both were around 10 or 12 years old and we drove from Munich to Hamburg 800 KM, and we get their 100% before sun set, and as I knocked at his door, he opened and said you are late, you cannot come in any more, and closed the door in our faces. The same with his official but fake brother Jalal Baroudi and his children in Geneva, Switzerland I went there on business several time, and each time I call them to visit them, they always  gave me some excuse that they are in school/university or have an urgent appointment or other fake reasons, the same with the other official but fake brother that no good mother fucker piece of human trash named Jawdat Baroudi that officially lived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, today I believe he was married to the English royal family prostitute named in my presence Anita Disbray and had an identical lookalike that was over 60 years old at the prostitute house called American military in Munich, Germany and on 20 August 1970 enslaved me under her control, while her younger lookalike that I suspect to have been her granddaughter, is married to this human trash named Jawdat Baroudi while he was pretending to have just married a new woman, first name forgotten last name Ejlani and is sister to Samah Ejlani alias the wife of Dr. Sami Assassa a Mossad Agent (Mossad is an Israeli secret service similar to CIA in USA and MI8 in USA and BND in Germany and AIVD in Netherlands and Al-Mukhabarat in many so-called Arab countries) that pretend to be strict Muslim Syrian and tried to assassinate me in summer 1981, as it is mentioned elsewhere on this page.


Somehow the management of Siemens AG, that was located roughly 500 meters of his carpet shop where he gave me illegal drugs named crystal and claimed they are diamond and wanted me to give to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi in Riyadh, Saudi, Arabia, but somehow Siemens AG management saw through this setup and noticed that and saved my life as it is described elsewhere on this page , and today I relate the following incident to him. He was introduced to me by the new lookalike of my fake mother that I saw her for the first time ever in my life in summer of 1977, and this roughly 18 months after I became Christian and many members of the church were helping me to get rid of this English royal family prostitute, and since she noticed they arranged for her a come out of the situation while distracting her of this mother fucker named Jawdat Baroudi that I strongly suspect him to over 60% to be the older brother of prince Andrew of the UK and to 20% to the ex-German royal family in Baden Wuertemberg and pin particular in Stuttgart, Germany, and to 20% I relate him to the Rockefeller families most probably originated from the state of Utah, where many marry several wives of the same family, and in USA I saw a news documentary about one man married a woman, and simultaneously married her daughter and simultaneously  married her mother and all 4 of them were living together and having children = big time incest to generate as many lookalike as possible to use in governments as I repeatedly seen in my life, among others the current US president Joe Biden and the ex US President Donald Trump, both have 100% at least one identical lookalike often they are 3 or more that they exchange places with some times for months. All this is the reason why these mother fuckers introduced to me Dr. Sami Assassa to link me to him and link his wife to this fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi because he pretended to be married to her sister as distraction of Anita Disbray and since Dr. Sami Assassa is a Mossad agent, then everyone who knows that, will see me also as a hidden Israeli as distraction of the English royal family and the Rockefeller families and both pretend to be Christian when they want and mainly in the western world, and in the Middle East such as Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and all bordering countries to Saudi Arabia, as well as in many countries in Africa, then they pretend to be Muslims such as this criminal as you see above and named May Abokurah and exactly as all the lookalikes of my original fake mother they all pretend to be Muslim when they see it is necessary and then in other situations they are Christians, and in other situations they are Jewish and in other situations they are Mormon = 100% mentally sick and must be treated and helped to heal their corrupt brain!


Here is another small but effective additional prove, because when someone use me as blackmail object without me noticing but I recognized many to most of them starting the year 2000, and I can 100% rely on the truth of these blackmail situations, that is if I understand them, and this one I never understood until today in June 2024 and while I was writing the above texts about this disgusting animal named May Abokurah, because the situation was in her official but 100% fake house in Amman, Jordan between 1984 and spring 1986. My fake sister Mona Abokurah, her husband and her entire children pretend to be originated from Amman, Jordan, today I recognized countless fake situations in Amman, Jordan and in Washington D.C. and wherever I lived in USA, which were mainly 1 month in Bridgeport + 4 month in Fairfield both in the state of Connecticut (USA has officially 50 states, each state has it is own government and all together and based on my knowledge have only a hand full of things in common, which are external diplomacy meaning the relation to other countries outside of USA + the military + certain percentage of national taxes + certain police agencies such as CIA/FBI/DIA/NSA, they might have expanded it but not by much, everything else is in each state different than other states = one country with chaos of government) + almost 4 years back to Bridgeport + 10 years in Houston, Texas to force me to be  under the control of the mother fuckers the Rockefeller families by using Exxon + Chevron + BP-British Petroleum + above all ARAMCO headquarter before they relocate it to Saudi Arabia, not to forget that all of them 100% control the entire State of Texas and in particular Houston that exist mainly because of the countless petroleum companies in and around Houston, which means they owned countless companies from huge medical centers = hospital network = many hospitals in Texas and outside Texas and all over USA because it is the biggest hidden business after petroleum, not to forget their countless subcontractors and all of them together were 100% controlling not only my life but also my mind and what I think and what I do, which equal I was dead brain wise and walking like a robot/zombie/dog on the leash. I get sidetracked.


Back to Amman, Jordan and the fake house of my fake sister Mona Abokurah. This house is completely different than the house where I met her for the first time in my life in 1966. The house in 1966 was actually a very small apartment located between the Islamic Educational College in the city section called First roundabout in Jabal Amman and downtown Amman, Jordan, the apartment was also very close to the apartment of the fake Lebanese consul named Ali Barq/Bark/Barc that in reality was nothing else than publicly as Lebanese representative for tobacco and in the hidden their partner of illegal drugs. Both apartments of my fake sister Mona Abokurah and Ali Barq where in building built on the mountain named Jabal Amman, which very much means that some rooms of the apartment can be a bit higher than other rooms, see the photo below of building on the Jabal Amman, in English it means Mountain Amman, which is one out of allegedly 7 mountains just like 7 days of the week = Jewish ideology!


Back to the apartment of 1966, in this small apartment the following persons lived in it:

1.    Abdulghani Abokurah

2.    His wife Mona Abokurah

3.    His little daughter May Abokurah

4.    Possibly also, Abdullah Abokurah as 1-4 years old

5.    Possibly also, Ghassan Abokurah as 1-3 years old

6.    The mother of Abdelghani Abokurah

7.    Sister-1 of Abdelghani Abokurah

8.    Sister-2 of Abdelghani Abokurah


I am not sure, but possibly the entire Apartment was only 3-5 rooms, what is most strange, is that Abdelghani Abokurah and officially was allegedly the CEO of the Jordanian airline named at that time Alia, branch Lebanon and allegedly living in Beirut, meaning he was only the branch manager in Lebanon, meaning his salary is not that high as the actual CEO of the entire Airline company, later allegedly he relocated to Amman, Jordan and was allegedly also the CEO of Alia either in Jordan branch or CEO of the entire Airline company, they claimed the later. And when you consider he was living 1-3 building next to Ali Barq that was Lebanese and that I am sure of not only because his dialect, but also, I spend around one week at the house of his parent in Byblos/Jubail, Lebanon and his sister’s name was Zakia/Zakiah and her younger brother, name at the moment forgotten


During that period my other fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Bdair lived around 1 KM of the apartment of Abdelghani Abokurah and directly opposite the Islamic Education College in a building that today I believe was 100% owned by Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair the brother of Seif Aldin Bdair the husband of my fake sister Suhair Bdair. The apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir was on the second floor and had 3 bedrooms, one small dining room with small table and maybe 4-6 chairs directly connected to a large kitchen that was roughly 20-30 square meters and then a large so called guest dining room with longer table and around 10 chairs and a living room that also was around 30 square meters and connected to the larger dining room with a wooden/glass 2 slide doors. One bed room for the man and his wife, one bedroom for 2 children above 10 years old and one small bed room with large baby like bed for a 2-5 years old girl named Reem Bdeir alias the double of princes Haya of Jordan also in the same building there was other relatives to this Seif Aldin Bdeir such as the Edelbi brothers that lived with a nanny and were in 1966 around my age  or slightly older than me. The building had 3 floor, each 2 apartments as you can clearly see in the map section below with photos, I cannot recall if anyone lived on the ground floor, yet as it is showing in the photos, there are 2 shops on the ground floor, these shops did not exist in 1966 and in 1970, in their place there was a basement that was totally unorganized, possibly because they were using it to store wood to burn in the winter, whereby the cold period is short, anyway the entrance to the basement was either from inside or outside, I believe it was from the outside and when you open the door you see another stair to a room that was filled with wood bricks.


On the other side Mohamad Ali Bdair or Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair lived in a standalone house I believe somewhere around the so called Fourth Roundabout (which was the edge of the city Amman, meaning almost end of Amman, today it is considered to be part of the Amman center, this is how much Amman has grown through all kind of mass immigration to confirm the fake history of Amman and Palestine that allegedly goes back to 3000 years back = 100% fake history as you can clearly see throughout my complaint pages with mathematical proof and historical proves that you can verify on the Internet) very close to the castle of king Hussein that was at that time considered to be at the edge of the city and it was originally built outside Amman as protection for the king family living in this castle and therewith they can monitor who ever come from far away, today this castle is considered to be almost in the city center or at least very close to it.


Now all these details are very necessary because one reason, in 1966 Abdelghani Abokurah was supposed to be multimillionaire, yet he lived slightly under the Middle class, which lead me to conclude, it is not his base home but rather either a decoy home made for me and other like me to make them believe that he is Jordanian originated from Amman, and this is 100% a lie, especially that they claimed his 2 sisters own one of the largest furniture store in Jordan and mainly buy their furniture from Austria = Adolf Hitler, meaning a blackmail to Germans that have relatives from the second world war and were allowed to hide in the Middle East between many countries including Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and every single country bordering Saudi Arabia and I will prove to you at least one of their bigger Nazis that was helped by Americans and British to relocate to Egypt over Syria, while faking all their official suicide in Germany.


Also it is very important to know that they tried very hard to make the Abokurah family as the number one family in Jordan after the official and public royal family and this to distract of the real Jordanian royal family, because in most to all kingdoms, there is always 2 royal families a public one and a hidden one, the public one is nothing else than a marionette/puppet a show for the public as the king, his wife and his children and the official other relative that you can almost count them, however the real royal family is 100% hidden and in the background and only a few know of them, also from outside the country only the hidden royal families knows the hidden royal families in other countries either because they are related or because they are royal partners or they are a business partner or a combination. And here the Bdeir also written as Bdair or Bdeir or Bdier or other variation to hide their information on the Internet, and the original hidden king of this stupid country is Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair, officially his dead, but I believe there is a big possibility that he is a live, I saw him in 3 different times, one time in end of 1950s and that was 100% fake memories as it is described in other pages, 2-3 time in 1966 and his look it matches the look of the fake memory as follow: a couple of times I was at his home and played with his children one of them was a girl named Lena, another time was some kind of a funeral of some one and one time in a family lunch gathering, one time in 1970 in a family lunch gathering at the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdair, and one time in 1986 or 1986, but this one was 100% not the original from 1966 and 1970, this one was shorter to match his official brother Seif Aldin Bdair alias the husband of my fake sister Shair Bdeir that was almost twice as tall as her husband, also he was darker skin and totally unfriendly and disgusting, because the original one had always a very serious face yet always gave a smile that is telling you I am God, which means the original one 100% had telepathy and his children are also above 170 cm, today I believe he is either member of the English royal family or the Rockefeller family and 100% has another identity with different European name, above all I strongly believe his main house is 100% in Saudi Arabia, which you will understand once you read the other proves that he is 100% member of the English royal families or member of the Rockefeller families or a combination.


In comparison of the above here is the housing of Abdulghani Abokurah after 1979/80: it is a standalone large house on a side street just 40-70 meters of the so called Fourth Roundabout on Jabal Amman/Mountain Amman. It was 2 floors with a garden surrounding the house. On the ground floor they had a larger lengthy kitchen, mainly with American kitchen electric equipment such as refrigerator with 2 doors and on one door a drink dispenser, one dining room, one very large living room as guestroom with glass door to a terrace in the garden.


Also, I believe one bedroom for May Abokurah and possibly another bedroom for another child. Then large washing room with washing machine, and a bed room for allegedly 2 inhouse living younger looking housekeepers from Sri Lanka = India = Tea = English Royal family on top of that one older woman allegedly Jordanian comes once or twice a week to do the washing and allegedly to help the 2 housekeepers, on top of that a male Gardner that allegedly comes on a daily bases to maintain the garden that was absolutely nothing special at all on top of that one car Chauffeur/driver for Mr. big shot Abdulghani Abokurah on top of that one Egyptian private office servant in an isolated office that had one room as office one small kitchen, bath room and I believe another room that was sort of nothing, no one in it. The second floor of their house had 3 or 4 bedrooms and as far as I recall an additional living room/guest room and a bathroom/shower/bathtub, also I forgot, on the ground floor was also a bathroom/shower/bathtub room. And here and for the second or maybe even fifth time, where I saw the behavior of their son named Khalid Abokurah to be totally crazy and I did not understand it at that time, he was always angry and use curse words and throw things violently to the floor and at others, and one time he even through a bottle or a glass at the TV screen and broke the TV, and they all just kept quit and did nothing about it, maybe it was all act to force me to think that they all are crazy as backup plan and in case I start to suspect their inhuman behavior, however and most of the time this Khalid Abokurah had white residue on his lips as it is in the photo below the housings on Mountain Amman, and I do not think that someone can act like that in Amman, Jordan, in Munich, Germany from 1979 to 1986 and again in Bridgeport, Connecticut USA in 1987, then I was told in 2014 and via email that his aunts the owner of the furniture store as mentioned above allegedly could not take it anymore living with this crazy Khalid Abokurah and they allegedly took him sometime in 1990s or after to a specialist in Cairo, Egypt and allegedly ever since he is in a mental hospital in Cairo, Egypt and in the email I was also given his address in the hospital and the name of his male nurse and to confirm that I called him in 2014 and it was his voice, but many can imitate the voice, it very possible that the one I spoke to is another lookalike or not even related to him, I do not know for fact, the only thing I know for sure is that they lied to me about 90% of everything they told me and of everything I saw myself as you can clearly see in my complaint pages and with prove.


Here I come to the actual point I was trying to make, one of their Sri Lankan Housekeepers told me, here the Muslims men simultaneously marry more than one woman, but in my country in Sri Lanka women can marry simultaneously several men. Today I believe that my fake sister and her husband forced the housekeepers either with telepathy or by telling them to tell me this story as blackmail to whomever was listing to us and/or monitoring me and today I believe it was either the local family members of one of these families Rockefeller families and/or English royal families and/or ex-German royal family alias the escaped hidden Nazis from the second world war, and the reason I believe so, is because the only woman I know at that time that was simultaneously with 2 or more men, is the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that were 2 persons exchanging places and one of them was 60 years olde and her identical lookalike was at the most half of her age, and who knows maybe they were 3 lookalike of Anita Disbray. Today in June 2024, I know for fact that at least these 2 lookalike that were married to me as Anita Disbray starting spring 1973 in municipality of Munich in their city section called Schwabing had telepathy and one of them was 100% married to another man in Saudi Arabia, and today I believe this man to be my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that was 100% either member of the Saudi Arabian government or the Saudi Arabian royal family or member of the board or even chairman of the board of the largest fossil fuel producing company in the world and is called ARAMCO, or a combination of all 3 jobs, and today I believe it is all of the above, because criminals that happened to have telepathy, think they are the hidden of us God because they have telepathy and love to manipulate many things in several sectors just like Mohamad Ali Bdeir and his entire family and the Abokurah families and the Baroudi families (not to mix them with other families that happened to have the same name, but rather look at the relation to each other’s and their whereabout as it is described in other pages such as the pages kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children as well as the page my fake family the kidnappers)


I think I have explained the big picture based on facts that many can verify, very unfortunately I am not in the position nor I have the capability to verify many things, and that is why I cannot stress enough that I cannot prove many things as they are concluded in my complaint pages, yet I can rely on the gift of God to everyone and is named intelligence, and I can also rely on and Microsoft 365 because without these 2 companies I would have never be able to find many things and research my own past and the history and many other facts that I know today thanks to these 2 company that today I see a blessing to humanity because they are in one way or another intentionally or coincidently are becoming more and more extension to my memory and extension to my intelligence and it is also valid for every single human being that is able to use them freely, as replacement for our circumcised telepathy, circumcised genitals and caused to me and countless others total amnesia especially to kidnapped children enable they can replace their logic and knowledge with nothing  = make them as stupid slaves as in reality they are themselves because they did not learn that with the gift of intelligence and understanding you can achieve much more than these stupid mother fuckers can ever achieve in millions of years no matter how much money they can make through stolen properties such as land and kidnapping children and this since their existence and the proof for that is Microsoft 365 and and my complaint pages that was only possible because of these 2 companies that achieved in the last 30-40 years more than the Rockefeller families and the English royal families and the their slaves in Saudi Arabia and Jordan and other countries have ever and combined achieved since at least the last 500-800 years!


The photo below is a photo of some city section of Amman, Jordan, very unfortunately it does not show the small buildings on the small hidden streets that are built on the mountain and each room would be a few centimeters to even 40 centimeters higher than the other rooms!




Go to the index of this section or Go to the top main index


A combination of these 2 mouth conditions was the mouth condition of Khalid Abokurah and most of the times since I noticed it in 1970s and 1980s in Germany and then in Amman, Jordan and again in 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. The right-side photo it also shows the shape and form and size of his actual mouth, this white things is nothing else than salt that is melting and is visible on the lips and in the corner of the lips as big sign of unknown or unnoticed or unconscious stress = constant telepathy manipulation and force the mind to do things that the victim is not able to understand because he does not know that telepathy exist and is currently being used on him as practice of his brothers and sister and make it easier for them to recognize how far they can go without getting caught, which is exactly as these mother fucker did to me, very unfortunately Khalid Abokurah and millions others will die not knowing they were slaves of telepathy, and exactly that is why I am and to 80% writing my complaint pages, because I was not able to help many that I saw suffering and did not understand it just as a wise man once said and I am quoting him: they see and do not see, they hear and do not hear. End of quote!




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The maps of various brainwash and brainwashing locations



Brief introduction

Example map and explanation

Cairo, Egypt

1.        An overall overview of who lived where in Cairo, Egypt in a big picture map of Cairo

2.        Detail map: My address in Cairo Egypt and nearby other fake relatives

3.        Almaza-1:  my fake sister Fadia Shawki and her friends

4.        Almaza-2: My fake sister, Politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, Queder/Koueider family and others

5.        Almaza-3: My fake sister + Queder/Koueider = Partners??

6.        The Queder/Koueider family sweet store and the housing of the alleged sister of Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann

7.        Egypt Airline CEO building and movie theater and the Queder/Koueider first shop  

8.        My fake uncles’ apartment’s location and possibly where my fake sister Moni Najar lived while pretending to be in Jordan


Amman, Jordan map index

1.        Map of part of Amman, Jordan, West bank, part of Israel and Gaza strip

2.        Map of the Islamic Educational College and other locations

3.        Photo 1: the website of the Arab Building Material Group in many countries, yet they tried hard to hide it, and that is very visible in the below “Chairman Message”!!!

4.        Other info related to the above mentioned website = Top and bottom of the main page

5.        A copy of the actual text of the above image

6.        Photo 2: copy-1 of the main page of the above-mentioned website. Here they are showing off their pride of Dubai, UAE = Palm Island

7.        Photo 3: copy-2 of the main page of the above-mentioned website. Here they are showing off their pride of Dubai, UAE = Ferrari funfair

8.        Photo 4: The building where my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier used to live until 1970s opposite the Islamic Educational College

9.        Photo 5: the same building as above on the left side, while on the right side is the Islamic Educational college

10.  Photo 6: one of the Entrances of the Islamic Educational College with its name in Arabic on the white sign

11.  Photo 7: The main entrance of the Islamic Educational college with the year founded and who founded it, which is a very clear and strong prove as explained below

12.  Photo 8: the founding text enlarged and is readable even though it is from 1947/1948

13.  Photo 9: to the right is “Petra Bank” in Arabic, on the left Church of the Christian Anglican Union, roughly 50 meters of location #6 on the above Map of the Islamic Educational College and other locations


Munich, Germany

1.        The office of the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa and his wife in their own carpet shop and very nearby Siemens AG corporate headquarter

2.        An overview of hidden Americans living in and around Munich, Germany, and this is only in one city out of many others

3.        Map of the brainwash and slavery military base named McGraw kaserne in Obergiesing-Fasangarten in Munich, Germany

4.        The hidden military agents all over my life to keep me enslaved

5.        Photo of location 1 in the above map: ex-American military base in Hasenbergel, Munich






Brief introduction


In this section I have added some maps of the location where I lived, and where my twin possibly must have lived pretending to be me after 10.10.1969, and where some members of my fake families lived in Cairo, Egypt, in Amman, Jordan and in Munich, Germany.


The maps are sorted by city locations and by dates of me being there.


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Example map and explanation


Each map is shown as follow:

1.           The search of the physical address that you can use to search for it in Google map

2.           The short address: xxxx

3.           Detail address: xxxxx

4.           Google map link for the above address:

5.           The map from Google Map

6.           The google map street view with numbers pointing to the locations

7.           Explanation of all the above numbers that are pointing to the locations


Below is an example map:


Example map

Search address for Google map:

In short: Carnegieplein 2 Den Haag/The Hague

In detail: Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ Den Haag/The Hague, Netherlands

Google map link for the above address:,+2517+KJ+Den+Haag/@52.086616,4.2947079,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47c5b734a04dd555:0x39d88771592d1ff8!8m2!3d52.0866481!4d4.2972566!16s%2Fg%2F11c4nc9wm6?hl=en&entry=ttu




Example map

Map street view


1.    Internation court of Justice

2.    The Zorgvliet Park in Den Haag/The Hague



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Cairo, Egypt map index

1.        An overall overview of who lived where in Cairo, Egypt in a big picture map of Cairo

2.        Detail map: My address in Cairo Egypt and nearby other fake relatives

3.        Almaza-1:  my fake sister Fadia Shawki and her friends

4.        Almaza-2: My fake sister, Politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, Queder/Koueider family and others

5.        Almaza-3: My fake sister + Queder/Koueider = Partners??

6.        The Queder/Koueider family sweet store and the housing of the alleged sister of Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann

7.        Egypt Airline CEO building and movie theater and the Queder/Koueider first shop 

8.        My fake uncles’ apartment’s location and possibly where my fake sister Moni Najar lived while pretending to be in Jordan




An overall overview of who lived where in Cairo, Egypt in a big picture map of Cairo

Search address for Google map:

In short: 111 El Hegaz St, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

In detail: 111 El Hegaz St, El Nozha, Cairo Governorate 4470105, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:,+Al+Matar,+El+Nozha,+Cairo+Governorate,+Egypt/@30.0703223,31.1702293,24712m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x14581587dac6165b:0x2f984c682d69cc4c!8m2!3d30.110727!4d31.3439432!16s%2Fg%2F1v3vdkmh?hl=en&entry=ttu




Map of Cairo and surrounding areas of Cairo, Egypt


Map street view    



Note: this map is only an overview, the detailed maps are below.

End of Note.


1.           Here lived the following persons in different building and streets but within walking distance of each other’s:

1.1.             My fake mother and I and 2-3 times per year her alleged boyfriend Mohi Sabri

1.2.             My fake brother in an opposite building never seen him after he moved into this apartment to allegedly live alone

1.3.             Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and her second husband, just 3-4 buildings of our building. Both were teachers, she was the daughter of the Egyptian military general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman.

1.4.             The Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and his second wife and his younger son named Alaa. He lived roughly 200–400-meters northwest of his daughter mentioned above

1.5.             The Heliopolis Hospital, where the real Egyptian medical doctor named Dr. Alaa Ali worked, just less than 200 meters of our apartment

1.6.             And others

2.           Here lived the following persons in different building and streets but within walking distance of each other’s:

2.1.             Here lived my fake sister Fadia Najar, here her name is Fadia Shawki

2.2.             The owner of the building she lived in named Dr. Lapeep and his son Hani Lapeep and some old woman that today I am guessing her to have been a nanny. I relate them to the American Bush family.

2.3.             1 or 2 houses to the east lived the family Al-Jumaiee that were the friends of my fake sister.  I relate them to the American Bush family

2.4.             The Egyptian Air Force Airport named Almaza directly opposite of all of the above and there was only a street between them, where the boyfriend of my fake sister named Adel Hasan worked as an Air Force helicopter pilot

2.5.             To the south of them, around 400-800 meters the house that was being built in 1966 of the official husbands of my fake sister named Afaf Shawki, but he died in a plane crash that he was piloting, just a couple of months before completing the house,

2.6.             To the west and slightly to the north side of my fake sister there lived the alleged Syrian family named Queder/Koueider in their own 2 or 3 floor building and only the family lived there

2.7.             To the west and slightly to the north side of my fake sister there lived the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, just 200 meters of the Queder/Koueider family building

2.8.             To the northwest side, and around 1 km from my fake sister, there was my school named Alkawmia

2.9.             Very close to the above mentioned Alkawmia school lived the real medical doctor Dr. Alaa Ali with his mother

2.10.       Around 1.3 km northwest lived the family Shawki in 3 or 4 floor buildings that they owned and only the family lived there. The Shawki family is the family of the official husband of my fake sister Fadia Shawki

3.           The Cairo section called Madinat Nasr in English they call it Nasr city; it was all new built roughly between of 1958 or 1960 right in the middle of the desert just outside Cairo. Now it is very populated. In 1960s I saw only large buildings maybe 10-15 floor each, many with several entrances, meaning one building could have had more than 200-300 apartments in this section lived the following persons:

3.1.             My fake cousin named Basam Baroudi allegedly to study medicine along with his much shorter cousin to study dentistry, name forgotten, both came together end of 1960 or end of 1961 and as far as I recall they went to university Ain Shams. I believe for the one reason or another I went once to their apartment

3.2.             After the mid of 1960 the above-mentioned general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman allegedly sold his house where he lived just 600 meters of us, and purchased or rented an apartment in one of these huge buildings, I believe for the one reason or another I went once to his new apartment.

4.           This is an island in the middle of the Nile River downtown Cairo and is named Zamalek or El-Zamalek. The housing pricing in this area and in 1960s was considered above average. In this area the following people lived:

4.1.             My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi either had a permanent vacation apartment in this area or was renting an apartment while he was there for 2 years in the beginning of 1960s. It is very possible that this apartment was vacation apartment shared by several persons when they visit Egypt. His official wife lived there, first name forgotten from the family Kabani, see embarrassing details under the detailed map

4.2.             The official brother-in-law of the above-mentioned fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, meaning the brother of his official wife, first name forgotten, last name Kabani

4.3.             The official son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi was allegedly born here, his name was Hani Baroudi, see the details of his embarrassing real father

5.           This is the building of the famous actor and singer named Fareed or Farid Al-Atrash. I was taken to this building and the alleged penthouse of this singer sometimes between 1967 and 1968 by the alleged boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri that in reality was a German young politician and later became the x-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann. Today and based on the hearing incident I received and mentioned in this page plus other very questionable situations, I see the possibility that an older and a very lookalike or even identical lookalike of the second wife of Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann named Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, lived in this building. It is very possible that this lookalike of Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff is my original fake sister Moni Najar that disappeared in spring of 1961, for more details see below under the detailed map

6.           This is the location of the famous 3 huge Egyptian Giza Pyramids. This point is just added as location orientation, because it is known worldwide.

7.           This is where the criminal psychopath that pretended also to be my uncle and an alleged Syrian diplomat named Jalal Baroudi last saw him living with his family in Geneva, Switzerland. He and his family came to Cairo, Egypt along with the other psychopaths Baroudi family members that pretended to be related to me and all pretended to be Muslims originated from Syria, today I know none of these criminals is Muslim nor they were Syrian. Anyway, this criminal named Jalal Baroudi came to Cairo also around 1961 o 1963 and lived in an apartment in some building of maybe 7-9 floors just around 50 meters from the famous Al-Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo, Egypt. In the Tahrir square there was the famous government internal ministry building named Al-Mugamaa, in English it means the Gathered or the Gatherer




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Below this line you can find the detailed maps of the above overview map.


My address in Cairo Egypt and nearby other fake relatives

Search address for Google map:

In short: 111 El Hegaz St, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

In detail: 111 El Hegaz St, El Nozha, Cairo Governorate 4470105, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:,+El-Nozha,+El+Nozha,+Cairo+Governorate+4470105,+Egypt/@30.1060301,31.3321538,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x145815eb87848567:0x51de56144dd1489e!8m2!3d30.1060301!4d31.3347287!16s%2Fg%2F11c1bm80d5?hl=en&entry=ttu






A map with a location pin

Description automatically generated

Map street view        





Note: the street between house number 1 and house number 2, there was a tram, at that time they used to call it Metro, going the whole way to downtown Cairo, Egypt, roughly 15 KM, and the last stop is at the Nile River and around 400 meters of the half square TV building. Based on Google map the tram was removed and replaced with bus and subway also they call it Metro number GL3. End of note.

1.           Our apartment number 5 or 6 on the second floor and to be precise it was the first apartment to the left once you go up the stairs to the second floor at 111 El Hegaz St, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. The owner named Aziz, I don’t know if Aziz was first or last name, he lived on the second apartment to the right once you go up the stairs to the second floor and lived in apartment number 7 or 8 to the left of him, lived the Egyptian pilot named Afaf Shawki along with a Canadian that was also pilot allegedly at the same airline company named Egypt Air, this Canadia looked much taller than Afaf Shawki and much skinnier and was blue eyes and short darker blond hair, Afaf Shawki was darker skin, half curly hair and around 160-165 cm tall. His brother named Elwee Shawki was also a pilot at the same company, all his family were shorter than average, today I suspect them all to be originated from India prior to dividing India in 1947 (,_1947 ) to 3 countries as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. I also believe that the owner of this 2-floor building named Aziz to be originated from India and this because the entire building had 8 apartment and all the tenants were very suspicious, and today I believe the reason for this is because the English royal family partnered with several organized crime families in India and use them in other countries in the entire Middle East including and especially in Cairo, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The building was 2 floors and had 4 apartments per floor, and the house guard lived on the roof in a very bad room built sometimes in the mid of 1960s, prior to that he lived on the floor under the stairs on the ground floor, his name was Muhawed, was very skinny and maybe 60 years old and was addicted to smoking small waterpipe with illegal drugs called Hashish. Between 1962 or 1964 a new tenant came to apartment 1 or 2, which was the first apartment on the right side when you enter the building which had a small stairs at the entrance of maybe 15-20 steps, and my fake mother and as usual claimed he is Syrian from Damascus and lived next door to her father, which she claimed the same about another maybe 15-20 families during that period. She also claimed that he was Jewish but converted to Islam, which is theoretically and practically impossible. This new tenant name was Monsieur Faris, Monsieur is French for Mister, and this is a very common deceive in the middle east and especially in Egypt, to force people to relate the person to France. This Monsieur Faris was tailor and as far as I recall he was specialized only for ladies and that is why he called himself Monsieur to show as if he is professional French fashion specialist, he had an alleged Egyptian partner, financially only, did not work with him, named Ali, I cannot recall if this was first or last name and as far as I recall they shared the apartment for around 1-2 years, then Ali get married and moved to 2 or 4 buildings on the same side to the south. Monsieur Faris became one of the most famous ladies’ tailors in Cairo if not the most famous one and possibly in entire Egypt. Because and as far as I recall many of his clients were famous Egyptian actresses. His shop was large and was downtown Cairo, very close to the building of the CEO of Egypt air, possibly on the opposite side and around 3-4 buildings north of the Movie theater named Metro that was owned by the CEO of Egypt air and also very close to the sweets shop of the family Queder/Koueider, that today I suspect to have been the family of Adolf Hitler in Hiding. The next tenant after Monsieur Faris came after him, I cannot recall what year, it was allegedly a Palestinian Muslim Sheikh/Priest that owned a paper factory in Cairo and lived with his adult daughter. Today I suspect them to have been Israeli pretending to be Muslim Palestinians and Egypt has many like them, and since today I strongly suspect my original fake mother to have been Jewish German origin and Monsieur Faris was Jewish pretending to be converted to Islam, then this mean that the entire tenants in this building were spies pretending to be the one thing or another and 100% working for the English royal families while distracting by being Jewish, never forget that Israel was 100% created by English royal families + Rockefeller families as protection of a possible revolution and as distraction as if Jewish live only or mainly in Israel. Today I believe there are more Israeli or if you prefer more Jewish were forced to relocate to the Middle East by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families while forced to pretend to be refugees of the second world war and pretending to be Muslim or Christians or Hindus and today they most probably make around 30-50% of the population of all Arab petroleum countries in Asia + the Eastern Arab countries in Africa, such as Egypt, Libya, Sudan and some others south of them. Alone and in Cairo Egypt all the people that claimed to have been coming from Syria and I get to know them count far more than 150 persons, and this while I was forced to be isolated and no family member came to visit us in 10 years living in Cairo, Egypt except the handful mentioned above

2.           My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the hidden son of king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan  that was forced upon my life sometimes in summer 1966 that pretended to have been raised by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman Jordan allegedly since 1954, and now he is coming allegedly to live with us in Cairo, Egypt and went to high school called San George and then moved out of our apartment some times between the end of 1966 and begin of 1967. Meaning he only lived with us for a few months to show as if we are related and allegedly lived in an apartment by himself as an 17 years old in the opposite building and I never seen him after that, I was not allowed to go and visit him and he never came to visit us  until the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany and  at the end of September or begin of October of 1970 brought a lookalike of this fake brother into my life as distraction of the original one. I believe that the older brother and identical look of king Abdullah as well as king Hussein came occasionally (or frequently) to visit him in this apartment, I did not see that but rather I just concluded this situation based on many other things around my life at that time to show as if I am related to this psychopath family as distraction of the English royal family that kidnapped me as an infant in the begin of 1950s and then in the begin of 1960s placed me with this fake mother and her alleged family that pretended to be my biological family

3.           This is where my fake cousin named Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, the daughter of the Egyptian military Leewaa (=General) Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that pretended to be married to the cousin of my fake mother named Amira Baroudi, then she allegedly died in the begin of 1960 and he allegedly married her older sister named Elham Baroudi that did not look anything like her alleged sister  nor she looked anything like any of the women of the Baroudi family that I met, and I met a few of them, today I believe that the wife of the general was British royal family member and then they removed her of the picture and replaced her with a woman that was darker skin and big lower lip, and very vulgar person, as distraction of her alleged white fake sister and named Amira (in English it means princess). This general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman had 3 children of his alleged dead wife, the youngest was around my age named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and he was a very nasty person that 100% had telepathy as described in other pages. He also has another older son that was living in Alexandria because he was a Navy officer named Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, I saw him just once. He also had a daughter named Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, she was married to a teacher and divorced him and married another teacher and both lived in this building close to us, as it is showing on the map. None of these psychopath criminal and traitors to humanity and to Egyptians ever came to visit us at our apartment or have ever invited us to their house or apartment. We allegedly lived for one months at their house from February 1960 to March 1960, as shown in the map as number 8,

4.           This is the elementary school where I was placed in after they caused me a total amnesia and kidnapped me to Cairo, Egypt in January 1960. The school’s name at that time was “Aal Saood elementary school”. Aal Saood means in English: The family of Saudi hinting of the Saudi Arabian royal family = 100% the American Rockefeller family mixed with their hidden relatives the English royal family. This school was public school and was not very good school, actually all public schools in any country of the world are bad schools that are designed to teach limited or bad knowledge for the children of the general population, among others these public schools at least in Cairo Egypt had over 40 children and sometimes over 50 children in one classroom  while public schools have at the most 15-20 children per classroom, which very much means that the teacher does not have sufficient time to look after the 40 to over 50 children = the slaves of the controlling families that always place their children in very expensive private school, just as they did to me by placing me most of the times in public schools and placed my fake brother in one of the best private schools = I was the slave of the family, because everyone I know in this mother fucking organized crime family was not only in top private school, but always sent to university in other countries, while I was prevented to make it to high school. I was in this school for 4 years and in end of 1965 I was placed in another private school as mean of blackmail to the English royal family, by placing me in the same class as the son of the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser as it is mentioned elsewhere on this page. And as result of this and a few months later in between January and April 1966 I was introduced for the first time in my life to a very nasty woman named Suhair Bdeir/Budier that claimed to be my older sister from Amman, Jordan and claimed to have raised in Amman, Jordan the unknown to me fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar and in summer 1966 I was sent to Amman, Jordan for nearly 3 months summer vacation, during which I get to see for the first time my alleged brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar that later in 1970 was replaced through the American military in Munich, Germany by another lookalike person named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and later in 1986 was replaced either by a third person or the original fake brother from Amman, Jordan and now his name is Nick Naggar

5.           The family court, where my fake mother sued some neighbor in next building because their child became friend of mine and I went to visit him at their apartment and they all treated me better than my fake mother, and this just a few months or at the most one year after I had a new school friend named Sameh that happened to be Christian and I visited him a few times at home after school to study together, which will 100% improve my knowledge and intelligence, during which his father was treating us much better than my fake mother ever treated me in my entire life as a result of that my fake mother went to the public school I was in and requested from them to not allow me to interact with my new friend Sameh and requested that either they place me or place him in another classroom, because she is allegedly worried that the Christians brainwash me, the school master placed him in another classroom and I never saw him after that except once where I tried to visit him, but his father said I am not allowed because my mother requested that. Ever since this prostitute and street whore and bitch fake mother of mine isolated me and I never had any friends for longer than a couple of weeks or at the most couple of months

6.           This is the Heliopolis Hospital close to our apartment, where between  end of 1967 and summer 1968 I was setup to get to know Dr. Alaa Ali, by causing me 100% with telepathy pain in my throat to force me to go to the emergency in Heliopolis hospital next to our apartment, where then I was treated by Dr. Alaa Ali, that later I met a couple of times and then I was used to introduce him to my fake sister Fadia Shawki, prior to that Fadia Najar, and after that Fadia Nagar and after that Fadia Elnagar. In other words, they manipulated me with telepathy to believe that I introduced him to my fake sister as distraction that Dr. Alaa Ali had a very lookalike in Saudi Arabia and my fake sister already knew the Saudi Arabian one. And to make sure I believe that the new Saudi Arabian one is the same as the Egyptian Dr. Alaa Ali, they created many fake situations, here is just one of them that shows it was all planned: Dr. Alaa Ali took me a couple of times with him to his work place at the hospital when he had night shift or/and was on call, during which all doctors that are on call can use sort of a small one room apartment within the hospital, this one room had a single bed and had a study desk and a bathroom/shower room and it is very close to the surgery room, and here he took me with him allegedly to help me with my school study, during which I be most of the time alone in the room = he wanted to force my mind to remember him as a medical doctor. Another time he even took me with him to the surgery room to watch him performing some kidney surgery, during which he dressed me with blue coat as other doctors do and with a hat to cover my hair and gloves and mask to cover my nose and mouth, that was around 1968 or 1969 and in comparison with this situation and in 1985 in Munich, Germany, where I was severely, and most destructively brainwashed and enslaved through the BP-British petroleum and their illegal project Calypso as it is described in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, and they enslaved me on 24.12.1984 under the control of their hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, and she allegedly get pregnant of me (today I know she was 100% not pregnant of me or not pregnant at all, among others because she exchanged places with at least 2 other lookalikes and each one of them was more disgusting than the other and all of these whores were 100% Saudi Arabians to cover up  and distract of the criminals and mother fuckers members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia where the English royal families and the Rockefeller families that control Saudi Arabia and control BP-British Petroleum were distracting me of their actual relation and positions of members of my fake family in Saudi Arbia. And to make sure I believe she was pregnant of me, she continued later on to blame me for her alleged cesarean that she allegedly had to go through to give me a son. No woman would ever say that to her alleged husband, but I was 100% not her husband I was 100% enslaved under her control by the mother fuckers BP-British Petroleum alias the mother fuckers that own BP-British Petroleum = English royal families + the Rockefeller families that owns at least 30-40% of all fortune 2000 Companies in USA. Please note that the English royal families and the Rockefeller families have invented a very deceiving concept of who owns their company such as BP-British Petroleum officially owned by the British government = owned by the British people, which is 100% a deceive, they control every single thing in United Kingdom and this since over 600 years, and then give the company their own services, meaning they run everything in the company with huge inflated prices = stealing tax payers money as they also do in Saudi Arabi and above all and that I saw firsthand, they do the same thing in USA) and on 25.3.1985 she was allegedly 2 weeks overdue in her pregnancy of 9 months and was taken to Hospital, where they allegedly made a cesarean surgery and did not allow me to be present, yet I was allowed to go to surgery of someone I do not know who he was and it was just to brainwash me to believe that this medical doctor Alaa Ali is the same as the Dr. Alaa Ali that I get to know after 1976 in the UK, also in a very questioning situation that 100% was distracting of Saudi Arabian while this new Dr. Alaa Ali the alleged husband of my fake sister Fadia Shawki that now her name is Fadia Nagar and Fadia Elnagar but not Fadia Ali. This new Dr. Alaa Ali, may very well be Dr. but not a medical doctor, very possibly Dr. of something related to law or business and administration or Politics, because, and based on their both looks as well as countless situations in my life to link Dr. Alaa Ali to Jordan, I strongly suspect him to be a very close relative to the permanent president and CEO Dr. Amin H. Nasser of the Saudi Arabian company ARAMCO that officially is owned by the Saudi government, not to forget that Dr. Alaa Ali and my fake sister allegedly and officially worked for ARAMCO from around end 1970s and until around 2000 in Dammam, Saudi Arabia and that was among others to prevent me to visit them in the UK. And all is nothing but big deceive as explained above. And this president and CEO or ARAMCO named Dr. Amin H. Nasser, that also have some strong look similarity with my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, except Jawdat Baroudi was white, dark blond and blue eyes, yet had several wives, to my knowledge 3, and very possible he had many more wives because these psychopath criminals love to create many children and use them among others as partnership with other organized crime families by marrying one of their women, I also suspect my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi to have been the husband of the younger identical lookalike of the woman that the American military enslaved me under her control on 20 August 1970 and until September 1977 and named Anita Disbray, you can see how she looked like to over 95% through the photos at the end of this section number 6 and before number 7. These photos are not of Anita Disbray, but of an American actress named Brie Larson ( Anita Disbray looked at least to 95% like Brie Larson, except Brie Larson 170 cm tall and has slightly longer and lighter hair color, Anita Disbray was around 155-160 cm and slightly shorter and darker hair color and was only 48 kg/105 pound/7.5 English stones and her younger lookalike was roughly 53 kg/116 pounds/8.3 English stones and roughly half of her age. Look below at the photo of the president and CEO of ARAMCO named Dr. Amin H. Nasser very closely, because this is how a member of the American Rockefeller family looks like that is mixed with their hidden relatives in Egypt and/or from India. It is very possible that he is a mixture of Rockefeller Egypt and Rockefeller USA, because the Rockefeller families had started many large businesses in Egypt since at least 1880, and they with no doubt in cooperation with their family the English royal families brought the ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser to power in 1953 and that is most probably the reason this CEO named Nasser and to confirm that you can try to find his history since birth, and you would not be able to and that is why my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali has so strong look similarities to him, because Dr. Alaa Ali are 2 different very lookalike persons, one in Cairo, Egypt as I met in 1968-1969 and the other was introduced to me after 1976-2013 in the UK and pretended to be the same medical doctor from Egypt. Also look very closely at the professional profile of this CEO Dr. Amin H. Nasser in the Wikipedia profile under the below link, and in particular under the section “Other”, I copied that section here just in case they modify it:

Begin of the “Other” of Wikipedia”



Nasser is on the Society of Petroleum Engineers's Industry Advisory Council, the International Advisory Board (IAB) of the KFUPM, the Board of Trustees of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),[11] the World Economic Forum's International Business Council, the JPMorgan International Advisory Council, the MIT President CEO Advisory Board and the Board of BlackRock.[12]


In July 2020, he received the ICIS Kavaler Award, which recognizes outstanding achievement in petrochemicals.[13] Nasser ranked first on the Forbes Middle East's list of top 100 CEOs in the region for 2020.[14]

End of the “Other” of Wikipedia”

All the above shows 100% and very clearly that this master criminal is originated from USA, and he is master criminal because his family alias the Rockefeller family + The English royal families are 100% the responsible ones for kidnapping me 3 times since my birth and then locked me up from July 2000 to Mai 2012 between USA + the Netherlands and Germany. Also, and in particular look at this sentence (the JPMorgan International Advisory Council, the MIT President CEO Advisory Board and the Board of BlackRock) = he 100% originated from the Rockefeller + the English royal families, because they own JPMorgen and BlackRock, in addition ex-USA president George H. W. Bush was one of the major founder or investor in BlackRock out of all the money he stoles as he was US president, and he was the one used as front to kidnap me from Germany to USA in September 1986, because he was the CIA director when I was set up to become Christian so these mother fuckers would have a reason to persecute by misusing Islam yet persecuted me in the name of Islam, and enslaved me under the control of their hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud starting 24.12.1984 which was Christmas Eve = to force my mind to remember this date as reminder that hey enslaved me on this date because I allegedly changed my religion to Christianity = CIA way of thinking = George H. W. Bush that his father named Prescott Bush was heavily and very closely working with the Rockefeller families. All that shows how psychopaths and dangerous these criminals are for everyone. Here are various links related to the above mentioned:

( + + + also the followings was founded by the Rockefeller family to create a worldwide monopoly on natural resources and in particular on fossil fuel = petroleum + + + ) Then they pretended to be selling ARAMCO it to the Saudi Royal family, and today I know that they 100% sold it to their selves under their fake identity as the Saudi Arabian royal family founders from roughly 1890 to 1910 and are by far the richest organized crime family on this earth and since 1890. Don’t think for one second that these psychopaths Rockefeller family would sell their number one oil company that was producing for them more money than they can count and then sell it to any one and above all to bunch of poor Indians hired in around 1910 to pretend to be Saudi Arbian royal family since 1400 years, where no one can survive in this desert because it has no water, however and since roughly the year 1800 human beings have new technologies to not only drill for water, but also to mass transport water. Look at the photograph above of the president and permanent CEO of ARAMCO, this is how my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali in the UK looks like to 95%, and above all his son named Tareq Ali look also very close as the man in the photograph above, all the mentioned are facts and not conclusions!

Here are the photographs of the American actress Brie Larson ( that look to more than 95% like the 2 lookalikes named Anita Disbray one was 67 in1977 and the other around half of her age:

And if you look at her photographs as actress, you will realize that with a bit of makeup and clothing the look would totally change, here is google link to her official photos as actress:

7.           The police station that the alleged boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann took me to in 1967 or 1968 as mean of brainwash as described elsewhere in this page and in other pages. And also in end of 1971 or begin of 1972 the lookalike of my fake mother in cooperation with the lookalike of my fake brother + the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray conspired together to use me as blackmail object by creating a situation to force me to sleep overnight in the nearby police station in the tiny city of Fasanenpark (it seems like that they have closed or relocated this police station) just around 1 KM of the American military housing area in an area called Perlacher forest in Munich, Germany and today I now that this blackmail situation was intended to be pretending to remind me of the police station situation close to our apartment in Cairo, Egypt as it is described elsewhere on this page to blackmail one of the followings, English royal family and/or American military that had me totally under their control since March 1970 and/or blackmail Israeli spies and/or blackmail ex-German royal families, because one or a combination of these mentioned psychopaths were 100% the boss of the spy Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias the ex-German vice Chancellor alias the alleged boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, whereby and today in June 2024 I believe my fake mother that took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 and again on 15 January 1970 was most probably the first wife of the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and was also German pretending to be Syrian and most probably she was German Jewish, anything else is most probably a lie, PERIOD.

8.           Around 100-200 meters of this arrow is where the Egyptian Leewaa (=General) Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and his family lived until sometimes after mid-1960s, where I was told that he allegedly sold his house and bought an apartment in one of the all new buildings built in the all new Cairo city section called “Madinat Nasr’ in English “Nasr City” it means victory city = brainwash name just as the president’s name at that time named Nasser meaning “Victorious”, which all in all means want to promote the president as Victorious against the British because he made a revolution in 1953 that today in 2024 I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that Nasser was 100% a hidden member of the English royal family and/or the Rockefeller family and therewith he distract his own people of the previous king, while he was covering up for the hidden British and Americans and my complaint pages are 100% prove for all that. This Nasr city is a very large city section built to overcome the over population of Cairo that was over 5 million in mid-1960, which equals at that time to 25% of the total Egyptian population that was at that time 20 million and today in 2024 the population of Cairo is just over 10 million = 10% of the population of Egypt that is just over 100 million and to cover up for the small population of all other Arab countries they claim they exist since 1400 to over 2000 years and especially Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arbia and all the bordering countries of Saudi Arabia they performed 2 strategies, one is used people from India and forced them using countless schemes to relocate to the Middle East, and number 2 by using mass forced migration schemes from Europe to the entire middle East and this started slowly during the first world war between 1914 and 1918 and very strongly during and after the second world war between 1939 and 1945 and continued throughout 1980s that I saw myself during which many European countries, and especially Germany where I lived for 17 years prior to kidnapping me to USA, were very heavily promoting their population to learn Arabic and take on jobs in the Middle East = the Arab countries that 90% of them including Israel and Jordan and Saudi Arabia, were 100% founded with fake history after the first world war that ended in 1918 or at the earliest in 1880, but also were promoting and teaching countless so called Arabic traditions, such as belly dance that in reality was originated from Turkey and Turkey belly dance was 100% originated from India, you can verify it by searching for the following and compare them. In the following 3 links you can compare the Arabic belly dance + Turkish belly dance with the famous Indian women solo dance (Arabic Belly dance: + Turkish belly dance: + famous Indian women solo dance: ), anything else is a lie to cover up all the fake history. In this city section named Nasr city also my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi lived along with his very short cousin that was around 155-160 cm, and both were also pretending to be Syrian, and they are 100% in one way, or another related to the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann. Back to the alleged sold house of the Egyptian Leewaa (=General) Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. The house was a standalone house on  the corner of 2 streets and had two floors and had on the second floor a terrace of around 30 -50 square meters, I allegedly lived in this house from 15 February 1960 to 15 Mach 1960 = one month, however I recognized problems with my memory where I have many fake memories that confused me and there with sometimes I am not always sure which memory are real and which are true.

9.           This is a standalone house roughly behind our apartment building and here lived a Muslim Sheikh/Priest, name forgotten, his son was named Mahmoud was around 2-3 years older than me and was in the High school (class 10-12), while I was in the same school but in Junior high school in class 7 (=Class 7-9), and he created a setup to pretend to be my friend, and in short this set up was like this: in the afternoon and after the school named Al-Tabari in an area named Roxy and was around 3 km from our apartment, and around 5-7 tram stops, direct from door to door,  after school I took the tram home, and while the tram was still in Roxy, around 5-7 boys came in behind me on the same tram, and started for no reason to push me as if they want to hit me, I never saw them before, and as far as I recall they pushed me with their hands maybe 3-4, and suddenly an older than us boy came to my help and scared them away, that they immediately get out of the tram, and all this while the tram is still on the same stop. This young man was taller than me and named Mahmoud, after that I met him almost every day and also went to visit him at his home right on the street behind our apartment building, no one was allowed to visit me, one of the things he liked to do, was to drink a bottle of Coca Cola in race with others to see who can drink the entire bottle in one sip, and I also raced him with that, there was a small kiosk next to our school at that time, where many students used to hang around before and after school, the owner of the kiosk was mid age woman. The father of Mahmoud was a Muslim Sheik/priest/Preacher. All this was after they took me out of the private school and in the same class with the son of the president as it is mentioned elsewhere in this page and other pages. I believe he was meant to get close to me to either as protection or to see if he can get me to talk about my past, and this is important to understand, because my fake mother was isolating me by force and preventing me to have any friends, for all kind of reasons, above all because she claimed we are strict Muslims and she does not want any Christians came near me, because they could brainwash me to hate Islam, but now I have a school friend that is the son of Sheik = Similar to Pastor or Priest, and my friendship with him did not last very long, I cannot recall how long, possibly only for a few months or at the most until the end of the school year.

10.      This is where my first friend ever lived, first friend after they caused me total amnesia. He was named Sameh, last name forgotten, and was Christian, his mother was dead, and he lived only with his father, I went a couple of times to his home to study with him, and his father was treating us like I never seen before or even after, as if his father was the housekeeper and is serving both of us and looking very good after us, while we were under 10 years old, in other words and while we were learning together in his room, his father would come and bring us sandwiches and glasses of drinks with some napkins. Since my fake mother had telepathy and can read my mind and possibly can see where I am going after school (I do not know the actual distance of telepathy capabilities) and since she wanted to isolate me to prevent any one to help me, but also to prevent anyone to teach me something that can help my intelligence to grow but also to prevent any one to check me out by asking me questions, because her job was 100% to isolate me, therefore she forbid me to speak to him again and claimed because he is Christian and we are Muslims, and then she went to the School headmaster and requested from him to separate me of my new school friend by placing him in another classroom. In Cairo Egypt and possibly in all Egypt, there were too many students for each classroom grade, therefore for each classroom grade they had several classrooms, for example for my class grade 7, they had classroom-7A, Classroom-7B and Classroom-7C and in each classroom there was between 35 and 50 students, therefore they removed Sameh to another classroom, and I went to his home after that, but his father told me I am not allowed to come here again, because my mother requested that, which very much means either the school headmaster or my fake mother met the father of my new friend and told him to not allow me to visit Sameh = she was 100% top criminal and psychopath that had one goal which was to isolate me and later they even used the American military to do that starting March 1970 until January 1976, whereby from January 1976 and until September 1977 I became Christian and while I was enslaved under the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray I suddenly was also surrounded by 2000 members of this church named Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim , and this 2000 members were in this small city of at that time 5000 population, the rest 3000 where mainly Catholics with exception of small amount of Jewish and Muslims that I estimate them today to have been less than 500. And there with from September 1977 and until 1 January 1984 I was free of these psychopaths’ American military that enslaved me since March 1970. But they came all over my life again on January 1984 and gradually enslaved me and starting 24.12.1984 I was to 90% isolated until they kidnapped me from Germany to USA on September 1986, where I was 100% isolated until today in June 2024, and it is always the same reasoning, by allegedly claiming that Christians are going to brainwash me by allowing me to be their friends, and therefore I was 100% isolated since my birth, with the exception of the period from January 1976 and until they reisolated me again and by force on 24.12.1984, and today I see the big possibility that they used the evil German court to force me to be separated of my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and enslave me under the BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud = she is 100% the hired prostitute by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families that kidnapped me as infant in the begin of 1950s and kidnapped me again sometime around January 1960 and took me to Cairo Egypt to isolate me again, and on 24.12.1984 enslaved me again and kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA, where I was 100% totally isolated of my past and of any friendship whatsoever by using these mother fuckers family named Mahmoud and Khodor as distraction of the mother fuckers Saudi Arabian royal family + Jordanian royal family alias the official fake members of my fake family alias my entire fake family that are 100% all and in the hidden are  members of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and that is why I am breaking the Christianity rules and using the only words I can describe them which is they are psychopaths mother fucker for their slavery doings to me and slavery doings to millions others in USA, and to million others in the UK, and to million others in Germany and to over 95% of the entire population of Middle East and Africa and prior to that they did the same for 500  years to the oldest population on this planet which are the Indian population of India and the Chinese population of China, and both are equal to around 3 billion human being in just 2 countries = other countries or even entire population of north America and entire Europe and based only on the count of the population of roughly one billion of over 40 countries, and therefore they  are 100% psychopath mother fuckers named English royal family and Rockefeller families that are with no doubt whatsoever banished to the planet earth because the other planet did not want to waste their time in locking them up and gave them a chance to redeem their selves, and they failed, and they are the current cause of countless slavery wars including but not limited to Russian-Ukraine war, Israel-Palestinian wars and other wars but also countless slavery unrest in countless countries to enslave the population such as Nigeria + Niger + Sudan+ Kenya and many others. As result of what they did to the Indian population (= the current India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) by enslaving them for over 500 years of which 300 years official colony country, and as result of this long term slavery and today in 2024 Indian population (= the current India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) is the poorest population per capita and worldwide, I saw many very intelligent Indian and Pakistani persons in my life, yet even top intelligent person has no chance against telepathy slavery and government military slavery, just look what these psychopath mother fuckers did to me for 72 years of which and in the last 54 years in the so-called free democratic countries, Germany + USA + UK + the Netherlands, where you can clearly see I had and still have no chance for any kind of freedom whatsoever even today in June 2024, because today in June 2024 I am doing nothing else but trying to understand what went wrong in my life, and today I know I was born in a pile of shit named Windsor and Rockefeller. And what is very sad is that they are still doing the same to the entire population of other countries such as in the Middle East and in Africa and South America and some parts of East Asia, but also they are doing the same in the UK, USA, and Germany!



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Almaza-1: My fake sister Fadia Shawki and her friends

This is a detail map where my fake sister Fadia Shawki and her friends and neighbors lived at the Air Force airport named Almaza


Search address for Google map:

In short: 15 Al Shahid Kamal Al Fasakhani, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

In detail: 15 Al Shahid Kamal Al Fasakhani, Almazah, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate 4461144, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:,+Almazah,+Heliopolis,+Cairo+Governorate+4461144,+Egypt/@30.0914288,31.3444883,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x145815f942120e3b:0x49955c5749199692!8m2!3d30.0914288!4d31.3470632!16s%2Fg%2F11crvjj10c?hl=en&entry=ttu




Map street view     



Note-1: Some houses/buildings could be one or 2 house to the right or left.

Note-2: at the entrance of the Airforce Airport named Almaza and today on Google map is showing things that were not there in 1960s, such as Sheraton Al Matar (in English: Sheraton the Airport or Sheraton at the Airport), possibly it is an error or it is a camouflage for the Air Force airport, or they relocated the Air Force Airport and this area is now possibly used by civilians, I do not know, however in 1960s it was 100% the Egyptian Air Force Airport, where one of their pilots named Adel Hasan was for a short period the boyfriend of my fake sister at that time named Fadia Shawki, and he used to fly military helicopter from this airport and come as close as it gets to the balcony of my fake sister that the building trembled, then he waves with his hand, just to show off. Sometimes between 1984 and 1986 he was allegedly the Egyptian military attaché (=representative) at the Egyptian embassy in Bonn, Germany, and he contacted me, actually I cannot recall any more, who contacted who at that time, and I met him in some restaurant on the river Rhein, in the city Bonn, where I was not very friendly to him, and today I know why, because I was being persecuted by the Syrian secret service that were set on me by BP-British Petroleum through their illegal hidden project named Calypso, as it is described in detail in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to BP-British Petroleum Part-3-Version-2 and to force everyone to think that I am Syrian origin as distraction of the concentrated evil the English royal family + the Rockefeller family that today I know they are my biological families as you can clearly see throughout this page. End of Note.

1.           In this standalone house, lived a friend of mine, his friendship lasted only a 1-3 months, during which they were around 5-7 new friends living in this area, I am going to skip the details because it is mentioned in another page, and I cannot recall what page it was, because I wrote it between 2018 and 2020, however and what is important, his father was either the minister of Education or was the vice-minister of Education of Egypt, while I lived around 2.8 km from this location and the immediate neighboring building to the left of our building, there was a new building constructed sometime between 1963 and 1966, and on the third or fourth floor of this new building I had a new temporary friend, his father was the secretary of the minister of Education, and this while my fake cousin named Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was a teacher and married for the second time also to a teacher, while she was the daughter of the Egyptian military general named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and one of her brothers was an officer in the Egyptian navy, today I know that all this can never be coincident!

2.           This is where my fake sister Fadia Shawki lived, today I see the possibility that my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her 2 official adult children Esmat and Essam Shawki are either one of them or both of them are just a lookalike of the originals that I knew starting roughly 1964, because prior to that and all my memory of my fake sister named Fadia Najar are 100% fake and too few = one memory as mentioned in other area on this page, and the first real memory I have of my new fake sister named Fadia Shawki is that she allegedly came back from Yemen around 1963 or 1964, and then she allegedly had Stillbirth (, meaning the birth of an infant that has died in the womb. And this is also described in other area on this page, but a short reminder, my fake sister Fadia Shawki allegedly came back after 2 years in Yemen, where her husband the Egyptian pilot was training Yemini new pilots how to fly an airplane or how to fly a specific airplane, and to make it short I will come to the point, I believe the original fake sister that I never saw, but I have one  fake memory of her, and very possibly was a man disguised as a woman and went as the wife of the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki to Yemen and after 2 years either in Yemen or thereafter they replaced the original woman with a new woman that possibly is originated from Italy or lived long in Italy, because she had too many Italian behavior, such eats Italian food only from an Italian small supermarket, where she oft sent me shopping with a list that included many Italian food and above all pork food such as Mortadella ( ). And above all and after she allegedly arrived from Yemen she is allegedly pregnant, and today I believe she was not pregnant but it was all an act to force me to think that she had a baby of the Egyptian pilot and became pregnant in Yemen and now she is 5-7 months pregnant and created a scene as described also within this page that today I do not see any truth in that scene except a deceive. I believe that the woman that went to Yemen possibly was a man and staid in Yemen for some secret operation such as terrorism, where the English royal families and the Rockefeller families are professional in creating terrorist groups to make them look good and make the so-called Arab Muslims and Muslims in general look bad, and this I am more than positive to be true than anything else I know, There is a small chance that the woman went to Yemen was a woman with telepathy and then made her look like falling in love with a local and left her fake husband and married this Yemeni. One thing is for sure, when the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki died in a plane crash that he was piloting and on this plane was also a Yemeni minister and then used Afaf Shawki identity as the official but fake father of my fake nephew Essam Shawki and his fake sister named Esmat Shawki, then this is 100% an act of hidden crime that many was involved in, and since the Rockefeller families + the English royal families had problems keeping Yemen under their control, then they created chaos in the country enable to have a reason to send real military to Yemen, and therefore they used their fake identity as the Saudi Arabian royal family that have been trying to take control of Yemen, and Yemen has been struggling since at least second world war to be free of these psychopaths, and that you can clearly see how the alleged Yemini terrorist attacks ships at the entrance of the red sea allegedly as solidarity with Palestinian and against the Israel vicious attacks on Palestinian to kill as many of them as possible to scare the rest and force them to go as refugee to Egypt and then they will annex their land called the Gaza strip, and today I know why the American, British and Germans are not stopping the Israeli government, because they can do that with just one telephone call, but the Israeli know too much about their activities in the Middel East as I am describing it and are 100% blackmailing them, and this blackmail cost nearly 40 thousand Palestinian lives, mainly women and children that were killed by Israelis since 7 October 2023 that was meant to last only 1-3 months. All this is related to this fake sister and the actions resulting of their doings in 1960s as I saw it after they kidnapped me to Cairo, Egypt to isolate me and hide me, and that is one of the main reasons why all members of my fake family were always avoiding me in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Switzerland, England and USA, to prevent me to know anything about them and therewith to prevent me see through what they are doing. Tough luck they are stupid criminals and psychopaths and do not have any idea what the future is going to bring, and today I live in the future and the future had something they could  have never think of, because they see every single human being as there stupid slave, and today and since 1978 we have something called Microsoft that made it possible for many to be able to subscribe Internet inexpensively by offering the Internet in roughly 1994 or 1995 starting 7.99 US Dollar and this also made it easier in 1998 to have something called Google, and Microsoft became my memory extension because I am using Microsoft 365, previously Office 365 to document my memory, and became my extended intelligence that made it possible for me and for billion other human beings to learn about past, present and therefore some can even foresee the future, and I am one of these people, and will show you how the future is going to be with or without these psychopaths that their mission in life is divide other in over 100 thousand different religion denominations to isolate human being of each other’s and then they enslave them and steal everything on this planet while over 50% of the entire population on this planet cannot afford life, because they are enslaved, just as they did to me in the last 72 years of my life. And this future prediction I will write it in a separate section and it is not really a prediction it is just like 1,2,3,4,5,……,70,71,72,…..100,101,102,103….3000,3001,3002, meaning and based on what I have seen in my life and learned through Google I see the future just like the sequence of the numbers above, and anyone else that went through anywhere similar life like mine would also be able to foresee the future, that is if he/she is willing to take the time for the follow human being!

Also, in the same building lived Dr. Lapeep that I relate to the Bush family and therewith 100% to the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and that is why his son named Hani Lapeep also raped me sexually. Dr. Lapeep owned the building that was 3 floors, each floor 2 apartments. He was mostly out of town, most probably out of the country and that is why an old woman pretending to be Muslim was most probably the hired nanny of his son Hani Lapeep that was around 20-22 years old, while I was roughly 14 years old and just had total amnesia 4-5 years earlier. This is how Hani Lapeep and to 80% looked like in 1960s, this is the photograph of ex-US president George H. W. Bush, there was another photo where he looked even more like Hani Lapeep, but I cannot find it anymore. For me all the facts put together make these psychopaths related family wise and business wise and above all organized crime wise!

3.           This is where the family Al-Jumaiee, translated to English would be something like “the gathered” or “the additionals/additionally” or something like that. I cannot recall if I ever went to the inside of their house, among others they had a very vicious and wild German shepherd dog that sometimes can jump over the roughly 1.5 meters high fence and attack anyone on the street and it did attack me once or twice, that I see today as on purpose to add things to my brain such as fear and to make me dislike this area as mean of brainwash and to force me not to want to think about it to prevent me to understand and see through their sadistic brainwash to me. These are the persons I knew of this family: Person-1: A female named Farida Aljumaiee and was the alleged new friend of my fake sister Fadia Shawki, today I believe they knew each other much earlier but kept it of me, among others because they all 100% neither Arabs nor Muslims. Farida was roughly 25-30 years old, I cannot recall how she looked, which very much means she had telepathy and controlled me with it each time we met.  Person-2: Ali Aljumaiee around 30-40 years old and was just about taller than me because he was the height of my fake sister, meaning under 170 cm, just like his brother Hishaam mentioned below, he had red hair and had red freckles all over his body and face, he also limped with one leg, possibly had severe injury. He also was the boyfriend of my fake sister Fadia Shawki for a short period. Person-3:  a male named Hishaam or Hesham Aljumaiee. Please note the Aljumaiee and in Arabic means 2 words = “Al” and then “Jumaiee”. “Al” sometimes written as “El” means “the”. Hishaam was around 2-3 years older than me and was slightly short for his age, and therewith he was my height, possibly he was much older than just 2-3 years older than me, and this due to his behavior and what I saw at that time and did not understand, above all I do not know his real age, I cannot recall him or anyone else telling me his age. Hishaam pretended to be my friend, I saw him a couple of times, and I have two memories traveling with him, but today I am not sure if they were true, one travel where he took me with him to their alleged farm somewhere outside Cairo and I am allegedly ridding a donkey and he is pulling the donkey, but I cannot recall traveling with him to this farm or coming back or other activities on this alleged farm = 100% fake memory. The other memory he allegedly took me with the train to Alexandria, around 200 km northwest of Cairo, where they had an apartment directly by the seaside, and during that trip we went to a hotel almost at the edge of the west side of Alexandria on the Mediterranean Sea. And this hotel had a big garden with tables and as far as I recall someone was singing possibly in English or other foreign language and people were dancing. I remember the place and the sea and going there with the train, but I do not remember going back nor I remember how many days we stayed there, nor I remember if we went swimming, and going to Alexandrian without swimming is like going to movie theater while no movies are playing = possibly is also a fake, yet I have more details of this memory, also I remember him taking me with him to Christmas party, where they were behaving as if it was New Years Eve party, or maybe it was new year’s eve party but I remembering me being invited to a so called Christmas party and I did not know what Christmas is, just that it is something from the other religion called Christianity. Last thing and what is totally odd on this allegedly young man, is that he looked just like the photo I either found coincidently or someone with telepathy manipulated me to find it, and it is the photograph of the grandfather of Barbara Pierce Bush ( the wife of ex-American president George H. W. Bush ( ) and the Great grandfather of the ex-US president George W. Bush ( He is also the father or close relative to Marvin Pierce ( the official father of Barbara Pierce bush (, where it is not really clear who James E. Robinson is in relation to the Bush family, they just say in his profile  (  he is the maternal grandfather of First Lady Barbara Bush. In other words the photo below looks around 90% like Hishaam Al-Jumaiee = related to the Bush family = the English royal family + Rockefeller families that officially are in Egypt since at least 1880. The Aljumaiee family live next to the Dr. Lapeep and his son Hani Lapeep that rapped me sexually while Hishaam pretended to be my friend for a short while and as a fake friend I have mixed up memory of him, not to forget not very far of them lived the Egyptian politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and very close to him the Queder/Koueider family that the Dutch Immigration and others tried to force me to remember them as Nazis from Germany, and the reason I believed that is because Jameel Queder/Koueider the younger brother of Bashier Queder/Koueider had very strong look similarity to Adolf Hitler, and since Bashier Queder/Koueider was the head of the family and they all lived secluded in their own building and no one else lived in that building except them, and this Bashier Queder/Koueider was overweight maybe 90-100 kg, and had either very short hair or shaved hair and no mustache, and can very possibly be Adolf Hitler hiding with his family with the help of the Rockefeller families and the English roal families and the ex-German royal families, and this while the Rockefeller families were delivering petroleum to Germany during the second world war while the Germans  were in war against UK and later USA was also involved in this war, today I see this possibility be much stronger than 3-4 years ago, because the famous Queder/Koueider 2 sweet stores that were always very well visited and I went to them countless times = they made a lot of money out of them, then this shop suddenly not only changed it is name but also the same location has the same enlarged same kind of business with at least 13 + 8 other branches and they all pretend to be Syrians just like my fake family, and today if I know that, then that is one of the reasons that the CIA + MI6 + Mossad persecuted me to death since my mother took me to Germany on 10.10.1969. Add to that that the Queder/Koueider entire family conspired with my fake mother and very possibly also her boyfriend Mohi Sabri to get me in a position to escape, where the Queder/Koueider family pretended to help me against them, while in reality they were severely brainwashing me and dragging me to stay at their house overnight during that escape, where they used their adult son named Adam Queder/Koueider to rape me sexually, which is the 100% pattern to create chaos in my mind and force me not to want to think about these times, while think the Queder/Koueider family were just trying to help me escape. More details about this escape brainwash setup is mentioned later on this page

4.           Around 300-800 meters of the apartment of my fake sister, there was the house where the Egyptian pilot named Afaf Shawki was building his own house surrounded by his own garden, and had to dears animals keeping them in the balcony at his apartment until his house is finished but he died roughly 2-3 months before his house was finished, all it need was small finishings, such as covering the cement or bricks and then painting them and other small things that could have been done in 2-3 months. The house was 2 floors, and later I was told that there was an alleged dispute between the parents of Afaf Shawki and my fake sister and her 2 children allegedly of Afaf Shawki, the dispute was about who should inherit the unfinished house the parents of the dead pilot or the wife and the 2 children of the dead pilot, the court allegedly settled this by awarding the house to the parents of the dead instead to the wife and children of the dead pilot = this is another proof that they all were acting and my original fake sister that went to Yemen with her husband was nothing else than a sly sent by the Rockefeller and the English royal family and possibly also the ex-German royal families members alias the hidden escaped Nazi that were living in Egypt, or even sent through Israel, while all pretending to be Egyptian and Egypt at that time was under the presidency of Gamal Abd Alnasser/Al-Nasser (, and from my point of view, was nothing else than a puppet for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families that were living in Egypt and control the Egyptian economy while pretending to be Egyptians and Muslims to spread the newly created Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia that was 100% intended to protect the Rockefeller family petroleum empire of the American government that split their petroleum company Standard Oil ( into 34 smaller companies

5.           This is a military base or military training center, therefore and this pure guessing, many military and Air Force officers and soldiers lived all over this area and most probably many of them, especially the higher officers, were related to these psychopaths mentioned above

6.           This is either an Air Force or Military sports club including swimming pools, I went there 1-2 times possibly with Hishaam Al-Jumaiee


All of the above plus around my apartment was repeated starting March 1970 by and in the American military base McGraw Kaserne and until 1972 as mean of brainwash and to force me to forget my past by repeating the situation with slight modifications and since it is in a different country and different language and I did not know the language and did not know anyone, I was literally screwed and totally lost and the little logic I had based on the very damaging past was 100% wiped off with brainwash by these mother fuckers American military to force me to forget my past by using brainwash, stress as well as mental and physical torture and total isolation of anything that can relate me to my past, and slowly replace my original fake brother with lookalike and later replaced my fake mother with a look alike, while my original fake mother I strongly suspect her to have been in Germany as the wife of the German politician named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that in Egypt pretended to be the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri that pretended to be an Egyptian police officer.


And that is why I fell in love with the church, because and all in all they treated me better than all the psychopaths mother fuckers mentioned above, so far!



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Almaza-2: My fake sister, Politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, Queder/Koueider family and others

Search address for Google map:

In short: 15 Al Shahid Kamal Al Fasakhani, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

In detail: 15 Al Shahid Kamal Al Fasakhani, Almazah, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate 4461144, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:,+Almazah,+Heliopolis,+Cairo+Governorate+4461144,+Egypt/@30.1005707,31.329358,3088m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x145815f942120e3b:0x49955c5749199692!8m2!3d30.0914288!4d31.3470632!16s%2Fg%2F11crvjj10c?hl=en&entry=ttu





Map street view        




Note: this map is zoomed out of the prior map to show how close spies and hidden colonialists live next to each other’s, whereby I did not mention several others because I forgot, and I did not even mention much more because I do not know them, yet I know that they exist because not only this is the pattern but also because they isolated me and all of our official relatives avoided me to prevent me to know too much. Tough luck, I know what I know, but the main reason that there are many more, that I estimate to be several 10 thousands, is because each one of these mentioned have countless relatives and friends that I did not see, but I know that they exist because this is the normal way to have many relatives and friend, especially the organized crime family usually have huge hierarchical network . End of Note.

1.           The apartment where I lived on 111 El Hegaz street next to Heliopolis hospital in Cairo, Egypt

2.           Maryland Park, where I went there often, either with my fake mother + Mohi Sabri or with my fake sister Fadia Shawki and her alleged new boyfriend the actual medical doctor Alaa Ali, and mainly we went to the restaurant and sometimes rented a padel boat in the 2 lakes, as far as I recall they were connected

3.           This is where the family Shawki lived in their 3-4 floor building very close and behind of a movie theater at that time called Safeer movie theater, but the name was in Arabic not English, Safeer is the name of the square and in Arabic is written sfir but pronounced Safeer. As far as I recall their building was in the northern eastern right buildings block to the movie theater block, meaning on the street behind the movie theater named El-Khalifa El-Mansour street and roughly 150 meters of the begin of the street that begins directly from behind the movie theater at the street Mahmoud Hafez that begins just roughly 20 meters to the south of the street Abou Bakr El-Sedeek, and the Abou Bakr El-Sedeek goes the whole way along the building of the Queder/Koueider family and just a few meter of the street where the Egyptian politician lived and continues to the Almaza Airport where my fake sister Fadia Shawki lived which equals roughly 1 KM

4.           This is where the movie theater named Safeer and written as Sfir on the Safeer square and mentioned in the above point

5.           Roughly here was the school San George located in 1960s as mentioned below

6.           This is the square named Al-Ismailia square and it is just one tram stop from Safeer square, and here where my fake brother used to get of the tram to go to his school named San George, I believe they may have relocated the school somewhere else because I cannot find it in this area any more

7.           This is where the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael roughly lived with his family in a standalone house, and he vouched for us that we all are allegedly Syrian, and he allegedly was friend with my official but fake nonexistent father named Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar and both were allegedly members of the British Freemason. Today I know that this fake father was some attorney working in London sometimes between 1920 and 1940s and most probably died, and the English royal family used the photograph of his dead identity as the alleged husband of my fake mother and the alleged father of all my 3 fake sister s and fake brother, whereby 2 of my fake sister and 100% had lookalikes that they exchanged places with between 1960 and 1963/64, and my fake brother had possibly 3-4 lookalikes that he exchanged places with from 1966 and until 1990s in UA, Jordan and most probably also in Germany, while I had an identical twin, and did not know about him that took my identity in Cairo, Egypt starting 11.10.1969 and today I strongly suspect that he also used my identity in Germany, possibly with my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, and that is why I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in a very bizarre way that left a trail in Germany as if someone planned to use my identity in Germany, but this is pure speculation and educated guess based on countless situations in my life but also based on a huge pattern of members of my fake family in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, UK,USA and in other countries!

8.           Egyptian military base or military training base

9.           This is where the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki the official husband of my fake sister Fadia Shawki was building his own standalone house with garden and died 2-3 months before the house was completed

10.      This is where my fake sister Fadia Shawki and her official husband the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki lived roughly from 1964 and until I was taken from Cairo , Egypt to Germany on 10.10.1969, thereafter I believe they either kept the apartment or possibly moved to the house that was supposed to have been finished sometimes in 1966 or 1967, then lied to me and claimed they relocated to the UK-Unted Kingdom in 1970 with no visa problem, while I was being kept by force isolated in the American military base in Munich, Germany and enslaved under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray for 7 years until the church freed me of this slavery in September 1977, during which I was forced to be refugee with waiting status for 7 years, even though and starting 1973 my forced upon me wife named Anita Disbray was British and I was allowed to have residence permit, because the UK entered the EEC-European Economic Community (in German EWG-Europäische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft: ) yet they kept me as slave. Yet my fake sister + her husband + her alleged 2 children under 10 years old, were able to go to the UK and live there with no problem = all lies

11.      This where the Airforce and/or military sport’s club is located, including swimming pools

12.      This is a square/roundabout named Triumph square. This is where I used to get of the tram named Metro to go for 2 years to the private school named Al-Kawmiah and be in the same classroom as Abdel Hakim Nasser the son of ex Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser as mean of blackmail to the English royal family, and right after a few months I was set up to get to know my oldest fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier that was a very nasty person, and without me recognizing it at that time, she linked me to the Jordanian royal family and in particular to king Hussein and 2 of his children that exchanged places without me noticing it at that time, and therewith and through this fake sister that I never seen prior to begin 1966, everyone that was monitoring me was distracted of the English royal family

13.      This is roughly where the real medical doctor named Dr. Alaa Ali lived with his mother, that was small and skinny and used to always wear black I believe because she was mourning her dead husband that was and as far as I recall train engineer that instruct plans for train tracks, and today I know why I was introduced to so many things in the church that was supposed to remind me of my past, among other a man that was allegedly working as engineer for the German train company called DB-Deutsche Bahn and was also instructing plans to build train tracks, and this was one out of maybe 25-50 other things that were in 1976-1978 created by church members and were supposed to remind me of Cairo, Egypt form the 1960s or were used as blackmail situation while pretending to be getting my attention to these situations, many of them are mentioned all over my complaint pages, then Siemens AG and with severe brainwash and telepathy controlled me by using a hired prostitute named Rene Zielske and she was really a prostitute due to some of her behavior in bed that I only saw in prostitute houses that I was taken to as mean of brainwash in Cairo Egypt by Hisham Aljumaiee, he is also mentioned in this page, and later the American military also took me to a German prostitute house in summer 1970 and as far as I recall it was on Herzogstrasse (= Herzog Street) that was in the city section of Munich called Schwabing and later also the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and in 1984 forced me to go to prostitute houses among others by using the alleged Lebanese Business man named George Estifan that was allegedly starting a business in Geneva, Switzerland and was used as distraction of my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that also was in Geneva since 1976/1977 and pretended to be Syrian consul and he was most definitely not, he was and still is a criminal mother fucker that performed a lot of damage to my life as it is mentioned in this page and other pages

14.      This is where the private school was located named Gamal Abdel Nasser National School and in Arabic it is written as this image showing

I was always calling is Alkawmiyah school, because this is the main name of the school, and it is the word on the left side of the above Arabic text the English translation to English is slightly wrong it should be Nationalism and not Natonal or even Republican instead of National and here is the exact address in Arabic:

In English is means

In English it means: Al-Shaheed Mohammad Hassona, of  the Alamal street behind the Gamal Abdel Nasser National School in Triumph square, Egypt, and here the exact map of the location and name from Google map, please note, that they are 2 different schools behind each other, one for languages and the other regular school:,31.3445099,649m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x14581508dc5a9085:0x15b8939d8eb6d0f7!8m2!3d30.0996614!4d31.345372!16s%2Fg%2F11h_bqv65p?hl=en&entry=ttu . And here is a picture, also from Google map, of the building I was in, and it is one of the classrooms on the ground floor and in front of the building is the break time playground where student had breaks between lessons, the left side of the building was the main entrance and the school administration including the headmaster of the school:


15.      This is roughly and direct on the main street where the family Queder/Koueider had their own 2-3 floor building and inside the building they had around 70-100 square meters in the central of the building and had no apartment over it, in other words the apartment were all around a square of roughly 70-100 square meters to keep the apartments cool in the hot summer days where it can get over 40 degrees in the summer, yet this entrance hall the only ceiling it has is at the last floor, meaning from down I can see all apartments around a walkway around the square of roughly 70-100 square meters and from this walkway on each floor around the square is the entrance door to each apartments, I cannot recall how many apartments they were on each floor and if it was 2 or 3 floors, possibly 4-6 apartments per floor, and the stairway goes from the main building entrance to each of the walkways on each floor. Only the family of Queder/Koueider lived in this building. The head of the family was Bashier Queder/Koueider and lived with his wife and children in one apartment, his younger brother named Jameel Queder/Koueider with his wife lived in a separate apartment, and there were others, but I cannot recall their relations. Possibly Jameel Queder/Koueider was the son of Bashier Queder/Koueider ad they lied and say he is his younger brother to distract of their real identity as hidden escaped Nazi and are very possibly the family of Adolf Hitler and I have many small to big indications that Bashier Queder/Koueider was possibly Adolf Hitler, I might list them after I finish this section, that is if I remember it (!!). This building was identical look from the inside to the building of the German agent named Mohamad Attar that was introduced to me sometime in 1971 at the concentrated evil American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany, and through an American military Sargent named allegedly Hamouri that pretended to be Palestinian origin because my fake fake mother and fake 3 uncles and the Bdeir/Budier family in Amman Jordan set me up in end of 1969 to look like as if I am heavily related to PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization that was marked by many as an alleged terrorist organization, just as they are doing the same today and since 7 October 1987 with Hamas as described elsewhere, and PLO was since 1960s and until 1990s marked as terrorist organization by several countries in Europe, Asia and USA, and then forced me on 15 January 1970 to apply for political asylum in Munich, Germany and I gave them unknowingly the reason in my asylum interview that made me look like as if I am a terrorist myself and I never noticed this setup until after the year 2001, and gradually I understood some of my past. And this setup was just one out of another 4 simultaneous setups to give the American military the right to take me of the hands of the Germans to isolate me and enslave me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that literally kept me as an isolated slave for 7 years starting 20 August 1970 and until September 1977, where the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim freed me of this slavery, and in this church I was surrounded by around 2000 members and several of them had planned to surround me with things to remind me of my past in Cairo, Egypt from 1960 to 1969, and this started January 1976 to summer 1978, where Siemens AG hired me and used a hired prostitute named Renee Zielske to remove me of this city where I was set up to become Christian, and today I know the real reason for this, and it was not only the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that was disguised as Mohi Sabri the fake boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, but also and 100% the actual main reason was the Queder/Koueider family as it is described in several areas within this page and other pages. Today I believe the head of the Queder/Koueider family in 1960s was Bashier Queder/Koueider and this as I get to know them through my fake mother that claimed she knows them because they are allegedly were the neighbors of her father in Damascus, Syria, she also claimed the same about each Syrian we get to know in Cairo, Egypt that today I estimate them to have been over 200 persons including their alleged family members such as wives and children. Bashier Queder/Koueider was the oldest one in this family named Queder/Koueider and I see a very big possibility to 99% that he was Adolf Hitler relocated by British and Americans at the end of the second world war to Cairo, Egypt, possibly they relocated him 2-3 times to other places prior to Cairo, Egypt and sometime in the 1950s the Queder/Koueider family relocated to Cairo, Egypt and claimed to be Syrian origin, and I believe this to be true, yet I have no way of verifying it except by writing the details of my past in these complaint pages and there with others can possibly verify it and possibly also prove it publicly, because this will show that all the right wings and American and British spies in Germany, France and Italy are promoting Nazism while pretending to be against Nazi, meaning they are 100% trying to destroy the EU-European Union from Inside out  by creating chaos, which is one of their specialties and that you can very clearly see throughout my complaint pages, but also throughout the history, and then blame these chaos on the alleged far right political parties that are promoted from the background by them such as the following 3 partied in the most important economical countries in the EU-European Union which are: Germany France and Italy:


Germany: AFD-Alternative für Deutschland (in English: Alternative for Germany) in Germany, headed by Tino Chrupalla ( ) and Alice Weidel (


France: RN-Rassemblement National (in English: National Rally) in France, headed by Jordan Bardella ( ) and famous by Marine Le Pen (


Italy: FDI-Fratelli d'Italia (in English: Brothers of Italy) in Italy, headed by the current Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni (


Just alone the names of the parties says that they have no principles nor foundation nor a description of their goals, such democratic or freedom, or economic or promotion for everyone to reach the future safely and above all financially secured, instead they create divisions and attack others instead of promoting their own country by heling every single human being living in their country to pitch in and help  to promote the economy for the country. From my point of view, they are nothing but paid saboteurs to destruct the unity of the EU-European Union and therewith promote the American and British controlling families to be more in control of the EU-European union. Anything else is 100% an act of deceiving and destruction in one way or another.


16.      This is the Heliopolis Hospital, Cairo, Egypt next to apartment I lived in for roughly 10 years and where the real medical doctor named Dr. Alaa Ali worked and I get to know him in that hospital in 1968 or 1969, yet I did not know that he had an identical lookalike that was in Saudi Arabian that I get to know around 1976 in the UK and pretended to be the Egyptian one.




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Almaza-3: My fake sister + Queder/Koueider = Partners??

Search address for Google map:

In short: Abdel Rahim Koueider بجوار مستشفي مصر للطيران

In detail: Abdel Rahim Koueider بجوار مستشفي مصر للطيران, Abou Bakr El-Sedeek, Cairo, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:,31.3457479,16z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x1458157efa64e2ab:0x66f6f5128b45fcf9!8m2!3d30.0928613!4d31.3471298!16s%2Fg%2F11ftxctz83?entry=ttu,31.3445549,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x1458157efa64e2ab:0x66f6f5128b45fcf9!8m2!3d30.0928613!4d31.3471298!16s%2Fg%2F11ftxctz83?hl=en&entry=ttu









Map street view      



Very important note: the name Queder/Koueider I translated it to English how I pronounce it. In Arabic this is how you write it (قويدر) the word has 5 letters and that is why I originally translated it to Queder = 6 letters, the first letter in the Arabic name and from the right side, it does not exist in English, and it does not have similar letters, the closet letter in English and this is from my point of view is the letter “Q”, the letter “K” in English it also exist in Arabic and it is called Kaaf which is pronounced in English as “K” and this is how it looks “ك”. Today and during my research and with the help of my extended intelligence called I found some information that are significant, among others that the family Queder/Koueider write their name in English differently as “Koueider”, which is 7 letters, you can still pronouncing it close to the Arabic word (قويدر), yet and from my point of view it has too many vowels and it start with the wrong letter “K” instead of “Q”, these are small things, yet and very possibly it means to hide the name. Also is important to know I never ever heard of the name (قويدر) except of the family mentioned in my complaint pages, it is a pattern that hidden colonialists such as Israelis, Americans and above all British that invented this concept, they always use unusual names when they go under cover, such as Queder/Koueider, Bdeir, Baroudi, Malas, Kheir, Abokurah/Abo Kurah and so on plus they add a Muslim name, such Mohamad to show as if they are Muslims, and in the case of Queder/Koueider added the name “Abdel Rahim” it was not there in 1960s, possibly they added it because of my complaint pages. The name Abdel Rahim is 2 words as follows: Abdel means “slave of” and the word Rahim mean “The Compassionate” meaning God, in Islam they have the so called 99 good names of God, such as Compassionate, forgiving, generous and so on and Rahim is one of these 99 Godly names, in other words whenever you see a name start with Abdel it means that the following name is one of the 99 Godly names. However and from my point of view, God does not create slaves, but rather he created free intelligent human beings, that are often enslaved and misused such as they do to Palestinians, Saudi Arabians, and most of the African countries, and the same is also valis in South America and in East and south Asia and if you look very closely and very critically with some understanding to the behavior of other in USA, UK and in Europe, then you see that here there are also countless enslaved people, such I was all my life and my complaint pages describe this hidden severe tortures slavery, even in the Netherlands and Germany, and as a a hidden slave I often can recognize most of other hidden slaves, and when I go out for shopping or to do other necessary things out of my apartment, then I see myself surrounded by countless hidden slaves, and this is the truth . My guess because the organized crime families such as my fake families = the Rockefeller families + English royal families mixed with Israelis and other nationalities + countless kidnapped children, they all are psychopaths and think that they are somehow superior to others and want to have unique things, such as a unique name and unique behavior and that other bow for them, and my only bow for all of them is my middle finger, or as the British do it the entire right arm while holding it with my left arm and other British use 2 finger the point finger and the finger next to it, while moving both fingers upwards pointing to the bottom of the human being, because this is the only way they can think like their own bottoms, and this complain page is the prove, and when you add to it all other complaint pages that make the big picture of these psychopaths, then you can clearly recognize that they are nothing else than what you usually flush down the toilet.

Also it is important to mention that a few years ago I changed the spelling from Queder to Kwader, and this based on a severe brainwash that was performed upon me here in the Netherlands to force my mind to link these psychopaths mother fuckers to the ex-Soviet Union and not to the Americans Rockefeller families and the English royal families and the ex-German royal families and all 3 by using Israel and Jewish as distraction of their selves, but also they used Indians and Africans and countless others, because they are cowered and like to hide, on the other side I am transparent and like to work with others for the interest of every one, because we are human beings that live by intelligence and not animals that live by instinct, exceptions are my fake family = the English royal family + the Rockefeller families, they are animals disguised as human beings and they live only by instinct, and their instinct is smelling money and killing anyone to steal their money and/or properties as they stole literally everything from me, anyone tells you anything else, he/she is either brainwashed or he/she is lying to you, and that you can clearly see through my complaint pages that it does nothing else but describe what is going on in their mind and how they implement the thoughts of their mind and enforce it upon others such as children, by kidnapping them, causing them total amnesia, brainwash them, rape them and enslave them lifelong into their adulthood and then lock them up unjustly = they are through and through psychopaths that urgently need your help and not your killing!!


And if I use Islam teaching to describe our lives, then it well be like this: an intelligent being can only create other intelligent beings or intelligent products and services, but most what we have is a killer that generate money for them. An compassionate God can only create a compassionate human being, a free God can only create free human beings, a forgiving God can only create a forgiving human beings and the list goes on and on just like the 99 good godly names, yet most people are suffering in one way or another, and the majority of people do not even see it or do not care or have no chance to express their opinion of even offer their help to the suppressed, because they are their selves fighting for survival and that you can clearly see how Israeli constantly killing Palestinians and this since over 70 years as distraction of all others Israelis + Americans + British + others that are 100% controlling the entire Middle East while pretending to be Muslims and Arabs, just from other so called Arab country, just like my fake family over 200 person in every single Arab country and in Germany and in the UK and in USA and in Switzerland and in France and in Italy, while all of them pretend to be originated from Syria, not to mention all their hidden from me relative, friends and business partners that use absolutely the same brainwash scheme to enslave others by using sadistic laws, and all this is described in my complaint pages including some of their real identities!


Now to the above 3 map locations:

1.           This is where the Queder/Koueider live or used to live or partially some of them still live in one of these buildings directly on the main street

2.           Based on google map, this is where they have one of their new sweet’s shops. In the begin of 1960 they had one store that was downtown Cairo and opposite the movie theater named Cinema Metro, later they opened a second shop on the location of this shop (You can use google search and type or copy and paste the following:    كرم الشام فرع مصر الجديدة   OR click here to see it on google map:,31.3144366,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x14583f4b24a481bb:0xb20709e98f2b4a8d!8m2!3d30.0922644!4d31.3170115!16s%2Fg%2F11kq6crb6c?hl=en&entry=ttu ), this shop is the same offering yet it has a different name “Karam El-Sham” also the original one and based on Google map still there but with the original name slightly modified. And to make it easier to understand I believe they have opened at least 3 different shops each with different name and different branches as follow:

2.1.           Shop-1: “Karam El-Sham” and it has several unknown to me numbers of branches; it has no website but if you search for it on google you find it. The reason why I think it belongs to the same Queder/Koueider family because the above google search point to the second shop of the Queder/Koueider family in that location that they opened sometimes after 1964 and I visited many times

2.2.           Shop-2: “Abdel Rahim Koueider” (in Arabic عبد الرحيم قويدر ), I added the name in Arabic letters as well as an image, because some computers and other screens may not be able to display Arabic letters but can show an image, and on the name you can see that they just added the name “Abel Rahim”, and it has roughly 30 branches, which you can see on their website and on social medias as follow:






2.3.           Shop-3: Mandarine Koueider, in Arabis (), and this shop offer the same sweet and Syrian food as the others, it just added the word Mandarine to the name Queder/Koueider. It has 9 branches. The word Mandarine it supposed to be the fruit Mandarin and they just added an “E” at the end and that you can clearly see it in their official logo as follow:

Mandarine Koueider store logo

3.           This is where the following people lived:

3.1.           My fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar that I relate through her official husband Dr. Alaa Ali to Dr. Amin Nasser the CEO of ARAMCO and therewith she is in one way, or another related to the Rockefeller families + the English royal families

3.2.           Dr. Lapeep and his son Hani Lapeep, that I relate to the Bush family alias the ex-US president George H. W. Bush and his son ex-US president George W. Bush = royal family behavior, one man is the president and his son is also the president while his other son Jeff Bush was the governor of the US State of Florida = royal family behavior and royal family name convention/pattern also as the presidents of USA that pretend to be democratic and leader of the free world that exist only their sick fantasies

3.3.           The Aljumaiee family, that I relate to the Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of ex-US president George H. W. Bush


Is this coincident (??) that the 2 different Queder/Koueider shops have the same offering and the third is for other food stuff, while they have only one website, even though each has several branches.


This is only to show how psychopaths are the Queder/Koueider family that are 100% originated from one of the followings: English royal families and/or the Rockefeller families and/or the ex-German royal families alias the current German controlling families such as Siemens AG, Mercedes Benz, Deutsche telecom, Deutsche Bank and many others. Don’t forget that prior to first  world war or even prior to second world war, no one was allowed to have a major or large company, if any one would build such a company, then they would in one way or another steal it and this includes all the public utility companies such as electricity, water, telephone and even Engineering, Construction, Transportation and so on, which very much means all the companies that were started prior to these 2 wars are 100% owned and controlled by royal families and or ex-royal families such as in Germany, yet they pretend to be not royal families to have ability to move around and living in freedom, without anyone suspecting them to be related to the royal families = psychopath con people undercover = my fake and biological families!


I added this map in addition to all other as more details of psychopath Israeli + English royal families + Rockefeller families that all pretend to be Muslim and Arabs and live all over the Middle East since at the latest the second world war and many more also since first world war and many since before the year 1880!


In addition to all of the above the website of the shop Abdel Rahim Koueider has 100% fake history, because they 100% officially went allegedly from Damascus, Syria as the alleged neighbors of my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi and in 1950s to Cairo, Egypt, most probably during the Egyptian Syrian union ( ), which means possibly the earliest they relocated to Cairo, Egypt was 1958, during which countless fake Syrian relocated to Cairo, many of them Jewish Israelis that were used by the psychopaths English royal families and the Rockefeller families as distraction of themselves, meaning, whenever someone suspect them not to be Syrians, then they pretend to be Jewish from Israel and point to the others that are enslaved by them and are Jewish from Israel, and this fraud/swindle/deceive strategy you can clearly see throughout my complaint pages and it is often performed also by many members of my fake family, such as my fake mother all her psychopaths mother fuckers 5 fake brother + one fake sister and countless others.


Please note the text below I copied from the website and pasted below including small spelling errors. The location of the text is under “About us” at the bottom of the page. Also, if you see the website is displayed in Arabic, you can add at the end of the address “/en” and press enter to refresh the page to be in English language.


Begin of Fake history on their website


About Abdel Rahim Koueider

Our story began in 1930 with a magical trip to Damascus (Syria), which inspired Abdel Rahim Koueider's father to make the tastiest sweets he knew and pass them down from era to era. From exceptional, straightforward ingredients such as summit, sugar, yogurt, and butter, we were able to delight enthusiasts with mouthwatering sweets rich in the authentic taste of oriental & western sweets, ice cream & bakery & Dairy desserts. Having initiated our journey with the first branch, we decided to continue the legacy of Abdel Rahim Koueider and open various branches to ensure that we are always close to all who appreciate the delicious original taste of oriental sweets.



The original taste of oriental sweets

Abdel Rahim Koueider brings the finest and most delectable oriental sweets from Damascus (Syria), a source of authentic and traditional flavors. We are passionate about providing the best of both oriental and western sweets and ice cream with a variety of flavors to satisfy our customers. Our commitment to innovation and excellence ensures that our products are always up-to-date and of the highest quality. Abdel Rahim Koueider’s sweets are perfect for any occasion and make an excellent gift for any gathering. And, of course, no Ramadan night is complete without our delicious oriental or bakery and cake desserts. Honestly, the original taste of oriental sweets is something to be savored and appreciated.


End of Fake history on their website


Now here I will add a joint setup and severe torture brainwash they performed on me roughly end 1966 or in 1967. And it is joint brainwash because they all were involved as you can clearly see through the setup description. Let me say in other words, they teamed together to perform a severe brainwash on me to prevent me to want to remember my past and try to understand it, because they were hidden escaped Nazis including my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her official boyfriend Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, today I believe my original fake mother is most probably the official first wife of ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and lived with him in Germany and that is why she set me up to be locked up by the concentrated evil American military in Munich, Germany, where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray.


Here I will show you how sadistic and criminals are the Queder/Koueider family that conspired with the below listed persons to perform a very sadistic and vicious brainwash situation that torture my live inside out while also rapping me sexually as mean of severe brainwash and to prevent me to want to remember my past to prevent my brain to analyze my past and understand my surroundings as it is described all over my complaint pages and also in this severe brainwash setup that were performed through a very criminal sadistic animals disguised as human beings, actually, it is an insult to animals to compare this mother fuckers with animals, here are the brainwash partners for this severe brainwash that lasted roughly 3-4 days that was performed sometime between end 1966 and end 1967:

1.           My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the hidden son of ex-Jordan king Hussein and the brother to the current Jordan king Abdullah. My fake brother are 2 different persons that have a lot of look similarities. This mother fucker came into my life roughly end of summer 1966 and lived with us in our apartment and then moved out of our apartment sometimes between end of 1966 and spring 1967, and ever since I did not see this criminal mother fucker, until the American military took me for isolation and re-brainwash and to enslave me under their prostitute agent that was nothing else than English royal family prostitute and had an identical lookalike that she exchanged places with, this human trash woman was named Anita Disbray and on 20 August 1970 she was at least 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old, while I was hopelessly being brainwashed by the American military and was not able to recognize that at that time, and just roughly 4-6 weeks later they brought another lookalike of my fake brother and forced me to think it is the same person, they also and a couple of months later brought an identical lookalike of my fake mother to distract that this prostitute named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi was living with her husband named in Egypt Mohi Sabri and in Germany Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that later became vice Chancellor of Germany and was planned for him to become chancellor and that is the main reason why the criminal psychopath American military did to me what they did to cover up that my original fake mother live now in a different German city as German and with German citizenship while I was being severely tortured from February 1970 and until I was setup to become Christian in 1976, where my new church friends and without me noticing at that time separated me of this English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that literally kept me as slave in Munich for 7 years

2.           My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that are at least 2 identical look persons that exchanged places during that period  and I never noticed it, here is how they exchanged places, I believe my fake mother was the first wife of Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, and when they both come from Germany to Cairo, then the lookalike that was living with me and pretending to be my mother, would then disappear while they are in Cairo, and after they leave she comes back, this is pure conclusion, I have no prove whatsoever for this conclusion

3.           The boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann

4.           My fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi

5.           And some unknown to me university students that I believe were to 99.99% the friends and/or relatives of my fake cousin that came allegedly from Syria to study medicine in Cairo along with his alleged very short cousin, but also the Koueider family had adult children that were in the university, one of them that was used to rape me was named Adam Queder/Koueider, and very possibly other psychopaths mother fuckers originated of the Saudi Arabian official royal families as well as the psychopath mother fuckers official Jordanian royal family that were surrounding my life since spring 1966 to distract me of the English royal family.


Here is the brainwash setup, please note due to all the brainwash and telepathy control I cannot remember all the details, also because I am constantly reanalyzing my past to better understand it, I sometimes fall in periods of severe sadness and depressions that also contribute to forgetting the details.


Begin of the brainwash setup:

My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias as mentioned above, arrived in Cairo end of summer 1966 allegedly to live with us, because they claimed that my oldest sister Suhair Bdeir get married to a Syrian working in Jordan and she took her brother with her to allegedly ease the burden on my fake mother that allegedly became widow in January 1953 and with 5 children, which all were 100% lies. Anyway, this fake brother mistreated me very badly among others by beating me up very badly and caning me with brome stick that was roughly 150 cm ( After a while I just wanted to leave home and escape this viciousness. Somehow, I escaped home and went to the house of the Queder/Koueider. Their son named Adam, at that I believe he was a student in the university either Ain Shams or Al-Azhar university, He was older than me and maybe 20-22 years old while I was around 14 years old, I cannot recall the details, but I believe I spoke with him about want to escape home and he gave me the name of someone and also made an appointment for me to meet him in some café, that night I slept at the house of the Queder/Koueider family that was 2 or 3 floor building and only the family lived in this building. There building was on the same street as my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar lived roughly 700 meters further as shown in the maps, but also the Egyptian politician and hidden sex partner of my fake mother lived less than 200 meters of the Queder/Koueider house. I slept on the couch in the entrance room, I was waked up by Adam Koueider and he raped me sexually, even in this apartment there was at least 5-6 persons. The next day, I went to meet this man that allegedly would help me escape to Europe, please note that between January 1960 and spring 1962, I still cannot determine the exact time, they caused me a total amnesia, among others to prevent me to learn and have my own intelligence, because these mother fuckers, and here I mean my entire fake and biological families kept me my entire life as slave, and this slavery was built upon the total amnesia and total isolation to prevent me of learning from others. Anyway I met that man and he send me on a tour where I landed by several university students that each was supposed to help me escape to Europe, and each rapped me sexually, and therewith I was going around Cairo walking from one area to another because I had no money and I cannot take the public transportation and within the 3-4 days I must have walked at least 70-100 KM, and to be precise I walked from our home to the Queder/Koueider home to university of Ain Shams and to the university of Al-Azhar and then landed in an apartment of 2 university students, that did not rape me, but rather kept me at their apartment for 1-2 days, during which they allegedly contacted either the police or my fake mother, today I believe they did not contact anyone, it was all panned, above all and all what was happening to me, was 100% pure telepathy control and I never knew anything about telepathy until starting April 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA, where unknown persecuted me heavily with telepathy and forced me to recognize it is telepathy and not hallucinations, back to the escape setup and on the third or fourth day of escaping and while I was still at the apartment of these 2 students they were at the university and I went walking and as I came back later in the afternoon, there was Mohi Sabri with 2 men dressed as police soldiers, and when I saw them at the entrance of the building I ran away, but the 2 soldiers caught me and I was taken home. Today I believe that all the persons listed above conspired together to perform all this for many reasons, as follow:

1.           As distraction of the Queder/Koueider that they pretend to be Syrians, today I believe they are either the family of Adolf Hitler and Adolf Hitler was helped by Americans and British to hide and relocate under fake identity, I see the big possibility that Adolf Hitler fake identity was Bashier Queder/Koueider, or Bashier Queder/Koueider is another hidden escaped German Nazi alias ex-German royal family and the German royal family is 100% related family wise to the English royal family and related family wise to the ex-Russian royal family, which you can clearly see that King George V of the UK was the cousin of the the last Russian emperor Nicholas II and both were the cousins of the last German emperor Wilhelm II  and all 3 were grandchildren of queen Victoria of the UK and all 3 shared around 10 years where they were king and emperors at the same time ( + + ) and this means that at the end of the second world war they all agreed that many of their relatives would be relocated under fake identity to other countries, while faking their mass suicide (, never forget criminals love their selves and would never commit suicide, unless someone with telepathy forced a few of them to commit suicide as cover up for the fake 7000 suicides (=seven thousand)

2.           To leave it in my mind that Mohi Sabri is an Egyptian police officer, which he was most definitely not

3.           To coverup for my fake brother as the hidden son and hidden brother  of the mother fuckers English royal family male prostitutes named king Hussein and king Abdullah, they are nothing else than public puppets the real royal family is called Bdeir/Budier and others such as Abokurah, Malas and many others that literally control the Economy, and since many of them are also originated from the Rockefeller families which I will prove to you in this page, therefore they have a huge business network that expands to maybe 40 or even 100 countries or more, I saw them at least in the following countries: Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Germany, UK, USA, Japan, Netherlands and I know of their businesses existence  in country I was not in, which are Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Tunis, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, China, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and many more that I do not know about

4.           To create confusion in my mind and chaotic logic and feelings which is essential for long term brainwash and hidden slavery

5.           To force my mind to think that I am voluntarily homosexual

6.           And other reasons, that I know and most of them I do not know, but I may suspect, because they are criminal psychopath mother fuckers, which you can clearly see through out my complaint pages how many times these mother fuckers rapped me, in Egypt, in Jordan, in Germany and above all in USA and they call that freedom and democracy when these mother fuckers kidnap children brainwash them, rape them as mean of brainwash and enslave them life long and then lock them up unjustly as they did to me and locked me up from July 2000 and until May 2012 then toyed with me from June 2012 and until I relocated in March 2016 to the city Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family and the Dutch government head quarter and the many foreign diplomats in this city, whereby and very unfortunately I see a big link of my fake and biological family to the Dutch royal family, and that is why I am being tortured on a daily basis by not allowing me to have good and routine sleep of at least 5 continuous hours. One of the proves that the Dutch royal family has something to-do with my fake and biological families is among others that I was not able to find the real identity of my fake mother and her alleged boyfriend Mohi Sabri until now in 2023 and 2024. Today I believe that Mohi Sabri was the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, and my fake mother was his first wife Irene Möllemann another thing is the Dutch company Shell, which is a partnership company also with the English royal family and most probably also with the Rockefeller family and 100% business partner with ARAMCO where my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her husband Dr. Alaa Ali originated from but also many members of my fake and biological families are 100% either in higher positions in the Saudi Arabian government or in the criminally insane Saudi Arabian royal family that are nothing else than English royal family mixed with Rockefeller family members and ex-German royal family members alias hidden escaped Nazi that was relocated to many countries as mean to prevent them of rebuilding the same destructive network as they did starting 1932, but also did in the first world war 1914-1919


End of the brainwash setup.




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The Queder/Koueider family sweet store and the housing of the alleged sister of Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and others

Search address for Google map:

In short: Roxy fountain. Cairo, Egypt

In detail: El-Montaza, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:








Map street view     




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Note: I made one map for you to show how close they are to each other while are also close to my school and there with, they can manipulate me with telepathy. Below this map I have included some “Enlarged Map Street view section” with the same numbers as the map above.

End of Note.

1.           Maryland park, Cairo, Egypt

2.           El Hegaz St from Roxy square to our apartment on 111 El Hegaz St

3.           El Tabari junior-high school, the names on the google map somehow do not match the actual address and/or the photos of that address on Google map

4.           Roxy Square and Roxy cinema/movie theater

5.           Heliopolis sporting club, where I used to go

6.           Queder/Koueider Syrian sweets shop, today it is called Karam El-Sham

7.           Famous grill/shish kebab restaurant in 1960s

8.           this is where the alleged sister of Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann. She lived there with her husband and 2-4 children. 8-B This is where many Syrians lived, many of them were in the Syrian armed forces (military and Air Force), and this because of the so-called United Arab Republic = Union between Syria and Egypt and partially also with Yemen that all ended in 1961 ( + ). Today and since my fake mother claimed all these people to have been the neighbors of her father, and she was in the hidden German either Jewish or one of the hidden escaped Nazis or a combination, therefore these fake Syrians were also hidden escaped nazis or hidden Jewish or a combination!

9.           A famous café named Groppi. Groppi meaning: ( + ( ), based on these 2 links, the name is German origin or American origin, or German origin that immigrated to USA and became American, such as the German royal families

10.      I am not sure of the exact building location; it is somewhere in this area. It is Some Egyptian immigration authority, where my fake mother went a couple of times and took me with her, and I believe the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael used to have an office there, and since he had a hidden relation/affair with my fake mother, possibly she went there because he was covering up for her fake identity.



Image-1 of location #6 + #7: enlarged (zoomed) map for #6+ #7 Queder/Koueider sweet shop named today “Karam El-Sham” (in English: Syrian generosity) #7 in 1960s it was a very famous shish kebab grill restaurant to eat in and take away, possibly it is in one of the neighboring buildings. I went there many times to pick food for my fake mother, especially when her boyfriend Mohi Sabri alias Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann comes allegedly from another Egyptian city, in reality he was coming from Germany!           

A map of a city

Description automatically generated


Image-2 of location # 6: enlarged photo of the above Map Street view section




Image of location #6 which is the entrance of the Queder/Koueider sweet shop. This shop and as far as I recall was called Queder/Koueider based on the family name of the owner, either they changed the name because of my complaint pages, or they sold it and opened another Syrian sweet and food shop, I believe they just changed the name, because it was too successful to sell it.!!!???


In 1960s and as far as I recall they had only 2 shops, one downtown Cairo Egypt opposite the movie theater named Cinema Metro that was owned by ex-CEO of Egypt airline, and he also lived in his own roughly 10-20 floor building just roughly 30 meters of the movie theater. And on the same side of this Queder/Koueider shop, maybe 30-50 meters and on the corner of the street and north of this shop there was another eat in food bar named “Americana” in downtown Cairo. Back to the Queder/Koueider shop, this shop was divided into 2 separate shops with one connected door, and when looking at these shops, the right side one was smaller one and for fresh fruit juice shop, where they will make many kind of fresh fruit juice while you waiting for it, from Mango juice to Strawberry and some were mixed with fresh milk, and this fruit shop had its own cashier and was take away only, where a parson can take his purchased drink and go through the connected door to the next Queder/Koueider shop, and this shop was, and as far as I recall, sweet shop only, and it had a few small tables with chairs where person can purchase the sweets and eat it there. The Cashier man was mainly member of the Queder/Koueider family, such as Jameel Queder/Koueider. Today I believe the Queder/Koueider family were 100% hidden relocated Escaped top Nazis from the second world war and most definitely and 100% were relocated by British = the English royal families and by the Americans = the Rockefeller families and this after they negotiated the end of the war with certain conditions, such as many of the top Generals and other top politicians, such as the president alias the chancellor Adolf Hitler including their families would be let go and relocated under fake identities while covering up for all of them by publicizing that they committed mass suicide, and maybe just a hand full committed suicide or even were forced with telepathy to commit suicide enable to use them as cover up for the mass relocation of the hidden relatives of the English royal families and hidden relatives of the American and Middle Eastern Rockefeller families, and hidden relatives of the Russian ex-royal families such as Jameel Baroudi and his official daughter the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi that I was told she is my cousin as mention in other pages and especially in the page (Shams.htm) See also the scam of “Mass suicides in Nazi Germany” ( ) and the List of “suicides in Nazi Germany” ( ). All these suicides were 100% to at least 90% of them, were scams and lies while the concentrated evil English royal families and the Rockefeller families helped coverup and relocate some of their hidden relatives that were controlling Germany such as Adolf Hitler and his top ministers and military leaders. Here are many of them in the following links:

1.           Paul von Hindenburg:, he was military  Generalfeldmarschall (In English: Grand Admiral), he fought in world war one and later 5 years after the war he became president of Germany and in 1933 he brought Adolf Hitler as Chancelor of Germany. His last name “von Hindenburg” it means he is from the family Hindenburg. In Germany they used to add the word “von” (in English from or of) they use for royal family members to differentiate them from general population. In Netherlands they do the same and they use the Dutch word “van” = “von” and in many other countries they do the same, also some Arab use it but in Arabic and sometimes its written as I am pronouncing here in English “Ben” or Eben” and some Jewish use it too as “Ben”. Based on what I read in the history, Adolf Hitler was one stupid slave used by the ex-Germany royal family as distraction of their selves and to regain their “Deutsche Reich” = German Empire that they lost in the first world war. Adolf Hitler and based on what I read he was just uneducated painter that loved to paint pictures ( ) and that is why the German royal families picked him, because he had absolutely no brain and would not question things and therewith would never notice when someone or many would control him with telepathy. Please note that until at least the first world war ( ) no one was allowed to own any large company, it would always be owned by members of royal family, and in most countries in the world continued even until after the second world war ( ) = over 95% of the population worldwide were 100% slaves, today in the year 2024 is not much better, based on media and books and governments only hand full of European countries + USA + UK + Israel are allegedly democratic and has freedom = 100 lies and mass brainwash because they are using new scheme of slavery called hidden slavery, which very complex because it is mixed with the hidden telepathy and hierarchical control to control governments and therewith the entire population, and that you can clearly see through my complaint pages. This hidden slavery scheme I believe most probably was invented by the English royal family in USA before the civil wars in USA ( ). I am guessing it probably sometimes in 1700s, meaning between 224 and 324 years ago, where they pretended to be good people and want to fight slavery, that they created in the first of all and 100% they still enslaving countless billions today in the year 2024, yet based on the hidden slavery, and the number one strategy of hidden slavery is to blame others, by disguising under fake identities as you can clearly see throughout my complaint pages. As result of this hidden slavery countless people die on a daily basis all over the world and in particular in the Middle East and in Africa, where these psychopath disguise as Muslims and in the hidden they steal many countries such Sudan, Ethiopia, Libia, Niger, Nigeria, and many others by going there using the same schemes as described in my complaint page as they did in Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and others just to have control over the population while stealing their lands and their natural resources number-1, which is petroleum where they control over 80% of worldwide petroleum from Saudi Arabia to Nigeria to Libya, to Iraq to Netherlands to USA and to Russia, and this is one of the biggest slavery tools they use to squeeze the money out of the general public but also out of the tax payers money by controlling governments and selling the government from their own hidden companies with inflated prices, such as in 1990s the American military paid 35 US Dollar for a toilet paper roll or possibly was a pack of 8 rolls, I cannot recall any more, however the price was 35 US Dolar, where at that time I was paying in the supermarket under 2 US Dollar for a pack of 8 toilet rolls = they are thieves and they steal anything from anyone just as they stole literally everything from me, from family to nationality to citizen ship to my professional work, my home and everything else, even forced me to be sick enable they can sell me a treatment that never helped, but rather always caused me more health problem, even today and here in the Netherlands!

2.           Hitler Cabinet:  

3.           List of Nazi Party leaders and officials:

4.           Who were Adolf Hitlers most important officers:

5.           Hitlers inner circle:

6.           Erich von Manstein Early life:

7.           Oskar von Hindenburg the president of Germany:

8.           Paul von Hindenburg:

9.           And many more you can search for them on the Internet!


Image-3 of location #3: of Altabari junior high school for boys where I attended junior high school from class 7 to class 9 and failed one of them. This school was junior high school and high school, but and based on Google map they removed the high school and gave this section of the school to university Ain Shams Faculty of Education  


Image-4 of location #3: of classrooms, in Al-Tabari school, were I attended for 3 years, now this building belongs to university of Ain Shams Faculty of Education  



Image-5 of location #1: the Maryland park that was built sometime after 1962 it is 800 meter long and north side is 280 meters wide and the south side 220 meters wide, there was 2 restaurants one somewhere in the bottom third and later they built a new one by the lakes, where they had paddle boat rentals. This park alone shows you the psychopath English royal families + the Rockefeller families are all over Egypt since ages, among others you can verify their brainwash scheme performed on me in the concentrated evil American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, were they dragged me there using one of their criminal spies to sleep in the library of Marylan university branch located right within the American military base. And the reason they dragged me there not only because it was brainwash to distract me of everything of my past such as the Maryland park in Cairo, where I often went there mainly with my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her alleged boyfriend Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German chancellor of Germany Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann but also I went there often with my fake sister Fadia Shawki and her at that time boyfriend the Egyptian medical doctor Alaa Ali and the American military was 100% covering from all 4 of them, because the first 2 were 100% their spies and the second two are related to Rockefeller + English royal families





Image-6 of location #5: the Heliopolis Sporting Club, this is where I partially but not good enough learned how to swim, I do not know who paid for my entry, possibly someone gave me a temporary membership. As far as I recall I used to go there by myself, unless someone with telepathy went with me and was controlling me most of the time with telepathy and therewith, I did not register who it was!    



Image-7 of location #8: A = this is where the alleged sister of Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann Lived. She lived there with her husband and 2-4 children. B = This is where many alleged Syrians lived = new commers from Israel + USA + UK and all of them came between 1958 and 1960 = 100% spies and colonialists.        


Egypt Airline CEO building and movie theater and the Queder/Koueider first shop

Search address for Google map:

In short: Cinema Metro, Cairo, Egypt

In detail: 362R+MH Qasr El Nil, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:,31.2413869,772m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x145840bfc3cc7d85:0x29130e3ff6e13514!8m2!3d30.0517133!4d31.2413869!16s%2Fg%2F1tvtw50t?hl=en&entry=ttu








Map street view       


Important Note: some building location can be one or two buildings to the right or left. End of Important Note.


1.           Souk Al Tawfik, based on my memory named “Souk Al Tawfikia” in downtown Cairo, Egypt. At that time and based on my knowledge was the biggest fruit and vegetable market for consumers in Cairo. This is where my fake grand uncle named Fuad Khayat was allegedly for 3 months and allegedly waiting for visa for USA and then allegedly went to USA to live with his alleged children and that was around 1961 or 1963

2.           The food bar named Al’Americaine (= this is how they write it in Arabic and then translate the Arabic pronunciation in to English and it becomes “Al’Americaine” but when translating the Arabic word to English it is “The Americans” = all in all brainwash to the Egyptians since 1880 or 1890), I call it food bar because it had a bar like table on the side directly at the glass wall looking at the street where the entrance is located

3.           The movie theater named Cinema Metro owned by the CEO of Egypt airline and I went to it many times and paid the usual entrance fee = ticket, and this until I was setup to get to know Esmat Khodary the alleged niece of the CEO of Egypt airline and was also the owner of this movie theater, then I was going to this movie theater with Esmat Khodary for free, and the owner of this movie theater was also the owner of the building he lived in. I get to know Esmat Khodary, sometimes in 1968 after my fake sister Fadia Shawki introduced her to me as the niece of the boss of her dead husband Afaf Shawki. It was a total brainwash situation, where they pretended to be treating me because I was allegedly homosexual, which I was most definitely not, they were brainwashing me by among others raping me as it is very clearly to see within my complaint pages and especially in this page. Add to all that, that I strongly suspect that this Esmat Khodary get to know me for one purpose only, which is later and after they removed me from Egypt and replaced me 100% with an identical lookalike twin (my twin brother and I have a mark on my upper left thigh so these criminal psychopaths can differentiate us ,they do not even have to see my leg, al they have to do is to use telepathy to see if I have a mark on my leg that they made and if necessary they can make me look at my leg while I am changing cloths and I will never notice it!), and therewith this Esmat Khodary will pretend that she is with the same stupid person that had total amnesia and was totally brainwashed, which was me, yet people do not know all that, neither me did know that until I started to analyze my past, my memory and my own current used thoughts (meaning I am constantly monitoring my own thoughts) = this is 100% a pattern when they use one person as place holder until he grows up a little bit and then replace him with the lookalike that is totally loyal to the organized crime families called English royal families and the Rockefeller families that created my fake family out their own members

4.           Here where the owner of the movie Theater also owned a building just 30 meters of this movie theater, the building was something around 10 floors or higher and he lived in the penthouse of this building, penthouse means the entire last 1-3 floors, sort of a standalone house on top of the building. He was also the CEO of Egypt airline at least that is what I was told in roughly 1968 or 1969. He lived there with his alleged niece named Esmat Khodary and her alleged younger sister named Yasmeen/Jasmin and her alleged younger brother, name forgotten, and the younger brother allegedly died on 10.10.1969 through a Metro/Tram accident, at least this is what Esmat Khodary told me in begin of January 1970, and since she and her uncle, and my fake sister Fadia Shawki that introduced me to them and are all lairs, then it is very possible he did not die, but rather he was around my life somewhere in Germany or Saudi Arabia and I did not recognize him, because as I saw him he was around 14-15 years old, his older sister Jasmin was around 16 or 17 years old and his oldest sister Esmat Khodary was around 19-21 years old, and very possibly much older, because I strongly suspect her to be the girlfriend or even became wife of the unknown to me twin that took my place after they took me to Germany on 10.10.1969, and here is another problem with all this, this lie that her brother allegedly died on 10.10.1969, it could also be as psychological brainwash to me for the future to force me to think it was a bad luck that he died while I was taken from Cairo, Egypt to Germany. Also on roughly 12 December 1969 I was taken on a brainwash and implication trip from Germany through many countries and one month later back to Germany on 15 January 1970 , and it was just to implicate me as if I am related to the terrorist group PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization, and on roughly 5 January 1970 I was taken from Amman, Jordan to Beirut Lebanon for 2 days to implicate me with illegal drugs in Lebanon and then taken to Cairo, Egypt, where I met my fake sister Fadia Shawki in the airport, Cairo, allegedly coincidently, and she told me some lie that she was being interviewed by some newspaper in the airport because her son is unusual white, blond and blue eyes, but I believe she just arrived from somewhere in this airport, and later in the evening she took me with her car to see Esmat Khodary, she allegedly does not live anymore with her uncle in the penthouse, and she lives in an apartment in another area maybe 2 km far of the penthouse possibly close to the TV building and almost on river Nile side, either me or my fake sister went to the apartment door and knocked on the door and someone opened and asked us to wait a minute and then Esmat Khodary came out after a few minutes, and walked with me for a few minutes during which she and told me she moved out of the penthouse and allegedly live now with other relatives that are strict and that is why she cannot invite me in, and also told me that her alleged brother died on the day I left Cairo, then and roughly after 5-10 minutes she went back to the apartment then we left. Today I see the possibility that she was living with my twin and my fake mother took me to Cairo, Egypt only as blackmail object to my hidden from me twin, because this is how these psychopaths organized crime families work she pretended to be my girlfriend for around one years, then they removed me from the country and did not allow me to go back, and then my twin immediately took my place and Esmat Khodary pretended to be with the same boyfriend but also my fake sister Fadia Shawki pretended to be with the same brother but also my original fake mother  and her identical twin did the same and some others also, while taking me to Germany for several reasons, number one is to use me as blackmail object against the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias the boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi named Mohi Sabri that pretended to be Egyptian police officer, and created several brainwash situations around my life to force me to believe he is Egyptian police officer, and the reason they created these brainwash situations, and just in case I see ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann in TV news or newspapers, then I would think the mass brainwash strategy that these criminal mother fuckers invented in the Middle East, which is in Arabic and here is the translation “God created 40 lookalike of each look”

5.           Sweet store and eat-in named Karam El Sham possibly also owned by the Queder/Koueider family, because this shop and at this location it used to be named Queder/Koueider

6.           American movie theater named “Cinema Miami”, this alone shows that most of the big shops and entertainment shops such as Movie theater are founded by Americans and British, especially that number 2 mentioned above is an all American food bar, these movie theater and the food bar and other shops and buildings most of them were built before the second world war, meaning before 1932, many were built after the American Rockefeller families went to Egypt sometimes before 1890, see the photos below, also note that the American food bar is written in Arabic as “The Americans” but translated to English by pronouncing the Arabic word of “The Americans” then it is written “Al’Americaine”.

7.           Queder/Koueider two adjacent shops:

7.1.             Fresh pressed juice shop owned by Queder/Koueider family and connected with one door to the shop next to it and mentioned in the next point

7.2.             Sweet shop named Queder/Koueider downtown Cairo, Egypt. The original one was almost on the opposite side of the movie theater named cinema Metro. And as it is showing in location 5 there is another store called Karam El-Sham, and this shop Karam El-Sham is either a new branch owned by one of the Queder/Koueider family member or this is another company, or they own both



Photo of Location 2: the Americans Food Bar'Americaine+-+Talaat+Hab/@30.052502,31.241735,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMaGq6EpHjbkGCMlj2uewDT73LTV6fJF4lipbDJ!2e10!3e12!!7i4160!8i3120!4m7!3m6!1s0x145840bfdeaa8f21:0xed2cfed0d883a398!8m2!3d30.0525247!4d31.2416853!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1td44z8v?hl=en&entry=ttu


Photo of Location 8: The movie theater named “Cinema Miami”,31.2409768,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipP3JSCK6oLwwQYisaoApFfGrD65a4DfRcR5unIp!2e10!3e12!!7i3510!8i2328!4m7!3m6!1s0x145840bf948d0bab:0xfc6ac989636d7cf3!8m2!3d30.0513537!4d31.2409272!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1tmwkv06?hl=en&entry=ttu                     

Photo of Location 3: The movie theater named “Cinema Metro”,31.2412676,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO--hv0h8ffxhLWay9hYuDsQaXrNIRX0BqjGpjS!2e10!3e12!!7i3859!8i2378!4m7!3m6!1s0x145840bfc3cc7d85:0x29130e3ff6e13514!8m2!3d30.0517133!4d31.2413869!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1tvtw50t?hl=en&entry=ttu                            


Photo of Location 7: the Queder/Koueider Syrian sweet shop. One out of many and directly opposite the movie theater named “Cinema Metro“ and next to the movie theater named “Cinema Miami” and maybe 4-6 buildings after the food bar named “The Americans” = they all know each other’s American Rockefeller family + English royal family + ex-German royal family alias hidden escaped Nazis + Israeli-Jewish and all pretend to be Arabs Muslims originated from Syria!,31.241246,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNokl4naR3QoIIvcguEE1yskfbaVAP2fkBdaN6t!2e10!3e12!!7i2592!8i1936!4m7!3m6!1s0x145840957a6f519b:0x74684a8c241c96d1!8m2!3d30.051889!4d31.2412439!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1vx70r1r?hl=en&entry=ttu                              




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My fake uncles’ apartments location and possibly where my fake sister Moni Najar lived while pretending to be in Jordan


Search address for Google map:

In short: Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt

In detail: Zamalek, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Google map link for the above address:,+Cairo+Governorate,+Egypt/@30.0558681,31.2011716,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x145840e059d98225:0x91cb6f582e8b215c!8m2!3d30.0609422!4d31.219709!16s%2Fm%2F03qpf39?hl=en&entry=ttu







Map street view                          



Important Note: the location of the buildings could be one or two buildings to the right or to the left. End of Important Note.


1.           I cannot recall where the building was exactly, however, it was on this street. This is where the criminal and psychopath man lived in the begin of 1960s that pretended to be my uncle named Jawdat Baroudi that I strongly suspect him to 60% to be the hidden older brother of prince Andrew of the United Kingdom (,_Duke_of_York) or 20% to be the older brother of Senator John D. Rockefeller IV ( OR )  and if you know Jawdat Baroudi, here you can see the look similarities to the Senator John D. Rockefeller IV ( ) and here you can see more members of the Rockefeller families ( ). Or 20% Jawdat Baroudi is member of the ex-German royal family alias the current German controlling families that control the German economy, such as Siemens AG, Mercedes Benz, Porsche and countless others mainly the top 500 German companies. He lived here with his wife of the family Kabani, and he allegedly had one son with her named Hani Baroudi that was allegedly born in this house around 1961/62, and nearby lived his brother-in-law, the brother of his wife, first name forgotten, but also from the family Kabani, he used to have a new black Frensh car model “Citroën Traction Avant” (,  that looked exactly like the photo below. And here is the big disgusting deceive about his children. Jawdat Baroudi official oldest son is Hani Baroudi, however and today I know that he was not his son. Hani Baroudi, I saw once in the beginning of 1960 after his alleged birth, meaning as a baby, and his look of that time says nothing to me. However, when I saw him as an adult, and I believe the first time I saw him was in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, either in 1980 or 1981, possibly he also came to Munich between 1981 and 1986, but I am not positive about that due to all the severe brainwash, telepathy control and countless man created problems around my life from 1980 and until kidnapping me from Germany to USA in September 1986. These countless brainwash problems surrounded my life between 1980 and 1986 and dramatically increased until  the year 2000 and were designed among others to create chaos in my life and above all in my brain to prevent me to see through lies and brainwash situations and be very susceptible to follow wrong advice (= order) or any one that tells me the one thing or another, just like a dog follows a command, such as sit, and he will follow this command from his owner or anyone who tells him to sit down. Back to Hani Baroudi that today I see him as a male prostitute with or without his knowledge and approval, and this to prevent any one to recognize that he is 100% not the son of Jawdat Baroudi, but rather he is a product of incest between the mother of Hani Baroudi and her brother mentioned above, first name is unknown to me, and the reason I am very positive of this incest is because he does not look anything like Jawdat Baroudi, but he looks almost identical to his uncle mentioned above, which is a 100% pattern to produce lookalike children, often with large age difference, in this case Hani Baroudi was in 1980 19 years old, while his identical look biological father was in 1961/62 around 25 years, and 44 years old in 1980 old. Both his official but fake father as well as his official mother and his hidden biological father are 100% not Syrian, not Arabs and 200% not Muslims, but rather either British or Americans  or Germans or a combination and that is why these criminals mother fuckers brought a new man into my life in summer 1977 named Dr. Sami Assassa that today, or actually since roughly 2 years I recognized him as an Israeli Mossad agent pretending to be Syrian Muslim living in Munich-Grünwald,  Germany and brought to Munich after 1977, because I was being helped through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim in Germany by among others helping me to fix my destroyed logic and separating me of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 67 years in 1977 and pretended to be 28 years old, on top of that she had an identical lookalike that was around half of her age and used to come to Munich and Unterschleissheim, Germany and exchange places with her while pretending to be my wife, today I know that these 2 whores and English royal family prostitutes were 100% related to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, meaning the younger one, was most probably the wife of Jawdat Baroudi in Saudi Arabia and was living in Saudi Arabia and when she goes on vacation she pretended to be my wife and therewith no Saudi Arabian would ever see her going around half naked with so-called Micro skirt and showing half of her breast while drinking alcohol, and I strongly believe she had a boyfriend or a close relative such as brother living next apartment to our apartment on the same floor number 7 of St. Benedikt street number 1 in the city Unterschleissheim and this is the building I lived in from 1973 and until roughly end 1976 or begin 1977 and then moved to the church housing because I was offered to work part time for the church and I did work for them until roughly either begin of 1978 or until Mai 1978 (,11.57166,3a,75y,182.31h,97.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sO1TYq8MTCsn826T7P5P2zQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&coh=205409&entry=ttu ), and when she comes she used to put me to sleep early using telepathy, and the reason I am positive she used to do that, not only because I was 100% her slave, but also because this psychopath prostitute she never had a discussion with me about anything, and this because she was constantly commanding me what to do using telepathy, which totally destroyed my intelligence until I was setup to become Christian starting January 1976, and slowly and with the help mainly of the pastor named Herbert Lange, my logic as human being was restored, but not overnight, it took at least 2 years and being constantly surrounded bu social gathering and countless discussions. Back to this prostitute named Anita Disbray putting me to sleep and I believe she used to leave the apartment going around whoring just like the rest of the members of this fake family of mine. She 100% had telepathy and one time she showed off by making me not understand the situation, by asking me to come to her, while she was standing in our apartment in Unterschleissheim and crossing her hand like the photo showing below the car, and suddenly I was not able to move forwards or backwards just as if I was stunt and lost total control of my own body. Add to all that that several years ago I discovered that my fake nephew Essam Shawki allegedly living in Hove the UK, is 100% the hidden son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, which very much means that this mother fucker psychopath Jawdat Baroudi brought Hani Baroudi the way I saw him after 1980 and again in 1992 in Houston, Texas for roughly 2 months to prevent me of becoming free as it is described in other pages, where the company named Texaco was trying 100% to free me, yet Hani Baroudi suddenly appeared in my life and destructed their effort to keep me enslaved for 15 years in this fucking country called USA that is to 70% controlled by psychopaths named English royal families + the Rockefeller families, and all this was to force my mind to think that the children of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi must look like Hani Baroudi, and to confirm that, Hani Baroudi pretended to want to marry the sister of Essam Shawk named Esmat Shawki, and until a few months back I thought he wanted to marry his sister because I though Essam and Esmat Shawki are the hidden children of Jawdat Baroudi and officially Hani Baroudi is his son, today I know that Esmat Shawki is not the sister of Essam Shawki as it is described in the following sentence. Add to that that my fake niece Esmat Shawki the official sister of Essam Shawki is 100% not the sister of Essam Shawki nor the daughter of my fake sister, and the same is valid for Essam Shawki, he is 100% not the son of my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Elnagar, and since Essam Shawki lives allegedly in Hove and Brighton in the UK and to my knowledge officially he is not married, yet has a son of a British woman alias his ex-girlfriend from before 2013, and Esmat Shawki was married to an Iranian named Rahim the son of an Iranian allegedly rich businessman, and both have children look like a mixture of them, while Rahim owns a few restaurants in and around Brighton in the UK and since Jawdat Baroudi + Bdeir and Abokurah families are 100% illegal drug lords in Lebanon and Syria and Iran, then I believe that Jawdat Baroudi made a partnership with Iranian drug lords and this is especially true because the ex-Syrian president Hafez Al-Assad alias the father of the current Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and both are 100% drug lords while Iran is the third largest opium producer worldwide following Afghanistan as number 2 and Myanmar as Number one opium producers worldwide. Out of opium is among others the following legal and illegal drugs produced but not limited to these, they constantly invent new products: morphine, codeine, heroin, and oxycodone (, this website is from the American DEA-Drug Enforcement Agency = police agency to fight illegal drugs). Back to my fake nephew Essam Shawki and his fake sister Esmat Shawki, and today I strongly believe these 2 and as they were children in 1960s  were set together by my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that donated his own son alias Essam Shawki and his new illegal drug partner an Iranian donated his own daughter and to make them brother and sister as Essam and Esmat Shawki as mean of illegal drug partnership by becoming one family, and this is 100% true, especially that the ex-Iranian Shah named Mohammad Reza Pahlavi businesses  ( ) had a huge connection to Cairo, Egypt and had second housing and after the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 ( ), he relocated to Cairo, Egypt, then he relocated 3 times and then back to Cairo, Egypt where he died. In other words, these organized crime families misuse their own children to enrich their selves add to all that that the official father of Essam and Esmat Shawki named Afaf Shawki, that I saw many times in Cairo, Egypt and prior to his death in 1966/67, I strongly suspect him to have been murdered to use his identity for these 2 children while using him to kill the Yemeni minister that was on the same plane while Afaf Shawki was piloting the plane sometimes in 1966 or 1967. Even though I strongly suspect that Essam Shawki, helped severely in brainwashing me and enslaving me in 1985 under the control of Najlaa Mahmoud, meaning he was helping and covering up for BP-British Petroleum while BP-British Petroleum was covering up for his hidden biological father named Jawdat Baroudi, as it is described in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, while also damaging the car that I borrowed of at that time from a friend named Adnan Shababibi that was the Marketing manager at the German company named Olympia and later was the marketing manager for the Middle East at my ex-employer Siemens AG and replaced my temporary boss that was named Mr. Govert or Guvert that was Siemens AG Marketing Manager for the Middle East, yet I feel very sorry for Essam and Esmat Shawki and their alike for not being able to be raised as normal children through their actual parents with the love and caring of the biological family, and have to pretend something to hide their relation to the criminal mother fucker Jawdat Baroudi and all his official brothers and sisters that cannot live as human beings, instead there are wild disgusting animals, among others because they did to me similar things and that is mildly said, they actually tortured my life since 1960, and today I strongly suspect that my fake brother and my fake 3 sisters and most probably also their doubles were kidnapped as infants or as children to use them as slaves as they did to me. Because my fake brother allegedly lives in Los Angele, USA and allegedly married to the same Turkish woman since 1970, and has no children while officially he is also isolated of his official family, and the same is valid for my fake 3 sisters, including the oldest one named Suhair Bdeir/Budier, because organized crime families want to have a woman with no ties to a brother, sister, father, mother, cousins, uncles and so on, and there with her official husband named Sief Aldin Bdeir/Budier has trained the brain of his 35 years younger wife to follow his order no matter what, and as a result, she was one sadistic, heartless, brainless woman, that her husband was 100% controlling her with telepathy to do something bad, while he is always pretending to be the good patient and understanding person, and this is also a 100% pattern of psychopath that happen to have telepathy and hide it by making his wife look nasty to many, and that you can clearly see in her photos

2.           Again this is the American actress Brie Larsen and she looks to 95% the same as Anita Disbray in some photos without heavy makeup she looks almost identical to Anita Disbray such as the below Photo-Larsen-1 and this is how she confused my mind by standing crossed arms like the Photo-Larsen-2 + Photo-Larsen-4 and then asked me to come to her, but I was not able to move as if I was frozen, in other words she controlled me with telepathy while not allowing me to move, which is her way to force me to think you are under my control and you cannot do anything about it, I believe this actress Brie Larsen and to over 95% is related to Anita Disbray, possibly her daughter or even her sister, yet at least a very close cousin through incest


Brie Larson looks directly at the camera


Photo-Larsen-2 + Photo-Larsen-4


3.           This is where the Cenima Metro and its owner the CEO of Egypt air lives, as well as the nearby sweets and food shop of the Queder/Koueider family as it is showing in the maps above

4.           This is where the building of the famous Syrian/Lebanese actor and singer named Farid Al-Atrash is located (, you can also see his photos in the google link below, where you can clearly see and based on his face and forehead that he is most probably related to ex-Iranian Shah  and/or ex-Syrian president named and they were 100% set there by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families that often use the same organized crime families for president, shah, king, prime minister and so on, and this since at least 1888 for the Middle East and since at least the American revolution in 1776 ( ), when they started to go undercover and use puppets to control countries such as and among other most the countries in the Middle East including but not limited to Jordan, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia and every single country bordering to Saudi Arabia, not to mention Africa, Asia and south America,but also Australia, Canada and other countries. This is the google link with photos of Farid AL-Atrash: ). Today I suspect that my fake sister Moni Najar that disappeared of our lives in spring 1961 and I was told a lie that she allegedly went to Amman, Jordan and married Abdulghani Abokurah, which was 100% lie, because the woman that pretended to be her and named Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar and living in Washington, D.C. allegedly since 1987 is 100% not Moni Najar. And if the hearing incident mentioned above is correct then the original Moni Najar lived in this building, which I have no possibility of verifying it, maybe you can. And this is Especially true because the boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi named Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann took me to this building and told me that this is the penthouse of Farid Al-Atrash, and today and for all I know that was her apartment and it was not a penthouse, meaning it was not the top floor, and most probably he took me there to force my mind to believe that he is allegedly Egyptian police officer with the rank lieutenant as of 1963 and the rank major as of 1968 and he allegedly checks the apartment of famous people = severe brainwash, add to this that he married Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff as the second wife that either exchange place with Moni Najar or Moni Najar killed her and took her place because she was too young to have been my fake sister Moni Najar and today I strongly suspect his first wife to have been my original fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that disappeared of my life end of January or begin of February 1970 the following year was replaced by another lookalike through the concentrated evil American military in their military base named McGraw Kaserne, where they also brought a new lookalike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar and enslaved me under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretend to be just 4 years older than me on 20 August 1970 as I was 17 years old or young, and this where she exchanges places with an identical look that was around half of her age and was Saudi Arabian originated from the UK and/or USA. Replacing a younger person with much older person either by kidnapping the younger one or killing them, and this is a very strong pattern that you can clearly see in my complaint pages, starting with me, where they removed me on 10.10.1969 from Cairo, Egypt to Germany and I was not allowed to go back, because they immediately replace me with a look alike that pretended to be me, and it continued with Mohi Sabri and his identical lookalike Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, where he was introduced to me in 1962 or 1963 as an alleged Egyptian police officer, and from all I know they killed the actual younger Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann long time ago = Psychopath organized crime families. Back to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and since I suspect him to have been the husband of the younger lookalike of my forced upon me English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, and since I get to know him in the begin of 1960s in Cairo, Egypt and he was at least 25 years old and possibly over 30 years old, then it is also very possible that he was married to my forced upon me older wife named Anita Disbray and this since 1960s or even 1950s, and since Anita Disbray had an identical lookalike that was roughly half of her age or even younger, possibly Jawdat Baroudi married either his own daughter or married a woman and her daughter as it is often done in USA by the so called Mormon, below are a few links over Mormon religion as prove, but first here is another thing that I strongly suspect, which is that Hani Baroudi was killed long time ago by his own father that looked almost identical to him, and can live above and beyond the usual human beings, meaning he was immortal, and therefore he took the place of his own son and this disgusting situation fits in the chaos of the life of the Baroudi family and in particular of this mother fucker named Jawdat Baroudi that pretended to be the father of Hani Baroudi enable to verify his alleged identity because Hani Baroudi looked identical to his hidden biological father = all are sick and psychopaths that once they start killing another human being for profit, then there is nothing anymore that they would not do. Is all this true?  I do not know because I have no way to verify it, yet it is all based on the facts of my own life and the facts of the members of my fake family and the facts of the history of our lives. Here are the links about Mormons religion that started sometimes in the 1800s in the state of Utah in USA = English royal family specialty to create new religion that cover up for their own immoral acts and behavior:







5.           Important note: this point is only added to explain the meaning of the word “Immortal” or “Immortality”. I will use the word “Immortality, because it is easier to find on the Internet, because some like to distract of the meaning of this word by among other using the word “Immortal” for other things, such as the Immortal which is a black metal music band from Bergen, Norway ( ), who knows maybe they chosen this word as the name of their band, because at least one of them is immortal (!!!). Back to the word immortality, which means live forever or never die. And I believe this is one of the most hidden secrets in our lives. The hidden secrets in our lives are as follow:

5.1.             Telepathy = Telecommunication and Telecontrol from human brain to other human being’s brain, and also, to other creatures and to other objects = most probably because we all human being were created to be able to manipulate atoms, and everything in life and in this universe consist of atoms and if you can make atoms to conflict with each other’s, whereby this is never done in nature, then you have a huge explosion because each atom push the other one very violently or very fast and gradually the next atoms will slow down until it stops moving violently, which it could be after 100 or 1000 meters or much more, an example, which is the only one known to me that cause this catastrophe = the Atom bomb created by psychopaths to kill their other psychopaths opponents, which are usually a hand full of human beings compared with the actual mass innocent death and damages from human beings to animals to buildings and entire infrastructure to the entire environment of hundreds or thousands of kilometers that would also stay polluted for years!

5.2.             The ability to live forever unless the person was murdered and cut to pieces either by other human being or through an accident that causes the person to be cut in pieces such as something would fall on a human being that not only injure the human being but also cause many body parts to be separated

5.3.             Are the above two points true? I do not know, I just know for fact about telepathy as it is described all over my complaint pages and since I discovered, and here neither I am the only one nor I am the first one, but rather one out of literally million other human beings, that someone and based on the history on the internet and also taught in countless schools, is that some persons tried very hard to warn other human beings about telepathy slavery and wrote possibly more than one thousand pages that then were reduced to roughly 350 pages that describe the usage of telepathy in a very efficient way, and this started in around the year 1455 which is what we know today as New Testament of the bible (, meaning over 560 years ago. And I believe that these description caused many organized crime families such as the English royal families and others that used to circumcise the genitals of most human beings  as well as the brain to control them and prevent them of reproduction and to disable the telepathy ability, which lead to mass slavery, that still exist until today in June 2024 and literally in every single country, yet some countries are suffering much more than others such as the Palestinians as distraction of the English royal families + their American + Canadia + Australian + Indian (=India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) relatives and many others also from Europe, that 100% control most of the Middle East + most of Africa.  And printing this book in around 1455 caused countless wars to stop this knowledge, but was not possible to stop it, because it was distributed very fast and secretly even though most people worldwide were illiterate, then the organized crime families came with new strategies, which was to create countless copies of this book as a religion and force the people through this imitation religion to think whatever they wanted by preaching to them lies, and as a result of this new scheme and today, there are over 45,000 (Forty Five Thousand) so called Christian denominations ( + ) and the same is valid for many other religions = division + chaos = Slavery, and each one claims they are right and the others are wrong as mean of distracting them of the existence of telepathy + camouflage + immortality + manipulating atoms. Since I am doing nothing since 1 March 2016, actually since June 2000, except to try to understand what went wrong in my own life and why I was literally losing everything in my life from family, to women I loved to friends I very much cared about to my profession to my actual homes and nationalities and forced to be refugee for over 50 years, 9 years in Egypt, 17 years with extreme brainwash and deceive in Germany, 15 years in USA by kidnapping, 13 years in Netherlands by severe brainwash to among others distract me of the source of my problems, that today I know what it is, and it is all condensed described within this page and all the other slavery details are all over my complaint pages. I am 100% not promoting any religion nor I am promoting Christianity, I am just trying to help others by getting their attention to the number 2 reasons that are keeping us all as slaves. At least 50% of the world population do not know that they are enslaved, because they were severely brainwashed to not discover telepathy or immortality. I believe immortality 100% exist by human beings because and in at least the last 8 years I was doing nothing but researching the internet to find out who was persecuting me very sadistically since my birth and above all why, and partially coincidently discovered or even better said, understood telepathy and immortality, among others because I spent a lot of time trying to understand God, and any one can do that, and this is how I did it, tried to understand my own body parts and what are they really for and what is the relation between each one of them, and compared them to everything I know from human beings to insects to animals, to birds, to water creatures to amphibians creatures to the sand and desert, to snow and the sun, moon and other planet that we see partially as stars to universe and the so called blackhole and therewith I came to the conclusion that all that was created by a super intelligent beings or being(S). Then I recognized that this super intelligent being, which we call God or Gods, has created a very harmonized world that we live in, the only chaos we have is what organized crime families create to distract us of freedom, telepathy and immortality. If you think that God would give the ants or jellyfish more power than us human being, then we all would be today their slaves, and I am saying that because ants are the only animals/insects known to me that work in a huge teamwork to build their housing and feed each other’s for no payments whatsoever, while jellyfish can also live practically forever. Today I see the fact that the super intelligent being we call God has created countless different creature, each with it’s own super capability, then he or they combined all or at least most of these capabilities in one creature which is us human being that are also able to camouflage their selves, communicate with others directly brain to brain, manipulate objects including other human beings, and other creatures while also are immortal, yet whoever is welling to kill another fellow human beings to enrich their selves are also capable to kidnap children, cause them total amnesia to reset their brain and feed the new empty brain with whatever they want them to be as slaves as they did to me and to countless others, including but not limited to millions of Jewish and to millions of Muslims and to millions of Christians and to millions of Hindus and to millions of other that they used as slave soldiers since childhood to use them as scare tactics soldier to enslave others in Asia, Africa, South America, but also in Europe, North America, Australia and countless other small islands, where their either enslaved the population and if they were not able to enslave them, then they killed them and they still are doing that today in June 2024, in Ukraine, Palestinians, in Sudan, in Niger and in many other countries that are currently in the years 2024 are severely suffering. But also they did that in the past such as native Americans (known as Red-Indians), native Australian, native Africans, South American and in many parts of Asia = this is our number ONE and only problem in the life of all human beings, which is hidden and public slavery that criminal mother fuckers such as CNN call it modern slavery and limit it to prostitution and underpaid work slaves starting at age a4, yet I seen slaves at age 9such as in Jordan and my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier as shown with photos in this page and her husband Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier and his entire Bdeir/Budeir family were keeping housekeepers between the age of 9 and 20 and paying pennies to their parents, that is if they had parents, many of them were in one way or another kidnapped such as they did to me. Here are some links that explain some of the above-mentioned problems, but first, always remember a human beings cannot do what he does not know, and the human beings are the only creature that has top intelligence on this Earth and most probably the same is valid for other unknown to us planets, and also the only creature that create armies to kill others and steal what they have or to at least force them to submit to them as the Europeans was doing for at least the last 5-10 centuries until they learned by force of the first and second world wars that with understanding and cooperation they can reach much more than alone, and one day every single human beings will be the same or even 1000 times better than the current state of the EU-European Union, and at the end of this pages I will prove it to you by showing you how our future 100% is going to look like and this is not because I am smarter than others, but rather because I paid attention to our own history and to the creation of God and to the behavior of God and how we have changed dramatically from 500 or even 100 years ago, yet we are not there where our all creator has created us for, and that I will also show you and most people and if they take the time, can 100% verify it:

5.3.1.             The New Testament that had one major goal, which is to warn other human beings of telepathy slavery, and it had the goal to give advices how to live  with the telepathy slavery, I do not want to learn how to live with telepathy slavery, but rather I want to 100% stop telepathy slavery and the only good way to do it, absolutely not with violence, but rather with the gift that God gave all of us, and is called understanding of situations and understanding of the behavior of others and the reason of their behavior and here to I have a solution, that is 100% not mine, but I discovered that, in one way or another, this is the only way is going be. Here is the origin of the New Testament that was warning others of telepathy slavery : , here is where you can read the new Testament part of the bible where you will see how it explains telepathy and how it advice to certain behavior o enable you to live peacefully as telepathy slave, which I see as how to live with telepathy slavery, and I do not want to live with telepathy slavery, I want to stop it so I can be free and use my own brain the way I see fit and not how psychopaths and slave makers want to force me to think and to behave for their own personal greed the no good mother fuckers such as my fake and biological families such as the Baroudi family (this is a fake family set together each one of these psychopath has at least one additional identity in some other country, many has several identities, such as my fake mother and her official but fake 5 brothers, the same is valid for other mentioned families, they are just fake identities, in other words there are many or at least several other families with the same family names yet they have nothing to do with these psychopath criminals including all the following families), Kheir, Khayat, Bdeir, Abokurah, Malas, and many others mentioned all over my complaint pages. Here you can read the New Testament online, it is of the Catholic church, the official first Christian church that started 1455 was duplicated/imitated countless times to distract of telepathy. The reason I selected this side, because it is the only one I was able to quickly find with several languages, if you want and I strongly advise you, look for an online New Testament (Old testament is equal to Torah the Jewish book, that I strongly believe was copied of the Quran in India and modified to make it suitable for a killing machine of the English royal family and other European royal families that were going around the world especially in Asia and since over 500 years waging to enslave other wars using enslaved soldiers that were forced to believe in this newly modified Quran and they named it Torah and they also used Indian Muslim soldiers to spread their newly copied and modified Quran to force people in Asia to be Muslim and this is the only real crusade that ever happened in our life and it was 100% nor the fake crusades that allegedly happened in the Middle East that did not exist yet, because it was all desert and no one can survive a desert without water and vegetation): the new Testament start with the book Matthew and followed by the 3 books called Mark, Luke, John that they call the 4 Evangelicals = allegedly translated from old Greek and it means “the good news” even though the website is offered in several languages, yet the bible is offer only in English, if you want to readd it in another language, then search the Internet with with the following text “??? New Testament read online” and replace the 3 question marks with the desired language

5.3.2.             Immortality:

5.3.3.             Immortality:

5.3.4.             Immortality:

5.3.5.             Immortality:

5.3.6.             immortality:

5.3.7.             Immortality:

5.3.8.             Immortality:

5.3.9.             Immortality:

5.3.10.        Immortality:

5.3.11.        Immortality:

5.3.12.        Distraction of Immortality:

6.           At this location and around 50 meters or of the El Tahrir Square lived my fake uncle Jala Baroudi as an alleged Syrian diplomat, it was roughly the same time as his fake brother Jawdat Baroudi also came to Cairo, Egypt as it is mentioned above and also pretended to be Syrian consul. Today I see through so many lies, but and very unfortunately I cannot always see the truth, meaning I can recognize the lie but sometimes I cannot recognize what they were trying to hide with this lie, and here is a big example: in around 1967 or 1968 my fake sister Fadia Najar now she is an alleged widow of the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki and suddenly she brought home a very rare and very well trained albino white German shepherd dog, as shown in the photo below,


7.           and she claimed it is a gift of the German ambassador in Cairo to protect the children, in the same week he died saving the life of at that time around 3-4 years old Essam Shawki by going to the street to push him back of the street during which a car killed the dog. I have mentioned this dog situation in other pages because I was with them in the small narrow park between their apartment and the Almaza Air Force Airport as you can clearly see in the maps above especially under the map called Almaza-2, but today I ask myself would really a German Ambassador give this fake sister this dog to protect her children of her dead husband, and since today in 2024 I know that her official husband was not the father of these children and I strongly suspect the dog to be from Jawdat Baroudi, the question here is: was Jawdat Baroudi the German ambassador in Cairo, or was he British Ambassador or American Ambassador or the Saudi Arabian Ambassador in Cairo and she lied to me about the German Ambassador, or it was not from an Ambassador at all, I do not know the real truth, I just know she lied to me and the dog was reality. Back to the official brother of Jawdat Baroudi named Jalal Baroudi and both pretended to be Syrian diplomats in Cairo, which is practically impossible that 2 brothers be diplomat and consuls for the same country and be sent to the same other country at the same time for 2 years (!!!???). Back to the apartment of Jala Baroudi located around 50 meters of El-Tahrir square and directly at the square there was a huge immigration building sort of half a circle. Jalal Baroudi was living there with his wife named Nawal, I cannot recall if they had children or not, I went there once, and even he allegedly lived there for 2 years he never visited us, just like the rest of this criminal mother fucker fake family, no one visited us at our apartment except the following persons

7.1.             Mohi Sabri on and off lived in our apartment for 1-2 weeks and then disappeared for 3- to more months and claimed to have been in another Egyptian city on police business, and today I know it was a lie, because he was allegedly police officer for patrol police cars

7.2.             My fake sister Suhair Bdeir came once or twice in begin of 1966 and I have no idea where she was sleeping, for sure not in our apartment

7.3.             My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar a hidden son of king Hussein of Jordan and a brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan, he came around August or September 1966 to allegedly live with us and go to the school named San George, and he lived with us roughly until end of 1966 or begin of 1967 and moved out allegedly to live by himself  in an opposite building and I never seen him after he moved out. The alleged reason for him moving out was he allegedly did not get along with the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri, that never really lived with us permanently, he always came for a visit 1-2 weeks = all lies

7.4.             1-2 times the Egyptian politicians named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael came to visit us and each time he came, my fake mother would send me shopping for an hour or so, and as I get back, he be already gone = he came to have sex with this prostitute, even though he was married

7.5.             This was the only persons that came to visit us between 1960-1969, I may have forgotten one or two due to the sever brainwash, yet we had over 200 alleged relatives in Cairo, Egypt!!!

8.           Around 7 km from this point is the way to where I lived near Heliopolis hospital, in total it is around 15 KM to our apartment.




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Amman, Jordan map index

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1.       Map of part of Amman, Jordan, West bank, part of Israel and Gaza strip

2.       Map of the Islamic Educational College and other locations

3.       Photo 1: the website of the Arab Building Material Group in many countries, yet they tried hard to hide it, and that is very visible in the below “Chairman Message”!!!

4.       Other info related to the above mentioned website = Top and bottom of the main page

5.       A copy of the actual text of the above image

6.       Photo 2: copy-1 of the main page of the above-mentioned website. Here they are showing off their pride of Dubai, UAE = Palm Island

7.       Photo 3: copy-2 of the main page of the above-mentioned website. Here they are showing off their pride of Dubai, UAE = Ferrari funfair

8.       Photo 4: The building where my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier used to live until 1970s opposite the Islamic Educational College

9.       Photo 5: the same building as above on the left side, while on the right side is the Islamic Educational college

10.  Photo 6: one of the Entrances of the Islamic Educational College with its name in Arabic on the white sign

11.  Photo 7: The main entrance of the Islamic Educational college with the year founded and who founded it, which is a very clear and strong prove as explained below

12.  Photo 8: the founding text enlarged and is readable even though it is from 1947/1948

13.  Photo 9: to the right is “Petra Bank” in Arabic, on the left Church of the Christian Anglican Union, roughly 50 meters of location #6 on the above Map of the Islamic Educational College and other locations




Search address for Google map:

In short: Amman

In detail: Amman, Jordan

Google map link for the above address:,+Jordan/@31.862619,35.5460497,9.13z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x151b5fb85d7981af:0x631c30c0f8dc65e8!8m2!3d31.9543786!4d35.9105776!16zL20vMGM3emY?hl=en&entry=ttu



Map of part of Amman, Jordan, West bank, part of Israel and Gaza strip



Map street view             


1.           This is Amman the capital of Jordan, the small red circle is how large or small Amman was in summer 1966 and in January 1970

2.           This is Amman in 2024, it is almost 10 times the size of 1966

3.           The smaller blue marked area on bottom left side is the Gaza strip and the larger blue marked area on the right side is West Bank and this is what left for Palestinian to live in, because prior to 1948 the entire country called Israel today, yet prior to 1948 was called Palestine ( ) and was stolen by the British and given to the Jewish people because allegedly they lived there 3500 years ago (Three thousand five hundred years ago), which is the biggest lie in our entire history ( + )!!!??

4.           This is Israel that was taken from the Palestinian by force to create a never-ending conflict and keep both Palestinians and Jewish busy fighting each other’s since 1948 and this man-planned and created conflict has several reasons, yet the official reason that the Jewish are originated from this area is fake 3500 years ago, is 100 fake. This is how English royal families + the Rockefeller families + their allies in every single country of our world misuse their power to falsify history for one reason to protect their own stolen petroleum empire and with it they can manipulate any country in the world and above they have been 100% using their petroleum monopoly to manipulate the prices of all products and services on the market to force keeping people busy  working several jobs enable they can afford food + housing+ clothing and everything else and that you can clearly see in Africa but also in the UK and above all in USA and in many parts of Europe = maas brainwash to slavery!


Here are some details of the real history that they falsified:

1.           The English royal families and many of their allies as well as their opponents have been kidnapping adults and children since their existence mainly to enslave them as soldiers and use them to invade other countries and steal whatever they have

2.           When they invaded India, the exact year is very possibly falsified, which I will explain later. They found the Hindu as majority of the population and the Muslims as minority, therefore they allied with the Muslims enable to defeat the Hindu. They were not the only ones and not even the first ones to invade India, Spanish and Portuguese, based on the Internet information invaded  prior to them, in matter of fact the Portuguese went there in 1434 ( + ) this is 16 years before inventing the printing machine in 1450 and 21 years before printing the first bible that allegedly and at that time included the Old Testament = Torah = Copy of the Quran they found in India and used it to enslave their soldiers

3.           One of these invaders, liked to use the Quran the book of the Muslims and modified it to suite their need by giving them instructions allegedly from God that they are the favorites group of people by God and that is why God want to give them the world, and to do that they have to reclaim the world by following the instruction of God that states roughly the followings: they must send a large group of spies to the country/city they are going to take over and these spies should collect information about everything in the city how to get there how large is the army and so on, and when they have these information send it to their king and his army and then they will invade from outside while the spies will help from the inside, and once they have conquered the city they shall celebrate the victory and plan for the next city or country by sending a large group of spies and so on. And there with the Quran was copied and the new copy with these alleged Godly instruction were named Torah and later was added to the New Testament the book of Christian and named this copy of the Quran as Old Testament, and there with the Quran was copies and modified and forced upon the army as if it is originated from God and to them because allegedly God favorite them, and them are now called the Jewish people!

4.           They also had another army that was Muslim and they kidnapped these Muslims from India and used this Muslim army to invade many countries east of and north of India and forced them to be Muslim, The reason they loved the Muslim religion is because of the philosophy that God allegedly plan everything for every single human beings, and that forces people to accept whatever happens to them, because allegedly God planned it for them, and that is why all Muslims are forced to believe that they are slave of God and that you can notice when you see some Muslims with a name that start with the word Abd = slave, such Abd Alkareem = Slave of the generous, and this is one name out of 99 names that Muslim call the good names of God, in other words whatever comes after the word Abd is then supposed to be the name or better said description of God. Here is the list of these names ( ). And that is why there is concentrated Muslim population north and east of India the whole way to Russia in the north and the whole way to Indonesia to the east of India, and Indonesia and officially it has the largest Muslim population worldwide, yet this is because they tried hard to falsify history by forcing to split/divide India in to 3 countries, India + East Pakistan + West Pakistan that were later renamed to Pakistan and Bangladesh ( if they did not split India into 3 countries and did not kidnap countless Muslims in the millions from India and if many Muslims were not forced to leave India through mass immigration, then India would have today at least  between 650 and 700 million Muslims only in one country instead India + Pakistan + Bangladesh have today together over 550 million Muslims = more than double of Indonesia that is officially the largest Muslim country in the world with a population count of 245 Muslims because the English royal families + the Rockefeller families have been falsifying history at least since their existence, meaning over 600 years and over 150 years respectively and this on a consistent bases. Not to forget that in India they used to call Muslims Muhammadans meaning the followers of Mohamad, just like the Christians also call their selves Christian as followers of Christ alias Jesus Christ. There are countless proves that Islam existed in India at least 2500 years ago and not in Saudi Arabia 1400 years ago. Here are a few links that shows that Islam is 100% originated from India, it is just like a water drop in a bucket of water that create a wave and the further away the wave goes from the drop point the smaller it gets and the closer you get at the point where the water drop touched the water the larger and deeper is the wave in the water and the higher is the wave and this is exactly the same with any religion the closer you get to the source of the religion the larger is the population of this religion.

6 Simple garden drainage & water storage ideas (DIY)

5.           The English royal families and the Rockefeller families created Saudi Arabia within a couple of years after the US government split their petroleum company of the Rockefeller families because it was the largest company worldwide and was used to manipulate politicians and the entire government and even the economy by damaging the businesses of others when they see a benefit for their selves and that is why the American government split the company by force into 33 smaller individual companies ( + ) and once you see this situation and know that the English royal family invaded Egypt in 1882 ( ) and also did the same to other country after 1911 because they wanted to create another petroleum monopoly yet far away of the reach of the American government and to do that they created Saudi Arabia and brought millions of Muslims from India and even after India was split in 1947, they continued to import Muslims from India and other Asian countries and therewith any attack on the Rockefeller properties in Saudi Arabia will be attack on all Muslims worldwide, and that is how the Rockefeller families and the English royal families think, anything else is 100% a lie and here is one lie on Wikipedia created directly or indirectly 100% by the Rockefeller families and the English royal families to distract of their doings, which is the history of ARAMCO that original stands for Arab American (Oil or Petroleum) Company. Saudi Arabia was 100% empty and pure desert and faraway of USA and they started to dig and look for petroleum and were successful and all other petroleum countries bordering to Saudi Arabia were also created partially before and partially after the first world war. Not to forget that the Rockefeller families and the English royal families were already in the Middle East controlling several countries, such as Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Israel did not yet exist. And ever since establishing or founding the all-new country called Saudi Arabia, they kept on spreading the Sunni Islam that was 100% created especially for Saudi Arabia. They oft forced neighboring countries such as in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and the whole way to Kenya and oft used military force to force them to become Muslim to make it look like that the water drop in the bucket meaning Islam was allegedly started in Saudi Arabia, even the word Muslim and the word Islam was created by them, because the original Indian called their selves Muhammadans. Here are a few links that highlight the intensity of Islam by population




5.3.             In this link you can clearly see that the English royal family is trying hard to make Saudi Arabia look like it is in the center of the Muslim world by hiding the other Muslims countries such as India that alone has 203 million Muslims that is 5 times Saudi Arabia and when you add Pakistan and Bangladesh Muslim count then they become more than 550 million Muslim that is nearly 14 time the Muslim population in Saudi Arabia ( ) and to make sure that you see it I am going to place a copy of this map after the text roughly 3-5 pages down. And if you are really interested in the truth do your own search and look at the population in Russia and in the Russian federation, where they practically border India. If you think that Saudi Arabia went to Indonesia and forced them to be Muslim between now and 1400 years ago, then use your knowledge of mathematics to see how long does Islam exist in India based on their Muslim population today is over 550 million (= India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) and if you add all the kidnapped Indian to Europe and East Asia and to South America and Africa + all those that were forced to immigrate out of India to escape among others the poverty and racism while they claim that India is the biggest and oldest democracy which is not truer Muslims are being persecuted in India even in 2024 , then add at least 100-150 Million, then India and if it was not split in 1947, then it could have around 650-700 Million Muslims in 2024, where Saudi Arabia had just a couple of Millions during the first world war and that too was falsified, and here you can see the biggest fake history ( ) they claim in 2024 years ago there was 1 million person living in Saudi Arabia, and in 1900 2,14 million and in the year 2020 they have 32 million they grow in 120 years by 30 million, which very much means that the Saudi Arabian population grow only 1.14 million in 1900 years (= One Thousand Nine Hundred Years) how can they if Saudi Arabia has no water and import drinking water from USA and that I saw myself in 1990s through my client ACPI-Associated Canvas Products, Inc. on Markt street in Channelview Texas that were building oval shape water tanks out of heavy plastic, and each of these containers was around 25-30 meters long and 3-5 meters high , I did not measure them, but rather guessing based on what I saw. Look at the content of the above link, especially the tables and you will see the discrepancies of the numbers!






Below are 2 tables from the link above: Historical population in Saudi Arabia = 100% falsified
















And in the below table see if you can figure out what is wrong or what is missing?

I enlarged it to make it easier for you to read. The total count of these people 11-15 million foreigners living there as guest workers or guest slaves the actual Saudi Arabian with Saudi Arabian citizenship are to 99.99% all were imported from East Asia and forced to learn Arabic, and were 100% lied to and then gave them the Saudi Arabian citizenship, meaning there are maybe, I repeat, maybe 0.01% native Saudi Arabian, and I know only of one area in Saudi Arabia that is livable, which is somewhere  south of the city Jeddah, I did not see it nor I saw it on the map, but rather others told me that and they claimed it is a small forest that has even animals living in there including pigs, which may was meant a a joke because Muslim are forbidden to eat pork!

Here is what is missing in the above table: British, Americans, Germans and countless other Europeans but also African out of many African countries and not only from Sudan, but many of them also have Saudi Arabian citizenship

5.4.             Last related point I would like to make is that the Spanish and Portuguese royal families that went to India and China and even to the north and south America before the English royal families did and therewith they too used Islam to enslave people and that you can very clearly see in the following countries they have been going to since centuries, that were their official colonies: Morrocco, Algier and Tunis and south of them also Mauritania, Western Sahara, Mali, Niger and possibly also Chad, as you can see in some of the link that these countries were 100% forced to become Muslims by Spain and Portugal and the French and that is why they were forced to learn Arabic, which is a sub language of the Indian language named Urdu that is mainly used by Indian Muslims to prevent them to communicate with other religions that speaks other languages and this pattern was 100% also copied from India and forced upon all the so-called Arab countries, instead of Frensh, Spanish, English and so on, as mean to isolate them by creating a totally new language called Arabic by using Urdu letters just as they also did in many other countries such as Iran, Afghanistan and even Turkey ( ), very possibly this is where they took the Arabic language from, from Turkey, don’t forget Turkey was colonizing Egypt the oldest and most advanced so-called Arab country in the Middle East, at least until the begin of the second world war, even though they had very high rate of literacy, possibly 70%, I know for fact as I was kidnapped to Egypt in 1960s they had 60% literacy, meaning only 40% of the population were able to read and write and educate their selves, because Egypt was 100% slavery country and still today in the year 2024 and to the larger part a slavery country and my life in it is 199% the prove!

6.           Now I come to the final point that led to creating Israel. The Europeans that were competing with each other’s by going around the world and invading and enslaving countries to steal what they have created countless armies by kidnapping men and children from the invaded countries, and once they have no need for this army they just free them, and that often created a big problem for them, because the individual soldiers of these armies oft were left far away of their home and did not know how to survive so they kept on killing and stealing anything they found and most probably some even attacked cities where the royal family lived, therefore they learned of their mistakes and kept on placing these unneeded soldiers far away, where they cannot re-organize. And one of these faraway places was Palestine in the desert and close to the Mediterranean sea, my guess they placed their unneeded Muslim soldiers in Palestine after the first world war and again they placed unneeded spies and soldiers of the second world war  also in Palestine, because this is their vision or version of a win-win situation, they create a fake history for Jewish and reinforce it by placing them there, while creating a conflict between the new brought spies and soldiers that are Jewish that are fighting to increase their land while the Palestinian are fighting to keep their own land, and there with the English royal families + the Rockefeller families created a never ending conflict to distract of all other countries surrounding them while keeping their old unneeded and unwanted armies fighting each other’s and that it the truth of this conflict, and if we human beings do not find a real good solution for this conflict then this conflict would 100% expand as far as to Russia and as far as to USA and everything in between, and will cause a catastrophe never seen before possibly 10 to 50 times worse that the second world war

7.           To confirm the above, the Dutch royal family did absolutely the same, and had an army consist out of Indonesian and when they left Indonesia in the begin of 1960, they did not want to leave the army there, otherwise could cause problems to their businesses in these area, therefore they brought their army with them to the Netherlands and locked them up in refugee camps for over 10 years, then gradually released them and allowed them to live free in the Netherlands, but only after mass demonstrations to enforce their release. Very unfortunately I cannot find the article anymore. Yet I have the link somewhere in my complaint pages. But here is another link that was viciously performed by British where they locked up people, including women and children in concentration camps ( ). Look at the photos many of them are heartbreaking and shows how sadistic the English royal families and other people I am complaining about and also the links sorted by subject and reason for lockups, below just 2 photos of many others also found in the many links within the page of the above link, look how hungry they are, some have hardly any flesh, just skin on bones!

And that is why the Israeli government are very brainless and vicious instead to arrest the responsible persons for the 7 October 2023 terrorist attack, they are just killing children, elderly, women and men, while destroying their housing and entire infrastructures, whereby most of them are thirsty and starving today in August 2024, because there no drink water and no food delivery to the Palestinian = we live in a heartless vicious world controlled by brainless organized crime families that created the brainless Israeli government but also created the brainless countless terrorist organization while many of them were 100% induced by the Israeli government to spy on Palestinian just as it is dictated to them in the Torah/Old Testament!!!






Source of this map is:   

A map of the world

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Search address for Google map:

In short: Islamic Educational College, Amman. Jordan

In detail: Islamic Educational College Schools Management, Al Kulliyah Al Elmiyah Al Eslamiyah St A23, Amman, Jordan

Google map link for the above address:,35.9170211,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x151b5f814184bde1:0x57616b507704cc33!8m2!3d31.950396!4d35.919596!16s%2Fg%2F1tg2gqws?hl=en&entry=ttu




Map of the Islamic Educational College and other locations


Map street view           





Important Note:

1.           Here is where the Islamic Educational College buildings are located

2.           Somewhere here was a foreign school where my fake niece Basma Bdair alias Basma Alamy was attending

3.           In this building lived my fake sister Suhair Bdair with her husband Seif/Saif Aldin Bdair + her daughter Basma Bdair + her son Samir Bdair + her youngest daughter Reem Bdair alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan + live in housekeeper

4.           In this standalone house lived the Malas family the father’s name forgotten, possibly his name was Mazen, or it is the name of one of his sons, they used to call him Abomaieen = Father of Maieen because his oldest son’s name was Maieen,

5.           This is the second roundabout on Jabal Amman (=Mountain Amman) and they call it Aldawar Althani, directly on this roundabout and in one of the building north of it lived allegedly the parents of Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair and his brother Seif/Saif Aldin Bdair, it is very possible it was a lie and these 2 elderly were helping from the background enslaving people because they had telepathy all of them immigrated to Jordan after the second world war. In other words, they lied to me when they said that Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair immigrated to Jordan in 1920 and the last image in this section is the prove that they lied to me. Also, around 200-400 meters east of this roundabout and east of the yellow 5 in red circle, maybe 100-150 meters of this point where my fake sister Suhair Bdeir lived in 1980s with her husband and 3 children and a live in housekeeper

6.           This is the first roundabout on Jabal Amman (=Mountain Amman) and they call it Aldawar Alawal, as you see there are 2 roads going east of it the top one is going downtown of Amman and on the way downtown and as far as I recall the Lebanese tobacco and drug lord Ali Barq lived there in 1966 and in 1980s, and very close to him lived my fake sister Mona Abokurah  in 1966 but not in 1980s, and she lived in a very deceive apartment with her husband, his mother and his two sisters and at least 2 of their children, May Abokurah and Abdullah Abokurah

7.           City Center Downtown Amman, Jordan in 1966 and until I last visited in spring of 1986





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Photo 1: The website of the Arab Building Material Group in many countries

Yet they tried hard to hide it, and that is very visible in the below “Chairman Message”:


Other info related to the above mentioned website = Top and bottom of the main page



A copy of the actual text of the above image


Chairman Message

Issam M.A Bdair

Arab Building Materials Co.Chairman Message

We are delighted to introduce Arab Building Materials Group as one of the biggest international building materials traders with OVER DHS 1 BILLION turnover in our operations in the Middle East (Branches – Jordan, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar & Bahrain) and store facilities exceeding 15 Million SQUARE FEETS.

In 2008, Arab Building Materials Co. in UAE celebrated 40 years of excellence and success in the building materials world. Our future plan is to remain the biggest international building material co. in the Middle East by providing premium quality products to our customers and continuously increasing our product line, thereby achieving 30% – 40% yearly growth.

We also intend to expand geographically to cover the whole Middle East market by diversifying our investments and entering into new industries.

Allow me to extend my immense gratitude to all our clients who entrusted their faith and confidence in us and also to the UAE Government for their liberal & broadminded economic policy that helped our company grow to what it is today.

Hoping for your valuable patronage for all our future endeavors.




This is one major prove that the Bdair family are actually to 70% the members of the American Rockefeller family and to 30% members of the English royal family or a combination, meaning some of them are of the one family and the rest of the other family, and here is the reason that most people can verify:

1.           They own a huge company that no one in the world is able to build or start this company with all these branches except number 1 the Rockefeller family and Number 2 the English royal family. This company is hidden yet the above images Arab Building Materials Co., the first time I saw this company was in 1966 in Amman, Jordan and it was called Jordan Building Materials Co., then I was told in 1980s that it had branches in Jeddah and I visited myself it was roughly over 100 times the size of the location in Amman, Jordan, and this size estimate possibly is under estimated, because once I went inside I was not able to see the end of the building very clearly possibly was over 100 meters far, it was a huge warehouse divided in many rows and each row had storage shelfs that were possibly 7-10 meters high, in comparison to their branch in Amman, that I believe saw only in 1966 and in January 1970, it was in a building that was built not for this purpose, possibly was originally built as apartment buildings or offices building and then adjusted to be for construction materials with 2 or 3 floors, and it has small hallway to the offices and very small warehouse that possibly was only 50-70 square meters, possibly I did not see the entire warehouse. This very much says at least to me, that whoever opened this business in Amman, Jordan who just opened a small new branch maybe 10-8 years earlier, which it will be very clear with the last image in this section. The best is if I list the countries that has branches: Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and most probably and to 99% in several cities in Egypt including Cairo and Alexandria, most probably also in Yemen, most definitely in Kuwait, Libya + the countries that they listed on their website while hiding the other mentioned above, here are the countries where they listed in their website: UAE, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain + the hidden 9 countries mentioned above, which makes them 14 countries that I am aware of and no one can have this kind of company in the Middle East except number 1 the Rockefeller family and/or the English royal families. Possibly they have the same business in the missing countries under different company names to hide how large they are, which is the same scheme as in USA. That is the reason why they hide things to not link them to UK-United Kingdom and to USA-United States of America, and if you have seen Saudi Arabia as I have seen it several times between summer or autumn 1979 and February 1982 and I found it strange, because it was not like any country I have seen so far not in Europe and not in the Middle East, until I was kidnapped in September 1986 from Germany to USA and forced to live 15 years as slave in USA, and today I recognized that Saudi Arabia looked strange to me in 1979-1982, because it was through and through built by Americans it is just a copy of USA, the streets, supermarkets restaurants, hotels even the slums everything typical American and it tells you I am rich and the hell with everyone else = the language of the Rockefeller family + the English royal families

2.           In Jodan and based on what I was told until 1980s Mohamad Ali Othman Bdair had allegedly 24 positions as chairman of the board in Jordan, from the Jordan Building Materials Co. to the Jordanian Airline named Alia, to chairman of the board in the Islamic Educational college to Electric company to Water company, Gas company, Jordan Petroleum and some engineering company or companies for public and government constructions including for military, on top of all that they were major distributors for many American, British, German, Japanese and other countries manufacturers Such as General Motors, Siemens AG, Toyota, Honda, BMW and others

3.           It is very possible that they also partner in this company called, it is a concrete manufacturing company in partnership with a Finish company, that is why when these criminals founded Saudi Arabia, created a law to prevent anyone else to be in control of their business, which is any foreigner who wants to open business in Saudi Arabia must have a Saudi Arabian partner that owns at least 51% of the company + they have another law that pretend to be Muslim law, in reality it is against human being, which is all Banks in Saudi Arabia does not charge interest when you take a business credit, yet or instead of paying interest you must make them partner of your business and if the business is super success, they will always find a way to kick you out of the company and owned 100% = con-business = swindle = they are through and through thieves = welcome to the world of the Rockefeller families + English royal families while they pretend to be Muslimi in Saudi Arabia and make a very, very, very bad names not only for Saudi Arabians, but for all Muslims and for all so-called Arabs. This company ( I found coincidently under the following link

ab7112da72904e3559.html, yet they locked me out of many of their companies website, and just in case they remove it from public eyes, I copied the page and placed it below.




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Photo 2: copy-1 of the main page of the above-mentioned website.  Here they are showing off their pride of Dubai, UAE = Palm Island




This picture shows you exactly how psychopaths and top organized crime families think, such as my fake and biological families think. They wasted so much money to build these housing to show as if they are intelligent or better said and as ex-US president usually say and I am quoting him “They call that smart”, but I call it absolutely stupid because there is huge poverty in most countries on the other side of the Persian Gulf such as Iran, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, where they get most of their population and then pretend that the UAE exist since millennium  and here you can look at this fake history ( )





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Photo 3: copy-2 of the main page of the above-mentioned website Here they are showing off their pride of Dubai, UAE = Ferrari funfair




Here too, they are  trying to say about their selves “They call that smart” and I call that stupid and many will in the future will call it the same, because I can foresee the future, there will be either no man alive or we all will live in the future where no man or woman or a child or an elderly ever sleep hungry or be homeless, because we will not have these kind of organized crime families any more that cause these problem and that is more than just smart it is Godly intelligence, anything else is pure stupid, PERIOD.





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Photo 4: The building where my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Bdair/Budier lived

and the Edelbi brothers lived next to the house of the Malas family until roughly 1970s and directly opposite the Islamic Educational College                              


Important note: I believe the main residence of the Bdair family was and still is in Saudi Arabia because they are 100% members of the Rockefeller families and the English royal families, and Jordan was nothing else than a second residence for their many businesses they have in Jordan such as Jordan petroleum and this residence is one out of several, I even and today in August 2024 believe that they also had a residence in Cairo, Egypt and kept it secret from me, and that is why they are using a small apartment in Amman, Jordan, even though they are one of the richest families worldwide, that is if they are not the richest family, because the Rockefeller family and officially owns Exxon/Esso + Chevron + some petroleum companies in Russia under their hidden Russian name + ARAMCO + many more  but also they own countless other businesses in other sectors as you can clearly see within my complain pages. And to be more precise the man that calls himself Mohmad Ali Othman Bdair and his brother alias my fake brother-in-law Seif/Saif Aldin Bdeir are 100% not Arabs and 200% not Muslim and that you can clearly see on their fake Muslims names, that is if you know what it means. Mohamad or Muhammad and other written variations is the name of the prophet of Islam, Ali is the name of the nephew of the prophet Muhammad and Othman is the name of the friend of the prophet Muhammad and this as far as I recall and as I learned that in the elementary school in Cairo Egypt prior to 1966. His brother’s name is Seif Aldin Bdeir some might write it in other variation such as Saif Aldin Bdeir, Seif means sword and Aldin means The Religion, in other words his first name is Sword of the Religion = all fake names to show as if they are Muslims, yet their behavior in the hidden is worse even than Satan himself, and since Satan has no place in Gods world and we all live in God’s world and Satan does not exist  and was made up for many reasons, among others to scare people and sometimes even the use Satan as distraction of telepathy especially when they use the so-called exorcism (, which means they are the most dangerous people on this earth and that you can clearly see not only what these mother fuckers did to me, but also you can see in their produced actions in the past and even today and here are only 2 of their actions today which is that they are 100% that ordered these actions which are the Russian invasion of Ukraine that caused the mass murder of countless people from a child to women to elderly + the constant war in Israel between Israeli and Palestinians that is most of the time caused through their own terrorist that are spies working for them and simultaneously these terrorist are the guards of many illegal drug farms in Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan and other areas. End of note.


1.           These shops did not exist in 1966 and in January 1970, instead there was the storage basement for the apartments and the Bdair family that lived in the first floor used the basement to store wood bricks for the fire place in the winter and there was thousands of wood bricks each around 20-30 cm long and 5 cm diameter in one huge room pilled on top of each other, which indicates that a truck drove backwards and pushed the wooden bricks of the truck or the driver and his helpers were throwing them in to this room and the floor of the room was roughly 5-8 meters below the entrance door, and there was a stairwell to the bottom of this storage room

2.           This is the balcony through the bedroom of my fake sister and her alleged husband Saif Aldin Bdair where my fake sister Suhair Bdair lived with her alleged husband Seif/Saif Aldin Bdair and her 3 children and live in housekeeper that was nothing else than a slave because she was 100% under 9 years old in 1966 and another one in January 1970 that was maybe 1-2 years older and another one that was maybe 5 years older in 1980s

3.           This is the main balcony through the living room, last time I saw it was in January 1970 had no metal fence as it is in this photograph. They used to sit on this balcony almost every night after dinner and eat a lot of fruits and sweets which made them very fat, the husband Seif Aldin Bdair was at least 30 kg overweight while he was under 160 cm, at least in my presence. In 1966 I was there for nearly 3 months, 2-3 weeks of which they took me to Lebanon, the car traffic at that time was so limited, that you can practically count the passing by cars because maybe 5-10 cars pass by every minute or so and this in both directions in 1980s the traffic was like in the biggest cities in Europe or USA = during that period there was mass migration from Europe and elsewhere but also millions of Palestinian refugees, but these refugees and most of them were more than poor and were placed in tents in  refugee camps all over Jordan, mainly several kilometers outside any city

4.           In this apartment lived the Edelbi brothers, they were just a couple of years older than me in 1966 and were living with an elderly woman that today I believe she was a nanny and raising them, very possibly they were either also kidnapped as children or are two of the hidden children of Muhammad Ali Othman Bdeir that I strongly suspect that he had possibly much more than one thousand child spread all over the world to help him with his businesses that he made through stealing the lives of others just as these mother fuckers did to me since at least 1966. The Edelbi brothers and last I saw them in Amman, Jordan, one of them was named Haitham Edelbi and was officer in the so-called Jordanian royal Airforce and retired young and allegedly went into weapon business, meaning he buys and sells weapons also to Palestinians or better said to Israeli spies that pretend to be Palestinians and there are thousands of them in Gaza Strip and in West bank and in Jordan and in Germany and in many other countries. The other brother first name forgotten he was allegedly the business attorney of my other fake brother-in-law named Abdulghani Abokurah that did many thing to force my mind to believe that he is Jordanian and living only in Jordan, but today I believe this mother fucker was to 80% member of the English royal family and 20% member of the ex-German royal family, I may be wrong but that is what these criminal do, they always try to implicate others to cover up for their origin, which is 100% the UK, yet because of my life experience I will keep it as 80%, and here is why I believe his from the English royal family:

4.1.             He is one of the biggest liars I have seen and the absolute the same is with his daughter May Abokurah and at least with his 2 out of 4 sons, which are Abdullah Abokurah and Ghassan Abokurah

4.2.             They are good in telling fake stories, he said he studied in a German university in Koeln, and that to force my mind to believe him, because my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi now living on Waldweg in Hamburg, used allegedly also to study in Koeln allegedly since end of 1950s, and that is allegedly why Abdulghani Abokurah allegedly went for his honeymoon to Koeln, Germany during which they were in a restaurant and one man was looking at his new wife alias my fake sister Mona Abokurah, and this man was looking allegedly at her in a very sexual way, therefore Abdulghani Abokurah allegedly took him outside on the street and  hit him very badly

4.3.             My fake sister allegedly lives always in the UK and named Fadia Nagar, in reality she is Saudi Arabian, tried hard to force my mind to think that Abdulghani Abokurah is the only rich man in the family, by also telling me a fake story that I did not understand why she told me that at that time, which is he took a taxi in London and as they arrived at the destination he gave the tax driver and as far as I recall 100 English pound and told him keep the change, and my fake sister continued with this fake story and telling me the fare was only 2 or 4 pounds and he gave him over 95 pounds as tip and here too to make him stinky rich and they are the poor ones, not to forget that her husband Dr. Alaa Ali that pretended to be the Medical doctor that I get to know in 1968 in Cairo, Egypt, yet he was 100% not the same person, this fake Dr. Alaa Ali is a hidden either father or older brother or at least a very close cousin of Dr. Amin H. Nasser the CEO of ARACO ( not to forget that Dr. Alaa Ali claimed that he was working for ARAMCO for over 15 years allegedly as medical doctor just outside Dammam in an alleged ARAMCO hospital, which was all lies, he most probably worked for ARAMCO but not as a medical doctor, rather as another criminal like Dr. Amin H. Nasser that today I know for fact is 100% a Rockefeller family member and most probably he is a mixture between an Egyptian Rockefeller and American Rockefeller, meaning one of his parent is white while the other is darker skin because is born in Egypt from most probably an Egyptian woman or even an Indian originated woman that lives in Egypt, not to forget that the English royal family went to Egypt and took control of Egypt in 1882 and simultaneously also the Rockefeller family went to Egypt during that period of time and ever since they 100% control Egypt and that is why Egypt is poor, just like what they did to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and countless other countries by keeping them as slaves and preventing them to advance in life just as they also did to me all my life

4.4.             The above is merely a couple of fake stories I was told out of literally countless other stories to create chaos in my brain and prevent me to recognize who they in reality are = Mentally sick and in urgent need for a treatment

5.           This is where the Malas family lived, them too I know that they are not Jordanian nor they were Arabs nor Muslims, possibly Israeli from Europe, they were white, the father’s name was possibly Mazen or Mazen is the name of one of his sons, I forgot, however they call him  Abomaieen, meaning father of Maieen, which is the name of his oldest son, his wife name was Raghdah was also white red hair and had red freckles all over her face and body, they had other children but I forgot their names because 100% they had telepathy and controlled me with it, I am positive about that, among others because I was many times at their home and played with their children at their garden in 1966 and on top of that they too cooperated in setting me up in December and January 1970 to look like as if I am heavily related to the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization that was 100% headed by an Israeli spy named Yasser Arafat as it is mentioned in several other pages, and the way they did that is that when I was taken to Munich, Germany for the second time around 15 January 1970 one of their sons picked us up, meaning me and my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi from the Airport in Munich, Germany and took us to the hotel Maria and in the same evening he picked us up and took us out to show us Munich in night in an area called Schwabing in Munich, where most of the streets cafes and other entertainment shops are found and since I know I was being monitored by some authority and this since 11.10.1969 after I was arrested along with my fake mother because she implicated me with several hundred Dollar bills that were counterfeit and here he is walking with us in Munich, and until recently I thought because one of the major Palestinian leaders in PLO was also named Malas, and therefore and until this point I thought he was just confirming my relation to the terrorist group called PLO ( ), however and today I see 2 other more plausible possibilities, Possibility-one: his family are Jewish and relocated there either during the second world war or after. Possibility-2: his father and possibly also his mother were one of the hidden escaped Nazis and ex-German royal family meaning in the military or in the government of Adolf Hitler, and this son that picked us from the airport knew that I am being followed enable to see from where I get the counterfeit 100 Dollar bills, he also claimed that he is studying at the university of Munich that mother fucker no good piece of dog shit, because I never saw him after that night and my life was literally tortured severely after he left for at least 5 months and then just continued to torture me until the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim freed me of this slavery that was forced upon me by the American military stationed at that time in Munich McGraw kaserne. In Other words, and this is the plausible conclusion, he came to pick us up from the airport for one purpose/reason only so the German authority can recognize him as the son of the escaped Nazi or German Jewish, and when I saw hidden escaped Nazis I mean the British and American and Dutch and Russian helped them escape and relocate to areas they control and have power in it, and they helped them because they were relatives, and there with the Americans and British military in Germany was 100% blackmailing the German controlling families either as Nazis families or as Jewish families to leave me to be controlled by them and as a result of this blackmail they took me for isolation to the American military base McGraw kaserne after tortured my life inside out and forced me to be homeless for at least 6 possibly 8 weeks sleeping on the streets of Munich, to force my mind to think that these mother fucker American military saved me from the streets of Munich, whereby these mother fuckers put me there in the first of all to use me as blackmail object against the yet to become German Chanceller and became vice Chancellor named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias Mohi Sabri the fake Egyptian police officer and the husband of my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that today I strongly suspect her to have been Irene Möllemann the first wife of Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and he was most probably assassinated and did not die accidentally as they claim others trying to make him look like as if he committed suicide.


All of the above typical psychopaths and mother fuckers’ English royal families + the Rockefeller families alias my fake and biological families that tortured the life out of me and kidnapped me 3 times in my life, during which they literally stole everything from my life, from family to home, to furniture to all photographs that I had collected since 1960 to my profession and above they forced me to live as refugee for over 50 years and forced me to relocate also by kidnapping, countless times, possibly over 100 times since January 1960, the majority of these relocations were between 10.10.1999 in Houston, Texas and 1 March 2016 in Den Haag/The Hague, and during this period they forced me 100% with brainwash and telepathy to g illegally to Germany, enable to give the German immigration the right to issue me a ban of ever entering Germany again , and this ban was issued either in 2002 or 2003, also during this period of time I was in countless jails + prisons + refugee camps starting July 2000 between Houston, Texas, USA and the Netherlands and Germany until Mai 2012 = I have to words in my vocabulary to describe their doings to me, except they are mother fuckers and children kidnappers and children rapist = 100% they are pedophiles ( )






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Photo 5: The buildig of my fake sister and the Islamic Educational College in one photo

The same building as above on the left side, while on the right side is the Islamic Educational college


1.           The building where my fake sister Suhair Bdair and her alleged family lived and mentioned above. Directly opposite the Islamic Educational College of Amman, Jordan

2.           This is the Islamic Educational College in Amman, Jordan

3.           This road going towards the Second Roundabout in Mount Amman, in Arabic they call it Aldawar Althani in Jabal Amman

4.           This road going towards the First Roundabout in Mount Amman, in Arabic they call it Aldawar Alawal in Jabal Amman and also towards downtown Amman








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Photo 6: One of the Entrances of the Islamic Educational College

Its name in Arabic is on the white sign                     


This is one of the entrances to the Islamic Educational college in Amman, Jordan. The reason I am writing and including this college many times to make it easier for you to understand the point I am going to make below in the last image of this college!


Also, the white sign on right side of the gate behind the light bulb it include the name of this college.





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Photo 7: The main entrance of the Islamic Educational college

The year founded and who founded it, which is a very clear and strong prove as explained below


Photo 8: Islamic College was started to build in 1947

The founding text enlarged and is readable even though it is from 1947/1948

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And here I come to a major point about the fake family Bdair. And this sign says many things and it did not say much to me in 1966 nor in 1983 nor in 1985 and 1986, where I tried hard to offer them my service as IT professional and they toyed with me and kept on sending me from one company to another and all refused me because they did not want me to have any business in Amman, Jordan, actually they did not want me to ever come back to Amman, Jordan, because it is not their main residence, they are mother fucker Rockefeller family and founder and owner of the company. ARAMCO. At that time, I just wanted to be near my family and since each one of these criminal motherfuckers and psychopaths pretended to be living in another city and in another country, this is the closest family I had, these 2 fake sisters Mona Abokurah and Suhair Bdair.


Now I come to the point, look at the photograph above, I enlarged it from the photograph above it and this is what it says starting from top and to the bottom of the stone:


1.           The Islamic Educational College

2.           Founded year 1366/1947 (Note: the first numbers are the so-called Islamic year and the second numbers are the Gregorian year. The same is valid for the next point. End of note.)

3.           It is not very clear to read, however this is what I can read: Muhammad Ali Othman Bdair founded this stonewall year 1368/1948


To understand the point, I am trying to make consider the followings:


1.           In 1910 The Rockefeller lost their company that was broken down by force of the American government to 33 different smaller companies and this company was Standard Oil ( + + )

2.           The Rockefeller families and their partners such as the English royal families and immediately after losing their company Standard Oil started to look for a solution where no one can ever break down their company again, and to do that they most probably caused the first world war just 3 years later to create chaos, during which they can rebuild their empire where no government ever can break it, and this is only doable if you create your own country and as a backup why not create several countries and as additional backup why not get civilian people to protect their hidden slavery empire and they did that as it is mentioned below:

3.           At the end of First World War they created a new organization called the League of Nations ( ) and used it to form allies and new borders in the desert that is called in the Arab semi isle  and created all these countries in it with all kind of deceive and money, the few thousand real Arab Nomad that lived there were and still today very, very bribable and would do anything for money, and this is not my opinion, but rather this is what is known in the Arab countries about them they would even sell their own children and wives and parents and the English royal families and the Rockefeller knew that, and therewith through bribery and the above mentioned new founded organization “The League of nations” they created and systematically all the Arab countries within the Arab Semi Isle, which are:

3.1.             Saudi Arabia

3.2.             Kuwait

3.3.             Bahrain

3.4.             Qatar

3.5.             UAE-United Arab Emirates

3.6.             Oman

3.7.             Yemen

3.8.             They did not stop there and did the same north of this Arab Semi Isle with the following countries:

3.9.             Iraq

3.10.       Jordan

3.11.       Syria

3.12.       Lebanon

3.13.       Palestine

4.           Please note in the period between the first world war and after the second world war they performed countless adjustments on these countries such as Oman was named Hydramout and I am translating the word as I learned it in the elementary and junior high school in Cairo, Egypt and it is written like this in Arabic: , then renamed it to Oman here is 100% fake history of Oman ( + ), also, note that these controlling families I am complaining about they have people working for them and do nothing except create fake histories based on the need of the families and the possibilities for these locations

5.           The German lost big time in the first world war and the entire empire of Germany was cut roughly by half

6.           The second world war was started most probably by Germans to regain what they lost in the first world war while revenging, unjustly I may add, on the Jewish, because a certain unknown to me number of Jewish were working as spies for the English royal families and possibly also for the Rockefeller families, which all in all resulted of the mass murder = genocide of countless Jewish people and even many children but also killing anyone who opposed the ex-German royal families that were 100% controlling Germany during the second world war and using Adolf Hitler as front to take the blame and distract if them. In the end over 75 million human beings died because of the greed. My guess the second world war caused the death of possibly more than 150 million, because many died after the war ended as side effect of the war, either out of sickness or starvation or murdered to steal their food and their belonging

7.           1947 partitioning India into 3 countries ( ) to hide that India is 100% the source of the religion Islam that they call Muhammadan and since the Jewish religion is a modified copy of Islam, then India is also the source of Judaism, and since Christianity book rely heavily on the Old Testament to show their follower the negative effect of modifying the Quran to suite the need of the English royal family and many other European royal families at least in France, Spain, Portugal and Germany, it is very possible that Christianity was also originated from India to teach Jewish not to be soldiers and spies as it is written in the Old Testament, which all in all means that the timing of our history is 100% false at least when it is related to these 3 religions

8.           1947 the Rockefeller and the their countless partners are continuing to spread Islam Sunni by force and around Saudi Arabia that they 100% totally controlled, among others by repeatedly importing Muslims from India and east Asia and all they need to do is to force them to learn the Arabic language and force them only to use their self-made copy pf the Quran that they copied long time ago from India, and there with all these imported human being are being systematically brainwashed and they do not even notice it because it is logical that they have to learn the new language, beside the majority of them were 100% illiterate, and those who were literate  already knew the alphabet they just need to learn the couple different letter, because the majority of them speaks Urdu, and Urdu is 100% the origin of Arabic, Farsi in Iran and other neighboring countries. By now they forced the new version of Islam called Sunni also in Egypt, Sudan and entire north African countries, because one thing I know for sure about all royal families in Europe, they compete heavily against each other because each one of them wants to be the big boss and the boss of the other royal families, just like the mafia and their boss that they call “The Godfather”, but when it comes to slavery, they all agree on certain strategies and implementations

9.           1947 now the Rockefeller are also in Amman, Jordan and founding the Islamic Educational college to force teaching Islam Sunni, while showing as if they are Muslims and originated form the prophet Muhammad family from Saudi Arabia and that is why they falsify the history also in by claiming the same. Yet the facts as I gathered from my life experience and my experience with them and my extended memory called Microsoft 365 + my extended intelligence called shows the reality and the facts of our lives. And that is why the Islamic Educational college was planned in 1947 and completed by 1948 along with Israel!

10.      1947-1948 Founding the country Israel with a totally new language called Hebrew by claiming this language is originated from 3500 year ago, yet no one spoke it until they founded the country Israel to create a new never ending conflict while claiming they are helping Jewish that were disgracefully mistreated during the second world war, actually they have been always mistreated and since the English royal families founded the Judaism to brainwash their army and use them to invade other countries just as they also did with countless Muslims from Asia and in particular from India. Creating a new country with a new religion and new language is an intentional act and a very nasty and destructive strategy from some royal families that they use to isolate people of each other’s and therewith they will never understand each other’s and this situation is the main cause of all violence in the Middle East and Africa which used as strategy to create chaos around their enslaved people and keep them busy trying to solve something they do not understand, just as they did to me since my birth, yet and since summer 1999 I live alone and trying to understand why the hell I am in Houston, Texas and in USA a place I totally dislike, yet I was often prevented to understand until some unknown to me starting April 2000 forced me to recognize telepathy = human beings telecommunication directly from their brain to the brain of any other creature, but I was still being prevented to understand what is wrong with my life until I relocated on 1 March 2016 to the city Den Haag/The Hague and ever since I am doing nothing except trying to understand the cause of the problems that were forced upon my life by researching what I can to find a solution for problems that I have since 1984 and other since 1960 and was not able to solve. Today in August 2024, I was not able to solve any of the problems these not good mother fuckers caused me since my birth, but at least I know who did what and why they did it and thanks to I was able to research most of my problems and thank to Microsoft 365 I was able to document some of my findings using these applications/programs included in Microsoft 365









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Photo 9: nearby lived my fake sister Suhair Bedeir/bdair/Budier starting 1979/1980

To the right is “Petra Bank” in Arabic, on the left Church of the Christian Anglican Union, roughly 50 meters of location #6 on the above Map of the Islamic Educational College and other locations


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These 2 buildings are around 100-250 meters of the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdair in a building called Malas Building.



The building on the right side has the wording “Petra Bank


The building on left has the wording “Church of United Anglican Christian” or it can also mean “United Anglican Christian church”. What is odd, is that I went maybe 5-7 to the United Kingdom and to several cities in the north and in the south, yet never seen an Anglican church, yet it is here very close to the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, where the Bdair family tried hard to force me to think of them as middle-class family originated from Syria. Also, the apartment the moved to sometimes between 1970 and 1979 is actually sort of a penthouse because it is the top floor and the entire floor, meaning only their apartment is on this floor and they pretend to be strict Muslims while they really enslave Muslims and create countless chaos around the lives of Muslims to prevent them of seeing through a severe and mass brainwash, and simultaneously they cause a very bad me for the general Muslim population. And this while countries like the UK + USA and others call these countries as Moderate Muslim countries, what is moderate on these mother fuckers that kidnap children and force them to whatever they want as they did to me and to countless other children as described also in this page, not to forget that they execute any Muslim that changes his/her religion, and that is dictated by  Islam Sunni = English royal families + Rockefeller families.


This is a link about this kind of deceive churches:


I call it deceive church because they have no Idea what Christianity is about, Christianity starts with the New Testament and ends with the New Testament, however many controlling families want to force that people also believe in the Old Testament = the Torah because when they believe in the old Testament then they will agree to and see many bad things as legitimate, such as invading other countries, killing other human beings or maas killing other human beings as Russia is doing now in Ukraine and as Israel doing now with the Palestinian and as the Rockefeller and the English royal families are also doing now in many countries in Africa enable they can suck the lives out of them and steal their natural resources such as they are doing now in Libya, Nigeria and many other countries and during this process they cause mass killings and blame it on Muslim groups to force the international communities to get used to it and do nothing to stop the hidden mass killing of Africans even today in August 2024!






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Munich, Germany map index


Important note: the purpose of this section is to show you why I do not trust Americans in Germany and why I do not trust the following church: Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, because I believe many or at least a handful of the members of this church are Americans possibly mixed with British that all came to Germany as military officers or soldiers and after retiring from the military they never left Germany and are there some since 1945 and speak German without accent whatsoever, and to cover up for that the American military did the followings:

1.       Enslaved me under the control of a British woman named Anita Disbray that always spoke German with very bad accent, and this in addition that she was over 60 years old on 20 August 1970 and was pretending to be 21 years old, while I was 17 years old, severely brainwashed and totally confused due to the sadistic brain wash they performed on me as well as the total amnesia they caused me in the begin of 1960s

2.       Forced upon my life a very nasty and bad Afro American that pretended to be my friend from roughly summer 1970 and until the last time I saw him in Octoberfest of 1977, which was the same time that the above mentioned English royal family prostitute left my life in September 1977. And this Afro American was named Ray Thomas and even though he was married to a German woman with red hair named Mariana, and he was in Germany at least for more than 10 years, because he had a son from Mariana that was born in Munich and was 10-12 years old, yet Ray Thomas spoke not only with bad accent but also spoke very bad German. This man caused me countless severe problems while pretended to be helping me, he claimed about himself to be ex-military police officer, yet I strongly suspect him to have been either American military Intelligence office or a CIA agent


And there with and alone based on the above mentioned 2 I was forced to think that all Americans and British are always recognizable based on their bad accent = brainwash. Also, the above mentioned 2 persons that were 100% isolating me from 1970 and until I was setup to became Christian in 1976 enable to have a reason to isolate me even more strict by kidnapping me from Germany to USA where they kept me as slave for 15 years and blamed it on my fake family that pretend to be strict Muslim and build mosques and Islamic schools to force people to whatever they want and then blame it on God, yet my fake family is 100% Americans mixed with British and mixed with Israelis and others.




1.       The office of the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa and his wife in their own carpet shop and very nearby Siemens AG corporate headquarter

2.       An overview of hidden Americans living in and around Munich, Germany, and this is only in one city out of many others

3.       Map of the brainwash and slavery military base named McGraw kaserne in Obergiesing-Fasangarten in Munich, Germany

4.       The hidden military agents all over my life to keep me enslaved

5.       Photo of location 1 in the above map: ex-American military base in Hasenbergel, Munich





Search address for Google map:

In short: Siemens AG - Corporate Headquarters, Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 1, 80333 München, Germany

In detail: manually zoom in or out

Google map link for the above address:,+80333+M%C3%BCnchen,+Germany/@48.1422506,11.5696485,595m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!1m2!2m1!1ssiemens+on+maximilianplatz+in+munich!3m5!1s0x479e75f3a10a06f3:0xb4bf8753f3cd2fb4!8m2!3d48.141425!4d11.5730335!16s%2Fg%2F11c3q3c9hd?hl=en&entry=ttu



The office of the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa and his wife in their own carpet retail shop and very nearby Siemens AG corporate headquarter



Map street view


Important Note:

1.           This is where the offices of the top management of Siemens AG are located just 600 meters from all 3 mentioned places mentioned below. This top management are the responsible persons for using me as blackmail object against my fake and biological families in Saudi Arabia and Jordan

2.           This is the location of the oriental carpet shop of the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa, that mother fucker no good male pimp and male prostitute, because he would do anything for money including placing his children in an Islamic school on Freisingland strasse/Street in Munich to show as if he and his prostitute wife are Muslims and Syrians, he was one of the mother fuckers that was persecuting me in Munich and torturing my life with telepathy, in addition he tried to assassinate me as it is mentioned on this page by giving me fake small diamonds that today I believe they were illegal drugs named crystals because they look like tiny crystals with roughly 1-2 millimeter diameter and asked me to give it to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia because Siemens AG was sending me to Saudi Arabia to test the multilingual computers, and if the Saudi Arabian customs would have found that on me, even if they were real diamonds, then they would have most definitely cut my head off with the sword and all this to cover up for this mother fucker fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi that today I suspect him to be the hidden husband of the lookalike of Anita Disbray that the American military in Munich enslaved me under her control and she oft exchanged places with an identical lookalike yet much younger than her, and this younger one I discovered she was living in Saudi Arabia and was the wife of Jawdat Baroudi. Today I believe that the top management of Siemens AG were monitoring me with telepathy and saw what he gave me and took precautionary action to save my life by giving me a letter through my manager. And once I landed in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, where I was supposed to make the first test and then fly to Riyadh for the second test, yet in the airport in Jeddah I was arrested with the reasoning I allegedly obtained my visa to Saudi Arabia illegally, and the took me to a bus to be transported to jail, where then I will be taken to jail and once I am in jail they would search me and find the illegal drugs and then most definitely execute me, yet some unknown to me person kept on telling me with telepathy show the letter, then I did, and the letter was official document with names and contact information of the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia that was the client of Siemens AG and we were performing the work for them, then when the police officer read the letter he apologized and asked that I be taken to the airport exit.

3.           This is the hotel named Bayerischer Hof, at that time in 1980s and to my knowledge was the best hotel in Munich, Germany. And here was the criminal Syrian lieutenant colonel Labid/Labeed Salame/Salameh that was the project leader of the Syrian side of the BP-British Petroleum illegal project called Calypso to provide the Syrian government with Satellites computers based on American technologies and American military satellites, he was one of maybe 20-35 other military staff that came to Germany to be trained on this system and this in addition to several Syrian generals of military and police that came 2-3 times for meetings and negotiations. BP-British Petroleum used these Syrian military staff as distraction of their selves to brainwash me and enslaved me on 24.12.1984 under the control of their American-German prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Jewish that is pretending to be Muslim, Syrian, then in September 1986 kidnapped me from Germany to USA, where these mother fuckers kept me literally as slave of their will until I tried to escape USA by living in airport of Houston, Tesas, USA for roughly 4-6 weeks trying to find a way to smuggle myself on a plan back to Munich, Germany, then I was arrested twice in the airport and then placed in deportation prison and taken to the Netherlands on 11.2.2001, where I was locked up in countless places until Mai 2012

4.           This is the location of Deutsche Bank branch, where the Syrian lieutenant colonel Labid/Labeed Salame/Salameh somehow and at that time I did not understand it forced me to write him a check for 10 thousand Deutsch mark after a couple of days I realized I do not want to do that and went back to the bank and requested from them to cancel the check and they did one week later they contacted me that the check was cashed but I do not have to worry because I canceled it on time and the other bank ignored the cancelation. Later on and after the year 2000 I realized that this mother fucker name Syrian lieutenant colonel Labid/Labeed Salame/Salameh forced me with telepathy to write him a check, and until today I have no idea why did that or for what reason, and I cannot find any reason, so I concluded he did that to implicate me as if I am doing something wrong in Germany and bribing him to keep quite.


This is how evil are the English royal families + the Rockefeller families alias my fake families all over the Middle East, Germany, UK, Switzerland, USA and most definitely also in Russia, because only the Rockefeller and the English royal families can go in and out of USA and Russia and other countries without visas, because they have multiple nationalities because they have big petroleum business in Russia and in USA and in Saudi Arabia and in Jordan and in Kuwait and in UAE and in Qatar and in Bahrain and in Iraq and in Libya and in Nigeria and these are only the countries known to me. Never forget that the English royal family are family related to the ex-Russian royal families and to the ex-German royal families and to many others.


The British king George VI + the last German emperor Wilhelm II + the last Russian emperor Nicholas II are cousins and all 3 of them are the grand children of queen Victoria of United Kingdom:






Here is a painting of queen Victoria, I took of the above link, that shows you how much slavery they make and force upon the other just to live and have what you see in this painting, which is only one out of literally countless billions of other things that they steal of others and that is the only reason we have poverties on this planet and the biggest poverty you find in India + Pakistan + Bangladesh + Africa because these areas were enslaved for the longest period ever, and they still are suffering today in August 2024





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Search address for Google map:

In short: Munich, Germany

In detail: Munich, Germany manual zoom in or out

Google map link for the above address:,+Germany/@48.1488277,11.4845991,38104m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x479e75f9a38c5fd9:0x10cb84a7db1987d!8m2!3d48.1351253!4d11.5819805!16s%2Fm%2F02h6_6p?hl=en&entry=ttu



An overview of hidden Americans living in and around Munich, Germany, and this is only in one city out of many others



Map street view





Important Note:

1.           City of Unterhaching, this is where the new 2 lookalikes of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar lived temporary in 1971, they were forced upon my life by the concentrated evil American military stationed in Munich and elsewhere in Germany as distraction of my original fake mother Hyatt/Baroudi that brought me to Munich around 15 January 1970 and disappeared within 2-4 weeks later. Today Iin August 2024 I believe this sadistic criminal vicious woman was the first wife of ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias her boyfriend in Cairo, Egypt that pretended to be a Egyptian police officer named Mohi Sabri, and now she left me practically on the street and in the hidden hands of the evil American military and wen to live with her husband wherever he lived at that time in Germany. And my new fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar is a distraction of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias the hidden son of the ex-king Hussein of Jordan and the hidden brother of the current king of Jordan named Abdullah, and all of them were 100% forced upon my life starting the begin of 1966 as distraction that the Egyptian government where either reminding me of something, testing my memory or using me as blackmail object because queen Elizabeth the second of the UK was using me as decoy vacation son/daughter/brother/sister, I cannot determine exactly yet!

2.           Munich-Giesing, this is the American Military base named McGraw Kaserne where these evil criminal military took me to their base using one of the most statistic and vicious brainwash that literally tortured the life out of me and brought my already confused brain to a total stand still and then took me to the base where they totally isolated me from the general public in Germany two and half years and continued to brainwash, enslaved me under the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended on 20 August 1970 to be only 4 years older than me = 21 years old while I was totally brainwashed, confused, scared and so far I lost everything in my life and forced to live here, then they brought a new lookalike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar roughly end of September or begin of October 1970, immediately after the so-called Black September uprising in Jordan ( ) carrying a belt made out of empty bullets that he claimed he collected of the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdair in Amman, Jordan after the alleged Palestinian allegedly went berserk and kept on indiscriminately shooting at houses. At that time, I believed all that, because that was the purpose of this belt to force me to think that he is the same person as I get to know in 1966 in Amman, Jordan and also in Cairo, Egypt. Today I know that this man was most definitely was either American or British military staff and very possibly is a cousin of the original one. Both relocated later each to live alone one in Unterhaching and the other in Munich very close to the American military base

3.           Here was my last address on Winzerer street/Winzererstrasse 146 A in Munich-Schwabing, where the BP-British-Petroleum severely brainwashed me enslaved me again on 24.12.1984 and in September 1986 kidnapped me from Germany to USA, where they literally kept me as slave for 15 years until I tried to escape in June/July 2000, then was arrested twice within 2 weeks in the airport of Houston, Texas, USA  and locked up in deportation prison on 24 July 2000 and on 11.2.2001 was brought by force to the Netherlands, where all in all I was locked up for 13 years in countless jails, prisons, and refugee camps until Mai 2012

4.           This is another American military base in an area called Munich-Hasenbergl ( ) where the American military, that was in over 10 thousand soldiers and officers all over Munich only not to mention other cities and states, and here they had a very large military base and also a very large military housing area and just north of it they also had a military Airforce in Oberschleissheim, today this Airforce is converted to a small airport. And in this military base they had their main food storage and distribution for the entire surrounding American military in Munich, and here too I worked for around 2 weeks, that today I recognized as a brainwash to me while simultaneously were testing my brain with telepathy to see if I remember being with queen Elizabeth the second, which I have mention elsewhere in this page. Important note: the American military had countless military bases in Germany and in Munich alone, there was may be 10 of them, I did not count them, but you can if you wish, here is a link with all of them or at least most of them ( )

5.           Oberschleissheim airport alias ex-American Airforce airport, as mentioned in the previous point, Airforce airport in south of  the city Oberschleissheim around a couple of KM from the military base mentioned in the previous point

6.           This is the city of Oberschleissheim with their famous Schleissheim Schloss ( ), and wherever there are housing of ex-German royal families, then there are also ex-German royal families that today I call them controlling families, because they 100% control all major business and all major political parties and especially the following parties

6.1.             CDU-Christian Democratic Union = all over Germany

6.2.             CSU- Christian Social Union = only in the state of Bavaria

6.3.             FDP-Free Democratic Party = All over Germany

6.4.             And others, however the ex-German vice chancellor was member of the CDU for a short period and then changed to FDP, and since he was one of the major reasons why I was taken to Germany as blackmail object because they used him in around 1966/67 to rape me sexually, or better said based on what I saw, my original fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi had 100% telepathy, he did not have telepathy and she forced him 100% with telepathy to rape me in her presence as it is mentioned elsewhere = he was 100% her slave and it was planned that he rape me to use me later to black mail him, which they did countless times, but I did not recognize it at that time until just recently since around one years started to recognize many things about my fake mother and her official husband. As I was kidnapped from Germany to USA the above mentioned 3 parties were controlling the government these no good mother fuckers and they not only saw how I was being systematically brainwashed by BP-British Petroleum by using their illegal project Calypso, and started to severely brainwash me on the first week of January 1984 and until they enslaved me again on 24.12.1984 under their hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and the Germany government did nothing to protect me, on the contrary they severely helped among others by using their hidden from me agent that was my girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka that reported me falsely on 17.10.1984 that I allegedly beaten her very badly while I was driving the car and taking her home, which was 100% impossible for me to do because I must be standing in front of her face to face to create damages or bruises on both sides of her face, yet I was holding the steering wheel, the really is 100% is the opposite she hit me with both hands while I was driving, to have a reason to separate of me enable they can enslave me under the hired BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud. And to give you a prove for this, and in Germany if you slap your girlfriend or wife you go at least for 3 months to prisons, yet the bruises she had on the following day, which was 100% a setup as it is mentioned in detail in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 through BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, in other words the police would have 100% arrested me and the court would have imprisoned me for at least 2-3 years, yet the police never came to me, there was no court, only another setup in End of September 1986, and just 1-2 days before kidnapping me from Germany to USA and to make me have no money, 2 men came to my apartment and claimed to be policemen and claimed that the court ordered that I pay fine of three thousand five hundreds Deutsch, which is equivalent today to the Euro and took the money, today I believe these 2 mother fuckers were no policemen, but what can I say, or I cannot say it enough I am absolutely powerless against telepathy and against sever governmental brainwash such as they performed on me repeatedly from 1960 and until 2016. Since I am talking about my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that I loved very much, because of many reasons some are about her good quality as person and as a woman, others because I was raised as an isolated slave and did not know what friendship is wat a real family is, because I was kidnapped 3 times in my life time by the same criminal mother fucking family, which are 100% the English royal family and the Rockefeller families, because both used their hidden members that live in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Germany, UK, USA and in other countries alias my official fake family named Baroudi + Bdair + Abokurah + Khair and several others as it is mentioned all over my complaint pages

7.           The city of Unterschleissheim where I was setup to become Christian, also here where I was forced by the American military to live between roughly spring 1973 and unknown to me exact time due to I was 100% controlled by a very sadistic prostitute hired by Siemens AG to force me to leave this city because I was setup to become Christian and I hopelessly fell in love with the church for countless very good reasons, some of them are mentioned all over my complaint pages. Today in August 2024 I am still uncertain when I was 100% forced to relocate of the city Unterschleissheim and move into the apartment of this Siemens AG hired prostitute named Renee Zielske that pretended for roughly one year of being the secretary of my department manager named Dr. Peter M. Lembke. Yet today I can say that I was living in the church housing since roughly end of 1976 or begin of 1977 and until the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977, then I was alone and my mental state was not good at all because I was 100% slave of telepathy and therewith my brain was not functioning well, because I am slave of telepathy since 1960, first my fake mother and then the American military and then Anita Disbray and suddenly I am alone and did not know what to do and with out the support of pastor Herbert Lange that was living in the same housing building, this housing building was divided in to 2 separate apartments, each 2 floors, he lived on the left side and I lived on the right side, then sometimes, possibly in January or February 1978 I stopped working parttime for the church and had to move out of the housing, and they found a one room apartment in a one family house on the other side of the street, better described, some one family living in a standalone house, they also built a one room apartment in their garden including bathroom and kitchen and I lived in it, and Siemens AG hired me for 1 May or 1 June 1978, 4-6 weeks later I was transferred from this office that hey were renting to their newly built headquarter for IT in an area called Neu Perlach, this building complex that consisted of many small to large building hosted at that time five thousand employees and I was placed in a new created department named SO-Sonder Projekte, in English Special Projects and later I understood that they created this department for a totally new turn-key project for the Saudi Port’s Authorities. Turn-Key project means they are responsible for everything related to this project and the goal was to integrate computers in 14 Saudi Arabian ports with headquarter in the capital Riyadh, and the are responsible for everything from building the computer center buildings to installation, testing, training, maintenance, expansion and so on = Turn-Key project, meaning pack create everything in a house and then deliver the key with all the necessary staff to maintain the house. And now roughly it is ending July or August 1978, and I was relocated from a temporary office in temporary one floor barracks to long term offices in the main buildings, and here I get to know the department manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke and his alleged secretary Renee Zielske, she had dyed blond hair that was always a mess, was 178 cm = at that time 2 cm taller than me, and was maybe 75-85 kg, and above all she had a very big mouth, not physically but verbally, meaning when she talks, her voice was very shrill, and somehow was unusual and I never understood why, today I know, she and to 99% had telepathy and that is why Siemens AG hired her to separate me of the church by 100% force of telepathy and to distract that she was 100% hired professional prostitute, she often claimed that she used to work for Siemens AG before and quite, and she worked allegedly 9 years and then quit and now she is allegedly begging Siemens AG to recognize her past 9 years employment and adding them to her alleged current 3=5 years employment, because then she gets better paid and better other benefits, such as each employee of Siemens AG and every year receive a gift from Siemens for being a loyal employee and this gift is Siemens AG stock market shares and the more years the employee have been employed the more shares he receive. Today I recognize this as scam from Rene Zielske to show that she was not a professional prostitute but rather a professional secretary = brainwash. I never wanted to leave the church, nor leave the city Unterschleissheim, I loved them both, but this piece of human trash prostitute forced me 100% with telepathy to live with her while Siemens AG was using me as blackmail object against my fake and biological families in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, the UK and in Germany. When her job was completed she forced me to leave her apartment by forcing me to think that I do not like to live with her and her younger daughter named Tatjana that was around 10 years old, and therefore I was setup to ask Siemens AG special housing agent office within Siemens AG and only for Siemens AG to find me another location, which they did, and here they found for me a room within a one family house, I was allowed to use their bathroom and kitchen, I just used the bathroom to take showers, practically I lived there only nights, early in the morning go to work and come back around 22-24 hours and this on a daily basis. Today I see the big possibility that I was placed in a house owned by someone who had telepathy and was working for or at least with Siemens AG, and there job to see if I recognize any of these mentioned brainwash setups such as I was living by force off telepathy with a hired nasty prostitute or I am being used as blackmail object or otherwise how I think about other things such as my relation to church = 100% hidden slavery through Siemens AG. The question here, is when did I relocate to this room, I am not certain however I am guessing it to be roughly 3-4 months prior to getting an apartment also through Siemens AG on Winzerer street 146 a (in German it is written like this: Winzererstraße 146A), and this right next to the Munich Olympia park, and this is the third time I am being forced to be next to the Olympia park since 1972, that until today I used to think because they suspected me to be a terrorist related to those who committed a terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics in summer of 1972 ( + + ). However and today, I recognize that this was 100% brainwash and a brainwash strategy to force my mind in the future to think that the German government suspected me to be terrorist because my fake mother + her 3 brothers + the 2 families of my 2 fake sisters in Amman, Jordan named Bdair and Abokurah and in cooperation with several other families such as the Malas family as it is described elsewhere in this page and other pages, set me up severely between12 December 1969 and 15 January 1970 to look like I am related to counterfeit 100 US Dollar bills, where they arrested me along with my original fake mother in the bank as she was trying to exchange them for Deutsche Mark, and then set me up to look like I am related to ex-Soviet Union Spy that exchanged places with my fake mother in the city Sofia in Bulgaria roughly on 15 December 1969, and also set me up to look like I am related to top terrorist, especially PLO and Black September and both are 100% related, especially that the look alike of my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar was forced upon my life by the mother fuckers American military and he pretended to be coming from Jordan and had a belt with empty bullets all around the belt to force me to think he just came from the situation of Black September. But also they 100% implicated me with illegal drugs also in roughly first week of January 1970 by taking me to a tobacco farm that I knew from 1966 and in the back of this tobacco far they had 100% illegal drugs = the Americans military, which is the biggest transporter and distributor of illegal drugs worldwide and this since ever, plus the German government were 100% systematically brainwashing me to think I am a top suspected criminal but also to force others to think that they are persecuting me because I am a top suspected criminal, yet in reality they were isolating me for many reasons, here are the most important one:

7.1.             To cover up for queen Elizabeth the second of the UK and her motherfucking brotherhood alias the Freemasons, that I was either at least her slave and decoy vacation son/brother or daughter/sister decoy and used me to go all over the world while keeping me with a local woman as if I am related to this woman, and queen Elizabeth visit this city in this country and do the same in other cities and countries while pretending to be the same local woman that pretended to be related to me

7.2.             To cover up for my fake mother that today I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that she is a member of one of the following 3 families or related to all three of them: The English royal families + the Rockefeller families + the ex-German royal families, and that is why this sadistic vicious evil monster bitch prostitute and street whore used me as blackmail object against her salve husband named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that pretended to be Mohi Sabri in Cairo, Egypt until at least 1968, and today I strongly believe that all these mother fuckers that were surrounding me in Cairo, Egypt and pretended to be leaving Egypt permanently  between1968 and 1971, yet I strongly believe that my fake mother is Irene Möllemann the first wife of Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and they continued to go to Cairo, Egypt even in the year 2003 and to distract of that they gave the brainwash photos as mentioned in this page and made it look like it was an accident that I get these photographs on an 89 Mega Byte hard disk in August 2013 and the house of my fake sister Fadia Elnagar alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias 2-3 almost lookalike that exchanged places starting officially January 1960 yet in reality I cannot confirm it 100% because they caused me total Amnesia 100% between summer 1961 and summer 1962, yet I can confirm it thereafter, such as that the original one went with her husband the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki t Yemen in around 1962 and never came bac, but another woman came back around 1964 and the one that went to Yemen, and today I suspect her to have been a man disguised as a woman, or a man Transgendered/Transgender as a woman, enable he/she can work for Americans and Saudi Arabians alias the Rockefeller + English royal families from the background, among others in illegal drugs and above all in terrorism, and this is the truth, anything else is 100% a lie

7.3.             To cover up for the above they implicated me in countless things that required or even forced other authorities from other countries such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan to also persecute me to cover up for their royal families that pretend to be my sister, my brother, my uncle, my cousins and so on

7.4.             And many others

8.           The city of Eching, where Americans and British use the company Avon products as a hidden spy agency. Also and in this city and at least until 1982, it was Avon products headquarter for Germany, and the reason they used this location in this city instead of the heavy populated areas starting 400 km north of this are, is because the American military is very heavily and widely spread in this state named Bavaria and their headquarter for Europe named EES-European Exchange System was also nearby in the military base named McGraw Kaserne where they kept me as an isolated slave for 2.5 years, and therefore here and close to other military and air force bases as mentioned above is very protected for their spies in Germany. Among others they used this company against me by giving my fake brother a fake job from 1976/77 and until April 1982 then claimed the company transferred him to their headquarter in Rye, New York, USA, which were all lies they fed my brain with it to force me for so long to live in a house of lies. Today I know one of 2 possibilities that my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar allegedly worked for Avon Products in Eching between 1976/77 and until 1982 and again in USA allegedly from April 1982 and until roughly November 1986, which equals in one way, or another are all lies and here’s why:

8.1.             Possiblity-1: I was lied to by the employment director of Avon Eching and later Avon Europe named Klaus Fischer and my fake brother never worked for Acon products

8.2.             Possibility-2: I was lied to and brainwashed me to believe that Possibility -1 is true by using the Jewish company called Computer Connect Corporation in Fairfield Connecticut and roughly in around the year 1988 or 1989, which was a pattern in USA to use Jewish against me to force me to dislike the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim and the prove for that is that the American government severely set me up and severely and most sadistically and viciously brainwashed me to stay locked up in USA by using the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of the city Unterschleissheim as it is described in details in many pages within my complaint pages, or at least the used a very nasty mother fucker man that pretended to be Pastor named Jack Stevens and his even nastier and more sadistic and I have absolutely no words in my vocabulary to describe his alleged wife named Diana Stevens except she is worse than a street prostitute and a general public prostitute because they used her and her alleged husband and the entire Salem church to isolate me between November 1986 and end of March 1987 to prevent me to go back home to Germany prior to the expiration of my temporary German foreigner’s Passport, in German they call it Fremden Pass = Passport for strangers = non German citizens that have no passport, and in end of March this passport expired and I was not able to renew it and had no other passport, then all these mother fuckers conspired with the International Institute  of Connecticut they changed their name to Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants ( + ) at that time they director in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA was a woman named Myra Oliver and allegedly she was Italian origin, and this mother fucking company helped the FBI and the CIA and the American military to keep me enslaved under the control of the BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud that today I strongly believe she is American origin pretended to be Syrian and had at least 2 different equally disgusting women lookalike that she exchanged places with them starting 1988/89 as I visited my fake sister Mona Abokurah another prostitute working for the English royal family ad the Rockefeller royal families as spy with telepathy in Washington D.C. starting 1987 and used me also as decoy to show as if she is Syrian origin married allegedly to a Jordanian businessman named Abdulghani Abokurah that was allegedly torturing her and requested an asylum in USA and was approved while I was being kept as slave for 15 years, during which, she and her network in Washington D.C. and all of them pretended to be Syrian origin are 100% manipulating American politicians to do and decide what the English royal families and the Rockefeller families want them to do and decide, just as Donald Trump did and severely damaged the living standard of American population by lowering the taxes for the rich by almost 50% from 35% to 20%, and therewith the decreased the income of the American government by at least 20-35% and to cover up for these loses or better said to replace them, the cut countless social budgets, increased the taxes in a very hidden way on various group of people and created countless tariffs n partner countries and much more the total result of this tax cut, not government in the world trust the American government anymore and above all they caused severe poverty for countless group of people in USA which has countless side effects, among others raised the crimes in USA very dramatically that many gone crazier than ever and commit even more mass shootings than ever. As you see alone in this point, everything is connected and it is very hard to see the big picture while a human being is busy trying to survive, and that is why I see it as my duty as human being to worn people of these crime organizations that cause the first and second world wars and caused countless other wars before and after the first and second world war and they are willing to sacrifice any human being, including their children, their parents and their partners, just to make money, which you clearly see in my complaint pages with countless proves. Think of it this way, if Russian and Israel government that have huge armies and mass destruction weapons keeps on killing children, babies, women, elderly and men then claim they were terrorist or the terrorist were hiding in schools or in mosques and lies are endless while brainwashing people to feel sorry for them as if they are the victims of Palestinian and Ukrainian that re always on the run and losing countless of relatives, friends, neighbors, housings, hospitals, schools and countless infrastructure that many of them do not even have water to drink or food to eat and all this to steal their lands by claiming they are all terrorists, while I discovered that most of the terrorist group in the Middle East are 100% hidden spies working for Israel, USA, and United Kingdom, and hat is the truth, anyone tells you anything else they are 100% either brainwashed or are lying to you, PERIOD.

8.3.             Possibility-2: both lied to me Mr. Klaus Fischer in Avon Products in Eching Germany and also in USA they created countless brainwash situations to force me to hate the church and link everything to Jewish. Today I know I cannot hate the church, I may dislike some people in some churches, yet today, actually a couple of years back, I discovered something beautiful, which is difficult to say in a few words, but I will try: I recognized that many controlling families created a copycat/imitation church, or Mosque, or Synagogue or other religious temples, to be able to have their own slaves and influence them through preaching whatever is necessary to enrich the controlling families and this started over 500 years ago, where most people over 98% of world population were illiterate and had no experience with other people from other cities or other countries or even other planets, yet it had changed dramatically since at least the second world war meaning around 80 years ago, because and today I recognized another facts that I actually started to notice it in begin of 1980s, but I did not understand it, which is most people are good people, not matter what religion they believe in, and no matter if their religion is good or bad, yet it became automatically that people use their religion to communicate together, even on an international level and therefore the church, synagogues, mosques and other religious get together temples/houses became a point of communication and discussions and above all complain through mass demonstrations just as Martin Luther King Junior did for years in USA and millions followed him to improve the lives not only for Afro Americans but also between white and black people and other races and he was a great success, and also count others did like him and were Muslims in USA and other religions did the same in countless other countries such as France one of the biggest demonstrators worldwide, but also in Israel, Palestine, Russia and so on as a result of all that the organized crime families that I also call controlling families noticed that long time ago and started to force people to dislike religions to prevent them to get together and talk about their major problems and then discover it is the government that is doing that and above all the royal families such as the English royal families that created the most hated laws in the world that practically forbid demonstrations. That was longer than I thought, but it is like many other things that I also discovered after the year 2016, yet these things I have discovered, many other before me discovered them hundreds of years ago and started to get people together through religions such as printing the first bible ever printed in the world was printed in Germany in 1455 and called the Gutenberg bible ( ) was 100% intended to help people to recognized telepathy, yet the literacy worldwide at that time was higher than 98%, meaning only 2% of the world populations can read and write, yet the bible still exist and helped me, not religiously as most people think it is, but rather to see many things of what it is mentioned happened to me in real life = the Gutenberg brother wanted to help people be free of telepathy slavery , and today I see many countries still live in middle ages slavery such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, above all Lebanon that has many so-called terrorist groups and all of them uses the religion above all Islam to preach people to lower their own intelligence by starting to hate and be violence as allegedly a method to defend their selves against Israel, in reality they are: number-1 illegal drug lords, number-2 many of them or even all of them are 100% working for a foreign government controlled by a barbaric organized crime families such as the royal famili8es in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UK, and the want to be kingdom over all the world = USA, and some of them 100% work for Israel and as distraction of all this they use Iran that allegedly have more power than UK + US + EU + Russia + France + Spain and so on and are also allegedly controlling Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and allegedly countless Islamic so-called Jihadist and to top up these maas brainwash, they claim that Russia that sent the first rocket to the moon on 12 September 1959 using Luna 2 rocket, where the majority of the population of Iran was still half naked just as it was also in Saudi Arabia and the entire Middle East, yet the American and the mentally sick British government claiming that Russia is buying their best Military space equipment’s from Iran such as flying drones, which are nothing than ( ) and here you can see that UK built the first ones ( ) and here you can see when Russian build it ( ) = Never to trust what Americans and British says and never ever even trust any so-called Arab Petroleum country news in West Asia, because they are all 100% controlled by USA + UK + their hidden allies such as Israel and even some Europeans, meaning any news that is coming of the following countries, because honest people are mostly poor and cannot afford a news agency ad the use social media and that s why many government attack most social media for so called fake news, because social medias, and that is regardless if I personally like them or not, they all have at least one thing in common, which they bring people together and that is not working out good for most controlling families even in the, and this for me very unfortunately because I love the EU,EU-European Union = no one is perfect, however we all are on the way to perfection, which is also working not so good for USA and the UK and Russia and China and above all to all the so-called Arab petroleum countries in Asia, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE even Yemen has a lot of natural resource, just as Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya and even Sudan have it too, and that is one of the reasons why Syria, Libya and Sudan have severe civil problems due to all the internal war mainly caused my the mother fucker the Rockefeller families and the English royal families that keeps millions of slaves worldwide, and I was sone of these slaves and I recognize their properties any time

9.           This is the city Dachau, where many Jewish were slaughtered during the second world war and I went there once to look at the ex-concentration camps that are kept as museums, where I saw how the ex-German royal families used large ovens to burn Jewish alive and saw rooms where they used to lock Jewish and then gas them, and I saw countless photographs of that times and shows how prisoner looked like when they were rescued in the year 1945, many of them were skin on bones and with little flesh in between, meaning they tortured the lives out of them by starving them for weeks or months and then burn them or gas them, and if you think that God will ever do anything nearly as bad such as having hell to burn sinners starting age 7 for one thousand years just because they made the one smaller or the other very larger mistake, then you are 100% either brainwashed or you are a brainwasher, because God is 100% through and through an superior intelligence that love to build things to help other live and survive in harmony with the nature he created and if you count alone what in in your own body and it 100% protects you of countless dangerous situations, then you will start to see how lovable is God!










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Search address for Google map:

In short: Schellenbergstraße, Munich, Germany

In detail: Schellenbergstraße, Munich, Germany, manually zoom in and out

Google map link for the above address:,+81547+M%C3%BCnchen-Untergiesing-Harlaching,+Germany/@48.094137,11.5856745,3677m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x479ddf0fe5c072bf:0xe5bea0ec71e3bba2!8m2!3d48.1053438!4d11.5758674!16s%2Fg%2F1tgdgzks?hl=en&entry=ttu



Map of The brainwash and slavery military base named McGraw kaserne in Obergiesing-Fasangarten in Munich, Germany



Map street view





Important Note:

1.           The apartment of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar where prince Abdullah-2 used to visit him as distraction of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families that disguised as my fake family in 1960s in Cairo, Egypt, in 1966 + 1970 + 1979-1986 as my fake family in Amman, Jordan and 1979-1982 Arabia as my fake family in Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and in other countries, above all and roughly between 16 December to 26 December in Damascus, Syria

2.           Big circle #2, where the American military base McGraw Kaserne was located including the building of EES-European Exchange System = the headquarter of American military in Europe at that time

3.           The American military housing area for non-officers based on 2 floors building complexes each with 3 entrance and each entrance to 4 or 6 apartments 2 on each floor and rooms at the roof floor for civilian non-American employees

4.           The American military housing area mainly for officers on the bases of stand-alone houses for each officer or 2 families in one standing alone house divided into 2 apartments

5.           Where I was forced to live in Fasanenpark under the control of the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray that the American military enslaved me under her control starting 20 August 1970. The time of living there I am not exactly sure due to I was heavily controlled with telepathy, yet since I was at that time working at the car manufacture BMW head quarter directly at the Olympia park center of Munich, and since they separated me of Anita Disbray to give the German authority to have me in their own controlled environment enable to use telepathy to see my relation to terrorist, without me noticing, that was based on the severe fake implication setup they forced me into in December 1969, to relate me to the terrorist group called PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization ( ) that was headed at that time by Yasser Arafat ( ) that was 100% working for Israeli government and performing countless terrorists acts in many country worldwide just to make the general population worldwide feel sorry for Israel and sympathize with Israel and see the Palestinians and the Arabs and Muslims in general as bad people that create terrorist groups which was very, very far of the real truth as I am describing it all over my complaint pages with countless proves. Back to the period I lived in that apartment as slave of Anita Disbray, and since they separate me of Anita Disbray after the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics 1972 ( ) that was just a few hundreds meters of my work place at BMW car manufacturer and Palestinian terrorist group named Black September attacked the Israel Olympic team and took them hostages just to make the international community feel sorry for Israeli and totally dislike Palestinians because they interrupted countless millions watching the Olympics, that suddenly was forced to stop and concentrate on the hostage situation starting 2 September 1972 ( ). This means that I was most definitely separated of Anita Disbray between 5 September and roughly 15 September and was forced to relocate to an unknown to me room, and I cannot recall how I get this apartment, nor I can recall what happened to my joint apartment in Fasanenpark with Anita Disbray. This new forced upon me room was in Schwabing and was a room with many beds, each 2-3 floor beds, meaning 2-3 beds over each other’s, and there were roughly 6 beds = around 16-18 beds. The detail is important to understand the situation, I was forced to live in this room alone, during which I was still working for the car Manufacturer BMW ( ), the building in the mentioned link was next to the factory and it is supposed to represent the car cylinder. Today I am guessing that I lived in that apartment since spring or summer 1971 – one year. Aldo and since I was working in shifts at BMW, and had 2 shifts, 6-14:: hours for one week and 14:00-23:00 hours the following week, then I asked if I can work only for one shift enable to go to school and learn German, because I was prevented to learn German instead I was forced to learn English from the American Military and also forced by the English royal family prostitute Anita Disbray, because either she spoke no German or pretended to speak only English to prevent me of learning German and therewith I be totally Isolated and cannot communicate with Germans even I live in Germany since 10.10.1969 with one month interruption where they took me to the Middle East to set me up in many things and relate me to terrorists groups = speaking a different language than the language of the country I amin = 100% slavery isolation, even today in August 2024, I was reminded either intentionally or coincidently that I speak very, very bad Dutch, even though I am in the Netherlands and officially since 11.2.2001 with countless interruption by forcing me to live in countless jails, prisons and refugee camps from 24 or 27 July 2000 and until Mai 2012, the reason I am mentioning the school, because today I know that the German authority forced me with telepathy to go to the language school enable they can further on investigate me and set me up with out me noticing , and it is all mentioned in my complaint pages, here is a short version as a reminder:

5.1.             After I registered for a language school named “Deutsche Sprach und Dolmitscher Institute Muenchem” (I believe this is the same school yet they changed their location, they used to be in Schwabing and close to my room at the student home on Turken street, also I may have slightly wrong name due to all the stress they put me through and to my lack of German language knowledge of that time and therewith I kept in my memory the wrong name, also I went to the same school and the same location around November 1969 but my fake mother withdraw me after 1-2 weeks, it supposed to be 3 months daily 5 hours ) I was also somehow directed to live in a student home belongs to the university of Munich on Türkenstraße (=Turken street) and very close to it was the school, I also and very suddenly was allowed to go to the so called Menza = University of Munich Gastronomy on Leopold street, and above all I was forced to share a student room with an American named Russel that was from the state Utah and was Mormon, skinny and taller than me maybe by 10 cm, today I see the possibility that he was working for the authorities, possibly because he had telepathy, also and today I believe that the American military and the German authority decided to work together by surrounding me, yet as you can see through out my complaint pages, the American military in Munich was nothing else that a prostitute house they were criminals mother fuckers that were trying their best to hide the facts about my origin and life in Cairo, Egypt to cover up for their spy alias my fke mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her hidden from me real husband that she 100% kept as slave as she also did to me which was the Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” alias the fake Egyptian police officer and boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri. Even though the American military + the MI6 + the governments of UK and USA that kidnapped me in September 1986 to USA and did their best to coverup for countless things as mentioned all over my complaint pages, yet, their best and by far not good enough, for one reason, they are controlled by organized crime families that criminals psychopaths mother fuckers and named the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and both these 2 families have literally countless names in countless countries, among others, the Jordanian royal families the Saudi Arabian royal families and to be precise their names are Baroudi Khair, Bdair, Malas, Abokurah and the list is endless

5.2.             While I was in the student home, someone, that today I am guessing to have been my forced upon me roommate Russel forced me with telepathy to take maybe 2-4 seeping bills and claimed to take the entire content of the bottle, possible content was 20-30 bills, today I have no idea where I get these sleeping bills from, especially that since roughly 2 years I am prevented to have routinely good and continuous sleep, and my doctor prescribed for me sleeping bills, meaning I can get them only through prescription, anyway, as far I can recall Russel came into the room and I was lying in bed and he asked me something and I told him I do not want to live without Anita Disbray and that is why I took all bills, I was very drowsy, yet somehow I was half conscious and I registered that he looked at me and went running and called the ambulance and I also registered being taken to hospital called Schwabinger krankenhaus (= Schwabinger hospital), where they performed a forced stomach pumping, I was maybe 2-3 days in the hospital during which some specially nice young nurse took special care of me and before leaving the hospital I had a date with her, and we were around 1-2 weeks together, during she took me to dinner and introduced me to around 4-6 friends and that was the absolute first time ever that I set with so many persons that were roughly my age and we spend the entire evening, even though my communication skill was very bad because I spoke little German and above all was  as shy as a rabbit due to all the telepathy control and total isolation. Also, she took me to another town and introduced me to her parents, I believe the town was kaufbeuren around 90 km east and slightly north   of Munich. I really fell in love with her because I saw things I did not see before, among others people that are communicating with me more, not only 2-5 minutes that I was used to until now, but for 3-5 hours, and then one day we went out for dinner and after dinner we went to take the subway, and very suddenly I sat on the seat in the subway station and was suddenly crying, and she asked me why are you crying and I said something like the following “I miss Anita Disbray and cannot live without her”, then she left me sitting and went away and never seen her after that, and that was around October or November 1972

5.3.             I was still working at BMW, and very suddenly around 15 December 1972 I was working in the evening shift 14:00-23:00 hours at around 17:00 hours = after office hours a and very suddenly I put all my tools on the floor and took the protective leather cover and went to the supervisor and told him I quit my job and he talked to me for around 30 minutes trying to convince me not to quit now, he said do it after Christmas, then at least you get the Christmas money, I said no I want to quit right now and he had to call his boss, and his boss has to call someone else to get someone from personnel office to the office to make me sign some papers, which it show you how destructive some persons with telepathy are that forced me to so many destructive actions all my life and I cannot defend myself or block telepathy, even today in 2024, with the exception that today I know a lot about telepathy and can see through some of their brain and thought manipulation and can many times not follow what they place in my mind, yet and very unfortunately for me and for far more than 95% of all people worldwide, they can force us to whatever they want. Today and since several years I believe this nurse was working for the German authorities and that is why I was forced to be separated of her. 2-8 weeks after was the forced upon me separation of the nurse they re-enslaved under the control of the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray, then we were forced to get married in the Munich- Schwabing municipality and move in-together to an apartment on St, Benedikt street number 1 in the city Unterschleissheim around March or April 1973 = I was through and through slave and was not allowed to think independently nor grow my intelligence nor mix with other people until I was setup to become Christian, enable to have  a reason by law to force me to whatever these mother fuckers wants and then kidnap me to USA and blame it on the Syrian government and my fake family that pretend to be Arabs and Muslims as it is described within this page and in the rest of my complaint pages

6.           This is a German prison in Munich named Stadelheim and as you can see right within the American military area. Ironically I was forced and work around it between March 1970 to roughly spring 1972, where I was severely brainwashed and tortured, and between February/March 2002 and August 2006, I was imprisoned many times in this prison, ok not so many, maybe 3-6 times + in 2 other prisons outside of Munich yet in the state of Bavaria + 1 time around 600 km north of Munich + maybe 10 or more times in various jails all in the same mentioned period, not counting the unjust imprisonment in 1970 and also the unjust 3-4 imprisonment in USA prior to the year 2000.









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Search address for Google map:

In short: Feldmoching-Hasenbergl, Munich, Germany

In detail: Feldmoching-Hasenbergl, Munich, Germany, manually zoom in and out

Google map link for the above address:,+Germany/@48.2118394,11.5173628,11.42z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x479e76cf99e9e831:0xd2da7d2f45533ca4!8m2!3d48.2115037!4d11.5131806!16s%2Fg%2F121crrs9?hl=en&entry=ttu




Map of the hidden military agents all over my life to keep me enslaved


Map street view



Important Note:

1.           This is an American military base north of Munich in an area called Munich-Hasenbergl, and there they had also the main storage for food and other goods for the American military in and around Munich, and the reason they had it here, is because a couple of KM from here there was an American Airforce airport, which is the next point, and therewith they bring it to this storage area to distribute it to all other American military bases in Munich and in the suburban areas of Munich and there was many of them ( ), maybe 10 or more, I did not count them. I worked in this storge for roughly 2 weeks, and then was fired by the Afro American sergeant (Afro American means black skin person that is originated from Africa, there are other black skin persons that are originated from Asia, yet they are with silky hair such as some persons in certain parts in south India) that was also my boss at the American Officer’s Club in the military base McGraw Kaserne, today I know that they took me here to test my memory and if I relate it to something from my past such s traveling as a child with queen Elizabeth the second from country to country through military bases or Air Force bases, while she pretend to be my fake mother or my fake older sister and this while disguising me as  little girl, and this was 100% one of the main indications for me that these criminals mother fuckers were always dressing me as a girl and therewith no ill recognize me after they have no more use for me as decoy child for this mentally sick and psychopath queen Elizabeth the second and her entire mother fucking family and brotherhood networked all together worldwide using the organization Freemason. And this was the first test to see if I remember a woman and a young daughter, because one of my work colleagues was a short and young Spanish lady with her daughter and lived within walking distance of this workplace and I was forced to interact with her at work and also to walk her to her apartment, and there was at least another 5 possibly even much more lady with daughters and were used as blackmail objects, meaning I was setup with them to blackmail the American military and 100% the MI6 that were al over my life since 1960s,because they were guarding from the background my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her fake Egyptian boyfriend Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann”, Siemens AG alone did that at least twice, using 2 different women that they 100% forced me to be with them, and very possibly they are also responsible for the third one, which was my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka

2.           This the ex-American Airforce Airport in Oberschleissheim just a couple km north of the military base in Munich-Hasenbergelk and a couple of KM from the city Unterschleissheim, where I was forced to live starting spring 1973, and I am more that sure that around me there was always American ex-military = civilian after leaving the military r Air Force and/or still in service of military = army + Air Force + navy + others and/or CIA agents and/or MI6 agents = I was 100% surrounded by hidden criminals mother fucking Americans and British while I was setup to become Christian in the city Unterschleissheim starting 1976 and this is the truth anyone tells you anything else, then they either do not know what they are talking about or they are 100% lying, One f the things I learned during my slavery period at the American military base McGraw Kaserne from March 1970 and until roughly begin of 1972, many American soldiers either retired from the military or their service time ended (it was a mandatory for every American to serve around 2 years in the American military until around end of 1970s or in 1980s they changed it to voluntarily taking a job at the military), and they say to me that they will come back because they rather live here than in USA, due to the better quality of life especially for black Skin Americans that had a lot of problems in due to racism that was by far much less in Germany, but also as a worker in Germany they get by far better benefits and better treatment from the employers, which all in all equals at least 5% of the military staff stays in German and work for the American military that treat them by far better than any American employers while they work as their spies for situations where people do not notice that they are American origin, especially if they have been in Germany for long time 10 or even since 1945 = 25-30 years in 1976, and speak German without any accent and that I saw several times!

3.           This is the city Oberschleissheim with its castle  named Schloss Schleissheim, which very much means that the ex-royal family of this area still live here but under disguise, see the photo below that shows the size of the castle. This means 100% that there were ex-German royal family around my life and it was 100% in their interest that I be setup to become Christian enable to persecute me in the future and blame it on my fake family that are 100% their relatives while pretending to be Syrian living in Jordan (in the hidden they are 100% the public and hidden Jordanian royal families), pretend to be =Syrian living in Egypt and were 100% protected by the hidden English royal families and the Rockefeller families that have been living in Egypt at least since 1880, also pretend to be Syrian living in Saudi Arabia (in the hidden they are 100% the public and hidden Saudi Arabian royal families alias the English royall families + the Rockefeller families since at least when they founded the company ARAMCO-Arab American Oil Comny + = the largest petroleum producing company in the world and the Rockefeller families pretended to have sold it to the Saudi royal family, which they most definitely sold it to their self, because they are the Saudi Arabian royal family and no one in the world, especially greedy organized crime families that have been since their existence going over dead bodies to make money, and then go and sell their best company to bunch of stupid actors hired from India before dividing India in 1947)

Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung | Schlossanlage Schleißheim | Schloss  Lustheim | Baugeschichte

4.           This is the city of Unterschleissheim where I was setup in 1976 to become Christian enable they have a reason to persecute me through their hidden relatives alias my fake family that pretend since at least the second world war to be Arab and Muslims. The city Unterschleissheim is just 2.5 km from the castle mentioned above, and where I was forced to live starting around spring 1973 and until Siemens AG hired a professional prostitute named Renee Zielske to force me to relocate of this city, and because telepathy was severely used on me during and after this process, I do not know when I relocated there, yet it must be at the earliest end of summer 1978 and was forced to live with this Siemens AG prostitute named Renee Zielske that was at least and officially 10 years older than me, meaning I was 26/27 years young while she was 36/37 years old and also had a daughter, which I recognized this years 2024 as blackmail to the English royal family that used me as decoy daughter or decoy younger sister for her vacation as mentioned elsewhere, in other words they dressed me as girl and placed me with some woman in cities and countries where queen Elizabeth the second going to have vacation pr even official visit to another country or their own colony such Hong Kong, or New Delhi or many others and that last one was Cairo, Egypt where then they started to dress me as a boy after they caused me a total amnesia. This blackmail as decoy daughter or sister was used several times on me also by Siemens AG, among others by setting me up to get to know an Indonesian woman that had a little daughter, and later also used Adelheid Kuczka that also had a daughter and all these women that had daughters, they all fit the profile as blackmail, among others that all these daughters were around 8 years old, which was my age as queen Elizabeth used me last time in 1960 to most probably 1961 or 1962. Why did they dress me as a girl (???), because they knew that someone was watching this little girl that had no telepathy, yet queen Elizabethe the second most definitely had telepathy, and therefore when they want to stop using me, because now people will start to notice that this 8 years old has a total amnesia and a 100% destroyed brain logic = slave, yet when they later they stop dressing me as a girl and start dressing me as a boy, it is very hard to get my attention to this fact, which you can clearly see in my complaint pages, that I just discovered this destructive action in the year 2024, even though I was trying to understand my life since the year 2000 but I had a lot of obstacles until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 and ever since and almost on a daily basis I am researching and reanalyzing my past over and over and over again.

5.           This is roughly where the church is located where I was setup to become Christian. The church name is Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim on Allee street. I do not regret it, yet it is very depressing that people I looked up to, or trusted or loved get together and conspired together to set me up to become Christian just to have a reason to kidnap me from Germany to USA in September 1986 to cover up for countless things, among others for the followings, sorted in order of importance:

5.1.             To cover up for queen Elizabeth the second that was using me as hidden slave child and as decoy vacation daughter/sister

5.2.             To cover up for Ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” alias Mohi Sabri that pretended to be Egyptian police officer and boyfriend of my original fake mother and,

5.3.             To cover up for his first wife named Irene Möllemann that today I strongly believe was my original fake mother that took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 as blackmail object because she used him to rape me sexually in 1966 and to cover up for that in my own brain, then they created countless situations where they 100% planned it and forced me to be raped to not give my future brain the possibility to question why was I rapped once by her boyfriend, or better said why did she 100% forced her boyfriend to rape me (???). and because they rapped me countless times by many men and disgusting woman as mean of severe brainwash by creating chaos in my mind and blame it on me as if I am a home sexual starting 1966 or 1967

5.4.             To cover up for all these mother fuckers fake relatives that went to Cairo, Egypt after 1960 and pretended to be Syrian and related to me and since I had not telepathy many can check and see if this correct by asking me a few questions and see how I think about them even if I lie they can read the current state of the mind and see if I am planning to lie in the following sentence or I just repeat what is known to me

5.5.             To Cover up for members of my fake families that are in the hidden members of the following royal families: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE-United Arab Emirate, Qatar, Bahrain, and spies in Yemen, but also that these mentioned members of royal families are all originated from European royal families and Europeans ex-royal families, such as from the following countries Germany, UK, Spain, Italy and others

5.6.             To cover up for my twin that took my identity starting 10.10.1969 and after they took me to Germany and isolated me for 7 years. This twin pretended to be the same boyfriend of Esmat Khodary, that pretended to be my girlfriend starting 1968 just for this purpose to show as if this twin is me, and the reason I am positive is my twin, is because they marked my leg with a hot object to know who is who, and they do not even have to see me naked or with small short pants to see the burned skin, all they have to do is place an image of the mark in my brain and I would not even notice it, yet I would think this me leg and they will know I am the slave twin and all it takes only a second!

5.7.             To cover up for my fake nephew and niece Essam and Esmat Shawki that are forced to pretend that they are the son and daughter of the Egyptian pilot Afaf Shawki, and they are most definitely not, they were 100% originated from 2 different parents, one is my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that I believe to be originated from the English royal families or the Rockefeller families of the ex-German royal families, and they were placed together as brother and sister by 2 different organized crime families, one of them as mentioned the family of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and the other I believe to be the hidden Iranian controlling family that 100% control not only the petroleum in Iran, but also controls the illegal drugs, whereby Iran is officially the third largest opium producer worldwide directly after Myanmar as number 1 and Afghanistan as number 2.

5.8.             And to cover up for many other things, such as my original fake sister Fadia Shawki was possibly a man disguised as woman and went to Yemen in around 1961/62 as the wife of the Egyptian trainer pilot named Afaf Shawki that was allegedly supposed to train Yeminis on how to fly specific planes or in general how to fly a plane, yet his alleged wife did not return with him, and was 100% replaced by another one that had many Italian behavior or was living in Italy or was European that loved to use Italian word and eat Italian food such as Mortadella ( ), but also cover up for my other sister that also allegedly went with me to Cairo Egypt and named Moni Najar that was 100% replaced by another woman starting 1966 named Mona Abokurah, and both these woman have some thing to hide as follow:

5.8.1.             Moni Najar disappeared of my life in spring 1961 and went to Amman, Jordan and allegedly fell in love with Abdelghani Abokurah married him and never came back, in reality I see the strong possibility that she never left Egypt and since they told me she was working for the all new Egyptian TV, which I cannot confirm because I never saw her on TV, but again we did not have a TV at home until roughly 1966 or 1967, yet and today I see the big possibility that she is the second wife ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias Mohi Sabri in Cairo, Egypt that took me to an apartment in the building of the famous Syrian/Lebanese singer and actor named Farid Al-Atrash ( ), to my knowledge this actor had only one famous building in Cairo, and when Mohi Sabri took me to an apartment of in this building, her claimed to be the apartment of the singer Farid-Al-Atrash, yet today I see the possibility that was the apartment of my fake sister Moni Najar that allegedly went to Amman, Jordan in 1962,which was a 100% lie. Ironically the name of this singer Adrid Al-Atrash and in English it means “Rare Deaf” but it is written as “Rare The Deaf”. Today I see the big possibility that this fake sister named Moni Najar is the second wife of ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann alias Mohi Sabri that took me to this mentioned apartment and claimed it is the apartment of the singer, very possibly he was using me as a blackmail object. Today I believe that Moni Najar has possibly an identical lookalike that is younger than her, which is Carola Möllemann the second wife of the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and both either exchange places or they killed the younger one and took her place or they took the younger one somewhere and caused her a total Amnesia and today she has a different name and has no idea where and who she was, just as they did to me = a pattern that I saw many times as possibilities by government members in several countries

5.8.2.             Mona Abokurah I believe is originated either from the Rockefeller families or the English royal families or is working for both and was placed in Washington, D.C. starting 1987 as a hidden spy because she has telepathy and with it she can see what many politician think and above all she and her children and her entire network in and around Washington, D.C., can 100% manipulate the thought of politician and therewith force them in to the one or other direction that is more suitable for the English royal families + the Rockefeller families = all are 100% organized crime families that perform countless crimes and no one can see it, because most people are not aware of telepathy = Human Telecom and telecontrol directly from Human brain to other human and other creatures = hidden slavery!!

6.           This is the small city called Eching and just roughly 4 Km from my housing in the city Unterschleissheim and the city Eching is 23 KM from the apartment of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar = at least 2 different persons that exchange places and one of them is the hidden son of the ex-king Hussein of Jordan and the hidden brother of the current king Abdulah of Jordan. The details are important to understand the followings:

6.1.             In around 1976 my fake brother pretended to be working as mainframe programmer for free for some one man company that allegedly is sending him to the north of Germany to a city named Flensburg, which is around 850 km from Munich, yet he was buying things that he cannot afford such as ski clothing and equipment for him and his official wife named Alia Köse she calls herself Anita, these stuff and at that time cost at lest 5 thousand and possibly even 10 thousand Deutsch Mark which roughly equals today Euro and he also purchased a brand new car called Ford Capri that was around 30 thousand at that time, but I was prevented to think about it and instead I was forced 100% with telepathy to feel sorry for this mother fucker, because he allegedly not only working for free but also has a social apartment means from the government subsidized and he pays less than 50% the usual rent and all this was 100 brainwash and was in cooperation between the American military the Jordanian royal family and the English royal family and above all the German government that knew which he was and prevented me to figure it out among other with this conspiracy: The conspiracy was that I told my new friend at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church that my fake brother is being used by his employer, and I told that to my new friend named Detlef Fischer and his father named Klaus Fischer while I was visiting them at their home in Unterschleissheim, and the father was the employment manager for Germany at the company Avon Product (later became the employment manager for entire Avon Europe, at least tht is what I was told at that time) that their headquarter for Germany was located in the small city Eching, just 3-5 km from where we all lived in Unterschleissheim> Mr. Klaus Fischer asked me to tell my fake brother to call him for an interview, he can get him a job as Mainfram computer programmer at Avon Products, which I did tell my fake brother, to call him, but he did not and I repeated my request 3 times and then he allegedly contacted him and they hired him as Mainframe programmer at Avon Products in their computer center in Eching. Until this point of time, I was oft questioning in my mind how he can spend all this money while not being working, after he was allegedly employed by Avon Products, I stopped questioning his situation. They have telepathy and can see what I think at least each time we meet

6.2.             In September 1973 to June/July 1974 I attended a computer programming school named Bayerische Fachschule für Datenverarbeitung inn Leonrodstrasse (in English: Technical School for Data Processing on Leonrod street) in Munich now it is closed. I completed the one year daily 6 hours course and received a certificate that was 2.2 out of 5,I get 1 by computer related subjects and 3 or 4 by none-computer related subjects that required a lot of German language knowledge yet my German language knowledge at that time was very, very bad, these subjects were over accounting and business management. My fake brother claimed that he also went to the same school to learn the absolute same thig, yet in the evening, I never saw him in the school during day time, in the evening it takes 2 years to complete, because it was daily 5 hours, from 8 in the morning and until 13:00 hours and in the evening it was only 2.5 hours, yet I never ever had a situation where he was in the evening in school or somewhere else during the 2 years he allegedly attended the school. Also, I had a certificate that states what I learned and how good I am, he claimed never went to the end of course exams, which so far 100% equals he never attended the school and was lying to me on a continuous basis. Therefore the company Avon products or any other large company would never ever hire someone as Mainframe programmer that cannot prove he was a programmer, my fake brother was 100% not a mainframe programmer, because later in time I had several situation with him, that are mentioned in other pages, and he had zero/0 knowledge of basic computer operation, and if you do not have a basic knowledge of computer operation then you do not know how to program it. Also and my friend Detlef Fischer had a sister named Beater Fischer, and she had a boyfriend named Walter, that claimed about himself to be Mainframe programmer and works at Avon Products in Eching, and when he said that t me I immediately told him then you know my brother he also works as programmer at Avon products, then he said reluctantly, yes I see him sometimes, we just work in deferent computer department. I get to know this Walter because he used to come to the church mainly to play table tennis, and this on a weekly or daily basis along with others 3-5 persons that we used to meet on an almost daily basis and perform various activities, today I see all that was nothing else than brainwash and isolation of the general public, because if he did not work for Avon Products and that I am more than positive he did not, then other church members must have known or at least figure it out or even saw it, yet they all kept it from me, especially that I discovered a few of my new alleged friends that they had telepathy including and this 100% the pastor Herbert Lange , and therewith many of those interacted with me on a regular bases including some of those families that joined the so called Bible circle and met on a weekly basis including me and discussed the bible and their own problems, today I see that possibly to encourage me to talk about my problems, but I was severely brainwashed to not talk about problems as mean of isolation. All this is for me very unfortunate because I fell in love with these people because I was isolated and now I am not, I saw them as friends that I can trust, today I see that many of them were liars at least to me and were keeping me busy until the time comes that Siemens Ag can use me as blackmail object, which they did starting June 1978

6.3.             Last but not least, my fake brother had to pass by the city I was living in called Unterschleissheim and this twice a day, going to work in the morning and leaving work at 1&;00 hours, and he never once come to visit me directly from work, this alone shows you that he never worked for Avon Products and all this are some of the reasons that I do not trust this church any more, especially after I was 100% forced with telepathy in August 2003 to leave the refuge camp in the city Ter Apel in the Netherlands and go with this new fake son named Abdulhamid Najar, that today I see the big possibility more than ever before that he was not only not my original son that I raised until I was forced to separate of him in roughly July 1999 and then was 100% replaced by another that had telepathy and used it on me while pretending to be helping me to remove me from USA and go to Germany enable they can lock me up for nearly 13 years, which they did starting July 2000 and until May 2012, and then forced to go illegally with him to Germany enable they can separate me of this second fake son and blame it on while use the situation to issue a ban of me ever entering Germany. And when they forced me to go in August 2003 to Germany they also forced me to go the this Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim and I was 100% forced to ask them to help me, and was easy to force me with telepathy to do that because I was being unjustly locked up for already 3 years in countless prisons, jails and refugee camps since July 2000, and then I asked the church for help and their reaction was that they called the police that arrested me and locked me up in a hospital mentally insane I believe was named Isar-Amper-Klinikum München-Ost ( ), very unfortunately they have created the information only in German language, whereby you can use ( ) to translate to your language or FireFox has also and for a while now the possibility to translate any web page from the browser itself as shown in the image below, and this function shown in the image you can find on the right side of the address bar at the top of the browser . All this it hurts me very much, because I really loved the church, but what can I say big organized crime families such as the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and the ex-German royal families have no heart, have no feelings and are absolute sadistic and vicious people, don’t take my word for it, see the following 2 links to understand that they have a totally corrupt brain, because a brain without understanding the freedom and the hurt situations they cause to others, is a 100% damaged brain, anything else is a lie, Period. Look at the links below, and if you have no time, then just look what the Nazis did to countless people among others 5 million slaughtered Jewish because a couple of thousands of them were spying for the UK and for others, But also look at US and all the ware and slavery they performed alone since Martin Luther King, but also look what they did in Vietnam, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and countless others, and all that in the name of their mother fucking fake freedom and democracy that exist only on papers, and also look at the UK and their so-called 54 Common wealth countries alias their 100% ex-slave countries that they destroyed and pretend to be partner with them, yet not allow any of them to have free movement such as it exist in the EU-European Union and their 27 member countries with their 450 million population and still growing and that is the main reason why I love the EU-European Union they was killing each other’s for the last 5-10 centuries because each royal family wanted to be the boss of all other royal families, and because of many factors that mainly caused to them by the UK and USA from 1945 and until roughly 1957, they were forced to join forces economically and peacefully by negotiating the benefits expected by each and then started the predecessor of the EU as 6 countries, West-Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy that continued to grow until today to be 27 countries that are mainly working for at least 50% for the interest of the general public = peace, and that is not working well for the English royal families and for the Rockefeller families that see their selves as Gods and emperors and controllers on this earth = they are through and through psychopaths!













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Photo of location 1 in the above map: ex-American military base in Hasenbergl, Munich




This is how large was the American military base alone in Munich-Hasenbergl city section, but there were many more American military bases that were systematically enslaving people while forcing them to believe that they are bringing them Freedom and democracy that I never seen in my life of 17 years living in Germany from 10.10.1969 until they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and again forced to go there illegally to Germany enable they can ban me by law of ever entering Germany to not see the members of my fucking fake family that kept me as slave all my life to cover up for many things as described within this page and in all other pages of my complaint pages.


In other words all the detail of these criminals mother fuckers American military base are described in this page and in other pages of my complaint pages and they enslaved me for 7 years from 20 August 1970 and until the church freed me in September 1976 in and around Munich, Germany and then re-enslaved me again on 24.12.1986 by using their illegal BP-British Petroleum project with the Syrian military and kept me as slave then kidnapped me to USA in September 1986 and there kept me also as slave for 15 years, then locked me up for nearly 13 years between USA and Netherlands and Germany from July 2000 to May 2012 and then kept on toying with me until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague  seeking protection because this is the headquarter of the Dutch royal families and the Dutch government and that is why it also has many foreign diplomats, and I am seeking protection because I do not know who to trust any more, especially that the Dutch immigration locked me up and toyed with me in countless jails, prisons and refugee camps, while the Dutch royal family is 100% related to the people I am complaining about and also 100% business partner with them, among others with the petroleum company Shell ( + + + + + .......)





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Warning to each member of the EU-European Union!


This new small section, exposing American government as they subsidized 100 thousand US dollars to every American that would invest at least 100 thousand US Dollar in the east part of Germany immediately after East and West Germany reunified on 3 October 1990. As result of this huge investments by Americans and most probably also British and Russians, today and in eastern part of Germany they have the all new far right political parties named Alternative für Deutschland, and this AFD has one goal to end the EU-European Union and deport all foreigners even if they have German citizenship = the mentally sick American controlling families + the mentally sick the English royal families are not only afraid of the EU-European Union because they cannot manipulate each country individually but also they are very scared of the top quality of the EU-European products such as Airbus versus Boing that has severe technical problems that are dangerous to the safety of the passengers. On top of all that the Americans and British want every one worldwide to think that the Germans were and still are supporting Nazism, which is absolutely not true, the ex-German royal families built the government of Adolf Hitler in 1933 to use him to revenge on those Jewish that were in Germany and were spying for the British and also were performing countless destructive actions during and after the First world war which lead to the total break of the German Empire and the king/Emperor  of Germany had to be refugee in the Netherlands. Not all Jewish were spies, but a few of them that were very strongly connected through a hidden network as I discovered the absolute same thing also in the Middle East, such as Syria + Iraq + Lebanon +Jordan and above all in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere.


Therefore I am warning all the members of the Eu-European Union, that the British and Americans top priority goal is to destroy the EU-European Union, among others by using the war in Ukraine and many spies disguised as refugee as Palestinian, Syrians, even African, and it is very difficult to differentiate between a real African and a criminal spy Afro-American that pretend to be from Sudan or Chad or of any other neighboring countries.


The reason I know all that, is because the American military took me for isolation on March 1970 to their military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany and severely brainwashed me and then enslaved me under the control of their agent which was the English royal family prostitute named Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old as they enslaved me under her control starting 20 August 1970, while I was totally disoriented, severely brainwashed and had a manmade total amnesia in 1961/62, and ever since I was isolated by force to prevent me to grow any intelligence, therefore I was like an 8 years old in 1970 even though I just turned 17 years old in October 1970, then the Americans + the British repeated the process starting January 1984, severely brainwashed me and enslaved me again on 24.12.1984 under their joint hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and in September 1986 kidnapped me to USA and kept me there as slave for 15 years, during which they totally destroy any logic I may have had and then on 12.2.2001 dumped me by force in the Netherlands where I was unjustly locked up in countless jails, prisons and refugee camp until Mai 2012 = I have experience with these psychopaths and mentally sick controlling families alias the English royal families and their American relatives the Rockefeller families!


Conclusion of all my complaint pages

Today in September 2024, I see many things that I never seen before, also understand many things that I never understood before. This is also valid for many other human beings all over the world the majority of them do not understand many things, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or how come the largest country worldwide, land wise, which makes it also the richest country worldwide land wise and natural resources wise, want to steal another country which is Russia-Ukraine conflicts?


Just as a reminder, because the Ukrainian government is controlled by Jewish and they do not want to have a Jewish country in the middle of the Christian European content, among others because of the constant bad behavior of the Israeli government mass killing of Palestinians to force them to run and be refugees in neighboring countries and then they steal their land by annexing it just as they have been doing for the last 76 years since 1948, but also because they have sent huge amount of spies to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and many other African countries because they plan also to steal these land sooner or later, and that is the number one reason for the Russian-Ukraine war.


The second reason is a conspiracy team against the EU-European Union to stress them and to send countless spies disguised as refugees from other nationalities and this is 100% the plans of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families = USA + UK + Russia (+ China!!??)


We have countless conflicts in Africa, but also in Latin and South America and most of them are also causef by the same conspiracy team mentioned above.


If we do not stop these conflicts now and peacefully, then they will 100% expand and cause possibly or most probably a third world war, which we as intelligent human beings cannot afford it, because it will not only damage the environment for centuries or even millennium to come, but it will 100% destroy countless creatures that are vital for the environment and for other creatures and for all human beings, last but not least, it will not only kill countless human beings, but it will also destroy our genes!


Here is a list of the main issues that are causing all our life problems in every single country:

A.   Hierarchies

B.    Currencies

C.    Patents registrations

D.   country borders

E.    Languages

F.     Religions


All the above will 100% disappear sooner or later, because this is the only way we can live in peace and work together as one worldwide team, with no salaries no profit no land sell and buy or even building bridges, roads and housing, offices, shops and so on will be all done with no payments. We will go into a supermarket and pick up what we need and 100% for free, and the farmers can also go to the city and pick up what they need for their farms for free. All these are facts of our future, and no one can do anything about it.


Saying “and no one can do anything about it” is incorrect, yes, we can do something about it by starting to plan for it and plan for a transition period.


And there with I am writing this warning and advice to all the psychopaths I am complaining about in my complaint pages:

You have 2 choices be part of our future or in the future you will be only part of our history and that I guarantee you!